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tv   Segodnya  NTV  November 15, 2023 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] it’s my fault that they buy all the equipment on chinese sites, i’ll fix it now, the second special board has arrived in moscow , another group of russians evacuated from the gaza strip has returned to their homeland, to avoid causing harm to civilians, the israeli army has begun a targeted and thorny path to knowledge with stones for sinus. what are stones usually collected for? well , so that when they meet you, you should defend yourself. why do children from a dagestan village have to
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risk their lives getting to school? about this and more right now on ntv, program today, in the studio of mikhail chabanenko. hello. the third group of russian citizens was able to leave the gas sector and move to egypt. now 40 people are heading to cairo; in the near future they will fly home to the ministry of emergency situations. the day before , about 100 more people arrived in moscow. almost half of the group are children. not all of the evacuees kept their passports, so it took several hours to complete the paperwork to cross the border. arrivals are provided with all the necessary assistance right at the airport, psychologists also work there, many compatriots had to get out under the bombing, someone lost their home, the situation in the sector itself is catastrophic, they say, terrible, between life and death, my son lived, well, the house was completely for the family, so it was completely bombed, and well he managed
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to get out, my son and daughter-in-law, with daughter, so basically there is no water, no bread, no food, there is nothing in katska , but you had a bomb shelter, what a bomb shelter, no, of course, what to do, what to do, but the people there are seasoned, if the children are small, allahu akbar , when my house was bombed, my husband’s, my car was blown up, half of it broke, and before the second half we got to raf, we somehow got to rafah like that, we were met very well there by our russian embassy. they helped as far as egypt , here they continue too, this is help. the head of the ministry of emergency situations emphasized that the gas evacuation operation will be considered successful only when the last russian citizen leaves the dangerous region. the advance group, as now, is currently working at the rafah checkpoint,
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the distance from the rafah checkpoint to khairi for the embassy forces rented a hotel in which russian headquarters are deployed when people arrive after an eight-hour automobile march, especially since there are children there, but first of all, probably, what do they dream of, just to wash themselves, and as for their physical condition, many are dehydrated, they simply it was not possible to drink water fully and sufficiently, the russian president personally thanked his egyptian counterpart for his comprehensive assistance in the evacuation of our compatriots from the gas sector. the heads of the two states had a telephone conversation, as according to the kremlin press service, vladimir putin and abdel fattah sisi discussed the situation in the palestine zone of the israeli conflict. both sides expressed deep concern
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at the unprecedented increase... in civilian casualties , including thousands of children and women. the presidents emphasized the importance of an early end to the bloodshed, the release of hostages and the unimpeded provision of humanitarian assistance to the civilian population of gaza. the israel defense forces announced the start of an operation inside alshifa, the largest sector of the gas-medical complex. according to tsahal , a command post for hamas militants is located under the hospital. at these hours, as arab media report, the military... storms the western wing of the medical facility and , moving through the building, blows up the doors and walls. the ministry of health gases say that soldiers even opened fire along the hospital corridor, which employees used for evacuation. now , according to various sources , up to five thousand patients and employees, as well as from two to 3,000 refugees, are blocked in the alshifa clinic. doctors are most concerned about newborns who should be in special incubators, but they have not been working in
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the hospital for several years. operation, they try not to harm civilians in the assault forces. there are even doctors in the building. and as the israeli army just reported, they delivered infant incubators, baby food and medicines to the alshifa hospital in tanks. we know, and we have demonstrated, that hamas is using hospitals for its own purposes, that they are placing their terrorist forces around and under hospitals. that is why throughout in recent weeks, we have been calling on civilians to leave hospitals, especially hospitals. ashifa, we were trying to differentiate between civilians and terrorists, which is why we announced this operation a few hours ago. in turn, representatives of the movement suggested that the un check the enclave clinics to make sure that hamas is not using the buildings for military purposes, and
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a few hours ago, a member of the hamas politburo said that they are ready at any time to release women held hostage, children of foreigners, in exchange for women and minors held in israeli prisons. meanwhile, relatives of israelis held hostage by militants are demanding increased forces in the fight against hamas. hundreds of people gathered for a rally in tel aviv and said they could no longer sit and wait and began a sixty-kilometer march towards jerusalem to reach the prime minister's office on saturday. the families of the hostages and the people who share their pain are walking. we do this to ensure our voices are heard to achieve the best deal possible. i'm going to jerusalem to demand the return of our families, demand that something be done, demand information, demand a sense of security in our country, demand that we no longer be left
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in the dark and get answers. they demanded the release of captives on the streets of washington, one of the largest rallies in support of israel took place in the american capital; organizers say hundreds of thousands came to the city center. the most frequent never again, this hints at the memory of the events of the holocaust, the president of israel addressed the participants of the rally from huge screens via video link, he thanked the americans for their support. joe biden arrived at the asia-pacific economic cooperation summit. and this time it passes. in the united states itself in san francisco. the forum has already begun, but its main events are still ahead. this morning , chinese president sijinping's plane landed in sunny california. this is his first visit to the usa in 6 years. in-person bilateral
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talks between the leaders are scheduled for tomorrow, and this upcoming dialogue has overshadowed the rest of the summit agenda. growing contradictions between the us and china are affecting everyone's trade and economy. countries of the asia-pacific region. in recent years, washington has been putting more and more pressure on beijing, introducing technological sanctions , trade restrictions, moving its troops closer to the borders of the people's republic of china, and china responds with its own restrictions in industries that are sensitive to the united states and refuses direct dialogue between the top military officials of the two countries. the american press writes that joe biden wants to raise the question of fentanyl, the main supplier, with sizenping dangerous substance. the white house believes that it is chinese companies, the epidemic of fintanyl drug addiction is now one of the main problems in the states, which have already become familiar to san francisco, crowds of drug addicts were removed during the summit, like other unsightly
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pictures, these are mountains of garbage, tent cities where homeless and migrants, there are now three-meter fences along the main streets of the city, they must protect distinguished guests from the townspeople and various groups of protesters who are also gathering. san francisco, washington decided to finally complete the epic with temporary budget, another possible government shutdown, the so-called shutdown. it won't happen, at least until the house of representatives last night finally approved a plan to finance the work of federal agencies next year. true , this cannot be fully called a success; the document must still be approved by the senate, and after that it will be signed by president biden. difficulties may arise. at each of these stages, given the critical contradictions between the leading political forces in washington, and most likely the decision there will be temporary and compromise, how expenses are combined with income, on what terms, at what political cost, why
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israel and ukraine will be upset , our own correspondent in the usa, alexey veselovsky, knows all this. the second american saga of the shutdown this year turned out to be shorter, the first and a little less scandalous, instead of several months, kevin mcararty lost this post due to similar frictions. all in all. washington politicians could well rejoice at what they have achieved, but the joy is still doubtful. firstly, we agreed only on a temporary, two-stage allocation of money to the government, that is, already in january next year, and then in february we will have to discuss all this again, and secondly, the money, contrary to the wishes of the white house democrats, does not include assistance israel and ukraine. it turns out that more than 3 billion dollars for israel will hang until february, and there is no money for ukraine, which is almost gone. where not, that is, we leave the international stage and renounce our moral
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responsibility to israel and ukraine. republicans aren't against aid per se, but they want to prioritize. the united states has a lot of its own problems, among the most acute ones, for example, the migration crisis on the southern border of the country; they believe that they are uncontrollably writing checks to ukraine when they themselves are facing a losing cause. and the moment for kiev and tel aviv in washington was not the best. congress will continue to have endless disputes over the military. help means shooting yourself in the foot by stopping the work of the government, which is why they decided to push back uncomfortable questions then, the democrats had no choice but to agree. we cannot afford a shutdown, especially at a time when israel and ukraine are facing existential danger. i don't like the interim resolution approach, it seems unhelpful to me, but i am willing to consider the options that the house of representatives will propose. the priority now is to keep the government running. they decided to return to ukrainian assistance after the thanksgiving holiday,
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that is, at the end of november, but not everything is so simple here. the white house wants the package o security of ukraine, israel, taiwan and american borders of 106 billion dollars, congress considered it as one whole, but the republicans refused. in the senate, democrats were just forced to vote against the aid package to israel, not because they were actually against it, but only because the republicans removed aid to ukraine from the document. we. today could have accepted aid to israel and sent the document to the president if the democrats had not stopped it, so you need to ask yourself the question: why are the democrats holding is israel hostage? answer: because they know they cannot defend the president's failed policy on ukraine. therefore , it turns out that israel is being held hostage because of ukraine. and if someone tells you the opposite, it is not true. support for ukraine among republicans, and most importantly the desire to continue to allocate billions of dollars to it, is falling. in the american congress, in direct proportion to the successes
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of kiev, there are, in quotes, more and more skeptics. my democratic friends told me today that ukraine is winning the war. i don't know, how stupid do you think the americans are, if ukraine wins, then why don’t poland, slovakia and hungary help it more, why doesn’t the front line change? 200,000 people have already died in ukraine, how many more should die? the arguments used for ukraine are exactly the same. what i heard as a child in vietnam, why we have to be there to fight. by removing aid to kiev from the equation, american politicians seem to have avoided a shutdown. now the floor is up to the senate, but since the white house has already announced that biden will sign the law, then the upper house of congress, where the majority of democrats will probably not be against it. so they solved one problem, but how to help ukraine, if at all, will be decided later. alexey vaselovsky, maxim zaichenko, aleksandrev, ntv, usa. next is a short advertisement
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, and after it we will talk about the effective work of air defense in the special operation zone: a report from our correspondent from the front line about the thorny path to knowledge in one of the villages of dagestan, why children have to risk their lives getting to school, and also about legendary pediatric cardiologist vladimir podzolkov, who turned 85 and continues to work in operating rooms, do not switch. open a deposit in tinkov with a yield of 15% and move towards your goals. we have increased the rate for new and for each of our 38 million clients, make a deposit with a yield of 15%. tinkov. whoever you are, a comedian, a hard worker, an engineer, a wizard, an achiever or an achiever. peace, a businessman choosing his own path or
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renovation and furniture, where to go, where to buy osaka, of course on the sravniru website, here you can save on buying a policy, big selection of insurance companies. and most importantly - compare it reliably. 11 million motorists already use it to select and purchase osaga at the best price and without overpayments. ambulance, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. on ntv, the program today, our broadcast continues. new attacks militants of the kiev regime were stopped by military southern groups in donetsk... the enemy threw five assault brigades into battle at once, their onslaught was held back by artillerymen. in the artyomovsk area, the ivanovo paratroopers destroyed several enemy support units; as soon as the ukrainian infantry retreated, the trenches came under the control of our fighters. anti- aircraft gunners protect russian positions from air strikes around the clock. buk
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universal systems are capable of shooting down any targets, but as the military personnel themselves say, ukrainian aviation has not crossed the combat line for a long time. touching. cruise missiles hit radar several times a day. sergei pikulin saw air defense systems in action. this is the line of combat contact on the border of the donetsk people's republic and zaporozhye. the ssu regularly tries to throw its drgs into the gray zone. ours respond instantly. when the attempt fails, the enemy begins to work with attack drones. and here ours speaks its weighty word. air defense system, that’s all that ’s left of the ukrainian woman ega, that’s what our infantry calls this drone, it’s industrial a drone that is usually used in agriculture, but the enemy has converted it, and the power of the drone is enough to carry up to four min-eight calibers,
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our beeches work on larger targets, hitman is the call sign of the driver’s mechanic, for this position... they usually hire those who drove a car or agricultural machinery in civilian life, hitman didn’t even have a driver’s license, they taught him everything in the army, now none of his colleagues will say that he drives badly, they worked and only the missiles were released from us and there was an arrival of 10 m, well, it’s already clear that my eyes were already closed out of fear, but i didn’t give up, everyone managed to leave to save the crew and the car, all of ours... the enemy is really hunting for beeches, because in fact, this is one of the most universal air defense system, which shoots down ukrainian planes, american and british aircraft... storm shadow. the main targets here are enemy cruise missiles. ukrainian aviation has long been
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flying only within its own territory. they don't even have time to fly to the first leading edge. they might be there somewhere you know the style of the mouse is like this: it flew out, rose up, spat it out immediately, well, well, they flow, helicopters, for example, also work. well, they, you know, they don’t care where to shoot, just to spit it out onto the territory of, well ... the enemy, that is, us, in combination with other air defense systems, the buk determines and shoots down any enemy targets, so the guys worked on the given target you need to leave the position very quickly, because now the response will start flying here. the beech crew gathers in less than a minute, we are even faster in the waiting area the anti-aircraft guns will not spend long, in fact, only to recharge and receive the coordinates of a new target. sergey pikulin and ali aribdzhanov,
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ntv, zaporozhye and south donetsk direction of the special operation. the debt of russians to microfinance organizations has reached a record 350 billion rubles. next we have business news from marina pimenova. marina, what does this have to do with? experts explain this by saying that prices will rise faster than incomes. the total volume of microloans in russia in july-september of this year reached almost 350 billion rubles, which is plus 18% when compared with the same period last year. data from the largest association of participants in the microfinance market world provide news. in addition, the total number of clients of microfinance organizations increased by more than 2.5 million people. as andrey ponomarev, ceo of the online financial platform webbanker, explains, people are accustomed to a certain model of behavior, and inflation. faster than their actual income. according to the platform, russians are increasingly taking out loans for current needs, and less and less for large purchases. another
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reason for interest in microloans is how the agency's expert points out that banks' rates will increase after the key rate is increased to 15%. in addition, banks have begun to tighten their approach to borrowers with high debt loads, so clients are looking for other sources of financing. on the american stock market, investors yesterday switched to active purchases; after statistics that showed a slowdown in inflation in the united states, investors increasingly believe that the federal reserve has completed the cycle of raising the key rate. the russian stock market is starting trading in the red, rising oil prices are not helping it now, because the sanctions fund is putting pressure, the european commission may present a new package of sanctions against russia today. on expectations that the fed may stop raising the key rate, the dollar continues to fall in price on the russian foreign exchange market and is approaching the threshold. rubles per dollar, the euro exchange rate is now 98.06. the parent company of yandex , registered in the netherlands in
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the netherlands, yandex nv, is considering the option of completely selling all its russian assets at one time. the raghter agency writes about this , citing sources. earlier speech it was said that yandex nv would sell only a controlling stake in the russian structure of yandex, which, as previously reported, could be registered in kaliningrad. one of the sources clarifies that. a decision by the parent company of yandexx to completely sever ties with russia with such a deal is possible, but the final decision has not yet been made. this is expected to happen before the end of this year. one of reuters' interlocutors estimates the deal to sell yandex at approximately $6,200 million. this is already taking into account the fact that russian authorities are requiring foreign companies to sell their russian assets at a 50% discount. finally, the main owner of voting shares is dutch. nv was the family trust of arkady volozh. among the potential buyers of yandex's russian business, the business press named vtb bank,
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luk oil and vladimir potanin. misha, that 's all for me. marina, thank you, marina pimenova with business news. young residents of one of the mountain villages of dagestan take risks every day on their way to school. she is in another village and the children get there on foot along a narrow road built over a cliff. students every day. fall under a rockfall or encounter wild predators, the school administration tried to solve the problem, they even bought a minibus, which in several years only went on the route twice, omar magomedov knows why. in order to be on time for the first lesson , high school students get up at dawn, before a long journey, parents admonish their children, be vigilant, stick together, have a happy journey, and we will say a prayer for you. in the village of zanata, shamilsky district in the district of the republic, only an elementary school is open, high school students go to classes in a neighboring village. the road to knowledge passes through a winding serpentine; children
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cover 12 km a day. since the beginning of the school year , the teenagers have changed three pairs of shoes. cannot withstand the load. from the village of zanata to the school is about 6 km. depending on the weather, children cover this path in about one and a half to two hours. the road is a real quest. on one side there is a steep cliff, on the other side there are rocks where rockfalls are possible; wild animals are often found here in search of food, jackals and foxes often come out onto the road, when predators gather in a flock , come close, and drive them away with stones. muhammad, like the elders, picks up a whole handful and says: they won’t be superfluous. tell me, what do you usually collect stones for? well, so that when you meet a jackal, in order to defend yourself somehow, it’s even harder to go in winter, it gets dark early, there’s frost, knee-deep snow, and today it seems warm and dry, but the guys were still 15 minutes late for the first lesson, teachers do not punish for absenteeism, they treat with understanding. directly there is a school minibus at the gate. it was transferred back in nineteen. the car
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was supposed to run daily between the two villages. the state inspectorate clearly did not appreciate the initiatives of the director and the parent committee, especially in rainy weather it is impossible to travel there even with your own transport, why because there are simply no railings on the bridges, on turns and curbs, in 4 years the minibus came to the village of zanata only twice, the police carried it out a warning from the school management for violating the rules for transporting children, next time they will discharge you administrative fine of 100,000 rubles. twenty-second, gaychnik comes to paint the route that does not correspond, prohibits it, the school director shows correspondence with ministries and departments over the last 4 years, officials, as one, confirm the poor condition of the road, suggest contacting the prosecutor's office, the supervisory authority demanded that regional road workers put the road in order , dagestan, avtododor parried, repairing intra-rural roads is the direct responsibility of the municipality, the district administration
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cited a lack of funds, every year traffic police officers arrive and do not approve the route, write prohibitions, and draw up reports that the road does not comply , millions of state rubles were spent on the purchase of a school bus, but due to bad roads the car is actually idle, its maintenance costs the educational institution tens of thousands of rubles a year , a paradoxical situation is emerging, the bus that was supposed to solve... they walk and the distance is very 12 km, to be honest, i feel sorry for the children, they get up early in the morning, the parents are worried, the school management offered to pay fuel costs, if one of the parents agrees to take their children to lessons , there are no willing ones yet, besides, try to explain to the traffic police officer why
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there are six passengers in the passenger compartment, it turns out that i am responsible for the child. for training, for everything, the parents have a responsibility, if suddenly you don’t send me, they punish me, they come , they fine me, the ministry of transport of dagestan promised the village activists that they would include the repair of the zanata nizhny batlukh road in the regional program for the twenty-fourth, thirties, parents are worried that by then the question of replacing the school bus will arise. omar magomedovkaz bureau, ntv dagestan, zanata village. today , famous pediatric cardiac surgeon vladimir podzolkov receives congratulations. he is 85, but despite his venerable age, even on his birthday, the academician will be at work, as usual, going to the operating room. he has already saved thousands of lives. anton talpa talked with the legend of the bakulev center. on his birthday, vladimir podzolkov starts with work, but before the meeting, which
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they prepared this patient for him. podzolkov operated again. at the beginning of the 2000s, with her diagnosis it was impossible to become a mother, the heart would definitely not cope, but the academician changed the fate of olesya puchilovskaya, and this is the result that he is so sincerely happy about, wow, to come out after heart surgery for three children, it just so happened that you gave us a chance to have three children, over the years of our career, thousands of operations and thousands of lives saved, vladimir podzolkov, one of the main specialists. in the country for children's heart defects one of the the first in the world who brought to life a new approach to treatment with chris cross, this is a rare pathology and occurs in eight patients out of 1 million, and the academician also trained several generations of surgeons who can now be trusted with the most complex heart operations. and of course, it is very pleasant to watch my students today, because they work well
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and have already reached quite high technical heights themselves. therefore, there will be no accidents here, everything will be done to the highest standard. vladimir podzolkov performed his first operation made in the center named after bakulev in the late sixties of the 20th century. and 50 years later, he is still at the forefront of cardiac surgery , new specialists are following in the footsteps of the academician, well , in this operation, podzolkov is present in the role of an expert, on both sides there are students to whom he passes on his experience. vladim petrovich came at the time when all this began. it is very difficult to explain in words, because the death of a child is a tragedy, a very big tragedy, he is among the pioneers who raised the problem - heart defects, over the past 5 years in the center of the name bakulev performed more than 60,000 operations, they save the most difficult patients and give them hope for the future, and the center also develops
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consultative and remote medicine via video communication; specialists from the bakulev center conduct research together with colleagues from the regions and can perform almost any heart surgery known modern science, both adults and children. we have a lot of children who are born with severe congenital heart defects, and we are the largest for this indicator, and the largest for those who provide assistance to children under one year old, including newborns, imagine small children who are sometimes born with such defects that if they are not helped in time, they simply will not be able to live even for a few days. during podzolkova’s work, several generations have grown, now these little patients, who have just been successfully... operated, are preparing for a long life after defeating a complex disease, well, the doctors of the bakulev center continue to climb to new heights cardiology to save even more lives.
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anton talpa and anton zubov, ntv. these are the main news at this hour, mikhail chabanenko was with you. stay on ntv, see you later. are you sensitive to the weather? in any weather , the medicine ginkaum helps eliminate headaches, dizziness, and tinnitus. ginkaum is two times cheaper than its analogue. changes in weather are accompanied by headaches, dizziness, tinnitus, take natural medicine ginkum from valar. ginkum, good health in any weather. and now about the weather for tomorrow, dalny east and here almost everything is in relatively calm weather, but the cyclone over northern china is already gaining strength. it will still show its character, and tomorrow it will shower precipitation in the mursk region, yuborovsky region and the region , and this is against the backdrop of a slight increase in temperature, but the cold pole, as it should be in yakutsk, is -40 at night, in second place is the center of kamchatka, in siberia tomorrow the cold night before is only -20, that much will remain in
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the wreaths, the unseasonably warm air is becoming more and more active, in the south +4 +8, in altai up to +10, there is not much precipitation, but a new introduction of cold is still planned, in the urals it is already becoming a little cooler, but there is light precipitation in places, first the cold will master the european territory of russia. if today it is colder here than expected only in the extreme north-west, then tomorrow it will be colder all the way to the north of the middle zone. precipitation, snow in the north, now sleet in the center, light snow and heavy rain in the south. the mainness will shift in the republic of the north caucasus, the wind there will be up to hurricane force. in st. petersburg tomorrow afternoon it will be minus one and we must do without precipitation. in moscow there is plus one snow, on weekends there is frost and sun. yes, of course, andryush, i remember, yes, it was fun, then the whole class asked me, excuse me, please
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, i don’t have much time, i need to work, yeah, yes, yes, i remember about coffee, i tell you i’ll definitely call you back when i have a minute, come on, andryush, bye, why are you hiding there, scaring me, for coffee. means he’s inviting, right? well, yes, we’ll meet and chat, we haven’t seen each other for a long time. i wonder what you can chat about when you haven’t seen each other for a long time, what could be common topics? well, school stuff, at least. don't you think this is all strange? what's strange here? like what, some suitor from the past appears, calls, invites. coffee, these are just friendly get-togethers and it’s just me who doesn’t think so, even if it seems less to you,


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