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tv   Svet i ten mayaka  NTV  December 1, 2023 4:20am-5:01am MSK

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what, i was stunned, what a fly , top-grade wheat, they need to be sharpened, where is the cocaine, i have no idea, well, you see, i told you that my client is in detention illegally, he needs to be apologized to and released, the expert is free , nikolaev, how can you explain this, huh? i can’t know, comrade colonel, you can’t know, but i can know, go for now, i’ll invite you later, but colonel, some water, put the glass down, do you have anything else for me, no, nothing, i have to work, gali , sorry, it's all because
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me, don’t be so upset, your galya gets what she deserves, what are you saying, just think about it, this is your best friend, she pulled you out of the house, sacrificed you to save her skin, tanya, i’m sorry, they wanted to kill me , don’t apologize, it’s not your fault at all, it’s all because of me, you know, smart girls, you’re in a competition here now. arrange it, and the most appropriate moment, let her go, what did you promise, you gave your word, and you know, the saying, i am the master of my word, i gave my word, i wanted it, i took it back, that means you won’t let her go, why?
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deceived, you are such a military stratagem, i thought there was at least something human left in you, but stop talking about this human thing, as soon as you start to behave like a human being, they immediately trample underfoot, with people you have to behave like a wild animal, then you begins to respect what you're going to do next, relax , i'll let you go galya, you're lying again , i'll let you go, i'll let you go as soon as we leave the city, with me, well with you, you're on your own again, i don't understand, you want to kidnap me , don't you remember how it ended last time, you were almost killed , you’re worried, why suddenly such concern, i just don’t want you to be killed, i don’t want it to happen again, don’t repeat it, last time i lost it,
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now i’m completely cold, well, since you ’re cold, why do you need me, find another girl , you don’t understand, i have a cool head, but i still want you, in general, you’ll go with me, that’s all, and if not, you’ll kill me, keep in mind, i don’t have iron patience, you will resist, i’ll take away your strength, it won’t make you any better, you don’t remember what i once told you, you won’t be nice by force, but you know what i’ll tell you now, endure it, fall in love, arthur, it’s time to go , let’s go, wait, please, well, oleg is a policeman, he ’ll get you out of the ground, well, that means we’ll die together, like romeo and juliet, what? juliet, i didn’t sign up to die, keep calm foxes. no one
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will die, we will live happily for a long time, but why me, i did everything as you asked, let me go, you deaf infection, oh it hurts, hello, kostya, it’s me, what’s there, what’s the news? yes, they are bad, they loaded the girls into the car and took them away with them, well, you follow him you’re driving, and how am i going to go? i have a car left for the village, now i’m coming back to get it, do you want to say that we missed them? no one missed anyone, i put a beacon on their car, no one is going anywhere, so where is the receiver? now follow her, and then follow them
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, wait, i’m not far here, let ’s cross straight to the village, there we’ll decide what we’ll do next, where your car is, the street, the dacha. building 16, come on, i accepted, i’ll be there soon, lights out, yes, comrade colonel, well , your workers are not to be envied, they themselves screwed up, and you set up, you understand that you will have to answer, and perhaps answer with shoulder straps, oh well, seglyaev, don’t show off, i didn’t understand that - i understood, it was i who hired tikhonov to protect you through intermediaries in moscow. i wonder where this charity comes from? doesn't matter where? tikhonov is a normal guy, but from the outside it looked like this was a showdown between us, i deliberately put him in pre-trial detention. so, it means you
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decided to whitewash yourself. it doesn’t matter what i decided, it’s important that it exists, quietly, but of course i’ll release it, we’ll formalize everything, and release it tomorrow. well, of course, especially since there was no cocaine in the bag, but just plain flour, yes, flour, flour, why are you taking me for a fool, you think i didn’t understand anything, but what is there to understand, well at least that, that the evidence was changed, that during the first examination there was still cocaine in the bag, although quietly, not guilty, well then let him out, if he’s not guilty, we’ll release him, i said, we’ll release him, one question, who changed the evidence, well that’s... . you know who had permission to be a sandpiper, apparently nikolaev, i can’t say anything, for me the main thing is the interests of my clients, everything else - these are your internal affairs, okay
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, as they say, thank you for the good work, but please don’t make a fuss, of course, damn, it can’t be that no one saw her, why are you nervous ahead of time, look, this is, this is a bone for the car, give me the keys, i’m driving all the way, and the guys are probably also somewhere nearby, we need to orient them, there he is, why is he leaving? hey hey! listen, yes, let's go after him,
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it looks like oleg has spotted us, now he'll follow us, maybe he won't follow us yet? of course, it won’t get involved, i know my brother very well. he’ll definitely get involved, you’re also good , i can’t leave the car anywhere else, but in what other place, this is the house where tatyana was, i watched him all night, sitting in the car, and why did he follow her on foot? and in order not to scare you, he himself said to watch unnoticed, sit down, rest, now i will steer, well, the wheels , yes, yes, they called, come in, sit down in the chair, in what sense, comrade colonel? i said, sit on the chair for now, then we’ll see where you sit, igor valerievich, i don’t understand your tone, you don’t understand my tone, who is the evidence i replaced it, you know, where
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did the bag of flour come from for my cocaine, maybe the expert made a mistake, when he made a mistake, when he identified the cocaine or when the flour, i don’t know, you know everything. you just don’t want to talk, let me, i’m busy, listen , nikolaev, you understand perfectly well, you won’t work for us anyway, i’ll fire you anyway, for which comrade colonel, for changing the evidence, it’s not me , i mean, i don’t know anything, i can’t understand one thing, you really wanted to put him in prison, everything worked out for you, quietly, i suddenly wanted to see turn 180°. why is a bribe and this is a risky business, the bribe must be big, quietly, but a simple lighthouse keeper, he doesn’t have that kind of money, i think that tatyana and olgo will scrape together such a sum for me, who, who? comrade colonel, i swear, i didn’t do anything, that’s what, go write your work before i
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fire you, to hell with a scandal, or even worse, i’ll put you in prison. alexander nikifovich, good afternoon, and he is really kind, i managed to get yours. so that means they’ll let me out of here today, well, not exactly today, there are some formalities, most likely tomorrow , but later the day after tomorrow, no, no, no, this doesn’t suit me at all, none, neither tomorrow nor the day after tomorrow, i have to leave today, now, you know, there are some technical difficulties yes that you don’t understand me, i’m repeating you in russian today, my daughter was kidnapped, her
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life hangs in the balance, how she was kidnapped, and the police know, yes, of course, they know, but without me no one will help her, you hear, no one, only me i can save her, calm down, alexan nikif, i, i will do everything, everything possible and impossible too, impossible too today today now calm down, calm down, that’s it , i understand everything, i understand everything, so, hello, kostya, it’s me, yes, brother, hello! why didn't you wait for us? in terms of? well
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, you saw that simonovich and i were coming, why did you leave? there was no time to wait, information came that arthur had left the village, tanya is similar to him, you see, i couldn’t wait, we are rushing in hot pursuit, then we are going after you, oleshka, but where are you going with me, the devil knows already where, where did you go, wait at simonovich’s, now the opera will catch up, bone, what are you doing? you say this, tanya is in the hands of this scumbag, and you, you offer me to wait. kostya, hello, okay , do what you want, but i can’t wait for you either, there’s no time, be guided by the situation, see for yourself what he says, let’s go after him, arthur, you can tell me what you want, of course, yes , i want you, do you, do you just want love or? well, if i just wanted, i would behave
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differently, i want love, then this will never happen, that’s why it’s interesting, because i love oleg, and you’ll never fall out of love, never, well, no question, okay, i i’ll take you to moscow now, i’ll come back and kill your oleg, then sooner or later you ’ll love me, what a freak, don’t you dare say these things in front of me, oh well, you all love whoever is next to you, you can’t even imagine, what am i offering you, what kind of life am i offering you, the capital , if you want, we can take galya with us, well, so that it’s more fun, gal, you’re like , oh, what, you’ll go with us to moscow, i’ll go, well, you see , as everybody. it turns out, there
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's a right turn on the map, you see, uh-huh, he can turn there, oh, i drove straight, oh, your brother we're on our tail, that's it. by the way, oh, arthur appears on the horizon, look, there are bones on someone’s tail, let’s see who exactly, where are you?
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oleg, tanya, oleg, oleg, i’ll kill gad, hello, duty officer, this is captain ignatiev, tell everyone. there , a white sedan is moving along the novokamenny highway in the north-west direction, inside the sedan there are three kidnappers and two hostage girls, take all measures to detain this car. be careful, the kidnappers are armed very dangerously, it’s a pity i didn’t meet your fiance before banged. i warned you. there’s no need to warn me, i can warn anyone myself. arthur, please, all is not lost, if you drop us off, they won’t chase you. arthur, this is a thought. let's drop the girls off while the cops are busy with them, let's have time to leave, and we'll all leave together.
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arthur, you've completely confused the rams, huh? the cops will overwhelm you, they won’t, who will stop them, they’ll stop the girl, as a hostage, there’s a dirt road ahead, let’s go through it and we’ll leave, hello, oleg, what are you doing, you’re doing an operation on me are you tearing it off? kostya, what other operation , i want to get in touch with the kidnappers, negotiate with him, they will contact him, i informed all posts about the arrest, brother, what are you going to do, i know how to deal with this freak, you don’t know that arthur, this is such a person, he
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is capable of anything, you know, kostya, this is my business, please don’t bother me. brother, wait , brother, yes, don’t pass out, you devil, arthur, please, let’s stop, i’ll persuade oleg, and you’ll write a confession, and your punishment will be reduced, what kind of punishment, tai, that’s it it will be fine, don’t be afraid, please, at least let galya go, she’s not guilty of anything, yes, i have nothing to do with it, sit down and don’t rock the boat, we’ll all break through together. or let's all go together , calmly, don't rock the boat, we have a hostage, if you let the girls go, i promise not to kill you today, i'm about to kill the gal, and you'll be stupid and i'll get to tanya, uh, i have
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nothing to lose, but in my opinion you drive, i drive. no, me, we all listen carefully, drop your weapon, move 20 steps away, i count to three, uh, you’re a mathematician, aren’t you a man, why? you hide behind women, and i say, let’s drop our weapons, otherwise i’ll shoot, well, well done, we’ll stay on our knees, oops, lick! igor , hold, take, why, shoot, where, there in the head, i can’t, i, fox, i, i, can’t,
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if you don’t shoot at him, i’ll shoot at you, come on, like this, well done, but i 'll leave the comment for now, no, please, don't touch him, calm, calm, here, to me, stand, come on! stop, we bring down the dragons, we leave the dragons, car, car, i was so scared, i should probably
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thank you, you saved my life. not really, well, it was you who saved us all? sorry, gentlemen, i’m taking my leave, it’s an urgent matter, i can’t do it without you, everything is in order, so the white car is 765 region.
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tanya, forgive me, why stop it, you 've gone crazy, you saved everyone, gal, so what are we going to do? that means you ’ll drop me off first in the village, and then in pryamorsit. what, well, let’s forget the bad, what ’s bad, we’ll forget all the bad, we’ll see you in the evening, i don’t know, let’s look at your behavior, but i’m proud, there’s no one willing to get there, i’m you coming? konstantin,
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ah, here it is, freedom. yes, i'm listening to you krotov, i wish you good health, comrade colonel , well, you don’t want to congratulate me, as i guessed, we are civilians, unlike you policemen, we are smart people, in short, smart, listen, here, the case against you is closed, the investigator who sewed it up for you , fired. this is good news, thank you, who is the scoundrel now? okay, okay , he also insulted me, but he was wrong,
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he was wrong, i admit, what are the plans for the future life, oh, wait about the plans, what’s wrong with tatyana, everything’s wrong with tatyana okay, if you want, you can see olga with her, you can right now, and of course you will be there too. so where would you go without me , i look, while i was in pre-trial detention, you didn’t waste your time either, that you’re wooing my lady, why did you get it, why did i get it, you invite the kolge to your home, master, okay, don’t worry, dinner in honor of you, your liberation, is accepted, i will be there. freedom,
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in my opinion, kostya has fallen in love with you. what where did you get that from? well, you should have seen the eyes with which he looked at you, well, i promised to call you with gratitude, the fact that i saved his life, that’s all, well, he saved you too, so now you have a lot in common, yeah. especially the fact that we have already slept with him several times , but he doesn’t know about it, gal, tell me
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, do you like him, in my opinion, he’s a narcissistic narcissist, but no, something, he’s a good guy, yes, and you have you forgotten that this nice guy has already forcibly dragged you into the church several times? that he was simply blown away, harmonious, uh-huh, well, tell me, he’s cute, but i don’t know, i need to take a closer look, uh-huh, take a closer look, give me the key, please, the boss is here, no, how come you don’t have it? and he doesn’t report to me, oh, can you imagine, he almost lost two of his best employees, three, simonovich, well, yes,
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two of his best employees. do you see him or not, yes mom, where did you go, we are waiting for you, we are waiting, and comrade colonel orders you to come home and not to linger, so here he is , and we are looking for him, we will be there soon, well, let’s go, no, come on without me, i have an urgent matter, as urgent as your rukin? shall we rebuke others? he just does it all the time appears and disappears like the jack-in-the-box, i told you, he works for the fsb, yes , i heard, but maybe you can explain to me how he always ends up at the right time, in the right place, i’ll explain when he saved us first once, i decided to find out who he really was, i found out, i found out, although it was very difficult, few people know about him, he is
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an extremely secret person. you know, kutya, i have information that he is not an fsb agent, but an ordinary bandit, where did you get the idea? not important, but the source is reliable, yes, it is connected with crime, but only because he was infiltrated there, he works undercover, what does he do, pores in the law, not everyone in authority, in a word, catches big fish, that’s why i agreed with him, he’s just like that i took it, agreed, no, not right away, i know how to persuade, well, so be it, oleg, i don’t have the right to show him off, everything we just talked about is between us, okay, okay, the key. two best
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employees and one simonovich, here is vasya, great, come on, commander, bye, well, this don juan in uniform is already right there. bread, i’ll probably put it here, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, but he’s late, sasha, i’m already afraid that he won’t get into some kind of trouble, but that’s all he can do, he’s almost his again he pulls out, yes, he always ends up somewhere, just like some kind of child , he just needs his mother, do you really want
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to be his mother, i can answer, but it’s a festive evening, excuse me, i joked poorly, well, it’s small, here he is, here he is, our hero, yes, okay, hero, hero, tell me how you are, little one, what? he is, insulator, glory god, they were released, by the way, thanks to whom they were released, but oh, the elephant, i didn’t notice her, hello, hello, hello, what is it , let’s have a drink, sit down, please, alexander, open the champagne, yes, with pleasure , as you order.
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help, but that’s okay, we can handle it, there’s still gunpowder, a powder flask, let me, i allow you , yes, why are you fussing, i’m sorry, here’s the little one, well, of course, the drink of real men, i’ll be here... to speak, yes, and the first a toast to an extraordinary person, olechka, a real man, a knight, olya, to you, igor valerievich, oh, it’s my pleasure , my pleasure, well, no, wait, i somehow didn’t understand,
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what does igor valerievich have to do with it, in my opinion, this dinner was organized in my honor, alexander, if it weren’t for comrade colonel, you wouldn’t be sitting here, yes, you’d be sitting somewhere else, by the way, and what happens? he’s our savior, and i’m such a waste of space, or what? i didn’t pull your tongue, you chose the role yourself, but really, it’s an empty place, boys, you started again, no, we, we are everything, everything is fine, ol, i don’t really understand something, honestly, yes i do, that you don’t really understand, that you don’t really understand, it’s none of your business, no, you already say, if necessary, it will be necessary, i’ll say, yes, i should, i was scared, yes, that i was scared, i was scared in your opinion , what? dad , daughter, daughter, well, you are my sunshine, this is comrade colonel, igor valerievich, this is galina, friend, come in, come in,
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sit down, come on, young people, come on in, i can offer you champagne girls. i'm here, why are you so gloomy? there are several reasons. but i don’t want anything, just black tea, thank you, my brother is yours i became interested in the modest person, but what about him? he doesn’t consider you a facebook guy, but
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a bandit, so i think you ’re better off getting on one for now, to avoid, so to speak, all sorts of people out there, that’s bullshit, how did he know? thank you, i myself , thank you, doesn’t say anything, but i think that simonovovich has been digging under me for a long time, if simonovich knows who i am, he needs to be slammed, hush, something should be slammed right away, first of all, simonovich, my friend and comrade in arms. don’t forget, and secondly, if he had at least something real, they would have taken you long ago, huh? thank you, i made you happy, but what are we going to do with your brother?
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it's all easier with the tail, i convinced you that you 're an employee and you're working undercover, and you're just looking for crime, i don't like all this, and the worst thing is this... simonovovich , you little bastard, you stink, relax, everything's fine, i 'm looking after him, let him have his own pleasure, he likes it, and if something really real comes up, we’ll always have time to eliminate him, bone, you said that he’s your friend and comrade in arms, he won’t be sorry. friendship is friendship, but i won’t go and get tired, olenka, let me offer you the alivier salad
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, no need, olya, no need for salad, here you try it, here’s the liver one, you can die from the smell, liver salad, just feed the chickens, you know, i would say, i would tell you where your love goes . i just don’t want to talk in front of women, i prepared both salads , with these very own hands, and the moment, hello, little ole, and we’re all waiting for you, thank you, oleg, pum, his car broke down, here, here. well, come on, we are waiting for you, well, yes, yes, we will celebrate, come on, come on, everything is in okay, the car broke down, well, that's right , my friends, yes, i would like to drink to
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the charming owner of this house, oh, i agree, let's, wait, wait, with your pleasure, to her two beautiful sons, to some article, from what perelak will you drink for your sons, well, from what article, from what article, but it wouldn’t hurt you to know that one of them, these most wonderful sons, by the way, oleg, will soon be my son- in-law , let it be known to you, but now they are both my employees, they serve under my leadership and neither someday soon, in the future, right now they are serving, yes, i don’t envy them, poor people, for you, olga vladimirovna, for you, for you, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray, hurray, you’re somehow strange... what are you thinking about? here’s the thing seryozha,
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i detained one thief, well, they named him andrei kravchenko, nicknamed krava, what do you regret or what ? you’ll laugh, but yes, i’m sorry, my dear father, this is the number. by the way, you never said anything about your father, but what is there to tell? i don't even remember him. mom said the sailor went on a voyage and never returned, but he do you see he went to jail? of course, i understand, mother, who wants to tell her son that dad is a repeat thief, she felt sorry for me, she took care of me. i took good care of her, oh, i don’t know, i don’t
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know, he wrote me letters to her, real letters, kind, affectionate, he wrote how he misses us, how he loves us, he kept dreaming about how we’ll live happily when he returns, mother of these letters . i didn’t read it, of course , she took it, she hid the letters from me, he really came back, when he leaned back, he didn’t want to see my mother, and she didn’t let me near me, i think maybe he was out of grief, then he took up the old thing, like option, i have one question, they don’t give me peace, they say. that i am his son, are you a fool or what?
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are you a promising officer? you have your whole life ahead of you, and you want to throw it at the feet of this old son? don’t say anything to anyone, calmly, bring the matter to an end and bring it to court, and forget about the guy, as if he never existed, went on a long voyage and never returned. seryozhenka, for some reason i didn’t expect a different answer from you, but it’s somehow strange, you know, my soul hurts and my heart aches, i don’t understand why, that’s it.
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take a walk, buddy, we're having an intimate conversation here. planned, thank you, and what kind of citizen-boss we have, there will be an intimate conversation, an intimate conversation with the investigator, he is always the same. this is a sincere sign.


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