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tv   Svet i ten mayaka  NTV  December 2, 2023 2:40am-3:21am MSK

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an adventure that we had long dreamed of, we kept thinking, well, how can it be, why only in moscow, i liked it, yes, i like it very much, that such natural tones, it’s right in the eye, a nice, small compact kitchen, where everything is under everything is convenient with our hands, and since we also love to cook , we will cook there with pleasure , we will use the word maximum, it is very convenient to travel in a wheelchair, at home we often walk with vasilisa on our feet, but vasilisa, not in a wheelchair , and this is also very convenient, i almost i know how you will do miracles? can vasilisa tell you first, vasilis , what will you do here, eat potatoes, right, of course, there is a place to cook them, and now, of course, this is just such a push for some big changes, we will finish all the other rooms , yes , i’ll probably have to rebuild my life a little, because it was not only a big renovation, it was the beginning of a remodeling of our life, our way of life. your love is a drop of the soul,
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and these feelings are stronger than life, and these but they sound and sound, but to me people, your love is like a drop of the soul, and for the sake of this love it is worth living, let it sound without a word. oleg and simonovovich go in search of tatyana and see evseev with konstantin. simonovich recognizes evseev and tells oleg about him. arthur puts galina and tatyana in the car to take them to moscow, and a chase begins after them. during the release of the hostages, galina saves konstantin's life. they make peace. tikhan comes out... he is again jealous
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of krotov’s olga ignatieva. oleg asks his brother about the identity of the mysterious rukov, whom he gives himself away to yevsey. you are an adult, kravchenko. i would even say not young. what have you seen in your life? hazad raspberries, ozone insulators, it’s not a pity to waste your life on this crap, life is like life, no worse than people’s, but you never wanted, well, for a change, to have a family, children, but you? what, and i think that
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you keep walking around for so long, that you won’t say it directly, son, admitted, son of blubny’s priest, yes, who i recognized there, this is my personal business, strange, i have to do it right now throw you ours. you, but i don’t want to forgive you, but i’m not offended, son, i understand you better than others, my father thought he abandoned you, and he sailed off on an unknown voyage, and i wrote you letters from the zone, what letters?
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i loved you, son, more than life itself, and i loved your mother, comrade colonel, tell me one thing, i somehow can’t wrap my head around what it is, there were drugs in the bag, yes, and then they weren’t there , and there are no drugs, well, it’s like this, you know, i think there’s an investigator here, he wasn’t very good, yes, uh, i even understand that he was probably in cahoots with these bandits who wanted to take away ulexander’s house, i think you understand correctly, in general, how sorry i am for your investigators, yes, your investigators are bad, comrade colonel, my employees are good, yes, they are good , but there is a black mark in the family, excuse me, igor valerievich, i want to say thank you very much for dad, for letting him go, it’s all yours. merit,
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thank you, thank you, daughter, what about evsey? did you miss me? there is little. i don’t believe it, i probably did it again. one is not the other interferes. and i missed the job too, well, tell me straight what you need. kostya wants you to take charge, only now, for real. why didn’t kostya call himself? he’s very busy. that’s why i didn’t call, i’m busy, but i just got free already, let’s go for a walk in the park, but it’s a pleasure,
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listen, but i also wanted, you know, what to talk to you about? about what? and kostya, do you think things will work out for you? why do you always ask me about kostya? what are you doing? do you want to push it on me? so that he doesn’t creep on you, right? no, gal, what does this have to do with it? i just, i just noticed that you liked him, and i wish happiness to both you and him. uh-huh, no happiness shines for us. why? because he loves you, or rather, he doesn’t love you, but he’s just crazy for you. you are very deeply mistaken , it’s all in the past, he’s already made up his mind , why did you get it, because he told me about it himself, he said that he wants to forget everything that happened and
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now be only friends, yeah, kostya, friends , something somehow, why don’t you believe it, you... you hardly know him, well, yes, i i don’t know him, but it seems to me that i ’m a good judge of people, but here you’re wrong, yes, kostya is stubborn, stubborn and it’s very difficult to convince him, but people change, and if, if he likes you, go for it.
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well, a wonderful evening, i am very grateful to you. listen, olya , i missed you so much, i just can’t tell you, but you, well, at least you missed me a little, no need to ask provocative questions, okay, i won’t, listen, olya, i want to tell you, during this time you have become more better, prettier, no, seriously, seriously, although it would seem, but where it’s better, please, to tell you what i dream about? well, i dream that you and i will always be close, you and i, that you and i, i don’t know, would walk, walk, talk, but oh, just you and me, you and me, now
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you , about the colonel, yes, you hint, yes , of course, about who else, i don’t understand that he walks here, walks, walks, that you tolerate him, but this. it’s all very difficult to explain, but stop it, what’s so complicated about it, but tell him there, well, he’s the boss of my sons, a lot depends on him, and i don’t i want and cannot offend a kind and good person, and i won’t, wait, stop, i don’t understand who you think he is good, well, you just don’t know him, what excuse me, of course, i... a most interesting conversation, but what’s new, if you yourself understand that you are in the way, well, why are you going out then, really, you see, they’re just waiting for olga vladimirovna at the table, but nothing , they’ll wait, as they say, yes olenka, no,
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igor valerievich is right, i’ll go , goodbye, goodbye, valya, come, goodbye, in a nutshell, oleg needs to be taken by the bootstraps, yes so that he forgets to even think about tatyana , that’s what kostya wants, but i don’t understand why he’s so obsessed with this tanya, he ’s gone crazy, because how many girls are there in the world, no, give him this one, yes. only your chances are not enough, because oleg loves his tatyana, yes, i already understood that, so
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lis, maybe you won’t take it, why, i will, every man has his own weak points, for some it’s lust, for others... then greed, someone has a feeling for a long time, many different ones, it is only important to notice these points, you are not afraid that anyone. all these points of yours will be beaten like a trump card ace, i don’t believe in love, i’ve never loved anyone , i haven’t been loved, and if they don’t love me and i don’t love me, what about your brothers, don’t touch their brothers, understand? oh well, that ’s just me, in fact, did i really sleep with all the men just for money, why, it’s possible without money. for the future, how is that? like this? if the man is rich, promising,
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then you can do it without money, at first, and then all this will come back to you like an old man, but kostya is promising, it’s none of your business, of course, but i don’t envy you, why is that? because if if you drive oleg away from tatyana, then on her... let me figure it out myself, okay, i ’ll do my job, i’ll get the money, then i’ll come up with something, but kostenka won’t escape me, you’ll pay. thank you, well, gal, let's try to start
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all over again, try, maybe then we'll move on to a new one, like we just met. it would be nice, otherwise you know, your manners are boorish, otherwise you could have held back, let’s be honest, come on, now you suggested that i start all over again, but then, what are you going to do? are you really going to leave the girl in peace? firstly, i am very grateful to you
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that you didn’t kill me then, but you could have, and secondly, for some reason i am sure that you love me, for real, not out of selfishness. i really appreciate it. gal can’t even describe in words how important this is for me, i’m a free man. and freedom is above all for me, understand, for me it is very
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important to decide for myself where to be, with whom, as you understand, you must understand me, i understand you very well, that’s great, thank god, thank you for your frankness. at least you won't fool me. look, gal. you freed the pawn, but the bandits
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let the bandits go, for this i don’t absolve you of guilt, igorevich, but what could we, yes, could? they could, a good policeman will always come up with something, they could do something , there will be a way out, all you have to do is shoot, you also need to think a little with your head, in general , the bandits fled in an unknown direction, although we put them on the federal wanted list, hoping that they won’t be free for long, but they most likely headed to moscow, they seem to have a base, and i’ve already contacted my moscow colleagues. promised take your arthur more closely, he is also a bone in their throat, what else is there, it seems that everything is fine, everyone is free, and you are a stirlitz,
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kravchenko stay. gal, hi, hi, well, how are you, how was the first date with bones? first, it’s probably the last thing that happened there, but it’s a long story, let’s go study, that’s what i wanted to ask, how is there any progress before this? is it true, comrade colonel, that kravy has begun to testify? go, are you serious? yes, today i plan to knock out the hiding place from him, well done, mayor, oh, well done, with with with accomplices how? he’s still silent about his accomplices, but we’re working, igorevich, work, work,
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kostya, in the same spirit, work, get better, go, go, go. yes, by the way, tell your stubborn brother that i stood up for simonovich, i’ll be leaving the service soon , the colonel understood, well, go, uh-huh, well, that’s okay too, well, then i had breakfast and went here, oh, hello, girls, how’s life, fine. thank you for looking at me the way i look at you, without joy, like a soldier at a louse, and who did you call a louse, who did you call a louse here, calm down, gal, gal, i am you i’ll kill, gal, olegsevich, help, na na
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receives, i’ll kill you, i understand, i’ll kill you, go away, stop, take the phones, but i’ll do it. hello, hello, why did you call, how are your kharlomovites doing, why are they mine, no one, they’re not mine, okay, okay, i’m kidding, how they behave, they don’t get mad, it’s hard for them now,
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they’re sitting quietly, quiet, that means, after kharlama’s death they never came to their senses, after? you won’t come to your senses right away, but this plays into our hands, it’s time to finish off this gang completely, and how are you going to finish them off? well, not directly, of course, normal heroes, you know, always go around, i want to play them off, throw some incriminating evidence at each other, it’s a good idea, i think i know how to organize it. really, tell me, gali, take the trouble to explain, i’ll just calmly, what happened, why did you beat this guy. in general, this bastard, he, he says things about me behind my back, lord, god, what is he saying about you, maybe i won’t repeat it. gal, well, maybe you were mistaken, did you personally
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hear it from him, or did someone tell you this? yes, what difference does it make, personally, i conveyed it, i know him like crazy, he is capable of this. gal, well, you must admit, this is not a reason to organize beatings, but then, you are a girl, well , yes, what difference does it make, what difference does it make, a girl, not a girl, or are you a second-class guy? or you? gal, what kind of expression, excuse me, is it you, galina belaya, yes, what? the dean is waiting for you, hurry up, please, they've already knocked, great, as soon as you calm down, fine. hello, cosaton, and what urgent matter do you have? great, i'll be just a minute. i'm here they brought a flash drive, i wanted to show you, i’m sorry that i’m not in front of everyone, and what’s there, now
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you’ll see for yourself, everything here, everything is very good, just keep in mind, don’t talk about this stalemate, he’ll misunderstand, you’re a rat , i knew it. sorry, dad, i should have warned you. thank you, cosaton, you can’t trust anyone in this world. give me a flash drive. thank you. listen, your friend is crazy, isn't she? or maybe it’s not about her, maybe you deserve it? how? what, what my behavior, i didn’t invent everything to myself and you’re going ahead, you’re offended by me, yes? no, i’m not offended, i don’t want to know you,
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tanya, forgive me, i beg you, forgive me, what can i do to make you forgive me, are you crazy, get up from your knees, people can see, yes let them see, let everyone know how much i love you, i know how much you love me, you are a rude man, get up from your knees, tanya, tanya, i won’t get up until you forgive me, okay, stay here for the rest of your life, tanya , distance yourself, i understand, so that i don’t see you again, and leave galya alone. a fight within the walls of the university, can you even imagine what it’s like? it stinks, but excuse me, please, excuse me, excuse me, if you have patronage, it doesn’t mean you can... fail your tests, behave like a hooligan, fight, in the end, right? no, you know what, my dear, i’ll tell
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you, we don’t need such students, yes, because of you the university’s rating is falling, you know what a rating is, i know, no, you don’t know, a rating is money that we no one will return you, my dear, expel you, expel you, are you serious, i’ll improve, why expel you right away, of course, you’ll correct yourself, improve, just somewhere at another university, so i won’t detain you any longer, but really you’re kicking me out, yes, just imagine, let’s go. well , come back, you white, boorish gal, well
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, i was expelled, oh, my god, yes, it really didn’t hurt, i wanted to study here, tick, well, maybe it’s not so bad? what if something can be fixed? yes, he ’s been sharpening his grudge against me for a long time, this is the dean, damn, now i’m going to be evicted from the dorm, what should i do, go home, my whole life is down the drain, so, what do you have, gallya was expelled, so, of course, wait for me here, oleg alekseevich, where are you going, i’ll go talk to the dean, wait here.
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hello soldiers, the weather is good, yes, mom, kostya, how are you doing, what’s wrong with your father, he didn’t realize that you were his son, why didn’t he guess, what are you thinking of doing? will you confess to him? why, mom, i don’t even remember him, he’s a complete stranger to me, and he doesn’t give a damn about me, i’m a matter for another investigator, period, that’s right, son, that’s how it should be, okay, mommy, i have to work, i kiss you , expensive.
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oh, good afternoon everyone, take it off handcuffs, illegal instructions prohibit. don’t tell me about the instructions, but carry out the order of the senior in rank, yeah, that’s it, leave me alone with him, i need to talk to him, my comrade lawyer , it’s dangerous, nothing dangerous, i’ll return you
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safe in a couple. well, hello son, you’ve gone crazy, what kind of son are you, show everyone my birth record, you’re ashamed of your father, your own dad, well, it’s begun. you’d better tell me how you see your future, well, as i see it, you’ll smear me, i’ll go down the road, drenched in sun and wine, drenched in sun and wine - this is of course good, but first you will have to hand over your share, what will happen to me for this, well, what will happen, what will happen,
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will you get me? you don’t need extra problems, you don’t need extra problems, you say, but i can do them right now, what are you talking about? i knew one little man, he told me a lot about your business, not entirely legal, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, that’s right, son, very interesting, what’s the name of this
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little man? good man? shima drove shimma, shimma, so what did this shimo tell you? yes, perhaps, i told you everything about your yevsey, and quietly with his brigade, so excuse me, son, you have no other choice unless freedom gets me out. otherwise, what? otherwise, it's every man for himself. just like that. mayor kravchenko. yes, that’s how it turns out, you easily know your own son, right? well
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, you don’t leave me any other choice, well , think about it, will you help dad, or would you prefer to rattle on the bunk yourself, and why not help, you can help, oleg alekseevich, well, it’s useless, in general doesn’t want to hear anything, that’s what i thought. gal, well, don’t look at the situation so gloomily, maybe fate will give you some other opportunities in return, what opportunities, what are you talking about, digging with shovels or sewing slippers in a factory, well, maybe
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there will be some options , what options they will find, everything is fine. what happened to you? what happened to me? after all, the goody department says that you shot the suspect? what are you talking about?
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well, yes, that was the case, i had no other choice, either i’d shoot him, or he’d run away like he did i could have escaped at all, oleg, just ask him , he ran, i shot, period, okay, don’t worry, it’s so unpleasant for you to remember all this, brother, unpleasant is not the right word, in general there’s little joy in killing people, but now the collection will probably begin again, i think everything will fall into place, you, you did your duty, so i did my duty, there are still questions, i was looking for moles, and well , of course, he’s tearing and rushing, okay, i’ll go put it off. listen, please bring this into the office, as they say, god won’t give it away, but the colonel won’t eat, no fluff, no feast
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, damn it, igor valerievich, if you please, has appeared , the colonel is silent, where has it been seen that an investigator kills under investigation, what have we come to, are we now going to run down the street, chasing old women, like dostoevsky some kind of schismatics, that schismatics, i mean, schismatics were chasing old women. enough, schismatics , karamazov brothers, this is a police department, not a mit institute, okay, you know what
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they will do to me for your mistake, not exactly, colonel, well, your happiness, that’s what i’m with you i’ll do it now, you’ll see, comrade colonel, i had no other choice, they just shot, i don’t have that kind of trust in you anymore, there’s been a lot of mistakes lately. mayor kravchenko, other employees can confirm my words, we will interrogate others in due time as part of an official investigation. mayor kravchenko is dead. i am suspending you from performing official duties, excuse me, you heard everything perfectly well, mayer kravchenko, i am
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suspending you from conducting an official investigation and from service in general. comrade, colonel, who will lead the department? a holy place is never empty. at least captain ignatiev, temporarily for now, and then we’ll see, flash it, where are you in such a hurry, what? i haven’t shot all the people under investigation yet, it’s a gang of crooks coming to me, comrade, colonel, i don’t see the need, but i see, today , that the case should be on my table, go, i obey.
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well, the chief, he yelled, no, he didn’t yell, he ordered to give me an order, that’s it, they suspended me from service, it can’t be, listen, who will run the department? you, you are serious, quite, so he, take things, little by little, as they say, the king is dead, long live the king , this is some kind of nonsense, well, nonsense, not nonsense, but an order from the immediate superiors, bone, soon everything will be all right, the investigation will establish your complete innocence, the investigation will establish what needs to be established and what is
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needed will be for the boss, and the boss hasn’t been liking me lately, it looks like he has new favorites, right? that soon everything will fall into place and you will return to your place, but you went with your optimism, you know where, that’s where all this is for me, you know, oleg, i’m sick of it this is all without you for sure. what happened, gallya was expelled, but for what? well,
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she beat chigorin, respect to her for that, shame on you, okay, i’m kidding, by the way, she’s in trouble, she really needs to be helped, okay, and how? yes, oleg, it’s you, this is liza skorkina, you remember me, yes, hello, liza, very good, i really need your help, you see, the fact is that i am now in danger, oleg, mortal, i i beg you, you understand, i have no one else to help, and you are a policeman, we urgently need to meet, where should i go? drive up? drive up to my house, i ’ll send you the address, thank you very much, you’re a real knight, what kind of girls are they calling you, this is lisa, remember from the car, i still remember it? tanyush, please don’t start now
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, no, i really, i’m not starting, i’m just wondering, that means she’s in danger, and you ’re going to save her, i’m a policeman, yeah, yeah, even, no, i’m really okay, just curious look at her, and she knows that you will be with the bride, she’ll find out now, let’s go. well, what's so urgent, gal? kostya, they will expel me from the university, they will trample me out of the dorm, i will have nowhere to live, and i have nothing to do with it, i am the rector, tell me, i simply have no one else to turn to, help, please, i really beg you, my girl.


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