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tv   Absurd  NTV  November 14, 2023 1:45am-2:36am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] we historically defend our borders, our people and those who need our help, although our enemies spoke different languages ​​and had different weapons, the goals were always the same: to destroy the country, take away our freedom, but we always bravely and steadfastly resisted in battles, history remembers everything. the power of unity helped us win.
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people and the courage of the troops, become a hero, bringing victory closer, serve under a contract, get up, nadyukha, misha, calm down, katyukha, ulyana, cattle, unfed, the bird is not watered, breakfast is not ready, the uniform is not ironed, that’s all you can why
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do you want to sleep here? do you want to sit? well done, well done, more, more, forgive me, come on, come on, well, oops , well done , svetka, get up, get dressed, my wife has come, are you stunned, or what? and then who am i? svetka, i’m wondering where you get such reflexes from? i'm hitting you boatman, not a vodkaman, but a boatman, and this is another one, mom, what's
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going on tomorrow, do i have to go to work? son, i’m busy , can’t you see, either wait until i’m free, or,
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or, or get married, let your wife cook for you. hello, anechka, good morning, good, uh, what are your plans for the evening, i'll be free today early, listen, we have a lot of problems at work, most likely we will have to stay until late, there is no time to talk. well, why are you such a half-witted idiot , how did they take everyone away? didn’t berezin
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warn you? he's a drunk, he's lost all his brains, and if we accidentally forgot someone, we'll shoot him and bury him, just kidding. ensky police department, captain, nikolai ivanovich, there are some drunks at the library, making noise right on the porch, i understand, tumochka, we’ll sort it out now, the fifth one, answer the central one, the fifth one is here, what happened, that means the signal has been received, check, a drunken rowdy near the library took over from a drunken rowdy near the library, now let's check, the connection is out, come on, hit the accelerator, igoryokhina's librarian is already tired of waiting for her betrothed mummer, what kind of
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pump is she for me, men? there’s no need to drink here, the police are coming now, bye, who’s going to call them? i, i called, 5 minutes ago, you lady, you’re confusing something, 5 minutes ago we weren’t even sitting here, our comrades are resting. let's take a walk, so, forward to the department, run, run, so that we slow down, come on, get ready, come on, come on, come on,
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quickly, let's go, really, thank you, igor, i don't even know what i would do without you. actually, our job is like this, maybe you’ll stop by for tea, there’s no time, crime is completely rampant , petrovich, my wife will kill me if i bring me home to live for... and i have a young wife, and there’s a stranger in the house, who knows what , and my mother is not old yet, so that’s it, they stopped
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the rally, it’s necessary, guys, you know, it’s really necessary, petrovich, three copies, as agreed, let’s go in. hello, meet fellow police officers, these are yours convict in foster care. and here we are standing opposite each other, three of us, three of them, it’s unclear how to get along under the roof, it’s not clear,
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different worlds, and then petrovich understands that we’re in the beard in our clothes, he doesn’t lead us into the room, things are docked, it’s tsativino. and what are these, bandit bullets, peasant pitchforks, the wife of her husband treated her to a pitchfork last year, well, she got fed up with him saying that he’s always drunk, normal, good, and what kind of hollywood is this, a dj’s legacy, he came on tour from the region, but didn’t pay his dues the strength of our moonshine on... aunt died, what is this, some kind of parrot, it’s ours the marine was dumbfounded, went to the bathhouse with his friends, and he whipped himself straight out of the steam room into a rod and didn’t emerge, and a week later he called
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from australia, he doesn’t remember how he got there, he didn’t come back. what do you think, distribute them among your eagles, who is the most authoritative here? this uh-huh, well, yes, six convictions for theft, a professional thief, there was an authority in the zone , well, that means this is your guest mish, but authority will always find a common language with authority, listen, alberta, i think it’s better to distribute the driver for what term fraud, good, doesn’t lie, well, no, a marriage swindler, a fraudster
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is, but youth to youth, don’t be afraid, denis is a hacker, and he hacked the pentagon, then they gave me a hero of russia, okay , zek citizens, met in the car, oh, come on. where did
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i get into here, come in. my gold, what kind of bullshit are you trying to sell me, is it my fault that nothing is happening here in ensk, and in general, what sensations can there be beyond the edge of geography? do you only have the head to paint your lips and pump silicone into them? if there is no news, you need it come up with, uh-huh, okay, well, you suggested at least in what direction to come up with it, the zone, my gold, about our nurse in the zone, we haven’t written anything for a long time, so what about the zone, well, the zaki are sitting there, sitting, no escapes, no riots, rotten stuff, uh-huh, but i have information that there is something incomprehensible there, that the prisoners were sick with something, their zones were taken out, and so that no one would guess, instead of the prisoners, mannequins were brought in, in short, move to the zone. there is a move to the zone,
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let's go, and don't come back without a sensation, ballet on the way out, listen, authority, i tell you i declare with authority, if something is wrong, it would be better for you not to have been born, but without a bazaar, boss. forward, hello, hello, kind people, hello, hello, hello, hello, respectful housewives , say hello, meet jack, a dangerous criminal, you can’t keep him in the department, repairs, these few days he will sit with us, where he will sit,
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in the barn, under lock and key, go ahead, and sit quietly, don’t touch anything. svetka, svetka, open up, my husband has come, petka,
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i know you’re home, we need to break down the door to we didn’t have time to get dressed, which i’m telling you seriously, and when we fly in, don’t touch the woman, and immediately hit him in the forehead, shut up, we’ll take the body out at night and bury it, i’ll help you, are you tired? what do you need to do with a jerk, a jerk, take it to the man in high spirits, come on. idiots, morons, get out of here, vanya, what was this just now, you poor old man, there are all sorts of entrances here,
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here, bring the battalions to my bath, i live in a military unit, there is peace in my own apartment. vanya, you've completely lost your mind, sweetie, i'm sorry, i thought you weren't alone there, well, with whom, let me introduce myself, my name is alek, sveta, and you are a colleague vanya, what a colleague he is to me, we served together in the army, in the dark, until vanya transferred to the teaching staff, and you too... with all your natural passion, maybe he can live with us for a little while, you don’t mind, not at all, there will be at least someone to talk to while you’re messing around at your stupid job , but you communicate here, just without fanaticism, vanya, vanya, what are you, vanya, you don’t think well of us, yes, vanya, what, you and i
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fought together in the same trench against the zeks, have you forgotten how they came at us with tanks, how i pulled you out of the battlefield, covered in blood, and how you said that you have no friend more reliable than alec from st. petersburg, i warned both of them, vai, where are your things, can you imagine, some crooks at the station stole, and i’m so inattentive, so dirty, well, i understand , you know where the shower is, i’ll give you vanka’s robe, i think it’ll do, madam, just a fairy, oh, go ahead, otherwise you’ll stick out your tongue. son, can you imagine, we lost the internet in the morning, so i’m trying to call a repairman and i ca n’t find the number, and i don’t need any repairman, now let's try to solve your problem. oh,
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hello, i'm dan, hello, vera ivanovna. yeah, where is your router, in the hallway. yeah. who is this? denis, my colleague, came as an exchange student from another region, he will stay with us for a while, that’s it, i ’ll explain everything to you in the evening, that’s it, he ran, duk-duk, hello, there, uh, what’s the humidity, what’s upsetting me, yes, the book is very sensitive, oh well, give me something here for you to read , i’ll pick it up, hush, hush, where am i and where to read, we
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’re looking for the plot and here, by the way, isn’t it you have some hot news, and so - this morning, like this, near the library, yeah, a drunk, some people settled down to drink and igor came with the cops and took them, but it ’s interesting, there was a fight, wait, what, how are you doing with igor, oh, you fool, the way to a man’s heart lies through what? bogdan, through what? yes, lord, god, through this stomach, men need to be fed, yes, okay, i got ready, we went, look for a plot,
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to zone four. tamara, what do you want? i have a request, could you tell igor mikhailov something, he works for you in the teaching staff. bear, igor melky, is with you? included, tamara delivered the pies to him here. come! let's move! thank you! she loves you, but it’s good for us, pies for free, do you need a husband? so that we don’t have to bother the service with lunches, don’t leave us alone, but
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they swallowed, replaced sick prisoners with mannequins, is this nonsense? well, what kind of bret is this? this is verified information from a completely trustworthy source. well, i’ll tell you what, girl, all the prisoners fell ill and died, we drowned their bodies in a distant lake. they stoked it all night. once, they took him out, drowned him, you understand that this is nonsense. who is walking around our zone then? that's all. alive and well, by the way, today we had a scheduled medical check-up, i can give you permission to take a few
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shots that everything is in perfect order with us, one two, let’s go, i’m resting, something is wrong here, i can feel it in my gut , something is not clean here, so what do we tell the boss, like he asked for a sensation, he will get it, bogdash, we just filmed how the head of the colony... admits to us that they drowned everyone portvikov on a distant lake, what is a sensation to me, what are you, nikodimovich, just joking , bogdash, the boss asked for a sensation, which means that he won’t get it, jump, we, alexander and dmitry koshnin, i calculated a model of a super-hard material for industry and for a super-sensitive
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gas analyzer, and this is grandfather, thanks to his ingenuity, we became interested in science, develop an interest in science from childhood, enroll in scientific specialties. rf, the one who first pays an advance will get an apartment, i’m ready to give an advance, excellent, 10,000, exactly, seriously, what happened, you're fine, where did you come from here, i have intuition, it works not only on calls. quick, what happened to you, where can i go for a quick visit? nowhere, how did it happen that three of my employees got into a fight with the patients, don’t let me go, iruda, i want to live , i’ll drive you, that’s it, ambulance, new season, who, they said from ntv, they also have a video, tomorrow at 20 :00 on ntv. why didn’t you really have time to load the snack? we didn’t
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have time, some bastard sent the train ahead of time, but what are we going to do now? we are going hungry ourselves, just don’t confuse my mother-in-law with a hippopotamus, maybe they look alike, but the hippopotamus is kinder, you are on a salary, and we are forced , we feel sorry for us, but you are not, it’s ugly, the girls on the beach are four in a row. society is sharpening its teeth, what if they start a riot? i support you, just wait, greenie, now we’re going to the head of the convoy, he’s on a course on hunger, maybe he ’ll come up with something, that’s the boss, three-cross gait, let’s eat willingly, come on, come on, comrade
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lieutenant colonel, comrade lieutenant colonel, woke up, madam, andrey evgenievich, the situation here is this: we didn’t have time to load the supplies, so we need either food or money, girls. take it for everyone, i want that red-haired girl with a size 5, don’t get anyone pregnant, not because you’re tired, so, at the next station, take the escorts. buy all the products with all the money from all the merchants on the pyron, everything you find, then
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distribute everything to people, go ahead. well, i’m pies, mikhaila, i have two news for you, one is good, the other is bad, i don’t understand, it’s good. the pies were not poisoned, the bad news is that they were all irretrievably lost as a result of the research. that's it, we're goats we’ll take revenge on you, tonight we ’ll bring you all the city’s sluts here, homeless people, drunks, everyone, we’ll fill up all your cells,
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our pies will stand right across your guts. let's go igorokh. mishal, why did you want it better, so, guys, we have to play a unique premiere , distribution, i’m the jack of the position, marinochka, you’ll play my handy belly, okay , that’s enough, what are you doing, okay, lord, well , liza, i’ll see you later, extras tomashevsky, so, turenka, you’re playing green for us cooks, a wonderful role, but will you play our six snoop? okay, let’s rehearse, i got up quickly, i got up quickly, i said from the bed, quickly, you’ll lie under it like under a bunk, i understand, i got up, what kind of bunk, i didn’t climb, i got up, said
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what i’m saying, this is mine house, and you will sleep under it, understand? stand by yourself, get under the bunk, you idiot, let
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's go and sit there, do you understand me? yes yes! you’ve washed yourself, you’ll eat for about 10 minutes, you have to wait, sir, and maybe they’ll give us a sprinkle for getting to know us, and sir, maybe they’ll give us a sprinkle. i always dreamed of doing this with my husband’s friend, but in his absence, not in this sense , in the sense that you will tell me what my vanechko is like when i’m not around, oh, his high moral principles and his family spirituality, well, in short , i'm going to the store, no need, i
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always have supplies for such a case, oops. denis, a wizard, i didn’t even know that the internet in our city could have such speed, yes, it’s businesslike, a couple of trifles, skillfully, hello, you have internet, you didn’t, but denis fixed everything up, and so here’s the one the very master who dug into the distribution box, then the whole house lost the internet , what did you do to our internet, admit it, you’re an infection, but i didn’t do anything with your internet, i just lowered the signal level on all lines to a minimum, due to this i increased the power one line to the maximum, so if you don’t return
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everything as it was now, we ourselves will lower you to the minimum, understand? he will return, he will return. come on in
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15! you shouldn’t be such a great general. i live, he’s a pomzhatnik, he deliberately disguised himself as a bully so that he wouldn’t... understand anything,
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a cunning bastard, too cunning, so where to look for him now? so, you can only leave the city on the mainland by the next train this evening, i will ask petrovich to give his cops a photo of this herman, he won’t get on the train, they will take him, it’s very necessary, if we don’t find herman quickly, from moscow here people will come, clearly, what do we care, well, let them come, don’t tell me, the interests there are high, even i don’t know where the thieves are taking them, no, it’s not our fault anyway, herman is from them, not from us , this is what we can present, but they won’t be able to do it for us, anyway, i’ll soon return to moscow tomorrow, and
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you, look, everything was smooth and clear here, the same, general. uh, homeless person, catch him, hand him over, you'll get money, you hear, what's so impolite, why, but nothing , you say thank you, the most important thing in this life is politeness, if you're a khan, no one will respect you. particular respect should be shown to senior people with authority ; special respect should be given to thieves and tramps ; i don’t hear everything clearly, but now let’s quickly pay for the
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literacy course; i don’t accept the cards, but now fellow rednecks, get out of here so i
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don't see you again. game at will, okay, anyway! eh, goat, drive your mobile, guys, please, let me better give you some money, are you stupid or deaf, drive your mobile, guys, well, hello, police, we were attacked, we are at the store on pushkin, pyaterochka, answer the central one , at the reception, an application for you, a yellow store on pushkin robbery, tonka was surrounded, accepted, the second one to catch up, street robbery. there, two
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victims are waiting at the store, well, you filled us up, lights out, well, you heard, let's go, what a godfather, somehow you don’t sound like a godfather, that’s all now. rehearsing, well done, vitally, comrade, boss, tell me that you can’t do this with the authorities, not a comrade boss, but a citizen-boss, excuse me, and secondly, for the authorities there are no, not authoritative officials, not swindlers, you
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all have a suit od... prisoners, everyone should line up for a medical examination, but as an artist i will tell you, yanaty vladilenovich, your liver is tired, just swell a little more, it will only be suitable for foie gras, drink or not drink, that is the question, anna nikolaevna, quit drinking? v such a difficult time in the theater, this, this is a crime, i think, i expressed my opinion to you, and decide for yourself, either flowers in the theater, or wine from friends and colleagues at the cemetery, thank you, call the next one, the prisoner of the belly has arrived to undergo a medical examination, are you too small to have a belly and
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introduce yourself? maybe not by nickname, but by last name, take off your clothes, no, well, i understand, the theater burned down, work, no, money is needed, but in order to do that, what does money have to do with it, i ’m not here for it, but for my loved one, listen, here you are, have you ever loved so? so hot that even a day without him turns into some kind of nightmare, she is always in my heart, what is your name? marina,
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marina? mayor, between us, where did the triz go that weren’t taken out on the train last night, i’m responsible for their health, what if something happens to them, but everything is fine with them, they gave all three of them to the local cops for a rest period, they even unescorted them, great tunka, they say you’re at a loss now, hello misha, you’ve left for 5 minutes. enough , here you go, a list of stolen goods, 10 bottles of cognac, two boxes of vodka, 300 km potatoes, 40 cartons of cigarettes, 20 cans of red caviar, 300 toilet brushes, 300 toilet brushes, tonka, you’re not insolent, i also look like i’m guilty, yes, here we have the police in all their glory, they offend an honest person, but they , but now you ’re trying to write off the product as monthly
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revenue, do you know what it’s called? i don’t know anything, i’m a victim, protect my rights. tonka, misha, misha, there are these two victims, they say that they were beaten and robbed by some homeless man, all his hands are covered in tattoos, and there are red teeth in his mouth, what was he wearing? signs clear gray tilaga with green pocket. write a statement, the investigator will come now, quickly for me, i know where to look for this wild one. i got caught by an asshole, your good health, owner, another five for you for sneaking a store, i might
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get five and you get three, but why is this all of a sudden, you are the person responsible for me, what the hell is there in my padded jacket, isn’t it noticeable? with a green pocket, half the city knows that it’s mine, so i took it because it’s noticeable with a green pocket, i won’t wear it anymore, and you’re the boss, you won’t rat me out, otherwise everyone will think that you’re mine counterfeit, accomplice, accomplice, kill, bastards, ma, are we all right? yes, yes already, why didn’t you call immediately? i didn't want to distract you from your work. guys, i
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seem to have problems with mine too. come see me! how so, little boy? you yourself work in the police, and you bring such crooks into your house, but what’s the matter, i disconnected the whole house from the internet and transferred it to your apartment. neighbors, dear, i swear on my form, this will not happen again, i will return everything, igor, ma, then, igor, well, i wanted it better, so, i feel for you something's wrong. pigeons are flying over our zone, there is no barrier for the pigeons anywhere, as i
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would like with the pigeons, with the pigeons, fly away to my native land, as i would like with the pigeons. i flew away with the pigeons to my native land, with the pigeons, i’ll kill the good old thing, mesha, what problems do we have with you, shut your mouth, where is your uniform, vanka, you’re a fool, this is your army friend, listen, you and i have been in the same place for 2 years trench, where is your feeling? army friendship is everything. go already, singer! looks like there's a disaster here too. just don't ask anything. come on, everything
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is clear. what do you understand? go. we have application, some idiot is dismantling a cell tower. is that it, or will you still run? slovon, i’m wondering, are you a moron or something, did you really think that no one would see, i’m saving the world, this is a cell phone tower, here specifically to chip everyone, we heard this, chip and dale,
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they’re rushing to the madhouse, let’s move, let's turn our lower flippers towards the sinful earth, the editors would really not like to cause panic, but to hide the truth. telling the truth is our professional duty, so we decided to give a remark from the head of the local penal colony without bills. well, i’ll tell you what, girl, all the prisoners fell ill and died, and we drowned their bodies in a long-distance cart , drowned them all night, what nonsense, maybe the editors aren’t making anything up and aren’t falsifying anything, this is a direct speech, then they started. the colony came to his senses and tried to say that not all the prisoners died, but only a few people, but it was too late, now we are trying to find out what kind of infection killed so many people? if it were up to me, i would conduct a search in this editorial office, i also
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wonder what they smoke there, but there’s no smoke, here you have to inject liters, and if there are crazy people who believe, there will be panic, come on, guys, our citizens are not such idiots as these sheep with the radio, with these lessons, they didn’t even win like a human being, slow him down near the cafe, let's rush for pies, and leave these in the car? just watch, and while we break for a commercial break and a music block , what kind of nonsense is on the air, you asked for a sensation, get it, sign it, karina, boss, what else, advertisers called, they say crazy news, they are ready to advertise for their repetition in afternoon and evening edition, right? but great , repeat and expand the news, continue to spin
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the hot topic, eat, spin further, bosses, i wish i had a drink, the water is not wet, here it is, the society is dissatisfied, warming up! no, there are no dates, we’re going where no one knows, we’re worried, and what should we do, splash it in front of you, and what, you say angrily, boss, well, we could use a couple of bottles, so to speak, to tide our souls over, but, just give it to you , you will first wet your soul, and then drunkenly soak someone else’s, let’s be quiet, the word of a swindler,
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wait, maybe a couple of liters actually? ok, give kotarzhan the people's commissar's, we're sailing in the same boat, we'll drown in the same, and i'm going to berezina, i'll try to get him to reveal the route , otherwise it's not clear where we're going, oh, you think strategically, boss, well, purely lenin, i wanted to ask how your surnames, ours, i 'm a little later, the second one, would you give up with a drunk, keep quiet, get out of here, where
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are we going, what's the name? orvand, catastrophe, berezina, natural squirrel, but you can’t go where, to the next station you need to call nikodimoch, then you’ll have to explain why berezin himself can’t call him, it turns out, we’ll hand over this devil, out of the blue, murko, you’re my little murka, murka , you’re my little kitten, murka, marusya krimova, forgive my beloved, murko, you ’re my little murka, murka, you’re my little kitten,


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