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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  December 3, 2023 5:40am-6:36am MSK

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fourth apartment, well, yes, of course , i know, you know, unpleasant people, especially my husband, will pass by and not even say hello, those times, and then recently he actually yelled at me, and why, they made such a scandal here in the entrance, shouting, swearing, well, of course i couldn’t stand it, i made a remark, but then something went wrong, he started telling me, tell me, what topic they were quarreling about, you don’t remember, well, what topic, of course, money, the rich have one topic, when was the last time you saw them, did they leave the house together? no, you know, separately, first the wife, and then about an hour later the husband, it’s clear, okay, thank you, goodbye, well, all the best, well, finally, radanov has a washing machine, beauty, damn, what is this,
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wow, oh-oh-oh, oh, wow, number, what a bastard, huh? hello, good morning, i bought a washing machine from you yesterday, i was guaranteed 25 years of uninterrupted operation, so what if i turned it on for the first time today, it broke , then it vibrated and started leaking, i mean, what complaints do i have, please fix it for me
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the machine or replace it with a new one, which means within two weeks, and am i going to walk around in dirty underwear, or what? 2 weeks? so, if i don’t have a master within 24 hours, i’ll complain, that’s it, goodbye, don’t say anything, i still don’t understand, but listen, you can set the number. mobile phone of valery zaitsev, but somehow the husband must be informed about the death of his wife. okay, olyevich, i’ll do it now, and at the same time localize his phone, last night at the present moment. wait, is he a suspect? not yet. no no no, olegich, no, no, no, i won’t, you know what he’ll do to my city officials, oh-oh-oh-oh, listen, nikit, but you can do this unofficially for now, well, look, if he was in area of ​​his wife's murder, his status will immediately change. from the victim
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to the suspect, oleg georgivich, why do you need this unofficially, well, in court, don’t repeat the law, for the sake of the operator, there is always some sense in the data, even if it is not official, but if it is confirmed, we will find a way to legalize it, not you have to sigh, don’t, no one said it would be easy, but by the way, and enter your mobile number yourself, olorievich, well, i’m not a computer, i don’t know how to do a million operations per second, i need to learn, but i’m learning, so study, georgivich, i’ve finally found you. andryukh, why did you come? you're supposed to get some sleep after being on duty, right? i have a very serious personal problem . what's happened? the washing machine broke down, well, can you imagine, on the very first day it immediately broke down. please, let krymov go with me, he understands washing machines. which one should you let go? and who will develop the slaughter? so, take krymov and go to the jeweler, since he’s already come to work. well, there are no clean socks left. i owe you.
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this is my daughter, zaitseva, because of her husband, i am sure that i had a hand in their death. to think so, but what is there to think, they have lived like cats and dogs for the last six months, marina even filed for divorce, and what businessman would want his ex-wife to get half of his property, i specifically advised her to have a good lawyer in order to strip this hare to his bare bones, so that all the property that he acquired before the wedding was taken away from him, zaitsev is a serious businessman, the owner of a chain of sports stores. do you know where
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you can find it? if he’s not at home, then i don’t know, i wasn’t particularly interested in his business, and my daughter didn’t tell me. ok then. tell me, could your daughter have a lover? i don’t know, she herself didn’t talk much about matters of the heart, and of course she attended weddings, not without that, but when she got married, she seemed to have calmed down, and did she have any noticeable jewelry with her? surely, the ring is her favorite, i made it myself at the end of the institute, but how did the ring look like? can you describe? i have a photo. yes, please. well, she almost always wore it. just imagine, the washing
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machine broke down on the first day i bought it. come on, new car. well, yes, ah, i understand what happened there, i’ll fix it for you. let's go right now, otherwise i'm clean. it doesn’t end, well, now where is georgich waiting, but he’ll wait, let’s go, so , what do we have with the ring of the killed hare, well, we are raising all our agents, yes, as soon as the ring comes up with the agents, we will immediately find out about it, ok, but on nikita’s phones, what works, has established the numbers of the zaitsev spouses, is now trying to localize the location of the murdered husband, if this is a robbery, then the phone... we are unlikely to track the murdered one, most likely the sim card is swimming in the neva, but we still need to check, i agree, right, right , check, but the most important thing now is to look for the husband, the husband was killed, he disappeared too, too conveniently, you suspect him, but who else, the concierge showed that there was a quarrel over money, that
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’s the motive, but it could really be robbery, in any case, work, figure it out, look for a husband, find out from friends. at work, wherever possible, and urge nikita to get printouts from phones of cases faster, yes, your hoses are in order, let’s start opening, it doesn’t seem to be missing anywhere, hey, igor, what are you doing, quiet, quiet , calm down, what kind of car do you need, i do this at home every week. yes, so, well, everything seems to be in order here too, what have you done, it’s under warranty, andryukh, well, you’re like my natasha, goddammit, i know what i’m doing,
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who’s there, yes, georgivich, but we haven’t disappeared anywhere, now we’ll be there, you know, the traffic jams in the city are like that, now we ’ll be in crimea, that’s all for now, i don’t see any problems, right? that's it, we're finishing the repairs, so what , she'll live with you, we'll go now, then you'll come home, collect it all and check it again, let's go, let's go, nikit, why is it taking so long, where are the results, then so, your hares don’t go through any cop database at all, i already called the operator, tried through them, but you yourself said, that’s it not officially, no, no, our husband is now officially our main suspect, so give him the full treatment, that’s how i did everything, well done! thank you, let me know what you found? so, i analyzed the entire localization of his phone last night, he called a lot of people, all the calls were from the center, near nightclubs, with different ones, so, look, the last call from the center was almost in the morning, so from here, the number is peeling, yes, it’s peeling, this is a
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tough club, and he’s been hanging out here since the morning, but i i’ve already checked everything 10 times, but based on the time of the calls, could he have killed his wife and then , so to speak, gone to celebrate this event? what kind of schizophrenic idiot is he supposed to be? well, although you know, i think i could, because an hour after the murder there was a call, clearly, so, give me the address of this tin, yeah, it’s done, hey, andryukh, what are you doing, or what? no, what are you talking about, stop it, let’s get into someone else, calm down, the sobbing captain is not sleeping at his combat post, look, yes, georgivich, how long? probably another 15 minutes, we'll be in the department, and what? that's it, accepted, bye, andryukh, turn around, we're going to a nightclub, to a nightclub , at 10:00 in the morning, what's there? our zaitsev seems to have been pilled.
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come on, shake yourself out, well, guys , what are you doing, i didn’t do a damn thing, let’s go, let’s make it easier , well, you wanted a reliable cover, believable, well, not the same, but maybe cookies, but let’s go straight to the ring, and then cookies, at one well-known address your ring popped up, boss, forty brought it there, who is she, and there’s only one homeless woman, she used to hang around in the subway cars, dear. on she begged for all sorts of invented operations , and then we became strict with this, well , let’s steal jewelry from people, so that right
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on the street, no, not robbery, but quietly, well, at stops during rush hour there in trolleybuses, hairpins, watches , all sorts of pendants, that’s why soroka, of course , you know where to find him, i won’t tell you a specific yard, i know approximately in which area he hangs out, this is a shot of petrograd, there are usually shopping centers, bus stops, markets, well, thank you cv joint. thank you, now i can have cookies, or i can have money, i can have money, or i can give it to you i’ll come out with a show-off, well, they’re like bastards, i ’ll file a complaint against you, an honest man, no way, just try, a couple of days ago we also had one come out with a show-off, then he lay in the monkey bar for 2 days, no, then i’d rather do it this way , well, if you need it, we’ll call you, okay, oleg georgivich
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, we have a suspect in the case , a certain magpie, okay, i’ll come in now, but i could strangle the woman, what science will say on this topic, and science will say on this topic oleg georgivich, that some fashion model would hardly be able to, uh, ours a normal russian woman is easy, you remember how in soviet times they laid a sleeper, she would stop a gallop and enter a hot hut, but what about the fingers on the neck of the dead woman? judging by the bruises, the fingers could belong to either a normal man or a large woman, a large woman, you say, uh-huh, ala georgivich, who will go take it, so you and i will go, okay, good luck to you.
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young people, we are closed, and we are from the police, the homicide department, here you have a citizen of the hares should rest, here your hares, along with all his codla, have come to ferment at night until the morning, now they are sleeping, go somewhere, but they sleep there, then where you will find them. thank you, thank you, wow, yes, everyone is dead drunk, uh-huh, there 's a bar counter, it looks like someone is alive, dear, where are the hares? come on, come on, dear, i don’t want to, it will be easier, well, it seems like here he is,
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a citizen of the hares, yes, a thinker, a citizen of the hares, let’s get the job done, come on, get up, guys. you just take me to the metro, and then i’ll do it myself, it looks like she’s citizen soroka. criminal investigation, stop, stand, stop, i’ll shoot, it’s not a magpie, it
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’s some kind of ostrich, well, they didn’t let me live, well, take it, cats, hares, hares, wake up, hello, hares, listen, well, it’s useless, but i see that it’s useless. what we are going to do? well, on a drip, or what? maybe he should also have a cleansing enema here? listen , captain igor, let him go to the monkey house, let him sleep it off there, as he says... the sleep of an alcoholic , strong, but not skinny, come on, come on, come on , quietly, don’t hit your head, well, cops, i really want something , ask whoever you want, when a wet woman hasn’t been dirty for forty years, and especially a woman, she wouldn’t lay a finger on her, well, well, that’s it sometime it happens for the first time, you don’t have an alebi, your things are dead, you handed them over to the cupboard
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, show me your hands, oh, and your gloves are like the ones you used to strangle... tell zaitsev, with these, with the pimples, , you have nothing to do with this, magpie, the buyer handed you over to us, like you brought things to him this morning, well, i handed you over , but i don’t have any wet clothes on me, but you also say that you found them in the trash heap, definitely in the trash heap, but what i have fingers, if you know, forty, since when have such tsaski garbage dumps been lying around, and the same ones that some guy threw them out, i spent the night nearby, i see he’s falling down , all so groomed from the side to the trash heap, he threw the bag away, well, when i left, all this was lying there, and i’m thinking, what’s the goodness of wasting, well , well, what a man looked like, what kind of man, what not you know how men look, well , well, the boss will be younger than you, thicker in the shoulders, i didn’t look further, it was dark, but he was behind us, rita, take this storyteller
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to the cell, let her sit and think, maybe she’ll stop feeding us stories, and give your gloves for examination, okay! let's go, beauty, let's go, flew, yeah, now, ran, ran, to the exit, calmly , to the left, here, you're talking, so this guy, calmly, this guy is from the trash heap, or he looks very similar, yeah, it's a mess, oleg georgivich, we can't have two suspects one at a time business, you know. the investigative committee will not understand. are you afraid that the investigation will make claims? i think we will be able to decide before the charges are brought. we will investigate the murdered husband as the main suspect. bye. and to the homeless woman soroka for selling property acquired through obviously criminal means. well, in parallel
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we will figure out which of them is involved in the murder of marina zaitseva. well, let’s say, but somehow i have a hard time believing that how... this homeless woman could so calmly strangle a young strong girl, you should have seen this homeless woman, comrade colonel, then you would have believed that this was not a homeless woman, but some kind of ostrich, yes , igor sergeevich, allow me? yes, yes, i prepared reports, conclusions, please , uh-huh, listen, ah... we could somehow, in our own words , well, if soroka killed, then she should have been wearing different gloves, wait, but they with pimples, so what? at soroka's the gloves are frayed, old, that is, they are falling apart into fibers, so these fibers should have remained on the body of the dead man, they are not there, well, somehow unconvincing, okay, then
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something else, during the initial examination, abrasions and wounds were found on the body of the dead woman, which i took for traces of a struggle, and during the examination it turned out that these were post-mortem wounds , they were received about half an hour after death, wait, you said that the car did not drive into the arch, but they couldn’t carry a strangled woman in their arms through the center of the city, it’s like - boldly, i said that the traces are from the car i didn’t read it, but tell me, what about the pieces of skin under the nails of the dead woman, what is this? did you find out? did you find out? this is industrially tanned cow leather, dyed black, so what? this means that zaitseva fought before her death with someone who was wearing a black jacket, or she was transported in a car upholstered in black leather. it’s unlikely that georgivich, this magpie could drive around the city in an expensive car with a leather interior, so knock
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your husband. yes, yes, one more. zaitseva was in her second month of pregnancy. well, quench your thirst? now tell me, citizen hares? what to tell? how did you kill your wife? and even pregnant? what, are you stunned? why should i kill her? she would have snitched herself in a month. well, right, with your money? now, of course, i don’t owe her anything. but her father and lawyer say something completely different. these fairy tales, do you think i look like an idiot? gentlemen, bosses, before starting the divorce process, i prepared very well, my lawyers took care of me. so that all the real estate and business remain with me, yeah, and the fact that she got pregnant is yours ruined the plans, right? yes, that’s what you
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lied about, firstly, the child is not from me, yes, yes, not from me, and secondly, you’re making this matter so simple, you can’t pin it on me, and we ’re not going to pin anything on you . your wife was killed and you have a serious motive. a luxurious apartment that you first registered her in, and then she didn’t want to leave. i didn't kill this one. but then provide us with an alibi. alibi, alibi, for you. yes, i don't have an alibi. i went alone to meet friends. how can i prove to you that it’s not me, you will no longer have to prove it to us, in court. yes, i haven’t talked to her for over a month. apparently, she has a new man , we have a witness who saw how you and your wife were arguing harshly in the entrance of your house, swearing, swearing, arguing over the apartment,
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i thought she was happy after the divorce, to she's screwing this guy, at first she, yes , fuck off, i'll leave, and then i look, she doubts, but i decided that, apparently, he's married, well, he's dynamizing her about living together, and as soon as you realized that she's from an apartment not she’ll be discharged, you ruined her , why should you just ruin everything, by the way , i offered to buy her an apartment, or rent something as a last resort, she’s not such a bastard that she would extort money out of me like that openly, yes, by the way, i supported her, every month i deposited money onto the card , yes, yes, you can check, we will definitely check, in the morning, but for now you sit with us,
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well, let’s sit, can we have some more water, please, you already have four unsolved cases hanging on you, we’ll sort it out slowly, major of the guard? 0:00 hands, in the fight between the cunning strong win unpredictable, premiere on ntv , avatar show, new season, today at 20:20 on
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ntv, you sleep with kesha, and you also sleep with him, we all sleep with kesha, they are so different, but still they are together, we decided to kill him, you 're kidding, i'm an accident, they'll burn him all, kesha has to die, what? look now only at kion, this is peter, he invites his mother to become a client of tinkov, his mother, anna ivanovna invites his brother, uncle valera, who invites his daughter marina, and marina invites her friend grisha, new year's invitations continue and returns with joy, before december 31, invite a friend to get a teinkov black card and receive 1,500 rubles. and your friend will receive free service forever tenkov sportmaster only original ski equipment from leading brands with a guarantee of product authenticity,
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in trouble, what? the house is running out of clean laundry, so what’s the problem , can you imagine, the washing machine broke down, the first day i bought the washing machine, an hour later it broke down, i don’t understand why you won’t return it under warranty, how smart we are, not stupid, we crimea has already been dismantled, to hell mother, the warranty was void, are you crazy ? first you need to think, and then do it, so, leave me alone, oh, well, buy yourself a new one, lend me money, no, so leave me alone, yes, guys , what kind of guys are you, guys, yes, you can’t return the washing machine, andryukha, great, hello, listen, i just opened the site, oh, i’ve lived,
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i’ll listen to advice from the girl, so sobbing, i’ve already sorted it out, yes, i know that you sorted it out with krymov, i remember, so, let’s go point by point, come on , the heating element is ok, yes, the heating elements are in ok, yeah, it’s not boiling, there’s no scale, it ’s new, yes, i understand, so it doesn’t smell like burning? no, i don’t feel it, nothing seemed to melt, but they checked the connection of the hoses , everything was fine with the hoses, and we disassembled the power supply unit, the power supply unit with the crimea, he said that it was normal, well, i don’t know what, yes i’m better i wanted to, i’ll manage without you, okay, that’s it, let ’s see you in touch, thanks for the help, well, suffer, too, guys,
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i’ll confiscate the packages, i have to, oh, i have a bottle in my pocket? was on medication, what medication? with tincture of this, oats, pure vitamin, i lapped it up myself, but it hurts , calmly, calmly, but this one, yes, for health, another matter, so, a citizen of forty, outside the department, please, now, yes, i need to improve my health, well, applications. well, what a shot, what kind of uncle bor is there, come in, please come in to the kitchen, well, where is the warranty patient, you took
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it apart, why, you took it apart, tried to fix it, and how unfortunately it didn’t work out, under the terms of the warranty you are not they had to remove the fillings, climb inside and try to fix it themselves. malfunction, your croaked guarantee, yes, i understand that my guarantee has croaked, but how much will it cost for the money, well , 10,000, what, 10, yes, i bought it for eight, well, what can i do, oh, so, i have three, my salary is in a week, well, after your salary, then i’ll come by, goodbye, goodbye. and i almost forgot, please give me for the challenge, i still, well, spent time on money, how much? 700 rub. i won’t have change, but we’ll figure it out later, well, people,
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report how you’re getting on with killing the hare? well, we released the homeless woman soruka yesterday, yes, we already... my husband was detained, but as long as it doesn’t inject, well, inject more actively. potapenko and iordanov went to the bank to check zaitsev’s testimony, well, about the money that he transferred to his wife, well , he transferred her about 50 thousand a month, in his opinion this is modest, it was a toad to share property , because zaitsev had acquired everything even before marriage with her, so we don’t have enough intelligence against zaitsev. and the skin from under the victim’s nails, as the expert said, does not match either the things from the house or the upholstery of his car, well, the magpie identified him, comrade colonel, she saw
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him from behind at night, not seriously, but he could hire someone, he has money, are you so sure it’s the husband? i am sure, oleg georgivich, that this case needs to be solved as quickly as possible. either look for a new suspect, or work more carefully with what you have, yeah, well, andryush, how many parnostki are left, leave me alone, ritka, i’ll buy you 10 new ones tomorrow, leave me alone, as i understand it, you’re not a car repaired, no, not repaired, we dismantled it with crimea, then you with your advice from the internet, oh, okay, today in the evening after work we’ll go to your place and sort out our car. this is what you asked for, thank you, look , your husband really didn’t lie, on the first day of every month, as scheduled, 50,000 rubles.
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that is, she paid for two phones with the card. yeah, call nikita and let him call this number. we have party assignments, yes, oleg georgivich, oh, so, uh, what about zaitseva’s second number? this means that the second issue, which zaitseva regularly paid for, was issued to igor davidov, and what kind of shot was found out, yes, he is a very important shot, he assistant to the deputy of the legislative assembly of the city of st. petersburg, sergei semenov. wow, yeah , i wonder why zaitseva paid for his conversations? so, wait, oleg geurievich, don’t knock me down, i still have , wait, that means davidov, there are two telephone numbers registered to him, one is listed on the website of the legislative assembly of st. petersburg as official, the second, which does not
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appear anywhere, but the story is that that the first one called the second one an hour and a half 20 minutes before the murder, and before that, and before that they regularly called there several times per day, look, it turns out that if davidov was zaitseva’s lover, then he could well have given her this phone, if it was a surprise, then he bought one and registered it in his name, and what if the child was to be born from davidov? an interesting picture emerges here, so in general, here is all the information on david, telephone numbers, so, nikita, yes, zaitsev’s husband suggested that his wife’s unknown lover could be married himself, that ’s right, oleg georgivich, i struck, that means , davidov has a wife and two children, the wife and daughter of that same deputy legislative assembly, okay, well, it's time to visit him. we would like to talk about
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your husband igor, ask, but i don’t know much about his work, he helps dad, no , we’re not talking about work, tell me, have you noticed anything suspicious in his behavior lately, for example, do you mean some kind of depression, no, nothing like that, we have a wonderful family, why should he be sad, like the day before yesterday, your husband didn’t leave the house anywhere in the evening? went out, he said, he was called to work, this is often happens, i got used to it, uh-huh, and when he returned, i don’t know, but not soon, he warned me not to wait for him and i went to bed at 12, i try to follow the regime , uh-huh, tell me, is your husband by any chance, black leather jacket or raincoat? no, no jacket, no raincoat , no, no, are you sure, don’t believe me, i can do it for now, no, no, no, thank you, that’s not necessary, thank you, tell me,
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igor is usually in the office at this time, at a meeting with his father . tell me, did your husband go to work by car today? funny you asked, that's what he usually does, but yesterday i took the car in for service, i immediately said what happened there, i don’t know, i didn’t even ask , i don’t understand cars at all. i see, thank you very much, all the best, goodbye, goodbye, will you see us off? certainly. conscience, are your songs fair, are they changeable, are they reasonable, why were you invented at all, the elegance is off the charts, i gave everything and i don’t regret anything. avatar show - new
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season, today at 20:20 on ntv, bolobol new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, so that you remember your winter holiday with warmth, avito protects your payment for housing. payment transferred to the landlord after successful check-in. avita everything will go as planned. are you sleeping with cache? do you sleep with him too? we all sleep with cash, they are so different, but still. we decided to kill him, you’re kidding, i’m not an accident, they’ll burn him , kesha must die, kion, look now, only at kion, this is peter, he invites his mother to become tinkov’s client, his mother, anna ivanovna invites his brother, uncle valera, who invites his daughter marina, before
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i decided to refresh the equipment in the kitchen, i got married successfully, it’s me, irina timofeeva, i ’m developing new methods for environmentally friendly analysis of food products, and this is my chemistry teacher, it was she who made me friends with science. develop an interest in science with childhood. enter science majors. rрf. what's wrong with mikhail boyarsky's health after heart surgery? he smoked everywhere. this is a direct road to cancer. why am i evicting my own daughter? the air seems lighter, this is wrong, after all, your mother, she is a person, i understood this pathos, why did alexander tolmatsky give his grandson a last name? kiril was not recorded as a father, i thought that grandfather, well, sasha was absolutely callous, which of
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the stars was covered with snow, you are digging this path for yourself, and which one was washed away by the wave? they called, she just two words, he says: i’m alive, very strong... there will be wind, if there were no fenders, then the water would pass even further, and how celebrities spend millions of rubles on discounts, this will also come in handy somewhere, well, somewhere , here is 329 11, say nicely, the stars have aligned, today right after the avatar show on ntv, yes, excuse me, what’s the matter, i don’t understand, citizen, afternoon, good, good afternoon, good afternoon, we would like to talk to you, oh how? do you know that i am a deputy deputy? yes, we know where you were the day before yesterday at 11:00 pm? sergei mikhailovich, i have the police in office, is presenting something to me here , of course, as we understand, you
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don’t want to talk to us in a good way, you and i have nothing to talk about, but about her? this is the first time i see this, what is this? good afternoon, criminal investigation department, who gave you permission to interrogate my man? but we are not interrogating anyone, we just came to talk with igor nikolaevich, for this we do not need permission. there is a charge, bring it, show the arrest warrant. no, i’m calling general merzlyakin. go to the labor exchange, everything is clear to you, clear, thank you, let the colonel gorodikov is sorting this out, goodbye, let’s go, andryuzh, i don’t know what they wanted from you, they showed the photos to some girl, you know her, no, of course, just don’t try
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to lie to me if you got involved in some kind of crime , or god forbid he got himself a woman, cops? will be the least of your problems, sergei mikhailovich , i wouldn’t risk my job with my family, i really don’t know why the cops came to me, well, if so, then forget about it, they won’t come again, it’s because of your exercises, the general ate all his baldness, cut off the phone and complained to him this deputy is on you, what’s his name, your cop thinks semyonov. not to work off, but what if
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it’s him, the murderer of marina zaitseva? oleg georgivich, of course, develop it, but develop it carefully, and before dragging him in for interrogation, we need to collect such an evidence base so that it would be impossible to undermine us, otherwise you and i will be screwed like that. missed it? that's it, that's it. now we need to figure out how to squeeze this to our advantage. the entire mobile phone call to the victim’s phone was made right before the murder, and this is already significant evidence. this is not the case with the assistant deputy we need something more serious, this is not enough. what about the car? maybe i should call the service department and look at the upholstery? if we manage to take samples of the upholstery leather, they will match the samples that we found under zaitseva’s nails, davidov will not
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get away with it, this is an option, just to be in time, he handed over the car to a car service yesterday morning, more than a day has passed, maybe they have already managed to do everything, well, we’ll see, and yes, and let’s go, yeah, tell me, what kind of work did you do on davidov’s car? preventative, everything is in order with the chassis, the electrics too, and the brakes the system is normal, yeah, they changed the upholstery , well, they changed it or not, i ’m trying to pull everything out of you with pincers, they changed the upholstery of the driver’s seat, well, where is the old upholstery, they disposed of it as it should be, it’s not good to lie to a whole police lieutenant colonel, young man, i know your brother, i’m not afraid they’ve hidden me for personal purposes, i don’t understand, why do you want to go to prison for complicity in murder for
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that’s a beetle, a completely different matter, so , oh, well, georgivich, there are scratches, great, that means i’m calling an expert bulkina, a thousand witnesses, we won’t officially call him, okay, lyoshka, well tell us what we have with the examination , so there is a complete match on the skin, well now everything is clear, wait, andrey, i need to compare the varnish from the nails of the murdered woman, and the particles of varnish that were found on the upholstery of the car seats, well , it will take two hours, but i’m sure that there will be a complete coincidence, thank you, lyosha, we need to take this davido, we’ll call georgivich and take it. come on, thank you, good luck, yes,
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you’re digging under semyonov, you want to discredit him, boss? first they pinned death on some woman on me, then you’ll put a case on him, huh? are you wrong? oh, don't bother me, an obvious political order before the elections, nothing, not the first time. sergei mikhailovich will find such lawyers for me. when will he find out that you cheated on his daughter? semyonov is unlikely to defend you, all the evidence that you fabricated is against you, you know , i think semyonov is not a stupid person, and he will quickly understand that it is very difficult to fabricate such serious evidence. this is not a bag of cocaine planted in a bodega, so it’s time to write a confession, igor nikolaevich, why do you need my confession if you have so much evidence, but it will make life easier for us, to you. think carefully. you face a serious sentence, but not life, and when semyonov finds out what you did, i don’t envy you,
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such a scandal with an assistant, oh, if i confess, you will protect me from him, well, semyonov is, of course, an influential person, but i think it is unlikely that he will be able to get you. in a pre-trial detention center in a colony, if she had listened to me , marina would blackmail you, yes, she asked for money, if not, she wanted this child, she wanted marriage, a full-fledged family, but i, i’m married to my career, i’m not from the legislature they took the resume, you understand, one day she began to threaten that she would come... to my wife, and i realized that i had no choice, and you lost your temper during a quarrel, no, we didn’t quarrel. when
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i made an appointment with her, i already knew what i was going to do, i strangled marina, tried to make it look like she had been robbed in an alley, that’s it, now let’s get it in more detail and in writing, yes, andryush, and you’ve been a filter for a long time changed? retulya, are you taking me for some stupid baby, or what? what filter? she's new. and in my opinion this is new, assembled out of 25 old ones. so, what do you mean by this , yes, they cheated you, it seems, that’s what i want to say, wow, no one has ever cheated captain ardanovo like that.
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there’s a first time for everything, nothing, so give me your girlfriend. and i want my clothes , i wash them at home, retul, well, it’s somehow inconvenient, but why is it inconvenient, everything is fine, thank you, but you ’re welcome, right now there’s a live broadcast on central television about the events that are being discussed and the people that are being discussed they say: the fragile truce has ended in the middle east, western journalists are in ukraine they reveal a conspiracy against zelsky, well, doctors and scientists look with alarm: in china, why, from beijing there are reports of an outbreak of an unknown and strange disease, its symptoms are high fever, chills, nodules in the lungs. so, is beijing really hiding some new infection from the world behind the great wall of china? we found those who saw with their own eyes what is now happening in local hospitals and clinics, well, in the next hour we will not just talk about the main events of this week, but will try to explain them. good evening, my name is vadim takmenev. i'm yuliava.
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today is saturday, december 2nd, for the most part. where they are watching us now, the exact time is 18:57 and we begin. they want to destroy zelsky, western journalists are uncovering a conspiracy in the ukrainian establishment, but was it real or is it just an excuse to carry out repression among the generals who were dreaming of the presidency. in germany, the police are conducting raids on conspirators who wanted to storm the richstag to seize power. who dreams of proclaiming a new great reich within what borders? we found. nazis who have already taken under the control of an entire community, in the homeland of angela merkel, and they got away with it, a generation of thieves, why did american senators legalize store robberies, is it really possible now to not work in the states at all, a boy’s word is worth a lot, how they film the coolest of all russian tv series this year, why it’s definitely worth watching, what real events it
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’s based on, our reporter visited the filming of the last episode, and now he knows how it will all end, and if he doesn’t split, we’ll stab our guest, director zhora kryzhovnikov, who gave us not only the boy’s word, but also many other wonderful films, you already have four unsolved cases hanging on you, let’s clear it up little by little, which means the major of the guard is the major of the mounted motorized operational search troops, what do you want, man , oh, oh, and this not accounting , well, excuse me, i probably slipped through, visit him, i give him a fang , the uncle who is inside is the one, he is needed, hands up, the sniper is working, balabol, new season, who are you, me, tomorrow at 20:00 , hands, in the fight between the cunning strong, to win unpredictable.


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