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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  November 29, 2023 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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i saw cameras on the fence there, but don’t worry, i agreed with gorokhov, 100 rubles and our morgue for a whole hour. grishka, you are so mystical, i have never made love in such a special place, you know that gorokhov said that if there are strangers, he will say that we are trainees, let’s go quickly, it’s strange, it has always been closed here.
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don’t touch it, leave it, don’t ruin the atmosphere, the only thing i can’t understand is where the peas are, what’s the difference? come here, you, me, and the corpses, how cool it is here, this is peas, why should i to deal with this situation again, and this is not the first time.
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igor sergeevich, it wasn’t written on his face that he was a security officer, he was in civilian clothes and almost prevented the arrest, i said that we need to work more delicately, but i understand that no one wants bad relations with the security service. when were we good with them? andrey, stop it, okay, then, yes, allow me, why are we late again? i apologize for being late, colonel, but we have... we have a corpse in the morgue every day and more than one, this doesn’t seem like a good reason, but i mean, criminal corpse, murder of an orderly, 5 minutes ago they called the duty room, takrey, rita, leave, i need rydanov here, okay, krymov will go instead of radanov, yes, everyone is free. comrade colonel, i seem to have already
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repented. this is not the point; there is an opportunity to show active repentance and carry out an important assignment. i hope you won’t force me to wash the windows again? no, this is much more serious. you must accept this statement. i compiled it according to all the rules. only you submit it in the wrong place, how many times? tell you that we are engaged in murders, and your car was stolen, so where should i go? slava, but explain to him, i’m already tired , citizen, they’ve already explained everything to you about what you have here, so, well, with this statement, you need to go to the traffic police. thank you, i know how they work there, they have already turned my neighbor away three times when she contacted them about the homeless people in the entrance, so regarding the homeless people in the entrance, you need to contact the district police department, are you kidding me?
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one is there, the other is not there, no one wants to work, are you the police or what? if you do not want work, i’ll contact the authorities, well , it’s begun, i’m afraid the authorities are very busy and will not be able to receive you. let's see, i know my rights, where is the office? thank you, i will find it, death occurred between two and three o'clock in the morning, he was stabbed with a knife, there are no signs of a struggle, i think that the victim most likely knew his killer, that's why he let him in , why do you think so, and did you see the lock on the doors, if you can’t open it from the inside, then just take out the armored personnel carrier, listen, but it can kill you: it fell under cctv cameras, and here we are we hope so for agaryusha, he just went to watch the video recordings, we will count on the killer showing up there, because the upper camera has been cut down and we assume that the killer, well, yes, it looks like, listen, marga, why did they have to kill the orderly here at work? , well, wouldn’t it be better somewhere
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in a gateway, otherwise there are cameras, locks, the devil knows, maybe a pawn, or maybe stupidity, oh my god, girl, you were asked to wait outside. yes, i’ll just take a look, it’s interesting , this is not a museum or an excursion, come out, please, we will interrogate you later, sergeant, you are not standing there for furniture, margot , why are you so strict, or maybe this is a future doctor , in my opinion, she is a future patient, what kind of psychiatric department, good afternoon, captain krymov, i know, i know , homicide department, come in, come in, that ’s right, you have a body, well, first of all, not with us, but with you? it depends on what reality you look at it from. yeah, please tell me, you didn’t notice anything suspicious or unusual at night, what is suspicious, only what doesn’t fit into your idea of ​​reality, but everyone has their own reality. dear,
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i have a big request to ask of you, let’s get to the point, okay? uh-huh, yes, yes, of course, uh, yes, at 2:40 in the morning, an ambulance drove towards us and immediately drove to the morgue. i was surprised. because ambulances don’t carry corpses, there is a special service for this, well, the patient could have died on the way, you know, captain, the main thing is that this is the first time i ’ve seen a car with that number, and there were no flashing lights on top, only inscriptions on the sides, i let him in, and so, after 20 minutes she left the territory, just a second, why, if it seemed strange to you, didn’t you go and check? i get money for opening the barrier, recording everything, here’s a log of all the cars, what they pay for, that’s what i do, okay, there’s a video surveillance camera hanging at the morgue, i’d like to see the recordings from it, where they are, nowhere, video surveillance we don’t have it, that is, it’s an illusion
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, like our whole life, we have cameras, but they don’t work, why are they hanging there at all, idiot, money for video surveillance? bosses, well, someone has to hand him over, it’s a normal move , you’re handing me over, so i got a chance, okay, i’ll call ubep, and you please write me the number of this strange person soon, okay, of course, of course, i after all, only a guide in this reality, and you are punished between the crime, yes, i connect, your last name is somova, and you had to replace the murdered gorokhov at
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9:00 in the morning, right? well, yes, i came, and here you were already, you were friends with the murdered man, but no, you just saw each other, sometimes you ended up on the same shift, gorokhova had any enemies, maybe debts, do you know anything? about this, no one threatened, to be honest, i don’t know, although, you know, there was one case not so long ago, on monday his nephew came to see him, his name is misha, and so he began to sort things out with him right at work, about what , i just heard their quarrel out of the corner of my ear, there was something about money, about 5 million, about an apartment, one came, no, there were two more guys with him, you know, the classic ones from the rocking chair. they were waiting for him at the car exit, they had a video there was, of course, another one, clearly, thank you very much, if anything happens, we’ll contact you later, but you’re welcome, yes, okay, well, i’ll go, goodbye, goodbye, vasya just called about the murdered man,
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says that gorokhov lived at the address kolpinskaya 12, this same nephew of his, misha gorokhov, was registered with him in the same apartment, an apartment shared between relatives, let's go, let's go, just come in for some coffee, i would have a snack. good afternoon, hello, captain rydanov, inter-district homicide department, i need to go to the department. yes, do you have a pass, yes, that's it, thank you, goodbye, all the best, well, the neighbors say that this misha went with some of his buddies to celebrate something, that is, they were playing tricks so loudly that even the neighbors heard , well, the neighbor went to take out the trash, and here these guys are sitting on the stairs, yelling and drinking their cognac, they didn’t report their location to the neighbors, no? we’ll call him now and find out, the neighbor gave him a phone number, wow
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, we should have people like that in the department, she didn’t accidentally take a video, no, hello, mikhail, hello, what you need what you need, you need to talk, the police are actually the captain of the crimeans, listen to me, menen , i’m in the bathhouse with the bros, if you need something from me, come yourself, the bathhouse of svetlanovskaya square, i said everything, wow , like burzy, maybe he’s just showing off, so now we’re going to go to this bathhouse? and let's see how he will show off there, well, yes, of course, i understand, we will take this into account, yeah, excuse me, please, yes, one more question, yes, just a second, please, hello, comrade colonel, me to you a very important matter, who are you on what issue, sergei ivanovich mikhailov, so, i have two statements to you, the first is about the theft, the second is that he won’t accept me, the first, your duty officer said that this is... none of their business , but i, our duty officer, said everything correctly, contact the traffic police, citizen, please, but at
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the traffic police, at the traffic police, don’t interfere with our work , free, uh, yes, i’m listening to you, excuse me, please, anything can happen, crazy people come in, guys , the chicks will arrive in half an hour, that ’s great! well, the chicks have arrived, but what about one? what's an adult? i asked for someone younger? all chicks are cancelled, citizen. and who are you? who are they? was it you who called me? not you, captain of the crimeans, i said so, i must have arrived, where were you yesterday at 2:00 am? did you understand yours? more specifically? the boys and i went to relax, hang out, but the cops stopped us. the police, well, as i said, well, they thought that i was drunk, yeah, driving
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, they harassed me for 3 hours, they wanted money from me, but i didn’t give it, well, very law-abiding, hey, mikhalych, when the chicks come, now, now, now, get dressed and you’re going with me to the oddel, it’s clear, listen, take him to the traffic police, check his words, if i were you, i wouldn’t buy beer, she was leaning on meat and the gym, but b. georgivich, i’m from vasily, we ran into this suspicious ambulance, it was stolen, it’s not clear yet, but it had license plates that previously belonged to an audi car, the owner is sherbak sergey stepanovich, yeah, we need to go to this sherbak, find out when the license plate was removed from his car , that's what, now... he'll come back, together with him we'll visit this shcherbak. thank you. wow, that's impressive.
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so you should check out these materials. i remind you that the information is top secret, it is prohibited to make any extracts, you can only remember it. your folder, please. secret, after reading it, eat it, i wouldn’t recommend it, it’s not combustible paper, then you’ll have to call an ambulance, so work, settle down , no one will bother you here, i’ll leave, close the door from the outside, i’ll be back in an hour, your mobile phone, please, yes please, do you have any other gadgets or devices with you, what kind of gadgets? look at me, i'm retrograde, i see, work
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, eh, it looks like this is the same audi, well , there are no other options, judging by the appearance. she hasn’t gone anywhere for several days, well, get out of my car, why, quietly , where are the numbers, now i’ll deal with you, calmly, calmly, calmly, dear, calmly, police. why, quietly, i’m guilty, i didn’t admit it, i have a weapons permit, yes i do, of course, i’m a hunter, i introduce myself, general mike, stand, truth, lieutenant colonel, solovets, homicide department, captain the crime mongers, they wanted whatever they wanted from the car, but the fact is that your license plates appeared on the car
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that was used for the murder, that ’s what we wanted to know about, well, excuse me, i haven’t left the house for a week, i’m sick. mushroom, well, that is, you don’t know anything about the numbers, but no, well, from where, but i can’t see it from above there , but give the gun back, we’ll give it back, we’ll give it back, if there is permission for it, well, we managed to find something for ourselves- is that interesting? well, i found something, and even things that it would be better not to know at all, well, great, and in general i’m under very impressed, i mean, well, in what rank do you not look very much like a police officer? well, you know, everyone has their own job, you run, shoot, look for criminals, and we think with our heads, we also sometimes think with our heads, don’t be offended, maybe you, i agree, andrey, it’s very nice, well, let’s move on to practice, yeah, so, give the names of your characters, senior lieutenant potapenko and mayor of wolves,
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yeah. listen to the fight. rita returned from the state traffic safety inspectorate , oleg georgievich. yeah, i see. excuse me please, i heard your name oleg georgivich. yes, what do you think? oleg georgivich, he has been sitting here all day, i told him that we will not accept his statement.
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by what kind? here you go, excuse me, but we don’t deal with thefts. yeah. great, i’ve been hearing this all day today, but you were just talking about the traffic police, you were talking in a hectoring manner, i repeat again, we’re not doing it, okay, then i’ll sit here and sit until you accept it from me. statement, sit as long as you want, oh, whatever pleases you, but nothing, oleg georgievich, alibi misha gorukhova was indeed confirmed, he spent half the night in the department and then went for a medical examination, in general, in full , and who is this? don’t even ask, let’s go, krymov, you were working at the morgue, that’s right, report, three stabs in the stomach , the crime weapon, unfortunately, was not found, of course we had a hot version that his nephew killed him, they have some kind of property disputes, and the nephew is connected with crime, but i checked with the traffic police, his alibi
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is more than reliable, yes, there is also a strange ambulance that drove up to the morgue at night. we’ll work it out, i don’t understand why we’re delaying the ambulance, why couldn’t we work it out right away, there are numbers, there’s video from cameras, we were just checking the most obvious version, there’s a number, there’s no records, the fact is that the head doctor of this hospital is just - he simply stole the money that was allocated for the installation of new surveillance cameras, and the old ones, of course, do not work, i have already contacted abep, they will take care of this chief physician, the devil knows what, but this circumstance, in red , allows us to conclude that the killer is not is an employee of neither a morgue nor a hospital, why? but because the camera could only be broken by someone who didn’t know that it wasn’t working, well, that’s it, yeah, you only have access to this level, it’s a pity, but are there other levels? well, of course, what did you think, there is such information here, sorry, not for a simple opera,
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i understand, yes, dim, it feels like you are a pro, but how do people even apply for this position? to the technical group you mean? well, to begin with, of course, you need an education, then they give you a special task, but based on its results , they either take you or not, it’s clear, well, and if not secret, what special task did you have? well, for example, you need to go to the website of the intelligence department of some other state, find a photo of their boss and dye his hair the same color as mine. joke. just kidding, thanks, let's go, i'll give you your phone number and your documents. yes, there’s one more thing. dug up information about the identity of the murdered orderly, a criminal case was opened against him regarding a fatal hit-and-run on citizen vikhrova, but 2 months
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ago, the investigator dropped the case due to the lack of action of our orderly gorokhov, the elements of the crime, the husband’s location, there is one more circumstance that we did not immediately pay attention to, the use of a fake ambulance, but let’s say, why did the villain, or... the villains, even use the car, well, in general, yes, it was possible just climb over the fence, commit a murder and leave, obviously in order to lead something to the mork or vice versa, gentlemen detectives, yeah, why are we talking about this only now, hm? i don’t understand, okay, so potapink, with krymov, will check on vikhrova’s husband, i’ll go to the morgue, we’ll ask bulkin, so that he would issue us a second search warrant, well, the thing is that rita and i started in the morgue, maybe we can continue? igor, excuse me, your eyes are blurry, but you need a fresh look, but where are the wolves?
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i don’t know, but what the hell is this, it’s none of your business, you ’re somehow unkind, andryukh, i don’t have time to be nice to you here, go to work, that’s what it means, like a little idea. to break through like this vasilyochek , but as for a heart-to-heart chat, go, go, work, okay, go, go, vikhrov stepan petrovich, yeah, i remember, how could i not remember, it was recently, six months ago he got his wife knocked down to death, spent 4 months training, two months ago he was taken away from the treasury, he drank a lot of blood from all of us here, he was very violent, vikhrov thought. we took the money, he was yelling at us, we are not monsters here either, we understand everything, but this one, he almost carried out lynching on gorokhov, tried to beat him up, we even locked him in a cell for a couple of days so that
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he would come to his senses, as i understand it , it didn’t help, since you say gorokhov was killed, that means it didn’t help, perhaps, if my memory serves me right, vikhrov, a former warrior, in some even hot i’ve been to points more than once, you know how people sometimes return from there; by the way, he works as a weapons guard. thank you very much, i need to go meet him, yeah, don’t miss the address, come on, by the way, we’re having lunch now, maybe you can keep me company, you know, but i’m very handy, now i have a company of suspects and criminals, another time, thank you, sorry , no, well , i’m wondering why you think that our margot is washed out.
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and what are you capable of? today you know who you want to become, who to be with, what your path is and what is it for? you are among those who understand you, among those who share your values, join yours. serve under contract.
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the reckless driver returns, hello reckless, this will meet, and announces the hunt for the maniac, that again, just work carefully, okay, as always, and let's go straight over the corpses, the police are working, the citizens are resting, listen, colonel, promise that you are this you will do the job right, i promise you, everyone here has nikita panfilov, from the propeller, reckless driver, new season, soon on ntv, investors have arrived to the city, your division, they were immediately deprived of their innocence, in your opinion this is funny, but no , nine corpses in 2 days, this is regrettable, so joker, you have something to say about the case, my eagles came out on the trail of samokhin garbage and missed it.
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bolobal: new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. is there anyone alive. hello, your place will be searched again. here is the court ruling, you will be an attesting witness, find a second one. got it, okay. is pathology right for you? yeah. come over. georgivich, i ’ve been crawling around here since this morning, looking at everything. yes. and nothing. not i found it, but what could be here, only corpses, and you examined all the corpses, are you laughing, or what ? of course, only one of ours with a knife wound, or do you think that i like to examine corpses just like that, maybe i should take a holturka to take home, i don’t understand either, can you properly explain that we’ve come here, we’ll examine the rest of the corpses, that’s it .
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hello, come in, stepan petrovich, i need to talk to you, natasha, make some tea, please, okay, it’s in the way, no, what are you coming through, thank you, have a seat, thank you, oh thank you very much, please, thank you. yes, the investigator told you everything correctly, i really took yulia’s death very hard and i was ready to turn this gorokhov’s head off, and something stopped you, as i understand it, if it weren’t for natasha, i probably would have done this, but she helped me to understand that you need to move on with your life, it’s a very complex story, listen, margarita, how prostiterievna you are, you can’t come back and
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to understand this, you don’t have to go to prison, then it turned out that this gorokhov is not to blame, in general, my anger disappeared instantly , you calmed down so easily, why is it easy, i spoke with the investigator, with the traffic police inspector, everyone said with one voice that yulia was drunk, crossed the road in the wrong place, then it turned out that she had a lover, understand, this is not easy to understand , so in such a short... time, in general, when i met natasha, i realized that life was giving me a second chance, no matter how pretentious it sounds, yeah, where were you last night, you were on duty, at work, maybe someone - this must be confirmed, of course, by at least my partner, maybe someone else, think about it, we can drive up there now and you will be convinced that i didn’t kill gorokhov, so let’s do that. georgivich, this is some kind of nonsense,
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one of the corpses does not match the map of the body, right? how did you guess? and i really counted on it. so, the total number of bodies coincides with the declared one. right? well, yes, listen, but the fact is that marchenko, according to the documents, is 30 years old, wounded on the left thigh. blond. but this one is over 50 years old, no scar, dark hair, an obvious substitute. so , of course, i understand that you have a huge amount of experience, but damn it, how elementary, gentlemen, that you can take a gazelle out of the morgue, only the corpse, and without eliminating the orderly, this is impossible to do so that the main goal is not immediately obvious, the corpse has been replaced, well, that’s where and under what circumstances marchenko’s body arrived at the morgue, which means he was killed on the street
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, there are no signs of violent death, the autopsy was not carried out... they carried it out the next day, and by the way , a train ticket from astrakhan was found on him, so i think that he arrived in st. petersburg from there, like this, and this one, who was put here instead of marchenko, what did he die from, well, he has money in the heart, the villains so needed a corpse to replace them that they went to kill the homeless man, now we have an ironclad motive. yeah, so now we know what happened, we just don’t know why. in 99% of cases, there was a cargo inside the stolen corpse; the villains, of course, could have opened it here, but either they didn’t know how to do it, or they didn’t have the time. so, igor, we have marchen’s data from his passport, call vasily, let him find out who else is registered in this apartment. hello, by the way, you too get ready, okay, hello, borya. i need
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information about all the stolen gazelles in st. petersburg in the region, you see, it’s me, at exactly 2:10. yes, indeed, with your work it’s probably hard to believe, but people change , well, they called, no one is at home, vasily said that marchenko lives alone, we need to open it up, come on, i’ll formalize the search in retrospect, it will go as an emergency, i understand, not a fool.
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igor, find witnesses, okay, hello, actually you are coming from the police, investigator bulkin, who are you? i, this is impudence, actually dmitry marchen. and you are in my apartment. wait, marchenko is dead, a corpse he's in the morgue, why? here is my body, alive and here, what a morgue, what nonsense, show me the documents, yes please, i just restored it. and what happened? yes, it was stolen on the train, or so i think it was stolen. i was traveling from astrakhan to st. petersburg, and when i returned, i realized that the documents had disappeared. indeed marchenko. we apologize, the criminal took advantage of your lost documents, goodbye, goodbye, sorry, goodbye, nothing happens, but you got in, it
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was open to you, but it’s the passport office’s fault, why didn’t they declare it in the old passport as lost, but because there’s a mess all around, okay, i’m going home, and i advise you, my head is already spinning, igor, let’s do this, before the meeting, you take up this railway topic, find out who else i was traveling in the same carriage with the false marchenko on the day of his death, who at the same time bought more tickets with him, we’ll do it, but what time is the meeting? well, somewhere around 12. i came across something else, but they didn’t reveal it like that, well, okay, bye, come on, bye.
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oh, oh, good morning, good, why are you so early, what an amazing zeal for work, growing up, glory, growing up, it can’t be, finally. grodovikov is calling everyone to the operative, solovets is already there, it’s clear, and you grabbed the operational plan for the murder in the morgue, solovets asked to remind you, whoa, you’re a christmas tree , andryukh, give me the key, so, operplan, operplan, damn, where is he going?
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well, ah, i don’t see krymov, where is he, he’s walking now, carrying the operplan, well, oley georgivich, let’s start without him, come on, the reason for the murder of the orderly has been established, the villains needed to be replaced. corpse in the morgue for a corpse, most likely a homeless person, which they brought to fake ambulance. original, why? we assume that the stolen person had a cargo in his stomach, such as cocaine or heroin. and, well, yes, we know such cases, we need to go
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beyond them. well, until it was possible to establish it, he moved using other people's documents. there is also a second version. the corpse was stolen so that we could not establish its identity. will you allow me? yes, of course, come on in. take a seat, excuse me, igor, we started without you, nothing, comrade colonel is to blame, i apologize for being late, in general, considering that the corpse that we have not identified, when it was not yet a corpse, was traveling on forged documents from zastrakh not to st. petersburg, and earlier these documents were stolen on the same train that was traveling along the same route, it is not difficult to assume that this same corpse, unidentified by us, traveled along the astrakhan-st. petersburg route more than once, and apparently was a courier, and what was found on him before skora took him away, an autopsy was not performed... that’s why the idea arose of what was inside he had a load
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the cause of death has not been established, but most likely, the container burst inside and a large amount of drugs entered the body, well, yes, in addition, at the same box office, apparently in astrakhan, another ticket was bought for a seat next to marchenko, in the name a certain kupriyanov and the payment was made from kupriyonov’s bank card, colonel, would you like to contact comrade lieutenant colonel? listen, cherdyntsev, please contact me, on the instructions of oleg georgivich , i tracked the gazelles found in the reports and one found in the uzerki. so, we need to act, i'll call bulkin to the expert, and krymov and i will go to inspect the found gazelle. volkov and potapinka will take care of kupriyanov’s personality, and radanov will be there.
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i need rydanov here, he has an important task, yes, everyone is free, everyone should work, igor, why are you so mysterious, but there’s this thing, you know, andryukha is collecting a detailed dossier on fame and rita, well, why, well, i how do i know what you took, but it can’t be , but i’m telling you for sure, there are folders on the table, i saw them by accident, he didn’t even hide them, if you want, look, well, i don’t know, andryukha has always been bad with the staff culture, but why, why, i don’t understand why, well, i saw some kind of graters with gradovik there, okay, i suggest we don’t react in any way for now, well, let’s pretend that we don’t know anything, van, look carefully, soon , this is not quick, look how rudely it’s done, but i see what else is there, just like the men never parted, well, yes, hello, what’s interesting, so what? the prints are erased, there is dry blood, whose, i’ll tell you later,
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after the examination in the laboratory, and you can pick up the car, give it another 15 minutes, pick it up, okay, let’s go, you’ll go through the gas station you’ll go, actually it’s also empty, not a lot, not a lot, vasya, eh, where are you looking? i mean, i mean, i’m not a monitor, but you misunderstood me, but how do you understand, if you marry me, then after the wedding you’ll see how much you can, and what you can, what you can, marry, well, ah, it didn’t interfere, no, what’s wrong with kupriyanov, we’ve been convicted three times for drug trafficking and extortion of money , there’s no permanent registration, there’s only temporary, yes, temporary, 200 km from
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well, there are 16 more addresses, the first is his stepfather, the second is his ex mistress, and the third, his former accomplice raisin, raisin, what's familiar? it looks like i know a person who can shed light on him, at the same time maybe kupriyanova will tell me something, give me all the addresses, oh, it’s very good that i found you here together, my friends, what do you want? i have a couple of questions for you, thank you, first of all, who is zhirov, pavel alekseevich , who took out a loan from the bank, and you were his guarantor, this is my cousin, let’s emphasize, where are you from, i have a beauty for you will there be one too? question: who is alekseev ipe, with whom you went to a year ago
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egypt, in whose car you got into a small accident. well, this is an old acquaintance of mine, well, even before peter, a classmate, we studied at the sixteenth school, married to fire moria, right? i just wonder why you went with him to egypt, and not with me, to komarov. rydanov. that's it, it doesn't matter. what are you up to? this is an infection. you have no right. you've already been kicked out once. go. from here, did you want a camera? yes, we’ll close it now, but for what? don't have the right? i didn’t do anything, you’ll take a statement from me, what’s here? is happening, what, what, i'm not they let me in, they forced me out, oh, this is my car, mine, mine, they found it, my god, they found it, even without a statement, oh my god, okay, this is my car, there are my covers, my toy,
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what is this, she’s an ambulance, the doctors drove her away, right, and we’re taking her to the impound lot. were going to determine, igor, take care of the citizen, let's go to the department, i'll tell you everything now, let's go, thank you, because maybe, oh, i heard, they found the car, well, they found it, but it's of little use, according to kupriyanov, so here it is i couldn't reach you about sixteen addresses of kupriyanov, and what does your man say, the man says that he knows kupriyanov, but has not seen him for a very long time, although his friend saw him... 3 days ago shalmania in ozerki, we have one of the addresses in the village of ozerki, there a certain dubinin lives, my accomplice was pleased with this on his second trip, we need to go there, a private house, by the way, do you know where we found a pseudo-ambulance, in azerki, so we have to go, georgi, now with you, no, i’ll go, potapenko and krymov did not understand why. how do you listen to this
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parasha? didn't they ask you? turn it down and you can go deaf. shall we spread it out? come on, i can’t get this story with andryukha out of my head. yes, forget it and forget it, that’s all everyone thinks about. well, what's there? yes, there is loud music playing in the house, so it’s unclear how many people are there. this is bad. but the music playing loudly is good. we won't be discovered ahead of time. well? forward, yeah, rit, you're outside, good, don't twitch, police, hands, quiet, hands, i said
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, look, it turns out there's a whole set here, rit, come here, and this is what i'm guessing, there's a murder weapon , and citizen kupriyanov, that we’re silent, there’s no point in denying it, yes, it’s that knife, well done, keep up the good work, it ’ll count for you, that’s it, thank you, isn’t it time for you and me to go have lunch, there’s no appetite. well, the murder, one might say, has been solved, comrade colonel, kupriyanov pointed out the place where they buried the corpse , which they stole from the morgue, uh-huh, in the forest, but you won’t believe it, right on the plot near the house, they opened it up in a barn, uh-huh, they let loose, dubyanin is still silent, and kupriyanov sings like a canary,
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in fact, his last name is not marchenko, astomin, we carried the barrel together from astrakhan to st. petersburg, well, she’s still there... she came to the tian sea from abroad. where did you get marchenko’s passport? once estomin and i were traveling on a train, a sucker was riding next to us, he got completely drunk, so i cut off the tree. well, no, well, why not take it if it’s falling into its paws? well it is clear. the crap was in his stomach, yeah. even in the camp, he swallowed the ball during a search. balls, temniks, thread to the tooth. he's a ball. pulls the thread, when the bustle goes away, pulls it out, everyone is happy, well, this time, what happened, but the container burst, istomin died right away on the street, here your guys arrived, the corpse is in the morgue, what should we do, we drove around behind the car , asked which morgue, in the evening, a homeless person,
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a homeless person, not me, dubinin, they brought him to the morgue, smashed the camera above the entrance. the orderly, the orderly is also a dubinin, i didn’t kill anyone, it was all him, but why did the corpse need to be changed , they wanted to confuse you, they thought you wouldn’t understand that the corpse was not the same, no, kupryanov, such feints don’t work with us, yes, i already understand, if i hand over the people to you, to whom we sold drugs, will you hiss the investigator so that he won’t be especially angry with me? well and you’ll make a normal camera, the right one on the crosses, let me make you a proper camera here first, okay, let’s go, come on, come on.
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yes, guys, you and i have seriously overcome the cold, yes, my friends, something has been happening in our office lately, there is a kind of tense atmosphere reigning, and there is a chill of alienation from our comrades in arms, well, in general, we need to talk, of course, yes already. oh-oh-oh-oh, guys, you’re scaring me, are you looking at me like i’m an enemy of the people, what happened? what kind of compromising evidence? you collect on me for glory, what incriminating evidence? glory to rita, i saw the folders on your table. oh, here it is, have you all gone crazy, huh? this has nothing to do with compromising evidence, so please explain. this city manager arranged for me, something like advanced training , the latest technologies for processing personal data, he, as a boss, has
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access to secret databases and he provides me with passwords to these databases at certain hours, so what do we have to do with it, since finally i still have to train besides you, i’m collecting information on i’m checking it with you, and in general this information doesn’t go anywhere outside of this office and my brain, but you guys are right, well, right, of course. so interesting, here’s an example of how ritka went to egypt with someone, look, you’ve arrived, that ’s it, we’re leaving, we’ve already arrived today, yes, yes, good, good, albin, so beautiful, in general, i just wanted to get married with me for the earring for mine, well, serge, are you worried that i’m not shaved, me, and you yourself, that you’re not shaved? listen, well, she's a little, well, she's a little
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older than me, i need me to be like that, well a little unshaven, but help, what happened, what happened, here! nadasha, who is this? where is alvina? maybe i, captain rydanov, should express gratitude to you, or write out a bonus, comrade colonel, what did i do wrong, and should i explain to you that you did something wrong, because of you i had to stand in front of the head of the main internal affairs directorate in his office, like boy, listen, comrade, colonel, if you look at it like this, he’s right, mukhin pulled out a knife, climbed on rydanov, and rydanov broke mukhin’s hand, and mukhin, by the way, was supposed to represent our country
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at international competitions, and now how will he do this, as i ask you, but he shouldn’t compete, he should be in prison for a hooligan attack on an employee, listen, it’s not for you and me volkov to decide and judge what he should do, but not us, but there is a criminal code for this, and everything is written there, everyone is smart, yes, yes, gorodikov, cherdyntsev, what a wedding, we don’t have a legislative body, we, i understand, the bride was killed before the wedding, the witness was wounded, andrey, find krymov go, got it. let me go, work, oh my god, comrade, you scared me.


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