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tv   Segodnya  NTV  November 30, 2023 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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[000:00:19;00] the eminence grise of the white house, the legendary american politician henry kissinger, died, he was 100 years old, during the humanitarian pause today the gas sector extended the truce regime, but their own annual interest rate and the amount of the down payment on the mortgage are growing, what will happen to housing prices in the new year? no one is waiting for him; the german president was not greeted after arriving on a visit to qatar. about the main thing, for this minute, in the studio of lilya fedorovtsev. hello. vladimir putin
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will sum up the results of the year on december 14, more about that today. said presidential press secretary dmitry peskov. according to him, there will be a combined format of a direct press conference. the studio will include regional, federal, and foreign journalists who are accredited in moscow. as peskov noted, the event will not be limited in time. this will be a program, as before, a project of television channels, and it will be a combined format of a direct line and a final press conference of the president. tomorrow, december 1, we begin accepting questions from citizens. in the call center of the program, telephone operators, volunteers and this year's innovation will take calls the all-russian popular front joined the project. you can ask the president questions by calling the toll-free number 800-2004040, or send an sms message to number 04040. additional information can be found on the website appeals from citizens will also be received through social networks, vkontakte and
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odnoklassniki. vladimir putin expressed his condolences on the death of henry kissinger, one of the most famous and revered us diplomats, died tonight at the age of 100. the russian president called the former secretary of state wise and a visionary statesman for many decades who enjoyed well-deserved authority throughout the world. putin noted that a pragmatic line is associated with the name of kissinger, which made it possible to achieve detente between the ussr and the usa and reach the most important agreements between moscow. kissinger led the state department for 4 years in the seventies, but even decades later he played a key role in almost every issue of washington’s international policy. alexey veselovsky, and the parents of shuttle diplomacy, who were not afraid go against the current. some considered him a brilliant diplomat, others an eminence grise of the white house. kissinger was perhaps the most influential american politician; he never considered himself either
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a rightist or a leftist, and the white house was open to him under both democrats and republicans. heinz, alfred kissinger was born into a religious jewish family in bavaria in 1923, when german fascism first made itself known with the beer hall putsch. after 15 years , the family emigrated to america, where the future secretary of state was mobilized into the army and sent as a translator to his homeland. in the american army, young kissinger took a simpler name for himself - henry, but did not get rid of the german accent until the end of his life. second. korova convinced kisinger that rationality was stronger than ideology. it was he who introduced the term realpolitik, that is, one that is based on cold calculation. kisenger came to the white house at the height of the vietnam war; he was invited to the post of secretary of state by president nixon, who won the election with a promise to stop the bloodshed. for my kisinger's peacekeeping activities were even awarded the nobel prize, although even
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before the withdrawal of american troops from vietnam. this decision split the nobel committee itself. two of its members then resigned as a sign of protest, and kissinger did not even come to the award ceremony. the watergate scandal that soon broke out did not affect kissinger even after nixon’s resignation; he continued to work with almost all subsequent presidents. his constant trips to resolve conflicts were first called shuttle diplomacy, which he didn't quit even when he turned 100 years old. in june. the leader of china, xizen ping, greeted him with honors. i respect you very much. but if some considered him a negotiator from god, others saw in him not a peacemaker, but a hawk. cambodia, indo-china, israel's war with egypt and syria, the coup in chile, the conflict in east timor, even iraq, nothing happened without his participation. human rights activists in different countries sought a trial of kisinger, but to no avail, and he was not
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afraid to go against it. the need for dialogue with russia. nuclear warheads, that's why even against the background of the ongoing conflict, i believe in dialogue with russia, i believe in the cessation of hostilities, the restoration of the pre-february situation and the continuation of negotiations with the participation of europe, america and russia. and when this speech of his was criticized, he continued to insist that the isolation of russia would only bring harm to the world. probably all the secrets of the great diplomat could have been revealed by his own documents, but he transferred them to the national archive. with permission to declassify only 5 years after his death. alexey vasilovsky, alexandrev, ntv, usa. the humanitarian pause in the gas sector has been extended, the israeli army announced today. the decision was made
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literally a few minutes before the previous agreement expired. hamas claimed that they were ready to continue the exchange of hostages and prisoners, but tel aviv remained silent until the last moment. israeli authorities demanded that the palestinians change the lists. blennikov for exchange. as a result, according to media reports, the new group of hostages for release included 10 people, including two children. the bodies of the three dead captives will likely be handed over to israel. according to hamas, the truce has been extended by one day. in the sixth exchange that took place that night, hamas released 16 hostages. they were taken to the rafah checkpoint, where they were handed over to doctors. among those released are three russian citizens. two girls and men, and their consent was achieved outside the main deal of the palestinian group. today they expressed gratitude to the leadership of the movement and stated that they will seek the speedy release of the remaining detained russians. israeli
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authorities released 30 palestinian citizens from prison, their relatives met them on the west bank of the jordan river. thus, during the entire period of the truce, more than a hundred palestinian prisoners and 102 hostages held captive by hamas were released. well, they're waiting in grozny today. the existence of the second group of refugees who, with the assistance of our diplomats , were evacuated from the gaza strip. 2 weeks ago they were taken to moscow by a special flight from the ministry of emergency situations and are now being helped to leave for the russian regions. the day before, 50 palestinian residents arrived in the chechen capital, 27 of them children. in total in the republic is preparing to receive 250 people. sanatoriums and recreation centers have been prepared for them, but many residents of chechnya have expressed a desire to shelter refugees at home. against the backdrop of news about the extension of the truce in jerusalem , three people were killed; militants shot at public
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transport. according to the police , israeli army soldiers were passing nearby, they quickly responded and eliminated the attackers. it is known that the shooters. residents of east jerusalem. official information that they they did not belong to any movement yet, but local media reported that both attackers were associated with hamas and served early sentences in israeli prisons. russia demands that the un secretary general quickly work on the issue of expanding the powers of peacekeepers in the middle east. they could monitor compliance with the terms of the truce. this was stated by the permanent representative of russia, vasily nebenze. he noted that the effectiveness of the security council in resolving the conflict is extremely low, which is due to double standards. western the powers request a meeting twice a month on the situation in ukraine, but there has not been a single request regarding the humanitarian catastrophe in the gas sector; the west’s behavior is especially pronounced in relation to children in the zones of both conflicts.
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how much hypocritical concern do western colleagues show about ukrainian children on camera, not disdaining, in order to denigrate russia, to spread absolutely ridiculous and disgusting rumors about their abduction, despite the fact that russia is doing everything possible to protect. children from western-inspired investigations ukrainian crisis. what about palestinian children? secretary general guterres said that gas has become a children's cemetery. these words make any normal person shudder. in just one month of escalation , more children died in gas than in all the conflicts over the past few years. every day , dozens, if not hundreds of children are killed and maimed in the enclave. schools and hospitals are hit by idf attacks. the basic rights of the child to life and health have been violated. dear western colleagues, where is your appeal to muus for arrest warrants? where are your efforts to create diverse commissions, inquiries and tribunals? nebendia
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stressed: the west considers the palestinians second-class citizens, this is the main reason for the problems that the security council faces in developing solutions. on the internet today the press is discussing the ceremony of welcoming the president of germany. who arrived on a visit to qatar. frank walterin will remember this for a long time. coming off the plane, the head of the federal republic discovered that, apart from the red carpet, no one else waiting. and according to the protocol. into the void, not accepted, the politician stood for 20 minutes with his arms folded on his chest, waiting for at least someone, but then the greeters finally appeared at doha airport, only then did the german president set foot on kator soil. it is believed that the attitude towards protocol and status issues in the countries of the middle east is very scrupulous, and was there a simple oversight this time? applications of five large russian banks disappeared from the app store and google play stores
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with us denis talalaev, denis, and what to customers what to do now, for those who already had the application, nothing changes for them, they are lucky , but new clients will most likely come up with some alternative, application of banks russian standard, post bank, absolut bank, honk and vbr of the all-russian regional development bank , removed from the app store and google play, the first works on iphones, the second on the android platform. the publication was the first to notice the loss. now it was not possible to find the application of any of these banks by searching, using the keywords russian standard only the russian insurance standard can be found. in november , the united states imposed sanctions against all these banks; on the same day, russian standard announced that its union pay card would stop working abroad, where it still worked. in principle , this is not the first time that russian banks are faced with the removal of applications, and the solution is to launch the application under new names. for example, the opening is elixir, and the bank actually had to change the name several times already, because the application was deleted every time, and
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the options were: money came, money for everyone, money there. the head of rosneft, igor sechin , criticized the ministry of finance, he did this in a commentary in a rosneft press release, the results of work for 9 months of this year. sechin notes that the company’s work is greatly influenced by the constant change in the taxation system; the ministry of finance recalls the quote “an unfinished decision to reduce the damper.” which, according to igor seichin, provoked a crisis in the domestic market. and already in october, seichin adds, they changed, the definition changed oil prices for tax purposes. also, according to the head of rosneft, different gas prices for different industrial consumers will lead to market imbalance and gas shortages for some industries. in the same press release from igor sechin , the central bank also got it. so the head of rosneft said that the central bank has not yet created reliable routes for cross-border payments. and the progressive increase in the key rate hinders
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financing. the russian stock market is trading in the red, not paying attention to rising oil prices, annual inflation in russia grew to 7.54%, the ministry of economics reported, and this is higher than the forecast that the central bank gives for the end of this year. the chief economist of alfabank, natalya orlova , expects that now the central bank at its meeting on december 15 may raise the key rate not to 16, but to 17%. ruble. expecting new production cuts from opec plus is trying to rise in price today, now the dollar is 88.54, the euro is 96.79. today, st. petersburg exchange explained how it plans to release the foreign assets of its clients, who were frozen after st. petersburg exchange came under control in early november. us sanctions. general director of the exchange evgeny sverdyukov said that together with a team of international lawyers, the exchange is developing several scenarios, but there is a main one. our
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primary strategy is to work with the us office of foreign assets control. this organization is better known as ofak. we expect to agree on a procedure for obtaining permission from the federal government to withdraw assets. we intend to return clients' assets in full. this is our priority now . the american ministry of finance issued a special license, which allowed. foreign counterparties to interact with st. petersburg until january 31 next year, but it is not yet clear whether this document will allow russian investors to withdraw their foreign assets that they bought through st. petersburg. ilya, everything about economics. thank you, denis talalaev, for your economic review. in russia, it sums up the first results of changes in the field of mortgage lending. the amount of the down payment has increased and the interest rate has increased. what will happen to housing prices now? and whether the preferential mortgage will be extended, pavel
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rybalchenko knows. polina mironova from ekaterinburg collects things in an old apartment. on the phone he admires the photos of the new one. spacious housing, the mother of four children and her husband took out a preferential mortgage. the bank issued a loan based on only two documents. you do not need to provide numerous certificates about your income, expenses, confirming your solvency. everything is very simple, that is , there is such a tempting story here: you provide a passport, you provide snils. your loan is approved on the same day. nowadays it’s not so easy to get a mortgage it will work out. presentation of a complete package of documents is now a mandatory condition and only one of the changes in the field of mortgage loans. the main thing is to increase the amount of the down payment to 20% of the cost of the apartment for preferential programs and to 30 for all others. we haven't fully felt it yet. of course, not all clients come with a 30% down payment, of course, because it happens differently, each client is unique,
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he has a different situation, and financial, but in general, an increase in the down payment under government programs, of course, will win back in the comfort class at properties in the moscow region and regions, the family of dmitry and oksana bodnyuk from moscow did not have any difficulties with the down payment; they were more saddened by the annual interest rate, which increased with the increase in the key rate. initially, when we planned, we had a percentage approved of 12.58, well, while we were thinking, thinking, and thinking until 15, of course there is hope that the rates will fall after all and we will refinance, it will no longer be 15, but much more. if the down payment had been less with us, i don’t know, maybe we wouldn’t have even managed it, the growth the annual mortgage rate was not affected except by preferential programs; there are quite a few of them in our country, but experts name three as the main ones: family, far eastern and it-mortgages. according to analysts, since the beginning of the year,
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russians have increasingly preferred preferential programs to ordinary ones, as rates rise this ratio changed, if at the beginning of the year in terms of the volume of loans issued, the ratio was approximately 50 to 50, then after 10 months this ratio was already 60 to 40, and by the end of the year, the ratio would be approximately 80 to 20 or even 90 to 10, but in general this is correct, because preferential mortgages play an anti-crisis role, and their effect is especially important for the market, during a period of extremely high rates, that is, experts now note that there is no increase in the amount of the down payment ... an increase in the interest rate will not affect demand, which means that the cost of housing will not rise, but will not fall either. in a crisis, everyone usually freezes , no one runs, it is impossible to sharply reduce or increase, because effective demand has decreased, accordingly we can assume the following, there will be no factors for
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growth, well, where to grow further, but you won’t have to wait for a decrease, so to take or not to take out a home with a mortgage, that is the question, analysts answer, if you have money for... the amount of the down payment, choose the first option, and the annual rate may not quite soon, but still going down. anyway, our country has been going through this scenario for several years now, sooner or later the key rate will decrease, refinancing will still enter the arena, the client will be able to refinance his high rate at a lower one, so if there is a need improve living conditions, then you need to take an apartment, the main question is: the rate will end on july 1 of next year. pavel rybalchenko, alena antonova, ntv television company. now the word from my colleague, valeria gavrilovskaya, host of the emergency program. lera, what's going on today? ilya, well, new year’s
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news is starting, in our emergency situation too, the first theft of a holiday happened in the chelyabinsk region, where one woman was deprived of her new year’s mood. taking a perennial spruce from her country plot. moreover, they installed symbol of celebration on the main city square and reported about it on social networks. the owner of the tree was shocked, to put it mildly, and then wondered whether it was possible to sacrifice the feelings of one person for the sake of hundreds of others. we’ll tell you what she decided and what she intends to do in our issue ilya. nalera, thank you, this is not only in the emergency program , after a short pause. that's all for now, go to ntv. see you, vtb has a 15% savings account rate, buy for a wedding faster, cool, everything will work out at vtb, black friday is on the horizon,
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today at 20:00 on ntv. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio of valeria gavrilovskaya, we are live, hello, a fraudster-recidivist from kursk will go to a colony, this time she is punished. she was appointed for stealing 15 million rubles, which volunteers collected for military in the donbass, a year ago, a woman found activists of the morgo regiment movement and her fellow soldiers who were collecting help for the fronts and offered them her services, reporting by ilya ushenin. it turns out that it is not so difficult to earn not only huge money at someone else’s expense, but a bad reputation; a resident of kursk named tatyana kmet did not even flinch when she learned that she could profit
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from those who were now frozen in the trenches. buy things for the front at a lower price, having received the money, it just disappeared when to dig up this whole story, we found out that she was repeatedly convicted of fraud, we understand that we were simply deceived , another group immediately comes to us, we just don’t abandon our own people, named after the founder margarita krivtsova, from the very beginning svo has been collecting help for the fighters, called up not only from kursk, but in general for everyone who needs it, and even evgeniy brought staples, everything, everything fit in with us, everything is fine, everything is fine, i’m grateful for you, together with other women i opened a warehouse, where they collect everything necessary for fighters, people in uniform, there are frequent guests here, cars with warm


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