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tv   Svet i ten mayaka  NTV  December 4, 2023 2:40am-3:20am MSK

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some people think, but can you imagine what will happen if i buy a house, but this is not necessary at all, but i’ll tell you this, let them think whatever they want, people will always think about him, but these creatures will not only think , quietly, there will probably be some fighter for the purity of the ranks who will write some piece of paper to the department of their own security. how lucky you are, malik is so brave, i wish i could meet someone like him, a real one, you know, lis, you will definitely meet your man, because you are beautiful, good, smart, and you i'll definitely be lucky, thank you, but please tell me, here's kostya, he's similar to oleg in character, but to be honest, not very much, they...
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have different fathers, so their characters are also different, what's the difference? well, oleg, you know, he’s more open, kind, sympathetic, and generally very trusting, tanya, and kostya, what, kostya, well , he’s a little like this, on his own, prudent, i would even say, pragmatic, well these are not bad. qualities, maybe this is not bad, but still he is too narcissistic and self-confident, and you matched me with him, yes, narcissistic, such, self-confident, but no, in fact , there are a lot of good things in him, he is a really reliable, strong-willed person, i respect people like that, that’s why i decided that you might like him, arthur, great, you’re gray.
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when was the last time you saw tanya? i called, i looked after her constantly, everything was as you asked. well, don't delay. in short, she has been gone for several days now. which means she didn’t appear anywhere, at the cop’s house, not at the lighthouse, not at his university. and her friend galina, by the way, also disappeared. so, so what do you think? i think she has a problem. okay, we already on the road anyway. when we rush, after all, you haven’t recovered from the wound yet, i ’m fine, what doesn’t bother you is that the seaside people will immediately start hunting for you, the iments, and the tikhonovskys, we can’t go into the city, but the cops are not only in the seaside, i'm still wanted all over the country, so are you bragging?
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no, but it adds adrenaline to the blood , otherwise this adrenaline wasn’t enough for us, no, well, how we dashingly killed this messenger, quietly, as he drove him, it was gloomy, gloomy, gloomy, so gloomy and went to the other world, techan all he won’t understand, no matter how many killers you send to me, i... will still be alive, i’m too tough for him, and with my daughter, quietly, but he can’t deal with me, thank you. you will feed me here, you know,
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today you are entitled to double rations for such specialization, after all, i still didn’t understand what it was, and what didn’t you understand, the bandits wanted to get to lisa because of her father, that’s right, but usually, business is driven by serious and trained fighters, but here some clowns were acting, well, or maybe they just decided to put on a comedy, but why? to give for your father to understand that he can get to you so easily, something like that , it’s not punishable, well, they kidnapped oleg, kidnapped him and released him, they just wanted to show that you need to be afraid of them, maybe there’s something in your words, oh, and he will unscrew our heads, the owner of moscow, for the fact that you are in the seaside resort without permission, he won’t unscrew it, i did everything according to my mind, even thank you, it seems, thank you for what? and i
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promised that we will install our man in primorsk, well, either over the kharlanovskys or over the tikhanovskys, cool, yes, our moscow one dad will have his own sea smuggling channel , and this is the limit of his dreams, although , frankly speaking, this is unrealistic, and you have not yet understood that for me nothing is unrealistic, you set yourself a lot of tasks in primorsk, arthur, only three, putting your man on smuggling is one thing, calling him to account quietly for the assassination attempt, that's two, well, for tanya, you know, guys, i would like to go to the city tomorrow, to the apartment, to pick up some things, not for you to go to the city risky, even
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with you, even with me, you, make a list, and i’ll go and pick up what you need there, no, you won’t understand anything, there won’t be any list, lisa. you can't go to the city. listen, guys, i think this is a good idea, let ’s all go together, i’m so tired of here, i want a change of scenery, and especially since you can’t go anywhere, why? while arthur is in the city, until we took him, you’re not from here, but we’re just going back and forth, i’ll at least see how you live, i said no, we went to elizava normally, while you were going, i almost sat in prison , i won't do this anymore i'll admit, that's all. period, your colleagues have a lot of detainees, and many of my fighters are sitting there, right? i'm working on it, tikhon.
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how about more details? to be more specific, it is very important that they split up during the season and don’t give up on you. inflated, what next? well, what next? they’ll sit for a little while, due to the lack of evidence, they’ll go for a walk, and not just a little, i don’t know how long, i’m quiet , i can’t tell you for sure, but nothing will change, for young people this is a great experience, but your old ones are no strangers, they’ve seen you kinds?
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and i quietly even know how i will solve this issue. oops, a new idea just popped into my head, konstantin, well, screw it, we ’ll need our own lawyer for this, well, the one who pulled you out, i’m guessing, or what? you're kidding, kostya, he's a husk, what are you, maybe he's a husk? let him brush the outside, and i ’ll put things in order inside, but we’ll decide on that.
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they jumped, he said, there was no need to go anywhere, well, to hell with this primorsk, don’t twitch, hide the fox, your documents, please, and give the honor, comrade, captain, give the honor to your girls there will be, but this is not part of our job responsibilities, here are the documents, have a good trip.
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well, friends, we have great news, major kravchin’s case will most likely be closed, so there was nothing to open there, so there you go. investigator tokhov came to the same conclusion: mayer kravchenko acted strictly according to instructions and within the framework of the law. well, this is an attack on a police officer while on duty. well done, you know the law well. so, now the closure of this case is a matter of time and bureaucracy. you yourself understand why wait, but nothing, nothing, i think that konstantin kravchenko will be with us at the next meeting. but the good news doesn't end there. yes, today is a red day of the calendar, something like that, they called me upstairs, they are very
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pleased that our department made a number of serious arrests, you are talking about samson’s gang, well, this is first of all, that you conducted an investigation, tracked down this gang and detained the group. from the catacombs, so i hope now the city will breathe more freely, the main thing is that the smuggling channel is now blocked, that’s absolutely right, absolutely that's right, but now we need to consolidate the evidence base against the bandits, well, with this, not everything is so smooth, well, work, work, captain, work, galechka, and i brought you some fruit, mom, you can
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eat right now, i washed the house, well, how are you feeling, how are you, mom, what’s wrong with your eye, and on the door frame... it flew, nothing, i don’t know, one night i went to the kitchen and didn’t turn on the light, and that’s why you’re lying, it ’s him, who is he, vasya, they’ll hit you, no one hit me, i say, it hit the doorframe, and in general, my husband, this is my personal business, your husband will soon cripple you, mom, stop it, get rid of it. with him , it’s not for you to teach me what to do, she came here, she doesn’t know anything
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, she doesn’t understand anything, she’s sticking her nose where it’s not needed, but here you don’t really need to know anything, he ’s mocking you, and you’re putting up with it, but i’m putting up with it and i will endure, because i love him and will never leave him, and you don’t interfere where you don’t need to, and why do you talk to me like you deserve? you don’t love me, you never loved me, you’re all in your own little fable you’re shaking, you don’t give a damn about your own daughter , why don’t you care who carries these bags for you, i don’t need your bags, you’d better talk to me like a human being, you come and just yell at me, you talk to yours differently, so again? there are screams here, i ask visitors to leave, oh , excuse me, please, we are just us, we
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remembered one movie, it won’t happen again, honestly, calm down, how many times have you been told that it’s harmful to worry, so, well, if everyone comes here, scream, why bother then? come, excuse me, it won’t happen again, can i stay a little longer, please, what should i do with you, thank you, well , now tell me what happened to you, yesterday i was driving to work, at a traffic light, two people broke into my car men , threatening with firearms, demanded that i take them to the house where tatyana and another girl, lisa, from korkina were, this is the one the bandits were looking for, well, in connection with her father’s business, well, yes, i understood. in general, releasing the details, comrade colonel, it turns out that tatyana called by luck at that very moment, the moment of oleg’s kidnapping,
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she realized that something was wrong - she said to kravchenko, but he had already connected us, yes, in the end, after all this carousel, the bandits for some reason let me go, curiously for some unknown reason for some reason they were detained, for some unknown reason they were released, igor valerievich, well, the main thing is that everything ended well, the main thing is green, which i just can’t understand, that’s why this couple. oleg and tatyana are like magnets attracted to various problems, yes, i don’t either i can understand, but if i thought about it, i understood, because this is a plug for every barrel. can you explain to me, tell me, why did you take protection over this girl, well, how they really threatened her, don’t leave the person, igor valerievich, i agree with you, that’s right, but you had to think, this girl is in the same house , where is tatyana, why is there now, there is now a double zone of special danger, well, they are under guard, and our problems, i
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will little by little decide that i love you, because of this optimistic view. for the future, well how could it be otherwise, yes, i understood, okay, let ’s end our meeting on this optimistic note, everyone is free, eat, well, eat, little grape, eat, i don’t want to, mom, don’t pretend that you care about me, you always thought only about yourself, this is not true, you
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always went to school clean, neat, with everything you were supposed to have, always well-fed, with pocket money, and for this i worked like a horse, in my opinion, it’s normal to feed and clothe , if you have a child, and the child, in addition to this, still needs love attention. well, what attention, i was torn between you, home, work, but in my opinion, i couldn’t sit down, after dad left, you were busy with something completely different, this is interesting, you were looking for a new man
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, you just forgot about me, you i didn’t care , but no... mother, you don’t remember anything , i was always worried, i always asked who you were friends with, how you were doing at school, yes, and when in the tenth grade, i came and told you that i was raped, what did you tell me? that it’s a shame to go to the police, that i’m on my own i’m guilty, i just didn’t know what to do, i was confused, but the dress that this freak tore on me, you were also confused, but you screamed at me, well , it was just as bad, it was bad with things, and with
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our relationship badly. that’s why i left, because of your indifference, it happened before, but now you’re here, i come every day so you don’t get bored, but that’s not why you come. this feeling of guilt just gnaws at you from the inside , you are ashamed, of course, what will people think, but aren’t you ashamed, a mother always loves her child, she is the last money, yes take care of your last money, for your
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vasya, i understand, i don’t need anything from you, get out of here! hello, how are you, we were just at a meeting of the tamer, so, he swore a lot, on the contrary, he was shining like a polished samovar, praising everyone, maybe something will happen to me, well, maybe it will, good luck. hi, hi, what are you doing here? i’m waiting for oleg at the meeting, he’s at the meeting, uh-huh, it looks like
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the meeting should have ended already, well, that means he’ll come now, right, and then where are you going? home to me, she said that there was some junk you need to take it home, this is where you, like... don’t live with alkash’s parents? no, of course, unlike you, svsiev has everything thought out, you know what? although you're right, unless of course, yesterday you didn't do the best job, that's not the right word, these two idiots that he palmed off almost ruined everything for me, you're a good girl, you managed it, sorted it out, i, yes, well, generally work it became very difficult, the council, no one promised that it would be easy, yes, plans have to be changed on the fly, my head is already spinning, and now what plan, let me ask, is not yet
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i thought about it, it’s a pity that we can’t again invent all sorts of menacing pursuers there, liza, or maybe organize a couple of strange calls, and what about oleg, how will he be a hero? and in general, all the time i’m either with tatiana or the three of us, well, today you got it, let’s see what comes of it, well, you see how good you are, you’ll come up with everything on the fly, you’ll help me, i’ll help, i’ll help, i’ll warn you, save, tell me, to call in an hour, we will just be collecting junk, and he will play my businessman, where he will get away, of course he will play, in order to rehabilitate himself for yesterday, he will do everything. well, to be honest, i noticed that she sometimes looks at me strangely, yes, yesterday, can you imagine, she even tried to kiss me,
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well, grateful that i’m protecting her there, my friend, but it’s not just interest, she’s the one who’s sticking you, in the sense of sticking you, well, in the sense of, well, how can i explain to you, well, for example, for example, my faith would come up to you and kiss you, yes, or vice versa, your tanya would me? well tanya, i would immediately head tore it off, and then to you, oh, what faith, that tanya , don’t consider tanya a married lady, that’s it, aliza is actively searching, so my advice to you, be careful, maybe she just kissed me out of an excess of feelings, of course, believe me, women can sometimes be very insidious, very, thank you, of course, thank you very much, but i... i don’t see any danger here, the girl is in trouble, we need to help out, that’s all, of course, we need to, and in the meantime she will fool you, uh-huh, well, she kissed you, out of an excess of feelings,
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that’s it, she generally knows that you are in a relationship, that you will get married soon, of course she knows, and that’s okay. slav, in short, is good , that's it, i have to go, where, lisa is waiting for me, oleg, remember what i just told you, okay, please, hand over the blood , okay, come on, that's it, see you, happily, hello, oleg, hello , you communicate so nicely, just like old acquaintances, and we are acquaintances, you forgot, but it seems like you only met once, and the occasion was not the most pleasant, so what? a beautiful girl falls into your heart when you communicate with her on any occasion, but
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that’s how it was for me, anyway, well , we wanted to get to know you better, and you managed it yourself, yes, and the acquaintance turned out to be very pleasant, i was just telling konstantin that we wanted to invite him to visit you , yes, by the way, the four of us could sit together. well, i'll think about your proposal. if you knew how lisa cooks, it’s simply tastier than mom’s. oleg, it’s interesting, they say they brought the moles to a meeting, they showed them, what news is there, the case against you is being closed, after all, there is justice in the world, so i always say this knew. thank god, i'm going to tokhov. and we went, let's go, elizabeth, goodbye, happy, bye.
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everything is blooming, comrade shamina, thank you, hello everyone, whom i haven’t seen, oh, hello, len, hello, oleg, ah, this is lena, my colleague, this is liza, hello, liza. hello, lisa now has such a difficult life situation, i’m helping, in a professional sense. i see, where now? we 'll go on business now, and i'll be back. yeah, come over in the evening and we’ll have tea. okay, i'll come by today, yeah, definitely. go. go. yes yes,
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who's there? dig. colonel, come in, listen, no, all this needs to be redone , bring it in for later, well, congratulations, congratulations , thank you, very much, the official investigation is closed, you can come back, command the department, thank you, but no, what am i, thank you, i have nothing to thank for, i had nothing to do with it, everything was objective, everything was honest and correct, also a colonel, what to ask, what do you want, right? well, who is in charge of the gang from the catacombs? who leads, who? kudryavtsev led, well, yes, that’s right, he went on vacation, i now instructed simonovovich, what for? let me? no, you don't, no, you don't, why? well , you see, the matter is clear, there is only technical work left, night rates, there are several interrogations, well, in general, this is not for your qualifications, so i have proposals for you, the case is sweet, a double
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murder, a confusing, complicated case, i just need your analytical skills, well , what can you say, and what will i say, thank you for your trust, come on, vasya, i beg you, please, just don’t swear there, i’m talking about , well, it’s inconvenient, it’s not good, she just arrived, so will leave, don’t start, i beg you. well, now we’ll talk to you, now, for god ’s sake, don’t shout, don’t shout, you ungrateful bitch , your mother and i, we fed you, clothed you, put on shoes, brought you out among the people, and you dare to be rude, i wasn’t rude to your mother, hamilla, together with her and me, because the two of us cared about you, so that you became a person, we tried, you definitely never cared about me, you sat on her neck all your life,
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you didn’t earn a penny. they kicked you out from everywhere, gala, stop it, and what’s not true, mom, they kicked him out from everywhere, because he’s lazy brawler, i'll show you now, lazy man, i'll show you now brawler, i did everything in the house with my own hands, down to the last nail , of course, but don't get started, and you keep quiet, you've spread the infection on your own head, don't touch your mother, you don't even touch her little fingers stand there, oh you, you ’ve been there all your life. at the hospice, when others at your age worked, you only begged your mother for pocket money, you were always waiting for her pay, you idiot, talk to me again, go to your seaside, and so that we don’t see you, we wo n’t help you anymore , who once helped me, and mom, have you forgotten how after school you pushed me into the seaside alone with an empty wallet,
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because you see, he needs to be fed. it was, well, vasya, then i was left without a job , we lived so hard, and why are you making excuses for her, and i entered without your help, and lived on one scholarship on what i earned myself, what interesting way did you earn money, stood on the panel , yes , a prostitute, so that you don’t have a foot in my house anymore, this is my mother’s apartment, which is half mine by law, i... through the court , get it sold, then you will stay on on the street, because you are no one there, well, you won’t, well, we can’t go out into the street, mom, mom, what have you got to do with it, mom, i ’m talking about him, you have to choose, once and for all, either he or i, no i want to choose nothing, no, you choose, either i, who loves you
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, cares, or this... ungrateful rubbish, who will then kick you out of the apartment. galenka, galenka, just don’t be angry, don’t be angry, i think you’re so independent, like that. smart, you’re such an adult, you can handle it yourself, but he needs me more, that one, know our people, i understand, you can forget that you have a daughter, and you, come on, run, get your rations, shout, are you crazy, what? come on, get out of here, get out of here!
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oh glory, hello, oh hello! well, as they say, welcome back? crozo, the boss is back in place, otherwise my little brother spoiled you, no, you know, he’s also strict, it happens, it’s a family thing, how’s the faith doing, how’s the health, how’s the pregnancy going, it’s going well, well, probably no worse, than others, thank god, well, yes, listen, thank you, here’s the thing, krotov wants
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to entrust you with a gang of catacomb workers, what about these villains from the catacombs, but i have a personal request to you, i’m listening to you, could you keep me informed? not quite a stranger, they almost killed me when they were taken, remember? yes, yes, i remember, i remember, you also covered for me , saved me, as they say, at the cost of your own life, come on, you just found a hero, in short , they angered me, i want to deal with them completely. by the way, do you know what news? they took kharlau, well, part of it, but where is kharlam himself? he left, he’s on the run now, who’s
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in charge of the rest? i think, patya, it’s interesting. very, galinka, please forgive me, i didn’t want him to come here, i just told him about our conversation, and he lost his grip, mom, please forgive me. forgive me, please leave , now live with this, no, this
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doesn’t go anywhere, before they were just screaming, but now they have reached the point of assault, do you want, doctor, just a minute, you go immediately, you see, i’m sick you can’t be nervous, valentina, calm her down, okay. doctor, lie down, mommy.
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come in, sit down, i’ll put the kettle on now. don’t let me go, let’s do it without tea, quickly pack your things and let’s go, what are you saying, i wanted to go home so bad, i missed you so much, listen, i still have to go to uni, we ’ll have time to talk about galina. oleg, sit down, then you still need to be taken to this house, but it’s somehow not good , now what will he say at work, sasha, i ’ve been minding my own business for half the day, why should i, well, it’s not your fault that you’re a policeman, you you’re working at this time, well, you’ll think your business is not good, you need to get back to work quickly, please, well, i really want to, well really, well, literally 10 minutes, and then i ’ll pack my things very quickly, i promise, okay, just quickly. instantly, well, gal,
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are we sad again? no, we're not sad. oh, yes, you were unlucky with your parents, and your guy is kind of surly, or something, i would say, even too much, i feel sorry for you. the girl is good, but life is not going well, and by the way, i have such a friend, yes, you know, she alone is worth all these relatives and men, what kind of friend is that, i wonder, she came here by the way, tanya tikhonova, if you want to know , she did more for me than my own mother
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, it’s good that there is such a friend, yes, but you did something for her, and i did something for her, why are you even getting into my soul, came, interrogated, annoyed me, you need it, but i don’t need anything, if you don’t want it, don’t say it, you know, i’m also not very interested in listening to your rudeness, val, val, well, i’m sorry, i, i didn’t mean to, i just feel bad, don’t go, i’m telling you i’m annoying, yes, i’m annoying myself, you just can’t imagine how many nasty things i did to her, and most importantly, why, she did this to me loves, well, god forbid, she will ever be recognized, god forbid, by the way, how is she
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doing now, i need to call her, but where, oh, my mother didn’t buy a phone, how will i now, well, you want, take mine, take it, what about you, i wanted to buy a new one anyway, go ahead, use it, call, thank you, now i need to find a sim card, well, it doesn’t pick up, the subscriber doesn’t answer, suddenly something happened to it, but what could happen to her, don’t you understand that there is such a mess there, there are bandits, murderers, cops, and liza is next to her, she wants oleg with her. beat it off, and he believes her, tanya is like a little
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child, she can’t be left alone, i’ll go to her, you’re crazy, where are you going to go, you’re sick, i’ll go, they ’ll eat her alive, you know what, i’ll call the security now , and they will tie you with towels, are you serious, galya , i’m a doctor, i have responsibility, gal, i ’m asking you, come on, lie down for another day or two, then you’ll go, come on, yes, you’re right, i need more. well done, take a pill and you'll get some sleep, okay, and i'll visit you later, come on, valya, thank you, oh, phone.


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