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tv   Sledstvie veli  NTV  December 3, 2023 5:00pm-6:01pm MSK

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and they said the nato one doesn’t burn, it burns, it burns so hard that you can put out the horseradish, a river flows from the distance, 51,579,56 355. a small journalistic experiment: we order loaders from the grozavu company simultaneously in moscow and krasnodar. minimum 2 hours delivery with car loaders, cost 2,400 rubles. the following hours of work at your teresa are calculated as 1,200 rubles every hour. well, that is, in 2 hours we will manage 2,400, yes, do i understand correctly? yes, and this includes loading, unloading, everything together and in place. after 20. before
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loading, you must sign the contract itself, fill in your fio and address by hand, initially there is only a stamp on the document and the price is where it ends, we come to the yard to count. meanwhile, in moscow, for one sofa, five boxes and a kilometer of travel, they are already ready to announce the amount to us. what was the final amount? the final price, as we have seen, consists of two components. every step, confidence in your impunity, in the krasnodar version its price is 12,000, you have some kind of debts, but no, no, there will be campaigns, companies will be sued, but litigation comes rarely, firstly, it’s a waste of time, and secondly, there’s a chance, albeit small, to change roles with the defendant, because the customer can file a counterclaim and prove the enslaving deal, and what was your record for price gouging?
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maybe you have some records of your own, well, let’s answer for your words , like a man, but what are you doing like a man now, of course, but yes, and what you ’re doing like a man, you’re deceiving people, a man is deceiving, i’m saying, i’m actually saying , i came and showed you the prices, i showed you the price list by which i will calculate, you deceiver you are seriously not serious and should work for free, i say i’m ready to pay 2400 how much was agreed upon meanwhile, victims from different regions of the country decided to unite into a community to still try to bring the unscrupulous businessman to justice, gigabytes of video from entrance surveillance cameras, mobile phones and car recorders, doubts the carrier is not abandoned with malicious intent. do not sign blank forms,
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read every line of the service agreement, pay special attention to small details font in the document, the devil, as you remember , is hidden in the details, well, turn on your mobile camera, if the agreement is oral, these simple rules will help you save money, or things, depending... at what stage you will encounter problems, and at the next prosperous , or i hope, seeing the business of david grozov, we will follow, we will publish the results in the same place where the victims wrote in the pvp telegram channel. and andrei kunitsin was with you, you have the right to defend yourself and those who are dear to you, until we meet.
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right now leonid konevsky is not shedding, sasha, an obvious but mysterious story, this is not just an emergency, but a murder, love until the grave, if she dies, then i won’t live either, and the coffin for my beloved was made for her. at least 18 blows , when the bride is old enough to be a mother, and from passion to hatred, a step from the balcony, a case of love fever, and desperate stupidity, in the film from the series of investigations were conducted, i firmly decided to quit drinking, right this friday, my beautiful madam, look, right now.
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eighty-five, moscow region, city of odintsovo, that day, near one of the houses an ambulance stopped on govorova street, felsher went to see a patient whose blood pressure had suddenly risen, the driver was bored in the cab, when suddenly the glass was banged on, it was a guy with a crazy look, covered in scratches, clothes covered in blood, his right arm in a cast. hurry, there's a woman there, what happened? i think i killed her. the driver rushed to help without hesitation. within a few minutes
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, a woman was loaded onto a stretcher near a neighboring house. and that same guy kept saying things. this is me, this is all me. that's all in this case. everything was obvious: suspect, sincere confession , the victim was a middle-aged woman, but her life was hanging by a thread, he was right there with his hands and feet, what happened here, poor vadik, but for some reason the neighbors felt sorry not for the wounded woman, but for the guy who took the blame upon himself, she's old enough to be his mother. it was a strange story, a real drama, about unequal love, painful dependence, and desperate stupidity.
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the wounded woman was brought to the hospital unconscious, there were no breathing pulses, were they really too late? this means that this is not just an emergency, but a murder. hastily approaching the patient, the resuscitator was surprised. luda? everyone knew this woman in the hospital, she worked here as a doctor, and now she found herself here, as
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a patient, almost hopeless. but there was still a chance to start the heart again. to the intensive care unit, quickly. and then, getting married. the same guy, she will live, the resuscitator pulled away, if she dies, then i won’t live either, the police arrived, the guy was led to the exit to be taken in for questioning, he did not resist, then the detectives did not yet know what drama was hidden behind everyone these events. a year ago, lyudmila. that day, vadim noticed how a sweet woman unsuccessfully tried to call a pay phone on a street telephone, vadim’s heart skipped a beat. didn't get through, huh? no, then he said that
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i had a landline phone at home and invited her to go with him to his house to call. in 1985 , senior investigator of the odintsovo city prosecutor's office. in vadim’s apartment , the woman quickly got through, then looked around, something in her throat was dry. he immediately took the hint and took out a bottle of wine he had saved for holiday. a couple of hours later they were already talking like an old friend. vadim was fascinated by her beauty and maturity, how much. she is years old, i am 30, luda unbuttoned the top button of her blouse, i am beautiful, he lost the gift of marriage, she demanded, then kiss me, eighty-
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five, moscow region, odentsova city. the first interrogation of the detainee, a young man , vadim silin, takes all the blame on himself, he is absolutely sober, but his behavior does not look quite adequate, he is strong, he cries, then... begs to be told that his beloved is alive, this is the refrain constantly sounded to him that without his beloved he was no longer a stranger in this world. sergei kholodov, historian, author of books about the soviet police. the interrogation was still underway when a message was received from the hospital. despite the efforts of doctors, the woman died. having learned about this, the young man was stupefied and at the same time
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could not clearly explain what happened on that fateful day. the investigation is collecting information about vadim silin. he is 24 years old, after school he entered the rocket school, but he quit and went into the army, served, and entered again this time at the moscow institute of management, in the evening department, worked as a supply engineer, member of the komsomol, single, previously unconvicted. from all sides, a positive citizen of the country of the soviets, how he got involved in this story, and whether he is a murderer, he told everything with his sincerity, or maybe stupidity, that it was he who did it, experienced detective-researchers sometimes encounter such strange persons when a person comes to them in a state of effect and says that it was he who committed some kind of crime, especially a serious one, by deed a version arises that this is a self-incrimination , they decide to interrogate silin again when
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he comes to his senses, but here there is a turn in the story, sport is the first medicine against stress, so now, when you do morning exercises, remember when playing sports , you not only strengthen your muscles, you increase your tone, 1, 2, 3, 4, training pants, sweatpants, soviet people had no idea, how can you give such a name to the pants in which you most often lay on the couch, most likely this is not sweatpants, and sloths, that's right, sloths are pants in which it’s most comfortable to sit, and especially to lie on the sofa, the return, of course, is to work in the garden, go on a hike or... for these purposes, sweatpants were used most often, in the gym they
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were used much less often, except for schoolchildren in physical education lessons, don’t be lazy, sasha, one, two, three, four, another thing, the fabric, pure cotton jersey, without gramosynte, so the trousers quickly stretched, there are bubbles on the knees that are so familiar to everyone. it was these trainings that played a role in our history. detainee vadim silin was placed in an isolation cell temporary content. the sweatpants were left behind. he shouldn't walk around in his cell with his shoes on. the guy waited until nightfall and made a noose out of his sweatpants. neighbour. the camera noticed the problem too late, what are you doing?
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a security guard came running at the noise, the two of them took down the hanged man and began to give him artificial respiration , he was breathing, he was strong, in a matter of minutes he was taken to the medical unit in a coma , it turns out that vadim was not bluffing when he claimed that he would not live if his beloved died, how much a strong feeling connected... him with this woman, lyudmila, that day she brought vadim to visit, there was love for dinner , then, looking at the clock, the woman became worried, soon her daughter would come, the lock of the front door clicked, the lovers barely had time to put on their clothes, vadim sharashina entered the room looked at my beloved, this is your daughter,
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she smiled bitterly, she is 22, and i am 42, the door is over there, vadim fell to his knees in front of her, age is not important to me, she grabbed a knife from the table and raised it over her wrist, if you leave me, i i'll kill myself, eighty 5: moscow region, city of odentsova. the data from the forensic medical examination has arrived. the cause of death of lyudmila yatsenko was traumatic cerebral edema. the criminal simply beat the woman with his hands and feet. in total, he struck her at least eighteen blows, including at least 15 blows to the head. what happened? the killer's cruelty is beyond belief.
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was all this really done by the guy who swore that he didn’t want to live without help? detectives found out that vadim silin and lyudmila yatsenko had been in a serious relationship for more than a year. lyudmila. that day, vadim invited her to visit. mother set the table. meet my fiancee. there was an oppressive silence, son, go to the kitchen, bring salt. vadim left, and the woman approached people. have you gone crazy in your old age? luda reached for the bottle, pouring herself some wine and calmly replied: “we love each other.” he's already mine. the women
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glared at each other, it was clear that this was the beginning of the war. in the soviet years , narcologists were afraid that if they suspected something, they would put them on the register, or even worse, send them to a medical treatment facility for compulsory treatment. before the worst comes, they are brought here to the labor treatment center for treatment. but sometimes people voluntarily decided to part with theirs. i’m listening to you, doctor, i firmly decided to stop drinking right this friday, on friday to stop drinking, my friend, you don’t need to see a narcologist, but a psychiatrist, now this man is sober, acute alcoholic hallucinosis and delirium tremens, the result of chronic binge drinking, darling, who
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forces you to drink literally every day, no one does me... i'm a volunteer! in 1985, the struggle began in the soviet union with drunkenness, from now on you could end up with a drug addiction specialist just once if you ended up in a sobering station. i drink too much, please help me, i’ll be happy to help you, honey. there will be less for two. in our history there was a similar narcologist. vadim and lyudmila, he sat in her kitchen and complained, mom is against their love, only you understand me, she poured him a glass of vodka and suddenly she was taken aback, we need to part, how to part, you ’re too small for me, just a boy,
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i’ll soon become old woman, and you will stop loving me. vadim grabbed the entire bottle. he drank a good half of it in one gulp, then fell to his knees. marry me, after a few minutes he got carried away, drooling drunkenly, he continued to talk about eternal love. eighty 5, moscow region, city of odentsova. detectives collected information about the deceased. lyudmila yatsenko got married a year later, she was already a mother, but family life did not work out, in short, someone cheated on someone, either she, or her husband, they separated, the woman raised her daughter alone and raised her, after a divorce , luda lived with daughter, worked in a hospital, first as a therapist, then as a narcologist, colleagues also spoke ambiguously about the woman, they were
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too partial to the male sex, but no one provided details. who specifically told you about this? i don’t know, there were rumors , you know, and three or four people were interrogated, each of whom spoke about it, you know, so maybe everything in this story is not as clear as it seems at first glance? and then new information appeared in the case: you are mine, you swore, you want, i will give everything, my beautiful lady, a piercing detective from
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a cycle of investigations was conducted, with leonid konevsky , what we write, the truth is just the truth, continued in a few minutes on ntv, how to feed 100 people, this should be exactly how to lose weight for winter, well, we are ready to become better, if you are looking for a video, you will find it narube, avatar show, mine, i’m for you, this is my favorite character, and i forbid you to guess him, an artist who has long proven everything to everyone, i ’ve been waiting for you. the number is wonderful, the song is wonderful, today you are the best, i would listen to
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it forever, avatar show, new season, now we will click avatars like nuts, today at 20:20 on ntv, balabol. new season tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, and also a lubik cube, a game board, a putter, and santa claus will pull it all, pull it, with a new year's loan from the post bank there will be enough for everything, but where is your list, come for the money, post bank , a magical transformation of your bedroom with florence bed linen. wonderful discounts and a large selection, choose wildburys, you sleep with kesha, and you also sleep with him, we are all spimsky, they are so different, but still they are
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the legendary malaysian root tankat, which has been used for centuries for male attractiveness. this natural aphrodisiac increases physical endurance and fills with masculine energy. the pleasure can last as long as you want it, and even more. and so close nothing should stop you, the symbol of male success and maximum sexual energy. get tankali premium right now for free, find out how by calling: 8800 2009 456. all conversations are confidential. avatar show new season, today at 20.20 on ntv, a ten-year-old boy is taller than his dad, his height is 175 cm, and his weight is 140 kg, he loves to eat with us, while
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mom and dad are at work, a fourth-grader gorges himself on shawarma, fries his own cutlets and cooks dumplings, my parents give me money, well, they don’t know that i buy sharma, let ’s cook cutlets, you already you know how, yes, juicy, tasty, a lot of spices to curb their son’s appetite, parents have to hide food from him, there’s a refrigerator in the garage, so they have to put most of the meat there so that he doesn’t fry it, doesn’t eat it, that’s it, who’s the wine? so what should you do to stop a student from gaining weight? every mother wants her child to be healthy. they tell him: lose weight, but the child’s task is overwhelming, this task must be solved by the parents. this is beyond, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv, the legend returns, the same one which was brewed from 100% malt.
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the same taste. which the whole country loved. baltika 3 non-alcoholic. taste the revived taste. in the eighty-fifth year, a strange crime occurs in the moscow region. a real drama, and unequal love, a woman is beaten to death. this is not just an emergency, but a murder. a young lover confesses to the crime. incredibly, the young man is fit to be her son, if he dies, then i won’t live either, the detectives find out, the couple was connected by a painful passion, for some reason the neighbors felt sorry for the unwounded one, and the guy who took the blame on himself, is everything so clear in this story, a version arises that this is self-incrimination. new circumstances appear in the case. unlike
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a regular tournament, where the winner is rewarded, here the loser is punished, however, for the sake of such punishment, many people flock here to swim in the warm sea. eh, i wish i could go on vacation now. somewhere by the sea, oh, the sea in yalta, oh, palm trees in yalta, soviet people went to the beach only in the summer to the resorts of the black sea, gagra, sochi, yaalta, in august, yes, you’re in your mind, but there is more space on the bus at rush hour, more than 8 million people annually vacation on vouchers of trade unions in the most massive
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organization, working in these palace sanatoriums. and this smell of silk acacia, equiparis, and an abundance of fruit. the smells are free, the prices for fruits are the same as in moscow and even higher. vacationers do not skimp, and market traders know this very well. but i still only have vacation in november. this is where we had to start. and only paris, beaches, fruits. soviet. by hook or by crook they sought a vacation in summer months, this played a role in our story, the detectives found out that last summer vadim and lyuda went on vacation to pitsunda, the couple enjoyed the gentle sea, visited the fabulously beautiful lake ritsa, after 9 days vadim was forced to return home, he left, but his beloved remained , having met
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immediately after silin’s departure some peasant named zhora. after lyuda returned, vadim came to her house and found her guest. who is this? it seemed like a new friend. what is he doing here? the impudent guest is condescending looked at the guy and deepened his voice. why are you such a nervous student? luda hastened to intervene. let's drink to getting to know each other. i told you that i can’t live without you. in despair, vadim jumped out onto the balcony, raised his leg over the railing, and then a strong hand grabbed his back, the insolent guest pulled vadim away from the railing, shook him hard, if you twitch again, i ’ll vaccinate you myself, the guy started sobbing, and luda hugged him, what a you are my fool,
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moscow region, city of odentsovo, detectives found out that in the last six months the relationship between lyudmila and vadim'. were angry, he tried to figure it all out, tried to figure it out, it made him sick, he began to pursue her, it turned out that a new acquaintance had appeared in the woman’s life, just a friend, the detectives doubted, knowing the broad soul of the people, one could assume that this was a new chosen one, that what a nervous student, but he wasn’t at the funeral; the investigation didn’t even know who he was. we only managed to find out from a friend: the man came to people on the eve of her death. i'm a glutton. most likely, georgi, what if this person is related to the crime. find
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in a huge country of a man named zhora, without having any other information about him, well, almost a utopia. and then zhora himself. the post office has made itself known, it is expected in every home, in every family; delivering correspondence on time is one of the main responsibilities of the postal service. mail is a very necessary, very ancient service. in the old days it was a dangerous occupation, you never know how robbers would attack along the way. that’s why mail used to be carried in such huge chests and trunks; tanned pork skin cannot be cut with a knife, but this is a postal horn from the time of peter the great.
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secondly, it’s metal, but it didn’t catch on with postal workers, well, because it froze to the lips in the cold, so they came up with wooden or straw horns so that nearby people could hear that the postal worker was not sleeping. soviet newspaper vending machines are very convenient, you put a coin in, pull the handle, you get the truth, or the moscow truth. previously, the stamp on the envelope was put manually, and then they came up with a special machine. and of course, what would soviet postal service be without surguch? and without stamps,
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this huge portrait of lenin is made from postage stamps; it once hung in his office minister of communications of the ussr. the main task of the post office is to deliver correspondence on time. it became a problem in our history. a letter from sverdlovsk arrived addressed to lyudmila yatsenko. the sender was listed as someone georgy krupnov. detectives seized and read the message. this boy is still small and stupid. have pity on him. get on his nerves, he will kill you, or he will kill himself, believe old man zhori. it became obvious that this was the same zhora. the man was found and found out that he was indeed in
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moscow on the eve of the murder, passing through when returning from a business trip, and on the same evening flew home, he was in his native sverdlovsk, so he could in no way be involved in this dramatic story. vadim and lyudmila. vadim could not find a place for himself. he looked at the people with a devoted puppy dog ​​look. this is for you. what is this? my coin collection. he gave me his savings book, which contained several hundred rubles, and brought his salary. you're mine, are you cool? if you want, i’ll give you everything, that’s all, 200 rubles of money and the same amount of savings book, take it, i don’t need anything, i ’m naked, but i need you, victor panovarenko,
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psychologist, took part in the disclosure high-profile crimes, but instead of love and gratitude he received only irritation and rejection, and she began to let him on the threshold, he could call there, and could knock, and try to break down doors, they wouldn’t let him in, why did the woman who kept telling him about love suddenly ... she lost interest, the guy didn’t like the house , she played with him, got amused, lost interest, uh, she got everything she really wanted to get from this man, saw him as a threat, one day he managed to sneak into her house, a friend witnessed the scene people. vadim began to beg for words of love, but instead he heard a cold one: he exploded, you don’t understand how much i
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love you, he hit the wall with his fist, they put a plaster cast in the hospital, a fracture, this happened a few days before the murder, eighty-fifth year, moscow region, city of odentsova. the investigation collected materials, but could not find direct witnesses to the attack. it was necessary to rely on the evidence and testimony of silin himself. more likely, there is a woman there. i think i killed her. this is me, this is all me. the young man was in a coma after a suicide attempt, but once he regained consciousness, the interrogations resumed, but now silin behaved differently, guilty. she repented, assured that she would
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take her own life, but not now, no matter how much you gave me, i will do my time, i will definitely do my time, i will come back and commit suicide at her grave. the blood on silin's clothes matched the blood of the murdered woman. experts confirmed that the blows to yatsenko’s body were inflicted by the young man’s winter boots, but how did he decide to do this? my beautiful lady, vadim had been waiting for her at the entrance for 5 hours, but lyuda didn’t want to discuss anything, then he i decided not to let her into the apartment. they took the elevator to the third floor, although she lives above, and that’s where it all happened. this is the same house. where the tragedy happened, the second entrance
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of the house, where on the third floor landing, this crime was committed. during interrogation, silin said that he just wanted to calm his beloved down and stroke her hair, but she reacted aggressively and scratched his face. what, the guy went wild, the first blows landed in the woman’s face. she fell and he began kicking at least 15 times. head area. why did he treat his beloved so cruelly, was it a spontaneous outburst of rage, or was it much deeper? the character of this person is extremely dependent on the opinions of others. it is extremely important to look like a tough guy in the eyes of people. having entered into a relationship with a woman much older than himself, silin was
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sure that lyuda would not get away from him, she would hold on to him like a saving straw. he greatly underestimated his mistress, she still enjoyed male attention, for her this is the end of the relationship, for him it is the end of life, he is nobody and there is no way to call him. during interrogations , silin admitted everything, but then, after sitting... in the cell , thinking it over, he unexpectedly changed his testimony, if the patient knows that he is in a psychiatric hospital, then he is healthy, the wisdom of the psychiatrist, well, my dear, how do you feel, you know, doctor, at first it was like this, everything was funny and interesting, and then, and then they brought me here, the accused is seriously ill, he will not be brought to trial, but
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will be sent for treatment. i hear voices and what do they say? they ask what's bothering me. during the soviet years, criminals often extradited considered mentally ill and were sent for a psychiatric examination. summarize in one word: fish, sausages, dumplings, waterfowl. right. experts should. to answer the most important question: did the accused realize what exactly he had done? voices and psychiatrist pills also appeared in our history. silin talked about certain voices that allegedly told him to commit murder , it was the mram who was beating you, but why didn’t he say a word about them before,
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i kept silent about the voices, because i’m afraid that they will inject me with drugs, now i’m talking about voices, but i’m also afraid, i just want. however, in his testimony, seeley insisted that lyuda had hypnosis and fooled him. a few more important details are being revealed. 2 days before the murder, vadim once again demonstratively tried to commit suicide, asked the people for a sedative, she gave him a whole package. instead of drinking one or two pills, he swallowed as many as 20. seven of them, naturally, this did not end well for him, it was not the ambulance that came to the call, but the police, lyudmila herself called her, this a very significant point is that she called not an ambulance, but the police, because this was already an emotional stranger for her,
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after the stomach was washed, vadim ’s own mother took him and took him to a psychiatrist, polite but indifferent, asked several standard questions, but i’m not sick, i have love, the doctor softened a little, but we don’t treat love, the mother insisted, her son must be urgently admitted to the hospital, otherwise his mistress will bring him to the grave, she brought him, drove him with her behavior, her son to suicide, his mother - he doesn’t think otherwise, but the doctor told him, only with the patient's consent. vadim categorically refused. if he had been hospitalized, none of this would have happened. silin still had to end up in the hospital during a forensic psychiatric examination. doctors at the serbsky institute came to the conclusion that
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the young man is completely sane, although he has signs of a psychopath. and all his stories are about voices. in my head, an attempt to evade punishment, it seemed that the case could be put to rest, but this story received an even more dramatic continuation, penetration was discovered, yes, yes, understood, we are waiting for help, a new turn , such paradoxical documents appeared, and new love, he really wanted to love and be loved, when even the colony was not an obstacle, he realized that he could not live like this any longer, the search for a fugitive, mobile police groups, patrols was in front of a verbal portrait of criminals, an ambush in a cemetery, to visit the grave of his beloved, and new blood, my beautiful
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lady, a film from the series of investigations conducted with leonid konevsky, write, strives to always fulfill... work plan, wine vodka the store, he strives, the interchange is in a few minutes on nv, how to make a car for the apocalypse? there would be no adventure if everything was that simple. what will the games of the future be like? hello and welcome to bron, you can find your video on roorub. moscow, tel aviv, lemosol. we already. citizens of the european union for many years, new secrets of the immigrant pukacheva and her foreign agent galkin. mom will be in london on november 26 at a party with her friends. how she left behind in the mud in november and what they say about it above. we won’t take the maxima, it’s too much shit. who else has a spare
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israeli passport stashed away? i received a passport when the world around me began to collapse and it became clear that i needed to protect myself and my family from this. and whoever can run after bugacheva, you won’t get a ruble from me, remember, this is koznuvsky, she ran away, allah twice, today at 6 pm on ntv. avatar show, new season, today at 20:20 on ntv, this is peter, he invites his mother to become a client of tinkov. his mother, anna ivanovna, invites his brother, uncle valera, who... invites her daughter marina, and marina invites her friend grisha. new year's invitations continue and joy returns. invite a friend before december 31st. we’ll take you to the train, but
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there’s no need, another half hour, well, let’s go, let’s warm up at least, he doesn’t say anything about himself, they’re not interested in how i live, if you ask, they’ll be offended, for sure, they’ll be offended. i always miss you very much, it’s so difficult to leave you, warm your loved ones with warm words, winter combos, delicious, period. calcium d3 is inconvenient, thanks to vitamin d3, calcium in the preparation is absorbed better at different stages of life, strengthens the health of bones, nails and teeth. calcium is important for everyone; new product, smart distribution of calcium for bones and muscle tone with an active lifestyle. new year's dreamsleons 365 and more. million prizes are guaranteed, hurry up to buy , i want, i can, i can, i want, i’ll get it with a vtback credit card, i
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drama, and not equal to love, it turns out that the murder was committed by a young lover, the mother is suitable, the reason, rejected feelings, how to break up, the case is transferred to court, did the accused realize what exactly he decided, the detectives have no idea, dangerous the psychopath won't stop, i think i killed her. ledich, today we have a very important matter, a reference from the place of work, as they say, is on vaska petrov, and vasily ivanovich is to blame, to blame, to blame, that is, to this tug, drunkard and boor? what are we writing? the truth, only the truth. characteristics from the place of work were a very important
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document in soviet times, but they often treated it formally, often. smoothed out the rough edges, how does he approach his responsibilities? completely negligently , does not carry out the plan, write, always strives to fulfill the work plan, yeah, the liquor store, he strives, especially at lunch, works with an emotional upsurge, if you scold a person, a fair question arises, why the work collective tolerated a drunkard, where he was looking with his trouser, provkom, a stain on the entire enterprise. what else is he swearing about work, and he sends to this, well, write, he resolutely defends his positions and steadfastly adheres to them, in the wall he adheres, especially on payday, to work, he always relies on the general line of the party, but this is not true, yes, it’s strange,
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it seems they wrote everything as it is . paradox. such paradoxical documents also appeared in our history. the case materials contain many characteristics of both siilin and naytsenko. extremely positive reviews. even colleagues who slandered lyudmila behind her back signed a collective letter to her protection. a public prosecutor was appointed to participate in the court hearings of the moscow regional court. at first. sentenced to 12 years in prison for premeditated murder with extreme cruelty. but an experienced lawyer stood up for the guy. it took 4 years to appeal the complaint and only the supreme court of the rsf changed the verdict. not premeditated murder under aggravated circumstances, but simply premeditated murder and was sentenced to
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eight years in prison. 6 years after arrest. for exemplary behavior he is transferred to a settlement colony, he remains sit for 2 years, suddenly a message comes, the convict escaped, what he was up to, where he was going, and then the detectives realize that the next anniversary of the death of the people is approaching, an ambush is set up in the cemetery. but several days pass and no one appears. silin never showed up and it became clear why, he just didn’t know where yatsenko was buried. investigators are interviewing silin’s acquaintances and relatives, as well as relatives of the deceased lyudmila yasenko. her friend svetlana evanteeva attracts attention. she's clearly nervous. for women.
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establish secret surveillance soon they understand that she is behaving suspiciously , is she really hiding a fugitive, a new love, svetlana, he understood that he could not run for long, he only wanted one thing, to be in the cemetery, but vadim did not know where luda was buried, i am beautiful, then kiss me. i decided to go to her friend svetlana. to his surprise, the woman was not the least bit afraid. she was half naked and clearly tipsy. oh, come in. sveta had just separated from her husband and had a bachelorette party for the occasion. her friends had already left, she was alone in the apartment. she sat vadim at the table and took him
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the situation into your own hands. poor thing, you probably forgot. what a woman looks like. she threw off the remnants of her clothes, and at that second vadim disappeared. the same thing happened that a few years earlier with yatsenko. he saw svetlana and was stunned. he no longer thought about people or about his promise to take his own life. he was instantly overcome by a new feeling. i love you and never will. i won't give up. svetlana turned out to be a strange woman. i constantly communicated with my ex-husband, cooked for him, did laundry for him. vadima assured me that everything was over with us long ago, he, as a man, doesn’t attracted, we are just friends. the runaway hid and had no way to control his new chosen one. he was jealous, suffered, made scenes, and svetlana answered all complaints: “you’re
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nothing to me.” at this moment, the abandoned husband got serious. promotion, and svetlana began to spend more and more time with him, it was clear that in general she was not against restoring normal relations with her ex-husband, silin decided... to talk to his flighty friend, he went to her home, with himself he had a knife, just in case, vadim was not in the house, the house was under the surveillance of operatives, he rang the doorbell of the apartment, svetlana appeared on the threshold, only her husband was looming behind the woman, the man put vadim out on the staircase, svetlana hissed goodbye. get out, everything happened again, he was not allowed on the threshold again, at that moment he heard the patter of feet, saw people in uniforms rising from below, when they entered the site, they saw vadim,
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the handle of a knife was sticking out of his chest, he realized that he had entered at a dead end, he realized that he would continue to live like this cannot and simply sentenced himself to death, he also passed away spontaneously. how you did other things, fell in love, tried to build a family, got jealous, created scandals , killed, and that you couldn’t live in peace, this question was asked to vadim by researchers and relatives, he himself was never able to understand the reasons for all his troubles, mistakes in choosing women.. ... imbalance on the verge of a mental disorder, the desire to give everything to his chosen one, just to earn her attention, probably all together, but most importantly, he
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really wanted to love and be loved, he just didn’t knew how to achieve this, the price for mistakes is two human lives, the daughter of lyudmila yatsenko left the city after these events, by the way, she... married a good man, however, this is a completely different story, previously wanted bugacheva alla borisovna, she is a prima donna, she is madame broshkina. discovered on the island of cyprus, after a forced march to russia and back, when walking, she noticeably shuffles and limps, has various
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foreign documents and one foreign agent with her. according to operational data, currently again i rebuilt my skis, this time towards london. the first episode of our pursuit of pugacheva seemed to reveal all the identities and passwords for agent galkin and his authoritative israeli neighbors from the zelsky gang. if i served in the israeli army and there were at least some reasons for me to go now to defend israel, i would go. axis is such a vayaka, axis is such a patriot. i'll go donate blood, i'll help. i think the israelis. who speak russian, the important thing is that we are sals, today we are here at a difficult time for israel. after these words, a completely bloodless patriot of israel retreated fighting to...


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