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tv   Svoya igra  NTV  December 2, 2023 3:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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there is not enough information, here is the second hint: this plant is a waste-free crop, all its parts are processed into more than 400 types of various products. time: 2/5 of your winnings were burned, here is the third clue, in the soviet union flour was made from this product, which was added to inexpensive candies, time, well, i guess i’ll try to answer, for this you need to say, this is hops, if you had waited until the fourth its green boiled
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beans are called eda mama and serve as a popular snack in japanese cuisine, and the fifth the hint is this: the famous sauce, tofu, misa , tempeh, and even milk and butter, everything can be obtained from it, these are soybeans, soybeans, your answer was wrong, alas, all your winnings are burned, which does not change the fact... that in our game today you proved that you have an excellent understanding of the topic that you cover on television, and secondly, this does not negate the fact that today you beat anatoly wasserman himself in an intellectual game. well, today the guest of our program was oleg sontsov, thanks for the game, goodbye, of all the virtuous entertainment, always choose intellectual ones, these were games, minds,
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all the best. hello, hello, good afternoon, this is our own game, we continue the final tournament of 2023, today we have the third game of the first stage. let me remind you that the strongest players of 2023 are taking part in the final tournament. i am pleased to introduce you to the participants in today’s game, at the first gaming table, kiril. ilyin, sports analyst
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st. petersburg. at the second gaming table, evgeny maryenko, stock trader, moscow. at the third gaming table, christina korablina, assistant general director st. petersburg. well, christina, evgeniy, kiril, now is the time to get acquainted with the topics of our game today. here are all the topics from today's game on our main monitor. the most wonderful topics for you, dear. such for you, dear tv viewers, we begin the first round, the first round of the topic, the nickname, what from what, shakespeare in art, cathedral and church, to the barrier and that in dots. evgeny,
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choose. that one is over 500. in russia it was otherwise called a podtynnik. its yellow flowers are often could be seen near the fences. that theme, celandine. eugene. tot 400. the churches of this city, totma, are quite right, the so-called totma baroque, so shakespeare in art 300, an engraving by charles turner, created in 1816, shows the famous tragedian edmund kean in the title role in this historical. the role
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became one of the most famous for the movie, maybe henry i? no, maybe richard, right, kiril. please, the one for 300, auction, kiril, 300 for you, 400 for christina, minus 300 for evgeniy, christina, the question can be repurchased, yes, i'm buying the question, for 400, i'm playing, in the australian tribes, that's what they called it, our friend, our elder brother, our father, our flesh. well, apparently a totem animal, absolutely right, a totem, a totem animal, so the nickname 400, general nikolai vatutin, or something skillfully developed and carried out
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military operations, that even the germans earned this chess nickname. grandmaster is probably over 200. rembrandt, this ancient philosopher contemplating the bust of hommer, is not dressed at all in ancient fashion. aristotle. that's right, there are 500 cathedrals and churches. st. james's cathedral in this spanish city was burned down in 997 by the arabs, in 1075 they began to build again by order of the castilian king alfonso v. compostello, santiago compostello, that's right, shakespeare in art 500, bag code, minus 300 for eugene , 700 for cyril, for you, to eugene , eugene,
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theme of posters, 100 or 500, 500, attention to the screen, a poster from 1947 called for increasing the pace of socialist reconstruction. this city is obviously for the anniversary. moscow, absolutely right, the 800th anniversary of moscow. nickname 300. this daily newspaper is our capital's residents called the party. evening moscow. next, the nickname for 200. the official nickname. usa, golden state, california, it’s true that out of which 400, this year the sydney opera house produced cosmetic bags and handbags from this material taken directly from the auditorium,
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well, i suspect from the hair of visitors, no, probably from plastic left behind. .. bottles for water, no, from the old upholstery of chairs, the cathedral and the church 300, the underground church in the colombian city of zipaquira was built in a mine where they mined exactly that, salt, further, to the barrier 300, this expression... used in 1907 by deputy rodichev, for which he was challenged by the prime minister to a duel. rodichev apologized, the duel did not take place, but the expression had already become popular. stalypin necktie. bravo, nickname 500.
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this soviet actress was given the nickname “charlie” by the foreign press for her small stature and comedic talent. no, in front of you in the photo, i made a slight mistake, hope rumyantsev, that out of which 500, you get the code in the bag, minus 500 for evgeniy, 1000 for kirill, 1400 for you, who wants evgeniy again, the theme is books. dogs, bet 500, attention to screen, here are four breeds of dogs, what breed of dog did malvina have, the fourth number is a poodle, that’s right, eugene, to the 500 barrier, in
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1806, this future us president shot with lawyer dickinn and killed him, although his opponent’s bullet had already hit him in the chest cell. this is andrew jackson, he was so calm that witnesses decided that dickinson missed the barrier of 400. a distant relative of this count, marya kamenskaya , assured that he killed at least 11 people in duels. pushkin was also preparing for a fight with him. this is fyodor tolstoy. fyodor tolstoy american. absolutely right. cathedral and churches 400. designed by this architect. after the great fire of london in 1666, st. dunstan's bell tower was rebuilt. in
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1940, the bell tower was destroyed by german bombing. kiril, ren. christopher wren. right. that one is for 100. these copper coins were first minted a year before leva, in 1881. moreover, in england, stotinki, stotinka, absolutely true, a bulgarian small change, a year later silver levs were minted in russia. shakespeare in art for 400. this comedy is half a century ago was filmed by samson samsonov. benedict was played by konstantin raikin, and beatrice was played by galina loginova, mother of mily jovovich. comedy of errors, no. night, no,
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much ado about nothing, shakespeare in art over 200, the english artist william salter, in the mid-19th century depicted this character in horror at what he had done. othello, right, which of the total 300? indian scientists have developed a sound-absorbing material based on this substance, obtained from red algae. the film made from it is more environmentally friendly compared to, for example, polyurethane. agar, agar. right. a nickname hundred? this premises on blakhina street in the northern capital received the nickname kamchatka, even while working there, victor. otsoya well, the boiler room, you are right to barrier 200 in
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the 19th century, bailiff tsitovich and headquarters captain szhigalov fought on these copper candlesticks. tsitovich was poor at shooting and fencing. apparently on the candelabra. right. what is 200 of what? in a platinum ring for his engagement to princess elizabeth. a three-carat diamond was set from the tiara of his mother, alice of battenberg, this is philip of edinburgh, philip, prince philip, philippiat, cathedral and churches 200, in 1985 he laid the first stone of the giant cathedral in the capital of kot devoara to him sukro, in 1990 he illuminated john paul ii right, to the barrier for 100, auction
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1700 you have 200 christina, minus 100 for evgeniy, bet vabank vabank, christina, vabank, we play, in addition to duelists and seconds, to the indispensable participants of the duet. he, the doctor, must be the code. right. shakespeare in art 100. the name of her detective story just click your finger once. quote from macbeth. and the sad cypress is entitled with a quote from 12 nights. agatha christie. right. what's the congestion? zeusalimpian. wonders of the world was made in the chrysoelephantine technique, the clothes
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and hair were made of gold, it took as much as 200 kg, and the skin was made from this also very expensive ivory material, quite right, i sum it up: after the first round -100 for evgeniy, 1,800 for kirill , 4.300 for christina, the second round is ahead, this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they are talking about switching transport to... about protecting nature, but it’s not just that methane is cheaper, saving on every kilometer, the methane engine works perfectly, installation of equipment as part of the national fuel project, i also converted my car to methane without fuel, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations, don’t miss central
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television, first information show about the events and people of the week, in china there is another outbreak of an unknown 10 million people a year will die from this virus. is beijing really hiding a new terrible infection from the world behind the great wall of china? we found those who i saw with my own eyes what is happening now in local hospitals and clinics and knows what really threatens the world if the infection gets out of control. this will be your central television, today at 19:00 on ntv. balabol - season from monday at 20:00 on ntv, it is impossible to imagine how you lived without her. i'm glad to see you, it's more pleasant to wake up with her even early in the morning. good morning. alice, turn on the timer for 5 minutes. she will hear your voice, even if the environment is noisy. i started the timer. alice, turn on the music. i'm turning on yours music, sasha. she'll like it too. louder. what
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you love. everything around her is transformed. the new yandex station midi is your favorite smart speaker with alice. well there you have it, magical cashback. with a gazprom bank debit card, cashback up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets. oh, did you lose your lipstick? today my mother changed her last name. this time she is elena loselovna. now he will call me. dash, i found it! look at the cashback for new year's sales at the megamarket. we can also buy you cosmetics, perfume, or a blouse. and here. yes, a dress, after all, lipstick, or better yet all at once, they always do this to a loved one. megamarket, it’s profitable to bring joy in the new year. results of the week, tomorrow at 19:00 on ntv. as we age, we all experience a decline in memory and
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intelligence. why does the body fail? can these harmful changes be stopped? can. our body has a main computer - the brain, it is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood and sleep, and regulates the functioning of each of our organs. the brain is an electrical system, it consists of nerve cells and processes between them, through which electrical signals constantly flow. as we age , changes occur in the brain; brain cells age and are damaged by the environment and stress. scientists from kyoto university found out. that the japanese eat a unique mollusk called azomopectenida. it turns out that azomopectenide contains unique components that promote brain restoration, all of them belong to the class of phospholips, there are more than 100 of them. this is how a product was created from highly concentrated phospholipids of japanese shellfish extend the youth of your brain
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8.800 100 exactly 1985.8 700 exactly 1985 the brain is responsible for memory, attention, thinking, movement, mood, sleep and regulates the functioning of each of our organs, but with age we all experience a deterioration in memory and intelligence, disturbances in the functioning of our organs. this year, a russian distributor purchased a batch of the japanese product mozgter, it contains all the phospholipids that contribute to the restoration of the brain, brain therapy produces... in japan, brain aging can be reversed and it will serve you faithfully again. extend the youth of your brain. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. 8.800 100 exactly 1985. find out more about the japanese product brain therapy. superstar new season. today at 20:20 on
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ntv. moscow, tel aviv, limassol. we have been citizens of the european union for many years. new secret immigrants pukacheva and her agent galkin. mom will be in london on november 26 at a party with her friends. how she left behind in the mud in november and what they say about it above. we won’t take maxim, he’s done a lot of shit. who else has a spare stashed away? israeli passport. i received my passport when the world around me began to collapse and it became clear what was in it for me. protect yourself and your family. and who can run after pugacheva? you won’t get a ruble from me, remember, this is kaznuvsky. alla escaped twice. tomorrow at 6 pm on ntv. genferon light spray is green light. green light to my goals and plan and red light to the viruses that can
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interfere with them. genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component , prevents the proliferation of influenza viruses together their penetration. spray genpheon light the power of green light with mint aroma. this is our own game, we are in the studio, we are playing the second round, here are its themes, animal surname, everyone is dancing, questions from, history in pictures, golden theme second, i ask you, evgeniy, to begin, animal surname is a thousand, this german you are not. .. the son of emrants from the union, last year he reached second place in the world rankings. this is alexander zverev. right. animal surname for 800. on october 21
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, 2015, this actor was invited to a live television broadcast, where he received a standing ovation from the audience, after all, the very day came when his character arrived in the future. mile j fox. that's right, mile j. fox, co -star of the back to the future franchise. animal surname for 600. he wrote a lot for children, a novel, a wonderful ball, about an unknown russian aeronaut, an entertaining book about astronomy, earth and sky, and became famous for a series of fairy tales. alexander volkov, quite rightly, is the most famous. on the wizard of the emerald city, let's see who the questions are from today? good afternoon, i'm sergey mayorov, host of a television program once on the ntv channel. will my questions to the participants
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of my game be dedicated to those people who became the heroes of my program? and there are over 200 questions from sergei mayorov. 2023 marks the 70th anniversary of the birth of this lenkom theater actor. he is known to moviegoers from the films kill the dragon, the sorcerer, and of course, an ordinary miracle, where he played a bear, what is his name? abdulov, alexander abdulov, that’s right, a question from sergei mayorov, 1000, during his short life, this composer and songwriter created many wonderful songs for our pop stars, touch-me-not, paper kite, cloud flies away and many others. name it. this is viktor reznikov. question from
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sergei mayorov for 800. in this film by ilya frez, the main role of fifteen-year-old schoolgirl katya was played by tatyana ksyuta. but at that time, at the time of filming, the actress was already 23 years old. yes, name this film, you never dreamed of it, that’s right, a wonderful question, come on, a question from sergei mayorov, over 600, allafilova began her singing career in 1985, in 1992 she became the winner of the morning star television competition international competition, the bratislava lyre received the audience prize. sympathy at the jurmala 92 competition. what stage name do we know her under? valeria? right. and
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questions from sergei mayorov over 400. among the director’s work are films that have become classics of russian cinema. they're calling, open the door. shine, burn my star, crew. what is the name of this great director? meta. animal surname for 400 in 1962, this native of the city of ivanovo graduated with honors from the moscow textile institute. vyacheslav zaitsev. right. history in pictures a thousand. a painting by the german artist albracht alddorfer is dedicated to the victory of this king over the avars in a battle near regensburg. in 1518. who defeated the ovars in the battle near regensburg. charlemagne. 700, bag code 100 for evgeniy
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, six 100 for you, 4.600 for kiril, evgeniy, evgeniy, the theme of the queue, 200 or 100, 100, in a photograph from 1977, a queue at one of the cinemas in london, of those who want to watch this film, george lucas , i don’t know, maybe star wars, but it’s still early, this is correct. and all 600 are dancing the war dance haka performed by athletes and soldiers of this country new zealand is true, initially this dance was performed by mauri warriors before the battle, the animal surname is over 200, this is the name the english composer of the 20th century john itton gave to his opera
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based on the novel. all thousands, this indian god is often depicted dancing in a ring of fire on the back of a defeated demon, symbolizing ignorance and laziness, shiva, that's right, the golden theme is a thousand, the name of this gold mining city in yakutia is most likely not connected with gold, although one might suspect from the name, aldan, altyn in many turkic languages, this is gold, but the igordan river, according to linguists, is not named from gold, perhaps from the ivinki oldo, fish, that is, a fish river,
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history in 600 paintings. in the watercolors of alexey kievshenko, the elders and warriors of this cities beat ivan the terrible. kazan, right, is the golden theme of 600. it was he who found flint’s gold and dragged him on his shoulders into a cave under the double-headed mountain. bengan. that's right, all 800 are dancing. and here is the auction. 1,700 for evgeniy, 5,200 for kirill, 7,900 for you. rate, 5.300. let's play. a fan of this dance, aichi, from kyoto, set a world record for the number of rotations on his head in 1 minute. 135. well, i don’t really
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understand this, but judging by the torsion on the head dance, that’s right, christina, the golden theme is 800, the golden ratio of mathematicians is denoted by the letter phi in honor of this great greek, who, like others, used a similar proportion in his creations , thales, no, not greek. fidiy, fidiy, that's right, second for 600, in hungary they call him "tiz" orai, literally ten o'clock, second breakfast, bravo, second for 400, until 1993, foreigners could to achieve only the second most
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important in this combat. smo, right, the second for 800, i ask you, in the name of our old friendship, to stop your allies before they go too far, addressed one to the other in july 1914, name the participants in the correspondence, nicholas ii. both wilhelm the second and wilhelm the second, quite rightly, the emperor of germany, the golden theme of 400, it was precisely such a grocery store of soviet times that gave the name golden niva to the novosibirsk microdistrict, and then from the metro station, maybe a bread store, a bread store, it has long been closed, the name remains, the story is in
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400 paintings. in 1854, the french painter gustave boulanger depicted julius caesar on the banks of this river. rubicon. all over 400 graduates of polish schools traditionally dance at their farewell evening to this classic melody. polonaise, oginsky's polonaise, all 200 are dancing. in an ecological dance club in rotterdam, dancers step on spring-loaded floor tiles to do just that. electricity. you're right? history in pictures 200. polish artist of the 21st century stanislav khlebowski depicted the entry of the sultan mehmed ii to this conquered city, constantinople. next, the golden theme 200.
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this painting by issaa levitan is without a doubt included in the golden fund of russian painting. gold autumn. and the second for 200. the first book , written entirely in this language, was published in warsaw in 1888. oddly enough, it was called the second book, espiranto, quite rightly, the second, because before it there was an espirant’s textbook written in russian. well, the second round is over and i’m summing it up. 3 and a half. evgeniy has 1000, kirill has exactly seven, christina has 13,400. ahead third round. descend to a depth of 3,000 m, look at russia from the altitude
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of satellites, feel the cold of permafrost, share the joy of sports victories and scientific discoveries and find yourself at home. take an unusual virtual journey spanning millions of years and thousands of kilometers. in the gazprom pavilion on the international. russia moscow from november 4 , 2023 to april 12, 2024. i hope you can hear me well and i hope that i will also hear you well. summing up the year, vladimir putin will answer in the studio to questions from journalists, as well as questions received from russian citizens. ask your question. to the president through the website by phone 8800-20040-40 or via sms to number 04040. results of the year with vladimir putin. live broadcast on december 14 at 12:00. superstar:
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why are you making us nervous all the time with the leshy ones? numbers? lord, my little guy is turning on again. today at 20:20 on ntv. this is our own game, we are playing the third round
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, here is its theme: kings, russian cities, ships and ships, number seven, ancient fauna and masks, questions, themes of russian cities, presented by the russian geographical society, evgeniy, your choice, number 7, 900 until 2007 , the city of families in kazakhstan was called exactly this in russian: semipalatinsk, that’s right, there are 900 masks, before putting on a mask, the actor of this theater will certainly give it a respectful bow, kabuki, no, and this is a theater but, that’s right, kings 900, it was this neighbor who took
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the title of the richest monarch in the world from the sultan of brunei with a personal fortune of 30 to 43 billion dollars. who is the monarch there, not far from brunei. king rama the tenth of thailand. so, kings 1200. at the end of the film directed by wanda jakubowska, unlike the book, this boy is saved. no, in my opinion, this is king mateusz, exactly, king mateusz the first according to the story of janusz korczyk, city of russia, 600, leaving moscow on october 19, 1812, napoleon headed to this city, whose name he changed to coliggulu. that's right, there are 900 cities in russia; in
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1803, this city in eastern siberia became the center of the siberian general government. irkutsk cities of russia 1200. residents of the volga city of kozmedemyansk are convinced. it was their city that became the prototype of this town of twelve chairs with a corresponding inscription in the city. stargorod? no. vasyuki. exactly. so, ships and ships. 1500 in 1494 sebastian brant's poem the ship of fools was published. after 3 years, the poem was translated into latin and 2/3 of the illustrations for the latin edition were published, believed to belong to this creator.
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albrecht durer. not 100% certainty, but enough. high here and ships 1,200 christina auction 16,700 for you, 1,700 for evgeniy, exactly 7,000 for kiril. 7.100, silence in the hall, here’s a question: during the crimean war, the english ship jasper ran aground in this sea. and was captured by cossack cavalry. the case is amazing. let me say in the black sea. no, this is the wrong answer. the correct answer is in the sea of ​​azov, in the sea of ​​azov. so, ships and ships 900. leaving
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arkhangelsk to the north pole, georgy sidov renamed his ship saint. foka in mikhail suvorin. how did the publisher of the newspaper novoye vremya suvorin deserve such an honor? maybe he financed the expedition? absolutely right, the number is 7,200. the number seven was sacred in babylon. and these religious buildings were built in seven stages. zeggurats. right. cities of russia 1,500. this is the cat meshke christina 2600 evgeniy has exactly seven kirill, who will you give it to? again evgeniy, evgeniy, the topic is ancient egypt, in this round there are 300 or, unfortunately, 300, attention to
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the screen, about a century ago, everything related was ancient egypt. in great britain even one of them was made in the egyptian spirit? maybe a metro station? let's see, what is it? this is a gas station. ships and ships 600. the oseberg boat was dug out of the ground in norway in 1904. was the boat buried in the 9th century for precisely these purposes? well, they buried some high-ranking viking. the number is 7600. in this city there was even a holiday called septimontium, semicholia. rome. absolutely right. rome
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is built on seven hills. in fact , there are more hills in rome. yes, king. 1.500. in japan this fish is called the messenger of the sacred dragons. believe me, its appearance promises earthquakes and other disasters. sildan king. right. number 7, 1500. the authors of the script for this film, klim shipenko, relied on the diaries of cosmonaut victor. seven owl salutes, exactly. masks 1,200. on the shoulders of tutankhamun's mask you can read a protective spell from this book. book of the dead. right. masks 1,500. a person is least
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like himself when he speaks on his own behalf. put it on it. mask and he will tell you the truth - this irishman assured of his work "critic" as an artist. this is swift. no, this is a quote from oscar wilde. ancient fauna 1500. in the film jurassic park, these fast hunters turned out to be the most dangerous for the heroes, despite their modest size. these are velociraptors. yes. literally from latin, fast hunters. ancient fauna 1200. several years ago, the remains of a relative of this tropical predator, the kuni family, were discovered in southern africa. that one lived about 5 million years ago and was a little smaller, it's a honey badger, that's right, the ancient
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fauna of 900, walrus-like dolphins that lived several million years ago, the muzzles really looked like walruses, but the right one was several times longer than the left one. tusk, right, the number is 7 for 300, in the orthodox church it is not to commit adultery, in the catholic church it is not to steal. the seventh commandment? you're right? the city of russia is over 300. while searching for the word cheburashka, the crocodile gena found the name of this city in the dictionary. chabaksary? further, ships and ships over 300. on march 4, 1918, the warship cyclops disappeared without a trace in this area of ​​the atlantic ocean, what happened, unknown to this day, the bermuda
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triangle, right, the kings are over 600, in 2017 a documentary film dedicated to this singer was released. viewers follow the director-storyteller through tupelo, memphis, new york, and las vegas. you are right karaliza 300, here comes the cat meshker, 10.900 for you , 13.800 for christina, 4.400 for evgeniy, evgeniy , evgeniy, theme leaves, 300 or one and a half, one and a half in any case, pay attention to the screen, you all drank tea more than once, but here... you recognize the tea leaves, not in the teapot, on a branch? well, after all, three, three is mint, number two is
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parsley, here's number one - this is tea, next, masks 600, auction, 2,900 for you, 10,900 for kiril, 13,800 for christina, bid vabank, vabank. kiril, pas, christina, lobank, in the 1929 film adaptation of the iron mask, douglas fairbank acted as a screenwriter and producer, and also played the role of this officer? i'll say dartagnan. this is the correct answer, as we know, the history of the iron mask is outlined in
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the viscount kindly, and the ancient fauna of 600, scientists recently discovered at one of the sites of ancient people, jewelry made from the remains of giant sloths, concluded, that this part of the world was inhabited already 23,000 years ago, australia, no. south america , america, america in general, a site in south america on the territory of brazil, it was previously believed that america was settled much later, christina, ancient fauna 300, during the period of the so-called must, elephants under the influence of hormones become furious. this year , american scientists proved the presence of must in these fossils? mammoths, that's right. masks 300 brazilian crime boss clauvino dasilva tried to do this by wearing
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a silicone mask depicting him own daughter, but unsuccessfully. robbery? no, maybe he escaped, it’s absolutely true, during the meeting he exchanged clothes with his daughter, put on a mask and tried to leave prison, but was detained. this was the last question of the third round. result: 2,600 for evgeniy, 10,600 for kiril, 28,500 for christina. the final round is ahead. vascular disorders. blood clots, varicose veins. poor blood vessels may be the cause of these health problems. the drug angian helps to improve microcilation and decrease. risk of blood clots, removal inflammation strengthening the walls of blood vessels. angion, keep the blood vessels normal. viagra won't
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help. why don’t they believe her anymore in ukraine? recently returned to ukraine, you know , i’m not a whore, i’m just very friendly, and serduchka even refused to perform on the same stage with her, a hypocrite like she was, she will remain so, because a person like that can be corrected by the grave, what kind of rider loboda put up organizer to go to the front line to visit the soldiers of the vfu, why after moving to latvia she fell into depression, no one in europe needs her, her silicone there is enough stupidity and how the ukrainian singer again decided to make money on the russian public , it won’t stink, let them stink there, here we will find some good other artists. labuda, today at 16:20 on ntv, avatar show new season, tomorrow at 2:20.
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about children, purchase and sale, not only about donkeys, lieutenants, inventions, science and art and allegories, please, any topic about children, kiril, purchase and sale, christina, lieutenants, evgeniy, not only about donkeys, kiril, invention, christina, science and art , the theme of allegory has been chosen, dear players, please place your bets, friends, i remind you that we are holding the final tournament of 2023, we have the first stage and today we have the third game of the first stage, bye... that andrey abramov and konstantin shlykov reached the second stage. insertions have been made, here's the question: ambro lorenzetti's fresco, an allegory of good government, depicts an ideal city.
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the famous zoologist edward wilson writes that he often remembers the fresco when observing these objects of his study. time. time has expired, eugene's answer: bees, incorrect, bet, three, kirill's answer, ants, and this is
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the correct answer, no one wanders aimlessly, everyone completes their task, bet 5,300, christina's answer. anthills, ants, that's right, bet 500, kristina korablina, assistant general director from st. petersburg, wins our game today. well, evgeniy kiril, thank you very much for the game, christina, you are advancing to the second stage of our final tournament in 2023, dear friends, thank you so much for your attention, all the best, see you, bye.
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400 targets are attacked in the gas sector there is a fierce clash between israel and hamas the green agenda in dubai the climate summit has opened what radical statements are heard from the podium fourteen-year-old kiril has been struggling with a serious illness since birth ; an operation should make his life easier, we can all help together and what is the name of the bear cub muscovites choose a name for those born in the capital's zoo. about the main thing, for this minute, in the fedorovtsev studio. hello. over the past week, the russian armed forces carried out a series of group attacks
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attacks on the military infrastructure of ukraine. according to the ministry of defense, among the targets were air force airfields and weapons warehouses.


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