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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 1, 2023 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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the truce is over, israel and hamas have resumed hostilities, but is there a choice ? now in the west they are talking about the ukrainian conflict and perhaps... flagship education in moscow, the best teachers and managers of the country gathered for the competition. on the first day of winter, the first new year tree appeared in russia; it was installed in yakutia. about the main thing, for this minute, in the studio ilya fedorovtsev. hello. the truce between israel and hamas has been interrupted; this morning the idf began shelling the gaza strip again, explaining the decision by saying that the palestinians had violated the terms. truce and
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did not provide a new list of hostages who are ready to be released on friday. early in the morning , an iron dome system intercepted a missile over israeli sderot. israeli fighter jets soon took to the skies and began striking hamas targets in the gaza strip. shooting can now be heard in the north of the enclave. the ceasefire between the idf and hamas lasted exactly a week. it was extended to the sides twice. for that. at this time , 110 hostages who were captured during the attack on october 7 returned to israel. latest all of the liberated people left the enclave late the night before, and now they are all already in israeli territory. in the evening , 30 palestinian prisoners in the city of ramallah were released, and a conflict broke out between the police who met them. law enforcement officers used rubber bullets. when the bus from the israeli prison finally arrived, the freed men were hailed as national heroes. the un used the ceasefire in the gas sector to place mobile warehouses and aid in the enclave, this should facilitate the release of
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vital supplies, according to organization, 76,000 people have already received assistance in the enclave, and 2 million need it. just a few hours before the resumption of hostilities, us secretary of state anthony blinken, after a meeting with netanyahu and abbas, said that the quote made it clear before israel resumes major military operations, he must develop plans for the protection of civilians. flying out of israel, blinken declined to comment on the resumption of fighting. strengthening medical science, introducing digital technologies, new effective methods for treating dangerous diseases and of course ensuring infection safety. vladimir putin spoke today about the task facing doctors in his video message to the participants of the second national health congress. it is taking place today at the russian forum exhibition site at vdnkh. more than a thousand people from all russian regions take part in it. the head of state noted that despite the new tasks , one thing remains unchanged in the plans. i hope that you will pay special attention
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to solving personnel problems and improving the level and quality of medical education. the significance of these and many other issues that you will discuss is extremely high, because we are talking about people’s health and lives. the state prioritizes the development of medicine. of course, there are plenty of unresolved issues, but within the framework of the national health care project there are results. for example, infrastructure has been built and specialists have been trained to provide assistance for cardiovascular diseases. this allows stroke patients to be saved during the so-called golden window, when treatment is most effective. avoid serious consequences. and thanks to the outpatient oncology care system.
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most patients from regions, including remote ones, receive the necessary treatment locally. issues that you will discuss, as the president emphasized, a lot has already been done within the framework of the national health care project, almost 2,000 medical and obstetric centers have been created, dozens of children's hospitals and surgical buildings have been built or renovated, the most modern equipment has been purchased, and more than 1,400 have been purchased for clinic doctors cars. during her speech at the congress , deputy prime minister tatyana golikova said that over the 10 months of this year... about 72 million people underwent preventive examinations and medical examinations. today we started accepting questions for the big press conference and directly from the president. vladimir putin will sum up the year on december 14. questions are accepted by calling 800-200 exactly 40-40 from anywhere in the country calling this number is free. you can also send an sms message to number 040-40 on social networks. ask a question on vkontakte , classmates work through a special phone application or leave it on the website.
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ru, you can also upload a video message there. the western press is openly discussing options for exiting the ukrainian crisis; according to journalists, the united states, in the near future... may force ukraine to begin peace negotiations with russia. the fact that it is time for america to end the ukrainian epic is increasingly being said in washington. kintuki state senator rent paul stated bluntly that it is obvious to him that the ukrainians are physically unable to dislodge the russian army from their position, just as they will not be able to return crimea, he believes that military assistance from kiev in the amount requested by the biden administration is unrealistic. but moscow reminds that it was the western powers that forced kiev to sabotage the negotiations in the spring of twenty-two, this fact of the kiev regime, so through whose fault the fighting continues, nikita korzun found out. it took the north atlantic alliance a year and a half for hundreds of thousands of dead ukrainians to recognize that it was impossible to inflict a strategic defeat on russia.
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goals of hope associated with ukrainian the counter-offensive was nullified because from the moment it began there were no serious changes on the battlefield and no breakthrough. many people here have admitted this. meeting of the foreign ministers of nato countries, of course, does not yet mean capitulation, but disappointment is definitely a symptom; confirmation is easy to find in the official statement of the secretary general of the alliance, which calls for further efforts to strengthen military support for ukraine. we know that the front line has not moved over the past year, intense fighting continues, we must provide ukraine with the necessary weapons, otherwise the president will win. that is, there is no change on the western front, they are still determined to fight until the last ukrainian, such an obvious settlement instrument as a peace treaty between russia and ukraine is still not being considered in the west, the us state department again claims that they do not see any
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signs that russia is ready to conduct substantive peace negotiations. for ukraine, deputy secretary of state o-brian believes, it would be pointless to have this discussion, since this is not a dialogue, but a monologue about surrender. this is a statement. and until the last ukrainian, however, it was not only the british prime minister who managed to find arguments for zelsky , notes vladimir midinsky, the presidential assistant represented russia in peace negotiations with ukraine in the spring of twenty -two, some group of foreign advisers was formed, who actually advised zelsky not to sign the peace
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contract thus, the chance to end the war was missed, i am deeply convinced that if kiev signed the peace treaty under those conditions, it would he would have saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of his soldiers, but zelensky chose war. this is confirmed by the former adviser to the us president on european and russian issues. back in the fall of last year, in an article for foren affairs , fiona hill wrote that in april 22, russian-ukrainian negotiators tentatively agreed on the contours of a temporary settlement through negotiations. russia will retreat to the positions of february 23, when it controlled part and all of donbass. crimea, in exchange ukraine will promise not to strive for membership in nato, instead receive security guarantees for a number of countries, but western politicians and subordinate media did everything to make it impossible to believe in the very prospect of a peaceful settlement. the general chorus of accusations drowned out the rare notes of common sense. former german chancellor schröder,
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for example, openly pointed out that it was the united states that prevented a quick peace agreement and did not allow the ukrainians to agree on peace. meanwhile, russia has never refused negotiations with ukraine, vladimir putin recalled. at the recent g20 summit in june meeting with the heads of african states in st. petersburg, the president showed the document itself, here it is, it is, that’s what it’s called , an agreement on permanent neutrality and security guarantees for ukraine, namely guarantees, 18 articles, everything is spelled out, including units of military equipment and personnel armed forces, this is a document, it was initialed by the kiev delegation, there is a signature, the state that everyone who follows russian-ukrainian relations is experiencing now
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is called a break in the pattern in network jargon, well it turns out that putin was right, and if this concerns the assignment of the status of agents to people who are considered not to be working against russia, but what to do or the name of the economist guriev is also indicated on the agent on the website of stanford university among the architects of anti-russian sanctions that would encouraged capital outflow from russia, which would damage russian savings in dollars and put maximum pressure on the ruble exchange rate and the state of the economy. in short, everything is too ambiguous, that’s how all this absurdity is possible in the enlightened world, in in which any information is available to everyone, the explanation is very simple, kakistocracy, this term is used by an american journalist and political scientist who visited donbass for the first time. scott bennett has seen first-hand the results of the western desire
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to harm russia through ukraine. kakistocracy is the rule of the least qualified, most unscrupulous citizens. kakistos in greek is the worst crates power, the antonym of aristocracy. the famous canadian philosopher psychiatrist jordan peterson also speaks about this. he wrote: look around, we have psychopaths rule canada, britain and even the usa. where to go, it’s fascinating, it’s impossible to believe how america, canada, australia, britain, germany, france have turned into such backward nations. zelsky crossed out the prospect of a peaceful settlement with a decree on the impossibility of negotiations with the current president of russia, this was even before the recognition of arahamia or kiev’s disappointment in nato. you can cancel the decree, or wait until the moment when russia considers the goals of the special military operation achieved. no different, but there is always a way out. nikita korzun, andrey zubkevich, maxim zaichenko, anna chigrova and
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oleg gorkov. the authorities decided to change the management company of the airport near pulkovo in st. petersburg; now, instead of a foreign one, it will be a russian structure. next on the air is business news. denis talalaev is with us. denis. the reason of that? as stated in the presidential decree, in connection with the threat to national interests and economic security. the right to manage pulkovo airport was taken away from foreign companies. since 2010, this has been done by a company called air gate of the northern capital, which belongs to the cypriot structure. now, by presidential decree , 100% of the shares in the air gates of the northern capital are transferred to the air force holding company created by the government. it is reported that the government will not be the founder of this structure, and 13 companies will receive a share in it. before this, the largest co-owners of the pulkovo management company were the bank..." tb , the german company fraport, the qatar investment fund. each has approximately 25%. in the new
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structure created by the government, they will retain their shares, like other shareholders airport, but russian shareholders will be able to dispose of their shares, but foreign ones will not. in september, the head of vtb, andrei kostin, said that the german company could decide on the parameters for the sale of its 25% in pulkovo airport by the end of this year. world oil prices fell by two yesterday. but today they don’t have the strength to get up. yes, yesterday opec+ extended the current production restrictions and even added new ones. but the market was not impressed by all this. firstly, production cuts are called voluntary, and this goodwill in any moment can end. secondly, saudi arabia did not agree to new restrictions on its production, it only extended the current ones; thirdly, the market expected that opec would make a decision for six months at once, as a result, so far we are only talking about the first quarter of twenty -four. on the russian stock market. a completely logical sub-zero temperature, not because today is the first day of winter, but because oil
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is getting cheaper. the main news on the russian stock market today is that sofcombank announced that it is going to hold an ipo on the moscow stock exchange begins accepting applications from investors. the bank plans to raise rub 10 billion, and its market value is expected to be rub 200-219 billion. at the beginning of february twenty -two, sofcomcombank annexed vostochny bank; according to the latest available data for february 2, sofcombank ranks ninth in russia in terms of assets. there have been no banking ipos in russia for a long time, as the newspaper kommersant reminds, the last bank to place shares on the moscow exchange was the moscow credit bank, this was in 2015. the ruble, it seems, is also the result of the opec meeting upset, the dollar reached the level of 90 for the first time since november 20. red winks airlines received the first so-called restored domestic aircraft. it became a cargo truck. il-96-400t. rbc writes about this, citing two sources. the plane
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was built in 2009 in voronezh, it flew until 2015. now the united aircraft corporation has restored it to airworthiness . this il became the first of eleven aircraft that the authorities decided to restore and transfer to russian airlines. in the list on which the ministry of industry and trade in the summer last year he proposed to allocate 15 billion rubles. there were also an-124 and passenger tu-204 and 214. after the events began in ukraine , the usual supply of western aircraft and boeing became unavailable and talk turned to the very restoration of soviet airliners. as the former head of the leasing company ifc, sergei turkin, said, with the help of these aircraft they want to revive the industry, namely to load component manufacturers. ilya, everything about economics. thank you, denis talalaev, for your economic review. today in moscow the winners of the flagship competition will be announced education. the ceremony will take place at the russian academy of national economy. the main task
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of the competition is to form a personnel reserve, and for participants this is an excellent opportunity to show their experience and skills. more than reached the finals. 200 of the best management educators from all over the country, nakhit babaev talked with them. there should probably be absolute silence here, after all, there is a teacher around, but the atmosphere is less like being in a lesson and more like being at recess, just listen. 265 best management teachers gathered in moscow from all over the country. the flagship education project is essentially a competition where the main prize is the opportunity to get penciled in. platform presidential platform russia is a country of opportunities; we select the most trained , motivated professionals in their field ; we will recommend that the winners be included in the appropriate personnel reserve by the ministry of education for their further appointment to vacant positions in the field of education in general. denis olegovich is 24 years old, he teaches
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history and social studies in kaliningrad. firstly, these are connections and social capital; the best managers came here. teachers from all over russia and communicate with them, see them, and get something from them in terms of knowledge, experience, this is one of the most important things, well, besides this, of course, some professional skills, and professional skills , also upgrade again, even more, and skills are upgraded through competitions, lectures, master classes, say, it is now fashionable to say that the soviet education system is the best in the world, but so many years have passed, are they suitable? old techniques for training new schoolchildren? yes, the current generation, it’s all digital, these are phones, these are computers, of course, this must be taken into account, this did not happen in the soviet union, but at the same time there was a very strong soviet school, there were strong teachers, there was strong discipline, education, we we can’t leave it there, move forward without it, the project is not limited geographically, alexandra alexandrovna, let’s say, came from the village where she worked for 10,000 people in the north of the omsk
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region, there are teachers from the new ones nearby regions, marina vladimirovna teaches english at a lyceum in the kherson region. for her, the flagships of education are still an opportunity to smoothly integrate into the educational environment of russia. when we receive some orders or some competitions or regulations, we sometimes need some help to understand how what is written, how to implement it in practice. the phrase here, everyone is already a winner, is a hackneyed one, even somewhat absurd, but in this case everything is exactly like that. firstly, the lectures attended, conducted master classes, prepared projects , i will help... further teach how to manage, secondly, everyone who came to moscow is already in the personnel reserve of their regions. nakhit babaev, maria popova, alexander viktorov and stepan yasakovich, ntv. the first new year tree in russia was lit on the first day of winter in yakutia. according to tradition, in early december, the republic hosts a festival. winter begins in yakutia, where
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the keeper of the permafrost, chiskhaan, arrived from the polis of cold and mykon with his ice staff. despite the frost. many people gathered on yakutsk square. in that a real new year's miracle happened this year and the yakut wizard moved to moscow to vdnkh, where the international exhibition forum russia is taking place. lastelin of the cold handed over his staff to grandfather frost from veliky ustyug, who had previously come to yakutsk to receive it. now the words of my colleague, valery gavrilovskaya, host of the emergency program. lera, what's on air today? ilya today it became known about the arrest of the kidnappers. not girls in the kaluga region, the child for whom they demanded a ransom was searched for more than a day, to fortunately, now everything is fine with the schoolgirl, it was thanks to her that the dneperov managed to get traced, they abandoned her on the road 30 km from home, there were three of them, a man and a woman, a second-grader said that they beat her, now the attackers are under interrogation, and we
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we’ll tell you what the father, the girls have to do with this kidnapping, what is known about this, ilya, thank you, this is not only in the emergency program, after... a long pause, that’s all for now, go to, see you. magic conditions - real rate, up to 15.5% per annum savings account at gazprom bank. your money works and you receive additional income. withdraw and top up at any time. apply online at gazprombank. time to make your dreams come true, pay less global village 799, pyaterochka helps out, you sleep with caches, and you sleep with him too, we all sleep with caches, are they so different? but still they are together, we decided to kill him, you’re kidding , i’m an accident, they’ll burn him, kesha has to die,
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financial pyramid, collected loans and are now working to pay off the interest, how the victims fell into the trap, why they believed the twenty-three-year-old blogger, ivan gubin looked into it. for the discovery of a way to increase any capital by 40% in just 2 weeks, evgeniy azarova, how they live... leading economists of the world should look for the sensation, but his young mother on maternity leave from a small northern city and dozens of other young men like her are looking for him with a photograph irina had never seen in person, came across it on social networks i immediately believed the promises of the crypto broker, i sent it again a day later, the money came to me, in my opinion, if i’m not mistaken, it was nine and a few kopecks, well , on average 30% on top, and i send him the same amount, which he sends me plus , that is, five of mine... everything that was there on top during these days, and thus in a few, maybe weeks, maybe 10 days, i made up the amount of 20,000 rubles.


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