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tv   Segodnya  NTV  November 17, 2023 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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they found a tunnel under one hospital, blocked doctors and patients in another , how the israeli army’s gas cleanup is progressing, for universal access to technologies for the energy transition, russia’s position at the ats summit in the united states is another awkward moment with biden’s participation. the power of the tulip. the work of the world's most powerful self-propelled mine in the zone. and also madrid does not sleep. the collapse of the new
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spanish government forced thousands of people onto the streets. about this and not only right now on ntv, the program is today in the studio of mikhail chibonenko. hello. in domodedovo today in the morning we met another group of russian citizens evacuated from the gas sector. the emergencies ministry plane delivered 120 passengers. these shots were taken at cairo airport. during the flight, the evacuees were accompanied by doctors and psychologists. in the moscow region , six points have been prepared for refugees. temporary accommodation, including in kalina in volokalsk. fortunately, there were no wounded. all people are in good enough health to be included in the new lists after a short period of registration at our operational headquarters in cairo. for real at the moment we have 887 applications from our compatriots and members of their
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families for... from the gas sector, according to evacuees, the situation in the city of gas is extremely difficult, there is no water, only two bakeries are open, you have to stand in line for bread for several hours, and the worst thing is the constant bombing, at first everything was fine, then one day, that is, a rocket fell on the house, everyone died, the military, they know how to hide and so on, that is, most of the victims are ordinary people, that’s how we with you, i had both aunts and uncles, they were clearly not military, someone, that is, they were killed, i had a brother there, he was killed, he left two two two little girls, daughters, that is, what should they do now, i don’t know myself , palestinian media report a raid on the city of jenin and the refugee camp located there, special forces escorting bulldozers burst into the territory simultaneously from several directions, and red crescent doctors
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report that the military surrounded the ibn siina hospital and demanded that staff and patients leave building, doctors follow instructions refuse , ambulance teams are blocked in the al-ahli hospital, employees hear explosions, intense shooting, and also see that there are several victims in the hospital courtyard, but it is still impossible to reach them. according to idf representatives, in the alshifa hospital, which they stormed the day before, they found the entrance to the underground tunnels. mas and a car with weapons. in addition, the army reported that during an inspection of the hospital building they discovered the body of a nineteen-year-old soldier, whom militants had kidnapped during time of attack on october 7. and recently, literally just now, the us state department announced a telephone conversation between its chief anthony blinken and the israeli military. blinken asked them to take steps to de-escalate tensions in the west bank. and the head of european diplomacy. who
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is now in tel aviv, made an unexpected statement during negotiations with president isaac herzog, he admitted responsibility, including europe, for what is happening now in the conflict zone. i am shocked by the suffering of the israelis, but also concerned about the suffering people in the gas. i would like to ask for your assistance in reducing the level of civilian suffering. i think that the international community, including the european union, made a political and moral mistake. and did not think enough about the problems of peace in palestine and israel. at the atc summit currently taking place in the us, russia is focusing on its environmental initiatives and economic development. the head of our delegation , deputy prime minister alexei averchuk , said in this regard that not a single country in the region should be excluded from supply chains, all must have access to technology and climate problems can only be solved together, overchuk emphasized.
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today is the last program day of the forum, however , as the head of our delegation noted, work on the final declaration is still not completed, and president biden again found himself in an awkward situation at the summit. here in this global, world-renowned center of innovation, leading technology companies such as entropic and i won't say this correctly, i won't even try, it's better not to try and not make a mistake, than to try to make a mistake. in spain , anti-government protests continued throughout the night and opponents of the leader of the socialist workers' party, pedra sanchez, took to the streets. he was re-elected to the post of prime minister by voting in parliament, and opponents of the head of the cabinet
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claim that he remained in power only thanks to the quote “shameful collusion with representatives of a political association advocating the independence of catalya.” acting..." about the possible consequences of such a decision elizaveta gerson. pedra sanchez, you are a traitor, a criminal, a liar, a bad person, radish. for those who are interested in obscene spanish vocabulary, videos from rallies in spanish cities are a treasure trove of knowledge. pedro sanchez, spanish press, manipulator, this is not a headquarters, this is a brothel. supported by the basque party and catalan nationalists, he slipped into
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the queens in the parliamentary vote, the vote is completed: 179 votes for, 171 against, there were no abstentions, i declare the confidence of the congress in the diplomatic department, these six extra votes for sanchez cost spain dearly, in in exchange for them, all catalan separatists have been given an amnesty, which means a relapse of separatism is likely, the head of the catalan junta party, carles puig-dem, is under investigation from 2017 in begi. and the sanchez government just recently, but whoever remembers the past, look away, said that amnesty for the puigdemonites, who almost destroyed the country, is unthinkable. there will be no amnesty or self-determination, we will only have political dialogue. neither pardon, nor referendum, nor amnesty corresponds to the norms of our constitution. let's finally all agree
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that mr. pusdimon is obliged to appear in court. now there are more than 2 million protesters in spanish cities against sánchez’s amnesty law. general council of the judiciary. spain sees this as a violation of the law and an unpleasant precedent on the scale of the european union. this is unacceptable, i think europe should see the problem not only in hungary, but in spain, because if we adopt an amnesty law, then in a legal sense we will go back 10 years. europe should not accept this division, because in this case the same thing awaits it most. but europe does not yet understand that the same thing awaits it, not a referendum on the independence of catalonia in 2017, not a referendum. scotland was not supported by the european union in 2014, but now, probably due to the abundance of international events, barel cannot figure out that a stone flew into his garden, or into the garden, as he calls it, without knowing the law, i cannot draw any conclusions , i know about the agreements between the two
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parties advocating the independence of catalya, they certainly cause me concern, quite a lot of concern, which is quite logical, given that this is a complex , intractable problem for neither bareilles nor sanchez can even blame russia for this chaos. sanchez himself announced early elections in july, and he himself lost them. this chaos is man-made. of the six months of spain's presidency of the council of the european union, five have already passed. the council of europe has a good leader, only 5 months, no one knows his name, because they are all busy there with inter-party struggle. it’s also funny that the weak sanchez couldn’t find a more... decent campaign for himself, than the catalan separatist under investigation, and this despite the stated orientation of the european union towards enlargement, unification and the absence of borders. if sanchez thinks that he has slipped through and can calmly do familiar
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things for the full term, visit zelsky, shake the air about the middle east conflict, then his opponents do not at all believe that the time has come for them to be eaten. this is a revolution under. the last battle, let's say no, to the personal ambitions of pedra sanchez, what was achieved today in parliament was not decided at the polling stations. spain is not alone british prime minister risha sonykh also did not receive votes at the polling stations, and this week he also brought guests from the past foreign minister david cameron, who also does not have, although he is not entitled to , a single vote. under cameron , britain, just like spain, almost fell in two during the scottish independence referendum. fleet, are now
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busy sinking only their own political opponents, only their citizens are drowning in angry screams in the streets. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin, valeria palukhin and aleksandrev, tv company. the ministry of digital development proposed posting information about sim cards on government services. next we have business. marina, what is this for? the agency wants everyone to be able to check whether someone has secretly applied for a sim card for their passport. the ministry of digital development wants to create a new section on the government services portal, where russians will be able to see which sim cards are registered on them, a businessman writes about this, citing participants in the telecom market. then, as the interlocutors say, everyone in their personal account will be able to check whether whether someone is using his old number for fraudulent purposes, and also. whether another sim card was illegally issued for his passport, and if anything, block
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it, the ministry of digital development wants to fight telephone fraud, now, by law, a subscriber can block a sim card, for example, in his personal account on the operator’s website, as formulated in tele-2, the company considers it possible to implement the information part of the idea of ​​the ministry of digital development, but mts considers this measure excessive, since the law already requires operators to provide to the subscriber information about which sim cards are registered with him. interlocutors in the cybersecurity market note that the ministry of digital development’s measure could lead to the shift of responsibility for the illegal use of sim cards to citizens. the russian stock market is not happy about the coming friday, because oil prices, after statistics about a sharp increase in oil reserves in the united states, fell by more than $3.5 yesterday and are not showing any rebound today. the ruble is trying to rise in price again, the dollar is 891 euros 96.777. analyst. bks mirinvestments alexander bakhtin notes: on the volume of foreign exchange earnings of exporters who are now coming into the country is likely influenced by
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high oil prices in previous months. the authorities seem to have finally abandoned the idea of ​​covering the losses of the russian post by collecting money from marketplaces. the proposal, as rbc writes, citing a source, was not supported by prime minister mikhail mishustin. this happened at a meeting in the government, where they decided how to improve the financial condition of the russian post. the state-owned company itself previously. proposed the following measures for its own salvation: to recapitalize it by 117 billion rubles, refinance its debts with money from the national welfare fund, allow it to close some unprofitable branches, allow it to deliver correspondence less frequently, and, in addition, introduce the same fee from large marketplaces. it was assumed that ozon, wildberries and yandex market would pay half a percent of their turnover. the fee was opposed by the association of internet retail companies and the center for strategic research, which saw the risk that prices in online stores could rise due to the fee. misha, that's it for me
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all. thank you, marina. marina pimenova with business news. a little happiness weighing several hundred grams and great hopes that everything will be fine. today the world celebrates premature babies day. it was established specifically to draw attention to the problem. november 17 is also called the day of white petals, emphasizing the fragility and insecurity of a small life. in russia , about 100,000 babies are born prematurely every year, and thanks to the efforts of doctors and modern equipment, they are increasingly able to be successfully nursed, and this is done in republics of donbass, doctors there work in special conditions, alexey ivliev met the doctors and their patients. they just fed me and put her to bed, and then tell me, they’re disturbing me again. yes, yeah, elena’s mother had a premature birth.
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such children, well, in general, a huge thank you to them for this, of course, but the doctors are faced with an almost unrealistic task , to deliver a baby whose weight is only 590 g . this is the smallest person in weight in the maternity hospital, he is now receiving special attention, at the moment he is on his eighteenth day the child's life is in special conditions, this kuves, here the humidity and temperature are everything... in this ward there are several babies who were born with extremely low body weight, thanks to the golden hands of the doctors, the birth was successful and we all... really hope that these children will have everything in the future well, this perinatal center is the best in the lnpr, it was created primarily to save children born as a result of premature birth, but now ordinary women in labor from all over the republic are accepted here, because as a result of shelling from ukrainian nationalists in ruins there are maternity hospitals in severo-donetsk, lisichansk and
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bezhrazhny, women, often under fire in ambulances, are taken to the lugansk perinatal center. we are trying. accept all women from the newly annexed territories, of course, the women are emotionally unstable, but nevertheless they exist, nevertheless, babies are born, the babies are healthy, as a result, the staff of the perinatal center have to work overtime, but no one here complains when doctors clash with a very difficult case, to help them via telemetry connections, specialists from moscow clinics are always ready to come, there is all the necessary equipment, quiet time, so... many employees of the perinatal center have worked there since 2014, when lugansk was shelled by ukrainian nationalists, but even then they did not leave their places of work , because the lives of very tiny children who could not be abandoned depended on them. i love children very much, especially
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children, it was such a small dream for us since childhood that it came true. the number of births in this center... increased by 2 and a half times over the year, it expects that by the end of this year 2,200 babies will be born here. alexey ivliev, valery kozhyn, ekaterina kovalchuk, dmitry tsarkov, ntv television company, lugansk people's republic. the ministry of sports and the state duma are developing measures to protect talented russian hockey players from businessmen who drag young athletes abroad. vladimir putin called foreign scouts, or, more simply put, sports scouts, such businessmen. and cheeks, agents of large clubs, for example, from the usa, monitor the most promising guys and lure them away, while domestic sports suffer only losses from this, and not only financial ones, how to stop the outflow of young talents abroad, kiril kiknadza found out. he did not go to magnitogorsk’s away series of games in the khl championship; he was injured and is recovering. today at 2: let
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metallurg arena belongs only to him, the rising star of russian hockey danilev. i was invited to the club. when he turned 16. 3 years later, interest in kyurov from foreign scouts is growing as drajjah. when there was a four nations tournament in ufa, then i had a good tournament and already then the first messages from scouts began , but a pandemic happened there too, but for six months without hockey i had to train a lot, then with each month more and more messages came from them. the vertical take-off of yurov’s career, a graduate of the chelyabinsk hockey school overseas, was quickly assessed by the results of last year’s angel draft, the selection of players by clubs, danilo waited, and his pride was not damaged. minnesota selected yurov number one, but danilo was in no hurry to pack his things and buy tickets to america, he needs to develop, i think at home, because everything here is familiar, the language, and if the club provides such an opportunity, you
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need to stay and prove yourself here in magnitogorsk this is well understood; a method like... postponing or completely eliminating the option of leaving is simply logical. firstly, you need to trust him here, talk to him, give him more playing time if he sees that the team needs him, if he will see that he is progressing as a hockey player here, that’s why he doesn’t look for good from good, i think that he will stay with us for a long time. i was 27 years old then and i didn’t go anywhere, i stayed to play in russia. chelyabinsk, a hockey mecca since 1948, instills in students at the local traktor club's hockey academy one of the best in the country and encourages them to take their chosen craft
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seriously. how much does it cost to train a promising graduate? normal organizational well, that’s at least 5 million rubles, probably up to ten, depending on material and technical base, yes, from the opportunity , from the opportunity of the school, that is, such a direct one that, well, i don’t know, if i can put it in quotes, i left, how they sold it and paid money for it, there is no such thing, this is not a commercial school, studying there is free, he works only for his club , chelyabinsk tractor, a comprehensive scientific group tracks young talents from their first appearance to who and when they shoot in the big game - the mystery of the very strong, they usually go strong all through school , yes, well, let’s say so relatively speaking, evgeniy kuznetsov, he was always kuznetsov, yes. but no, but there are so many examples, again, who, relatively speaking, just shot at the age of 15 , went, went, went, and it’s also important, they think in chelyabinsk in bnkogogorsk, what a rising hockey star is like off the
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ice, who he, as a person, for nineteen-year-old yurov, remembered the phrase red car, not just a beautiful metaphor from a book about the glorious history of soviet hockey, for a long time. korlamov played with him, mikhailov, petrov, well, all this stuff. our famous team and he was part of that team, it was interesting to listen to his stories about what kind of hockey players they were, in their relationship with agents, to future hockey stars and their parents, danilo advises to be extremely careful, at the age of 14 agents, then that you’re okay, let’s go there, everything will be there for you, nothing will happen there, there are many examples, again, yes, they leave and end up there. what you need to do is listen to your parents, anyway, i think that except no one will honestly tell you about your parents, and work on yourself every day. however, there is
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one more nuance that determines a lot and for a long time in the life of any promising athlete and his family. if the material and technical base there is normal, and the standard of living is good, then well, then who will leave the good things. kiril kiknadze, alena antonova, lasha chutkirashvili, n. tv. next, a short advertisement, and after it we will talk about the flights of long-range aviation crews of the russian aerospace forces over the neutral waters of the barintsev, norwegian and black seas. about the work itself the world's most powerful self-propelled mortar in the zone of its own. and also about remote monitoring of the patient. in russian regions, they are testing a system that allows them to monitor the condition of people with diabetes around the clock. don't switch. open a free account with alfabank and receive a
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helping. infantry to improve their positions and a faithful assistant in this is the installation of the tulip, the only mortar of this caliber in the world and there are no analogues to it. hits exactly the target, leaving no chance for anything to gain a foothold; sergei pikulin saw how this dangerous flower works. the characteristic ringing sound after a shot is given out by a mortar in this colossus, one shell minus one well- fortified firing point of the ukrainian armed forces. the tulip has always stood out in a russian bouquet. today, the tulip is the most powerful, largest self-propelled mortar in the world, a direct hit easily folds a five-story building, these are the shells and mass each projectile can reach 250 kg. here , under the carbon, tulips are irreplaceable; in the ssu from the city of shakhtar and its suburbs, they made a huge fortified area, which is stuffed with
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ukrainian artillery. technology, with its penetrating power. i see a burning object, a burning object at a distance behind a nearby mine, a kilometer away. another advantage is that, unlike a rocket, a fired mine cannot be shot down or intercepted. she's not a rocket. it’s difficult to calculate it along the trajectory; as they say, it’s also difficult to shoot down, so if they launched it, then yes, what kind of party is this jack? they are talking in the stage about their driver with the call sign jack, his skill saved the lives of the entire crew several times, after shooting you need to quickly leave, and this is not so easy when there is a machine weighing 27 tons under you. jack himself says: his trump card is a special relationship with technology, the tulip even has a name, well, his
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call sign is a man. even when i sit down, that’s it, man, come on, let’s go, we must, here in the ugledar direction in the ssu they are still trying to advance, it’s hopeless, the enemy is suffering heavy losses and losing their own positions, our infantry is in its in turn, preserving the lives of personnel, improves its tactical position, sergei pikulin and aleibzhanov, ntv, the ugledar direction of the special operation, from a long- range aviation aircraft, the russian bks carried out scheduled flights over the neutral waters of the barintsevo, norwegian and black seas. according to the ministry of defense , strategic missile carriers tu-160 and long-range bombers tu-22 were involved in the operation. they were accompanied by su-30 and mig-31 fighters. the longest flight lasted 13 hours. our military department emphasized that everything the flights were carried out in strict accordance with international regulations. in russian
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regions, they are testing a new monitoring system for patients who suffer from diabetes; using special sensors , it will be possible to continuously measure blood glucose levels in real time and transmit data to a doctor or relatives. this will allow you to more carefully monitor the person’s condition. svetlana gordeeva found out how it works. the small sensor has big tasks; it works even when egor sleeps, measures sugar levels around the clock, an important indicator for a diabetic. i’ve been living with this for 4 years now, uh, when my sugar levels are low i get dizzy, sometimes my eyes get dark and my hands shake, and when my sugar levels are high i sometimes get a headache. in moments of poor health, it is important for the patient to understand whether sugar is low or high, to inject insulin or eat a chocolate bar, so nothing is more familiar to diabetics than pricked fingers. when a child has diabetes, he is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus, and in order to
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identify and not miss these conditions, when glucose is above normal or below normal , parents should prick his finger or heel 10-12 times a day, in order... not to miss these fluctuations day and night, and of course, this is very painful, of course this psychologically very difficult for the smallest person. now a small device is replacing the glucometer - a continuous glucose monitoring system; the sensor is installed for two weeks, then replaced with a new one. the device is equipped with a very thin needle, which is inserted into the subcutaneous adipose tissue, where it is controlled sugar level the sensor looks like this, it does not cause discomfort to the child. it is installed completely painlessly, and you can scan, the result is displayed in the mobile application, but the main advantage of this system is that all data goes to the doctor’s computer. the sverdlovsk region was one of the first to begin purchasing such sensors for children as
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part of compulsory medical insurance funds 2 years ago, monitoring the condition of young patients remotely. in total, there are about 12 million insulin-dependent people in russia. provide for everyone such sensors that need to be changed every 2 weeks, zdrav is not yet ready, but the federal center for endocrinology is fighting to ensure that russian children are given the device free of charge. this year a big step forward, almost 80% of the regions have made, some regions have already implemented this initiative 2-3 years ago, most regions have already started this year; they purchased these continuous monitoring tools from the regional budget to provide all children with such sensors children with diabetes can lead a normal life and play sports. and eat whatever i want, even cakes, i can do anything, well, there are only restrictions on food
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, there are two very bad products that you can’t count at all, no way, what are they, these are grapes and bananas, and my parents are at a distance... monitor the child’s well-being. i see what is happening thanks to wireless communication, that is, this monitoring monitor transmits data to ilya’s phone, which is constantly with him, and this phone is already transmitting data to me, no matter where i am. now, as part of a pilot project in six regions, this system of continuous remote control is being tested on adults. monitoring provides additional information because the patient usually measures with a glucometer three to four times a day; more often, rarely does anyone measure. but we need much more information for analysis, we need information about indicators after meals, at night, patients do not always recognize hypoglycemia, they miss it. so far, all such systems are foreign-made, so their prices are high, and shortages occur due to
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the complex logistics of sanctions, but several russian companies are already developing domestic devices that will be accessible to everyone. svetlana gordeeva, olga zenkova, alena antonova, maria popova, artemmy epifanov and olek gorkov. and that’s all i have for this minute, mikhail chababanenko was with you, stay on ntv. are you sensitive to the weather? in any weather, ginkoum medicine helps eliminate headaches, dizziness, and tinnitus. gingka um is half the price of its analogue. changes in weather are accompanied by headaches, dizziness, and tinnitus. take natural medicine ginin from the company evaalar. feeling good in any weather. good morning, now about the weather for tomorrow. winter has reigned over european territory. the arctic anticyclone dominates the atmosphere. almost throughout the entire territory, with the possible exception of the northeast of komi and
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the far south, there will be no precipitation, and in terms of temperature the weather will correspond to the beginning of december. the anticyclone does its job well. in the north, in the central regions, the temperature has already dropped below zero, minus everywhere. on in the northwestern part of the pskov-nororod region , during the day minus 2 the weather is more cloudy than sunny. a similar picture is in kareli, in petrozavodsk down to -5. there are no positives left on the shores of the baltic; in kaliningrad the temperature will drop to zero. it is still relatively warm on the black sea coast, but the bright resort colors will be blurred in places by rains, especially heavy in crimea in the caucasus. but on the coast of the krasnodar territory the weather will still please with sunshine. in sochi it is still up to 17°. and about the weather in the capitals. in st. petersburg tomorrow. sunny and -4, after a day there will be more clouds, the temperature will return a few degrees, but it will no longer reach plus, as in moscow, tomorrow in the capital it will be -4. here.


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