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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  December 1, 2023 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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the court took into account his previous convictions and ultimately sentenced him to 25 years in prison. he will spend the first 10 years in prison, and the rest in a maximum security penal colony. he was also given a fine of 350,000 rubles. dana shlyupkina, radu gurdish, nikita zabrodin and alena kryukova, ntv television company. that's all for us, valeria gavrilovskaya was with you, goodbye. today in our program, now is not the time for elections, there is no choice, the verkhovna rada canceled the presidential elections in ukraine, why did kiev decide to act contrary to the american instructions, without elections it cannot work normally.
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outside the law, brussels has developed a plan on how to transfer russian assets to ukraine, how can we respond to the gangster methods of the west, but here everything is forbidden tricks, below the belt, where is the strength, brother, the criminal showdowns of the nineties are again becoming a popular theme for cinema, has it really come it’s time to reconsider your attitude towards your brothers, we’re not like that, life is like that, look right now. hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i'm andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we're working live. in general, today our entire program will be about bandits, that’s because there are different bandits, there are political bandits, who, in accordance with their ideas, concepts, yes, reshape some political rules, there are bandits who steal money from not just
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out of someone’s pocket, and another state has bandits-bandits, just classic ones, so let’s look at all this, let’s start with those people who can also be called bandits, because if they they are trying to organize sabotage, well, who are they, they are the same criminals, which means that the federal security service of our investigative committee of russia announced the detention of a russian citizen, well, he has dual citizenship, i’ll tell you a little more now, a resident of ryazan, who was recruited. ukrainian military intelligence , he is 35 years old, this man, he carried out at least two terrorist attacks in our country, he was detained at vnukovo airport, as i said, he has russian and italian citizenship, apparently, he was just about to fly somewhere , by according to investigators, in july of this year, an attacker tried to attack the dyagelevo military airfield with a drone, in his native ryazan, in november, again on a railway in the ryazan region, he committed an explosion, as a result he overturned 15 freight
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trains. during interrogation, the detainee confessed to everything during the search; material evidence was confiscated from him, for example, components for making explosive devices, communications equipment, reports on terrorist attacks. according to the fsb, ukrainian intelligence recruited him for border when he was in istanbul, then he underwent sabotage training in latvia under the control of representatives of local intelligence services. another agent. ukrainian special services, fsb operatives detained him in crimea, he is suspected of espionage. let's take a closer look at the footage of the arrest. it is reported that crimean, on instructions from the ukrainian special services, monitored units of the russian guard, reported on their movements and collected data on the defensive structures of crimea. the man now faces, under this article, espionage, 10 to 20 years in prison freedom. in the kemerovo region , a female saboteur was detained who tried to set fire to a military registration and enlistment office. he gave it to her. a forty-year-old
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cleaning lady who worked in a local agricultural cooperative, she had a can of flammable liquid with her, in fact, the operatives caught the criminal red-handed on the spot, during interrogation the woman said that she was deceived, she was deceived by scammers from ukraine, who reported to her: they want to steal money from a woman, in the end she was forced to take 700,000 rubles on credit and send it to the so-called safe cards, it is clear that it was a fraudster, but then they said that it was for the destruction of loan documents. it is necessary to set fire to the military registration and enlistment office, it is noteworthy that exactly according to the same scheme, weeks earlier in the primorsky territory another cleaning lady was also acting, the deception was absolutely the same, first loans, then they demanded to set fire to the military registration and enlistment office in order to write them off, here are the footage of her interrogation, there was no need for me to bother my head, i i knew that you were like this tomorrow, that these are my loans, they went to ukraine. no, but you
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thought, where? bloomberg names ukraine responsible for the incident in buryatia. the incident, which occurred without casualties, actually happened the day before. according to the source. kommersant newspaper not only bloomberg writes about this on november 30, on the night of november 30 in buryatia, in the vicinity of the severomuisk tunnel , a train caught fire, five cars in the tail of the train caught fire, the last of which was loaded with motor oil, and the penultimate with alcohol, four tank trains burned out, and two were damaged by fire, according to russian telegram news channels that publish footage, here you see them, as stated from the scene of the incident, the main version is sabotage. it is alleged that at the scene investigators found fragments of an improvised explosive device, presumably it was installed near the platform, and the kommersant publication also reports that they have already opened a criminal case under the article of terrorist attack, while some unidentified persons appear in it, so from
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bandits in some first sense we can move on to political bandits, of course, every time there are these stories with people who become victims of these telephone bandits, well, dear friends , well, look at us, yes, we seem to be all the time, how can you fall for these utter nonsenses, i just got a call yesterday, and excuse me, since it coincided, so this is an interesting moment, i generally don’t approach, i don’t answer strangers ’ calls, whoever needs to write to you, but yesterday i was waiting for a call, because i had ordered delivery to my home, and i thought that they were calling, a man was calling and they say: there is such a noise, in general he then says i speak from center, i’m talking from the center of which one is it from the center of korolev , well, korolyov is located near moscow, i’m saying this, please wait
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, i’m speaking in korolev, well, he’s talking about the korolev center, and i’m a manager attached to your ip, well, in general there’s no connection there because of course there’s no ip of course there is no manager assigned to me, but of course it became interesting to me here, because i never break my fast with him, i say, so what? he says, but in general, the meaning is that some company is currently taking place for additional financing, as if the state is additionally funding ipeshnikov, well, i need to say something there, i say, but i don’t need it, he says, but everything is working well for you, i say, everything is working fine for me, goodbye, that is i don’t understand how you can buy into all this. they gave, intentionally or not, harmful advice, why is this, because there is no need to talk to these people at all, the longer you talk to them, this is understandable, no, my advice is that you have no one to talk to, or something, an unfamiliar number, don’t answer it , it’s just some kind of nightmare, no, what i mean is that
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the scheme is so completely new, let’s get back to our topic, but about political bandits, andrei vladimovich is already used to the fact that when he appears in studio, we always attack him , which means we somehow attack him, yes, it’s not because we don’t like andrei vladimovich there, on the contrary, we love him very much, we just want to ask how it is, andrei vladimovich, you told us , zelsky will not only hold elections in march next year, but he will win them easily, they said, they said , now we are watching the story, then andrei vladimerovich will explain to us that everything is not quite like that, representatives of all factions of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, including the one about the presidential servant of the people, signed a general document in which they announced that any elections would be held it is impossible in the country, neither parliamentary nor presidential, they can be held only six months after the lifting of martial law. one might say that they have documented the position of the terrorist president zelsky himself, who is resisting the elections from with all their might, while assuring that
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the ukrainians themselves do not want to vote now. i will be ready before the vote, for sure, i will tell you honestly, people will come to vote, since there is no online voting, people will come to vote and there will be... rockets flying in, because russia will know that elections are being held. the ukrainian press found out that the document was signed on november 10, in the village of turya paseka, transcarpathian region, where a rally called “dialogue” “jean monnet” took place. it is held by the european parliament for deputies from countries wishing to join the eu. the moderator was former head of the european parliament pet cox. the head of the ruling servant of the people party in ukraine, david arakhamia, was also present. in his scandalous interview, arakhamia. later he announced the decision already made at that meeting. i don’t think that there can be any elections at all, not presidential, not parliamentary, not local, no one is forcing, there were some politicians who said, you may need to sit down at the negotiating table with the russians or someone else, then you you will be legitimate.
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there is one inconvenient thing for zelsky in this story. moment: the west, led by washington, stubbornly insists on holding ukrainian elections, the president... several months ago said that ukraine definitely needs elections to prove the existence of democracy. i think we all agree that without elections. what i want to tell the government, the parliament, the people of ukraine, it is in your hands to decide whether elections will take place and when exactly. the british guardian found out that zelsky himself is very afraid of losing these very elections miserably, for some reason he again compares the terrorist president with winston churchill. the president is acutely concerned about the churchill phenomenon of a successful leader losing an election. there is a subtle but unmistakable sense of despondency in kiev: during the first year of the war
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, ukrainians were united around zelsky, in awe of his leadership and united in the national struggle against russia. naturally, over time, this unity began to crumble. but only churchill won the war, and this is why it was said , for some reason, wait, andrei vladimerovich, what ’s wrong, your way out, if there were elections, zelensky would have won them like that. you said zelensky will hold elections and the fact is that the point is, if you go back, 3 weeks ago, when i spoke in this studio, i said that then a decision was made 3 weeks ago that zelsky will not initiate presidential elections, but will go to the polls if the verkhovna rada decides about elections, after which andriy yarmak and several other people worked very well and led to this brilliant decision. that there will be no elections, and no presidential ones, moreover, this is a brilliant decision, because
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it is democratic, this is not a decision, yes, this is a decision, because this is not the decision of president zelsky, this is not some kind of decision, so to speak, of one person, this is a decision of a wide range of political ones, it is possible, andreilavich, one one thing, you can have one question, one question, and that the verkhovna rada is also a body of power, i didn’t want to ask you about that, look, it means that in this way, in this way , many issues have been resolved, first, zelsky’s position has sharply strengthened, because more for him there will be no election competitors mind, that's the first thing, wait right? secondly, to the west, and today i spoke with those who
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define this position in the west, i was completely satisfied with this, precisely because it was a democratic decision, this is the decision of an authority, the third, the third fundamentally important point is that this completely removes any options for military coups, which is very important, yes, this is us separately, that is , any attempt at a military coup will be perceived as something else around this that you don’t know yet, 28 numbers, the so-called big bet took place, at which zelensky, zaluzhny, and several other people spoke, including the head of the main intelligence department. and so on, and everything was very constructive, wonderful, and the most important thing is that
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the entire program of activities of the armed forces of ukraine was agreed upon until june 2024, and then, well, let ’s live at least until that time, yes, that is, not everything is so wonderful , before the program of activities, until june 24, so all these, yes indeed there is a key element a key element is... a program that was approved on november 28, is a comprehensive defense, at the same time, that is, budanov reported on the expansion of activities of his, as they say, unit on the territory of the russian federation, we are etovich, save now about comprehensive defense, because we will show you the story later, but i’ll wait, i want to move on to the democratic procedure, if you don’t mind, then you repeated it 16 times, i thought, either 15 or 16, the word democratic, which means, look, there is a president. there is a verkhovna rada of ukraine, where zelsky's party, how many votes does it have?
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the majority, the absolute majority, and you name it, when the rada, completely controlled by the terrorist president, does what is beneficial for the president, you call it a democratic procedure, and how does this differ from the state duma , wait a second, wait a second, excuse me, do the same, we have federations they call elections and don’t cancel them, no, i mean, our elections would also be cancelled, this decision is democratic and brilliant, because it also suited the curators of ukraine in the west, as i understand it, that after some time they will say that they will say literally tomorrow, literally tomorrow they will say, besides, everything is so wonderful and wonderful that this big bet, where the leaders of the state, the military, various
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ukrainian special services participated, agreed action plan of the armed forces of ukraine and the main intelligence directorate until june 24. november, before the headquarters meeting , representatives of the us republican party informed dolensky of the decision that they would vote for assistance to ukraine on december 4, this also became a very important point, yes, the most important thing is that you suddenly start calling him vladimir alexander zelsky, okay. wait, please, i have spiredon pavlovich kelenkarov, a man whom i respect much more, vladimir aleksandrovich zelevist, i remember that you just said that the worst thing for vladimir aleksandrovich zelsky is local elections, parliamentary, yes, which in general also cancelled, this is a really brilliant decision, well, look, if the average person,
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as it were, evaluates, yes, this is a solution, then of course he will say, listen, well, here it is unity, yes, that’s caring for the country, that’s... a patriotic approach, but a person who deeply knows ukrainian politics and knows what’s really going on there, but he absolutely won’t say that, i’ll explain why, that means with on the one hand, zelensky’s opponents must understand that there are no friends within the party at all, absolutely, zelensky’s opponents support zelensky’s decision not to hold elections against the backdrop of what? they support this against the background of the failure of the counteroffensive, against the background of the economic collapse of ukraine, against the background of a possible defeat ukraine is at the front, that is, they are taking a break , they agree that let’s want to win short, they want to drown zelensky before the start of the electoral process,
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they believe that with zelensky participating in the electoral process, they will conduct a competitive political struggle... they will come into contact with western allies with the sole purpose of drowning zelensky in the swamp of those problems that suit absolutely everyone except the old idiots in america who say that we need to demonstrate democracy, i understand, andrei vladimova, i said the same thing, you are not listening to me attentively, zelensky ’s rating was fine, and even kiev sociologists say that it is falling for him, and we understand that we also need to divide these figures by two, or maybe be on three, if zelensky was doing well with control in the political field, if he really had supporters there, someone to rely on, if zelensky could get guarantees from the west, but he never
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received them, why ilak was at the time of the elections, and what should there have been guarantees about the fact that most likely the zaluzhny is not... will not be allowed to participate in the elections, the second is that he is given every opportunity to conduct the elections the way he needs, that is, they will turn a blind eye to the possible mistakes that were definitely there if in these elections, i mean all sorts of fake technologies, if zelsky had all this, he would gladly go to the polls and would now conduct completely different rhetoric, because for him, in a situation of failure of the offensive, it means in economics and the like, for him of course it would be more important confirm your number of voters in the last elections , how much was it? remind me, about 30 million, since this time they have been included in the electoral list, since
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this time, a lot of millions of people have left the country, which means a lot of people are fighting, what does arakhami say? but we don’t know how they will vote, that means how they will be able to vote and how they will vote, that means those who are abroad say the figure is 6 million, those who are at the front, he says this from the point of view of procedures, but this is necessary according to -others understand, they really don’t understand, or rather, they they understand how 6 million will vote, just 6 million will vote for zelensky , will not vote for zelsky, who is abroad, after that rhetoric, after the rhetoric that the kiev authorities officially said about them, that they are traitors, that they are not... yes, please, well, i beg you, if you don’t know the facts, study, i know, okay, how will these 6 million vote, then how will the military vote, really, how will they vote? who they support, zelsky or zaluzhny, so they understand perfectly well that serious people sit there, as if at least enemies, but there are serious people there, they take a calculator and count simply electorally, and
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even if zelensky wins in this situation after all the manipulations and machinations, zelensky does not need, in no case should he win 50 + 1% there, then he is not a national leader, it turns out that the second point is what elections are, elections are the opening of a discussion, the raising of all those topics that are afraid. therefore, of course, today for lena and for this entire regime, which is nearby and around these elections are simply mortally dangerous, this is existential for them danger, because they will lose power, the next step will be criminal cases against them, so that we concentrate not only on these elections, or rather not on elections anymore, andrei vladimovich proudly told us about how the ukrainian headquarters met and made such a very victorious intonation let us do this now, we will see what, again, the western press writes about what is happening between the main players in this bet, i mean telensky and the commander in chief,
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i don’t hear you, i’m already anticipating that it’s not necessary read the western one, then we still read it, we will not follow andriyevich’s advice in this sense, the american publication bloomberg believes that the terrorist elensky ignores pressure from the military, they allegedly step down first. demands that he sign a law lowering the age of those subject to mobilization from 27 to 25 years. the command believes that in this way another 140,000 recruits, so needed by the army, can be sent to the front, but the terrorist zelsky is either showing humanity, or is he afraid of popular anger directed at him personally? we're failing mobilization, this is a frank situation that needs to be influenced, because if we do not react and change nothing, we... will have big problems, now there will be more problems with mobilization than problems with shells, these are unpopular decisions, but we are in war, now we need to understand that we can
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only win by making unpopular decisions, bloomberg found out and another detail that does not color kiev. the ukrainian authorities are not going to publish data on the effectiveness of conscription based on the results of this year. the article notes that, for example, in poltava managed to carry out the conscription campaign only 10%. another blow to zelsky’s reputation was the loss in the ssu. the president's office strictly forbade the disclosure of such information, but the other day a scandal occurred on the air of a ukrainian telethon. the press writes that seeing this, the terrorist president was furious. come here, wonder what to write, more than a million of our people died. but the real revelation was terrorist zelsky’s latest interview with the associated press. not only does he admit the counterattack was unsuccessful, while accusing the allies of providing too much... help, he also says that ukraine has now gone on the defensive and is simply trying to hold the front. we, we have a new phase of the war , and this is a fact, the war is difficult, we are not retreating, i
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am satisfied, we are fighting with the second army in the world, i am satisfied, we are losing people, i am not satisfied, we have not received all the weapons that wanted, i can’t be satisfied, but i can’t either. it turns out that it didn’t happen the way he would have liked, to make him happy, it’s all being said now, why, to give we, our dear western allies, have one more chance, we will try, or is this just stating the obvious, then i don’t understand why, what step is next, no one gives money and weapons to people who have already crapped themselves once, they are already giving, they are giving, already giving. it’s too early, it seems to me, it’s too early to celebrate, it’s really a weapon, i’m not celebrating , i’m just trying in the media, people admit, we screwed ourselves, give me more, well, it’s just essentially admitting
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the obvious, they can’t say otherwise, because now they’ve already said , then there were no counter-offensives, then in fact they were preparing for defense, i see in this very fact a rather obvious vector that vladimir zelensky is trying to take control into his own hands, he is going to obank, remember, last year, when there was the bakhmud operation, the west criticized zerensky for they kept the armed forces of ukraine in the city for too long and, accordingly, yes, yes, fortetsa bakhmut, which led to this defeat, and now we see how zelsky is increasingly, as they say, breaking away from this western control, contrary to widespread us in russia believes that the control of zelensky’s americans, like this, they completely rule, in fact, american control is built differently, a good example that was repeatedly given in this studio is the example of the korean war, the south korean dictator lisenman wanted to fight and did not listen to anyone. who told him to stop there enough, the same thing is happening here, vladimirsky understands that he doesn’t need to go to the polls now, so he cancels the choice, yes, this is beautifully located in what
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he said... but the west will not be happy with this, yes he will admit it, gritting his teeth, he will say everything is fine, but he will not be happy with it, further, we see how the same measures are being taken during mobilization, yes, he refuses to make those decisions that are suggested to him, to lower the conscription age, yes , why, because it harms his rating, in general, he is trying to stay in power, if it harms his rating, then does it matter if he does not go to the elections, if he went to the elections, i would understand understand this logic, he thinks about elections and so on and so on. a here you are either trying to survive militarily, or they will simply crush you, women, they are conscripted into the army, it ’s like a fact that a democratic or an authoritarian leader very much depends on the opinion of the people, only a democratic leader can ask the people, and an authoritarian leader can wake up one morning to realize that he is behind bars, the same thing can await vladimir zelsky, this seems to be a very dangerous explosive situation for him, this is a situation of despair, he does not know,
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what to do next, he... i beg you , please, well, an adult, somehow hold back your emotions, okay , we’ve already listened to you, but i’m not calm at all , we’ll listen again only when we give you the floor, well, why are you so rude , that i wanted to ask, everything that andrei vladimovich told us just now, you say, he doesn’t know what he will do next, andrei vladimovich tells you that until june 24th, everything is written down, everyone knows , everything is fine, wonderful, that is, what is not, andrei vladivich is quite possible is right, it is obvious that now the only logical development of events for the vzo is to go on the defensive, and they don’t know what will happen next, and then, in theory, there will be either some kind of total defeat, or, again , what is called a contractual resolution conflict, some kind of agreement that will lead to the fixation of borders and new political realities, it acts so far only one step forward, it does not look into the future, because they are preparing for this counter-offensive
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, the next one, well, 200 years. president zelsky is a populist, he always really leans to please the population, so he naturally doesn’t want his name to be linked to the expansion of this draft age from 17 to 70 or minus 27 to 25, it doesn’t matter, although the military demands this and the americans demand this from him, he doesn’t wants... to be linked with his name, even if it is linked with any other name, but not with his, write it down, then counter, write down the appeal, as he does, it means he’s some kind of half-sober against the background of a white wall, where he speaks , golovkom zaluzhny demands from me, the president of ukraine, to lower the bar retirement age, i’m forced to do this now, because the military insists, i didn’t want to, but the time is now, the ukrainian peasants will say, who are you anyway if such a zaluzhny
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twirls like this, you’re not logical. secondly, indeed, now they are going on the defensive, zelensky himself has already stated this , saying that they will build a powerful line of fortifications on the border of russia and belarus there, the idea and the wall 2, the problem is that this wall can really be built at least to some extent, there is a wonderful cut for it, so much money, it will be such a delicious cut for everyone, including zelensky, but the problem really is that this wall needs to be filled not only with weapons, but with people, there are not enough people, now at the moment, zelensky doesn’t want all these negative aspects to be associated with him, and what will happen next, when all these moments are there in a few months, they will simply disappear for information, there will be new news, new informational reasons, well now no one remembers the short memory calculation, but unfortunately, in a media society, where there is constantly a new wave of news, all the bad
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news and good... they are forgotten very quickly, we don’t remember now the plane that exploded with dr. liz, it probably , no one remembers at all, or there was a plane that exploded over the mediterranean sea, it was shot down by mistake by syrian air defense, no one remembers, although it was, in general, large-scale catastrophic news, so yes, absolutely right, zelensky is but a populist, he doesn’t want so that some negative moments or news are associated with his name, and - he goes on the defensive, but this will not help him, so viktor zhazakhich, well, no politician wants to be, does not want to be associated with bad people, obviously, but the experience of this and not only this military conflict shows that when pressure is put on them, they go to the extremes that are necessary, and we see this with regard to mobilization in russia, at the very beginning they said that there would be no mobilization, but when it became necessary, in september last year it was held, also in ukraine, yes, now zelsky does not want to change the conscription age, but if this is required for the purpose
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of replenishment. that a decision was made, these elections. not to carry it out, well, this is obvious, anton is already here, in fact , it seems to me that everything is clear here, but that means i don’t agree with what alexey said about the korean war, this , by the way, has something to do with military operations in ukraine , if with all the desire of the south korean authorities to continue and continue and continue to fight, if not for direct support, not only in that case they fought there the americans directly, they did not just supply weapons, and the turks fought there directly. other allies, if not for this support, regardless of the wishes or aspirations of the south korean dictator, south korea would have lost, which means in this case in this case, if the americans wanted this conflict to end, firstly,
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they could, if they did not want this conflict to start, they could have behaved differently, initially, negotiate with russia until the twenty-second year and everything would have been somewhat different, ukraine really would not have been able to withstand the support of ukraine, this is confirmed by ukrainian officials themselves, they do not hide it, now as for ukraine’s strategy further, it is really in their interests now they understand that the counteroffensive has completely failed, for a new they have a counter-offensive, not even that. they could probably commit some kind of counter-offensive next year, but why? they understand that the price would be high and the effectiveness is questionable, so they will leave with a high degree of probability, they will be on the defensive and will await russian offensives , so that many people will grow up in russia, in order to count
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on some kind of serious supplies of weapons, you need to give some kind of goal to show some kind of result, this year from all from all the stands, they said how they would get to crimea, how it all ended, we all know, the rhetoric about the capture of crimea was aimed at the average person, in fact, almost no one considered what result was considered the real result, so really good, i’ll answer, literally 2 days ago, unfortunately, he died at the front, mines, general vladimir zavadsky, for those who support. ukraine for its western sponsors, this is already, this is already a definite victory, as in peacetime, but if this conflict, there would not be a conflict now, there would be no casualties among russian soldiers and officers, there would not be, russia would not have to spend huge resources for military operations, then
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what prevented, what prevented from the very beginning from getting into this big defense, which they are going to get into in the twenty-fourth year, what prevented them from doing this at twenty, they made a serious, made a serious mistake and now now. and the armed forces of ukraine, the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, and the military-political leadership of ukraine, and those who advised them and recommended this to them from the west, they made a serious mistake, they are learning from their mistakes. i absolutely, i absolutely agree with you and i want to focus on this, what does it mean to go on the defensive, is it just a military maneuver? no, actually this has political consequences, because going to defense this means the first to admit the failure of the counter-offensive once, the second to abandon the pre-set geopolitical goals of the tasks set by the west, you said here access to the black sea of ​​azov,
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this must be abandoned, and the third question is financing, if the west finances ukraine, which it views as an instrument achieving goals, she cannot achieve these goals , the question arises, why is this then... why am i talking about this, because now there are disputes about whether the americans will give money, not they will give it, and i’ll ask you another question, but if ukraine’s counter-offensive were successful, and ukrainian troops were on the march, tell me, would the american parliament think about whether to allocate money to ukraine or not, and how europe would behave, i'm convinced that they would compete and everyone would try to highlight and tell what a great contribution they made to this success, it's just that winning has a lot. so let's stop, just about financing issues, we will continue in a few minutes. hello, you have called
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editors of the year-end program with vladimir putin. vladimir vladimirovich, results of the year with vladimir putin on december 14 at 12:00 , the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live. representatives of the media will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the website by phone 800-20040-40 or via sms to 04040. avatar show
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becomes clear, we continue, and this part, let's start with reports from the russian supreme court. highest court our country was recognized by the international. the lgbt social movement is an extremist organization and banned its activities in russia. in mid-november, the supreme court filed relevant claims with the russian ministry of justice. the reason was signs of an extremist orientation in the movement’s activities, including the incitement of religious and social hatred on the part of lgbt communities. it is reported that the case materials totaled more than 20 volumes. the meeting was held behind closed doors due to the presence of secret materials in the case. by according to interfax, it was not about interference in personal life, but about violations related to lgbt propaganda, advertising and involvement in the lgbt movement. as a result , the supreme court satisfied, this decision
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is subject to immediate execution. after an organization in russia is recognized by a court as extremist, all of its structures must be extremist by law. there is no such piece of paper, there is no such register , another organization has already announced the samoroska, it is called a case, this case specialized in legal assistance to activists, the organization’s website was blocked high supervision back in august of this year, now, as stated in the organization’s statement, the lawyers of the case will move to other countries and there will deal with some kind of intermediary. people's human rights protection, some russian media and foreign agencies decided to collectively, well, there is no other way to say it, to rebel against the decision of the supreme court and began to add a rainbow flag to their logos and avatars, you see, one of these, this flash mob was supported by foreign agent publications medusa bell, they were really only enough for one day, i supported the protest
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and israeli citizen ksenia sobchak and the media outlets controlled by her, she did it as always in her own manner, there is an inferior... but something similar to him. it is also reported that some activists have launched a petition demanding that european union countries make visas easier for lgb russians. so, that ’s it with extremism, we can turn to bandits and others, it’s not like the russian media is a jellyfish, it’s not russian at all, so let’s go back, we got a little carried away by discussing political bandits, but we still have bandits left financially, they are a little indecisive. so they seem to understand that they want to finally take away our money that they froze there, yes, as they say , well, i want to shoot up, they always somehow come up with some final option that they have come up with today , let's see, the bloomberg agency , citing sources, claims that on december 12, the european commission plans to unveil
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a plan to use the profits of the frozen assets of our central bank and want to use them for the restoration of ukraine in the european union... the world's largest securities depository, headquartered in brussels, holds 180 billion euros of the 300 billion total frozen russian assets. since the beginning of the year, euroclere has earned 3 billion euros from them. this scheme will be discussed at the upcoming eu summit in brussels in two weeks. there is no unity between the participants yet. belgium, germany, france, italy and luxembourg are cautious, but they are under pressure from washington. i also support the use. in excess of income from russian sovereign assets that were frozen, in particular in clearing centers and the use of these funds to support ukraine. russia's illegal invasion of ukraine has resulted in suffering and economic damage, and we must continue to impose severe, escalating costs on russia.
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american senators from both parties have proposed a bill that would simplify the rules for confiscating the frozen property of russians under sanctions. the document will most likely be considered after the new year, while the authors of the draft law are already preparing a new initiative: allowing confiscation under a simplified scheme of seized assets of russia, the volume of which is estimated by the ministry of finance and the united states at $280 billion. both parties in congress are increasing pressure on the biden administration and its allies. they demand to find ways to finance the restoration of ukraine with russian money, which will require billions of dollars, and not to invest money from western taxpayers. the us congress is simultaneously preparing a christmas present for kiev, and has already announced some additional one. assistance to the regime of terrorist zelsky, assures that negotiations with the biden administration are in full swing. we have a sense of urgency on this
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issue and there are deadlines for this as well, so i am confident that we will be able to get it done. the czech republic is also planning to join the theft of russian assets; they are preparing to confiscate real estate, in particular, they are looking at hotels owned by russian state corporations, accusing them of... legitimate commercial activities, before this the czech authorities have already managed to appropriate russian apartment buildings in prague, orthodox the temple of the holy martyr lyudmila, as well as the areas on which the buildings of the russian consulates stand, although they do not talk about helping ukraine. czech authorities are dealing with yet another russian property that could be confiscated. the financial analysis service checks hotels controlled by russian government organizations. that is , it turns out that it is possible to continue and need to continue financial and military assistance to ukraine, it is possible in principle, since they do not
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demonstrate real military successes, to think through some mechanisms while there you can somehow come up with something with interest, or you can just take something russian on the sly yourself. anton valerievich, well, at least i have three, with the first part, because they talked a lot about the presence of some kind of plan, they stated that there is a defensive plan until the summer of 200. if you listen carefully and read what the officials say ukraine, and there was a statement by a stupid deputy from this, rahama said this in his big interview, there is no plan, and now the question arises of what to finance, urahamia has such a thesis it’s very interesting that it’s the absence of a plan that doesn’t allow us to actually understand what plans any general staff has, what money is obvious.
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financial issues, they are given for something , because when they make certain decisions, they can also, one way or another, i apologize, that, that is, europe will not officially steal money from us, it needs plan from ukraine to have something to steal with, well, it doesn’t work, no, it’s not funny at all, because if they steal our money, they should understand what they are for do because they incur at least reputational costs, and they incur costs from the point of view of large capital, which looks at all this and does not want to invest once again in europe. or america, because the same thing can happen with their money , that is, it’s always scales, we take step a, but we understand that we can lose here in
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image, in something else, but for what are we doing this? we do, that is the most important question, and if, for example, defensive tactics are also tactics, but they are completely different money, completely different resources than tactics, for example, for the sake of 280 billion, which can then be shoved wherever you want, this is not enough, then the money, which, accordingly, is all these things that are still around today. after all, everything is very simple there, the approach is very simple: they need to finance their own economy , load their own economy with orders, it’s clear, this money is in the wrong place, let’s now listen to an alternative point of view, andrei vladimirovich, so, well, first of all, they will steal and so, firstly, no, let's start with the fact that there is a plan and on the 28th it was approved, again on the 25th, you heard that, which, by the way, include very specific things, dear, when you come here,
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show a little bit of respect for some reason, the two mediocrities who host this program ask you questions, they are so stupid that they really need to explain the same thing 500 times, please make an effort on yourself, don’t descend to their demo level. let's reduce this to 250 times, so, that means the plan is funded, that means the plan, the plan is turned on, we have some big crap like that, you brought it up andrei vladimirovich, or you can just no, i told him, or you could just answer my question, what prevented you from saying so right away, i think that this
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money will be confiscated in account of those debts. which ukraine has already accumulated before the western powers. this is what i said, that on the quiet, you can just take something for yourself, develop it, in addition, there are still certain reputational and image risks, because there is a lot of money that can go to china, southeast asia, in addition, russia can also strike back, now, for example, today a foreign company for the first time... confiscated for debts, so all these weapons are very sharp, while they are of a media nature, which we have time, will we have time? minute, i think that there will be small cases of confiscation, i think the czech republic will take away this property, but the majority, yes, yes, this is not
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the majority, but most of the usa and the european union as a whole will not be taken away, because we still need to talk with russia once and it does carry reputational risks two. what does it mean? other countries will look and say: we won’t invest in you, because this is aleksevich for the countries, it’s just that other countries will look, while other countries haven’t really clashed, i’m interested in another point, attempts to take away some of our property, they happened a long time ago, listen, you all should remember the story with our barges that are there, the stories with the planes, about that damn leg, it’s stupid to say even now, in principle, no one has anything... it turned out this way, well, times were different , times were more herbivorous, now they still won’t agree to this, because you need to communicate with russia, if you take away russian property, you will have to communicate with you , including in ukraine, you will have to communicate with no one will be you, they understand this, so this global selection , that is, they leave themselves a window through which to talk, as posner said such times, yes, when he had one, it was good nationally, it was like that, well, i i can’t
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speak like vladimir, but about others times and about other bandits, we ’ll talk now, and let these guests go, don’t miss it, central television, the first information show about the events and people of the week, is there an outbreak of an unknown disease in china again? 10 million people a year will die from this virus, is it really behind the great wall of china that beijing is hiding a new terrible infection from the world, we found those who saw with their own eyes... what is happening now in local hospitals and clinics and knows what is really threatening world if the infection breaks out from under control? this will be your central television, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. balabol - new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. well, what's
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on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, here already, please give us general plan, otherwise some of our guests are worried, can you forcefully call him a representative of the forces of evil? no, that means, look , it doesn’t matter, we sometimes have topics where we generally refuse our plan for dividing them according to the rigidity of positions, because the position may be different, although formally we have gathered here today. representatives of the legislative branch of government, now we will tell you about the topic separately, first the news, which, well, in fact, it was expected for at least several weeks last, but nevertheless, this is a high-profile reshuffle
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in the sphere of culture, but this is all, let’s say , good news at once exclusively, the famous conductor, musician, valery gergiev, has been appointed as the new director of the main theater of russia, the bolshoi theater, deputy prime minister tatyana golikova announced about the appointment of gergiev, she also says that mikhail mishustin, the minister , signed an order appointing gergiev as general director for a period of 5 years, that is, this position is not temporary, now gergiev remains the artistic director of the mariinsky theater in st. petersburg, and how it is he who will combine both of these positions , while there are no official clarifications, but the publication of the statement, citing its sources, writes that gergiev will head some kind of joint directorate of the mariinsky theater and the bolshoi theater, and there is no talk of any legal association of theaters, but there is no talk of any kind, in this case, he will not actually become a pioneer in this matter. 2 years ago, vladimir kekhman, artistic director of the mikhailovsky theater, became the general director of the gorkov huts, and he still combines these two positions. well,
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tatyana golikova, let’s return to her, said that indeed there is no talk of any kind of legal unification of the bolshoi theater and the mariinsky theater of st. petersburg. the former general director, vladimir urin, left his post of his own free will, the press reported that he wrote a statement a few weeks ago, well, the musician bulanov published this video the day before, this is essentially urin’s farewell to the troupe, today i say goodbye to you, because, today is my last day working at the big theater, there were an incredible amount of doubts, including me, here, but i have to tell you that i... that today you are part of the big theater, so from good news and cultural news, let's go to good, no, first of all, i don’t want to say it , but
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i want to, so in recent years i, i have always talked about this, i have always gone to theater performances, opera or ballet in st. petersburg, i was afraid in moscow. i know, maybe somehow this time has passed for me to be afraid, it’s not scary, don’t be afraid andrey vladivich, mihai , it’s not scary, but it’s not more expensive in moscow than in st. petersburg, well, let’s see, okay from myself then to completely consolidate this topic, i’ll add that don’t forget december 2 ulyanovs, the sixth, keep quiet, or maybe it will be in the big one, someday, yes, december 6 moscow club magnus locus, one ticket left, and on the sixteenth i invite you to volgograd house of officers , now you probably still can’t understand how these wonderful people have anything to do with our topic of bandits, which we designated as the main one today, all of them, that’s all, i’ve had enough of one bandit
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himself, andrei here vladimirovich barely generally survived today, which means all these people , uh, as they say, in the dashing nineties were already with generally mature men, they remember this time, they remember those characters who were very noticeable in those days, you remember, yes viktor aleyevich he said, times were different, here’s an interesting point, sometimes times come back, sometimes they come back... some heroes of these times, why are we talking about this now, there was one series that came out that i naturally didn’t watch, but thank god we have an editor there is, and in general, this series caused a lot of noise , it’s called the boy’s word, we are not going to discuss cinema with you today, i specifically ask you about this, but in general the noise arose because supposedly young people began to watch this series again, they got caught into this trap of romanticization, this is the criminal world. but it’s not
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like that, remember how we fought some time ago, we have this extremist aue, and vanya, they are the extremists of the movement, and this is like a completely different story, these are these people in black cars there dressed in black such, and who have their own code of honor, their own, their own concepts of nobility, and supposedly there is a risk that our current young people, they are interested in what they see, they will also try to go into this very crime , that is, like the bandits of the nineties, suddenly we now have a role model again, is this true or not? the series is a boy's word directed by zhora kryzhovnikov, an attempt to comprehend the era of the late eighties and early nineties. according to the plot, the action takes place in kazan, where teenagers find themselves drawn into the criminal reality that then gripped the entire country. the city was plagued by gangs, shaking newly-minted entrepreneurs, who
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were given an age limit of 18 plus in strict form, showing that there is no romance in gangsterism. why did you come to our office? 3 rub. there will still be four of them. i'm tired of being a jerk, but what about the boys? you brought him, you get up with them. however, not everyone felt the message. human rights activist irinats is about to be robbed. romanticization of banditry, and gullible young people may turn down the wrong path after watching it. similar accusations were made 20 years ago, when the whole country in bayonno watched the tv series brigade about friends who grew up in the same yard and who succumbed to crime. the main character sasha bely in the series was shown as a noble bandit, for whom family and friendship were above all. by the way, the character also had a real laptop. leader of
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the orekhovskaya organized crime group, nicknamed sylvester. and when the series was released, the era of the nineties was just coming to an end, its creators were complaining about that the time for artistic comprehension has not yet come. we've been together since first grade. and we are also responsible for everything we do together. and through all this crap, i have your back. the showdown between the gang from the nineties has become quite a popular plot in recent years. last week i was preparing it for rental. the film "brother 3" was released, but minult did not issue distribution permission; this film is in no way connected with the duology brother by alexei balabanov, although it also contains crime. last year, the comedy clip makers was released, which shows the close connection between the show business and representatives of organized crime groups in the nineties, in 2019 - the sensational drama bull, on the theme of the harsh life of the streets of those years. but still
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, it’s difficult for a film from the nineties to compete in expressiveness with a real crime chronicle of those years; since 1995, ntv has been broadcasting the documentary series criminal russia. each episode was accompanied by the inscription: the program contains cruel footage that may shock: remove children from the screen. oh, my god, don't, no, where are you? frames from these programs we are now under today's law we can’t show you without banknotes. each episode of criminal russia is 50 minutes of continuous blood, corpses and dismemberment. until 2002
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, more than 300 episodes were published on our channel ; there were plenty of brutal crimes, executions and murders in those years. five unknown men in masks with machine guns. they burst into the bar and shot the young people relaxing there at point-blank range. all the victims were related to the famous viktor aropetov gang in the city. the shooting at the club of the ryazan selmash plant shocked the whole city; before this, nothing like this had happened not only in ryazan, but and throughout russia. banditry and crime were the norm in the nineties. actor dmitry nageev admitted to having connections with criminal structures in an interview with foreign agent yuri dudu. showman frankly. did they kill you? no, so that they were shooting, no , a corpse was falling out of the trunk, as if
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a man was just driving up there, oh, hi, dim, hi, hi, trunk, and there was a man lying there, yes, well , i turned away, pretended that i didn’t care definitely not... here is the most difficult thing in my opinion, what is the problem, because once again, we are not discussing cinema, but now i will say let's close this topic, we 'll close this topic, but such characters have some kind of negative charm, it's not only in our movies, yes, in the same american one, you can say a thousand times that the godfather father, i even talked about this once, this is also a family, nothing... corleona, as you remember, as a result he loses his entire family, yes, that is, there is no romanticization, no one cares about these people, these bandits tries to present them as positive, they are shown as they are, these are scoundrels, murderers, bastards, what you want, but something clicks in the young
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man and he really says, that ’s cool, cool, i want to be like him, vladimir, you look the least like bandits here, although... do you have some kind of mafia look ? , of course, i immediately remembered colombe white and leg warmers, remember only a girl in jazz , you’re the only one, out of everyone, in the pre-interview they said that the nineties were the most wonderful years of your life, despite the fact that, as far as i understand, you were working at that time an investigator, then even for especially dangerous crimes, that’s how you can you explain this paradox, when a young man suddenly understands that i want to be like some kind of criminal authority. no, here you are probably quoting my words a little incorrectly, firstly, then i was a young employee, and for me these were the best years, simply because you were young, i had a favorite job, i was an investigator, i was a boss
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department for the investigation of especially dangerous crimes, and it was an interesting job for me, i remember it with pleasure, so to say that these... whose you were unraveling crimes back then, and here they were for you, they were criminals, you never thought that they were some kind of role model for definitely, i’m probably here, absolutely not the example that you might be counting on, because i graduated from a higher education institution of the ministry of internal affairs, that is, you are already purposefully educated, that is, you didn’t even think about it. i didn’t even have any thoughts about this to consider that this was some kind of romance, i understood for sure that these were people who committed a crime, later for so long, your attitude somehow i don’t know, maybe it has changed, well, something bad is forgotten, some kind of pleasant memory remains, you said, your happiest time, you understand, these are
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the young people who see all this now in the retellings, again, but they feel some kind of romantic, not even gangster, but gangster flit. i’ll explain it to you, so to speak, here i am, well, we’re probably all about the same age here, we remember how quickly it changed from 88, eighty-five, and the nineties, how suddenly films appear that show brother two there, brother one there, or, that is, when a person, so to speak, committed a crime, because it’s a sign of the times, yes, this fascinated a certain some of the young people, so i ’m trying to understand why this attracted them , why, then remember how expensive and difficult life was, so what? and here he shows you that in five, in 5 minutes you can get into a black mercedes and you will have everything, it’s somehow banal, everything is banal. this is an example
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alternative socialization for a young man, that is, he finds an understandable visible one, that is, not the state, it is still an abstract concept, an understandable visible one, that is , in the nineties it was not clear how to live at all, by what rules, what is good, what is bad, you know, there is such a phrase, when the authorities left, in the nineties our state left, it didn’t exist, in fact, all these gangsters. groups and so on, they occupied an empty place from where the state left, i know from myself, i know from myself that to solve the problem with the bandits, i turned to other bandits, and not to the police, the police can now tell you in more detail, it will be clear to you, because if the defendants are still involved, of course, i’m just interested in all this, because will it be in your in the story, this is the justification for their actions, because what you are saying now is a little similar to this, there was no state, there was no. didn’t take up the free space, what kind of gangster are you talking about? i
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had my own program on latvian television in the second half of the nineties, private television program, the latvian business was called, and i worked in a very large latvian business, one fine day they simply kidnapped me, took me to the forest, beat me a little there, then took me to an apartment, chained me to a radiator and beat me a little more, but those who counted, what they wanted? i’ll tell you now, those who were considered scumbags back then, and then they showed me my business card holder, they said? here's a business card holder, we'll take you with this business card holder to your business friends, and you'll collect your ransom from them, there's 30,000 dollars, yes, uh, they took me to five or six addresses , and then they brought me to the largest latvian bank, here i’ll give you my last name, this is the vice-president of the bank, nina kondratyeva, god bless her, no one knew that there was a second exit from his office , and there is another exit from the bank. here she is, i explained the situation to her, she took me out, put me in a car, gave me money, sent me to the airports in moscow, and so
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that i could not return, and from moscow i contacted the main bandits of latvia, their representatives, i had a meeting, i described the situation, they say you knew how to reach them, it turns out i found a way, yeah, yeah, well, if they wanted, probably anyone could do it, did i write? no, latvia was such a transit financial state for criminal russia, but they had their own people there, but still they somehow put pressure on them through the moscow people, it turns out, he didn’t put pressure on him, he just turned to me, i wrote to you about the situation, he says, this is lawlessness, we and we’ll sort them out, after two weeks they said, go back to riga, don’t worry about anything, and the money was returned to the people, i didn’t give the money, no, well, that’s who they tried to extort for you, but no, the money never appeared there, they just took me from the bank to the airport in moscow, which
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doesn’t have all this at a conscious age, not on their own, i was 7 then , 8, 9, 10 years, i want the people who saw all this much better to have some kind of opportunity, when the state withdrew, so that the bandits would not enter our lives as much as they did. was there any alternative at all, well, if you remember something, then of course, share, well it is difficult to say whether this alternative , in general, strictly speaking, has always been in history, but when the state suddenly, well, for various reasons, loses this function of monopoly on violence, then a holy place is never empty, it has always been filled, always filled with people like this , these are just daring guys, you have to understand, but the most important thing comes first - daring is the most important thing, daring guys who solve issues in one step, or in two,
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at most, like this. and this is an exciting motive that plays a role for everyone, speed, yes, the solution to these issues and simplicity, relative simplicity, this was for you in your youth, maybe in your early youth such speed was not attractive, well, because there is a quick way, this is also a quick get rich, and so on and so forth, i i understand that for a young man, then this is a very tempting, well, in quotes, career. but the point is this, the point is that, as a colleague said, education, at that time i also had a certain education, and so to speak, because of this education i already understood then, i understood well, i graduated high school, that is, you weren’t daring, you were smart in such a way that being so daring doesn’t suit you, but you were smart, you need daring, well, you’re talking about daring now, of course, well, i’m talking about it as a leit motive, tempting for young people, especially because it’s not necessary , you just then understand that it turns out that everyone who followed this path
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seems to be not very smart, probably you can’t say that either, i don’t want to to say that here... this criterion is very smart, not very smart, why? because it different things, if we talk about audacity - these are emotions, and if we talk about intelligence, well , that’s understandable, this is what pulls in a person at the moment, emotionality or prudence, that is, these are different things , in fact, yeah, that’s if if they overwhelm their emotionality, then yes, all these factors begin to play a role, uh-huh, mikhail evgenievich, what can you tell us about your gangster past. i want to say that in general i remember this way - well, there are quite a few striking examples when this insolence is quite imaginable, it was combined with a brilliant mind , which led to, yes, in fact, people are alive now, everything is fine with them and, so to speak, the rich are healthy and so on , there are such examples, another thing, it worked, this
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scheme works, for some, yes for some it certainly works for someone , they interrupt you, then it turns out that the young guy who wants this, yes, he, well, yes, he expects that it will work for him, he has a social lift, well, you know, it’s different for everyone, in fact, like this, well, to say that these are bandits, well, that’s there, this is a whole world that needs to be structured there, they are very different, starting from the so-called morosks who came there, our interlocutor was stolen somewhere, they began to extort money, ending with the topic, well, that’s how it is now say, many died in god. i don’t want to say that without them this probably wouldn’t be very correct, but those people who are some of the businessmen there are the biggest, but i think i’m not sure that everything would have worked out without them, without their experience, without their connections, etc., etc. , other things like
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still, to explain what remains is the idea of ​​these people as... some kind of bearers of a completely different, but very correct morality, am i a fool or what? i also remember something now, just like vitalchik vantrishvili, yes, now deceased, well, in general, as if everyone knows that he is a person, to put it mildly, who was directly related to the criminal world, so i knew him personally, because that he came to luzhniki very often, and well, as a spectator, when i worked there, we even sang with him when it was the anniversary of the palace. sports palace, so she organized such a reception for the employees there, and my senior colleagues and i, they also invited me there, there was a wonderful company there, sitting at the same table, that means anna ilenichna sinilkina, joseph davidovich kabzon, and otarik vantrishvili and me, that’s something we
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were rubbing about, because they always talked about him as if he was a man who helped a huge number of people, he helped there. even during his lifetime, when he felt very bad there, there were these problems with his legs and so onwards and so on. that is, as if on a philistine level, no one said that kvantrishvili, he is a representative of the criminal world, he is a very noble, very attentive person who will always help you, yeah. well, such don caerleona, again, this is what you described, i have the first analogy, but how to explain this, why then, if andrei nikolaevich, you should have. our management of sensitive facilities was not supposed to deal with them, but then there were those wonderful times when your facility they could have decided to come, for example, chechen bandits who needed to get something for, strictly speaking, for the armed forces, well, naturally they didn’t get anything, but such wonderful meetings,
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they just took place, you know, where it comes from, in my opinion , flair? in childhood we read the island of sokrovish, and we too , it’s all somehow romantic, we don’t put ourselves in the place of that merchant ship that they attacked, we never know, without touching another country, you begin to understand what it’s like when you fall under this skating rink, at least partially , at least when it touches you this once, as a colleague said , in fact, he went to resolve issues there because it happened differently and you, as a rule. somehow fit into this world? you see , in the eighties, this whole process was started by the state, well, not even the eighties, but the nineties, when your economic political systems began to break down, the state announced a redistribution, and here, when people begin to grab pieces, others also
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want to grab pieces, no way i don't understand where this is where romance comes in, here it’s romance , no, well, because they draw pictures for you, they do n’t come right away and say: dear comrade, you ’re going to go and saw someone up, you know, or i wanted to turn someone into cement for you, but to you they didn’t come in conditionally , well, a tall guy, he seemed smart, let’s go there for 300 dollars, well there, well, it was useless to come to me, i was interested in the wrong things , you see, i first studied rugby, and then started studying chess, but somehow call a chess player, especially since it’s a sin not to go to a rugby player, a chess player, then you understand, about me, about me, they knew very well that all this was not close to me, you see, it was impossible to lure me there with anything, excuse me, we ’ve heard enough, let’s slow down, such a topic is generally romantic, so a short pause, now. moscow, tel aviv, limosol, we have
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where everything becomes clear, we continue, in the previous part we mentioned, although without the names of some heroes of the nineties, who were quite able to survive, survive and even somehow turned out to be quite successful people, let us let’s do this, we’ll try it now on some, we’ll call them heroes of the nineties, look and look at their fate, this is what happened and is happening to them, israeli citizen ksenia sobchak posted an interview with one of the brightest heroes of russia in the nineties, umar dzhabrailov. the businessman managed shopping centers and hotels in moscow, including okhotny ryad, on manezhnaya square and the hotel of russia. there were rumors that he was connected to crime. so the businessman wrote that dzhabrailov’s business partner, american paul tatum, who was shot near his home, said shortly before the murder that dzhabrailov had threatened him. the businessman’s involvement in this case has not been proven, but now he does not deny that he has a dark past. a job turned up, being a gangster. all of moscow was divided
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into different groups. i met people with which i went into some kind of business, i was involved in farce, smuggling, and then i legalized it all, because the laws were changed. 20 years later, little remains of the areola of the hero of the nineties; several years ago, dzhabrailov was arrested for shooting near the kremlin; the businessman at that moment was under the influence of drugs; he suffers from this addiction all his life. it so happened in my fate and the fate of this city that it turns out that only marzh was a drug addict. all others are correct. it happens that former criminal figures found themselves in politics. a striking example is the former mayor of yekaterinburg and former state duma deputy, and now foreign agent evgeny roisman. in his youth, he spent 2 years in prison for theft and illegal possession of weapons. in the nineties, he was engaged in the jewelry business, and then headed the “drug-free city” foundation. rumor has it that he had dealings with the uralmash criminal group and was associated with a thief in law named timur dbelisky, who was called almost
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the main person responsible for. all drug trafficking from central asia to europe. now a foreign agent roysman is again under investigation for discrediting the russian army, and roysman commented on the dark spots of his past in a philosophical manner. i believe that every intelligent person needs to spend at least a little time in prison, well, at least a little. other stories from the nineties ended more happily. actor vladimir sychov admitted that as a student he lived in banditry, saying that between lectures he often got involved in business, that is, crime, wore a crimson jacket and man purse, and protected someone. i've been to the shooting range and even got it there knife wound, then quit, became an artist and now embodies a familiar image on the screen. i went through the nineties until i looked into the eyes of death, too, and buried many people too , so you can see, thank god that i survived, that i am doing what, what, what i do, what i love, what i enjoy, is in the press now they are actively discussing former killers and members of organized crime groups who have either left or
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are preparing to leave. released after serving 20 years for crimes of the nineties. the bloody killer of that time, sasha the soldier, who held feared throughout moscow, was released this year, among his victims are businessmen, bandits and law enforcement officers. this week another one was released by his colleague, oleg pronin, known as alcone. he was a member of the orekhovskaya group, considered one of the most dangerous in russia. another killer of the orekhovskys, lyosha soldat, will only be released in 2029, he has more than... a dozen contract killings on his account, what is your official death toll now? yes , one is enough, didn’t you really think so? well , it’s not that i didn’t count it, it’s just somehow the most scary thing, in fact, but this is the calculation that i never wanted to do, i was even afraid to do it, andrei arkadovich, can you explain, again looking back at the era of your
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youth, why such different destinies? this wave pulled one out right into the golden era, i mean dzhabrailov, and where is he now, and the other, on the contrary, wasn’t drowned that much, so you can somehow, again i remember how it was, and you which side of the soldering iron they were on in those years, well, actually it’s not funny, for me in the late eighties, in the early nineties, there was a large furniture business, almost 2,000 people worked, 10-12 branches in different cities of the moscow region. regular raids, arrows , i never had a roof, and i never paid anyone, and somehow you managed it, the feeling that it was decided without a problem, i knew how to talk once, they didn’t feel that i wasn’t afraid of them, but i i’ve always been like this, by the way, sometimes we came out of these head-on collisions as friends, and i’m still friends with many of them, these are very famous, respected people who are like me
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i’m not even afraid of this word , he treats me with love, sometimes we get together, we remember those years, of course, time has passed, you remember differently, but you know, when you come to your office, and me, for example, you understand what you are doing now , you are now inflating this one... which arose from such a conflict, very conflict situation, and now you maintain friendly relations with these people, these people have achieved success, they, you remember, andryukha, how i wanted you with a soldering iron stick it in, and you almost shove it in me, it’s not good enough, when in your office, and by the way , guarding me until the ninety-first year, i understand, but the way you tell it, it turns out exactly like that. these guys were absolutely not like the charming heroes from the film brigade, they were real bandits, and when 15 people with machine guns burst into you, and with him demolishing the guards of the nine, excuse me, the ninth department knows what it is and there is
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little good, and after ninety first year, who who resisted from your side, an armored car, i had two police jeeps security, i had everything, it was possible legally. attempts at raider takeovers , i've been through a lot in my life, but god took care of me, so i can't help but forget this story, and there is the leader of this group, these are in raincoats, he's in a suit with a pistol, so, well, we're starting to figure out where they are -the situation is such that a person owes them, but he thinks that i owe, in fact i don’t owe, he says , well, i’ll come in 2 days, which means we will continue the conversation, and the next day i open mk, not every other day i open moskov-komsomolets, and there there was an arrow behind some supermarket, which means there was a raft... there was such machine gun fire that his legs were shot off, and after 2 days he didn’t come to me, and i can tell you such stories for hours, that is, that you survived and achieved what you achieved, this means that you knew how to solve the problem , i understand correctly, i knew how, i didn’t
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feel, they were psychologists, because i wasn’t talking to the small level of the lads, serious guys came there, but they still since someone right here said correctly that there were different people there, there were smart people there, so i maybe i was lucky that i... talked and yes , they helped me, i remember, it means that here in yegoryevsk i had a furniture factory, that means the director called and said, our criminal was released, he came, so he said, here now i’m your roof, and just before that, i was a furniture maker and there was a shortage of furniture for me even then, the deputy chief of security of the supreme council , colonel, says andryukha, if anyone comes there, come on, i say, i’ll call, they’ll come, and talk you didn’t have a roof, no, that’s not a roof, a roof when you pay, but this? no longer roof, look , he says, just give him three cars, well, i give three cars, his four, we come there, by the way, there were rubops then, it was very serious opposition; they are not there now, that means
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rubop, and he is still such a giver, i have remembered his words for the rest of my life, which means they are speaking to him, but they understand that the officers have arrived, they have just these ones - short machine guns in their cases, they are loading cartridges there, by the way, some kind of toyota drove up and... left, here he is, the head of the rubop says: uh, how can i help you, he says, we’ll kill them, and you bury it, i’ve remembered this phrase for the rest of my life, well, in general, two points, the first one had a roof, say this, this will now turn into our endless story about your yacht, i want to buy it, let’s do it , these are those who forgot, i always said that kovalev is not a doligarch, because he has a bright color. so, sergey vladimovich, come on, now you, how do you explain this phenomenon, because well, what you showed romance on the high road, i even sing it in cartoons, because it’s part of my life, because i’m from kazan in the eighties i was where
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you showed in the film box on box, and there is nothing romantic there, believe me, when you fall they poke you with a crowbar and you spin around to turn away from it, we were taught this so that we would survive. i had a business in the nineties, who taught you? some senior comrades or some, of course, of course , listen, it was absolutely set up, then it was a normal life, ordinary, in which there were good heroes and negative heroes, and like andrey right he said, there were smart people, smart people negotiated, but the bulls stood and died , that’s all, that was life, if you remember that time , some kind of natural selection, not entirely natural, no, it was absolutely natural selection, the strongest survived and and if you remember at that time they said romanticism , of course, there was romanticism, because it was our life, the nineties, you can also ask me, they were the happiest, because
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with the need to walk and fight box to box, so that since there was no obligation in this, it was just life , but how could it be life, it was a phenomenon of kazan in which everyone tried to come from other cities, to show themselves, metalheads came to us from moscow who wanted to show there with some pieces of hardware or something else, we were just there as if you were brought into this box, well because, conventionally, your housemate there might not end up there, there was no alternative, someone ended up there because they wanted to, well, that doesn’t happen, that’s when i, when i was at that age, we went, firstly , directly, where i lived, there were problems with the eastern village, you see, there were lyubers back then who also ran around in all those checkered pants. you will forgive me for interrupting, but i still ask, you know
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, to draw a clear line, maybe it won’t be very nice, between moscow and regional ones, such was life in kazan in the 90s, or somewhere in bratsk , this is a completely, completely different story, i told you about life in kazan, in which there were practically no alternatives, you could go to a club, play chess, still today chess is often appear suspicious to us. wow, wow, yes, yes, but in any case, someone went in order to find protection, someone went to self-realization, and many went to earn money, because in the brigades it was the same, it was if there was a business, i remember the rech navy caps, an absolutely stupid stupid cap of some kind, but it was fashionable to walk around in it, and this cap cost crazy money, it was just impossible to find it yet, there were farewells for nangi, farewell - what is that, goodbyes are like that, you know, from the felt it’s such a goodbye youth or what? well, how did you
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make the decision or after what situation that you don’t need this box on box anymore, no, how did you understand that you are more, you will stop going there, you no longer have anything to do with these people, how do you from this group, we all grew up, the eighties were one thing, the 90s and another, they all became deputies of the state duma, then they all walked together, first in a box, then they all walked together. did everyone go to different places? someone went into acting, someone went into politics, someone went into business, everyone in different ways, that’s how it happened, who survived, who was smarter? agree that the street did instill resilience in character, absolutely, so i see, if the bandits don’t come, to be confident in yourself, confident in the shoulder of a friend, maybe we’ll take a pause, because yes... like today, if suddenly there are such fears , that all this, as it were, will come back, although
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in my opinion, no one is particularly upset, i don’t know, so there’s a short pause, now continue, now the children are out of the house, vyagra won’t help, why don’t they believe her in ukraine anymore , boboda recently returned to ukraine, you know, whore, i’m just really friendly, i even refused to perform. on one stage, a hypocrite as she was, she will remain so, because a person like that can be corrected by the grave, which rider did loboda put up as the organizer to go to the front line to see the vfu soldiers? why did she fall into depression after moving to latvia, no one in europe needs her, they generally have enough of their own silicone fools, and how the ukrainian singer again decided to make extra money on the russian public gg, it won’t stink. let them stink, here we will find some
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invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker and a convenient, technological application. there is very little time left for the meeting, so about the signs of the times and whether we should be afraid that these signs are now creeping into our time, as now we will show you a piece of the plot that... our colleague liza listova prepared the results for the program , this was in 2001, please show me, after the era of the sixties, the brightest era for us was the era of the six hundred, the first began in the twentieth congress and ended with tanks in prague , the second began with tanks in moscow and ended in default, by the way, just a couple
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of months after it in october of ninety -eight, the bold 60 was discontinued, symbolically, the ascetics of the sixties did not choose symbols for themselves and did not erect monuments to themselves, then and other things were done by the six hundreds, this is a mercedes star, this is a fragment of a sculptural composition on the grave of its owner, here i am of such cemeteries, such monuments, here in the moscow region, just in the nineties, takrey nikolaevich, these do signs still return to us or not , do you somehow understand what it means to return, not to return, is there such a fear , is there a fear, because the question always arises, if the state suddenly begins to weaken in society, the feeling of injustice will be exceeded, that’s all perhaps , you know, the most brilliant film, probably, oddly enough, is still made about the nineties, it’s blind man’s buff, despite the fact that it’s a black comedy, but you see, in the end there are two heroes, respectable ones, sitting in a hotel russia, which now no longer exists, but behind them there is a whole cemetery, when we tell all this beautifully here, we must understand that behind
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everyone who is lucky, there is a huge amount of what you said, and this is also for those who are lucky, whom the lads buried them with honor, and the number of people. which simply disappeared once and for all and simply no one ever found them, there are just a great many of them, even when we are here, you know, we have some kind of flair, i’m talking about the fact that it is possible to agree, can be resolved, if you.. .. i'll just say one name, here it is very appropriate, vlad lisyev, who was simply moved over in the nineties, a most talented person who was not a bandit, but the system that developed, it simply moved him, you know, this is one example, but i can there are a lot of such examples of people who did not want to join any banditry, they were engaged in their activities, but at some point they crossed paths with those with whom they crossed paths, then you end up challenging the thesis, which in general here... was supported that sometimes there was no alternative, here it was, kazan , brotherly, there was no alternative, that means there was no alternative
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, that is, you understand, if the state itself issues a license for lawlessness, then you have to somehow make your way in life, somehow live, the state does not help you, you have only one road, i can tell you that you know, somehow we lived through the nineties in such a way that a huge number of people did their jobs, worked in factories, worked as doctors, worked as teachers, despite... they were not in honor, they were in a very serious condition, but out of principle they did not go there, because they considered it unacceptable for themselves, and the state survived not at the expense of those who walked the line, but at the expense of those who endured it, he endured these nineties himself, simply working , often for pennies, but i think that for him it is a fundamental feeling, not a deal with your own conscience, not joining these boy brigades with romantic flutter, i want young people to hear this and understand, you can join, but here’s something...
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this is not at all the same as the criminals and the community of grandfathers , but one grew out of the other, no, one did not grow out of the other, completely unnecessary, i know, i knew, these fights you are talking about, in my opinion, it was generally a pastime for some time, people, people gathered at some cultural centers, what grew out of this, so we can come to an agreement for the battles that were there in the russian empire too, any teenager knew and a high school student that there was an article for tuniatism, he understood perfectly well, he will now join the army here, go to work
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, go, it’s over bitch question, what now this is not the case, but now attacks are already appearing, a huge number of scammers are cheating people, the police cannot solve it, the courts, groups are already appearing that solve these issues, already now, but i drove through the mobilized people from the concert and there already there is. so let us stop , in a few minutes we will summarize the conversation, the young parents were looking forward to the birth of their first child, according to doctors, they were supposed to have a healthy boy, we went through all the screenings, all the ultrasounds, i remember clearly the words of the doctors that raft develops without pathology, but the doctor... when they saw the baby, they suggested that the parents write a waiver for him, they said that i was young, healthy, i had a chance to give birth to another
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healthy child, the baby was born with a crooked head with fused fingers and toes, who artyoma, this is total syntactelia and an incorrect structure of the bones of the skull, i took him for the first time, i was very happy, even despite the fact that he had no fingers, i screamed, no, i wanted to give up everything altogether, will they be able to from moscow.. .life, it's beyond, today in 16:50 on ntv. bolobal: new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. magic conditions - a real rate of up to 15.5% per annum on a savings account at gazprom bank. your money works and you get it. withdraw and replenish income at any time, apply online at gazprombank - time to make
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so short please do you agree with this what... it’s like your youth somewhere, well, such nostalgia, but in general these are tragic phenomena, this is a person who goes beyond all limits, in every possible way, i absolutely agree with my colleague, so to speak, we need to talk more about the fact that the nineties are not only crime, the devolution of ours. russian federation, there was a lot of good things there. yeah, so, sergei vladimovich, god forbid, this time will return, just like god forbid, just god forbid, no, i want my child of all my colleagues to live in a completely different world, in bright, with joy ahead with absolute confidence in the future, the older i get, the more my attitude changes, because when you were a child, you
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don’t seem to understand at all that this is the time in which you live and, as it were, nothing... how old were you in the nineties, well, i was born in eighty-seven, well, then in the 2000s, when the dashing nineties appeared, i was even somewhat offended, my childhood passed on the whole, i was fine there boy, and now the older i get, the more i have i feel a feeling of horror when i look at this whole picture, absolutely, exactly the opposite, well, then i’m talking about this one of the main, probably, signs of this time about the six hundredth mercedes, the road is empty, the gai post, there is a traffic cop, there is no one, and drives, he sees a mercedes 600, behind it is an ambulance, behind it are fire trucks, and the policeman gets out. pointed to the wands to stop, the mercedes stops, an ambulance stops behind it, a fire truck stops behind it, he approaches the car, the brother comes out, then they always got out car, and the policeman looks at these and
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says that you stopped, go ahead, i stopped him, and the brother says, this is with me, he says, i mean with you, well, you ’re going to conduct a search now, well, here's a first aid kit for you, here's a fire extinguisher, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 but weekdays ntv, all the best to you, goodbye. the truce ended, israel and hamas resumed hostilities. is there a choice, what are they talking about in the west now about the ukrainian conflict and are negotiations possible? elon musk announced the start of sales of an electric pickup truck; we’ll find out how much it will cost in business news. a large-scale exhibition of paintings by vasily sorikov opened in st. petersburg with more than a hundred canvases.


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