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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-14  NTV  December 2, 2023 4:50am-5:41am MSK

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where are we waiting for you? guys, today without me, i have an audition for glo tomorrow morning, well, excuse me, but i’m at the ceremonial part, now we’re getting ready, so attention, comrades, officers, in connection with captain krymov’s reaching the age of majority, to assign him an extraordinary special rank, the most important captain of the homicide department, signature city colonel. thank you, that’s not all, not all, at the same time, with the assignment of the rank, the most important captain is awarded a service weapon, now personalized, wow, wow, captain igor, i serve russia, i also want such an engraving, but how old are you really, 18, it’s already possible, champagne is allowed, but vodka after 21, okay, friends, i’m off, they’re arguing at the right time, we how you have developed. murder here, oh, borenka, not
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very timely, so, well, the celebration will have to be postponed, great for everyone, and hello, vanya, oh, how much blood, and what is it from? apparently it was an ipm, with a silencer, and, by the way, all the shots were fired from the same weapon, well, yes, andryukha and i found four here cartridges, one at the entrance , the other two nearby, apparently, they shot from different places, the fleeing victim, like this, and what about the personality of the murdered person, if you are interested, look for yourself, look, samarina, nina gennadievna, eighty-first year of birth, and lives in this house, yes , andryukha, he went there, there is no one at the address, no one opens, you rummaged through the phone, well, yes, a few minutes before his death someone called barge hauler, although he called yesterday , the day before yesterday, and a week ago, but there are no text messages, so it’s unclear what they have so interesting,
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i need to figure out this barge hauler and my husband, i need to figure out tomorrow to visit both of them, i need to stop the devil, come on, well, what thoughts will there be, order, yes, it’s clear that it’s not a robbery, things seem to be all in place, order, what’s she with the witnesses, one witness, margot is talking to her, so, captain igor, let’s go and we’ll fool around with the witnesses, and let’s go, this is your fun birthday, my favorite format, it’s your birthday, guys, congratulations. a gift for me, i was watching a police series at home, suddenly i heard a wild scream outside the window, i ran up to window, and there, just some kind of nightmare, ninka was running around the yard, and a man was shooting at her right from the car window, but just like in the movies, i looked, then hid behind the tulle, but so that the criminal would not see me, and then i watched , but you didn’t remember the car number?
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but of course, i saw it in tv series, thank you, if the number, the car of the criminal policeman is there, consider him caught, god forbid everyone, i have vision, god forbid, but maybe you saw the killer then? i couldn’t, the car had tinted windows, i just saw the hand of this bastard in a white glove, you know, or there were two killers, or he had a right -hand drive car, he shot from... a tire on the right side, but with his left hand, left-handed, there was probably a silencer on the pistol, i clearly saw how observant you are, we were very lucky with you, and who she worked for, nina , where she worked, a charitable foundation somehow, the name , in my opinion, caring hearts, yeah, do you know anything about her circle, maybe there were some conflicts, but we weren’t particularly friends with ninka, she... didn’t have intimate
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conversations with me, but she has a relationship with her hubby were not ah, i live under them, i often heard them arguing there, breaking dishes, maybe each other, i don’t know, in any case, samarin threatened her, shouted, i’ll kill you bitch, listen, wasn’t he her if you think it’s worth really suspecting your husband, then you take him and inject him. that’s what they say, something like this, that’s it, guys , there are no witnesses, but it’s already late, i finished everything a long time ago, but i’ll have to wait for the body to be taken away, that’s your job, lyosha, rita, what do you have with your witness , well , i talked to her, she says that samarion is with my husband and i were constantly quarreling and smashing plates against each other almost every day. my husband still has to punch it, it’s such a slaughter, there’s only one witness, so let’s go home, we’ll continue tomorrow. eh, wait, i
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'll be left alone, come on, lucky, as always, i understand that your department is always full. work, but i’m forced to temporarily transfer two of your employees to the apartment crash department, comrade colonel, what’s this, we don’t have enough people ourselves, the apartment workers are generally overwhelmed, well, some new gang has appeared villains who are bombing like on an assembly line, well , they can’t cope, sorry, comrade colonel, but we need to do better, so contact the relevant department, oleg georgivich, let’s be honest. all our best employees work in your department, well, also in the robbery department, the other departments are staffed in such a way that there are simply no words, well, what am i going to tell you, you already know everything perfectly well, yes, that’s why i ask,
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help, highlight two employees, they will work, help solve the case and return to your department. okay, potapenko and iradanov, so, in general, look, samarina called 5 minutes before the murder from someone burlakov, her colleague from the caring hearts foundation, a local lawyer, name is konstantin andreevich, nothing bad was noticed about him, he did not come into our field of vision, but you can look where this burlakov’s phone was at the time of the call from samarina, yes, of course, go ahead. here in the area of ​​​​parachute street, yeah, she must have been at the other end of the city, i wonder, what about samarina’s husband? so, wait, not all at once, well, look, samarin, a former military man, now has been working in a security company since 2012, of course there is a legal address, an office and there is also
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a former place of registration, bolshaya pushkarskaya street, building 3, he lived there with his mother in our department, he was not involved, in general, i’ll print it all out for me, okay, yeah. slava, in general, there is a phone number for the organization where the murdered woman worked, you can call all the employees for questioning to the department, and i’ll start looking for her husband, i’ll send the phone number via text message, what’s the point, again it’s not your job, reclassify it as burglary, you need to help georgivich, you understand, he was stressed from above, but i understand, what are we going to do? i don’t know, well, let’s try, let’s try to start with agents, and then we’ll see. only apartment burglaries, it’s a delicate matter, here we have to approach the vars from the inside, maybe we’ll try to target the street youth, the street youth, you haven’t gone anywhere yet, i’m like a street youth , besides, you and i have the university of the ministry of internal affairs
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painted on our foreheads, calmly, senior the stylist potapinka made himself a real gopnik, well, yes... i called nina at around 9:00 pm, moreover, we had an extremely unpleasant conversation for both of us, but this does not mean that i killed her, and what are you afraid of, if it’s not a secret? yes, no secrets, samarina directed a prosecutor's investigation against us, she knew what to get into with a bitch, we could get heavy fines for her and generally close down, why did she need it, she worked for you, well, what do i know, i'm with her i don’t know women’s cockroaches, but why did you call her the day before, you wanted to talk? well, in general, yes, i think samarina has some friends in the prosecutor’s office, whom she sent to us , well, i wanted to set her straight so that she would turn the situation around before it’s too late, but she, she doesn’t care, our director of shoes is just
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furious, when will he be, i don’t know, he should soon come up, no, they told me that yesterday he walked around the office angry because of his wife, he didn’t hand over his weapons to the local gunsmith, he doesn’t answer calls, now i’ll go to his mother, they gave me an address here, come on, keep me posted, tell me who conducted the prosecutor's audit of your fund, prosecutor leonid ivanchenko. rydanov, it’s okay, come here, ritka is a flea-shopper, you yourself are a flea-shopper, fashion house haute couture cherdyn, you mean? well, i mean, i took the keys to the warehouse with the confiscated item from uncle boris, so you can use me for official misconduct, for business, this is for you, well,
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this is also for you, look, i have to guess the size, i don’t understand, what do you want , so that i would attack myself with these skinny pants, of course, are you one of me? i promised to make a real gopnik, in this i will look like this, like this, like that, well, like this, a fashionable foreign word starting with the letter x, hip-hopper, no, hamster , no, well, no, well, hippie, no, this, what’s-his-name, hipster, oh, hipster, overgrown, so, let ’s not be capricious, let’s get dressed, come on, okay, let's go, slan, well, i 'm passing by again, samarin's mother is not at home, i talked to her neighbor, can you imagine, her son, it turns out they took her away in a hurry yesterday, something happened to her heart, that's it, so she went to his hospital,
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yes, gegorich, listen, glory, in the kalininsky district they found the car of samarina’s killer, everyone is busy, so i’ll go there myself. yeah, listen, i still need to talk to prosecutor ivanchenko, of course, i can, but this is your level. okay, after the car i’ll go see him. that's it, hang up. kiril, still in intensive care with a heart attack. tell me, how did all this happen, when? yesterday evening after 6, he came to visit me after work, and he was already pale, sat on the sofa, holding his heart, and then lost consciousness, i called an ambulance, uh-huh, okay, the doctors arrived quickly, helped, and you don’t happen to know, well , although of course it’s unlikely, where could the gun be? your son has a gun, that's how he has it me in my bag, that is, how? yes, he had the gun
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with him when he arrived, and i was afraid to leave it at home, so i took it with me. nina ivanovna, come on, how can you walk down the street with a gun, yes, yes, i didn’t let him go anywhere for a second, i’m forced to take this gun away, why? kiril couldn’t kill nina, he was here all this time. nina, i understand perfectly well, but this is how it’s supposed to be, please, hand over your weapons , okay, take it, i’m a mother, you probably also have parents, take it, yes, i also have parents, thank you very much, doctor, how did it all go, don’t worry, everything is fine, he’ll stay with us for a while , thank you very much, of course, but actually yesterday was my birthday, well,
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andryusha, maybe we’ll start from this yard, let’s start, but andryusha me you don’t need to call me, but what should i call you? drone, drone won’t do, call me pin, well pin, pin, then i ’m snow white, am i crazy , you’ll be a washcloth, well, in my opinion, let’s try, let’s try, great, bro, what do we need, we need to splurge, what can i talk about with you, don’t talk about what i said, it’s okay, calm down, calm down, washcloth, shut up, the boys are talking, what do you want? do you need a watch?
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show me where, where do you need, what do you want, two mowers, how many , mower, mower, okay, i’ll take it, stop, stop , brother, and catch, catch, well catch catch, calm down, don’t twitch, criminal investigation, you’ll have to splurge with us , with all due respect, gentlemen of the trash, you have nothing on me, you’re wrong, wild boar, attack on a police officer once, plus your pockets are full of stolen goods, yeah, and we’ll hit you in the district, oh, we’re probably after you. a huge number of sins are found in the aggregate a serious figure will come up, and what reason do you have to argue with us, and what do you
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want from me? here in your area there is a group working on residential burglaries, we need addresses, names, nicknames, and the hut where stolen goods from the jump are taken, stunned, maybe you should wash the floors in the musarn, don’t be rude, boar, don’t be rude, no, okay, what will i get from this, we won’t turn you in, you will remain clean. you will become a witness in the case, well, plus our immense gratitude, oh well, but i only know the hut, hello everyone, great, what do you have? the car is right-hand drive, there are no prints at all, apparently the killer carefully erased them, well, of course, in the theft, yeah , the statement from the car owner was yesterday afternoon, that’s clear, okay, i’ll go look around while i draw up the report, yeah,
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so lyosha, add this to the eternal evidence, it’s highly likely killer's glove, a witness from the crime scene said that the killer was wearing a white glove and also shot with his left hand, let's check. well , here, call me, no, you promised that you wouldn’t set me on fire, you promised we wouldn’t set me on fire, but you ’ll have to go with us to the very end, well, you handsome guys, call, call, wait, for you we are a sponge and a pin, clowns, who, smoked,
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open up, it’s me. ha, boar, what kind of person is that? i don’t know, the clumsy one said normal people. come in, what do you have, yes, boilers, what were they removed from the corpse, or what? what are you saying, we are not mowers, we removed the boilers from the drunken man, frets and two mowers, the house is fine. smoked, and if we bring you something else from the hut, you can take it, depending on what you bring, but what about these things? yes, fir-fire, boar, what kind of bullshit, bro, i'm out of business, this, this clumsy one passed bastard, smoked, we don’t make any sudden movements , let’s go into the room, talk, goats, here goats, i’ll go, and you have an invitation to the department,
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wow, a rich catch, this is not mine, but that’s the point, it’s not yours. so, honey, don’t look at us with such scary eyes, one way or another you’ve already been caught, so our advice to you is, you hand over to us everyone who brings you stolen goods from the races, and we’ll give you a minimum wage, or the two of you will get a sentence for everyone , but who will i hand over, they come on their own, i don’t know, they come on their own, well then we’ll wait, oh my, right? hello, hello, i'm looking for mayor volkov, it's me, and you obviously, mr. bashmakov, well, i'm very good, sit down, oleg georgivich, i'm out, where are you? leonid maksimovich, stop, police, come
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with the car, quickly, what’s the point in killing samarina, and the prosecutor checked, didn’t find anything, everything is according to the law, what time did you meet with ivanchenko, but somewhere around 6:00 pm, well, if you previously resolved the question, why did your lawyer call with threats around 21:00, well... i just didn’t have time to warn him that the prosecutor’s check it's over,
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what's wrong, come on! where are you going? talk some more! eh, so you closed the issue with the prosecutor’s office, but how did you give the bribe? what do you? what bribe? everything is according to the law! yes, georgivich! district prosecutor ivanchenko was killed. what? when? and where? it's clear. you ordered the prosecutor, where did you order, not where, but to whom, to whom, it’s good to include a fool, first you ordered the murder of samarina, and then the prosecutor, ivanchenko is dead, it’s not me, what are you saying, i didn’t order anyone. when was he killed? just let your colleagues look at his things, among
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there should be a sum of money of 20,000 euros, i just gave it to him 2 hours ago, i gave the money, i didn’t kill, which means there was a bribe after all. thank you very much, oh, great, you’re already here , promptly, so we have one building for two departments, quickly came down, yes, glory, georgivich, and he had money with him, now i’ll look, yes there is money, i don’t know how much, but there is , oh, come on, come on, there’s more. the resolution to stop checking in relation to caring hearts, i realized, well, the money is in the diplomat, in the diplomat, well, i told you, i didn’t
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what does it have to do with what kind of a killer i am, listen, and if ivanchenko is dead, maybe somehow we can get the money back, at least part of it, well, i would share it with you, he has no use for it anymore. do you know that for a bribe-giver there is article 204 ok. well, that's not your thing. i thought we'd come to an agreement. you have already reached an agreement with ivanchenko. we still have to deal with you. and your non-involvement in the murder has not yet been proven. that's it, i understand, lights out. pepnikniks found the car from which they shot at the prosecutor. our expert is coming, so that’s great, i have my own there is an expert, so they found two phones on ivanchenko, and what’s there, well, this is full
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of journalist personal and work contacts, the second one is with the expert, well, well, but here there are only three numbers, now i’m asking vasily, let him ring 10 on these phones , until the prosecutor's office intervened, it seems that these are informal contacts of ivanchenko, come on! call, tease the killer, uh-huh, mini-hotel, hello, don’t remember your address, kharokovaya 7, and you forgot, now i’ll remember, goodbye, goodbye, so, what’s this?
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i'm listening to you, glory, it's you, what is this number, this is the number of yesterday’s corpse samarin, it’s in my safe, the phone rang, i answered, and i’m calling from the phone of the murdered ivanchenko, listen, it seems vanchenko was hiding his connection with amarina, but why? okay, that's it, bye! so, what do we have? well, what about number three? then i'll work on it. i identified this car by body number. she ends up being hijacked. what's interesting about you? nothing, everything is thoroughly erased, there are no fingerprints in the area of ​​the driver’s seat or the one next to it. yes, in the back, in the back, in the trunk. but i i think this is... mistress, it must be the second case, again we have a quick car, listen, maybe the killer is japanese, are you
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serious, or maybe an englishman, well, wait, what if he’s just a resident of our far east, this maybe all the cars there are nimble, he came here and started working with what he’s used to, lesh, well, that’s nonsense, you don’t understand, but we’re not in vladivostok, there aren’t many nimble cars, so he’ll make his work more difficult, well, yes, he said , stupidity, stupidity, he said, yes, talent, just don’t be offended. but i do my job i do it very well, yes, i didn’t argue with that, but the glove, which means our left one is white again, i’ll take it to biology and check it, by the way, maybe the glove has some kind of sign, like a signature, well, a brand name, or maybe it’s just a killer the neat guy doesn’t like to wear the same glove twice, why is it just the left one again, hello, hello, have you booked a room, no, i haven’t, but i’m interested in one of your clients. inter-regional killer, what happened, ivanchenko, leonid maksimovich, rented your numbers, but this is private information, unfortunately, not private, he was killed,
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don't worry. yes, he was our regular customer, the last time he visited us was 3 days ago, and he stayed alone, well, with a woman, of course, so, tell me, by chance, not with this one, yes, with her, and you know, the last visit here such a wild scandal broke out, what are you saying, this ivanchenko’s wife burst in here, screamed, threw herself at her husband with her fists, tried to pull his mistress by the hair, threatened to take revenge on her husband , close our hotel altogether, we wanted to call the police, yeah, so, we wanted call the police, but ivanchenko persuaded us not to do this, in in general, there was real horror, we thought that he
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would not come again. i called you, but you don’t need the number, no, thank you, i live at home, goodbye, is there anything concrete about the latest murders, there is reason to believe that the director of the shoe fund is behind the murders of ivanchenko, motives, revenge. i don’t agree why he then gave a bribe of 20,000 in order to then order his murder, specifically to confuse us, no, something doesn’t add up here, there is also a personal motive, samarina and ivanchenko were lovers, for about a couple of days ago, the prosecutor's wife caught him and started a scandal, this is already interesting, although exotic, deal with it, then only very carefully, with ivanchenko's wife, okay, we have
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two weak versions and the last one is in ivanchenko's left phone, among informal contacts, i found our bulkin's phone , well , what could be so strange here, maybe they communicated at work? well, that’s how it is, but for some reason ivanchenko called him from the left phone, and not from his work, but really, why? we need to carefully check this, so to speak, who is there? ivanchenko elizaveta mikhailovna? yes, it’s me, very nice, captain krymov. have you found the killer? not yet, but don’t worry, we’ll definitely find it. excuse me, i don’t
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invite you into the room, i have a mess there. what do you say, please, do you already have any versions? an investigation is underway, to be honest, we are counting on your help, maybe you know about your husband’s conflicts at work? no, my husband had no enemies, neither at work, nor surrounded, excuse me, i have a kettle, yes, please, elizaveta mikhailov, please tell me, does anyone else live in the apartment besides you? no, my husband and i lived together, now i’m alone. did you and your husband have a good relationship? we lived together for 10 years, 10 years
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, yes, well, i mean no quarrels, there are conflicts, betrayals, excuse me, i need to be alone, yes, please, goodbye, goodbye, he called you later, yes i called, thank you, so how was i supposed to know that the third number in ivanchenko’s secret contacts was mine, and i didn’t really know him, but he called me a couple of times, then i told him i didn’t even attach much importance to the conversation, although he surprised me a little, he himself was in charge of inspections, and was interested in the criminal case of dima tugov, who was in court at that time, he himself could find out from the prosecutors because of the case of supporting the state association in the courts. and who is it? dima tight? tight, convicted of. for
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organizing a contract murder for 25 years, he was charged with more, extortion, kidnapping, but all charges were dropped for lack of proof, then there was a secret witness based on ivanchenko, when he found out that the office was in charge of the case, he immediately lost interest, in general, to me he didn’t call again, i’m not really giving you a break, it’s getting dark for some reason, i didn’t let you go further than the threshold, there’s clearly someone in the apartment, and a male one at that, in general, stay there, check everything, if anything happens, call. well, then we’ll look for the intersection between ivanchenko and tight
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, thank you, it looks like it’s started, yes, boar , don’t humiliate yourself, fuck you, smoked one, i want to eat, well, vasily, is there anything? i’m very sorry, georgivich, i
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didn’t find any connection between ivanchenko and tugoy. that’s bad, i’ll have to raise the case in the court archives there too search. i’m watching everything now, but in general it’s good, sit down, okay , don’t refuse anything, if anything happens, i’m not worried, what’s going on, why, they’re sitting, drinking, having fun, in general, our widow will help, something they’re not crying at all, how are we going to take it, look how many people there are, not in arms, and i’ve already thought about that, i’m not afraid, look, as soon as he starts walking , no, i’ll be there soon, citizen, can i talk to you for a minute, what’s the matter, just a couple of questions, here, what’s going on, you were detained on
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suspicion, you were coming from here, now i have you you’ll go yourself, you know where, but you’ll save something, you’ll go to jail for 10 years, you know , uncle, how many times have i heard this before, let ’s not know what you signed for yourself, zarenkov? i drove around, yes, the prosecutor, idiot , some kind of rotten rattle you have, the prosecutor, a bit heavy with this one in the zone, closed his mouth, where are the documents, coats in the hall, go ahead, idiots, citizens, don’t worry, have a drink, have a snack, work from the police , just before your eyes a dangerous criminal was detained, nicknamed the prosecutor, igor, stop the circus, with his coat in his left pocket, what’s going on here, and you the citizen was also detained , by the way, what’s going on, this is my husband’s colleague at work, the rest doesn’t concern, prosecutor zrenkov, what did i tell you, idiots, but excuse me, it happens, where you go, take off the handcuffs, last name,
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unit, lieutenant colonel solovets, inter-district homicide department, if you have any complaints, you know how to present them, get ready, lieutenant colonel, you can be silent, goodbye, yeah. twist the prosecutor in front of a dozen witnesses than you thought, but there’s no point hanging around in restaurants instead of funeral parlors, listen, this is their personal business, the widow wants to cry, doesn’t want to, let him laugh, comrade colonel, but he won’t complain, i promised his wife not to say anything if he forgets about this little problem, great, we’re already blackmailing the prosecutors , further, the expert gave an opinion on the pistol, as we expected, samarina and ivanchenko were killed from the same pistol,
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which means we don’t have normal versions, well, i propose in this situation to work not from the motive, but from the identity of the criminal, yes , but it’s not clear how to understand... to work where he leaves the cars and no surveillance cameras. igor, let’s do this, we ’ll go to these places again and look at everything carefully again. that's right, oleg georgivich, that's right, show the youth a master class, yeah , i'll start, i'll insure, come on, great, oh,
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great, come in, captchas where, so hands, hands , come on, come in, dear, join our company, don’t twitch, calm down, i won’t see a single cctv camera, as luck would have it, look, the criminal got out of the car, so, yeah, and where could he have gone, well, where, on the street, somewhere? and there’s only one way out of the yard, let’s go and see if there’s a video camera on the street? maybe a month ago our bank installed the most modern cameras , the video quality is simply excellent, you can see for yourself , wait, here he is, igor, look, a man with one left arm, can you increase the number of the car, yes, i remember this one-armed man, so where he came out, well, on iskovsky, near the dorm , what’s their name, well, the building near the supermarket, well
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, maybe you didn’t notice or went somewhere, comrade, i worked 20 flights, at my memory is stronger than a computer one, and if i go somewhere, then a person stands in my place and writes everything down. there wasn’t a one-armed guy here, but he went into your hostel, got out of the car, came here, and the driver saw him, so he was the one who knocked down his tracks, i once worked 100 times. i’ve encountered this, if i were you, i would comb all the nearest district districts, interview all dog walkers, pensioners, especially grandmothers, okay, i’ll listen to your advice, goodbye, hello, hello, igor, bring up all the information on social services, that’s all. chief, chief,
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pin, what the hell, what do we need, what are we yelling at, the boar is asking, where, in the middle, where, yes please, only men, the toilet will have to be visited collectively, please, let's go, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, and come to your place , yes, you are animalists in general, we tolerate it, we tolerate it, guys, be patient, boar, be patient, great, come in, who are you? smoked where? lord, when all this is over, it means that there will be six men at the age we need, with combat experience, and without a right hand, two registered in the suburbs, one on nevsky, one in prison, one registered on iskra prospekt, let's go get everything, wait, igor, don't rush, this guy is very dangerous, you need to enter the apartment in a cunning way. be very careful, you have to think of something, pashka, pashka, infection,
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get out, let's talk, nit, i'll kill the goat, detained on suspicion of murdering two people. everything is fine, come on, phew, let’s sum it up, an antique edition, as i understand it, this is a laptop, various equipment, yeah, tablets, phones, an icon, a fur coat, well , jewelry, yes, and most importantly, retula. ring with a diamond with an inscription
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to his beloved son from his mother on his coming of age, it looks like we took them, well stepanov, i’ll briefly outline your situation, during a search in your apartment a pistol was found, an examination will prove that it was from this gun that you killed, commander, come on , in short, i understand everything, and i’m ready for these transactions, or whatever you call it, great, who is the customer? dima is tough, when he was still under... investigation, ivanchenko agreed with him to ruin his case, the prosecutor took hundreds of greens for this case, then threw it away when he realized what was there the security officers are in control, they put me in prison tightly , but the resentment remains, so they ordered ivanchenko, purely out of revenge, i’ll show you the intermediary, well, now it will definitely never work out tight, tell me, how did you
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find out about the checks in the fund, what kind of checks, okay, i’ll ask a question... to another, for what? they killed samarina, and this was also tugov’s order, she and ivanchenko were messing around there in hotels, at various dachas, tight said that if she was killed too, and before the prosecutor, then the cops would start digging in the other direction, apparently , ivanchenko and somarina together blackmailed the management of the fund, and stepanov, what kind of white glove trick is this, didn’t work , he figured it out, you’ll think that this is such a brand name, you’ll start wasting your time looking for similar cases, you’ve been too clever, what
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kind of masquerade is this, comrade lieutenant colonel, a sponge and a pin, on your order, to identify... neutralized a gang of apartment thieves, wow, that’s right, allow me to imagine, gavrik and the seal are exactly the ones who bombed apartments in our area, a kick and a banana, this just thieves, oh, and this is a smoked citizen, this is a buyer, this is a wild boar, but he will go as a witness, georgi, let’s go to boris mikhailovich cherdyntsev, he will register you there , yeah, well done, i think that the gorodikov will be pleased, we took varov, we found the killer, maybe in the end after all, let's celebrate gorka's birthday, well, if citizen shtyr and citizen loofah aren't very tired, then i think it's time, as they say, better late than never, but can i at least have a washcloth, come on, come on, get yourself in order, and i'm waiting in office, well done,
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get the car out of the way, you idiot, you're deaf, ram, you got into trouble yourself, gentlemen, operational officers , i just now passed under the windows of your department, and you know, i want to tell you, it would be very
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useful to wash the windows at least once a year, i’m not talking about the floors, but the windows. this is the face of your department. comrade colonel, he can hire someone and, oleg georgivich, but i have to deduct the overexpenditure from your salary. so, put a rag in your hands, a bucket in your teeth and scrub until it shines. igor serokivich, yes, we would be glad, but our work is above the roof, and then there are specially trained people for this, well, so to speak, operational services. potapinka, i understand what you are getting at. at the cleaning lady's. the contract specifies only the floors , and the salary, they have, that’s a fool’s nose, but we have a check on the nose, igor sergeevich, well , it’s really somehow difficult for operational workers to wash their hands, olya georgivich, i don’t care how you do it, the result is important to me, do you want to organize a cleanup day, but don’t want to, attract detainees, murderers, or what
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? well, a murderer is a lot of honor, find someone smaller, well, in our... rydanov, listen to you, but no one at all would never work, so detain someone, it’s not for me to teach you, georievich you have an immediate boss, cherdyntsev, why are you crumpling like a college student, but we have a murderer, comrade colonel, murder is murder, and the glass should be in virgin purity. the face of the department, so kryuh, let's not joke, look for krymov's address for murder, let's go with me, eagles. and the windows are behind you, hurry up, it’s okay, we ’ll equip some special people now, that’s right, comrade, otherwise i even
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force myself to wash the windows at home with a five-litre, i i beeped, beeped, no one opened it, but i politely approached, yeah, the upholstery means for backup, but i don’t see who’s sitting there, well , you understand, you never know, just sit in the car for now, i’ll come up to you later, okay. what do you say, lesh? tamochka was killed by strangulation, it looks like i’ll put a string on the back, it turns out from the back seat, or what? well, it looks like that, yes , apparently they were looking for something in the car, and they turned everything over the bag, there are a lot of fingerprints in the car, i’ll run through the database, maybe there will be a coincidence, there’s no mobile phone, but there’s passport, here you go, yeah, oh, some kind of business card , lo and behold, fashion model, let’s call, so, sablina, ekaterina aleksandrovna, kurozhenka
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of the city of salihardo, has no registration in st. petersburg, outside the network coverage area, by the way, you can’t tell from the photo, that the model, and in general, few people look like the photo in the passport, hold on, the car was driven by proxy, and the owner of the car, a certain oshansky emil yurievich, oh, by the way, is registered. nearby, in the house, in this one, right, georgivich, so you can come to his address right now, uh-huh, heat up, get ready, together with krymov, let’s go.
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well, captain igor, let’s state the fact , someone was intensely looking for something, and the object of the search is most likely a computer, well, of course, there is no hard drive, there is no hard drive, look, there are some keys, perhaps to the apartment. emily shansky, photographer , don’t shoot, guys, it’s me, solovets, wow, what a beauty, georgivich, we have such a surprise, keep it, well, also outside the network coverage area, okay, that’s it, go ahead , you go to tovashansky’s studio, look what’s there, and i’ll wait for the expert, georgivich, give the expert the keys, let him roll his fingers. yeah, we're off, let's go, rita, well, are you washing the windows, no, that's it, stress vasily,
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i need contacts from the dead phone and billing of her calls, write the phone number, 452. nuclear crash, dammit, as soon as fifteen days they’ll bring you, register them immediately in my office, all of them at once, no, a couple of people are enough, but why do you need them, thank you, but i’ll sentence them to correctional labor, without a trial, and let them work for the good of the department, they’ll wash the windows in your office, i heard , i heard, we’ll solve the problem, just come to me right away, understood? yeah, a japanese robe, and a kimono!


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