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tv   Chudo tekhniki  NTV  December 3, 2023 11:00am-12:01pm MSK

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so-called wood gas, and at temperatures above 280° a fire will begin. in industrially manufactured saunas, there is protection from this, although of course, you need to be prepared for expenses, for example, this finnish one can be purchased to order from 118,000 rubles. maximum heating 110°. the price of an infrared cabin starts at 152,000, in it the temperature will not rise above 60. then infrared radiation is softer, more comfortable, so children love it more, it’s like the afternoon sun is like this soft, comfortable, that is, the person sits well, he is not hot, not stuffy, a team of specialists works on each cabin, ready-made samples are checked for strength and safety and give a guarantee, the same homemade ones who tell with such emotions how they are doing there he carried out this, how he did it all, how everything is with him...
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wonderful, wonderful, and so on, but in the end we are faced with the fact that there are a lot of violations, it is clear that here, of course, we must follow the rules, many people, for example, forget that the stove in such saunas it’s electric , and you can’t pour water on it with ladles, as in a regular bathhouse, this can damage the electric heater, or, as happened with the girl in irkutsk, it can simply kill you , a short circuit is possible, if you really want to give in to the park, you can do it as a family russians, place a small container over the stove so that the water drips gradually. by the way, an air analysis did not reveal dangerous formaldehyde and phenol in their sauna. everything is zero, there is not even a chemical smell in the room, you can spend time there quite calmly. that's because sauna made from high-quality cedar wood, no cheap substitutes were used. and finally, an idea for those who like to warm up, but don’t want to... they say that it’s all in
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the bag, but no, it’s all in the kidney, it helps and relax, remove the small hairs left on the body after cutting the next client. that's it, you're charged, you didn't work, you didn't work, everything is reset. the barrel has a steam generator, water is poured into it. or an infusion of herbs for 15 minutes and you’re done, at that moment you just hover, close the bathroom, turn it on and just walk out the door another world, this is where i come in, this is another world. by the way, the benefits of bath procedures are confirmed by science. research by scientists from different countries has proven that regular use of a sauna reduces the risk of death from cardiovascular diseases.
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some patients with hypertension experience a decrease in blood pressure after the session. this is primarily a training of the cardiovascular system, it is comparable to the mm training that, for example, a person experiences during regular physical activity. but of course, you need to approach the matter wisely. exacerbation cardiovascular diseases are a contraindication for thermal exposure. very high temperatures for too long a duration will not add health either, for example, 110-120° for half an hour, too extreme, the main thing here is moderation and regularity. in studies, for example, taking bath procedures daily or every other day at a temperature of 77° had a very positive effect. and, as we have seen, this can be done even in a city apartment. okay, you just need to follow all the rules and enjoy and benefit. what surprised you?
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this week we have scientists and inventors from different countries. right now the miracle of technology is on the air, fifth place in the traditional hit parade of scientific and technological news. in hot countries, there will probably be even more white buildings. it has long been known that this allows buildings to heat up less, but now we have figured out how to radically enhance the effect. scientists from hong kong have created a nanocoating that imitates the integument of one of the beetles and reflects 99.6% of solar radiation, which helps reduce air conditioning costs. the material itself is like the creators claim that it is inexpensive and resistant to environmental factors, unlike conventional white paints. its basis is aluminum oxide. by the way, students from the same hong kong recently won a prestigious international competition, proposing to use an even cheaper one for a similar purpose. into
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powder used glass bottle. this coating is also strong and reflects sunlight well. you are watching a miracle. technology, that's what happens next. amazing rays. how lasers help cut old ships, restore hearing and make coffee. coffee it's cooked, you can drink it. in the category miracle products. today is a service, gas injections. is it true that injecting carbon dioxide under the skin helps relieve pain, improve hair growth, and lose weight? the pain went away and hair began to grow more actively. as well as the best discoveries and inventions from all over the planet. the most interesting is yet to come. vascular disorders. blood clots, valicosis. poor blood vessels may be the cause of these health problems. the drug angion helps improve
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microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots, relieve inflammation and strengthen the walls vessels. angerm, keep the blood vessels normal. i look at it, i understand, i’m lost , i’m lost, nothing, nothing, i would listen, listen, a riddle, a fairy tale, and some kind of unknown of mine, avatar show, new season, today at 20:20, new season, tomorrow at 20: 00 on ntv. i'm the new nice active. when your back hurts, i easily penetrate to the source of pain and quickly disappear. it's time for training. meet the new nice active gel. will santa claus handle this? it will work, with
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a new year's loan from post bank there will be enough for everything. come for the money. post bank. this in winter especially for you. we are freezing prices. when connecting or switching to tele-2 tariffs, their price will be frozen for a long time. we are freezing tariff prices. you have a cough. i'm eifats, drink efats. liquefies mucus, facilitates coughing, reduces inflammation. euphacia - triple strength against cough. alice, turn on the timer for 5 minutes. she will hear your voice, even if the environment is noisy. i started the timer. alice, turn on the music. i turn it on. she will also like what you like. new yandex station midi - your favorite smart speaker with alice 60% on everything more important than words, with love from falcons, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we’re all in , we take out loans, but we got them quickly, up to 5 million, loans
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that everyone knows when a cold is gaining momentum, unvimax against symptoms and viruses, kryzhovnikova about the late eighties, when no one had money, but there was a word. i will teach you to love the street. the boy's word, blood on the asphalt, new. leon's new year's dream is 365 or more million prizes. it's time to play. iron logic. how are you? rustuda, i even us. we can handle it together. but first and booklin the two components reinforce each other, acting specifically against heat and pain. all. gave, together we are strength, double strength, ibuklin double strength against heat and pain, in exactly a second you will become their hero, all eyes will be fixed on you, your gift will not leave anyone indifferent, smart speaker vk capsule neo with stickers for children, stylish
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vkk capsule mini with an exquisite design for friends, a large vk capsule for yourself to control your smart home, marusya, dim the lights and enjoy. high-quality vk sound the capsule is the main gift of the year. vk is a meeting place. and here are our girls. twin dragons are a great idea. don't thank me. calm down, it’s hard not to notice our people. be sure where your loved ones are. geolocator and other security, communication and entertainment services, everything in the subscription is for the family. the first month is free, sign up. undress. we were found belain on your side, what’s the magic cashback, with a gazprom bank debit card, cashback up to 30% on marketplaces and supermarkets, i help with liver problems, i’m essential forte
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nн, tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on yandex market, russia, traditional, modern. technological, original, open, great, so different, but dear to everyone, all of russia. before your eyes, come to the international exhibition forum russia. genpheon light spray is green light. green light for my goals and plan and red light for viruses that might interfere with them. thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, genferon light prevents the proliferation of influenza viruses. at the point of their penetration. spray genpheon light strength. green light with
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the aroma of mint, you are looking at a miracle of technology, my name is sergey malozyomov, and now news from the world of science and technology, which took fourth place in our weekly hitporad, excess weight increases the risk of developing seventeen types of cancer, some by three to four times, this conclusion was made by scientists from the university of gothenburg, they analyzed data from one million swedish dollars. the conscripts are almost 40 years old and found that the presence of excess kilograms, even in a young man, is very increases the risk that in later life he will be faced with an oncological diagnosis, the likelihood of death also increases, while those who formally fall into the existing norm, at its upper limit, are also under threat. scientists believe that youth tables should be revised, and overweight people, starting in their youth, should undergo more frequent medical examinations in order to detect cancer. at an early stage, when we shine
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a laser pointer somewhere, we are amazed by the range and brightness, already offered for cars laser headlights, and there are many other, very interesting applications of this technology, which works real miracles, in what is happening now in the ports of the far east , it’s as if several works of science fiction are mixed at once, and the island of lost ships, and the hyperboloid of engineer garin and more a lot of stories about robots or aliens with laser guns. such weapons already exist and they are used not only for military purposes. for example, this development of scientists from troidsk burns metal from the shore the sides of rusty abandoned ships, which are now being cleared from the harbor. across the country, what gives the laser such superpowers? ordinary
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light, for example solar light, which has many different wavelengths mixed and there is no special concentration, can be compared to atomizing a liquid. it doesn't have much energy, it can't even dissolve the so-called sugar paper that cake decorations are made from. it’s a completely different matter if... this bundle is straightened out and compressed, then it’s capable of something more. the jet was able to punch a hole in the sugar paper due to concentration of water energy at one point. the laser also works only with light. the word itself stands for light amplification by stimulated emission in english. the point is this. a special
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device excites atoms using a pulse. they emit light energy, photons, which the device collects into a beam. the most important thing is that this beam consists of waves of the same length, which gives it such concentration and penetrating power. lots of applications. recently, nasa established laser communication with the interplanetary station psyche, located. 16 million kilometers from earth, that's about 40 times further than the moon. our regular expert, physicist vladimir reshetov, is a specialist in lasers, and loves to perform a magic trick; the last time he did this was during a trip to the north pole, using a pocket device to boil water using a beam. shvalina, you can drink it. everything is fine, now let's go for a swim. by the way, on the expedition
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vladimir nikolaevich took tablets with the name of our program engraved on them, so the miracle of technology is now at the north pole. the advent of lasers of course preceded by both the dreams of science fiction writers and the great work of scientists. the first real laser was created in 1960 by american physicist theodore maiman, and the path to mass application was paved by the joint work of soviet and american scientists, zhares alferov and herbert kremer. powerful laser systems today change the direction of lightning and even imitate processes occurring on earth. inside the sun or a black hole, such as at the scientific station being created in sorovye. but what is probably most pleasing and surprising is the use of miracle rays in medicine. scientists from the netherlands have created a device that makes injections painless. in it, the laser acts on the liquid, causing microexplosions in it, cavitation, increasing the pressure.
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a thin stream comes out like a needle and pierces the skin, a doctor... from sechinov university was the first in the world to cure otosclerosis with a blue laser. with this disease in the middle ear, the mobility of the smallest bone in our body - the stapes - is lost and the person becomes deaf. the laser precisely makes a hole in it and improves hearing, sometimes even returning it completely. it was amazing when i went out to the park for the first time, right here nearby. and i began to hear a dog... somewhere rustling and so on, it felt like you were some kind of superman, on the contrary, you began to hear everything around. the color of the laser is of great importance, usually in surgery they use infrared, with a wavelength of 10,000 nanometers, but here they used blue, which has only 450 nanometers. as a result, the device
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turned out to be much smaller and cheaper, not to mention the fact that such operations were previously carried out with conventional instruments at the risk of damaging, for example, the nearby vestibular apparatus, when we use lasers, we essentially evaporate this bone, yes, that is, in no case can it enter the internal labyrinth, this wavelength is reflected in the liquid and scattered and thus it also does not lead to blocking of the intralabyritic fluid, this is also a very important condition, because if the temperature of the intralabyritic fluid rises several degrees, this can ultimately also lead to death auditory hair cell. by collecting different wavelengths and shooting them at different targets, you can achieve useful effects and conduct interesting experiments. the laser heats and melts only those surfaces that absorb it; color is important here. look what happens if i direct the beam at a black ball that is inside a transparent one.
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only the black one burst, but the transparent one was unharmed, because such material does not block, but transmits the laser beam. the same property of the laser is also used during operations on tumors, when cancer cells are literally poisoned without damaging healthy ones. the scheme, for example, is as follows: introduce into the body a substance sensitive to the laser, which will accumulate precisely in the tumor. these substances are also not simple, when irradiated... they produce reactive oxygen species or other radicals, and what they do is that they oxidize the tumor from the inside, that is, they destroy it, while other tissues may be little affected. medicine, of course, is not the only application of miracle rays; lasers help restore works of art to create new ones, cinemas
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save money, and scientists make unusual discoveries, we will continue to surprise in a couple of minutes, you are watching a miracle of technology, this is what will happen after a short advertisement, section miracle products: what are gas injections, due to which they are supposed to relieve joint pain, make thick hair and rejuvenate the body. very often we see how the pain goes away literally on the needle. what does science know about injecting co2 under the skin? we gathered a whole council to decide. a miracle or not a miracle, as well as a continuation of the story about lasers, when they can be dangerous in everyday life, what miracles they work in space on earth, and the most amazing discoveries and inventions, leaders of the weekly news hit parade. friends, i want to share with you my joy, my
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new book, which i have been working on for more than a year, has come out of the printing house, it is called my rules of conscious awareness. nutrition, how science helps health and figure, is practically a detective story on a plate, dedicated to meat, bread, potatoes, milk, staple foods and drinks, right up to the very adults. i uncover historical mysteries, find traces of food in literature and art, and most importantly, i’m telling you what science has come to now, what do my personal rules for conscious eating consist of? happy reading, order online and ask in bookstores . this video lasts 20 seconds, it would seem so little, but not for a virus. orvi, once in the body, they begin to multiply, time works against us, but there is orbidol, it prevents the fusion of the virus with the cell and the mechanism of virus reproduction is disrupted. arbidog is ready to fight
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influenza viruses and other acute respiratory infections. create investment ideas, we at bcs thought we need an audit portfolio, free. professional advisors available throughout the country. and that’s why we not only have ideas, but also individual investment recommendations. go to bcs and get it. moscow, tel aviv, limosol, we have been citizens of the european union for many years. new secrets of the immigrant pugacheva and her agent galkin. mom will be in london on november 26th for a party with her friends. how did she leave behind in the mud in november and what do they say about it at the top? we won't take the maximum. he messed up a lot. who else has a spare stashed away? israeli passport? passport i. received when the world around me began to collapse and it became clear that i needed to protect myself from this , my family, who can run after bugacheva, you won’t get a ruble from me,
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remember, this is kozlovsky, alla ran away twice, today at 6:00 pm on ntv show avatar, new season, today at 20:20 on ntv, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for. we are at sofcom bank, we take out loans, and good ones quickly, we are at sofcom bank, up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, this winter especially for you, we are freezing prices communication, upon connection or switching to tele2 tariffs , their price will be frozen for a long time, we are freezing tariff prices, descend to a depth of 3,000 m, look at... from the height of satellite flight, feel the cold of permafrost, share the joy of sports victories, scientific discoveries to be at home, take an unusual
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virtual trip length of millions of years and thousands of kilometers, in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition at the russia moscow vdnkh forum from november 4, 2023 to april 12, 2024 , sale is very even with discounts of up to 8 choose three favorite categories in the magnet application and receive 10% bonuses. magic conditions, real interest rate up to 15.5% per annum on a savings account at gazprom bank. your money works and you receive additional income. withdraw and top up at any time. apply online at gazprombak. time to make your dreams come true. have your favorite coffee, now. new name, monarch, the same high quality and roasting of beans, the same pleasure in every
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cup, monarch - the same favorite taste aroma, one of my friends has a difficult relationship with internet, great blow, i’ll post it now, damn it, it’s the wrong file, there’s no way to cancel, artyom, it’s a megaphone, the number one mobile operator in terms of coverage speed is still flying, only for megaphone subscribers. polysorp is always with you, for poisoning, allergies, hangovers, it’s time to drink polysorp. in exactly a second you will become their hero. all eyes will be directed at you, your gift will not leave anyone indifferent. smart speaker vk capsule neo with stickers for children, stylish vk capsule mini with an exquisite design for friends. and a large vkk capsule for yourself to manage a smart home, marusya , dim the lights, enjoy high-quality sound, vk capsule is the main gift of the year, vk is a meeting place, i
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will teach you to love the street, turn it on, come on, don’t forget, our first evening, don’t forget, the boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, new product, well, there are credit card debts, what are the interest rates, do you need a handyman? you take out credit cards, transfer your debts to your home, divide them into 24 months, conveniently repay them, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, it’s easy with your money, why aren’t you in shape, i’m in the best shape of my life go, go where to get the form, what you need, now some fabulous rudeness has happened. for lawlessness, an honest person, for nothing , for nothing, and who are you? we are from the police, me too, a reckless driver, well then let's get closer to the point. anxiety
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can be treated with novelcazole. gradual release of the active substance. just one tablet per day. afabozole anxiety can and should be treated. the miracle of technology continues to reveal the secrets of lasers; they have even found their application in the field of art. in the laboratory of scientific restoration of precious and hermitage there are 17 lasers, which are used to weld, clean, cut and manufacture parts. there is a device for scanning and research, some of which were created for specific objects. the largest objects we have made are the tomb of alexander nevsky, it is one and a half tons, three special lasers were made for the restoration, these are thin chinese hairpins for...
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hair decorations woven from pure gold with precious stones, rubies, saffirs, decorated with mineral paints , for a very long time she was not theirs could be restored because it is very thin, the finest filigree, here the wire from which is woven is about 30 microns, that is , twice as thick as a human hair. every year, about 1,700 exhibits made of metal, bone, porcelain, unique technologies pass through the laboratory... developed so that people from different parts of the world can enjoy art, this is an object of optoclonation, and it is produced using a special machine in which three lasers, red, blue, green, focused at one point and further the image is transferred from the original glass, the glass is only 2 mm thick, there is an emulsion layer that is developed, fixed, and with a certain color it is unlikely to distinguish the original, the original object from
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the optocloned one. new art is also being created with the help of lasers. the itmo institute of laser technologies has organized a special workshop in st. petersburg, where they improve, for example, laser marking, when a beam transfers the desired image to metal by evaporating particles from its surface. image color depends on the degree of oxidation of the material under the influence of a light beam. vitmo is developing a real laser brush. with its help , the artist will be able to draw with a beam. on a metal plate, and the colors depend on the speed of hand movement, which is unusual for our brain; maybe the device will find its place not only in creativity, but in medical rehabilitation. i think that this can be useful, for example, in the treatment of diseases that are associated with some kind of defects in cerebral circulation or nerve connections. and the speech is not only
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about laser tag shooters, many cinemas are switching to laser projectors; they consume significantly less energy than lamp ones and have a lot of other advantages. you can use it for a much longer period of time, that is, we do not need to replace the lamp, we do not require constant daily maintenance, checking the coolant and other stories, and in fact, the brightness characteristics are much more improved. you may not have thought about it, but we constantly use laser technologies in everyday life: modern tape measures and printers, hair removal devices and data transmission via fiber optics, but how do cats love these rays? by the way, are household pointers dangerous? professor vladimir veshitov dismantled one of them. here is a thin crystal and from this tip the very beam flies out, which the lens focuses and it
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becomes like this quasi. the power of this pointer is low, so, fortunately, in reality it is not capable of harming either the human eye or the cat's, although of course we can test it on ourselves or someone else we don't recommend it. more dangerous lasers , meanwhile, are hiding in other home appliances. if you pick up a laser, generally look at what hazard class it belongs to, and keep in mind that , strange as it may seem, even ordinary dvd players like these are best not to look at. for those people who have complete vision correction, if the eye focuses lader radiation at exactly one point on my retina, then most likely it will be damaged. and lastly, low-power green lasers often help scientists uncover the secrets of the world around us. in with their help, the university of colorado studied splashes when flushing the toilet and found that they sometimes spread as much as 2 meters around. conclusion: before you drain the water, do not
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forget to lower the roof. laszers, of course, will surprise us more than once. for example, with their help, researchers have almost learned to decipher the structures of protein molecules , which promises a real revolution in biology, medicine and pharmaceuticals, miracle rays are saving lives now, and they will do this on an even larger scale, a real example of how science and technology can improve the world around us, making it more comfortable, safer and healthier, these are miracle technologies, throughout the entire issue we have a hit parade of news of the week, now the third. place, manufacturers of electric air taxis have begun a serious attack on the commuter transportation market, which is now occupied by helicopters. in new york, journalists were shown how quiet one of
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the new models can be compared to traditional rotorcraft. those gathered were reportedly able to talk quietly in in the immediate vicinity of a five-seater aircraft hovering nearby. present. at the event, the mayor of new york announced that the helicopter airport a couple of blocks from wall street is planned to be transferred to servicing such machines in the future. next in our issue, the section on miracle products. how does carboxytherapy work? why inject carbon dioxide under the skin, and does it really heal the entire body? and also the top lines of the top five world scientific and technological news. what we found most interesting this week. all episodes of miracle technology, live food, as well as our scientific investigations can be viewed at any time on the website, as well as on rutube. and a lot of additional materials,
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articles, short videos, recipes await you on my pages on all popular social networks. in zen, vkontakte, odnoklassniki, telegram, enter into the search, sergey malozyomov, subscribe and immerse yourself in the world. interesting useful stories, by the way, there are also audio podcasts, watch, listen and read, wherever it is convenient for you, renaostp helps fight the runny nose at an affordable price, and rinnostr is active from 25 seconds, everyone has their own rennostop, it seems to me that everyone in my family is real wizards, my mother is a hypnotist, one look, they sell her everything in the store, and my dad can talk tv, fireworks, turn on cartoons, and in general everything in the house, fireworks, turn off the lights, and grandpa
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has almost learned to see people at any distance, i can see you well, and my older sister got a manicure just for thank you, and grandma will have an effect on her self-care, where did she get that's all, when i grow up, i will too sorceress, i have already learned the main spell of the sberbanks, today we are working in the house of football player evgeniy smertin, such a large collection of plates, where is it all from, most of them, where i was, where i played... how do you fit in here? sometimes we eat in batches, we are ready for changes for the better. as i understand it, we attach the terrace to the living room, not the living room, kitchen, dining room, because there is no living room there, we end up with a mixture where a classic wooden house and
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modern forms, yes, but at the same time naturalness and naturalness are not lost, harmony in nature, the dacha response creates a kitchen-living room in eco-style. eco-style basically means... the use of natural materials, natural wood, which is present in chairs, furniture, even, well, the sofa is also lined with a natural basis, dacha answer, today at 12:00 on ntv. balabol, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, we take out loans, easy to apply for, we are at sofcombank, we take out loans, and good quickly, we are at sofcombank, loans, everyone knows, in exactly a second you will become their hero, all eyes will be directed at you, your gift will not leave anyone indifferent, the smart speaker vk capsule neo with stickers for children,
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the stylish mini vk capsule with an exquisite design for friends, and the large vk capsule for yourself to control your smart home, marusya, dim the lights, ready to enjoy high-quality sound, vk-capsule is the main gift of the year for vkk. the meeting place, a crime drama with zhora kryzhovnikova about the late eighties, when no one had money, but there was a word. i will teach you to love the street. blood on the asphalt, new products, all the luxury of france in every touch of art noir. immerse yourself in pure pleasure and enjoy the richness of 100% arabica coffee. allow yourself more scart noar. if you have a hobby, go to oog. you can find inspiration in the therapy service. what if something... went wrong, get expert answers, share
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your hobbies with like-minded people, everything about your hobbies on okru. magic conditions - real rate, up to 15.5% per annum on a savings account at gazprom bank. your money works and you receive additional income. withdraw and top up at any time. apply online at gazprom bank - time to make dreams come true. stars. today immediately after the avatar show on ntv. the soviet union is the country of our childhood. we fondly remember going to demonstrations, pioneer detachments, songs around the fire and friendly subbotniks. we are proud of our common homeland, its endless fields, labor exploits and scientific achievements. we come from a country with a great heritage. in honor of the centenary of the founding of the ussr, imperial coin. the court issued a commemorative medal covered in pure gold.
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collective farm workers against the backdrop of the rising sun represent faith in a bright future. the five-pointed star is framed by oak and laurel branches - symbols of the valor of glory. order a commemorative medal covered with pure gold for only 990 rubles by calling toll-free 880068-05 or on the website 100medal.rrf. keep your pride in the great country of the show avatar - new season today at 20:20 on ntv. there are already four unsolved cases hanging over you. let's clear it out slowly. mayor, guard mayor mounted motorized operational search troops. what do you mean man? oh, oh, isn’t this accounting? well, sorry, i missed it, probably turn it off. i give you a fang, the uncle who
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is inside is the one who is needed, hands up, the sniper is working. balabol, new season, it 's you, me, tomorrow at 20:00, hands, in the fight between the cunning strong, the unpredictable to win, premiere on ntv. greetings to everyone who has just joined us, i am sergei malozyomov, a miracle of technology is on air right now, the silver medalist of our competition for the most important scientific and technological news of the week. an incredible stir among gadget lovers was caused by news from san francisco, local the company presented a device that promises nothing less than to replace the smartphone. this is a device that, like a brooch , is attached to clothing using magnets and is a mini-computer capable of instantly translating foreign speech,
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performing a search, and most importantly, thanks to artificial intelligence, communicating with the owner not through commands, but simply through normal human conversation . this is exactly how, by saying what you want, you can make calls and write emails and messages, and the gadget will offer corrections and additions, and so on. the sound from the speakers is directed into your ears or transmitted to headphones via bluetooth, but if there is a need to see some kind of picture, it can be projected onto any surface, even the palm, so that others don’t think that you are constantly filming them, the camera lights up a light bulb when it starts working. the main question now is whether all this will really be more convenient in practice than the touch screen we are now familiar with. well, now it’s time for miracle goods. this is a section dedicated to devices and services whose advertising promises real... miracles , what is true and what is not so true, we find out with all
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scientific certainty, carbon dioxide bubbles make lemonades fizzy, the same substance is found in fire extinguishers, our body gets rid of it with each exhalation, all this is generally known, but here is something less obvious: in some clinics they offer to inject co2 directly under the skin, the procedure is called carboxytherapy, it is used for rejuvenation, weight loss, pain relief, spasms, hair loss and chronic venous deficiency, using an injector apparatus, a specialist inserts a needle and delivers a small portion. adherents of the method claim that it is 100% safe. nothing can go wrong, it's a gas that you can't overdose on, you can't be allergic to carbon dioxide, because it's around us, it's inside us. indeed, in surgery , during operations on internal organs
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, this particular gas is used as the safest. they create volume in the abdominal cavity to make it easier for the doctor to work. learning action: as practitioners explain carboxytherapy cosmetologists, when co2 is introduced , the body responds, it tries to get rid of the suffocating carbon dioxide cells, pumps in fresh blood, dilating blood vessels and improving the supply of oxygen. as a result, so many pluses are born, in south korea, according to press reports, producers even force pop stars to take gas injections in order to achieve fashionable thinness. some... with characteristic bruises from injections. siberian natalya shapovalova learned about the method in a sanatorium, where she was prescribed 10 such sessions for joint pain at the same time i was prescribed injections into the head for hair growth. one procedure cost 100 rubles. natalia did not have time to complete the entire course, but only three times
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were enough to notice the result. the pain is gone, that’s just the everyday pain that i had in my joints, my hair began to grow more actively, it’s voluminous, i can move, my hair is shiny, but is this really the effect of carboxytherapy and not flocebe? check the procedure on yourself, dog handler mikhail menshikov volunteered, he was interested in the promises that co2 could relieve pain, he trains dogs every day, runs and jumps with them in any weather, but if it's cold or humid outside, then it's not the four-legged student who starts whining, but mikhail's left ankle... at the age of 17, he was diagnosed with post-traumatic arthrosis. but it is unprofitable to perform the operation, there is a high probability that after this i will definitely not be able to walk on my own, so walk while you can. it happens that i forget about something , yes, it was unsuccessful, that’s all,
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i was out for several hours, so i always have a stick with me in the car, so that, if anything happens, i can take it and hobble around with it. when. becomes unbearable, mikhail injects himself anti-inflammatory drugs and tries to run every day, after such loads, strangely enough, he feels relief, will gas injections give results, at the beauty clinic mikhail was prescribed a course of ten procedures with a total cost of 20,000 rubles. as the cosmetologist said, the effect will be noticeable almost immediately. we will provide you with fairly good conditions for eliminating pain, without taking any medications, but very often we see how the pain goes away literally on the needle ; interestingly, we did not conduct any examination on the patient, although the procedure actually has contraindications are ischemic heart disease and kidney problems and infections , the doctor, focusing on mikhail’s complaints
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, decided to inject gas into the lower back and legs, the sensations are different from ordinary injections when the drug is administered, it seems that we are being burned by nettles, but again , this is one and a half to two seconds. the whole procedure took about 10 minutes, and on the same day mikhail really felt better. in principle, i don’t feel any pain in my left joint, which is my most painful one, but what will happen next? we asked our hero to talk about everyone changes, and we will definitely share them with you. in general, of course, we were alarmed by the ease with which this procedure began to be done everywhere. are there even masters, the person who issues certificates for teaching this procedure, talked to the injections? now, if i don’t have a medical education, after the course it will be enough for me to then practice the procedure, if you know how to give injections, then of course it is advisable for you to give
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your hand, because there are some nuances that will give you a much better result, about 30 percent to 4 but even if the procedure is performed by a well-trained specialist, will it give results? what does science know? at our request, the existing research and medical practice of using carboxytherapy were studied by cosmetologist and dermatovenerologist asya sidelnikova and orthopedic traumatologist andrey panov. let 's try to separate myths from what is reliably known, well, right away i will show you a fragment that concerns back pain. this method will be suitable for vertebrogenic syndromes of any origin, relieving pain, relieving spasms, improving tissue nutrition, this is always the path to recovery. with a hernia , pinching will help , carboxytherapy will not affect the hernia in any way, unfortunately, because
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so far there is no method that could, in principle, remove a hernia, other than surgical treatment, but - carboxytherapy in this case is only a symptomatology, well relieved the pain temporarily, that’s it, vertebrogenic pain syndromes, and some kind of combined stenosis of the spinal canal, well, what are we going to do, we can’t remove it compression from the root in no way, a rush of blood to the site of carbon dioxide injection may indeed briefly reduce the pain, but this does not solve the problem: by eliminating the symptoms of the disease, you can start it. according to doctors, it is better not to waste time, you need to undergo an examination and begin to act on the cause, but what is known about the results of using carboxytherapy in aesthetic medicine? after the first procedure, the patient may sometimes call to say that already this morning it was fastened to another... hole in the belt, the statements are very loud, obesity is a disease, and of course, no carboxytherapy will help get rid of
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obesity if the patient continues to lead the same lifestyle that he led. the american academy of dermatology conducted studies in which carboxytherapy actually helped reduce belly fat after five procedures, but the body weight of the subjects did not change and, as dr. sidelnikova says in cosmetology... some gas injections really only work in combination with other procedures and drugs for wrinkles, for example, botulinum therapy is much more proven to help; gas injections alone will not cure anything for a long time. if we follow our slightly humorous terminology, is carboxytherapy a miracle or not a miracle? not a miracle, no, not a miracle, for siberian natalia shapovalova, who did carboxytherapy in a sanatorium, the effect was short-lived, but it did not last long, unfortunately, for a month, and then again it all returned to pain, and
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somehow the hair faded, and the dog handler mikhail the very next day after the procedure, again i felt the same as before, day two, ran 100-200 meters and yet the pain returned to understand whether it makes sense to continue the gas... we took our hero to another clinic for a comprehensive examination , it turned out to be bad. the destruction of your bones has already begun; in the future , this may lead to you losing the ability to walk. in mikhail’s case, the injections should be different, with more serious drugs that improve blood circulation. it might be better to have surgery altogether. in general, carboxytherapy although it’s not a dummy, you definitely shouldn’t expect magic from it. next week we will conduct a new series of tests, honestly, because we ourselves are interested. all i have left
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to tell you is the main secret, which discovery or invention i decided to put in first place in the top five of this week. attention to the screen. hidden inside the earth are huge fragments of another ancient planet that crashed into ours approximately. years ago. this hypothesis, based on the modeling carried out , was expressed by scientists from the california institute of technology. they tried explain the anomalies observed at the boundary of the core and lower layers of the mantle of the earth; there are, as if two giant continents, consisting of unusual gates. according to the new version, these are the remains of the planet theeia, which was the size of mars. colliding with the earth, it caused the moon to break off, and itself plunged into ours. subsoil, then still molten and liquid, the authors of the work say that their model explains the observed and still incomprehensible seismic phenomena,
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but the influence of thea on the early evolution of the earth has yet to be seriously assessed. watch next week at the same time. maybe it's time for you to buy a new alarm clock; which of the modern models really charge you with energy for the whole day, and which ones only harm you. universal houses. is it possible to pump up muscles with their help and lose weight in the category miracle products: a portable coffee maker that works in the car, in nature, with powder, with capsules, a miracle or not a miracle, and the hot five best discoveries and inventions from around the world, the brightest footage of the week, the miracle of technology is broadcast, as always on sunday at 11 am on ntv. and now on... on your screens is a weekly quiz question: just test yourself or answer by reading the qr code with your smartphone and
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following the link, choose the correct answer and you... one of my books, which contains many interesting scientific discoveries about healthy food, safe life, health promotion , there are delicious recipes, winners are determined every month, among those who gave at least one correct answer, and the more hits, the higher the chances, drawings and discussion of the correct answers on the pages of our program in popular social networks, and for those who will win we will call you right away, so don't forget to enter your phone number after you answer, voting: finished, the correct answer is on your screens, thanks to everyone who participated, next question in a week.
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hello everyone, this is a dacha answer, i’m ilya zapadents, today we are working in the house of football player evgeniy smertin, next to me is the architect and designer of the project, elena paunich, hello, hello, lena, i know that in serbia, where you come from, there is a powerful football culture ? in fact, as a girl, i know little about football, but there is a culture in our country where when you are born, you spend your entire life supporting the football club for which your parents support. so i support the partisans, all i know about football is that’s all, that ’s enough, the theme of football will somehow be illustrated today in the interior, when meeting our wonderful heroes, i discussed this topic, and since there are a lot of them in the life of football, they said categorically, there is no need to integrate it, but my interior turns out to be in beck’s style, which is suggested by the very
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position of the house and the landscape and the small ones. such raisins are added, which we will see later. for now, let's pass the ball to our heroes. bronze medalist of the championships of the soviet union and russia evgeny smertin and his youngest son arseny attack the team of his eldest son zhenya and his girlfriend anya. there's a gate over there. side judge, wife elena. evgeniy has experience in the country, more than 150 matches as part of dynamo moscow. daughters-in-law cheerfulness resourcefulness, sometimes a full football team, 11 people, gathers on this country field, when the eldest daughter michelle arrives with her husband and two children, elena's son from her first marriage valery, also with his family, evgeniy's younger brother alexey also drops by, his name is well known
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to football fans, for many years he played for the national team... chelsea, bordeaux and other famous clubs. his sons were brought into the sport by their father, gennady ivanovich, a guy from the village of shillabolikha, who passionately dreamed of joining the national team, and eventually became a legendary coach. he didn’t have any methods, nothing, he worked, let ’s say so according to naitei, but he replaced it with fanaticism, we didn’t have childhood, we didn’t have studies, we didn’t have anything, we had training, but again we are grateful, probably to our father, not probably, but grateful. because he shot, shot almost two boys who became football players who achieved a certain level, eugene did not insist that his sons continue the dynasty, but his daughter michelle trained to be a referee and sometimes referees children's football matches, he himself coaches young people at my home club, i ’m doing what i love, my wife caught me thinking that after a rest of, say, two
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weeks, i want to go to work, she still i complained to a friend, she said, mine wants to go to work, so... elena worked as the head of the personnel department in large companies, and now she has focused her energy on her family and her beloved dacha. it took the dead 14 years to turn the neglected site into a resort. as a leader, i know how to delegate and organize. therefore, of course, they are not bored with me, everyone is plowing. together - we are force. there are no beds here, only one neat greenhouse. but the lawn is a subject of care and pride. perfectly level, as for the country house, it’s a former bathhouse, probably owned by a russian man, he always aims for more and starts construction with a bathhouse, why? well, i don’t know why, but when the bathhouse is already built, then you move there and think that now you will build the main house, and then this bathhouse turns into the main house, because when construction begins, the money runs out, the mortals did a lot to the bathhouse would
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be comfortable to live in, the kitchen and living room would be placed in the steam room, but the initial data is not the most brilliant: the ceilings are low, the rooms are small, oh, there’s a wall of honor here right away, yes, something like some kind of memory. somewhere you walk in, you remember, even these boots , these are a rarity, they don’t play like that anymore, they were probably played by our generation and before our generation, how many years are captured here, if in total your career, if you take it from your mother in your arms, then years there’s a lot captured here, but are you the little one? yes, of course, my dad, when he trained me, the grove was huge, but there is not a single tree that i would not beat with some kind of feint thousands of times, your first opponents were generally birches, my first opponent was this there was a staircase birch and the coach is scary, dad, creepy , that is, in the hallway in the kitchen there are a lot of memorabilia, such a large collection of plates,
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where is it all from, most of them are where i was, where i played, the torch is my brother, he ran with it at the olympics , you see, it was even on fire, and since i’m the eldest, i expropriated it, that’s right, that’s the advantage of the older brother, i noticed that the space is cramped, right? in fact, that’s why we turned, the dacha answer. for example, you have a large bed here, this is the most popular option on kitchen, why? there is no queue at the stove, i have an exclusive place there, and everyone who is most often on the bed is here with pleasure, anya, zhenya or arseny, well, we all always fight for this place, but there, in fact, it is the king of the hill, we happen we can fit three of us in there, and sometimes we go to bed there because the rooms are all occupied, how do you fit a kitchen in such a dining room? whoever sat down there ate it, they say, on the stairs, for example, like
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this with laptops, a trump spot, they won’t offend dough, but it’s understandable, besides you’re sitting like that, here eat, eat, eat, you don’t even look at it, in fact there are enough problems here, it’s dark, even on a sunny day i’m here... always in the light, there’s a summer terrace, yes, an important room for you, in general or what? well, the summer in moscow is not so important, actually, it’s short in moscow , we sit there at most three or four times, five times, at most, part of our visit, maybe the first, it seems to be comfortable, beautiful, but not not functional, because in the summer it’s very it's hot, it'll get a little colder, it's cold there, so everyone's here anyway, but you have to be honest, i’m so relaxed , i stopped fantasizing, you think everything will be decided for us , we are ready for changes, for the better, but
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the truth is the colors, yes, it’s very important to note, you shouldn’t burn out your eyes, burn out your eyes, yes, i think , that we will rely on this thesis during today’s release of the entire program, the main thing is that... it burns out your eyes. len, as i understand it, we are connecting the terrace to the living room. not the living room, kitchen, dining room, because there is no living room there, the house is wooden, can we destroy this wall? calm down because she's not constructive, the only constructive elements, here this is the place where the brows intersect, again i will remember this word, pereru.


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