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tv   Svet i ten mayaka  NTV  December 3, 2023 3:20am-4:01am MSK

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do not smear your eyes. mom, why didn’t you even forbid me to send money, so where now? i don't know, that's what i'm saying. well , what's the point of coming here if we don't even know where to look for it, this hall of yours? well, i really thought that the hostel knew something about her, listen, maybe she went home to her hometown, didn’t tell anyone, but what can you say when everything is so bad, she was expelled from the university, it didn’t work out with the person i love, you know, if i were in her place, i would also give up everything and move away, i don’t know, she had to me to warn you, we are best friends with her , you know, there are situations when you don’t... talk to anyone at all, but why
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did you turn off the phone, well, for the same reason, i need to call aligu, consult with him, wait, i need call if he finds out that we are here , he will get angry and send us back to the work village, yes, really, listen, come on, if we have already arrived here, we will try to find out, well, everything we can about galina, no, i i know what to do, i’ll go to her house. i have her parents' address. tanya, is this far? it doesn’t matter, and even if she doesn’t want to see anyone, let me at least assure her that everything is fine with her. okay, i'll go with you. wait, why do you need to go? well, i won't leave you. let's go to.
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hello, hello, tanyush, how are you? oleg , just don’t be angry, we escaped, if somehow, somehow you escaped, tanyush, do you understand what you are doing, you understand that you are in danger, i have to find galya, you understand, so, where are you now, i will come? listen, we are waiting for buses, we will go to elizarova, this is gal’s hometown, i i’ll call you all the time, don’t worry , please, okay, so i’ll come to elizaro, listen, don’t be stupid, you have a lot... tanya, you shouldn’t have done this, but we’re literally back and forth, especially i’m not the only slimy one, oleg, okay, but you have to be extremely careful, i promise that you will call me, you hear me, i promise, i love you very much, everything will be fine, that’s it , bye, damn it!
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oh, malek, good to see you, hello, aleksanvich, why did you stop by, did something happen, it’s nice to raise an old topic, because it’s such a touchy one, but without yours i can’t do without help, well, i’ll help as much as i can, let me explain, i’m listening to you , arthur’s gang showed up in the city again, they somehow found out that tanya was hiding in the workroom and staged an attack on the house, here’s to you, listen, oleg , no one was hurt there , the police were hurt, but fortunately they
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are alive, yeah, kostya got hurt, they tried to burn down his apartment, listen, well, i couldn’t imagine that this arthur would turn out to be such a scoundrel, just what a bastard, we think that’s what there may be people from arthur's gang involved, aleksandrovich, i wanted to ask you about that gang from the catacombs that bothered you, we think that these bandits may be somehow , and we identified one of them by the nickname sledgehammer, sledgehammer, he just participated in the attack on the house, you’re not mistaken, i myself saw him very i remember it well.
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fox, but not very much. it’s clever that i dragged you into my problems, you’re already worried about your own things, and i dragged you to another city, tanya, why are you, you didn’t drag me anywhere, i wanted to, well, it’s absolutely no good to leave you anywhere one, and in general we should always stick together now, you know, we don’t know each other at all, but you have become like a faithful, reliable friend to me, yes, you have become like a friend to me, the kind i have never had, now we will be together all the time, right? wait, what do you want from me? we caught this gang from the catacombs , shot two, took two, but the core of the gang left, and the detainees are silent, well, maybe you remember, they pronounced some
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names, or talked about places where they could be found, and olek , i’ve only been to these catacombs once. by the way , arthur brought me there, well, it’s obvious that i wanted to intimidate you or something, but you know where you sit, you get off, by the way , there were also two men with him, well, what do the brothers call them, there were, there were, maybe they called them something friend friend by nicknames, names, called, oleg , one of them is a big guy, he was definitely this sledgehammer, sledgehammer, and the other one is smaller, wait, like his bayonet, bayonet, oh, just like konstantin, hello, konstantin, but i, guys,
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today is visiting day, good day, good day, yes, you guys, forgive me, i'll go to the house. i should take the medicine, of course, well, i’ll be here soon, and what are you doing here, like what? i came to support you, brother? doubted my professionalism? yes, well, god forbid, to be honest, i wanted to hear with my own ears what tikhonov would say about the gang, because simonovich was already annoying me with his manic evidence, he’s sitting here with me. so i was drawn to the sea, okay,
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yes, samson, i’m listening to you, we came out with the katak from a different turn, what should we do next? that means, listen to me carefully, everyone should lie down, don’t hide, why is it quiet? are there any clues? never mind. from the new one only the nickname, bayonet , bayonet, if it’s from the new one, bayonet, i’ve already heard this somewhere, it seems to me that he was passing me on some business, i’ll have to pull up the archives, pick it up, okay, i’m going to the city, you of course
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you won’t go with me, i think not, now that i’ve arrived , i’ll take a walk, breathe, quietly, ask a couple of questions, no... it’s easier to do than you, i ’m his relative, kostya, just be gentle with him, okay, i am you, yes, i am politeness itself, and if they don’t let us in, now everyone will go to the hospital they let you in, it used to be strictly, well, the dressing gowns will tell you to put everything on, suddenly gala is in intensive care , we don’t know what’s wrong with her, dammit , now we’ll find out, well, we’ve come this far, now we’ll definitely figure it out, well, wait, thank you,
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but there’s no light for you is in the way, maybe i should ask for some curtains? no, mom, everything is fine. gala, danechka, god, what a blessing that i found you, tanya, how did you end up here, i had your address, i called you, i came to the dorm, you weren’t there, i already thought something was wrong with happened to you, and then i decided, suddenly you went home, what are you well done, oh, hello. hello, sorry, i didn’t introduce you, this is my mother
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, natalya nikolaevna, very nice, mom , this, this is tanya, my best friend, i see, a good friend, yes, girls, i should introduce you too, lis, this is galaya , i told you a lot about her, gal, and this is lisa, we’ve been with her lately. i’m very glad that we finally met, girls, and you ’ll still be here, of course, but i need to run home, my husband will come for lunch now, he’s hungry, yes, don’t worry, natalya nikolaevna, we let's follow, thank you, i ran, daughter, goodbye, goodbye, i'm always the same...' admired, husband is hungry, she's already right there, these are the ones you should take as an example,
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girls, why the hell are you doing nothing with me again didn’t agree, amateur performance , but wait, bone, what amateur performance, i don’t understand what you’re talking about, your gloomy one screwed up in the moscow region, exactly, they crushed him, wait, like a dime, just like that, why exactly the gloomy one had to be sent there. my evseev would have done a great job and would have cleaned this up wonderfully, wait, kostya, don’t get mad about it it means don’t boil, just as you don’t boil, but your hulk and your brothers, he burned down in the gardener’s house and oleg identified him, i already have troubles at work, you know how much, alum, calm down, what kind of troubles, but there’s one there, simonovich, he’s been digging under me all the time , now he’s also turning oleg against me, okay, you’re chatting to oleg, what are you saying, this is simonovich, a meticulous guy, he can go to the company, what do you think i’ll do, perhaps i’ll
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knock off specks of dust from him, so that he’s ashamed became his fantasy, today he is in front of a colleague saved his life, listen, who did we kill during the assault? don’t worry, bone , so expendable, young bulls, okay, be in touch , be there, okay, let’s summarize, i think that arthur is a constant threat and he will crawl out at any moment, especially since i think that he would give up the idea of ​​seizing the tikhono site, he would never give up on this, a shopping and entertainment center on the seashore is millions of net profit.
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therefore, i propose to establish surveillance of tikhonov. well look, sooner or later arthur or his bandits will try to get in touch with him, threaten him somehow, i don’t know, act through tatyana. why observations? he will tell me everything himself, if anything, and if he doesn’t tell me, well, if he’s just scared, for himself, for tatyana, in the end, he’ll be scared of an old man, an elderly person. easy enough, especially since there was a similar precedent , well, yes, probably, probably, there is a reason, well , i’ll ask the tamed one to set aside a second for people , but i’ll ask you, there’s no need to say a word, neither to tikhonov, nor to kostya, kostya, why can’t you, you’re on your own again, oleg, i understand that you think that i’m crazy, paranoid, apparently that’s what you are, but later... you’ll understand what’s going on.
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hello, good afternoon, i wasn’t expecting you today, excuse me, valka vladinovna, but today is like my birthday, i understand, it’s funny to celebrate at my age, but it’s not funny, i congratulate you with all my heart, you will forgive me my impudence, maybe you and i, if you don’t keep me company, let’s sit, have a little tea, here’s
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a cake. i'm a useless companion today, i i feel very bad, this is for you. oh, olgaevna, i’m here with my nonsense, and you’re the one who’s so worried about konstantin, right? well, yes, yes, you are in vain, in vain , i will tell you, you know, in our case, i will tell you, this is almost an ordinary thing, but they shot
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a criminal, well , an official investigation has begun, believe my experience, it will all work out, it will work out, i assure you. it won’t work out, why do you think so, this one who was shot, he is my first husband, kostya’s father. i can’t stand my father, the terrible thing that my mother saw in him, she looks at him, but he he wipes her feet, apparently she really
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loves him, what love, tanya, i feel so sorry for my mother. i can’t watch, gal, there’s just this type of woman, they need it, you know, we took this in family psychology, i remember, you, in case, tell me why you didn’t pick up the phone and call, why? i was so depressed. true , i didn’t want to hear or see anyone , and then i gave up on everything, so i went home, i could have warned, i wanted to, i didn’t have time, i got hit by a car, gal, well, at least i should
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have called from the hospital, by god, i have a phone number crashed, you know, i...' i was most afraid that arthur kidnapped you, better under a car than under arthur, that's why i love you, it's for your sense of humor, which is completely bad, normal, concussion, but they say i got off easy, i really don’t know how long i’ll have to stay here, listen, i... i’ll go talk to the doctor now and bring you some fruit, okay. right away, as soon as it all happened, i immediately realized that this was not right, you know, it was so unpleasant to do this business, well, it’s terrible
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just some kind of thing, this is your job, where can you go, yes, work, work, you understand , i really respect konstantin, he is one of the best workers in our department, but what is it? one of the best, the best, i’ll tell you this, the best, and then this personal factor, what a personal factor, well, after meeting you, i somehow perceive in a special way everything that happens in your family and take it very close to my heart, you forgive me, this is grandiloquence, there is no need to apologize for this, honestly, that’s not why i did it, but what did i... remove him, yes, yes, yes, yes, i i understand, everywhere you have very strict
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instructions, i know that, but why are there instructions, what does the instructions have to do with it, you should have immediately, you know, you should have immediately understood that kostya is not just doing some kind of business, but that he is doing his own business father, i should have guessed, but how could you before... date, even if you had noticed that they are namesakes, there is little crapting in the country, but experience, instinct, you should feel, you know, you should have felt , but then kostya, of course, had to tell me everything, if he he told me, it would have been a different matter, but the bastard was silent, so he was silent, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, what threatens, kostya? this is an investigation, what does it threaten? yes , you understand, this is the most conscientious investigator,
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adding up 2.2 it will immediately be clear that this is not just an official mistake, an oversight, but there is a personal motive, maybe even revenge, so what, what for this, what, well, there is no only you can lose your position, here you can get a prison sentence and... wait, olya, olya, wait, olya, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, you misunderstood what you, lord, my god, now, wait, a second, now, now, now, now, now, now, what, what, 40, yes, what about you? dear town, you look like this, you understand, life in the provinces is wonderful, very cozy, listen, you, province, how
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is kostya doing there? kostya, what kind of cat do you mean? you? you know very well what kind of bone i mean, don’t make a fool of me, i know that you work for him, and i know what task you are doing, yes, you probably hit your head hard, i don’t know any konstantin, just don't i should fill it now, okay, listen , why are you so angry, and we just met, and maybe you ’re jealous of tanya, but of course, it’s unpleasant to see
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a new girlfriend next to her, it’s unpleasant to see a vile serf next to her , okay, for tanya ’s sake i’ll keep quiet, okay, if you don’t know kostya, then why does he have your number in his phone, why is that? suddenly i was so taken with tanya that i followed her to another city, about the phone, it’s actually funny, you never know there are girls named lisa, you probably really have a headache, no matter what lies, i know that you called kostya the other day, several times, he even told me that there was a certain lisa, tell me, before the concussion, did you have hallucinations? but he didn’t tell you about me, it’s strange, but he and i had an affair, a long one, i even lived with him.
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yeah, just don’t flatter yourself about him , you’ll miscalculate, just like i miscalculated, but you’re a girl, it turns out you’ve got it, don’t worry, you’ll get it too , he’s obsessed with the dance, we’re puppets for him, he’s taking advantage of him, so retreat for now it’s not too late, or i ’ll tell tanya everything. listen, just try get stuck in, you don’t have enough problems of your own, maybe you want to get hit by a car again, or maybe accidentally fall out of a window, tanya, but i was just telling our gala that i also had a concussion, a long time ago in childhood physical education lessons fell, you know, in this case the main thing is to lie down and have a
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good rest. and everything will pass, i’m very glad that you found a common language, i’m an old idiot, honestly, i’m getting old, hold on, today i’m another year older, i blurted out, i didn’t think, nothing is clear yet. oh, it’s true what they say old, small, and a little boneless, i am very grateful that you told me everything, i would have found out anyway, it’s better earlier, igor valerievich, yes, forgive me, you can.
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at least somehow help kostya, nougat vladimevna , what are you talking about, there’s not even any questions here, i ’ll do everything, i’ll do everything, everything that depends on me, after all, what’s important here is that kostya, well, somehow doesn’t let it slip , you know, about my father, well, yes, he must stick to his version, yes, i will connect all my connections, i’m sure that we will win him back, i’m just sure of this, are you reassuring me now, or are you speaking honestly, honestly, i’m saying, honestly, i have a reason for this, look, all the police officers who participated in the experiment in the investigation, they all unanimously say that the person under investigation was the first to attack konstantin, konstantin defended himself,
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self-defense, that’s right. and he didn’t exceed self-defense measures, you know, so if everything goes as it should, the incident will be interpreted in such a way that the bandit under investigation attacked kostya, and he shot him, yes, and you girls, probably you want to gossip, right? no, what are you talking about, lis, well, i know. real girlfriends are full of their secrets, i’ll probably wait outside, tanyush, galichka, i’m very glad to meet you, mutually, get better, thank you, lisa, good girl, really, probably, why are you
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hanging your nose, we all. let's go to the dean and we will advocate for you to be reinstated at the university and allowed to return to the dorm, it won't be reinstated, it will be reinstated, you'll see, but i'll do this later, while i'm with you, i'll wait for you to get better, why, well, it’s really not necessary, especially since i’m not alone here, my mother is with me, but mom can’t be with you all day, well, there’s no need for all day. moreover, where will you live? oh, he definitely won’t be happy with the guests, especially don’t forget that it’s you, not me, who is in danger, well, yes, i’m just tired of thinking about it, so let’s go back to primorsk, okay, but you promise me that right away , as soon as you are discharged, you
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will also return. i promise, and starting tomorrow i will take care of your recovery, thank you, you are so good. come here, i love you so much, huh hello, kostya, it’s me, lisa, i found galina, where is she, vilyaza is in the hospital, she got hit by a car, kostya, she knows everything about us, and even tried to threaten me, this galina got me, the address of the hospital, central, everyone knows her here, it’s like a relationship, best girlfriends, and oleg is the best friend, well done , when you think about starting the main plan, i don’t know yet, so much has happened in the last few days, now a lot is bothering me, then i don’t know , what galina is capable of, yes, i
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take galina on myself, so you start acting, don't delay. well, it doesn’t matter, it’s quiet, and they just wanted to kill me, but i’m safe, they’re shooting at the car. and the car is intact, i’m driving it, this shooter turned out to be a bastard, who could have sent him, and you talk about it so calmly, if i’m a tourist, then it’s your fault, you bastard, that means it’s urgent
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to send your fighters to moscow, what a samson damn this bald sledgehammer too, everyone, i want to close this issue once and for all, that’s it. and then the idea came to my mind to run away through the backyard, i didn’t think that lisa would run with me, can you imagine, she’s like that, no, no, i won’t leave you alone, you see what a loyal friend she is, tanya, don’t communicate with her, she’s not who she says she is, what are you doing? what found you there? you were talking to her so nicely just now, what happened? or are you jealous? you are my stupid one, no one will ever replace you for me, aliza, you are just really very good,
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she really wants the best for us, you are holy simplicity. tanya, believe me, it’s not too late. gal, everything will be fine, you just... i thought, it’s unclear what you’re talking about and you start to wind me up, that’s it, i’ll run, and you get better, i’ll definitely call you, you don’t have a phone, let me buy it, no need, my mother will buy it for me, i still have the sim card, so the number is old, okay , come on, hold it, i’ll call you, i still have some left, i'll put some fruit here for you, yeah. that's it, bye!
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i’m very glad that we found galya, at least she wasn’t kidnapped, everything will be treated... okay, yes, i’m very happy too, but what about you, she’s really wonderful, yes, cool, you know, it feels like we've known each other for about 100 years, listen, what were you talking about when i i came out and just chatted about this and that, i ’m talking like old friends, so what? she just told me about it a little differently. yes, what did you say? well, she didn’t say anything directly, it seemed to me that you had
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some kind of misunderstanding. tanya, what a misunderstanding, what are you saying, everything was fine, keep in mind that she has a head injury, and sick people seem to change their mood often, well, yeah, yeah. good afternoon, great, excuse me, what are you, colonel, you’re kind of twitchy, what happened, it’s noticeable, well, of course, i i seemed to be holding on. they just shot at me , an assassination attempt, how did they shoot, in what
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sense? literally, the killer shot at my car, that is, like fuck, do you have some version, only one, some kind of avenger, from among those whom i have ever closed, and a face, a face, some signs , no, unfortunately, well, from where, from where they were shooting, from bullets, on the road. in a car, wow, kostya, you were born in a shirt, can you imagine, your mother got such a shock, i heard about the assassination attempt, but who could have killed you? assassination attempt, i have no idea, i was just talking about this to a comrade colonel, but don’t you think it’s a strange coincidence that you kill first under investigation, and then they shoot you personally, i don’t see the connection, listen, toho, konstantin kravchenko
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, one of the best police officers in our city, solved dozens of crimes, detained not a single bandit, i don’t want to implore the mayor’s merits, and they should not be belittled or exaggerated, he risked his life dozens of times, detaining, neutralizing bandits, there will be more than one of them who could attempt to assassinate... colonel, don’t just , you know, these words of yours are ardent, and here it’s ardent, not ardent, like a boss, i ’m happy that such an employee as kravchenko serves under my leadership, or maybe it was precisely because of your enthusiastic attitude that konstantin felt a certain impunity, which was reflected in the case entrusted to me for and what does enthusiasm have to do with it, i am objective, purely in
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the service, when i hear the word objectivity, i immediately begin to suspect purely personal relationship, however, we’ll talk about this with konstantin alone, okay, i’ll go and have lunch. i wanted to stay here until galli was discharged, but she persuaded me to return to primorsk, that’s right, of course, i agreed at first, but now i think we can’t leave her, if galli were in my place, she would have stayed, but why not look after her it’s necessary, your mother is nearby, and where are you going to spend the night, at the station, and don’t forget, serious people are hunting you, it seems to me that it’s safer here than in primorsk, that’s just the way it is it seems, yes, arthur will track you down, show up at the hospital, by the way, he
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also has a grudge against the defenseless, i somehow didn’t think about it, well, in primorsk the whole police protects you and me, and the main one oleg and konstantin, but here no one will protect us or galya, yes, you’re right, especially since i promised oleg to return right away. so, you hid the fact that the murdered man was your father, and this changes things, in my opinion, this changes absolutely nothing, well, now it’s clear to me that you shot him in the right place, and this is already premeditated murder, you have testimony from witnesses, well, yes, well, yes, everything is like a carbon copy, an armed accomplice appeared, kravchenko tried to run in, the other kravchenko acted in accordance with the instructions, and here on the face of it... crimes are govor.


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