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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  November 24, 2023 4:50am-5:40am MSK

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this means that this night we need to finish it, otherwise the nit will get out.
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you'll be there soon, alyoshka got poisoned from school , they called, we need to pick him up. listen, i don’t know, i still need to raise money, yes, and what do you propose to do? i don't know, come up with something yourself. where are you now? in the car, where, where, specifically, where? finnish 32, this tells you something, nothing. you still leave me the phone.
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got out of the car quickly. there’s nothing, be a good boy, where ’s the money, what kind of money, the actor doesn’t behave himself, that’s what he said in vain, who, let’s go, let's go!
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great, bulkin, well done, i see that you are working, work, work, lyosha, okay, okay. glory, that’s it, there are practically no witnesses, he tore off the mask, just like that, it’s clear, but did you see the face, no, you didn’t see, no one saw anything, unfortunately, that’s what’s interesting, this one knocked out the gun from the one who there was a second one in a mask, where the gun flew, under the car, under this one, under this one, and... where did you
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see all this? so i was sitting in my car, yeah, this is all great, of course, but there’s no gun there, of course not, what do you mean? well, some guy took it away, and god, well, that’s where we should have started, what guy? in the end, i could n’t tell you anything at all, right, what kind of guy? well , he jumped out, picked up the pistol from under the car, into the courtyards, andryukh, you should run into the courtyards, but who else? what did it look like? boy, what a boy, his jacket is so black. okay, okay, that's it, off i go, retul, did you dig up anything? great, great, so, ruchkin, sergey valentinovich, born in seventy-five, st. petersburg, works, or rather, worked as a financial director in a company for production and sale.
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yeah, that means he was answering for the money, absolutely right, well, this company needs to be shaken up, of all things, and here we worked out the phone number of the murdered man, and a few minutes before the attack, he was talking to his wife. i didn’t talk to anyone else, there are other phone numbers, they are still being worked out, but there is a point, the dead man had abrasions on his knuckles, our expert claims that the abrasions have been there for a couple of days now, this issue needs to be worked out, perhaps a conflict with someone it was possible that this was the reason for all the fuss was, in general, i need to work, i need to talk to my wife, yes, my wife, by the way , should be in the morgue right now, go there, that ’s right, comrade major. oh, great , i was just looking for you, listen, i recently examined the car of the murdered man, in a hiding place, look what i found, wow, how much is here, well , 10 million, no less,
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hello, senior lieutenant potapenko. you are marina, yes, i have a couple of questions for you, okay, just as quickly as possible, of course, we checked your husband’s phone, you talked to him a few minutes before the attack, so? well, yes, it seems so, yeah, but do you know where he came from and where he was going? i don't know, did he say something about money? money? what exactly? well, that he was taking money somewhere, or, sorry, i can’t talk anymore. who was driving, thank you, goodbye, goodbye, yes, slav, i’m looking, i’m looking, don’t push me , i’ve already walked through all the yards, so far no results, oh, if only it wasn’t all in vain, first of all, he may not be from here, secondly, he may
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be an accomplice, thirdly, maybe the boy was not there, the witness made a mistake, maybe yes, but we have to look, yes i’m looking, i’m looking, i understand, that’s it, see you later, girl, good afternoon, hello. i'm from the police, yes, in the criminal investigation department, yeah, well, ruchkina in the phone was, as his number was written down, lyosha, lyosha birzha, exchange, yeah, yes, lyosha birzha, he called him at 9 in the morning, that is, it turns out, within an hour before the murder, yeah, and you called this phone, called, the phone was turned off, okay, how much money did you find in the car? 11.652.000, wow, listen, but 5 minutes from the site of the attack on... sit, announcement for everyone, what is your name? vasya, comrade vasily, so comrade
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vasily will monitor the security of the internet, well, yes, with us security comes first, don’t be smart, you idiot. i have information that you and other employees of your department use the internet for personal purposes. so, now all the information on this issue will be placed on my desk, comrade vasily will deal with this. i ask you to convey this information to all employees of the department. okay, comrade general.
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hello, i am the director, captain of the crimea, homicide department. yeah, what i owe, look, please, you know this man, why should i know him, there was a murder nearby, the murdered man was traveling with a large sum of money and there is reason to believe that he was coming from you, you know, i don’t remember all the clients’ faces, who remembers, you'd better talk to one of the managers, who exactly, well, oh, bells. here's a comrade from the police looking for a person, talk to him, uh, okay, all the best, goodbye , let's pass, and my mother
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has 28 in krasnodar, here a comrade came, he says, he works together with the general director of the company metallica, what, what, well, he says the money was stolen from the company, so call me. yes, i often saw him here, yeah, but today we saw him, it seems, no, but what was he doing here at the stock exchange, he was carrying out some transactions with money, you know, in his mobile phone one of the numbers is written as lyosha exchange, you you don’t know what kind of guy lyosha is, in general, he somehow seemed to be communicating with alexei here, that’s about it. please be more specific at the moment. lyosha zmeykin is his last name, he doesn’t work for us here, but
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he does some of his own business. yes. which affairs? well, how, what kind of money does he cash out? where can you find it? come on, i'll show you. when did you find the safe opened? in the morning, when i came to work, this one was opened with a key, just a key, which means one of our own, unfortunately, i am sure of this, do you suspect anyone? it’s a little inappropriate to talk about this now, but it was gay, what kind of sergei? this is the one who was killed today, right? yes, that's it. tell me, how much money is missing from
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you? 11. 652,000 rub. how many we found in the car, up to a thousand. that is, it turns out that ruchkin took the money from the safe and took out its publication got into the car. and there he was attacked. what do you think about this? don't know. perhaps some bandits came to him and demanded money, so he took it from his company, yes, exactly, listen, why did you come to us, didn’t you call us? i wanted to call, but his wife immediately called me and said that sergei was killed, by the way, you want to inspect the office with the safe, we really want to, i ordered that no one should enter there, that’s good.
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yes, i know sergei, we have common things to do, three is enough, they killed him today, okay, i’m just saying, thank you, where, well, it’s not far, i saw him this morning, a few hours ago, which means he came here this morning, well... yes, he had a large sum of money with him, you didn’t tell him anything... then today they cashed out, no, today he didn’t conduct any transactions, well, he didn’t, but what was he doing here then, we just drank coffee and he left, you don’t drink a lot of coffee, i’m kidding, well, what topics we talked about, it’s no secret , of course not. it’s no secret, i was going to sell the car,
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i offered it to him, oh the car, so you want to say that ruchkin left here today without money, well, as far as i know, yes, lightly, yes, pour me some coffee, too, okay, good, now we’ll move on with you. girl, hello, hello, i’m the captain of the rydanov, inter-district homicide department, did you happen to see that guy running by , an hour ago in a black jacket, so suspicious, i don’t remember the guy, but in that yard there are teenagers hanging out, sitting on a bench, yeah, thank you very much, and that the homicide department deals with cases of minors, oh, girl, homicide the department does everything, goodbye, good luck, let's go, please, this is our common
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office, this is sergei's desk, this is my desk, well, here's the safe, you opened it, it was me, and it's empty, yes, okay, kirilka, i ’ll go talk to the employees, come on, did you touch anything there, no, there was nothing to touch there, i’ll call the criminologists, let them take off your fingers where possible. how long have you been working here? well, about five years, something like that, you knew ruchkin well, well, he is a finder, financial director, that is, as i understand it, not close we talked, no, of course, with the general, with bublyov, he’s generally a celestial being among us , he doesn’t even notice our presence, and bubryov himself had
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a relationship with ruchny, i can’t say for sure, but they seem to be friends, i’m right i understand that they don’t, in general our owner lives abroad, he comes here once a year, these of course manage everything here, but it’s not all of them, thank you, but how did ruchkin build relationships with employees, well, more or less, well, i i mean more or less close, friendly relations, did he have with someone, did he have any, with whom, let’s do this, if anything happens, i didn’t tell you anything. let me tell you, in general, he has our secretary, well, that is, as i understand it, there was a test relationship, well, you can say so, well, thank you, by the way, about your secretary, i wanted to talk to her from the very beginning, but i can’t find her , you don’t know where she is, she must be at work, of course i didn’t see her today, but look, we’ll look for her, thank you very much,
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goodbye, goodbye. i'm from the police, captain rydanov, criminal, i'm the same age as one of yours i’m looking, he lives somewhere here in your yards, and that your help is needed, well, if needed, maybe we can help, the fact is that i don’t know what he looks like, or what his name is. but how will we look, but well, there’s one detail, he has a gun, a real one, he picked it up on the street recently, no, we don’t know that, but you’re in charge here, girl, me, no, what, well, answer only for yourself, maybe someone knows, guys, no, no, i don’t know , i don’t know, you don’t know, well, okay, thank you,
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goodbye, goodbye, all the best, come. and the picture was like this, by the way, damn, his phone is off, we need to tell him that they are looking for a gun, let’s go. what a child.
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hello, you are masha, mashenka, i’m from the police, i need to talk to you, what about sergei, i still can’t believe it, you had a close relationship, we should have, we, he should have left his wife . do you think he could have taken the money from the safe? yes, what are you talking about, what kind of money, he already has enough money, enough, here you go, thank you, he was at work today, of course, we didn’t see him he didn’t take anything from the office, maybe some kind of package or package, what kind of package,
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what kind of package, he didn’t take any money, you know? this is our wonderful general, is that you? yes, why do you think so? because he plays cards all the time, loses, asked seryozha for money to play, plus the drug addict is constantly in a deranged state. so you want to say that it was buzyrov who could have taken the money from the safe, called the police and framed his colleague, right? yes, i'm sure of it. last question just sergey, you don’t know, he didn’t fight with anyone last time. he has very suspicious abrasions on his knuckles, no, i don’t know anything about that, excuse me, i have to go, hello, hello, can i have anything you
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need? sanka , and for us, why did you come, well, get out of here at the flip-flop, i quickly said, well, what is this, why shout, fir-trees, get out of here, get out of here, guys, let's go, where is he? me too, fuck off, yeah, go ahead and call me, come on now, at the slipper, what am i saying, good afternoon, what about you? what do you need, captain radanov, criminal investigation department, damn it, me
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i knew it, hey, you idiot, come here, pistol, pistol, i found it in his room today, i asked where it came from , he said, he said, he found it on the street, you see, idiot, i told you that because there will be problems with this pistol, do you have a barrel, do i already have it? who decorated you like that? fingalta, me! so, it’s clear, are we going to confiscate the gun? yes, please, now i’ll find those raised and come back, and your son needs to be interrogated. anyway, the main thing is that his brains get back into place, i’ll be back now. i really went out without a bag, it’s some kind of nonsense, he’s
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i couldn’t stuff that kind of money into their pockets, maybe he had it, you definitely need a bag, a bag, or at least some kind of package, another one came out with a bag today, the general director, bubbles, yes, he’s the one, for some reason i thought so . what do you allow yourself? well, don't lead me on. open the car. the machine doesn't work. key, you can't get away with this, okay? certainly. what a beauty. well, did you jump, clown? you won’t believe why stas mikhailov is melting before our eyes, i can only afford
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chocolate candy in the morning, like elena vorobey with i lost 13 kg at the risk of my life. don't experiment on yourself, it's fraught. when dmitry malikov walks at his daughter’s wedding. an enviable groom, our bride is also an enviable bride, by the way. is it really a granddaughter? elena koroleva feels great, we often drink wine with her, how the tv series star sergei cherkov will answer for his drunken brawl at a children's competition, everything is fine with me, everything is fine with me, he smoked on stage, lay on the floor, insulted them, you didn’t believe it or not, tomorrow immediately after the superstar show on ntv, ours. why are you complaining, so the car was stolen, a cube, task number one, these have a racer named cartoon, cartoon, you’re joking, and what can be seen is that i’m smiling, a second, where, where, seryoga,
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i can’t follow, is he the police , the fact that stealing cars is not an accident, and it’s no coincidence that this door card was recently opened, smuggling, well, yellow on white, you’re a threat to all local crime. reckless, today 22:15 on ntv, gathered your thoughts, with what thoughts, i warn you that my lawyers will grind you to dust, you forgot that you tried to rob yourself and fall on your murdered friend, so it seems to me that your... did you order? 5:25, i didn't order anyone, i was in the office all day, if you don't
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believe me, you can check. all my calls, we will definitely check that you are nervous? listen, how did you find out that ruchkin was killed? he didn’t show up at the office, his phone didn’t answer, and i called his wife, and marina told me that he had been shot, and you immediately decided to set him up to steal your own money. there was nothing i could do to help him, i decided to take advantage of the situation. in your favor, you are very enterprising, thank you, listen, i wanted to ask how you knew the exact amount that was found in the car, well , from where, from where, he personally, at my request, went to the stock exchange to cash out money, smart, you like we were friends, no, yes, we were family friends, but lately we’ve somehow grown apart, you don’t know where the handle on
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sadina’s knuckles came from, his wife doesn’t know, he probably got into a fight with someone, with you, that is you want to say that he beat his director, right? no, he beat up some guy right outside the office, said that he was following him, took photographs, sergei wanted to talk to him somehow, explain himself, but they got into a fight, and he, well, seryoga gave him a couple of times on a tambourine, i have no idea what kind of gentleman he was. sure, absolutely, yeah, okay, we'll check everything with your permission, and for now you sit, think, sergeant, you'll see the detainee, goodbye, well , i found and interrogated the guy who picked up the gun at the crime scene,
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no relation he doesn't belong to the gang for murder it has. just a random witness, it’s bad, if this pretzel turns out to be out of business, i don’t know what we should do at all, yes, i submitted the barrel for examination, maybe he will give us something encouraging, i want to eat, do you have something to chew , straws, straws, lard or sausage, you need to run to the store for lard, for bread and for sausage, can i, well, what do you have reed? olya georgivich, talked with a friend of the murdered ruchkin, arkady vetrev. and he revealed interesting facts. so, let's do everything in order. ruchkin had learned the day before that he the wife hired a private detective to follow her husband. i must say, she turned out to be a very jealous citizen. so, according to vetrov, ruchkin noticed this surveillance and decided to talk to this detective. and
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their conversation ended in a fight. here is the answer to the question: where did he get his broken knuckles, this gives us something else, call on glory , please allow me, oh, and i’m looking for you, you showed the report to merzlyakin, in the process, it’s him, yes, well, so, where are my numbers, here, but that's not all. m, well, not bad, or rather, not so bad a lot, yes, i wouldn’t say that anyone has a lot of traffic, everything is within the normal range, no, no , wait, just leave my numbers like that, okay, okay, but these are just statistics, you don’t know merzlyakin well, well, now we have two suspects for the murdered businessman, the wife of the murdered man and the director, who is also a partner, bubbles, well, the wife could have killed out of jealousy,
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and the partner, in fact, because of money, only some kind of high-profile murder among them happened, they couldn’t do it quietly, what’s wrong, it won’t load, nothing, you can’t do it in your office enter the internet, but you didn’t hear merzlekin, he arranged a check to see who goes to which sites during working hours, and i’m there, oh, come on, this is him for the report, he’s going to reprimand everyone for visiting social networks, so let him prove that this is not for operational purposes, don’t wake a sleeping dog, so i won’t wake him up, but about me... i ’ll tell you what: they could have deliberately staged such an ostentatious execution of ruchkin so that they wouldn’t think of a widow or a companion, maybe , hi, great, something urgent, no work waiting, what along the trunk that sobbing dragged, well, the prints of two people, some were the prints of the person who brought him from the crime scene, the other could not be identified. but they identified
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the owner, oh well, what a gift, a police officer, yeah, he lost it during a police raid, great, thank you, no problem. margarite found out from a friend of the murdered man that it was his own wife who was watching the hand, it turns out that he was going to leave her for a young mistress, a secretary from his office, and at the same time he really didn’t want to share the property, and the wife found out about her husband's infidelity from a private detective, the wife understands that her husband is leaving her, he is not leaving her an apartment, a car, or millions, she orders him, that's it, yes, he definitely had a motive... he needs a wife inject, i'll go get her, come on,
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will you? shut up, shut up, said, yeah, guys, they stole everything, get out of here, guys, give me the money, no one will believe me, that you will believe me, and so, hello, hello, i don’t quite
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understand why you couldn’t talk to me at home, everything i knew, i already told you, yes, the fact is that we learned that you hired a detective who was supposed to keep an eye on your husband, you didn’t tell us anything about it, but what does that have to do with it? despite the fact that you found out about your husband’s mistress, your husband’s secretary, and excuse me for this motive. no, of course you can remain silent, i understand, but i would still advise you to talk to us in a friendly way, tell it like it is, tell it, tell it, because we suspect you of finding out about your husband’s infidelity you ordered it, did i? lord, i didn't kill him, i really hired him detective, my husband has been acting very strange lately and then the detective brought me
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these photographs of the two of them, i wanted to say, show him these photographs, and then they killed him. i understand that you suspect me, i loved him, i just wanted to bring him out into the open. calm down, please, let's do this, go home, now we'll issue a written undertaking not to leave. unfortunately, yes, while the investigation is ongoing, no one will remove suspicion from you. yes, are you crazy? i didn’t kill him, i was at work that day, it could be 30. person confirm, what are you doing? don’t worry, we’ll figure it out, it’s strange,
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well, do you like it, how is it? yeah, give it here, the main thing is everything went smoothly, there was no need to take him down. it would always be like this, guys, we need to stir up a couple more topics like this, and it will be possible to fall off, sideways, maybe that’s enough, there’s already a lot of bobos, and there will be even more, so don’t be afraid, we’ll add another fatty layer, lesha, oh, what the tablet. it looks like it’s a heart attack, come on, show me, so what, if there are no visible injuries, maybe it was just a heart attack, maybe i’ll tell you for sure later, here it is
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something, hold it, listen, this is alexey, with whom we have already communicated, here is the connection for you, yes, we need to bother this zmeykin, we must, it turns out that his wife and bubbles are most likely not involved, let's go to him, especially since the stock exchange is not far away, let's go bye lesh, happily. look what we have, your business card, by the way, it was found with the corpse, and the corpse is already. second, so start talking better, listen, i don’t understand what you, about ruchkinna and krosovsky, are giving them money and then killing them? wait, i, i actually helped them cash out part of the funds, but i have nothing to do with the murders, i swear, that means that immediately before the murder, ruchkin was leaving you with a large sum of money, right? well, yes, why did you tell me that he was traveling lightly? because this is not a completely legal operation, so how can you tell when a client is killed?
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well, let's say, let's say, it's not you, then whoever is the spotter, someone from the stock exchange, what kind of spotters are there, they're all clerks, i don't know who did it, i swear, yes, lesh, hello, so, i understood you, you i'm sure, well, thank you, bye. yes, it was we who carried out this unsuccessful raid, pete sidorov was mortally wounded, and the bandits stole his pistol, we tracked this gang for several months, but everything went wrong, they opened fire, it feels like someone warned them, eventually disappeared.
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their leaders have a scythe, this is the only thing that is known for certain , why didn’t you continue to work on this case, after this unsuccessful raid i was removed, the case was transferred to another group, i don’t know anything else, the case somehow died out, i still have sketches these guys, i can give it away, although not all of them can be reliable, i’ll take everything i have, guys, really, i, guys, listen, i’m my cell in the depositary, we leave the agreed amount there. tell me, do you have any cameras, video surveillance, or i don’t know, special mirrors, something like that, do you watch your clients? no, no , of course, what are you talking about, the client’s trust is important to us, well, we need to take the order and, without attracting attention, conduct a search in the exchange building. well, yes, and i, and you are staying with us, is it not enough that you suddenly need to warn someone else? we can treat you to coffee. so, uh, here's
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a warrant to search your company's premises. yes, of course, i've already heard rumors about robberies. clients ask questions and i'm interested in understanding what's going on. i'm glad you're ready. cooperation, you see, in order not to scare off the gunner, we need access to the premises in the evening to conduct a search, but when there are no employees or visitors, yes, well, who will show you everything, well, you are aware of the events, you will show, well, in principle, yes , we will conduct a search this evening, but please do it yourself you see, you don’t need to tell anyone about this, okay, agreed.
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but i can’t allow you to search the cells, since this is the private property of third parties, we are not interested in the cells , don’t worry, okay, that’s it, it seems i found something, now i’ll decipher the signal, an image will appear. yes, vasya, where does it water from? there, from there, yeah, a classic of the genre, a camera with a wi-fi module, did you know about it? no, what is this? it turns out that someone was monitoring the depository? it turns out that maybe this someone was watching from your building, but he can’t we'll figure it out, citizen, director, you know? thank you vasya, well done, vasek, what am i saying, thanks to high
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technology, good afternoon, good afternoon, my name is losev ignak, they should have called you about me, yes, yes, your cell is already ready, let me take you to the depository, thank you. tricky, today there is a new password, but we are not fools either,
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so, there is a signal, a picture has appeared, the gunner sees the same thing as us, well done! vasilyoko, you need a lot of time to lock the receiving device, and has already been done, so, the device is in the stock exchange building, well vasilek, well done, or rather mogyosh, well, it’s about 30 seconds, come on, come on, you can do it, vasilek, come on. hello, we have a new client.
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hello, yes. what car? what kind of bag? i get it, good luck! what's happening? here is our device, the police are happening, you were burned, citizen of the bells, burned, in what? we will take your device and laptop, your accomplices are now being caught red-handed at the crime scene, but you won’t prove anything to them, we have nothing to prove and there’s no need, and everything is clear, take vasilek, everything has already been proven, the recording from surveillance cameras, the device, and the laptop, so citizen of the bells, in an amicable way, let’s get up and leave.
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don't shoot, please don't shoot, everything is fine, what do you need from me, stand, money is where, in the car, money in the car , get it, don't shoot, don't shoot, of course, of course, everything is fine, come on, come on, here, here is chimotan , take it, now, open, now, now, don’t shoot, don’t shoot, open, i said, quickly, well, handsome, that’s it, the bank refused you loan? fuck you, don't be a homie. kolokolov,
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we have plenty of material for you. the most significant thing is the pistol that your gang seized from a police officer during your raid; it will not be difficult for us to connect all these three attacks and bring very serious charges against you. our advice to you: tell us from the heart how you organized all this? i am just the organizer of the robbery, i did not order to kill anyone, i owed kosoy a large amount of money, well , i promised him that i would hand over to him those who did not report the robbery and where big guaranteed. well, who knew that he would kill people? were you not afraid that after so many robberies you would definitely be found out? i wanted to finish, but he didn’t give me the scythe, he liked the easy money, he threatened me, but what could i do? there is always a choice, firstly, you could immediately come to the police, and secondly, hand them over during our first visit, and
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now you will be held accountable to the fullest extent, i want to express my gratitude to the employees of the department for promptly uncovering a series of high-profile crimes. comrade general, may i? come in, have you finally prepared the report? yes of course. here, may i go? no, wait, who will decipher it? come on, so this is the last name, here is a list of the main sites, and this is the total amount of traffic used. yeah, who's our leader here? oh, look, three times more than others, i’ll deduct it from the salary, and where is the last name, here it is, comrade general, that’s my last name, that’s right, comrade general, judging by the countdown, you have the highest
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traffic, here here is a list of sites, site he knows, so vasily, you didn’t see this, and you didn’t bring me a report, understand? got it, comrade general, now go. that's right, bad idea. it’s time for me, well, it’s time, so go, really, it’s time, you
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know, i would stay if i could, thank you for understanding. olya, wait. olya, i can’t do this anymore, vitya, don’t torment me, please, you think it’s easy for me, well, you can’t do it yourself, i’ll go with you, i’ll talk to him myself, no, how long are you
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going to break this comedy, how long do i have to go? wait, i'll break up with him, i promised, you see, he’s going through a difficult period now , do you love him, god, what does it have to do with it, i ask, do you love him, no, i love you, what did you do to me there in the house at eight? everyone needs this elevator, you're going to break it for me, excuse me, we're now, what are you apologizing for, i didn't notice , we're talking, talk at home, i 'll call the police now, i 'll break your legs now, get out of here, what if you today you can’t tell your husband everything, tomorrow i will do it, i’m not kidding, so i’ll call now, okay, today, today.
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maxim - it's me, i, i stayed at katya's.


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