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tv   Segodnya  NTV  November 27, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] twenty-four, a day after the disaster struck, how crimeans survived the storm of the century, report, rastislav skidanaya, black blizzard, freezing rain, the heaviest snowfall in 40 years, what other surprises to expect from the weather in central russia, mikhail chabanenko will tell. big plans of a big bank, how vtb ensures the transition to settlements in national currencies and what course is the development of the united shipbuilding corporation, shares, which are managed by vtb, behind the meeting of vladimir putin with the head of vtbil alexey prokin. in the ugledar direction, our marines are storming positions in the ssu,
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russian about the work. stormtroopers from the south don direction, report by sergei pikulin. anniversary of people's artist vladimir moshkov. how he celebrates his birthday, what he is working on in the theater in what role he will appear on ntv today, anton talpa studied the biography and took notes. hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, this is the program today, its presenter is aina nikolaeva and igor politaev. about 2 million people were left without light due to a cyclone in southern russia. at the moment, four people are known to have died in sochi and novorossiysk in crimea. the crimean authorities say
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that the scale of destruction after the disaster is very large; such a storm has never happened. hurricane winds reached 40 m per second, and 800 tropical animals and fish died in the sevastopol aquarium after cold sea water rushed in. the work of the kerch ferry crossing is temporarily suspended until the end of the storm, here are road and rail connections to the peninsula carried out as usual. rostislav skidan reporting from crimea. the storm of the century, as crimeans have dubbed the storm, unseen in scale for more than 100 years, the black sea has been raging along the entire coastline for almost a day. wind gusts reached hurricane speeds of 144 km/h. the disaster struck the main blow at night, across the entire peninsula at once. the black sea is raging like never before. at laspi point, on the southern coast of crimea, waves reach five meters in height. along with the wind, precipitation came to crimea, snowstorms on the angarsk pass on the way from
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simferopol to yalta. in the sevastopol. downpour mixed with hail, even in the center of sevastopol , behind my back, the gral wind is so strong, it literally blows away the snow, small hail gets wet, clothes get wet, five-meter waves flooded the city embankment of sevastopol and the coastal scientific center of the laboratory of the institute of biology of the south seas in the adjacent marine aquarium museum due to the flooding of one of halls , more than 800 rare sea animals died , cold sea water came here in a huge stream, flooded here, water stood over there about one and a half meters high, they began to roll away the water, rolled away by 6 am, vacated the premises, well, as you can see, almost all the animals died, the severe consequences of bad weather on the west coast, the sea overflowing blocked traffic on the intercity highway in ipatori osaka in
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the flood zone of more than 200 houses , rescuers evacuated 326 people, including 46 children. in the east of crimea in sudak and kaktyb , the storm washed away some beaches and sank the coastal road. waves throw water onto the roadway. water and sand certainly create a small obstacle, but the utilities are working. now. even as the storm progressed, city services began eliminating the consequences in all cities of the peninsula. on the streets of sevastopol, dozens of pieces of municipal equipment are being trimmed by specialists in particularly dangerous areas, because throughout the city there are already more than a hundred reports of fallen branches on cars in courtyards at a bus stop. the authorities of crimea and sevastopol declared monday a day off to combat the consequences of bad weather. by midnight it became known that due to the storm without almost half a million crimeans remained in the world. in the simferopol region, our electricity went out, all the wires flew away, and the fence
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was made of fences from provnosilo. roofs, electricity, power supply, there is nothing, everything has turned off, we are fighting the elements, we are sitting on electric generators and lanterns. the squally wind tore down and broke 500 trees. branches and trunks. on cars and public transport, cut it out, at dawn thousands of public service employees took to the streets of crimean cities. today , 183 people are working to restore electricity. brigades, we plan to restore electricity as much as possible within two days, but this is the maximum time, accordingly, i still expect that during the day we will make more progress, the repairs are complicated not by the weather in a number of the crimea region, as well as in sevastopol, the regime of alienation of the situation in simferopol is also extremely unstable conditions. now there is such light snow mixed with hail, but nevertheless, teams of power engineers continue to work, moving from one cliff to another. due to problems with electricity at pumping stations, residents six crimean districts remain without water; the authorities promise to stabilize the situation by morning. most of the restrictions on roads have already
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been lifted. the tavrida highway, crimean bridge and railway connections operate smoothly. there were no casualties; one person died due to the disaster. rostislav skidan, alexander solovenko, dmitry mezentsev and olek shalya. ntv television company, sevastopol. republic of crimea. sochi airport and federal highways to kubania are now operating as normal, although the krasnodar territory, as well as the rostov region the cyclone also caused significant damage in the area. the bad weather continues to rage, although the hurricane wind is no longer as strong. and moscow was overwhelmed by a black snowstorm. the phenomenon, which is typical for the far north, turned out to be unusual and extremely unpleasant for central russia. the scale of the riot was assessed by mikhail chubanenko. workers with shovels, special equipment and snow, since the very morning, moscow's municipal services have been clearing the busy streets. the main attention is paid to the sidewalks, after the night snowstorm, which was dubbed black due to poor visibility, the snow flakes were practically flying parallel to the ground, it was obvious that many
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car enthusiasts would give up cars. first of all, pedestrian areas are cleaned, exits from the entrances of apartment buildings are provided, and bus stops, approaches to the metro are cleaned, and at night in the morning in the regions of central russia, visibility is no further than 90 m. the snow level in some places was three times higher than the seasonal norm; in the moscow region snowfall was called the most powerful in the last 40 years. this is what tver looked like in the morning, a group of children in green vests, otherwise pedestrian drivers may not see, traffic jams, speed due to snowdrifts is no more than 20 km/h, difficulties for truck drivers, any rise and the car slips. this is how the day began today for... lovers of central russia who leave their cars in the open air, first you need to find your car among these mountains of snow, the snowdrifts are gigantic, and then clean, clean, i
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even timed the time, the snow is sticky, heavy , something like this, i didn’t even clean it, but shook it off, 10, already 11 minutes, yes, and there are traffic jams on such a road, no saving of time, perhaps. it’s better to take the metro and throw away the broom, the snow-rafting points work non-stop, but there is so much precipitation that the result of the work of the utility workers is not immediately visible, by the evening it all began to melt about how strong the humidity of those who live and work in the ostankino area can judging by the ostankino tower due to the fog, it is almost invisible, and at night there will be a new danger for pedestrians and motorists, please collect documents and valuables, be ready to evacuate from the flood zone. this is the coast of the azov sea in the yeisk region, there was no snowfall or blizzard, but gusts of wind led to collapses, blackouts and interruptions in traffic. showers, landslides, and five-meter waves swept the streets of cities
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and towns on the black sea coast. this centuries-old pine tree fell in the courtyard of a sochi house. the huge trunk stretched for tens of meters, but miraculously no one was hurt. crushed by a neighbor, a minibus, as soon as the weather calmed down a little, the head of the city gathered the heads of emergency services, communicated directly on the embankment covered with garbage and debris, continues in the city a storm warning is in effect, it will be in effect until the end of today, according to the waves, the waves reached six points , now the storm is slowly receding, very serious sea conditions, after the end: immediately all our territories, all forces, all assigned, all tenants on restoring order, the main task is not to let people in, the affected districts along the entire coast of greater sochi, right up to anapa, between lazarevsky and chimitakvadzhi the railway tracks were washed away,
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buses had to be sent for passengers, washed up on the shore of anapa a giant cargo ship flying the veliza flag with an international crew. holy shit, he's huge. electricians and emergency crews on every street went under water in the rostovskaya area. region, this is the morning, but i’m already filming from the room, after i removed the car, there was a full parking lot, on behalf of the president , the ministry of transport is coordinating work to eliminate the consequences of bad weather. on the territory of the regions, due to the elements, the plane flying to sochi had to land in mineral waters, now the resort city has restored flights, railway workers are taking the necessary measures to restore train traffic in the krasnodar region; 27 long-distance passenger trains are being delayed. on the tuapse adler section, 21 commuter trains were canceled and six more local routes were reduced, it is noted that the seaports carefully studied weather forecasters in advance, the fleet was promptly withdrawn for storming from unsafe zones to raids at
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sea, tourists are still warned, no walks for the next 24 hours along the coast. however, it seems that not all of these calls are taken seriously. mikhail chababanenko, mikhail zamoshnikov, ekaterina kovalchuk, andrey grivtsov, ivan nikozov, ntv television company. we will find out very soon whether we can expect new natural disasters in central russia and the south of the country in the near future, but for now let’s move on to other events of the day. the project for the development of the civil shipbuilding industry will be presented to the president in the spring, new verfelovets passenger ships, dry cargo ships, tankers are needed, all this requires a serious modernization of the industry, the head of vtb, andrey kostin, said today at a meeting with vladimir putin, vtbney were transferred to trust management of 100% of the shares of the united shipbuilding corporation. the meeting also discussed the state of affairs in the bank and the financial climate in the country as a whole
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, the president spoke about his first navigation, but is already attracting admiring glances, it is simply impossible not to pay attention to the beautiful liner, and the appearance of such a vessel on russian rivers and seas makes us pay attention to how rapidly new water routes began to develop in the country, and of course, not the only one. the first sign the river class liner mustai karim, built at the nizhny novgorsk plant krasnoe sormovo, became here, and residents of the capital and moscow region who live along the moscow canal are well acquainted with it. over the past 16 years, 170 civilian ships have left the slipways of the united shipbuilding corporation. and at vtb, which now manages the shares of usc, they especially emphasize that the work of the shipbuilders is a continuous process, it is coming to an end, in kalining the shift is just
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beginning, at a meeting with the president, the head of vtb, andrei kostin said that he visited everything the largest enterprises in the industry, the conclusion is that there are shortcomings, but the prospects are good, it is clear that you have been involved in the shipbuilding complex not so long ago, but still, you just said that there are certain questions and problems, including those related to technology, and yet, you have already visited teams, worked with people, talked, got to know each other, i see that in many industries we are acquiring new competencies, like shipbuilding, i think these processes are also underway, it’s just that our level of enterprises is very different under enterprises, i’m visiting here, there are enterprises with modern equipment, with technologies, and there are enterprises with really outdated technologies, i think here we must certainly improve
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this basis for the development of usc. the vtb team is now preparing a strategy, which, according to kostin, will fall on the president’s desk next spring, together with the government, the bank is working on the formation of a regulatory framework, it is necessary to build new shipyards - kostin is sure, we see at least two new shipyards, one in the northwestern region, somewhere in the st. petersburg region, leningrad region , the second in the far east, the course has already been charted, and five key development projects at all oska enterprises should give momentum to the forward movement. and there are more than 50 of them, modernization and technical re-equipment are currently being carried out, production capacities are being optimized, centers of excellence are being created, another breakthrough decision for the industry was the introduction of the distributed shipyard model, when different enterprises are working on one large project, but there is now no shortage of orders, we have a shipyard, so i came over there in krasnaya sorma, they say, yes, we are already loaded with orders for several years in advance, another thing is that there is a little need for efficiency there... working there contracts are not always
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profitable, but that’s another question, but in general, industry workers see that their work is in demand and that they are busy with work, they will not be left without work, absolutely, this is, of course, new technologies, encourages them to look for new technologies, new solutions, what usc orders look like is better look from a bird's eye view, for example, these the giants that are being built at the baltic plant in st. petersburg will soon provide year-round traffic along the northern sea route, the icebreaker... the russian fleet has no equal ; the group of project 420 vessels is considered the largest and most powerful in the world, and three nuclear-powered ships are already operating on the northern sea route. the number of orders we have for all types of ships, these are dry cargo ships, tankers, ryblovets ships, crocoloving ships and passenger river- sea ships, there is a very high demand. work is also underway on the state defense order, at a meeting with the president
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andrey kostin called it satisfactory, according to the head of vtb, there are still shortcomings in the work of corporations, in the work of allied companies, but together with the ministry of defense and with the active support of the ministry of industry, vtb has already ... a road map, and in recent years the fleet has received from usc 80 ships to protect maritime borders. as part of the execution of the state defense order, underwater nuclear missile cruisers for strategic purposes, diesel-electric submarines, large landing ships, carvettes, frigates and minesweepers are being seriously built. withstood the bank and sanctions storm, kostin called the sanctions limitless, but today the head of votb already spoke about impressive financial indicators. we are establishing a capital base and reaching a record profit of about 420 billion rubles , this is very significant, it is important that we were able to quickly rebuild, having lost western markets, we focused on, of course, primarily russia, but not only on friendly markets, so let’s say our bank in shanghai, which is the only russian bank in china, doubles the turnover of its activities in a year, which of course reflects positive development of russian-chinese
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trade and economic relations. this year , vtb opened a branch in iran, and the network of subsidiary banks behind ttb branches remains, despite the sanctions, the largest among russian banks. vtb operates in the cis countries, vietnam, india, china; more and more settlements are carried out in national currencies, and, for example, with vietnam the share of such settlements has increased multiple. in vietnam, for the ruble-dong pair, and we are market makers, all settlements that took place as part of the settlements went through our joint bank. and in terms of volume they have quadrupled this year. the same thing happens. at other points of presence, for example, through a branch in china and india, settlements in rupees in yuaniyas have increased accordingly. vladimir putin stated that the enemies’ attempts to weaken the russian banking sector have failed. you see, our ill-wishers apparently did not expect that
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the russian banking sector would go through all the difficulties that are created from the outside in this way; they did not teach a seemingly elementary thing. what a bank is not just a little box where the money is, but this is part of the economy, and the banking sector reflects the state of the economy as a whole, of course, of course, and the banking sector was preparing, of course, for different developments in the situation, but the economy turned out to be stable, so we see economic growth, and returning to shipbuilding, the head of vtb promised the president that in 5-7 years russia will have a modern and efficient shipbuilding industry, in addition to modernizing the production base, the most important priority for usc now is personnel training, and here, according to andrei kostin, shipbuilders will be helped by a powerful base for the construction of ships and vessels, which has been created for centuries in st. petersburg. alexey prokina, natalya levchenkov,
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ntv television company. aviation and artillery of the russian army inflicted a significant fire defeat on the ssu in the zaporozhye direction, the ministry of defense reported that in one day six attacks were repelled in three specialization areas, part-time work, ukrainian military personnel, after sitting in an ambush for 6 days, surrendered at the first opportunity russian unit of the fifty-eighth guards army, the prisoners of war said that their preparation for hostilities lasted only 3 days, they simply threw us into the meat with a machine gun from 1983 without cartridges, but they gave us six packs of cartridges, that’s all, in general they sent us for two: day two says three maximum, they gave one packed ration a bottle of water, that’s all, then there was an assault and shooting began, grenades began to fly, we started screaming, we surrender, we were told to throw away the weapons, the authorities, hands behind your head, throw off the armor, that’s it, and north of artyomovsk and the ivanovo paratroopers secretly approached
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the enemy stronghold and, after an artillery strike, attacked it from different sides, using small arms and hand fragmentation grenades. as a result, four militants were captured, the rest, abandoning their weapons and ammunition, retreated. the marines of the pacific fleet storm enemy positions, after reconnaissance on two armored personnel carriers, they advance to a combat mission; for successful close combat, speed, surprise and correctly selected weapons are important. recently, the armed forces of ukraine prefer to go to blind defense without risking attack. all the details of the fighting are recorded by cameras installed on the body armor of our military, for what? almost as a civilian , he worked in a car service center and now drives an armored personnel carrier. colleagues say the same. a well-maintained car for the unit, there is even a herringbone air freshener in the cabin; during his time in the zone,
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volunteer veonor became a shooter. 2-3 months and you get used to it, at first you didn’t sleep well, then you don’t notice it anymore, as if you were listening to all this, well, your brain is already calm reacts, but you don’t relax, no, the brain doesn’t relax, the task of armored vehicles is to quickly deliver troops and cover them with fire, but before that, our artillery positions are fully ironed out... right now, now our marines are moving forward on a combat mission, on two armored personnel carriers, working on five people, in each five , necessarily, three shooters, a heavy sniper and a grenade launcher, there are cameras on the body armor of the marines of the pacific fleet, so the battle is in the first person, let's go, let's go, let's go! a smoke bomb hides the dispersal of two
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groups, machine gunners take positions. shot. in an assault on a defensive officer, the main thing is speed, surprise and the right weapon, in this case for close combat, even a machine gun, each attack aircraft adapts to its own needs. a collimator for high-quality shooting, wrapped so as not to hit your hands, also an additional handle, replaced the bar. i changed the box, the body kit, the can, and installed a flame one so that no flashes could be seen in the dark. yugoslavich is the call sign of the commander of the assault group, he says that if they tried to attack the army back in the summer, now they are starting to go into blind defense. their artillery has become weaker and they begin to conduct even basic reconnaissance in force very rarely, the enemy goes out, we advance. they broke their spirit already on their holiday, the marines continue to serve on the day off or
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there will be no congratulations on the front lines, the best gift they say is how to return from a mission this time with the composition in which they left, the marines, the highland fleet, where we are , there is victory, ntv, the ugledar direction, special operations, today in the state duma... as vice speaker anna kuznetsova noted, their loved ones chose to serve the fatherland, this is largely the merit of the family, the parents who raised heroes, she also especially emphasized that the families of fallen soldiers will not be left without support, the mothers of our defenders, our military today and our victories are the merits of our mothers, regardless , what programs were in schools, what... were prioritized at different times, you were able to educate our defenders, and we are at peace with them. today
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our children follow their example. my sons, looking at our heroes today, also want become military. and this is probably the best lesson of patriotism and the greatest mission. during the meeting, stories of some of the fallen soldiers who showed courage in the combat zone were heard. these are motorized riflemen, paratroopers, tank crews. pilots, all of them were awarded state awards, some were awarded the title of hero of russia. the government allocates more than 303 billion rubles to help children with serious and rare diseases. mikhail mishustin announced this at an operational meeting with deputy prime ministers, as the head of the cabinet noted, children’s health is one of main directions in the work of the government. by order of the head of state, the circle of good foundation was created, among its priorities. the task is to organize treatment and rehabilitation, purchase expensive medical products, drugs, including foreign ones, not yet
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registered in russia. over 3 years , more than 23,000 patients have already received support. today we will allocate over 33 billion rubles to expand the list of severe pathologies in a variety of profiles and purchase the necessary medications; we will also add new unique methods of therapy. we're counting on it. that thanks to the measures taken, more of our children will be able to receive timely treatment and the opportunity to recover from illness. the prime minister also touched upon the topic of combating diabetes in children. the government is sending more than 1 billion rubles to the regions this year and more than four billion next year for the purchase of continuous glucose monitoring systems. all young patients with
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type 1 diabetes should be provided with such devices. we also discussed this. games, books, films, everything that shapes value guidelines, culture of safe behavior. for the first time, an integrated approach has been applied to issues of child safety, focusing not only on the physical security of the child, but on the economic, informational, cultural and psychological components of the term safety. this is the development of a safe infrastructure for children, an information environment, the prevention of crimes committed by minors against them, as well as support for family values, this is a program today, very soon we will tell you whether to expect new weather conditions cataclysms in central russia and the south of the country, also later in our issue,
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a frank conversation about former friends, patience, which is not limitless, today sergei lavrov answered questions from guests of the primakov readings forum, roman sobol listened to the answers. israel and hamas extend the truce for 2 days; the day before, the parties exchanged captured prisoners; among those released there is a russian citizen. in btb the rate on a savings account is 15% for a wedding , buy it faster, cool, everything will work out vtb. are you ready for big discounts, then you're all set sales, take everything you can carry, black friday on ozone, today discounts on dolls of the lol surprise and rainbow high brands up to 45%. coffee soluble monarch with 30% discount.
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overpayments. where to buy osaga? of course, on the sravni website. at the best price and... no overpayments. sports jackets from leading brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. buy in the app and get double cashback bonuses. sportsmaster. where to go, where to buy. osaga, of course, on the sravni website. here you can save on buying a policy, there is a large selection of insurance companies, and most importantly, compare it reliably. 11 million motorists already uses sаniru to select and purchase osaga at the best price and without overpayments. where to buy osaga? of course, saydate comparison. at the best price and without overpayments. avatar show, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. american-style globalization is over, and a new multipolar
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world order is being formed, independent of the dictates of the west. sergei lavrov developed this idea in his speech at the international forum primakov readings. according to lavrov , today all the former foundations of world order are being tested for strength, at the same time , the contours of the future polycentric world are becoming clearer. watched the speech of the head of russian diplomacy. the international diplomatic forum primakov readings is meeting in moscow for the ninth time. sergei lavrov did not miss a single such meeting, honoring the memory of his teacher. evgeniy maksimovich was not only an outstanding politician, but also a ruler. back in the nineties , he formulated the principles of the coming multipolar world and predicted the growing influence of the countries of asia and africa, the very movement which is now called voice. the more actively the west tries to put pressure on it, the palestinian-israeli conflict has united the countries of the arab world like never before,
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a consensus in favor of a formula for regional problems, regional solutions is increasingly taking root; external players are expected to provide all kinds of assistance to the countries of the relevant regions, and not impose them.. if someone wants to be useful, then they need to support those approaches that are being developed in the region, where the relevant countries see ways to overcome certain problems much better than those from overseas. contradictions. the influence of non-aligned organizations (shosan) is noticeably strengthening; in its new format it is already ahead of the g7 countries in all respects. to washington, the west’s attempts to ukrainize the agenda, to force everyone
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to sign an anti-russian declaration, have failed. according to sergei lavrov, the united states and the european union are trying to retain power in the only way understandable and known to them, by blackmail and creating hotbeds of local conflicts, but this no longer works; on the contrary, other countries understand that no one is immune from washington’s displeasure as long as it dominates, it is naive to get charged up from sanctions or threats of color revolutions, which means you need to protect yourself in advance. and now the countries of the global south are gradually abandoning mutual settlements in dollars, looking for allies in structures like brix, with this trend, the west, with inexplicable persistence, is driving itself into isolation. i can't be optimistic. the european union, the group of 77, and now also the council of europe and the osce, are purely marginal
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structures that the west is trying, in the worst form of the word, to use in the interests of its selfish policies, today responding to questions from experts, participants, is frank. then he said that he had many friends in the usa and the european union, quite close friends with whom he worked together at the un, who came to visit, but now , according to lavrov, most of them are so obsessed with the ukrainian issue that they even run across the street at chance meetings at various kinds of summits. the head of russian diplomacy, on the one hand , understands them: if you are in the service, you must do what you are ordered to do. another thing is the quality of orders. it happens more and more often such that a normal person wants to resign, at the same time it reminds us of the traits of the russian character, we are patient, then lavrov
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remembered the proverb: god was patient and told us, we don’t like rash decisions, measure seven times, cut once, but then we cut in a big way. as for yesterday's western breeds, their metamorphoses and mutations were predetermined almost at the genetic level. as if by chance the minister had a piece of paper with a quotation in his pocket: it had long been possible to predict that this was rabid hatred, which for 30 years every year... has been inflamed more and more in the west against russia, but someday it will break loose. the moment has arrived. russia was simply offered suicide, a renunciation of the very basis of its existence, a solemn recognition that it is nothing more in the world than a wild and ugly phenomenon, an evil that requires correction. there is no point in deceiving yourself anymore.
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russia, in all likelihood, will enter into a fight with the whole of europe, year 1854 fyodor ivanovich tyutchev. nothing has changed in a century and a half , all the time in the west they are pushing against russia for something new weapons, be it napoleonic france, hitler’s germany or bandera’s ukraine, the result is the same, everything is in vain, the weapon breaks, russia remains. roman sobol, vladislav dubovitsky. ntv television company. a few minutes ago it became known about the extension of the truce between israel and the hamas movement. we await the details of this agreement. the day before , a third prisoner exchange took place between them, through the mediation of the egyptian authorities and the international red cross. hamas released 17 hostages, including 14 israelis, who were held in the gaza strip. among those released is a russian citizen. one of those who were taken hostage at the music festival on the seventh.
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the russian foreign ministry reported that the release was made possible thanks to direct contacts between moscow and hamas, israel, in turn, released 39 palestinian prisoners, mostly young men, and they were given a solemn meeting in ramala, on the west bank of jordan. the israeli army published a video of the meeting of two israeli girls liberated by hamas. years, the mother of one of them is still being held in hostages in gaza, just now, as we reported, it became known that representatives of qatar and other international mediators agreed with the parties to the conflict to extend the truce for another 2 days, it is expected that today the parties may carry out another exchange, carry out another exchange of prisoners , israeli prime minister netanyahu supported this initiative, according to him, for the sake of the release of another dozen hostages, it is worth extending the truce every day, while he again emphasized that... in the world, israel will continue
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military operations until the complete victory over hamas. the suspension of hostilities in the gaza strip has made it possible to more fully assess the scale of destruction in the palestinian enclave. educational institutions, hospitals, hotels, business centers, legislative council buildings, everything lies in ruins, there are huge bomb craters everywhere. the russian red cross has approved a development strategy for the next 5 years. today a forum of this country's oldest humanitarian public organization opened in moscow. main areas of work: helping people during natural disasters, development of blood donation and bone marrow, assistance in family reunification. however, the mission of the russian red cross is not limited only to our country; what new challenges are the organization facing today? read more about this from edund dzhelbunov. few people know better than them about how to help people in difficult situations. in the next 4 days, the moscow international trade center is the center of the russian red cross.
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volunteers, experts and business representatives gathered to discuss the challenges facing the humanitarian sector, and especially how a charitable organization needs to build an algorithm for working with partners, including at the state level. the most important figure is indicated in the center, more than 2.5 million people received help and support this year, this is a huge number of our beneficiaries, last year we had 1.6 million, you and i see that we have almost grown by millions, it's not even over yet. the russian red cross is a member of the international red cross and red crescent movement, while the all-russian organization has existed since 1867, and this means that it is the oldest charitable organization in our country, and today at this capital site they spoke about the achievements of a society with more than 105 years of history. the main mission of the red cross all this time is to prevent people from suffering in the first place. it’s not just about the large-scale numbers, the dynamics that we see today. slides,
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but the point is really in the volume of targeted, much needed, very prompt assistance that came to people only thanks to the red cross. such a big list of good ones deeds to the people you helped, of course, it says that your activities are extremely important for the healthcare system. in russia, the red cross is represented in all regions, with more than 100,000 volunteers throughout the country. key projects are helping victims of fires in siberia and floods in primorye, and more . mission in syria and nagorno-karabakh, last year another new very important task appeared - helping the residents of new regions. in addition to your wonderful work in different regions, of course, we must not forget about crisis in ukraine about the work that your staff and your volunteers are doing in this direction. i had the opportunity to meet them and i can say that they really help thousands of people. also today at the furma site they presented the development strategy of the russian red cross for the next 5 years. the basic principle
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is to help people with complete impartiality and without any discrimination in order to promote peace, friendship and harmony among peoples. we see our future as the premier humanitarian agency in our country, for this we must have humanitarian resources, human resources, the seventy-four page strategy describes in great detail the various components of our future work. in addition to panel discussions and lectures, thematic master classes for participants are also planned at this forum so that red cross volunteers can improve their skills, because the main asset of the organization is , first of all, people, those who, at the call of their hearts , respond to the pain of others. edmund zhelbunov, moscow, this is the program today, watch after short advertisement, the anniversary of people's artist vladimir mashkov, how he celebrates his birthday, what he is working on in the theater in what
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role he will appear on ntv today, anton talpa studied the biography and took notes. central russia and the south of the country are recovering from heavy snowfall, so what? shall we expect new natural disasters in the near future? alfabank's legendary free credit card has forever become even more profitable. receive a supercook every month. omega from squid liver doctor mori for 699 rubles and benefits up to 55% on products and kleenex. magic conditions - a real rate of up to 15.5% per annum on a savings account at gazprom bank. your money works and you receive additional income. withdraw and top up at any time. apply online at
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with a vtb credit card, i pay everywhere, i want, i can, i can, i want, i can even handle this smartphone, i want, i can, i can, i want, i’ll get it for 100,000 infinities at an atm. vtb credit card for everything i want. open a deposit in tinkov with a yield of 15% and move towards your goals. we have increased the rate for new customers and for each of our 38 million customers. make a deposit with a yield of 15%. tinkov. this program today. and we continue our issue, today millions of russians, who are in one way or another connected with the stock and foreign exchange markets, anxiously followed messages from the st. petersburg exchange, its shares immediately fell by 35% against the background of the bankruptcy message,
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we will find out the details right now, by joins us, denis, well, today the information regarding the st. petersburg exchange, which came during the day, still requires your explanation of what was happening there in general with st. petersburg, and today i have such a financial detective for the night, appeared application for bankruptcy of st. petersburg, in court they said that the exchange itself did this, filed this application, and the exchange says that it was done by attackers. and the answer? today , strange events took place around the st. petersburg exchange, once the main russian platform where foreign securities were traded; in the morning its shares fell by 35%. the news agency reported that the st. petersburg exchange filed an application for its own bankruptcy, then the exchange itself stated that it did not file such an application and does not see any signs of bankruptcy, in the card for this case does not indicate at all who filed the application with the moscow arbitration court.
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in the evening, the st. petersburg exchange reported the following information: the criminals filed for bankruptcy, and the platform itself will now contact law enforcement agencies and initiate an investigation into the case of forgery of documents. after a morning loss of 35% , shares of st. petersburg lost 8% by the close of trading. one way or another , the central bank became interested in the story and promises to conduct an investigation into the matter. at the beginning of november, the st. petersburg exchange came under sanctions from the united states, because of this foreign the assets of russian investors were blocked. the russian stock market is in the red at the end of the day, well, of course, the most interesting event today on the moscow stock exchange is this whole story with the false statement of bankruptcy of st. petersburg. russian exporters seem to have prepared in advance for tomorrow’s peak in taxes; there was no great demand for the ruble today; it has fallen in price. the bank announced today that it will resume buying and selling currencies under fiscal rule next year. the event was
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expected, but here is the mechanism that announced the central bank bank, after all, came as a surprise; it was assumed that the central bank would buy more foreign currency next year, but now economists’ calculations show that the central bank will sell more. we do not expect that the ruble, the price of ruble formation, will somehow change dramatically since january, but all other things being equal, a modification. exchange rate mechanism, it can provide us with a ruble a little stronger than without this modification, our basic forecast for the ruble next year was on average 91 rubles per dollar, and this means that after clarifying the mechanism we will understand how much stronger the ruble may be, well, it is quite possible to move into the zone a little stronger than 90, and if we look at the ruble now, there is a feeling that it is not only far away, or rather, not
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only oil prices are influencing it. are not regulated, so of course there may be some nuances here, yes, that just the factors associated with mitigation and strengthening capital flow control in one form or another, it will probably be, let ’s say, more important for the ruble than the budget, megafon today announced that it is starting to sell accessories under its own name. trademark stellarway, as reported, these will be protective glasses, batteries, adapters, headphones, chargers, wired headsets. the operator clarifies that the development and supply of these accessories is handled by its subsidiary, revo charge. the actively developing market of goods for mobile electronics is now flooded with categories such as now it is quite difficult for the buyer to navigate them, while having our own stellarway brand allows us to control the entire supply chain from the moment of production to delivery of this product
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on the shelf. this allows us to control both the quality of the product and its optimal cost. at the moment we are introducing 100 product names to the market and we are planning to expand this range in the near future. because you know, they say in a megaphone that the company is entering a new market for accessories, at a time when this market is actively growing. the following figures are given: sales in the online store and the united retail networks megafon. in the third quarter of this year increased by 12% compared to the same period last year. hundreds of thousands of tons of coffee and cocoa stored in warehouses in the european union may have to be destroyed. the reason, as the financial times writes, may be the law on forest protection, which came into effect in the eu in june. he banned the sale of products that were grown in areas where massive deforestation occurs. meanwhile, as the financial times reminds, it produces 70% of all cocoa beans in the world. where the problem of deforestation is very big. yes,
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this law has a transition period, until december 24 years, such products from areas with deforestation can. enter the european market, but financial times explains that the specifics of the cocoa and coffee market are such that these raw materials, awaiting customs clearance, can lie in european warehouses for a very long time, more than 18 months, which remain until the end of the transition period. and then all this will have to be either destroyed or sold outside the eu. everything about economics. denis talolaev, with an economic review of the day. dangerous, irresistible. heartbreaking touching abram schwartz, dashing emelyan pugachev, and this only in cinema, and dozens more roles on stage, theater management and large-scale public work, vladimir moshkov , has been confirming his role as a charismatic and powerful man for many years, today the people’s artist turns 60. in a congratulatory telegram,
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mashkov’s generous talents and inexhaustible creative energy, noted vladimir putin, anton talpa will tell you how ntv is going to congratulate the star. by the way, i stand on a cold cement floor with my sore feet all day long and they fool me all day long head, i still take work home for the evening, why don’t i complain to anyone that i’m tired, and it’s been like this for several decades, but he doesn’t complain, on the contrary, he works more and more, adding new colors and shades to the palette of his characters, mashkov's performances have full houses, full dedication at rehearsals, come over. so that it’s here, it’s a shell shock , it will pass, tell me here, vladimir moshkov is the artistic director and director of the moscow theater of oleg tabakov, and is also busy with performances, sailor’s silence and
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the auditor, a timeless gogol classic, his performance of the mayor is unlikely to be confused with anyone, i invited you, gentlemen, in order to inform... good news, the auditor is coming to us, and this is atom of the sun, the new brainchild of vladimir moshkov in the name of the play is a reference to the emergence of the tabakov phenomenon, because it was director viktor rozov, who saw the then young actor’s contemporaries, and said that he was lighting the play as if he had swallowed an atom of the sun. we all want to be reflected, you want to be reflected in your children. you want to be reflected in your work, you want to be reflected in this world, this is this reflection, and this is the plan of the creator, the creator of our theater, the creators of all theaters and the supreme creator who gave
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us life, emotions, feelings, this is what this story is about, this is a closed screening even before the premiere in front of the audience ntv has the opportunity to be the first to consider some details. vladimir moshkov is not only a theater person, he is known for dozens of roles on the big screen, he either directed flights into space, launching surgeons into orbit, or he himself rescued people who found themselves at the epicenter. tom cruise, shot himself with pyotr fedorov, interrogated crooks as head of the criminal investigation department. but now look and think, what do you think? how many classes do you have? five? do you mean three? as many as three mote, should knock. and
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of course, you can’t do without gifts on your sixtieth birthday; ntv will show a documentary about the actor. together with moshkov, the audience will go on a journey around russia in search of new talents, and after these talents will become students of the moscow theater school named after tabakov, and the film will also answer questions what the real moshkov is like, what he thinks about and how often he dreams. anton talpa, evgenia rabakova, denis negrevetsky and andrey bogrov, ntv. well, now we return to the first topic of our issue: in the south of the country. last night a hurricane raged with a powerful storm, and the central one. snow, in the capital region there have not been such snowfalls for 40 years, and now is the time for a brief weather forecast on ntv, evgenia neronskaya joins us, evgenia, should we expect new disaster strikes in the near future? yes, on wednesday a new one will fall on the long-suffering southern regions. cyclone, details about it a little later, but for now i’ll tell you where the culprit of the current
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bad weather will go, it has already left the center, is breaking through to the northwest, fortunately it will arrive there... already noticeably weakened, but still, from veliky novgorod to petrozavodsk there will be snowstorms and snowfalls. there will be a respite in the center for a couple of days, the atmospheric pressure will increase, but at the same time it will begin to get colder... down to -7. wednesday will be the calmest, but also the coldest day of the work week. on thursday a new round of not nastya, it will come another southern cyclone, not as fierce as the previous one, but still powerful. it will fall to the south on wednesday, trees and structures that stood yesterday may no longer be able to withstand the new blow of the elements, but the southern regions have one calm day in reserve, tomorrow in the ozovo region there will be no precipitation on the black sea coast. in sochi, in sevastopol +6. about the weather in the capital. in a few seconds. overeating and alcohol load the liver three times more than normal. how to protect your liver during the holidays, take hepatrin from evalar. it has three active
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component for triple liver protection. hepatririn evalar - protect your liver during the holidays. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar: movement without pain. overeating and alcohol load the liver three times more than normal. how to protect your liver during the holidays? hepatrin is aimed at triple protection of the liver. hepatrin from the company evalar. in st. petersburg there will be intense snowfalls tonight, lighter during the day, but the wind is very strong, tomorrow afternoon -2. in moscow the snow is already light and -3-5.
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on wednesday night there will be frost, there will be severe black ice on the roads, and then again almost a thaw and new snowfalls, this is such difficult weather we have. yes, perhaps. well, evgenia, thank you, this was the weather forecast from evgenia neronskaya. these are the main news, by this hour, the series balabol is premiering right now. and we, igor poletaev, i’m enna nikolaeva, thank you for your attention, all the best to you, all around me, this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they are talking about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it's not just that. methane is cheaper, savings per kilometer, the engine runs great on methane. installation of equipment within the project, national fuel, i also converted my car to methane without investment, being
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practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations. we still drank normally, god help us, good people, thank you, well, go ahead, shura, go ahead, it ’s golden, man, what do you want, nothing, i wanted to swing on the swing until you cut it down, don’t push it, guys , man, are you drinking, or what? yes, sober up for now, it’s time for children, and you from the management company decided on


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