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tv   Absurd  NTV  November 16, 2023 2:10am-3:31am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] for the award, egorov already knows, he was told, i think it’s not time yet, later, there’s not only enough for a new theater , i don’t know how it happened, improvisation, bravo, disgrace, there are pogroms in the city, no communication, shops have been looted , and the police don’t do anything, maybe we won’t
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shout, we all know how to shout. and you just keep quiet, you allowed etymia in your zone during this time of peace, you are transporting coffins in trucks , what nonsense, stop panicking, you have a connection with the mainland, there is a connection, but why report the truth, the whole truth, this the only chance to save our heads. i’ll call the governor, hello, maxim evenievich , zanozov is worried, we have an emergency situation here, yeah, there are riots in the city organized by our western
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partners, i’m turning on the speakerphone for you, i have security officials here in my office, we all think that we urgently need to go to our city send a battalion of the national guard by air. zanozov, are you hungover there or what? or maybe you have premature dementia, huh? maxim evgenievich, please, report the situation to moscow, zombies, keep quiet about zombies zanozov, what do you want me to report to the kremlin about zombies that don’t exist, but against which you are taking measures, you want me to be put in a madhouse forever, listen here, i’m sending a helicopter for you, report everything to me personally, take the security forces with you, to he
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has questions too, hu. so fedya, come on, send a helicopter here for these inferior people. remember, i reported to you that the helicopter was on its last legs, why is this all of a sudden? there, money was allocated for repairs, but your chairman of the anti-corruption committee, it’s theirs, he’s buying a house in spain. nothing, they'll get there somehow. and the waves swallowed up the earth with all its evils. and only one family was saved on a floating craft, it was a one-time action, and now evolution has prepared a new plan for us: a deadly virus that does not bring death itself, which is even worse than death, you ask me, how can this be, death without death, elementary , the brain dies, but the body continues to live, walks and bites, which is a harbinger of the whole cataclysm, human aggression and people disappearing, look
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around you, see aggression, feel... her, and the people around you are completely present or are they different from the permanent list , and what is happening in the local zone, where prisoners are disappearing from it, think about it, and now there is music on the ensk 20 channel, what was that, maybe it was a psycho just chatting, but people are disappearing somewhere, it’s a fact, they’re disappearing, and the prisoners are all as if they’re crazy and it’s unclear about this virus , two more of us have disappeared, something makes me want to join the national economy more and more, away from here, truly i tell you, the last ones are coming days on which you need to decide who are you, with zombies or with living people, behind the undead, the grave is death, behind people, struggle and life, victory will be ours, residents of ensk in
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these difficult days, we journalists promise to support you, keep you in the very center of events, tell the truth only the truth. stay with us and see you again on air. well, in my opinion, an excellent broadcast, that’s enough, we’ve achieved our goal, people have gone completely crazy, we will continue to fight until death or victory, and no one can stop us, karina, you’re normal, okay, this one is completely shook himself, but you, we achieved all our goals, we are now on the front pages of the capital's newspapers, on the internet we were quoted from right to left yesterday, we have already become famous, well enough, it's time to stop, but today, today they were quoted, and how do i know, idiot, it was you who ordered the cell towers break connections, now we don’t have the internet, towers zombified people, we helped fight
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against zombification, get this idiot away from me, let’s go, let’s go, stop, okay, bogdan and i are going to the city for news. teacher, can i break the radio tower? no, slaun, you don't need a radio tower. the radio helps in the fight against zombies. it has
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a different wave nature, positive. you understand, yes, the authorities are fleeing the city, yeah, what’s this, it seems the engine caught fire, what are you doing, don’t panic, i didn’t sign up for this. the landing will be hard, in 2 hours we’ll move out, we’ve got our weapons ready, hooves, everything’s fine
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, everything’s here in the house, look what the boys have done there, quiet, all stand, quiet, move, sit and move, whoever twitches. screw that, gods, i don’t understand what kind of chaos this is, this is private territory, you are under arrest, by what right, where, who even arrested me, what are you allowing yourself, i’m glad i closed it, everyone is arrested, who, you were arrested for corruption, lawlessness, no need to call anywhere, i beg you, where are you going, what’s going on, your head of the village has no plans right now meeting with voters, and this is temporary for your own. you can’t displace me so easily, the people chose me, the people themselves sent us to deal with
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the lawless people, and he’s right, lawyer, what kind of run-in, don’t fuss, i ’ll explain everything now, i’ll answer for the market, i’m in the zone came out from the heads of the legal department of the regional administration, we must hold new elections, because before that we can’t do anything, why can’t we, we can, now this bun will sign an order appointing two of his deputies, this is completely in his power, well, then he appoints the first deputy in his place, and he himself, and he himself is put on trial, uh-huh, well, you throw up your hands and write, whose names to write, kuzo and grinya, what? and bubbles kiril olegovich and grenev, sergei nikolaevich, well, you write, write,
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write, write, thank god that everyone is alive, well where we are now is approximately here. can you tell me in words, how far is it to the nearest housing? how the hell is that far? come on now. some kind of lakhanalia, the world has gone crazy, it’s all because of this bee who shouted that the radiation from devices turns people into zombies.
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it turns out to make people idiots. easier than turning them into zombies, and tostor has something to do with it, he also has radiation, yeah , heat, which can turn a person, perhaps into toast, we’ll look at it that way, petrovich said, don’t provoke people, they will kill someone, let's intervene, let's go, and now the latest news, as our editorial office has learned, the city leadership and commanders of security forces, including the head of the zone, left ensh by helicopter. at the moment, we know for sure that the city is blocked on all sides, an absolute quarantine has been introduced, all contacts with the mainland have been stopped, all types of communications have been turned off so that city residents and zone personnel cannot transmit true information outside the quarantine territory. let me remind you how it all started. first, a deadly outbreak occurred in the local zone zombie virus infection. many died. prisoners and security officers, their corpses were secretly transported at night to the taiga and
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buried there, after which, instead of the dead prisoners, artists portraying prisoners were brought to the zone, then the police ate a mammoth infected with the same virus, and the etidemia began to mow down the police, some of the dead subsequently came to life and poses a threat to living people due to its terrible aggressiveness, carnivory and high infectiousness. listen to the next newscast in exactly 40 minutes. that's where dpnk's first deputy godfather has disappeared, guys, what are we going to do now without a boss, damn it, we're all going to die, where does this virus come from? come on, tell me what we’ll do, what do i have to do with it, i ’m not even an officer, and there’s no one else with a higher rank, everyone died, i’m like, now the head of
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the zone? so then let’s go to my office, maybe there are answers to our questions? lyubavin, valentin andreevich, criminal nickname valet, this is not valet, or we have a non-valet, we have a completely different person sitting like a belly, so that means it’s true, real died from the virus, and these were artists, some of them were shouting that they weren’t real prisoners, and somehow there weren’t enough of them for the real zone, they didn’t bring us enough, and they wanted to make a film, guys, we’re finished, understand, it’s already too late for us - to hide,
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the situation has gone very far, okay. okay, it’s true that the prisoners are not real, they are artists, but no one died , there was no epidemic, then where are the real languages, they were taken somewhere on a train, where they are now, i don’t know , well, you understand, yes, she herself is almost doesn’t know anything, or simply doesn’t want to tell us, or it can’t, i’m telling the truth, that’s it, the games are over, there’s nothing more for us to do here, leave the zone, and the artists? you're an idiot, if these aren't prisoners, why the hell should we protect them at all, let's go to the city, guys, guys, what about, excuse me, the city, what's going on , we have to leave here, how to leave, bosses, there's no bosses, who disappeared and who ran away? zone chief where are you? he died,
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they said on the radio, how? and they also said, there’s some kind of zombie virus in the zone, so brothers, everyone come here, so, listen, i don’t know what ’s going on, but it seems to me that this is a voice all at once, we need to listen to him, let's go, guys, let's go, let's go, baryka, here's a joke, my friends, there's something strange here. what kind of scheme is this, a class or something? cooler,
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it seems, this is an underground mining scheme, this entrance leads beyond the territory of the zone. to the prison cemetery, we just have to dig a couple of hundred meters forward, and we are free , we will see the sky in diamonds, the academy of russian television is holding the final events of the twenty-second all-russian television competition tefi regiongograd, on the air of the avatar show, how plastic she is
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so touching, what a stunning number, bravo! we are all confused, where are the virtual ones and where are the real ones? this is all the horizon, this is a masterpiece performance and a masterpiece version. we haven’t had such a number in two seasons, avatar show, new season. will our judges guess anyone? seriously, seriously, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv, judging by the map, it’s closest to ensk, yeah, well, we’re ready to move out, but i’m not going anywhere, i’ll wait for
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help here with the pilot, well then, happily stay. petrovich, let's go, let's go, thank you, happy life, that's it, that's it, that's it, that's enough, bros, sisters, sit down. there is an important market, belly, speak to the population, dear citizens, as you asked, we took power in the city, thank you, head of the village, bought garbage, bandits, all those we arrested are in cells, so now
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everything in the village will be fair , i will temporarily perform until the elections... the chief vertukhaihai, that is, the chief of police, please, he is responsible for the village oschak, well, that is, for supply finances. i figured, what and how? in short, the treasury is your former boss stolen, pure zero, they stole from their own neighbors in the village, that according to all laws, that according to criminal laws, even criminal laws, even human ones, there is rat crime, they will answer for
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everything, you tell the people where we are going to get the money, in in nature, well... there are arrested rats, they have plenty of everything, well, there are cars, cash, gold, brules and so on, so we will flog them, i think that this is according to the rules, compensate the rats, i counted the hospital, we’ll renovate the school club, there’s another rally, we’ll drive up, look, listen, go, listen, crowd. your car instantly will turn over, he doesn’t particularly like the cops lately, but then he’ll kiss him to death, vanya, drive by, let
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’s cut it here, here in the next block of the hospital where alaska is lying, my friends, soon a dark night will fall on this city, oh, and the evil forces, hellish, vile, biting, will come here to hunt for people, with their rotten teeth they will gnaw our flesh into pieces, beat them with our blood, that we can oppose this abomination, that our unity and faith in the truth is correct, remember, zombies, they are already among us, but they are hiding, because they know that they cannot avoid the wrath of the people, i know where one of them is, a real zombie, a bullet in the head, he walks, speak, speak, good man, where, where, where does this walk? stinking creature, i
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’ll show you where it is, let’s go, let’s accomplish a feat, in the name of all who breathe and live, go ahead, alyoshka, alyoshka, bro. alya, it’s me, pallet, do you recognize me? alaska, we need to get out of here, hear me, now, misha, there is a crowd at the entrance, shouting, kill the zombies.
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come on, wait, isn’t this a zombie? rest in peace, get out. well, while we were saving alaska, along the city streets there were just crowds of people walking around looking for these same zombies, robbing them along the way, that’s all they saw, riots continued in the city all day long caused by the zombie virus, but where are
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the police who are supposed to protect us? mishan, let me in, we're talking. where are your police, what's going on in the city? yes, everyone has dispersed, they are protecting their own people, whatever you want from me, wait, little man, don’t get in the way, we need your advice, there are crowds in the city , people are burning cars, some kind of pogrom is going on for the second day, zombies, not zombies, they will choke you to death us here alone, no, we sit alone. behind fences?
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can you get ready in an hour? let's get in the cars, drive into the forest, who do i know, hide the women and children there, well, we'll think further, we'll get ready in half an hour, you little thing? stop, stop, what are you doing, people, you or zombies, what are you doing, why, we don’t want to turn into zombies, radiation, listen, my journalists came up with all this to raise ratings, for sensations, there
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are no zombies, what are we worth- then, you see, a person is being killed, not people, where everyone is, the goats have fled, what should we do now, let’s knock down the castle, spend the night. a
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tomorrow we’ll think, come on, van, call the men. now let's drag the tree to the side, it's a creepy place, it looks like a hiccup, yeah, okay, we're already far from the city , we've lost sight of the dogs, misha, what's going on , quickly get into the car, guns on the ground, count to five, open fire on defeat, one, two , three, said that the ambush, four, is bitter, you, it’s me, bear, now i see, and who is this with you? this is vanka, my partner, i’m a jack, and
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the rest are my friends, family and neighbors, boy, we really... need your help, what did you remember about us, and i knew that this would happen, so what exactly do you need, the city is completely crazy, and we have a trailer with women with children, i know what’s going on in the city, okay, target, you’ll sit out with us, what's next? we just need to hide your women and children, and then we will return to the city and try to restore order there, there are too few of you. well, okay , let's try to help you with something, even though they are cops, you are still one of our own, log to the side,
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misha, what's going on, sit down already. it’s because of a few idiots that all this absurdity is happening, i’m one of these idiots, crazy, it turns out that we were in vain, we left the zone, i think it would become a trap for you, you have to go into the forest, all this. then to come back, i know who to ask for help, i once did a plot with them , but i don’t look anywhere at night, people are tired, it’s so bad, it’s so bad, it was, take any, i
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’ll come to an agreement with the owners, teacher, some people in uniform, a castle and settled inside this abode of evil under the skull of a zombie mammoth, police? no, they fled yesterday, these zones came, teachers, i think they are all infected with the zombie virus, but that’s all from the zone it started, yeah, you’re thinking right, we need to capture them before they turn into zombies and isolate them, back to the zone, shove them into cells and under guard so they don’t run away. how will they turn into zombies and kill everyone? teacher, i know where another person who doesn’t recognize your bright teaching belongs, he doesn’t believe in the purification of nature and the zombie virus, he spits on us, insults us with dirty words, just uh-huh, okay, now we’ll solve this issue here, then you’ll show me that, for the assault, for the assault,
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for the assault, for the assault, how were you removed? wow, such a village you have, a wall there’s even some, no worse than in our zone, there are wild animals all around, listen, mish, we ’ve placed your people in their homes, but i can’t imagine what to do with this, at least you can take off his cap, but you try. listen, when you see him in the bathhouse, come on, he’s
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completely crazy, it’s somehow dark. as konstantin sergeevich stanislavsky said, here i offer you the circumstance, but it won’t work out, but on the other side there’s still some five kilometers to cut , it’s still clear colleagues, let’s guys try to understand this tree and move it to another part roads and times. hands up, everyone get out of the car, if you have a weapon, put it on the ground, count to five and open fire to kill,
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one, two, three. hello, who are you? artists, who? artists? yes, you are runaway prisoners, why? with us here is the editor-in-chief of our media holding, to be or not to be, that is the question, is it worthwhile to endure the blows of fate? and it’s worth showing resistance and mortal combat, we see troubles, overcome them, fall asleep, forget ourselves
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and dream, well, how? bor, yes, these are definitely artists, the zone specially prescribed glasses for them rub it in for the european commission, he put real prisoners on a train and sent them to ride around the country, i can still read, no need, okay, go nuts, yes, wild fantasy, okay, let's try to accommodate these somehow,
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let's skip it, thank you, let's go. beauty is here, beauty is beauty, worry about what’s going on in the city, like our home, work, household, right? well, that too, of course, but what else? is this not order in our family? what else is wrong? you and i have two daughters, but where is our son? what? i can do it, it happened that way, well, that means you have to try so that
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it turned out differently, what are you doing, son, i’m doing, misha, there are levels here, now, wait, it’s a little uncomfortable, is that a bear, a bear, mom and dad, why are they shining
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behind us? let's break up, we're not going to go, wait, anechka, anechka, what's wrong with you, what 's your temperature, what's the temperature, i haven't seen you for so long, i haven't felt your hands, eh, lord, i'm already missing you here, my beloved, my gentle, my magical woman, here no one will disturb us, yes, the police came up with the idea of ​​going for a walk, yes, well, there are a lot of animals here all kinds, probably, yes, some animals, you’re not cold, honey, no.
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yes, no , something that you yourself will freeze, well, quietly, quietly, quietly, come on, come on, come on, who, i’ll freeze, what are you, what are you, yes never, we even had one case, we somehow the whole group was dropped off at the station, we were late for the tanks, so we sat for 40 minutes on the damp ground and on the frosty thirty , can you imagine, everyone got sick, but i didn’t, don’t be scared dear, but there’s a bear behind you, don’t joke like that, i’m afraid of the bear, quiet, quiet, what are you doing, what are you doing, don’t scare him, just wait
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here, wait, don't be afraid. do you hear, clubfoot, who will you be in life ? if you attack me now, you’ll be attacked later... you’ll be punished for this, oh yes, maybe we’ll run away quietly , but why are you silent, well, tell me, of course, there’s something,
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that’s another thing, that you’re scared , but i was scared, i was scared, my dear, i was scared, my dear, i was scared, oh, not anymore will come back, who's the bear, no, of course, well, he... i understand, he's not the topic here, people, help, pow, this is not a bear, valet, valette, it's me, german, you, or something, get out of there , idiot, i can’t, so how? did you
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end up there? a bear jumped on me, and i somehow climbed a tree out of fear, when he left, i realized that i couldn’t get down, i’d kill myself to jump , i’m thirsty, i’m hungry, take
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me down, where are the pebbles, but on the tree . here we found some pebbles. i don’t understand anything, it’s our security, i don’t know what’s going on, but what if the people? with with pitchforks and stakes, this doesn’t end well, usually, what the hell, this is the perfect place for the bastards, before they manage to bite anyone, let’s all get into squads
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so they don’t run away, wow, what kind of paparima python is this? , and who is this? especially dangerous non-believers, they are in a separate cell , so brothers, we already have the stones, and i suggest that herman put the strollers in the bathhouse, men, the samovar has boiled, so that means it’s you? i was a jack in the zone, i don’t look like it, so you’re the one here, right? not that one, but this one. did you find out? fine, bor, did you want to say something there? of course
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, i knew that sooner or later your new police would lose control over the city, well , so much so, that’s when the police were around, there were such jambs. it never happened. bor, what does the police or the police have to do with it? it's my fault. that's it for sure. it all started because of these idiotic radio speeches of yours. by the way, why did you journalists need this, these rumors, pogroms, panic? i didn’t know that it would all turn out like this. i just wanted to raise the rating, attract additional advertising, so that the federal media referred to us. yes, you did a complete ziher. then i myself wanted to stop everything, but they no longer listened to me, which means that here we have six real cops and three policemen, and this is already a detachment, from artists, from eks we will make a dnda, we go into the city and protect it from the pogrom element, we forgot
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about the swede and the python, they definitely need to be detained and soaked, businessmen. why are you looking like that? is this a joke? so, after lunch we head out. igor, dan, and alik. they stay here and protect women and children. mother, come on what about lunch? 5 minutes, my dears. come on, move it. sbem i said, sbek i said, come on, let's go, let's go, let's go, let's
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go back, it's not clear what's going on there, some idiots from the city imprisoned all our people. well, in the barracks, where are ours, we can’t see ours, so we’ll have to sit here for a while, but there won’t be enough food and water for a long time, i suggest we dig further, we’ll dig, dig, dig, dig, movie, which one, these, these are needed untie them, help them dig,
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they still have nowhere to run.
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anyone people. is anybody here? man, and who is it on the poster, this is our pride, the new government, the bandits. golden boys, man, were you in a coma, or what? something like that.
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well, guys, let's start with the walker, so, in short, from those money that we took from the devils , i took the little one and ordered to buy fuel for our power plant, well, how will it be delivered, the piece of iron doesn’t work, there are no rails, that’s what i’m talking about took care, it means that the transport helicopter will arrive today at lunchtime, along with fuel, i have a question about flour and sugar, i wanted bros, look who you brought, i wish you good health, god. we have a meeting here with the head of the village of puza. ask! what meeting? what have you done here? what kind of ram told you to come to this village? i'm sorry, but is this your order, mine? i need to know where you are going, right here, this is the end point
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of the railway. i know, although, okay, we’ve arrived, why do you have dzeki without an escort, why is it a criminal, the head of the village, well, comrade chief, it takes a long time to explain, it just so happened , don’t you understand, they’ll put you on the wanted list, this is an escape, in fact , so, we left ensk, and i... a few days, by rail it turned out to be 1.2 km, it’s like going from moscow to st. petersburg through yekaterinburg, but in a straight line, from here to ensk it’s only 200 km, well, it’s in the taiga, you can’t go there, you can’t go there, but why is that all you? that we need to come back somehow? the convoy won't
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leave, and we're quitting altogether. we feel better here, we are loved, respected here, and in general, it’s more pleasant to do something good than to guard a chain? well, yes, i can’t either, i have elections, he has to feed the village, there ’s pig in the ministry of internal affairs, he has no time, yes, so comrade boss. excuse me, we continue our gathering that on the issue of preparation for the trial, compromising evidence and the main cop have been collected. what's going on? this is a new national project, supposedly to combat corruption. a complete change of personnel, now anything can happen, we must be
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on trend. these are them, well, citizens, bosses, fiscal, hello, so, as i understand it, you are a judge, and you, a prosecutor, for now yes, but in light of recent events, we are no longer very sure of this, this is correct, that means it is so , a trial needs to be held. police chief, hoof bandit, former head village, well, and six of them, it’s not so easy to do, you need certain materials, the consequence of this is for me, and you look what’s in
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these folders, look, look, where is this from? we searched the arrested people, they all collected incriminating evidence against each other, which we confiscated. that's how you judge it based on these materials. the trial will take place today at 4:00 p.m. this is impossible, this is not possible, legal proceedings. and in these folders, they also collected incriminating evidence on you, bosses. well, if you want to redeem yourself, then today at 4:00 p.m. all bandits and colored trash will receive time limits. the prosecutor's office will have time to write indictments for four. the court will also have time to prepare for the trial and sentencing before four. great, comrade, go ahead and administer justice. yes,
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i remind you, judge not as usual, but honestly, according to concepts. society and respected people considered the whole essence of ratting. and the chaos of these devils, who wrote this? what's wrong? everything according to the concepts? and the chaos of these devils on the gangway decided to identify the hooves, the heads of the garbage and the head of the village as the first bastards
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categories will be awarded a total of one chervonets, the rest of the devils will be recognized as reptiles of the second category and will be locked up for 8 years for one face. the verdict is final, it cannot be canceled by other gangways, yes, well, where are we going to keep them, but let hansk be taken away, there are a lot of free places in the zone, i agree, wait a minute, if out of the entire convoy, i’m the only one returning there, then who will guard them along the way, our prisoners , who else, they are now with weapons, with what
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weapons, what has left the zone should return there, well, so that they don’t think anything bad, but we are there. trunks of former cops. repent , sinners, rations will not work until the teacher is recognized as a teacher, fuck you, you stupid dog, but you still have time
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to save yourself, do you hear, you freak, we will meet again, and i will personally gnaw your neck off. we won’t meet, swede, you will die, but i will survive, i’m completely brutalized. my friends, we managed to gain a foothold in the prison, but this is not enough, evil creatures, enemies of the human race , are going to war against us, sharpening their teeth and claws, we will fight back, teacher, or we will die heroic, no, no, we didn’t sign up to die, so save yourself and beat the cops, zombies, please, slaon, i hear you still don’t have true faith in our just cause, but know it will come. now listen to me, what are we going to do? let’s build a som together, a real fortress, so that we can hold out for a year of siege from the unclean. bring food here,
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collect weapons, bring resin to the walls. go tell all the faithful and pure to come here and tell them: the day of judgment is on the threshold, let’s make a teacher, let’s make a teacher. it was only thanks to the timely intervention of the teacher that we had great difficulty we managed to bring the situation in ensk under control, all zombie carriers, viruses were isolated in the zone and taken under special protection, all sources of harmful radiation that allowed the virus to zamp us were almost completely destroyed, and now advertising. stop it, karin,
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hang noodles on people’s ears, release the microphone. citizens, says the editor-in-chief of the city media holding, have been deceiving you for several days, appealing to your darkest instincts and sowing panic among you, unfortunately, my employees were also among the manipulators, we call on everyone healthy strength to join those who
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are trying to improve the situation. well, stand, stand, stand, python, drop your weapon, what’s a special invitation, or what? doesn't open? left ours.
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we didn’t fortify it well, competently, it didn’t work out in a hurry, near the cemetery, they have weak defenses there, we retreat to the cemetery, let me cover you in short. this cemetery, i think we’ve reached it, i see people,
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but just stand there. petrovich! and we thought you were completely at it, we also thought so when the helicopter fell into the taiga, a few meters from the shore, jack. so. and what what’s happening here, and we’re trying to restore order back, listen, guys, we’ve practically stopped control over the city, but these zombie viruses have taken refuge in the zone, we could use a map of the zone, and i’ll draw this for you now, look here, that means so, yeah , this is a zone, so, we are here, who the hell are you, it’s us, comrade
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colonel. the tongues that the actors got to the bottom of, poor yorkie, they scared us, here are the dead, oh , hello, morivish, wait, i was very worried, worried, and kostya saved us, i was really worried, you have to understand me, i i can’t ask the team. then we had very little time, marina, i changed , i just changed, egorov, stop your family squabbles, really, marin, i really changed, i’m sorry, we need to think about how to save the zone from these crazy people, what is the colonel thinking here if they if we could get here from there, then we can get there from
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here, right? they'll just be right there in the boiler room, they just need to have a bigger dodge, well, in the sense of deceiving them, they 'll think that we're going to storm there, and you
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're from here, and who else is this? i report that the prisoners brought new prisoners, but they arrived ahead of time, because it was no longer possible to stay there, berezin , what kind of circus is that whispering, why do you have prisoners with weapons, where is the convoy, everyone quit, and there are new prisoners in the helicopter, convicted according to the lawsuit against our zone, how they quit, god willing, it’s hard to explain. i myself don’t understand anything, but i’ve come to terms with it, it’s better than it was otherwise, when it’s worse, what am i talking about, but what ’s happening with you, and our zone was captured, how was the zone captured? that's it, valette, you're a posher,
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yes, we have to fight back, we have to, our zone, ours, well , we’re doing just that, you arrived just in time, now there’s a whole regiment of us,
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sane people against a bunch of not sane ones, let’s go? yes, yeah, forward, clean, why without fat and this is my sofa bastard and my truki, lie down, demon, truki, be damned, oh, what kind of people, kulyet, get us out of here, yeah, now, you’ll rot with me, here , condemned, out of the way, what are you doing, you forgot who i am, you toad, oar-eared, guys, let’s start this one. hu python, pitan, i
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told you that we would meet, i'm a teacher i’m sorry, that is, colonel , let me go home, we left for the usual... and you have some kind of anomaly here , the citizens of my fighters were put behind bars, the hokies were released, the condition of the personnel is critical, don’t let me go, we’ll leave ourselves, where will you go while the bridge is being restored, but what about getting to the bridge, we’re walking along the tag, just to be away from this madhouse, and who will guard the prisoners? do you think the old ones just came back? they also brought new northerners with them. citizens are bosses, why not use old prisoners to guard new ones. how is that? they came back here, they came back, but
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they could have broken their legs all over the place, and even more new prisoners were scanned at once. yes, as you say, they have firmly taken the path of correction. what were they sentenced to? located in the zone. so they will be in the zone. they could have escaped, they escaped, returned, only one question, who will now perform the duties of the communion chief instead of dubinin, this is valer, what do you mean? and that he knows the service no worse than the convoy, but on the other hand, what’s the idea? interesting, although controversial, and we can all vouch for him, well, jack, take over
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the management, well, damn it, you give, and the boss, then what then, and then he began to act as a commission to investigate incidents, eliminate the consequences? the city was in ruins, the population was intimidated, oh, what a way to explain to people that there were no zombies, no zombies and no plans at all, but the most difficult thing was with dubenin, what an orchiter. the local authorities fled during difficult days for the city, we tried to return it, but to no avail. in connection with this, a special commission to establish order of justice in our city, i was elected chairman of the commission, valette, as a newly appointed
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temporary and emergency judge, i ask you to begin the proceedings, citizen herman, come on, tell the society, how was it? and that day i returned home from the zone, i saw through the window, the head of zonov’s operational unit, dubinin, i saw the barrel reaching for an ambush to land under my apartment, well, i immediately realized that it would wet me, i decided to leave through the forest, but i saved the stones and handed them over to the commission , please release me from responsibility, who is it, i... i think this one is not guilty , i agree, dubinin burst into my room, tied me up, started torturing me, asking with zigerov, and i know, then
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he hit me in the head with an injury, i thought i was dead, yeah , i propose to shoot dubinin, i protest, our tower has been canceled, but in vain it’s my fault, the shine of the diamond has sunk me, i thought i’ll grab them and no one will recognize, i just didn’t understand why you first helped at the boat station, and then became friends with the swede, you tell me everyone was needed to find herman with the diamonds, then i would have found a way to throw you off the hook, please take into account my sincere confession and the investigation, quietly, comrade, the members of the commission instructed me
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to voice our common decision. so, all those involved in provocations, pogroms, beatings are to be locked up in the ensk zone for a period of 5 years. dubinin, for trying to shut down the alaska makarik with a ten mark, and the psychic with an eight mark. the journalists, karina, bogdan, should be recognized as victims of idiocy, released from actual prison sentences, but assigned. 300 hours of corrective labor to restore and repair the building of the local police station, police, excuse the police, but for what, now i’ll say, and well, that means everyone already knows that deposits of precious stones were discovered under the zone, the commission decided to nationalize
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the stones, and transfer the income from them to well, we, in turn, announce that we are returning to the city for official service, the split in the ministry of internal affairs has been overcome, and we recognize the police as cops, and we recognize the old cops. blood brothers, but former prisoners of the zone, well, those who are now guards, renounce
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their criminal past and criminal image life, and solemnly swear in the presence of everyone, and promise to socialize, thank you, that’s how it all ended for us then, the commission from the european union never arrived, and the boys and i have been guarding the zone since then,
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by the way, this is already the third, yes , commander, a juicy story, i could write this script based on it, and even make a movie, yes, yeah , it won’t work, why, yes, because, by the way, when all this happened, not a single person died in our country, can you imagine, none, it’s not suitable for tv, they need other plots, a sea of ​​blood, mountains of corpses, broken cars, and that too. however, that’s it, the end of the road, we’ve arrived, i wish you good health, hello, according to my documents, i have seven prisoners, right, but we have eight, relax, ballet, i’m free, i mean, that is, so what do you mean to me? what
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the hell, relax, relax, everything is fine, i am the main director, artistic director of the film company zone. film, what are you, you, by the way, are the only film company in the world in the camp system, we shoot blockbusters, tv series, that’s how i travel around the zones, watch new talents, but when money is not burning my pocket, in order to save money, i i’m still traveling with zakamy, dear jack, like your old... friend, as the governor of the northern region, i’m glad to welcome you to my land, belly, you, or something, i, the governor,
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governor, you, tulet, and how did i find out, why are you coming, to meet you straight away, right? well, give all your boys and yes to me, why? the vodka is getting cold, the barbecue is ripening, remember your youth, come on, come on, that’s it, it’s over, look, tomorrow, the case has been resumed, obuteria from the arsenal of my group, and that traces are being dug for you, no one? won’t let this case be hushed up, but what would you do with the crime weapon on the spot? the real killer? i would get rid of him. operational duty department of the obshironsk police, please help, but no, you have something to defend yourself with, stick your hand down
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there and take out a package from there, do you hear? your love is like a drop of the soul, and this feeling is stronger than life, and these notes sound and sound, in me, your love is like a drop of the soul, and for the sake of this love it is worth living, let it sound without words, shine like my meaning, love . tatyana drives away elena shimina, who came to talk to her more easily. girl in full confidence that elena and oleg are already living together. galina, having once again quarreled with konstantin, comes to her friend and begins to feel guilty for turning


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