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tv   Chudo tekhniki  NTV  November 26, 2023 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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so. it turns out that while practicing artificial respiration skills, students put their mouths to the mouth of a french drowned woman. the story is this: one day the founder of a norwegian toy factory could not save his drowned son and decided to make a device for training first aid skills. choosing the doll's appearance, he remembered the plaster figurine on his grandmother's shelf. this figurine had the face of a 21st century girl. drowned in hay, this is how the first dummy appeared, which is still used today, but modern versions of simulators for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, have of course become more functional, when providing medical assistance to a person, you can simply harm a person, the simplest thing is to damage the ribs, which will lead to the pulmonary structure, here it is not necessary for students to be with someone, with a teacher or with another student, he
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followed for the adequacy of the tax, because all this is recorded, compression depth, frequency, depth of breaths, everything is displayed on the monitor, not all doctors need full-length models, for example, anestheologists half the body is enough to learn how to intubate, insert a flexible plastic tube into the trachea when you need to ensure breathing, the procedure is very..." simple, resident yuri actually knows how to do it, but he demonstrates mistakes for us. oh, yura, what happened to us? hello, dentist. the patient has expensive implants, and a two-stage implantation. traction should be in what direction? no, this, upward forward at an angle of 45°. but broken teeth are not the worst consequence. improper
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intubation, much worse if the anesthesiologist the tube will not enter the trachea, but the esophagus. yes, this happens too, a typical mistake of an anesthetologist, but why did it happen, well, i didn’t see it, it turns out, i didn’t lift it up and far, i went far, it won’t ventilate normally, this patient, right? he will have hypoxia, he will simply die without ventilation. there are now entire simulation centers where they create conditions... as close as possible, even in all materials and instruments, to a real operating room; according to doctors, a modern mannequin imitates a person even better than the classic assistant of the future doctor, a corpse, he still has unnaturally dense tissue, his first intubation of a real patient, an anesthetologist-resuscitator with thirty years of experience, valeria valetova recalls with horror, besides me there were no other doctors in the department and... it was necessary to do
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what was before i did this, well, in the morgue on corpses, but this is one thing, on a living person who is breathing, who is moving, and i need to quickly perform these actions in 20 seconds, it was really, really very difficult, i was really all wet and most importantly so that after as soon as everything was successfully completed, i went out into the corridor, not only my knees were trembling, my feet were even getting more expensive, the first operation was not easy either... it is difficult for doctors of this specialty at its modern level with endoscopic approaches through minimal incisions and other things to train dead, too much equipment would have to be transferred to the morgue, and learning to work almost blindly is somehow necessary, so imagination and skillful hands went into action, we took a plastic box large enough, drilled holes in it and took the used tools. with
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using tools, looking at the web camera, we tried to do something, it puts your hand , it’s an opportunity to understand how you can sew, which way to turn your hand, because you turn it to the right, on the camera it goes to the left, by the way, despite now with sixteen years of surgical experience, ivan still uses a simulator, only a modern one, on it he learns to apply new types of sutures, learned from more experienced doctors. there are more serious devices: simulator stands and mannequins that allow you to feel what an operation is like. on the internal organs, when doctors cannot feel the tissue with their hands, they see all their manipulations only through the monitor, there are no internal organs there, but the system of magnets allows us to navigate in space to feel this or that anatomical structure in order to teach nurses, now also... silicone
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grandmothers and grandfathers, seemingly simple procedures are practiced on them, how to properly feed a person with arms weakened due to illness, how to apply a tanometer cuff? or wash without damaging thin skin. mannequin we are we can use it to practice hygienic manipulations, because doing this in public is not always comfortable. people, unlike mannequins, cannot give birth several times a day, but these patients are able to give birth to doll babies at any time. oh victoria, look, your baby is here, congratulations. now let's cut the umbilical cord. they also produce silicone newborns so that neonatologists learn how to resuscitate tiny patients, connect them to ventilators and do ecgs. slightly older mannequins move their eyes and can even
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react to the administered drug. this is all a real miracle, which allows novice doctors to accomplish the inevitable and even necessary for gaining experience. future doctors still need a lot of work to learn how to heal and not harm, but dolls help them with this, and in a completely real way. checks, the miracle of technology always has a news section on air. top five messages that i personally found most interesting this week. we start from fifth position. cats will now reveal criminals. wool learned to identify, determining its
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belonging to a specific animal. the problem has always been that hairs contain almost no dna. and we must be content only with molecules of the so-called mitochondrial type, moreover. in fragments, which further complicates the analysis, but scientists from the british university of leicester have created a method that has increased the accuracy of identification by 10 times, and now, even if a thief or murderer did not leave his dna at the crime scene, a hair from someone living in his home can give him away cats, from it’s almost impossible to get rid of fur on clothes completely; if you regularly come into contact with this frequently shedding animal, journalists are already joking that a cat: in a sense, can turn into a rat for its owners. this is a miracle of technology, later in our issue. florariums, phytowalls, coffee tables with flower beds. the most difficult thing is to form a ball of earth. how can you now place
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flowers at home in an unusual way? miracles: a heater with nanotubes. he promises to reduce heating costs several times. about 7,000 rubles. warms well, we compared with more familiar models, as well as the best discoveries and inventions from all over the planet, the most interesting is yet to come, feel the innovation , go to the editor, sberbank has a special attitude towards pensioners, for us a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, to please yourself more often: in pharmacies, to take care of yourself, a discount on a loan, to buy something you have long dreamed of, transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch and get special, favorable conditions, there
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the hearth burns for me, like an eternal sign, forget. this is the first avatar who brought us to the brink, this is the last step, only one person can sing it like this today, thank you very much for the momer, avatar show - new season, today 20:20 on ntv. bolobal, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. subscribe to... music for 0 rubles for 3 months vk-music , well, debts on credit cards are hanging, interest is dripping , you need a loan, take out credit cards, transfer debts to a loan, divide them into 24 months, conveniently pay them off, shop or get rid of debts on credit cards, easy with holwa, here are our
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girls, twin dragons - a great idea... thank you, calmly, it’s hard not to notice our people. be sure where your loved ones are. geolocator and other security, communication and entertainment services in the subscription are all for the family. first month under. connect, undress , we have been found, on your side, the beginning of a new era, embodiment into perfection, harmony of form and content, rapid movement of lines, bewitching play of light, energy and power. exider x art of technology. if you have a hobby, come to ok. in the hobby service you can see what others have done to find
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inspiration, and if something went wrong in the process, you can ask questions, immediately read the experts’ answers and choose the one that suits you, share your hobbies, receive recognition from like-minded people from 40 million passionate people, everything about your hobbies on oogru. i will teach you to love the street. rub, come on, don’t forget, our first evening, don’t forget, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, watch noving, what’s up , magic cashback, up to 30% cashback on marketplaces and supermarkets with a gazprom bank debit card, alice, turn on the timer by 5 minutes, she will hear your voice, even if the environment is noisy, set the timer, alice, turn on the music, turn it on, for her too. like what you like, louder, new yandexstations, your favorite smart speaker with alice, 60% on
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everything, more important than words, with love falcons, new nazi buildings - this is a huge selection of profitable offers from reliable residential buildings, call the developer directly from the application, subscribe the mix from tele-2 empowers every subscriber, the time to subscribe is most favorable, by the end of the year subscriptions will include free music, gigabytes, movies, the choice is yours, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply, we’re at sofkombank, we take out loans , and good quickly, we’re at sovok bank, up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, meet jenya from china, daria from russia and tina from mali , they want to create a future in which there is a lot. the basis of unity and they need like-minded people, take part in the world youth festival,
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register for fest, let's start the future together, boldly forward, work forward! this is a miracle of technology, i am sergei malozyomov! we are rising higher in our hit parade of news from the world of science and technology. what's on fourth line? planet earth faces destruction in just 29,000 years. these were the recent statements of astronomers who analyzed the behavior of one of the wandering white dwarf stars numbered 0810-353. according to their forecasts, it was supposed to pass so close to us that it would provoke a stream of asteroids and comets.
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the consequence is a planetary catastrophe, at least the same as the one that killed the dinosaurs. but now the alarm is lifted. astronomers from the southern european observatory checked everything and found an error in the previous analysis. he did not take into account the magnetic field of the star. we can breathe easy for our descendants. the white dwarf will fly at a safe distance from them. houseplants, as we know from our own experience and from scientific research, decorate the interior, purify the air, and fight stress. lately , a lot of interesting ideas have appeared on how to unusually place them in the house, take a look, maybe you will is there anything you’ll like with your cactus when there’s a snowstorm outside and you really want some summer warmth, like a picnic on the grass? please, here are designs for office, coffee and even
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dining tables with flower beds built into the legs and table top. there is already a flower garden coffee table on real sale abroad, for about 80,000 rubles with our money. domestic manufacturers offer just such a concrete table with plants from 100,000 rubles. plants could be placed on it. like flowers, let’s say , onions, well, microgreens, and so on, the service life of these tables is about 200 years, such furniture can... be built with lighting, automatic watering and even heating so that the plants do not freeze, but this is of course for large country house, what to do in a small apartment, where sometimes there are not even window sills, the solution could be, for example, phytowalls and floating shelves, we came up with the idea that we can hang this from the ceiling
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higher so that it does not take up space, and accordingly there is also a small child who can knock over all these pots, and the beauty, alas, will disappear. they can be attached to the ceiling, walls or window sill. the kit includes special buckets or pallets with cables or clamps. price starts from 1,800 rub. you can also buy a roof rail for 2,500 to add greenery to the entire window space. there are also somewhat controversial options for 350 rubles. they hold plants with their roots facing up. just takes it off for watering. turns over, waters and hangs back, but i can’t say whether this plant is useful or not , the plant is very adaptable, in general , if a person is also turned upside down, but this is probably not very good, the phytowall will be more expensive, one square meter will cost on average 7,200, for this money companies provide wall modules, unique
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pots, which can also be supplemented with automatic watering, are already from 8,000 per square, plants must be selected separately and this is the most important element of success. when we take pets or get indoor plants, we must remember that they are living beings just like us, and accordingly , optimally select for them those living conditions that will provoke their growth, and not survival. living walls with the right selection of plants look very impressive , which is why they are so often used in offices and restaurants, but it is worth remembering that greenery is for health and beauty requires regular care, at least once every two weeks. cleaning from dry leaves, that is, making sure that there are no bugs or spiders, spraying them with vitamins, we made the wall in the nineteenth year, and after the nineteenth year we changed different plants two more times, that is, at first there was a very beautiful drawing,
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but the plants did not everything takes root, you can take care of the phytowall yourself, instructions, but it is more reliable, of course, to resort to the services of landscaping companies. the service price starts from 1,500 rubles per square meter in month, and you definitely can’t do without professionals when it comes to complex projects, for example, when a living wall turns into an entire ecosystem, with watering from an aquarium with fish. all waste products of animals contain nutrients for plants, field plants, we feed them with water from the aquarium, it’s a very complex system, but nevertheless, in the end it’s more autonomous, universal, as it turns out, a small biotope with one dozen plants will cost 30,000 rubles, and the price for large projects with lush greenery and multi-ton aquariums reach several million. however, there is also a service for short-term
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rental of living walls, for example, for a holiday, it costs from 16,000 rubles per square meter. kakidamas, which came into fashion several years ago, are often rented for events. hanging balls made of japanese peat, where plants are planted, look like sets for science fiction films. the cost of such beauty starts from 1,300 rubles. evgenia kapitonova wrote her thesis about this in phytoart and today they teach it in their courses. the hardest part is to form a ball, that is. first make this ball of earth, that is, roughly speaking, like pottery, in general, kokidama can, in addition to being placed somewhere, also be hung, thereby saving space on the windowsill or in general in an apartment, midges do not grow in such a composition , because, in principle, there is no access to soil, an alternative to boring pots can
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be florariums, glass containers for growing plants, the most budget kit for creating them will cost ' per set sitolamps are often included, allowing you to place a green island in the dark corners of the apartment, our correspondent, lena rubtsova, tried to make a florarium with her own hands, it all starts with filling the soil baked for disinfection, on which a composition of stones is placed, then the grown in the laboratory is planted in a special gel, plant culture, and this gel must be washed off, because if it gets into a non-sterile environment... this gel becomes food for fungi and bacteria, i myself i feel like in a sushi restaurant, and like in a sushi restaurant, everything is falling out of me, something is going to grow with its roots upward, apparently, you can just lay the roots under the moss, then they will figure it out on their own, then
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we cover it with a lid, the lids are such a special thing, it’s not just made for beauty , it’s to collect condensation, it looks as appetizing as possible, as if japanese algae were eating on black caviar, it’s important to remember that in the aflorarium, due to its closed nature, there will be high humidity, it will only be suitable moisture-loving plants, cacti and... ribbons, which are often planted there by mistake, can simply rot, but if you approach them with skill, you can really achieve such beauty as blogger ekaterina kuznetsova, she already keeps almost a thousand plants at home, i i bring cuttings from all my travels, that is, these plants then live with me for years, reminding me that i was there in egypt then, for example, i picked a bibiscus cutting and it is blooming now, in the video it all looks like a green massif . well, something like that, this is live every single plant is visible, and it ’s really impressive; ekaterina’s flowers grow in a photo wall, in aflorariums, in
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home beds and wooden shelving. thanks to their compact location, caring for them only takes about an hour a week. the experimental blogger is also exploring new growing methods. many people think that aquariums contain only algae. actually no, these are also flowering plants, flowering, flowering. who simply live in the water or in the coastal zone. i tried growing air plants, there are plants, which do not require land at all. as you can see, in the 21st century you can not be limited to giranya and tradition, and even if you have little space, it’s enough to turn on your imagination, learn to recognize people, then your home will find something new, even better, relieving stress and delighting with comfort. you are looking at a miracle of technology. and this is what will happen after a short advertisement. miracle category: a heater with nanotubes promises to cut costs by two to four times and
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eliminate the danger of fire burns. we have arranged a series of tests and are ready to tell you whether it is a miracle or not. and also the most amazing discoveries and inventions: leaders of the weekly news hit parade. this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not only that, methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the methane engine works perfectly, installation of equipment within the framework of the national project fuel, i also converted my car to methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose eco-gas, refuel at gazprom stations, especially close to the body... with in the yard of the chocolate king, i am not a litter, you are
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a litter, exactly how this secret guy from the maidan spins and believes in coups d’etat in ukraine. and how is she preparing maidan 3 against the people right now? the secret bloody bareni of ukraine today at 6 pm on ntv, avatar show new season, today at 20:20 on ntv, we take loans, easy to apply for, we are at sofcom bank, we take loans, and good quickly, we are at sofcom bank up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, subscribe to vka. music for 0 rub for 3 months vk music almighty black friday
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maximum discounts smart speaker yandex stationlay with alice for only 4.399 in mvideo and eldorado, i’m in the dungeon, and i’m in the hole, and we’re in the elevator, and we’re waiting for you, not a second without each other, this is a continuous connection, like the reliable mobile internet of billine for continuous communication with loved ones. belaine is on your side. sportmaster has black spots. discounts up to 70% on clothes and shoes of your favorite brands or pick up a promo code in the app for a 25% discount and use it even on goods without a discount, what a magic cashback, with a gazprom bank debit card cashback up to 30% to marketplaces and supermarkets. tele2 presents. subscription mix from tele-2 gives power to each subscriber, choose services that are relevant to the moment. the time to subscribe is most favorable; until the end of the year , mix subscription will be free for everyone. every month you can set up a subscription for yourself, music.
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gigabytes of cinema, choose what should be in it, mix subscription is free until the end of the year, a cold knocks you out of the usual rhythm , mom, we’re already on our way, contact, the active ingredient is active in 10 minutes, a cold is not included in our plans, contact, the beginning of a new era, embodiment into perfection, harmony of form and content, rapid movement of lines, bewitching play of light, energy and power. exyder x art of technology. do you have a hobby? go to vok. in the hobby service, you can see what others have done and find inspiration by choosing what you like. and if something goes wrong, you can ask questions and immediately
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read the expert’s answers. share your hobbies and get recognition from like-minded people from 40 million passionate people, everything about your hobbies on ok. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? you need halva, take out credit cards, transfer debts to holva, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with halva. this city, it is like a place of power for me, and i am with this city... as if forever for the anniversary of vladimir moshkov, but here the inscriptions were many, many similar, how can you not love the theater in such a theater? how are you doing great good black raven, you know black raven everything is a failure of generations. it's unbearable for
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a feeling person, my joy, can you have a second, we recruited the best of 3,000 people, you will become famous, you can’t go out, you have to fry it straight, he’s so cool, on the side of feelings, premiere, tomorrow on vladimir moshkov’s birthday at 22:15 on ntv, are you coming soon? i'm already on my way, boldly forward.
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and now i will lead the lada vesta boldly forward. good morning, this is a miracle of technology and i am sergei malozyomov. right now it is in third place in the selection of the five most interesting scientific and technological news of the week. lasers that should wake up those who fall asleep drivers started using steering wheel in china. the system is fixed. signs and at night creates bright colored stripes over highways. in fact, social networks have already begun to argue whether it will be dangerous to dazzle or distract drivers, and someone wrote that they will still fall asleep as soon as they get used to the new show. and now our section is miracle products, in which we check, including what you ask for. send me via social networks links to devices whose advertising you think is too much. and
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we will definitely test them, that’s what will happen today a house in buryatia burned down due to things falling on a heater, and users of these devices often complain that they give them headaches and they burn too much electricity. a new product, seemingly devoid of such shortcomings, is being offered by manufacturers of inertia-free, as they call it, heating systems. this is a porcelain stoneware slab in a metal casing. hangs on the wall and has several design options. price depending on size from 14 to 22,000 rubles. the most interesting thing is that a graphene-polymer is declared as a heating element. composition with nanotubes. it allows you to reduce monthly payments by two to four times, and there is no danger of burns or fire. the surface temperature does not exceed 85°. it sounds promising that the system has succeeded.
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fans will appear, so in the house of mikhail ivanov in the tula region, heaters with nanotubes have been creating a cozy atmosphere for 3 years already, there is no gas, heating is either wood or electric, with wood i was a little afraid to make a fireplace or stove here, because after all, it’s a wooden house i didn’t want a frame one. mikhail says that i really feel the promised savings, in winter the whole house is heated with these panels, well, even at a temperature of -20-25 per month, this is about 7,000 rubles, which is of course much less than... if these were convectors or other heating systems. this house has nine heating panels with a power of 500 and 300 watts. mikhail also bought additional thermostats with sensors and now controls the climate from his smartphone. all this
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inspires optimism. but what happens if , armed with the instruments, you meticulously compare the new heater with the usual ones? together with blogger specializing in climate technology danil melnichenko, we will conduct an experiment in the house. for a holiday in the moscow region , we install different heaters in three identical rooms: a regular electric convector for 13,100 rubles, an infrared one for 7,200, our candidate for a miracle sticker measuring 60x60 cm for 13,000. all devices are designed for heating at standard ceiling heights of up to 10 km. there are about eight in our premises. it's 5°c outside, the rooms are specially cooled almost... the changes will be recorded thermohygrometers, and for clarity, we will place ice figures in each room. usually the nose becomes wet from the cold, but for us it will be the opposite, from the heat. let’s leave
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the heaters to work, and in the meantime we’ll analyze the manufacturer’s promise from a scientific point of view. physics professor konstantin katin first of all drew attention to the confusion on the site; it mentions either graphite or graphene, but these are completely different materials, albeit consisting only of carbon atoms. unlike graphite, graphene is a very thin material, it is a film that has a thickness only one atomic layer, that is, to get the thickness of graphene, you need to cut an ordinary sheet of paper into a million even thinner sheets. the graphene material itself is quite flexible, it can be bent, but if it is rolled up into a cylinder, you get a nanotube, this nanotube has great rigidity, the thermal conductivity of graphene is 25 times higher than that of graphite, but it also makes it more expensive, a representative of the manufacturer’s company, evgeniy gentar explains that this heating black layer contains a whole mixture of nanotubes, so that
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more efficient and cheaper. we have carbon nanotubes and such and such, our composition gives us the efficiency we need, despite the fact that the production of multilayer graphite nanotubes is much simpler and cheaper. it’s just a question - as if a question of saving, so that the device does not cost like a spaceship , like but all this works; two contacts are connected to the applied layer, through which current is supplied. carbon nanotubes have high resistance, so they heat up and transfer heat to the porcelain slab, which slowly releases him into the room. this system, according to evgeniy, allowed the heater to achieve an efficiency of more than 99%. however, this loud statement did not delight our expert. the efficiency of a heater is generally a rather speculative concept. we know that if we have, for example, an electric motor, then we can only use part of the electrical energy for movement, and the rest
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goes into heat. and when we have a heater, that's our goal, so that the energy turns into heat. therefore, in this regard any heater has a very high efficiency. to put it simply, in any electric heating system... the energy has nowhere to go except to be converted into heat and infrared radiation, so the efficiency of all electric heaters is high. but why do they work so differently? let's return to the holiday houses, where we installed three types of heating devices. everyone worked for an hour and a half. together with the blogger who reviews climate technology, danil melnichenko, we check how the temperature in the rooms has changed. initially, it was about 12° everywhere. first, danil enters the bedroom with electricity. a convector, it works simply: cold air is drawn in from below, passes through the heating element and returns warm to the room.
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the temperature of the bed walls is about thirty, on the surface of the device itself is more than forty, the icy nose started to run, the air warmed up noticeably, here our temperature is 26, in principle, what should have been expected, because we used the most progressive heater to heat this house. the humidity here is only about 38%, but it was 50. experts recommend keep it in the range of 40 to 60 to avoid symptoms of fatigue, dry eyes and respiratory tract. in a room with an infrared panel for 7,200 rubles, there is also air. warmed up to almost 26°. humidity is around 40%. the wall temperature is 36, the bed is 32. but the surface of the heater itself is heated to almost 250. to prevent a person from getting burned, such devices are usually hung on the ceiling. but the test subject with nanotubes seems to have left himself with an icy nose. the figurine melted more slowly, and the air temperature turned out to be significantly lower than in competitors' rooms. let's see. what our electronic external thermo-hygrometer shows is 17.2, relative humidity level is 53.5%.
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this is normal, for this temperature, this is absolutely normal, the temperature has not increased very much, but in principle, what could you expect from 300 watts. the declared power of this model is five times less than that of the convector, 1,500 watts, almost seven times that of the infrared one - 2,000. of course, such a device will help save on costs, but at what cost? wall and bed temperature 19°. air in the room warmed up by only 5°, others had 14. the research conclusions that the manufacturers gave us also did not impress our experts. one, for example, compares some of the thermal performance of a nanotube heater with a swedish infrared device. and at the end of this conclusion, the experts point out that they cannot clearly establish that in terms of consumer properties one of the heaters is better than the other. as for the second one.
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this heater is simply being tested here and it is not compared with some analogues. i think that there are many analogues that are comparable in consumer properties to this heater. the physicist considers the idea of ​​using carbon nanotubes as a heating element to be quite good, but he has not yet seen evidence of any advantages in practice, although the safety must be admitted to be in order, we have checked it. 7 o'clock. there were various clothes lying on the working panel; they remained intact, no smoke, no fire. the temperature of the open surface of the heater, as stated, did not exceed 85°, although under the fabric there were already about 90. in general, we see that this device works, but hardly has magical properties. in our tests, surprisingly, the heater with carbon nanotubes did not show anything. it achieves electricity savings simply due to low power and this... no matter how magnificent the advertising may be, it’s not a miracle,
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next week we’ll conduct a new series of tests, honestly, because we ourselves are interested, you ’re looking at a miracle of technology, that’s the news i, sergey malozyomov placed in second place, this week's hit parade of discoveries and inventions, turn a simple water bottle into a device. with many useful functions - the company from california promises. she created a lid that has a button to pressurize the inside of the container. and then you can turn the spout to one of three positions: a stream, to, for example, knock dirt off your shoes , a splash, which will allow you to wash your hands, food or just drink, and a mist, which will be useful to cool your face and hands, the planned price is $25. feel it. taste of real coffee
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a compact coffee machine from the innovative brand red, an automatic cappuccino maker and a 19-bar italian pump will reveal the full taste of the aroma of coffee, and touch controls will make choosing the size, portion and type of coffee drink as simple as possible, charge yourself with a good mood for the whole day, see the finale of our issue: traditional popular science quiz question and the top five of the world's hottest science and technology news, what did we find most interesting this week? descend to a depth of 300 m. look at russia from the altitude of satellite flight, feel the cold of permafrost, share the joy of sporting victories of scientific discoveries, be at home, take an unusual virtual journey millions of years and thousands of kilometers long, in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition russia moscow from 4 2023 to 12 april
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2024 domclick real estate service is number one in terms of the number of advertisements for the sale of apartments. today we will be reassembling the kitchen and living room in some kind of classic modern classic something like that and salad fresh summer greens, yes, they charge you with energy and vitamins, and we will definitely use this color in the interior. the atmosphere will definitely change, it will be more flying here. eternal summer, the dacha answer adds freshness and warmth to the living room kitchen. of course, we played with color, but in general, the interior cannot be called flashy, it is calm and evocative. a feeling of peace, a feeling of comfort, a dacha response, today at 12:00 on ntv. bolobal, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, well, credit card debts are accruing interest, you need a handyman, you take out credit cards, you transfer your debts to kholva, divide them into 24
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the developer directly from the application. i'll teach you to love the street, cut it, come on. don’t forget, our first evening, don’t forget, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, look at wink, we take out loans , it’s easy to apply for, we’re in a softconk, we take out loans, and good quickly, we’re in a private bank, up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, balobal, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on... tv. attention, don't miss the best offer of the season. luxurious hat made of natural fur: a winter fairy tale. unprecedented at a low price - only 990 rubles. the thick, soft fur of a rex rabbit provides excellent warmth in the cold, is practical and durable, and will retain its shiny texture for a long time. the knitted-wool
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base made from natural fibers does not cause irritation to the skin and has increased hygroscopicity. the winter's tale hat is presented. in three classic colors: black, gray and elegant stripe. special processing gives the fur an amazing, noble shine. we offer a luxurious hat made of natural fur: winter's tale for only 990 rubles. this is the best offer of the season. call to order a hat made of natural fur: winter's tale at an unbeatable price, for only 990 rubles. one size fits all and three colors to choose from. hurry up, offer is limited. avatar show new season, today at 20:20 on ntv , what kind of cheese did you make yesterday, i detained two thieves of state property, you shouted, stop, i’ll shoot, i’m on instincts, let’s somehow restrain your instincts, your word is law for
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me, you have more ass, what, hey, what’s the matter , there are those same ones, the wrong person was detained, but that’s your opinion, dalobal , new season, we'll go to prison, premiere, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, working with qualified investors, we at bcs understand that professionals value a unique solution and a first-class, modern platform for managing your capital, go to bcs and get more, this video lasts 20 seconds, it would seem so little, but not for arvi viruses, once they enter the body, they begin to multiply, time works against us, but there is orbidol, it prevents the fusion of the virus with the cell, and the mechanism of virus reproduction is disrupted.
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orbitok is ready to fight influenza viruses and other acute respiratory infections. molly the raccoon is a curious predator, carefully monitoring how food is prepared for her on the stove. from below, of course, you can’t see anything, but you can’t fool your sense of smell. molly, will you have lunch? it’s interesting, but before it comes into the stove, gas already manages to do some work; it produces electricity, almost out of nowhere, having traveled a long way through main gas pipelines, the fuel ends up at the gas distribution station of the grs. here the pressure is reduced to supply homes, and in doing so , some of the energy that can be released is released. these shots show a joyful moment for fans and the team. the zenit football club became
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the champion of russia for the tenth time. pay attention to the confetti machine. it pushes the ribbons into the sky using compressed air under a pressure of about eight atmospheres, which is several times more, than in a car tire. an excellent example of how gas, thanks to engineering, can produce additional useful energy. energy. this is about the same as if we decided to lower the pressure in a children's balloon, we can simply release the air, or we can let it work, and natural gas, before getting to its main place of service in a boiler or stove, has time to work hard. expanding, it rotates the turbine blades, and thereby generates
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electricity; a special device works for this turbodither unit, one of the technological elements of a gas distribution station, for example, here, in stary oskol, belgorod region , the gas pressure inside decreases, and it expands in order to go to consumers with the necessary parameters, and the released energy generates a current. a similar unit, but much smaller in size, is, for example, in the moscow region, here it generates electricity for the needs of the station itself. the operation of this installation is called energy efficient due to the fact that it produces additional energy, that is, the turboexpander , lowering the pressure from the main pressure to the distribution one, also generates electricity in parallel. so the station had its own source of electricity with a capacity of 3 kw. but... the installation in stary oskol is capable of more. it passes almost 188,000 cubic meters of gas per hour and its power is already 4 mw. this is enough,
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for example, to supply electricity to approximately 250 households. and most importantly , electricity is generated without any emissions, preserving the health of our planet. and what now? the news feed about science and technology was the one that most impressed me this week. first place in our hit parade. an amazing experiment in constructing living organisms was carried out by scientists from china. they created a monkey, 2/3 of whose cells have the ability to glow. this effect in itself was not an end in itself. it’s just that the researchers were convinced that the experiment with the incorporation of aliens into embryos was a success. cells, they were introduced at the early stages of development, when the immune system does not reject foreign and allows the formation of a so-called chimera,
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an organism made up of genetically different parts, this can be useful for creating animals with organs suitable for transplantation to humans. artificial intelligence is finding new areas of application, for example, mastering the profession of an ecologist, with the help of neural network algorithms, a scientist from a higher school of economics can now predict how harmful substances are distributed in the air of megacities. when we provide this convenient tool for city services monitoring, they can notice much faster a certain level of excess and prevent it, and accordingly, predict what will happen, for example, the next day, and accordingly somehow control the company’s technological processes. a new monitoring system was developed at the federal research center of the higher school of economics. artificial intelligence of the national project digital economy. how does it work? with the help of weather stations, as well as instruments
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installed on city streets, scientists collect data on atmospheric pressure, temperature, wind speed, humidity. take into account the terrain and wind direction. all these parameters enter the system and help artificial intelligence calculate in which direction and at what speed harmful emissions from enterprises or car exhaust gases will move. from busy roads. and the second task is the actual work, let’s say debriefing with finding out where this emission came from, what led to its occurrence? this is the reverse a task where, using the existing trajectory, we calculate what the most probable point, the source of this emission was. roughly speaking, if we have several enterprises, then we can, again with a greater probability, find the real culprit of this release and work with this enterprise. testing of the system’s capabilities is already being carried out in moscow , novosibirsk, perm and chelyabinsk, in the future , as scientists suggest, their forecasts will
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also help people with respiratory diseases, they will receive more accurate information about at what hours of the next day in what area is it better for them to spend less time in the open air. watch next week at the same time: the magic of lasers, how they help restore hearing, paint pictures , show movies, how all this is explained , saunas in the apartment, who, why and with what consequences builds this in the bathroom, hallway and even in the living room, and also in... gas injections, does this procedure really help remove circles under the eyes, rejuvenate , make you slimmer, is it a miracle or not a miracle, and now the weekly question is on your screens quiz, just test yourself or answer by reading the qr code with your smartphone and following the link, choose the correct
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answer and win one of my books, which contain a lot of interesting things... scientific discoveries, about healthy food, safe life, health promotion, eating delicious recipes, winners are determined every month, among those who gave at least one correct answer, and the more hits, the higher the chances, drawings and discussions of the correct answers on the pages of our program in popular social networks, and for those who win, we are here or we'll call, so don't forget to enter your phone number after you answer, voting is over, the correct answer is on your screens, thanks to everyone who participated, next question in a week.
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for headaches there is askafenp, at an affordable price. and askafen ultra with an enhanced composition to combat headaches and migraines. askafen - when you have a headache. hello everyone, this is a dacha answer, i’m ilya zapadenet. today we will be reassembling the kitchen and living room. now there is a feeling that this interior designer was assembled without instructions. table steps on the heel of the sofa, next to the door to the bathroom, two walls of windows and it seems that there is only enough space here for furniture. we will add logic and functionality to the space, and... most importantly, the atmosphere of an eternal, carefree warm summer will appear here, masya is eager to fight, let me, let me play, let’s get more serious, the weekend holidays of the original sarafan family are usually sporty like this, fun and loud. alexey andreevich is 80 this year, let
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’s stop laughing, whether we’re playing or not, we’re playing, we have no time for jokes here. but the children still you have to try to beat back his serves, the children also do twists, he himself did everything, boxing, handball , cross-country skiing, and the children and grandchildren turned out to be athletic, everyone likes to spend time actively, on weekdays, when the younger ones go to work or study , albina timofeevna and alexey andreevich are not bored, in the yard there are flower beds, fruit trees and a greenhouse with cucumbers of different varieties, look down there again, do you see it to the right? no, i don’t see, this one, yes, they’ve been together for 51 years, and their paths crossed on the railroad, i worked as a station attendant, and he was a driver, or even an assistant driver, i had a driver, let me introduce you to wat, i didn’t know such nuances, a matchmaker, a year later they got married, two daughters were born in the marriage, katya and sveta, in in eighty-six , the family received the coveted eight acres, we
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had nine huge, huge birch trees... this was our plot, we collected mushrooms here for the first year. first they built a temporary shelter, now in its place there is a summer kitchen and a bathhouse, and they helped the parents rebuild this two-story house already grown children and son-in-law. katya and i did this with our own hands; we bought shields and sanded them into the top layer to create such a relief structure. when he was at the exhibition, he saw how to age wood, he really liked this process, and he became interested and decided to make a cabinet, panels like this. we made two bathrooms, one on the second floor in the form of a telephone booth. the door was without these jumpers, they glued it to the glass themselves, i also wanted to write the phone number there, but somehow i didn’t get around to it, give me this one we can hang the picture, here it is in a frame, i think it will look good. ekaterina is a merchandising specialist by training, she worked in textiles and clothing for many years, and at home she is the main family designer. sergei is her husband, a mechanical engineer, at the dacha construction
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delter. here, take a closer look at everything. their son artyom is a student, studying to become a design engineer. eighteen-year-old varia fulfilled her mother’s once unrealized dream. this year i entered the faculty of architecture. where. probably in the eighth grade, i said that i would finish artist and i will never pick up a pencil again, i deceived, so in my opinion, it’s normal , no, now it will be beautiful, svetlana, like her older sister, graduated from plikhanovka, works in show business, organizes concerts, acts as a sushef ekaterina, so will you cut it with us then, or should it be smaller, no, in halves , so that it’s nice, so i ’ll prepare the egg for now, okay, will you, no? you will, well , as you wish, the aroma of home-baked goods attracts the whole family like a magnet, but here you have to jostle, well, here you are there's always such fuss in tight spaces, right?
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well, yes, as you can see, there are not enough places for seven , after all, when we were little, there seemed to be nothing, when we grew up, friends come, usually 25-30 people gather here, and when in this living room here, when everyone they come here, it just turns out to be a huge bunch of people, like in a go club you somehow gather at one common table? rarely, rarely, we usually push it out here a little, because it’s already quite cramped for seven people to sit here, the only one who feels comfortable here and has found a place for himself is the cat, that's who doesn't need any changes, it's the cat, in the living rooms, how do you spend time here, watching tv, watching tv, half the people are sitting here, some are sitting behind at the table, and also a large fireplace, how often do you use it? in winter almost every day, it’s like here - and how warm it is here in general in winter it’s cold from under the floor it blows 16° here you don’t rise anymore 16° in winter and you stay here together in winter of course there’s fresh air, i’d like it
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it’s probably more comfortable, yes, of course, the door to the bathroom is next to the kitchen, how convenient is it? it’s generally inconvenient to have to go to the second floor, especially when guests arrive ; many people feel very uncomfortable; in our dreams, we have designers who will remove this bathtub somewhere, maybe change places, like... then they can, but this is so, these are the boldest, wildest dreams, it would be cool, probably , to make floor-to-ceiling windows, or even probably some kind of exit to the street, to go out into the street, you have to go through three doors, but i would like with in the morning with a cup of coffee, go out immediately in slippers, in general, it’s all clear about the problems, this is what you want to feel here, we wouldn’t want everything bright, some classic or modern classic, some kind, yes, what such a modern classic for you, yes, yes, some kind of simple furniture there, monochromatic, maybe there , yes, without patterns, prints, we don’t like tapestries , we don’t like tapestries, you have everything in carpets, on the driven furniture , forced measures, we want
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change, you want change, you want something more modern, i know, for many it is alarming, after all, to give up your home , where you live all year round, of course, but rest assured, we will offer you something that will surprise you, that’s good, that’s good, that’s super, guys, we we hope, so i'm talking about you forward, alexey, yulia, well, you are from st. petersburg to us in moscow with gifts, yes, we are like wise men with gifts, let's look for a pattern, you are our magicians, what does this have to do with the salad, what is this, this is a horse, carved horse, handmade, alexey and practically a boat, salad fresh summer greenery, yes, it is, it charges with energy and vitamins, and we will definitely use this color in the interior, it will appear on our wall, will everything be so energetic in this room? no, we will definitely balance it with other colors so as not to overstimulate the psyche, we really like to integrate our interiors,


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