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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 1, 2023 10:00am-10:36am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] you need to think like a maniac, the endurance was enough for 8 days, the idf and hamas resumed mutual shelling , aibolit armor, work of repair teams in the zone... theirs and what our masters come up with for protection, and also how in the usa and europe they are beginning to perceive the inconvenient truth about conflict in ukraine, that a five-story building is being built in the center of antarctica, the russian museum tells how vasily surikov wrote russian history. this is the program today in the zavoisty studio. hello. we start with the conflict in the middle east, 2 hours ago, israeli army
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resumed combat operations in the gaza strip, hahal stated that the hamas group had violated the terms of the truce. early in the morning , an iron dome system intercepted a missile over israeli zderot. soon israeli fighter jets took to the skies, they began to strike hamas targets in the gaza strip, now shooting can be heard in the north of the enclave , as explained in the prime minister’s office, yahoo, hamas did not provide a new list of hostages that it is ready to release on friday and fired on the territory israel, so the ceasefire no longer applies, the regime the ceasefire between the idf and hamas lasted exactly a week, the parties extended it twice, during which time 110 hostages who were captured during the attack on october 7 returned to israel, the last eight freed left the enclave late
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the night before, now they are all already in the territory.. ... in the city of ramala, a conflict broke out between the police meeting them. law enforcement officers used rubber bullets. when the bus from the israeli prison finally arrived, the freed people were cheered, the freed people were greeted as national heroes. un used the truce in the gaza strip to place mobile warehouses for humanitarian aid in the enclave, this should facilitate the release of vital supplies. according to. just hours before the resumption of hostilities in the gaza strip, us secretary of state blinken, after a meeting with netanyahu and abbas, said that, quote, he made it clear that before israel resumes major military operations, it must develop plans
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to protect civilians. there is no protection for the civilian population, well, now cnn channel citing a source reports that negotiations on the exchange of captured prisoners between israel and hamas continue, despite the outbreak of fighting. the reception begins now, questions for the big press conference and the president’s direct line begin today, vladimir putin will sum up the year on december 14. questions are understood by calling 8, 800 200 exactly. 40:40 from anywhere in the country, calling this number is free, you can also send your question by message to number 04040 on social networks, vkontakte and odnoklassniki, through a special phone application, or leave it on the website, where you can also upload a video message. for the first time, the combined format was tested during the pandemic in 2020, incorporating elements of a direct line into a large press conference, the annual communication with
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russians that the president holds. 4:40 minutes, and the longest direct line was the 2013 program, then putin answered questions 4:47 minutes, the united states is running out of money previously allocated for arms supplies to ukraine, pentagon official sabina singh reported, and new funding is stuck in congress . that america is long overdue end the entire ukrainian epic, politicians in washington are increasingly saying. senator rand paul from kentucky stated bluntly: it is obvious to him that the ukrainians are simply physically unable to oust the russian army from their positions, just as they will not be able to return crimea. he believes that military assistance to kiev in the amount requested by the biden administration is unrealistic. the states already have huge debts, and washington needs
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to think about its country, the senator said. completely openly discusses options for exiting the conflict from the western press and says, that the united states could force ukraine to begin peace negotiations with russia. the fact that western societies are interested in ukrainian events. has decreased catastrophically, the eu leadership admits. the agenda switched to the middle east crisis. and in moscow they remind that it was the western powers that forced kiev to sabotage the negotiations in the spring of twenty-two. this fact is confirmed by representatives of the kiev regime. we are talking about the recent revelations of harakhamia. nikita korzun found out whose fault the fighting continues. a year and a half, hundreds of thousands of dead the north atlantic alliance needed ukrainians to recognize them. it is impossible to inflict an obvious strategic defeat on russia. the goals and hopes associated with the ukrainian counteroffensive are nullified, because since its beginning there have been no serious changes on the battlefield and no
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breakthrough. many people here recognized this, quietly, with apprehension, but they admitted it. the behind-the-scenes quibbles at the summit of nato foreign ministers, of course, do not yet mean capitulation, but they certainly serve as symptoms of disappointment. confirmation is easy to spot in the official we know that the front line has not moved over the past year, intense fighting continues, we are obliged to provide ukraine with the necessary weapons, otherwise the victory of president putin will be a tragedy for the ukrainians. that is, there is no change on the western front, they are still determined to fight until the last ukrainian. such an obvious settlement instrument as a peace treaty between russia is not being considered; the us state department again claims that it does not see any signs that russia is ready to conduct substantive peace negotiations. for ukraine, deputy secretary of state o'brien believes, it would be pointless to have this discussion, since this is not a dialogue,
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but a monologue about capitulation. this statement followed the phenomenal confession of david arakhamia, the leader of the servant of the people faction in the verkhovna rada, that the bloodshed could have been stopped. boris johnson arrived in kiev and said: “we won’t sign anything with them at all, let’s just fight.” boris johnson, by the way, is the author of the concept of war to the last ukrainian. however, it was not only the british prime minister who managed to find arguments for zelsky, notes vladimir midinsky. the presidential aide represented russia in peace negotiations with
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ukraine in the spring of twenty. he would thereby save the lives of hundreds of thousands of his soldiers. this is confirmed by the former adviser to the president. and russian issues last fall, in an article for foren affairs , fiona hill wrote that in april 22, russian-ukrainian negotiators preliminary agreed on the contours of a temporary settlement through negotiations. russia will retreat to the position of february 23, when it controlled part of donbass and all of crimea, in exchange ukraine will promise not to strive for nato membership, instead to receive security guarantees for a number of countries, but western politicians and subordinate media have done everything to ensure the very prospect of peace. in germany, schroeder, for example, openly pointed out that it was the united states that prevented a quick peace agreement and did not allow the ukrainians to agree on peace. meanwhile, russia has never refused
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negotiations with ukraine, vladimir putin recalled at the recent g20 summit, in in june, at a meeting with african heads of state in st. petersburg, the president demonstrated the document itself. here he is. there is, it’s called that, an agreement on permanent neutrality and security guarantees for ukraine, specifically on guarantees, 18 articles, everything is spelled out down to the units of military equipment and the personnel of the armed forces, this is the document, it is initialed, by the kiev delegation. the signature is, the state that everyone who follows russian-ukrainian relations is experiencing now, in network jargon is called a break in the pattern, what happens, putin was right, but if this also applies to assigning the status of foreigners to people who are considered not
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to be working against russia, but what to do with the facts, the wanted enoagent milov demands in the european parliament to strengthen anti-russian sanctions. the eu needs serious control over compliance with sanctions against russia, it needs a serious apparatus. or the name of the economist guriev is also listed as an agent on the website of stanford university among the architects of anti-russian sanctions that would encourage the outflow of capital from russia, which would cause russian savings in dollars, will put maximum pressure on the ruble exchange rate and the state of the economy. in a word, everything is too ambiguous, but how is all this absurdity possible in an enlightened world, in which any information is available to everyone. the explanation is very simple. kakistocracy. this term is used by an american journalist and political scientist who visited donbass for the first time. scott bennett has seen first-hand the results of the western desire to harm russia through ukraine.
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kakistocracy, they had power. the famous canadian philosopher also speaks about this psychiatrist jordan petterson. he wrote: look around, we have psychopaths running canada, britain and even the usa. joe biden , the walking dead, not understanding where to go, it’s fascinating, it’s impossible to believe how america, canada, australia, britain, germany, france have turned into such backward nations. zelsky crossed out the prospect of a peaceful settlement with a decree on the impossibility of negotiations with the current president of russia, this was even before the recognition of arakhamia or kiev’s disappointment in nato, you can cancel the decree, or wait the moment when russia considers the goals of a special military operation achieved, the choice is no different, but there is always a way out. nikita korzun, andrey zubkevich, maxim zaichenko, anna chigrova and oleg gorkov. strengthening medical science. digital technologies, new effective methods for treating dangerous diseases
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, of course, ensuring infectious safety , vladimir putin spoke about the challenges facing doctors today in his video message to the participants of the second national health congress. he opens today and will be held at the venues of the russia forum at vdnkh. more than a thousand people from all russian regions are participating; as the president emphasized, a lot has already been done and created within the framework of the national healthcare project. 2,000 medical and obstetric stations, dozens of children's hospitals and surgical buildings were built or renovated, the most modern equipment was purchased, and over 1,400 cars were purchased for clinic doctors. the head of state noted that despite the new tasks and plans, one thing remains unchanged, great mission of the doctor. special words of gratitude to the doctors, paramedics, nurses and paramedics who, risking themselves, nurse our soldiers in the zone of a special military
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operation in front-line hospitals and clinics. there are almost 4,000 such brave, dedicated people. i thank all medical workers in russia for your selfless work, for your loyalty to your calling, your noble and so necessary profession for people. i wish the participants of the congress national healthcare, successful work, only the very best to you good, and of course, health. now about the work of our military in the special operation zone in the southern donetsk direction, units of the vostok group repelled four attacks by the ukrainian armed forces in one day, destroyed the militants’ equipment, as well as foreign mercenaries. under ugledar, this is one of the most tense points in this area; our assault groups are supported by tankers. they, as they say, do not allow the enemy to raise his head. covering enemy strongholds with dense fire.
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sergei pikulin watched the work of the crews. hello everyone, we are tankers of the fifth tank brigades. hello everyone, straight from the front line. driver with call sign black, mobilized. i have an exclusively civilian specialty behind me, but i quickly got used to the tank, before i drove a timber truck - this is when you have a truck of about five meters and a trailer with logs, another six. so the dimensions. of the modernized t-62, the child's leped took longer to get used to the fact that mines were going off in front of his car. but we’ve already gotten used to it, but you don’t pay attention to the mines, the first two arrivals, and then it doesn’t matter, somehow you get used to it, often it’s our tanks that pave the way for the infantry through minefields, so many are equipped with such special mine trawls, in fact, this vehicle goes first, and behind it...
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infantry, let's go, the task is to bring the infantry as close as possible to the enemy trenches. assault detachments enter the defensive post, tankers cut off ukrainian armed forces reinforcements with fire. shot. this is a tank unit from buryatia, they work under carbon, not allowing the enemy to raise their heads, the tank. tists save the lives of our infantry, so they know each of the squad by sight. you came with us, we kind of saw thank you guys for making it happen, somehow. so often a tank unit plays the role of artillery, they work from closed firing positions, a tank, unlike a cannon, can be quickly transferred to the desired square, where the armed forces are trying to attack, per day each tank trains several targets in different areas, they arrived, they worked, so what?
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kocher, but it’s okay, you just did a great job as normal, you just worked on the opornik, threw it at them. often they return to the waiting area not for rest, but only to replenish their ammunition. sergey pikulin and ole rebzhanov, ntv, yuzhnodonetsk direction of the special operation. next, a short advertisement, after which we will talk about the new management company of pulkovo airport, the new vostok wintering complex in antarctica, and also almost all the meerkids in the russian museum in st. petersburg. magic conditions - a real rate of up to 15.5% per annum on a savings account at gazprom bank, your money works, and you receive additional income, withdraw
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let's create a holiday together? receive scratchcards with stickers as gifts for every 600 rubles in a receipt. register checks on the i. website at the best price and without overpayments. come to the plane service of apartment solutions from the deal for renovation and furniture. where to go, where to buy osaka, of course, on the comparison website. here you can save on purchasing a policy, there is a large selection of insurance companies. the main thing is to compare it reliably. 11 million motorists already use global village 799 to choose and buy osaga at the best price and without overpayments. pyaterochka helps out. where to buy osaga? of course, on the comparison website. at the best price and
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without overpayments. superstar. new season, tomorrow at 20:20 on ntv. you are watching ntv, we continue the broadcast. the authorities decided to change the manager of upulkova airport in st. petersburg company. now, instead of a foreign one, it will be a russian structure. business news marina pimenova. marina, what is the reason? as stated in the presidential decree in connection with the threat to national interests and economic security. the right to manage pulkovo airport was taken away from foreign companies. since 2010, this has been done by a company called. which belongs to the cypriot structure. now, by presidential decree, 100% of the shares in the air gates of the northern capital are transferred to the air force holding company created by the government. it is reported that the founder. this structure there will be no government, and 13 companies will receive shares in it. before this, the largest co-owners of the pulkovo management company
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were vtb bank, the german company fraport, and the katera investment fund, each with approximately 25%. in the new structure created by the government, they will retain their shares, but russian shareholders will be able to dispose of their shares, but foreign ones will not. world oil prices fell by $2 yesterday and are unlikely to rise today. yes. yesterday it extended the current restrictions on production, even added new ones, but the market was not impressed. firstly, the production reduction is called voluntary, and this good will can end at any moment. and secondly, the market expected that opec plus would make a decision immediately for six months, as a result, so far we are only talking about the first quarter of 2024. the main news of this morning on the russian stock market, sofcombank announced that it is going to hold an ipo on the moscow exchange and is starting to accept applications from investors. the ruble is becoming slightly more expensive, the dollar is 89.244, the euro is 97.37. the federal antimonopoly service invited
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retail chains to voluntarily limit markups for chicken eggs up to 5%. rbc writes about the letter to the union of independent chains of russia and the association of retail trade companies. earlier , rustat reported that in october eggs became the most expensive product. a source in one of the retail chains indicates that the reason for the price increase is on the side of manufacturers. interlocutors attribute the increase in purchasing prices from suppliers to the fact that demand exceeds supply, and on new year's days it will increase even more. in october , the kfc and rostix chains faced a chicken shortage. federation of restaurateurs and ateliers this was explained by the fact that there was a shortage of workers at poultry farms, feed was still shaking , and logistics chains were disrupted. dima, that's all for me. thank you, marina pimenova, for business news. i'll drop you off in moscow today. results of the flagships of education competition. over 200 of the best management educators from all over the country took part in the finals. among the main
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tasks is to form a personnel reserve in one of the most sensitive areas. this is for the state, but for the participants themselves it is an opportunity to express themselves, to show their professional experience management skills. about the project where teachers teach themselves, nakhit babaev. there should probably be absolute silence here, after all, around the teacher, but. the atmosphere is less like being in a lesson and more like being at recess, just listen. 265 of the best management educators from all over the country gathered in moscow. the education flagships project is essentially a competition where the main prize is the opportunity to get penciled in. we, as a platform, the presidential platform russia land of opportunities, select the most trained, motivated professionals in their field, and winners. we will recommend that the ministry of education include them in the appropriate personnel reserve for their further appointment to vacant positions in the field of education in general.
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guess which of these two is the teacher, the one on the right. denis olegovich is 24 years old, he teaches history and social studies in kaliningrad. firstly, these are connections and social capital, the best managers, the best teachers from all over russia came here and communicate with them, see them, and getting something from them in terms of knowledge, experience, this is one of the most important things. well, besides this, of course, there are also some professional skills, and professional skills can also be upgraded again, even more, and skills are upgraded through competitions, lectures, master classes, let’s say, it is now fashionable to say that the soviet education system is the best in the world, but after all , so many years have passed, are the old methods suitable for training new schoolchildren? yes, the current generation, it’s all digital, these are phones, these are computers, of course, this is necessary keep in mind that this did not happen in the soviet union. but at the same time there was a very strong soviet school, there were strong teachers, there was strong discipline, education, we cannot leave it there and move forward without it. the project is not
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limited geographically; alexandra alexandrovna, say, came from her work village of 10,000 people in the north of the omsk region, and there were teachers from new regions nearby. marina vladimirovna teaches english at a lyceum in the kherson region, for her flagship education is still an opportunity to smoothly integrate into the educational environment russia. when it comes to us. some orders or some competitions, and regulations, we sometimes need some help to understand, but what is written, how to implement it in practice, the phrase here is all already winners, a hackneyed one, even somewhat absurd, but in this case, everything is exactly like this: firstly, lectures attended , master classes conducted, projects prepared will help further teach management, and secondly, everyone who came to moscow is already in the personnel reserve of their regions. nakhit babaev, maria popova, alexander viktorov and stepan yasakovich. in antarctica, the construction of a unique facility at the new wintering
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complex of the russian vostok station is being completed. the team arrived there. specialists on all-terrain vehicles, as well as a special tracked train, it delivered 190 tons of cargo. in the coming months , the assembly of residential and utility modules will take place; trial operation of the new building in the harsh conditions of the antarctic winter will begin in january. six expedition members and three dozen technicians will remain at the base. will test the reliability of all life support systems. russian polar explorers plan to celebrate their housewarming at the beginning of the twenty-fifth year as part of the anniversary celebration. seventieth russian antarctic expedition, an artist of siberian fortitude , a classic of russian historical painting and a master of large-scale canvases, the exhibition of the great vasily surikov opens today in the russian museum of st. petersburg, the largest exhibition in recent history, more than 120 works. boyar morozova, the morning of the streltsy execution, the conquest of siberia by ermak, stepan razin,
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methodologists and restorers will help you to see every detail and find out what inspired the master; for the first time , a special educational hall will operate as part of the exhibition. ilya fedosov has already visited the museum. if i wrote hell, i would force people to pose in the fire, and i would sit in the fire myself. so said vasily surikov. and this gives us an idea of ​​his working methods. in terms of the depth of immersion into the material in the art of painting, it can be compared with few others; the exhibition in the russian museum very accurately reflects the painstaking thoughtful artist's style. in addition to the famous paintings , studies and sketches from which ... the process of creating paintings, there are unique exhibits, sketches, paintings of the cathedral of christ the savior, there are also real things, elements of folk life, transferred
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to canvas by vasily surikov. it is only possible to plunge into this creativity, understand its scale, study his creative manner, his style, techniques and understand what contribution surikov made in general to the history of our art, and this contribution is colossal. at such an exhibition, which can be called the entire surik. otaman stenkorazin has not been as popular for a long time as he was at the opening of this exhibition. the famous painting can be seen for the first time after serious restoration, almost in the same form in which the artist finished it. involuntarily, the viewer's attention from the central figure of otaman turns to his companions, no less charismatic and interesting characters. this is exactly what surikov brought to painting. secondary, it would seem , figures that traditionally only set off. the main characters, and he raises the average person, the participant, to stand alone, with this hero, they become equal, so to speak, creators of this very historical
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process. boyarina morozova, one of the artist’s most famous paintings. in itself, this is a work of painting, a whole film, only unlike cinema, here everyone storyboards it for themselves and divides the characters into positive and negative ones. the schismatic feodosia morozov is taken into exile by sannyas, where she will die of hunger in an earthen pit. the sleigh makes its way through the crowd, in this crowd everyone has their own role. someone is crying, someone is prays, and there are those who laugh at the woman who refused to betray her faith. and above all this is the old believer’s double- fingered gesture, with which the boyar blesses. at the same time threatens those gathered. this one picture contains the whole tragedy of the schism of the russian orthodox church. surikov was attracted precisely by turning points in history, such as the uprising of stepan razin, nikon's reform, the times of peter the great, or suvorov's crossing of the alps. a striking example of an original, purely surikov compositional solution for the painting, which absolutely accurately conveys the dynamics actions. the mass of soldiers accumulates on
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the mountains above, then, like an avalanche, picking up speed, it collapses. and what is very important psychologically, we never see how long their descent will continue. composer, that’s what surikov was nicknamed at the academy for his love of art composition. the layouts of his paintings are usually impeccable. once another great painter, vasily vereshchag, an expert in military affairs, reproached surikov for the fact that his soldiers were crossing the alps with bayonets stuck down, as if in an attack. surikov replied that it is more important to convey not the external, but the real. the bayonets add dynamics and enhance. feeling of danger. before painting this picture, the artist went to the alps and even rolled down a mountain in the snow in order to better understand the sensations that russian soldiers experienced. finally, the artist’s most ambitious work, the conquest of siberia by ermak. surikov himself would have been a descendant of the cossacks, who, under the command of ermak, explored the siberian expanses, so this topic was especially close to him. a whole
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philanthropic battle broke out over this painting. collector pavel tretyakov offered the artist 30 for it . until that day, artists had not been paid such money, but emperor nicholas ii said that such a masterpiece should belong to the people and purchased it for 40,000 rubles for the collection of the russian museum. i think this exhibition will be a huge success, because no matter how great indeed surikov’s contemporaries and artists were, his painstaking work, his efficiency, his perfectionism, he was absolutely unique, and this can be seen, his great works are finally surikov’s most cheerful painting, the capture of a snowy town, about old people siberian winter holiday fun, written during the most difficult period of his life, after the death of his wife , and there are no great heroes or statesmen here at all , just people, people who, like children
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, rejoice in the earth, throwing away all the feigned externals and keeping within themselves, just like vasily surikov, inner present. ilya fedosov, sergey vorobyov, pavel zelkov, ntv petersburg. that's all for now, thank you for being with us, all the best and see you soon. how to reduce joint pain without harming the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. rivmofx evalar - painless movement. if your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. rheumaflexibility allowed movement without pain in any weather. and now about the weather for tomorrow. hello, in this issue the european territory of russia, forecasts talk about the future settling frosts. tomorrow in the northwest and
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even in most of the central region, there will be a clear weakening of the snow and a drop in temperature. so far only up to -5-10°. moreover, there is almost the same amount in the north and it also cannot do without a little snow. well, then everything gets serious. at the beginning of next week in the center it will be below zero degrees. in kostroma , the night frost can reach -25, and during the day it will be -20, but for the southern regions, on the contrary, there is a surge of heat, the thaw affects the middle volga, in chernozem snow can change freezing rain, well, the south will simply bathe in the warm air, tomorrow it will already be up to +18 , but the cooling will be dizzying, on tuesday in krasnodar it will be sharply only +4, in the capitals it is already colder than expected, in st. petersburg tomorrow afternoon -5, light snow, in moscow -6, but outside the city it’s already -15 and this is just the beginning. everything about the weather. overeating alcohol loads the liver three times more than normal. how to protect your liver during the holidays? take hepatrinar. it contains three active
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components for triple liver protection. hepatrinalar. protect your liver during the holiday. overeating and alcohol load the liver three times more than normal. how to protect your liver during the holidays? hepatririn is aimed at triple protection of the liver. hepatrin from the company evalar. woman without borders foundation, if you are offended, call us on the phone, thank you, call us on 32221 , please take it, thank you very much, women without borders foundation, call us on 32221 woman without borders, call us on 322. what this is a fund for women without borders , chubby libs oh no, in general there are two
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options for closing your fund, the first is community service, the second is imprisonment, i choose public censure, how can i help, in general, i have two corpses, two dead girls. killed from an incomprehensible uncut self-propelled gun, you know something, you two corpses are so funny no, i just know where they make self-propelled guns at an old foundry, well, where you can’t get a job , yes, yes, there is an underground weapons workshop there, knock twice, ask dima paraben, but the thing is that everything the business is run by his wife larisa, nickname barbarossa, i warn you, a rare bitch. well there this is how the word bitch reacts, well, he’s a cable, it would be better if you got yourself a cat, maxim, it would be better if you got a job at the foundry, go, go, quietly,


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