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tv   Igri razumov  NTV  November 18, 2023 2:20pm-3:01pm MSK

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against different types of pain, pentalgin, we will do without pain. hello, these are mind games, a program in which the most famous people in the country prove that they are real professionals , and professional players that their... labor is limitless, a guest of our studio, meet me, you graduated from the linguistic department of the sholakhov humanitarian institute. what did you do after completing your studies? she worked on television, first as a correspondent, then as a program presenter. is it true that you defended your dissertation? i am a candidate of historical sciences. and at the same time, you are a renowned track and field athlete, recognized as the best athlete of 1996 in russia and the best athlete in the world according to the version. and the aaf
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name your main sports titles. two-time olympic champion, world champion in athletics, honored master of sports. introduce youreself. svetlana masterkova. our guest is a famous athlete, a champion who glorified the national sport in middle distance running. the theme of our game today is athletics. svetlana, in 1996. international athletics association named you the best athlete of the year. why do you think, out of all the athletes , they chose you then? because it was unexpected, because it was rapid , very good results were shown. well, svetlana, let's start the game. game one. here are the names of five great runners. johnson, carl lewis, eliut kipchoge.
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after each of the six questions addressed to you, you will choose one of these names as an answer. each correct answer will bring you 1,000 rubles. let's get started: who holds the current world record in running ? at 100 m? usain bolt, as i can remember, 9 seconds 98 or. this is the correct answer: your account is 100. the second question: which athlete, in addition to many victories in sprint races, managed to win gold in the long jump at four olympic games in a row, from 1984 to 1996. outstanding american athlete carl lewis. that's right, you have a score, the third question:
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which stayer from ethiopia won the five and 10,000 m races at the 2008 olympic games in beijing. kanenisal, kinenisala, that's right, your count is 3,000, the fourth question: this kinian runner won the 2003 championship in paris at a distance of 5,000 m. call him eliot kipchogi, that's right, the fifth question: who helped his team win gold at the 2012 olympic games in london and 2016 in rio deneiro in the 4 x 100 m relay. usain blvd. absolutely right. sixth question: which american runner won gold at the 1996 olympic games in atlanta, 4 years later in sydney in the 400 m race. this is , of course, mile johnson from the national team. in
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the nineties he was also recognized as the best athlete of the year and the two of us took the same prizes from the jav association. bravo, you gave six correct answers, your account has 6,000 rubles. and now it's time to introduce you to your opponent. amazing. with someone whose erudition, it seems to him, will allow him to compete with you, as they say, on your field. meet your opponent, anatoly wasserman, one of the most famous intellectuals in the country, a man of legend, whose name has long become a household name to denote boundless rudiment and all-encompassing knowledge, hello, anatoly, hello, anatoly, you also have to answer the question six questions, since svetlana did not make a mistake even once, these will be new questions , here is the first of them, who at the 2009 world cup in berlin
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set a still unbroken world record in the 200 m run, 19.19 seconds. i don’t remember exactly, but i hope it’s a seinbold. that's right, you have a thousand to your account. second question: this athlete is the only one in history to win the 200-400 m race at one olympic games. who is he? i think it's carl lewis. alas, this is the wrong answer, how would you answer? mile johnson. johnson. 1996 at the olympic games in atlanta. third question: which kenyan racer holds the record for marathon running: 2.1 minutes and 9 seconds? well, here’s the name, i just hope it’s kanenisala. unfortunately, this is
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the wrong answer. svetlana, what do you say? eliot kipchoge. from this list, kineets is one, eliot kipchoge. fourth question: he was born in the ethiopian town of bikoji. as a child, he was often late for school, which was far from his home. at first he ran to school in an hour, then in 40 minutes, and then improved his own record to half an hour. who is he, since kipchogi kinets, then probably kinisa bekela. that's right, you have 2,000 in your account. fifth question: who was one of the torchbearers? in the olympic torch relay before the 2012 london games and carried the torch to stonehenge and salsbury wildshiley cathedral. i would venture to guess that michael johnson. that's right, it's mile johnson. and the sixth question: which outstanding track and field athlete
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won nine olympic gold medals during his sports career, five in running and four in long jump. carl lewis, bravo, this is carl lewis. well, game one is over, and i'm summing it up. at svetlana's masterkova has 6,000, she gave six correct answers, anatoly gave four correct answers, his score is 4,000. the second game is ahead of us, our guest, svetlana masterkova, will start it. for headaches, there is ascafen p at an affordable price and ascafen with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. international television children's competition
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, ambulance, final episodes , you don’t have to sell your soul here, i’m ready, but there’s no soul, you work in an ambulance, from monday to wednesday at 20:00 on ntv. what is the pin code here? so it looks like you don't remember the correct answer. if a simple question turns into a quiz, this might help. haappept: haappept promotes improving brain function, memory restoration and concentration. naappept: to make the head work. mind games - game two. let me remind you that today our guest is the famous athlete, two-time olympic champion, world champion, svetlana masterkova. now every correct answer of the players will replenish the general bank with 1,000 rubles. transfer money from your bank account. you can after any correct answer, but an incorrect answer will immediately transfer
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money from the bank account to your opponent, however, you can refuse the question, by forwarding it to your counterpart, the amount in the bank will not change, svetlana, let me remind you that there are now 6,000 rubles in your account. here’s the first question: the name of only one track and field discipline includes the word push, what do they push? core, core, that's right, a thousand appear in the jar. svetlana, will you continue to answer questions and save money in the bank, or will you immediately take the money into your account and let anatoly play? i'll try to continue. next question: how many hurdles must an athlete jump in the 110m hurdles? 13. alas, this incorrect unswer.
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anatoly, a question for you: what in athletics is a solid, smooth, hollow tube, 28-30 cm long, round in cross-section, made of wood, metal or another. i believe that this is a relay baton, right, anatoly, will you continue to play or will you take the money? what distance did our runner lyudmila kondratyeva win at the 1980 olympics in moscow, who managed to beat the athlete from the gdr marlies goer by one second, well, i would venture to guess that 200 m. alas, this is the wrong answer, the correct answer
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- 100, 100 m. the money goes to svetlana masterkova’s account in the game. which country was represented by javier satamay, who set a world high jump record of 2 m 45 cm in 1993? cuba, cuba, that’s right, there’s a thousand in the bank, will you take the money or continue playing? let's continue playing. at the 2004 olympic games, the marathon race did not start in the marathon city, but where did it end? unfortunately, i don’t know, you can forward this question to anatoly, i ’m forwarding it to anatoly, in the game anatoly vaserman, anatoly, you can use
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the right to ask us to change the question, but i think... that you will answer it, the distance was established in memory of hans, who reported to athens about his victory over the persians at the marathon, so i think this race ended in athens, in athens, absolutely right , you take 2,000 from the bank, i’ll take it, i’ll give the guests the opportunity to play more, the money goes into the accounts. svetlana, what is the abbreviated name of the international association of athletics federations? jav and aaf have a thousand in the bank. your choice? i'll still play the next round.
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next question: cech jaan's world record 98 and 48 cm, set in 1996, remains unsurpassed in, name the athletics discipline. javelin throw, that's right, it's a javelin throw in the 200 bank, what do you think? i take the money, the money goes to the account of svetlana masterkova, in the game anatoly vaserman. anatoli, let's watch an excerpt from the film sport, sport, sport. world record. one of the film's episodes is dedicated to this outstanding soviet athlete. who
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is he? most likely brumel. let's see if you answered correctly, and the audience enthusiastically greeted valery brumel, anatoly, your answer was correct, this is indeed valery brumel in the bank of a thousand , back at the 1956 olympics, the soviet stayer, vladimir kuts brilliantly won... the 5 and 10,000 m races. and in which australian city were the 1956 games held ? there, as usual, some of the disciplines were in other cities, but in my opinion, the main city was burn. that's right, that's melbourne 2,000 in the bank. your choice?
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enough for now. the money goes to anatoly wasserman’s account in the game svetlana masterkova. svetlana, a question for you, in what discipline? athletics russian maria lositskenya became the winner of the 2020 olympic games in tokyo. high jump. high jump, absolutely right, she won with a result of 2 m/4 cm. 100 in the bank, your decision. we're playing another round. the program of the olympic games includes race walking. at what distance do women compete? 20 km. that's right, there's 2,000 in the bank. you'll take it. or should we continue playing? i'll take it, the money goes to svetlana masterkova's account, in the game anatoly wasserman. anatoly, a question for you, who
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wrote and performed the song about a marathon runner, starting like this, i run and run, trample, sliding along the cinder path, i can’t not eat, i can’t drink, i can’t not sleep, not even a crumb. vladimir semyonovich vysotsky is absolutely right, a thousand in the bank, your decision, also, what a finnish runner, a record holder among athletes for the number of medals won at the olympic games, in my opinion pavo nurmi, pavo nurmi, bravo, 2,000 in the bank, your decision, that’s enough, the money goes to anatoly vasam's account in the game svetlana masterkova. well, thanks to anatoly for good tactics, svetlana, you too great tactic, yes, how many times does an athlete
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push off the ground during the run-up of a triple jump? one, two, flight, that's right, two times, a thousand in the bank, your decision, i continue playing, in what running discipline did the soviet union national team become the winner of the olympic games? 1988 in siule with a new world record of 3 minutes 15.17 seconds. this was a wonderful lineup of 4 x 400 m athletes. that’s right, in the 2.0 bank. what do you think? i give way to anatoly. money comes from svetlana masterkova's account in the game anatoly wasserman.
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the sector for throwing which track and field projectile is not fenced with a protective net, i assume the discus is relatively safe, no, the sector for throwing the discus is fenced with a protective net, as is the sector for shot put, but the sector for throwing the javelin is not fenced, in the game svetlana masterkova, well, yes, you can’t get enough nets. a question for you, svetlana, with what purity is the world athletics championships held, every 2 years, every 2 years, that’s right, a thousand in the bank, what do you say, i continue to play, what kind of soviet athlete is the current world record holder in the long jump with a result of 7 m and 52 cm, and now she is in how so, so, so, this is a difficult question, there will be nothing wrong with it if you refuse a pending question, i refuse to
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answer, in the game anatoly vaserman, anatoly, i apologize, anatoly, you heard the question, i heard it, but to my shame, i don’t remember the answer, but i know, i know. svetlana, your version, well , chestikova, this is galina chastyakova, svetlana, you remembered, but you remembered it too late, the record was set back in 1988 at the znamensk brothers memorial, yes , yes, yes, yes, anatoly, here’s a replacement question: in which city did the 1912 olympics take place, where russian track and field athletes took part for the first time, stockholm, it seems. bravo, this really is stockholm. there are 2,000 in the bank. i'll pick it up. the money goes to anatoly vaserman's account in the game svetlana masterkova. i
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wish this wonderful time would not end, because i want tv viewers to remember those athletes who showed excellent results while defending the country’s flag. svetlana, here's a very easy question. yeah, which country is the leader in the number of medals won by its athletes at the olympic games? america. that's right, this is the usa. this was the last question of the second game. money from the bank goes to svetlana masterkova’s account. and i sum it up. second after the game. 13,000 to the account of anatoly vaserman, 14,000 to the account of svetlana masterkova. game three is ahead. as we age, changes in vision can change the way things are done. taufon is created to nourish, restore and preserve youthful eyes,
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did it, it was simple, just bomb. for the first time despite my advantages i got goosebumps superstar new performance life really begins today at 20:20 on ntv geninferon light spray is a green light, a green light for my goals and plans and a red light viruses that can interfere with them light thanks to the double power of interferon with the power of green light with mint flavor. games of mind - game three. the theme of the third game is traditionally
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chosen by the guests and svetlana chose spanish cuisine. why svetlana? well , because i was in spain for a long time, my daughter was born there, my husband trained at a sports club there. that’s why i know spanish cuisine quite well. now you are waiting for questions that usually have several correct answers. each of you will have 10 seconds to guess exactly the answer. which we have conceived, and the audience will see this answer on the screen all the time. let's begin: what vegetable oil is used very widely in spain. svetlana, grape olive, olive straight to the point. what pulp? fruits go into malaka salad along with boiled potatoes, onions and jerky shake. anatoly, uh, pear, orange, orange, that’s right, what kind of sea fish
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are sold in spanish markets, svetlana. cod, pink salmon, mm, aster, ah, red mullet, i don’t know what else is there, what other fish, anatoly, mackerel. marlin, shark, barracuda, all of it time on the screen it was written dorada, aka aurata and golden spar, yes , darada, we continue, what kind of meat in spain is often used for tapas, anatoly, pork, chicken, that’s right, chicken, what kind of greens... the spaniards love to season meat dishes during cooking. svetlana, paprika, dill, and parsley, they don’t have that, so cumin, and basil, ah, anatoly, uh, s, no, to
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my shame, i can’t even remember the salads, we ordered rosemary, and... yes, yes, let's continue. which region of spain is famous for its seafood dishes? anatoly? galicia. galicia, that's right, which legume is included in the recipe for the hearty cocido soup. legume crop. svetlana. beans, next? beans, beans, ah, peas, mm, wheat, rye, uh, barley, legumes, anatoly. chickpeas, chickpeas, right, what kind of sweet mass is prepared in toledo according to an old moorish recipe, anatoly , sherbet, halva, turkish delight, turkish delight, everything, svetlana,
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catalana crema, and apple, cream, nougat, what? what else, what did we wish for marzepan, marzepan, what cereal dishes are popular in valencia, cereals, everything, svetlana, rice, rice, immediately yes, because in valencia it is precisely the ancestor of poella , in the film of which spanish director the sub gazpachu, anatoly, almadovar plays an important role, yes, remember the film of a woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown, there are heroines under... what a spice is it included in the creme catalana dessert? svetlana, mint, vanilla, vanilla, ah, zest, further , more, more, zest, zest, cinnamon, cinnamon, that's right, which
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fruit marmalade can be found in supermarkets throughout spain, anatoly, tangerine, guava, pear, apple, orange, more, orange, plum, apple, dates, peaches. we wished for quince, yeah, quince, from milk, what animals in the basque country make cheese and diosabal, svetlana, cows, goat cows, what mm, mares, maybe not, not yet, and mm, asla, anatoly, funny, uh , sheep, goat, from sheep's milk, which bird dish did donkey hod eat on sundays until he went in
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search of adventure. anatoly. chicken, duck, goose, pigeon, pigeon. that's right, this is mentioned at the beginning of the first chapter of the novel. what vegetable did the spaniards not know before columbus discovered america? svetlana, potatoes, tomato, tomato, right. what product is used as comic projectiles? at the annual festival in the city of ibi, province of alicante, anatoly, oranges, product, what product, cakes, svetlana , egg, egg, that’s right, the spaniards love pitted and stuffed olives, and what exactly are they stuffed with, svetlana, and fish, fish, what is it called, caper fish in front of lemon, lemon, right, which spanish artist
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depicted breakfast in his painting? anatoly? velasquez, velasquez, that's right, this was the last question of the third game, and i sum it up: 20,000 to svetlana masterkova’s account, and 21,000 to anatoly vaserman’s account, this means that anatoly vaserman reaches the finals, you played just great, yes you lost, but who did you lose to, you lost to anatoly you, nothing at all, nothing at all, as anatoly rightly notes , well, svetlana, thank you so much, with anatoly, we will meet in the final, anatoly, in our game today, at the moment you have earned it. as usual we double this amount
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, all these 4200 rubles are in the paste of our ruthless device, i will give hints, i have five hints in total, after each of the hints the device will destroy your winnings for 10 seconds, you can stop it with the word stop, the faster you answer, the more money you save, but remember, you only have... one try. you can't make mistakes. so, you have to name the type of athletics. here's the first hint. men competed in this discipline already at the first olympic games of our time, in 1896 in athens, and for women it appeared only in 2000 in sydney. time. well, there is a guess
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but it’s so vague, let’s give a second hint, here’s the second hint, the origins of this athletics discipline can be considered competitions held in ancient egypt. time. here is the third tip, an attempt in this discipline begins with a run-up, then take-off and take-off occur, time, there are many jumping disciplines, here is the next tip. at different times, equipment for athletes.


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