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tv   Svet i ten mayaka  NTV  December 4, 2023 4:00am-4:50am MSK

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i can’t, but take it, take it, i still have it, from where, yes, we, my dad and i made peace, he, like in the good old days, buys me off with money, so long as i don’t make a fuss, what are you talking about? what did you do all day? nothing , there aren’t even any interesting books here, yes, but you know, we wandered and wandered all day, we even visited oleg at work, and how do you like his colleagues, i never thought that such interesting women, interesting women, work in the police, and there are many of them. well, at least i saw one
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well, elena shamina, her name is, yeah, you you know, tanya, she, she is very attractive, i said something wrong, but no, it’s not about you, but that there was something between them, where did you get that from? no, nothing, i probably won’t tell you, lisa, that you won’t say, well, maybe it just seemed to me, listen, are you my friend or not, if you’re a friend, please tell me what you saw, in short, she’s his she invited me to a cafe right in front of me, and then it’s inconvenient to say something like that in a cafe, let’s do it better in the office. and what about him? well, what is
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he? it’s inconvenient, because it was not with me, he refused. tanya, what do you think is between them? was there something? no, nothing has ever happened and never will happen. oleg will never cheat on me. do you hear? yes, yes, yes, well, my friend siton, shall we shoot up? peretopchik. you’re wrong, it’s not i who will trample, but you, and not just trample, but you will trample the zone, no matter, i’ll trample my own and get out, it’s unlikely that participation in an organized criminal group will lead to a life sentence, especially if i try, believe me, i’ll try, but in the white swan they say, such noble loners, after a month the prisoners
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begin to gnaw on the bars, do you want to go to the white one? swan? what you need? sincere confession, as a result of a reduced sentence, okay, ask, you were in kharlam’s group, right? so for... he worked for kharal , well, for himself, when arthur came from moscow, he lay down under him, so, who is alexander tikhonov, and how is he connected with you, and how is he connected, arthur ordered tikhonov to shake him up a little, he wanted to take away your plot , with a lighthouse, it’s clear why he needs this?
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he wanted to build an entertainment center, it was a rich business, they began to put pressure on tikhonov, so he, well, he, well, well, he, he, didn’t give in, they took up his daughter, so what, well, then some kind of bummer happened there, i don’t know about the details, well, what else do you know, that i know that... arthur and kharlam completely lost their minds about this matter, i don’t know anything else, well done, quiet, are you home? at home, at home, he lived quietly
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, he lives with a cop, and they also prepare soup for him, well, okay, okay, don’t drink, anything is better than putting the truth on your tongue with warmth, let’s sit down, we’ll eat, well, well, let’s try what - for you, listen, it’s quiet, but the steward is cool, huh? why are you being a bandit anyway? i'd like to get a job in some fancy restaurant boss, hm? and the salary is decent, just kidding, and life is calm without all this, i... come on, okay, forgot, i have an unpleasant problem, yes, how can there be no problems, hmm? well, so what, your brothers are handing over your case to simonovich, sweating like simonovich,
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you told me that you would handle it yourself, i said, but the mole came differently, you’re a dog, right? simanovich has been digging on me for a long time, i think he’s already collected everything, so why didn’t he report you to the authorities, huh? probably there is not enough evidence, he, no, he doesn’t maybe he can’t cheat on me, tan, where from? you know, yes, because he loves me, well, for men it’s simple, he loves one, sleeps with others, can he believe me, discard the option of oleg and shamina, lisa, please stop talking about this,
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don’t you understand that i it hurts, the surgeon hurts the patient when he saves his life, tribute. it’s better to feel the pain once and be convinced of everything than to then walk around all your life with a broken heart, no, if, if oleg cheats on me again, i won’t survive, again ? tanya, so what already happened? no, nothing it was, i just had a dream one day. that he didn’t change, and then i died. tanya, this is not a dream, i know you very well, if he cheated on you, you could really die,
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do you have any evidence that oleg has something with shimina, but i don’t have any evidence, well why then all this conversation? and then there, many crimes are committed, but there is no evidence left, understand, this does not mean that everything is in order, fox, i don’t understand, you yourself say that you are my friend, in fact you are just tearing me apart my heart, tanya, tanyuzh, that’s it, okay, well, maybe oleg really loves you and doesn’t think about any other women, maybe you’re right, that’s the way it is, maybe that’s the way it is, please understand , what if there is at least one chance of murder, tan,
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at least one, you can’t discard it, liza, there’s no chance, okay, okay, no, but see for yourself, like follow oleg if he’s not guilty, you will see this, but if he still cheats on you, then you will also understand everything, but you will not suffer from suspicion, you will know, for sure, that is, you want me to ... follow him myself? yes, no, why yourself? well, you know, i think you don’t need to leave the house now, why? well
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, how, why, tan, have you forgotten, what if arthur appears, lord, don’t talk about him in front of me, okay, i won’t. you know, tanyush, if you asked me, then i, well, would go after oleg. fox , call a spade a spade, i’ll take a closer look, maybe, yes, understand , it doesn’t matter what you call it, the main thing is the result, if i understand that oleg is cheating on you, i ’ll definitely tell you about it, and i have to i’ll believe your words, why words, i ’ll bring you photographs, lord, photographs, fox. there were already photographs, galya brought me, where you and oleg are together, so what? it turned out to be all wrong, i’m not galya. i won't
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make a mistake. no, don't even try to persuade me. but why? yes, because fox, how can you not understand, this is disgusting and vile? it's mean, right? ok then. okay, let's leave everything as it is, just you know, my dear, when i turn out to be right, then you don't have to come to me and complain, listen, but if so, that's okay got up. maybe not wait for the thunder to strike, but bang it, but that’s all, if everything was so
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simple, yes, what’s so complicated about it, you know the proverb, a good cop is a dead cop, excuse me, of course, nothing more, one cop more, one less, you know, what a thing, simanovich began to share his suspicions with oleg, well, that’s bad, but what about the brother, he won’t be able to keep your mouth shut, the enemy may be able to, especially for my sake, but where is the guarantee that he doesn’t share with anyone yet, but or for example, everything in i didn’t put some documents that will come up after he’s gone.
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now we have to sit and watch, wait, how this simonovich will tear us apart, why, we will neutralize his techon, only competently and carefully, what are you thinking about? so what am i talking about? well, i see what you are going through, i see that you are in pain, and when you are in pain, it hurts me too, it’s because of tanya, yes, vladik, well , you’re a good guy, you’re smart. you’re handsome, you’re wealthy, any girl would be happy to see you, would you like me to introduce you to someone?
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no, thank you, i don’t want to, you can’t forget tanya , i can’t, i don’t know, but this is already some kind of torture , but what can i do, i love her, yes, god, kali, i finally found you, mom, what do you want? why did you run away from the hospital? you need further treatment, i was so worried, worry about your husband, i ’ll sort it out myself somehow, okay? valya, what are you saying? i say what i think, mom, you made your choice, please leave me alone, worry. valerian
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wants what, no, but what, it calms her down, chigorin, are you hooked on valerian? yes, i didn’t get hooked on anything, you know how difficult it was for me when everyone turned their backs on me, you disappeared somewhere, tanya doesn’t want to see me. what else could i do? you're too sensitive, so what now? but what if you want to achieve your goal. you need to be rational, cold and calculating. yes, i already understood that. listen, i’ve done a lot of stupid things with you, get up, yes, it’s good that at least now you understand this? yes, you understand that you need to be calm and decisive. yes, but i can't be calm
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and decisive. i don't have as much will as you. my will is enough for the two of us, just don’t think that i’m an idiot and don’t move in at all, i don’t think so, hello, alexey, hi, hi, how are you doing, come on. you know, i wanted to praise you, you played the role of my dad very well, command everything, well, don’t waste your time, let’s slurp, how ’s your affair going, it’s working , yes it’s working, little by little, but you know, of course, there are some difficulties for me, what difficulties, they love each other too much, these fools
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of ours, you know, i’ve already treated tanya, she she allowed me to keep an eye on hers after all, well, you’re just a genius of intrigue, i’m a genius, i’m a genius , but you know, geniuses don’t work for free, don’t forget to transfer money to the card, yeah, what’s the problem with money, so far it seems like there were no complaints, but galin had to restore the overhead costs at the university, and the fact that i gave a bribe to the rector from my money, okay, don’t worry, we’ll reimburse you for that. true, she is now in the paid department, i promised to pay for her studies, this is what we also need reimburse? yes, relax, i won’t give her anything, i’ll lie that my father has problems, but why did you even restore her to this galina? firstly, she doesn’t hate me and guesses that i work for the bone, and so i knock the weapon out of her hands, if you want to study further, please love me like your own sister, and secondly, and
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secondly, and tatiana and olekni will now be grateful to the grave of their lives, and this is much more important than any money? okay, lights out, well, great, great, what news, bad, tikhon’s gang was given to development, you know who, who, simonovovich? wow, yeah, he's already interrogates the detained brothers , they, of course, are still holding out, but simonovich is cunningly stubborn here , he will twist them up, catch them on little things, sooner or later someone will split, he said they should have killed him right away, then none of this would have happened, yevsey , listen to you, then immediately kill you,
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it was necessary for adam and eve, then none of this would have happened, what are we going to do? what to do? what's going on, i know one thing for sure, if simonovich stays quiet, we're done for, maybe they 'll send the little guy to prison, well done, on the fly, hello, tan, hi, it's me, ka, you? lord, where were you, we searched for you? yes, i left the hospital and returned to the primordium. i'm so glad to hear from you, you can't imagine yourself. i really miss you. gal, you can’t imagine what news i have for you. what's the news? you have been reinstated at the university. how? can't
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this be? i managed to persuade the rector. wow . do you know who persuaded? lisa. who else is liza, the same skorkina whom you considered to be a subterranean snake, by the way, thanks to her you were reinstated, though in a paid department, but in a paid department, but i still have no money, listen further, lisa will pay for one semester of your studies, then they will transfer you to the budget, just imagine, wow, tanyush, i don’t even know, thank you . what did they sniff out? yes, consider everything, well, speak.
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the tikhonovites, all the kagals, seem to be hooked on kitsch. and tihan, tihan, is free, but the truth is, no one knows where exactly. and what about the kharlamovites? and there the batch is even steeper. zafar patya, most of the lads are there. and who's in charge? some kind of cosaton, i don’t know, i haven’t heard of it, well he says, he’s a serious guy, although he’s not a thief, but he’s smart, strong, he knows weapons and explosives, why isn’t this extraordinary killer here yet? well, if kasaton is really like you describe, then he may be useful to us, he doesn’t seem to have been purchased, so no one
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is talking about buying, if he is an honest person, then we will put pressure on honesty, we will agree with kasaton tomorrow, today we will we have a very pleasant meeting planned. hello, finally, our breadwinner showed up, i was on time, as the day passed, but nothing, in general,
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an official investigation into kostya was closed, yes, great, but it turns out that now he is not guilty of anything, yes, and now it has been proven, will you eat with us? no, i was full at work, thank you, you can fly in yourself, what else was interesting today? well, i don’t know how interesting it is, i saw chegorin at the university today, god, what was he doing there, you won’t believe it, he was looking for you, i told him to calm down, and you saw him, but no, he pestered me on the phone , apparently he doesn’t understand russian well. necessary i’ll have to explain it to him somehow differently, oleg, there’s no need, he’s just in love, crazy, and besides , there’s no particular harm from him, i don’t understand why you
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’re protecting him so much, that you like him, don’t talk nonsense, but you know, it seems to me that this chigorin of yours, he’s just a spoiled man, he thinks that everything in life is for his sake, and what should we do with him like that, well, can we try for a scare? who will scare him? oleg? i won’t allow this, it wouldn’t be enough for the prosecutor’s office to report him, i myself have no special desire. you know, you can try another, very interesting way, show a different direction. what does another direction mean? but this is my secret, i won’t tell you, i’ll just say that it works on almost everyone. and who will show him this direction? if you want i can try it, what do you think? well, you didn’t believe that lisa would be able to convince the rector, she
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did it so well, maybe lisa has some kind of gift, persuasion, well, let’s decide, well, try, just very delicately, okay, tanya, i am the most delicate negotiator in the world. yes, mom, olezhek, hi, how are you there, when will you appear, otherwise i already miss you.
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hi hi! what did you buy? i think you 'll like it. mmm, is this all for the two of us? well, if you invited someone else, i personally am not going to share this with anyone, except maybe with you? yes. listen, that's why all girls love semi-sweet? why do we love different things? no, well, especially the semi-sweet ones. and i see that you have studied the girls well. yes, that's true, out of sadness and sadness. yes. gal, you really are us will you make peace? if you haven't changed your mind, i'll try it on. you're kidding, i changed my mind. well, in general. i
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already talked to her today, how? like this, what's the news? this is very strange news, firstly, i was reinstated at uni, how was i reinstated, like this, who stopped me? liza skorkina, there is one reptile there, and the most vile creature in the world, so - wait, where did this one come from? vile creature, kostya sent her to separate tanya and oleg, listen, but i ’m starting to like this vile creature more and more, you don’t understand where she is appears, everything goes wrong, and she stole my bone, that is, she stole my bone, and then reinstated you at the university, you see, it’s strange, well, yes. she clearly
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has some kind of plan, alezhenka, well, you better be careful there, okay, i kiss you, my dear, and dances from me, be sure to give me a kiss, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, quiet, quiet, boys, who are you, where is tanya, you, you, what, quiet, quiet, quiet, i don’t know, i don’t know, i, where is tanya, i honestly don’t know, they don’t call me, they don’t report to me, i have no idea, i love you... for the last time
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i ask where tanya is, i tell you again , i have no idea, honestly, i heard, yes, yes, no, they don’t call, you say, no, what is this, and it was i who called them, not them, but i called, well i don’t know where they are hiding, guys, mom is lying. surely they know where they are hiding it. listen to me, and i’m giving you one last chance, if you don’t tell me where they are, we’ll send you to the next world. well , okay, i already have a little left, send it. one, two. yes, it’s possible already three,
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no, this is a frostbitten aunt at full height, i can’t take it with my bare hands, but you’re completely without a head, yes, like your son, i have two sons, both are police officers, i don’t know what the creatures will do to you when they find you, let them find you first, no, thank you, listen, oleg, can the bandit hear anything there? , and what kind of bandit, well , arthur, it seems,
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is stalking our tanya. unfortunately, no, why , unfortunately, this is good, no, this is not good, because at best he has not yet recovered from the wound, at worst, he can appear at any moment. listen, maybe he’s in moscow? no, our moscow colleagues are talking about him we haven’t heard anything, it’s still quiet here in primorsk, listen, maybe he returned to the city after all, well, he’s just hiding? yes, maybe that’s it, maybe he’s as cunning as a dog. olek, i'm afraid. danyush, don’t be afraid, i’m right next to you. dad, i'll answer. hello. dad, what are you saying? amazing, of course, you have tanya , yes, you know, it seems to me that such people are born one in a hundred, and maybe even in a thousand, not in a thousand, and not in a million, she is the only one
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like me, yeah, yes, exactly, yes also with talent, so special, what talent, what, what kind of men to you? attract, he women bend over backwards to do this, but with her everything goes without saying, everything just turns out that way, yes, and what are you hinting at, oleshka, i can’t imagine how you will live with her, there are so many reasons for jealousy, there are so many men around, what kind of men are you talking about now, well, different ones, i think that you know some of them, perhaps you don’t even know about some of them, but do you guess? oh, okay, stop it, why are you angry? i don’t want to destroy your idea, no, if i started it, then speak up, well, think for yourself, think about the past,
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tanya, what kind of past, if you’re talking about men, then i’m her first, you see, yes, yes, do you seriously think so? oleg, think about it, she’s young, beautiful, attractive , how can you be the first, well, there’s no mistaking it, uh-huh, well, as you know, or are you saying that in general, if you know something, then say it, don’t go around until about, even if i know something, i won’t tell you anything, it’s none of my business, do you want tea, no. okay, listen, do you think lisa will be able to quarrel between oleg and tanya? oh yeah it's whatever maybe, why do you ask? what do you
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think, if tanya breaks up with oleg, she will rush into your arms? yes, no, it’s just one less obstacle, nonsense, that’s all. you can’t build happiness on someone else ’s misfortune, if you want the girl to be yours, yes, please fight for her honestly, but i thought about it, seriously, yes, how much stupidity and nasty things i did, listen, i realized what kind of person i was , now, if i drag tanya into my bed, will she stay with me, because love is needed there. did she me could you fall in love then? i see that you have changed a lot lately , you probably know, i love her so much that i don’t want
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to intrigue oleg, so let her, let her understand for herself what kind of person i am now, maybe in time she will come to me herself , what do you think, i don’t know, a woman’s soul is dark, but what you just said, at least honestly, that has also changed, yes, misfortune generally changes people, not happiness; i ’ve had plenty of troubles lately, you know, at some point i thought, what is all this for? why is this happening to me now, and you know what i understand. that it’s all my fault, that the evil i ’ve done is just coming back to me like a boomerang, what should we do with this lisa, i don’t know, she needs to
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be somehow removed from tanya, because for now she’s with her , i can’t vouch for anything, yes , she can poison her at any moment, but no, that this is too much. why should she poison tanya, when the main task was simply to bring her bone, because lisa herself was targeting kostya, she will separate tanya and oleg. get money and eliminates her rival, listen , you’re telling me this right now, she ’s not really a person, she’s a monster, actually i’m trying to tell you this, but for some reason you don’t want to believe me, no, i believe you, just like - it’s scary, well, yes, and you also know what, tanya said that it’s liza, she wants to pay for my studies, oh well, yeah. so yeah, it’s a trap
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, you know, yes, she just wants to catch me in a net of debt, but i won’t get caught that easily, no, well, if you need to talk about money with your father, well, yes, but don’t worry, i i’ll earn money, i’ll give away every penny, the main thing for us now is to somehow liquidate this lisa, okay, fine. so then you develop a plan, and i’ll take care of the material side of our business, good, high five, and they told you that you are the best partner in the world? no, so you are the best partner in the world, what do you know about tanya’s past? yes, i don’t know anything, you told me that you know, but you don’t want to talk, oleg, well, to god, like little ones, honestly, just think, you know everything yourself, i don’t
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know anything, no, you know, well, listen, i saw, how tense you were when i talked about tanya ’s past, really, well, so you know, well , apparently you just forgive her, suddenly there are things that you can’t forgive her, and they will come out after the wedding, lisa, you’re so strange -that way of communicating, you hint at something all the time, but don’t say anything, i can’t say. why? i gave my word. who did you give your word to? tanya? well, think about it, who? and you told me that we seem to be friends. you and i are friends, and tanya is also a friend to me, by the way. is there things that women cannot say to men. i don’t understand why start these conversations at all? olek, i just feel sorry for you. it offends me to see how they fool you. just have a cup of tea, anya
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is messing with my head, i can’t do it anymore, let’s stop talking now, and you ’ll remember this conversation later, someday, when your problems with arthur are over, and you’ll take a closer look at tanya, what does that mean? take a closer look, you'll find out what she does when you're not around, okay, i'll talk to her, why talk to her? talk, are you crazy, who? is doing, you need to find out everything yourself, well, understand whether she is the person she claims to be, and i took such a pleasure in the bath, oleg, what are you doing, something happened, but nothing happened, tanyuzh, they were just talking about arthur, olek is worried about you, uh-huh, vlat, and i’m an interesting girl, right? you, you are a very interesting girl, and you are an interesting young
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man, why then are we so lonely, i have no idea, unlucky, probably, or maybe we are just looking in the wrong place, fate is showing us the right choice, and we just don’t... want to see it, what other choice, what are you talking about? well , look, there is you, there is me, and we have no one else, so maybe we can take a closer look at each other, seriously, but no, of course, i’m joking. did you believe it? i know that tanya is beyond
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competition, and you and i are just friends. yes, for friendship. who is this? i don’t know, personally i’m not waiting for anyone. wait, maybe we shouldn't open it? are you kidding? i'm not going to hide from anyone at home. what if something urgent happens? hello, son, here i am, back from vacation, i brought you a prize, and aren’t you alone, dad? yes, we are here, in general, hello , what is this prostitute doing here, so get the hell out of
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here so that her spirit is not here, clearly, dad, you have no right to demand this, because she is visiting me, with how long have prostitutes come to visit you, or maybe you want to marry her, she’s not a prostitute, but who is she? queen of spain, you forgot that you told about her, you didn’t tell anything about her, that as i told you, i said that she. vile creature, how she deceives and uses everyone, dad, that’s not true, yes, if this is not so, why did you tell this, yes because, because i was very angry with her then, everything is fine with your father now, that means you don’t have to
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stay here, you can go home safely, yes, i’m like since i thought so, here you go, thank you, yes, but i... will have to look for another shelter, why is that? well , because the owner of the house allowed you to live here, not me! tanya, i already told oleg, you can stay here, live as long as you need, i’ll talk to the owner, thank you a true friend, you're welcome, okay, guys , i'll probably go now, liz, it's night outside, maybe you'll stay, well, i wouldn't... fox, you never embarrass us, and we're always glad to see you, really, oleg? yeah, okay , i guess i’ll stay then, oleg, you give me a lift home in the morning, i’ll give you a lift, well, i don’t know what kind of relationship you have with her, but i know perfectly well
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what kind of girl she is, and i can’t stand her next to you i intend, okay, and what you are offering me, i already told you, get her out of here to hell . and if not, you forgot who your father is, who gives you money to live on? dad, now you are wrong, glya is a very good girl, wait, you want to kick me out, forgive me, please, but where am i going, you never gave me an apartment, what other apartment, i didn’t promise you any apartment, how is this, have you forgotten? you promised me an apartment in exchange for my caresses, you forgot, listen, this is lies, this is pure slander, listen, how are you, why are you putting up with this, your father is being insulted, dad, yes because, because this is the truth, the truth,
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why you're hinting, i know you slept with her, i slept with her, how was it with you? the tongue turns, so to tell the father, that’s it, dad , please, let’s not do it, yeah, i understand why you’re defending her, she provides you with services at a reduced rate in exchange for your patronage, yes, she doesn’t judge people that way, if there is a girl next to you, you don’t have to sleep with her, vlad and i are good friends, and by the way, i give it to him. what you can’t give is what can’t i give him? affection, attention, listen to me, girl, you don’t need to teach me how to love my family, why not, if you don’t know how, you no one, you’re a kept woman, you understand, you live
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on my money, you’re also harassing me, i don’t live on your money, yes, whose apartment did i buy for vlad, money for his life? i, so whose money do you live on? dad, stop insulting her, fuck her , i can’t see her anymore, let her get out of it immediately, dad, i won’t kick her out, that’s a riot, i won’t give you any more money, so i accidentally remembered that i have one very interesting video, filmed in secret... it shows very clearly what the snickering official is doing in his office, and you what are you hinting at? i, i'm hinting at the fact that you can even imagine what will happen if such
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a video is sold on television, or to his political enemies, it seems he is going to the elections, are you blackmailing me, no, what are you, god, i just want him to all issues were resolved peacefully. the devil knows that vlad is an adult, please let him live on his own, fuck you, live as you want.
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yes, mom, it’s not mom, it’s me, arthur, who found out , so where’s mom, why do you have her phone number, guess three times, you’re smart, where’s mine mother, i promised you that i would be released, i was released, i promised you that i would return to primorsk, i’m already here, it’s time to fulfill the third promise, what is the third promise, take it? tanya, i am ready to do this, where is my mother, your mother is a wonderful woman, and she is even ready to die for you, soon she will have
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such an opportunity, if of course you are stubborn, what do you want? simple exchange, you give me tanya, i give you mother, everyone gets theirs, koskatin, you’re my mother, well, if you want, i ’ll find the money, even if i give you the apartment, if you don’t you will understand, i don’t need money, i don’t need your apartment, i need tanya, it’s simple. i’ll kill you, just come on without threats, let ’s decide everything at home, yes, you have 15 minutes to make a decision, and if i send you to hell, your mother will die, you get advice, i’m sure, that she will be smart, you have 15 minutes, time has passed.


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