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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  December 4, 2023 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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in the president's office, sometimes you need to, you know, uh, very tough, european crap. hungary joined the boycott of ukrainian trucks. why do neighboring countries want to starve kiev? our hostages were taken from the poles. unclosed gestaid. on this day the cold war ended. why are those events considered gorbachev’s capitulation, who today demands revenge in the confrontation? look, right now, hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin, we we are working live, many thanks to our viewers in ulyanovsk for the warm welcome, the city, of course, was completely covered to the roof with snow, but there was a patriot in the center. and
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sincerely, i’ll hold back the gifts when , yes, all the participants appear, but strangely enough, you might be surprised, today we’re starting with the topic that we discussed at the concert, i got a question, where do you think the next one will bang , but what am i doing, i naturally refer to our program, i say, here in the program we believe that it can to be in south america, because last week, in my opinion, either on thursday or friday, this topic was present in our country, so far only in this news block, that is, very much. and today we will start with it, but because you know, there is such a smell of gunpowder, it is somehow more and more clearly felt, i will remind you that we are talking about a territorial dispute between venezuela and a country called guyana, we don’t often we remember it once with you, this sport is very old, we are actually talking about the territory called essakibo, let's look at the map now, venezuela considers this region its own, but as a region, it's... 70%
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of the territory of the whole of guyana, here we have it all drawn on the map, it's area is larger than greece or more than bulgaria, venezuela considers this territory to be its own, and now oil and gas fields have been discovered there, which the goyan authorities began to quickly sell to westerners, and venezuela decided to act, nicolas maduro organized a referendum, here you see footage from the polling stations, the voting ended the day before, countries declared the results triumphant for the ownership of this region in venezuela , more than 95% of those who voted spoke out, so you see, festivities took place in large cities of venezuela, the authorities of guyana , on the contrary, called this referendum a step of conexia, stated that in the event of a military conflict they would give caracas a rebuff. naturally, the reaction of brazil, which has a large common border, is also interesting; brazil is the largest country in latin america; it has strengthened its own security measures. sent its
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troops to the north, but the president of venezuela, nicolas maduro declares at rallies that the referendum is only the first step to return the ancestral territories of venezuela, today the people spoke firmly, loudly and clearly, and we are about to begin a new, significant stage, because we carry the mandate of the people, we carry the voice of the people, from south america, let 's still return to the one we know well , he says that we should prepare for bad news from ukraine, that is, he not only states the failure of that same ukrainian counter-offensive, but hints that nothing good is coming for the ukrainian army in the near future not waiting. obviously, the offensive progress in the ssu is not as great as one would expect after 2 years. we were all hoping for great progress. why didn't it work?
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planning wars is very difficult. you are not afraid that the situation in ukraine in the future will be worse, not better. we must prepare for bad news. wars develop in stages, but we must support ukraine in good times and in bad. the american institute for the study of war echoes this, but they don’t talk on such a large scale, but rather what is called on the ground. this morning it experts discuss. movements of russian troops in the avdeevka area, having studied footage on social networks , in fact, how they do it, they came to the conclusion that our units are pushing back ukrainian forces, in the area of ​​​​the villages of stepnoe and pervomaisko, nearby there is an intersection of the main roads that connects the donetsk agglomeration with gorlovka , this most important sector of the ukrainian armed forces has been controlled since 1914, and now, as american experts believe, the ukrainian troops will have a hard time there, which speaks about the same thing well a german familiar to us... columnist röbka
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from the german build of his publication reports on the appalling living conditions on the ukrainian side and even publishes a video, here it is about the invasion of mice on... which destroy food and even weapons in this regard, as he writes bilt, the ukrainian command has ordered cats to be sent to the front. and now, seeing all this news, one of the talking heads of the ukrainian regime, mr. podalyak, publicly talks about the fatigue of ukrainian society from military operations and corruption. this sounds all, but from the way he speaks, it’s not at all victorious. you and i are great in society. we understand that a lot of irritation has accumulated, firstly, secondly, a lot of difficult questions have accumulated in society, how, where, why, at what cost, a lot of information has accumulated in society that not all, let’s say, are state verticals or at the local level authorities, yes, but they are just as
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invested in the war as society itself, all of this is such a heavy burden, because there was no breakthrough along the front line, and against the backdrop of all this news, the ukrainian group: rating sociological group, it is engaged in sociological research, releases a survey from which it becomes obvious that more and more citizens of ukraine are in favor of negotiations with russia, let's take a closer look at the numbers, according to this sociological service, supporters of continuing hostilities and refusing peace negotiations , since the summer this number has greatly decreased from 60% to 48, almost the same number of ukrainians believe that it is necessary to look for a compromise solution in negotiations involving... countries, supporters compromise is greatest in the east of ukraine among young people, these are people from 18 to 35 years old, it is young people, according to the study, who are most pessimistic about the situation at the front, well, only a third of young ukrainians surveyed believe that the situation at the front can somehow miraculously
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to improve, well, against the backdrop of all this, andrei vladimovich, it has worsened, as we call it , toad-gasping, you say spiders in a jar, i use it, mice can be great. today remember, no, well, the more statements there are that this is how the fellow said there, there was no breakthrough at the front, or something similar that stoltenberg said in that interview, the fragment that we showed, the more, of course, uh, these military operations, they are moving to internal political, ukrainian platforms , any of the epithets in the comparisons listed is suitable, but this is such a war of all against all, while it seems that it is intensifying, i would like you, maxim anatolyevich, now comment on our story, immediately after the story i will tell you why, let's see , last friday ukrainian border guards did not let former president petro poroshenko leave the country, he was traveling to poland as a negotiator for
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the verkhovna rada on the topic of lifting the transport blockade, and from poland he was supposed to fly to the united states, ask the speaker of the lower house of congress for increased assistance to kiev, but the border guards were on the cut poroshenko refused, although he waved an official permit from the chairman of the verkhovna rada in front of them. the sbu considered that the ex-president’s trip posed a danger to ukraine, because he planned to meet with the hungarian leader orban, who takes an anti-ukrainian position and calls for the lifting of sanctions on russia. i am sure that the border guards have nothing to do with this, and many of them at the front are now performing extremely important tasks, and this is the position of the president’s office. office. president, for whom the war has already ended, they are all busy with the elections. the incident with poroshenko did not go unnoticed in budapest. the hungarian government hastened to distance itself from the internal political squabbles in ukraine and stated that such scandals distance the kiev regime from
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european union. hungary does not want to play any role in zelensky’s political struggle. such news and political showdowns demonstrate that ukraine “today is not yet ready for membership in the european union. another scandal erupted after a series of revelations by kiev mayor vitaliy klitschko. in an interview with the german publication spiegen, he said that ukraine was rapidly moving towards authoritarianism, and accused zelsky of destruction of independent institutions of power. following this, klitschko admitted in an interview with the swiss press that the ukrainian authorities they lie. he praised the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny, and called zelsky an ineffective president, sooner or later he will pay for his mistakes, people see who is effective and who is not. zaluzhny told the truth, explained and justified what the situation is today. of course, we can euphorically lie to our people and to our partners; we won’t be able to do this forever.
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zelsky will pay for the mistakes he made. against this background , the story of parliamentary deputy alexander dubinsky, who was sent to jail, is unfolding in kiev. he was accused. in gosmenia he was put in pre-trial detention after he said that zelsky and ermak are covering up corruption. on saturday, a deputy handed over a note from the pre-trial detention center in which he said that he had been beaten. yesterday at about 9:00 pm, they threw me into another cell, i was there from 1 to 3 am, it felt like a broken rib, i clearly understand that everything was planned. despite the detention on dubinsky’s youtube channel, videos generated by the neural network are constantly being released. there he continues to criticize the kiev authorities. and over the weekend, his petition in support of the mobilization of deputies and officials recruited the necessary. 2500 votes and now zelsky will need to consider it. a joyful evening, as they say, some tea for
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sweetness - this is a single marathon of national news from the pre-trial detention center, single, because i am the only people’s deputy of ukraine who is in the pre-trial detention center for criticizing the authorities, and not because for corruption crimes, he has 23 apartments in kiev alone, yes , indeed, this is not corruption, so in short, it means the war is over. everyone is busy with the elections, just over a week ago, if i don't i’m wrong, you said that the situation in ukraine is now developing in such a way that during a special military operation we don’t need to undertake any big , uh, shock attacks, i don’t know there, we don’t need to implement such decisions, everything there quietly happens by itself begins to fall apart, but as time passes, you see, we have more and more materials, as it were, accumulating, is your idea changing or not?
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not a single kremlin political strategist who would paint the most negative picture for the team. oh well some very negative development of the event , but i probably wouldn’t have thought of such a thing, because starting a scandal with a former president out of nowhere, not releasing him under a flimsy pretext, is so petty, parochial, provincial, that i think, well, maybe it’s still not an empty place, maybe there is something there, what would he do there, well, he would go abroad, he would meet with orban, he was going to meet with the poles in the usa, what? if i hadn't fallen to the ground, nothing would have happened if he had agreed on something, the poles , for example, would have lifted
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the transport blockade, we will now talk about this transport blockade, then he would probably look like, in case you are trying to get into the brains of zelensky, just like that, petty provincial, small-town - he argues in krivorzh style, they took and insulted the whole krivorzh horn, well, what do you mean everyone there is like that, you know, it’s one thing, when? but now it turns out that some half-hearted woman has come and is behaving like this, you can’t do this with a former leader, but can you imagine that now president macron suddenly something came into his head, and he refused to let his predecessor françois hollando, for example, conservatives, go abroad, even boris johnson, even that biden, biden will say that trump sold himself out of hell to the russians there.
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ukrainians don’t need to do this at a time when there is a war, at a time when, from the point of view of the western allies, they need to unite, here it turns out with a former president who is popular in the west, well, klitschko, i think that he is popular mainly only in germany, since he has a tongue, how much punks can so to speak, what can the process of disunion achieve , to what extent, well, as if in a logical way , what can it come to, well, how to what, before the elections they are still preparing for the elections correctly, so they need to prepare for them doubly hard, i don’t understand here because they can by chance, wait, the thing is that pyotr alekseevich poroshenko, he obviously is not going to the united states to negotiate about weapons, and you can call and ask for it publicly like a zaluzhny. made 400 billion, 17 million rounds at once and so on, he naturally goes there, says that it is he, he
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is the only one who can fulfill the role of a national state leader who has political experience, the experience of an oligarch, the experience of a person in general who has worked in government agencies for decades, it is he who should replace this one, you always use the term toad-addicting, but there is a wonderful example of a ritual banishment into the desert, here is the hiring of kippur one of the sacrificial goats, he is banished into the desert. having laid all the sins on him, everyone understands that zelsky they cook, it’s more interesting, just yes, i understand, but everyone understands that now zelsky is an extremely convenient figure, all the sins will be blamed on him. everyone, political , military and economic, he will be eliminated, a new leader will come, some kind, if this plan, if this plan exists, well, wait, then it is necessary, then we need to demand that the americans hold elections, of course, but so far we have not we see, well, for now, moreover, after all , the popularity of zelsky, one way or another a terrorist, it, it is still present, no, no, you know, 32% give to zelsky, and
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63 already zaluzhny, but zaluzhny is not a political figure, zaluzhny is a battering ram that should simply demolish him, a politician is needed, a politician. so what about you, who do you see, i won’t vote for any of them, not for poroshenko, i’m not forcing you to vote, you ’re already a citizen of russia, well, you’ll have someone to vote for in march next year, but we need a politician, you see him, well, there are just a lot of politicians, there is poroshenko, there is tymoshenko, this is the old guard, oh well, what are they right now, they haven’t had enough of this yet forever alive, tymoshenko didn’t get enough of it at all, because she was never allowed to go to the trough, then there is the regional elite. klitschko, they have connections with europe, by the way, you yourself said, klitschko is very popular in germany, and there are people who, like in our immortal comedy, are ready to betray in time, because they can foresee it, three groups of politicians who are preparing for elections and each of them expects that he will take either first place or some place with this new first, alexander nikoevich, you pre-interview we were told that you
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always considered poroshenko almost the only one there who was more or less adequate, well, in general, and apparently i continue to do so. because, after all, i know that poroshenko at one time was personally involved in the selection of diplomatic personnel, that he is a person who is responsible for this, he was also the minister of foreign affairs, in my opinion, for some time in ukraine, among other things, in in general, he is a person who, well, firstly, from my point of view , would never have allowed it to come to what it all came to, and secondly, a person who after all, with all his shortcomings, he is a european person, because i would like to start with the fact that these people, and while they were talking here, my head was simply full of historical parallels, well , what because, well, firstly, it’s not bad to read the history of the division of poland already at the last stage
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, about the same thing happened there, and secondly, there was a phrase - the french, they said that hitler was better than blum, so, and i, at one time, when they had just chosen zelsky, and it was still possible to say something, so i said then that when zelensky is hanged on khreshchatyk, i will certainly go to kiev to watch, but of course i won’t go to kiev, but there’s no need to say that, in the near future, but i continue to hope that. at least in the news programs, i ’ll see it, straight, straight, and you think that it can come to this, right up to hanging on khreshchatyk, just as long as you understand this, why i’m asking alexandrich, for me this is the feeling of a general ukrainian toad viper , this is some kind of endless process that was only interrupted because of a special military operation, when they forgot about the toad-viper, they somehow started us,
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now this is permanent, it comes back, it’s permanent. there is always, there is no beginning, there is no end, this is a perpetuum mobile , no, the end certainly happens, again, read sergei mikhailovich solovyov, the history of the fall of poland, of course it certainly happens, only if among the poles, it is colored by a certain aristocratic aesthetics, characteristic for the 16th century, then here i can’t even say on the air what it is, it’s there something. almost all of europe is suffering from these people, tell me this, you said that you always considered poroshenko a person who would never allow
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what is happening now, but this man, poroshenko, he is capable of, let’s say, well, elections after all... he turns out to be the main leader of ukraine again, he is now able to stop all this in some way, it seems to me that this is more important than discussing whether he would have allowed it then, but now, this is one conversation, but for moreover, we proceed from the fact that everything, that’s when what happened happened, but he is the most adequate, you say, in order to answer your question now, you need to know. we are open to negotiations, the ukrainians themselves forbade themselves to talk to us, good, the ukrainians canceled it, poroshenko came, the law was canceled, these are the requirements, what are the guidelines, because i again started reading about the activities of kiev there and
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so on, this is all patriotic the content, i see, it’s absolutely monstrous, yes, but how to resolve this with whom to talk here and here, let’s try to throw in some more details, because all this toad-viper, western partners, western comrades of ukraine see, the local press regularly began to write about this almost every day, but even there the general idea is that ukrainians, the western press writes to us, they no longer believe in victory, and because of this, they say, all the troubles are happening , change, several western publications at once, as if by agreement, released materials that the morale of ukrainians is being destroyed and without hesitation, they write about the reasons: first the new york times, then the german spiegel, in addition the british, one voice declares that political discord in the country is to blame for everything kyiv. the morale of ukrainians fell due to public quarrels between zelsky and zaluzhny. the ukrainian president denies that the war has reached
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a stalemate, as his commander-in-chief valeriy zaluzhny claims. the continued lack of progress in the counter-offensive has led to a gloomy mood throughout ukraine. a series of corruption cases worsened the situation. and the german channel ard, after zaluzhny’s confession of inability. zelsky, do not trust russia, they have no security guarantees from the west. more and more people are wondering what is in all this it makes sense how many people still need to be sent to death. article by the british edition of the economist, this time the editors went through the corruption scandals in which the terrorist zelsky and his associates got stuck. internal polls suggest
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the president's reputation is tainted by government corruption scandals, and the direction the country is taking raises questions. november figures indicate that the level of trust in the president fell to 32%, and this is half the level of trust in general zaluzhny - 70%. on melts ukrainians are disappointed with their allies; if last year 15% of the population expressed skepticism about help from western partners, now it is 30%, this data is cited by the new york times, american political scientists only nod affirmatively, saying this was to be expected. time after time i hear from experts that there can be no victory, because everything will end in negotiations, can you explain to me why then biden says that he will overthrow putin? we understand that this is not true, and resources there is no such. we went through all this with vietnam, afghanistan, and now we are going through it with ukraine.
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this is the standard promise of the united states, over-promising and under-delivering. ukrainians are not interested in victory, the western press writes to us. if a society from which the most efficient men are regularly extracted. and send them into the trenches , victory is not interesting, this society, probably at some point should begin, i don’t know, to resist all this, or it will be apathy, apathy, apathy, i also don’t agree with everything, that it doesn’t victory is interesting, society would be interested in victory if it were achievable, if there was an understanding, like we have, for example, in russian society, what needs to be done in order to win, that is, there would be a path to victory obvious , in ukraine, as in the west now, the image of victory... well, it’s just a little strange here, look, here are the western press, here are the journalists, well, it turns out that they seem to blame the ukrainians themselves, yes, and who should not blame themselves, but
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ukrainians announce, blame the west, say that the west betrayed us, this is now i don’t i know, our guests are probably looking at all these ukrainian sources there, the motive is just flying there, the west betrayed us, they promised us this, this and that, various different trolls from our country are already laughing at it there all the time. since they do not see how the situation can be reversed, how it can be won, in this situation, for us, on the one hand, this is certainly good, the more apathetic ukrainian society is, the better for us, on the other hand, we need to understand that until the end of our is still far away, this does not mean that we will have victory tomorrow, everything will collapse there tomorrow, no, this is not so, we still have a very long time to liberate our territories. both current and future , and in fact, there is one very important point, and i categorically disagree with the fact that we now need to follow this popcorn and
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do nothing, on the contrary, we need to create a shock military defeat, that is, go from talk, so that ukrainian society moves from talk, there is no possibility of victory, to talk that defeat is just on the doorstep, and what do you mean, does not mobilize them back, this will not mobilize them back, it will show them that everything is completely promising, i could mobilize it if there were some resources for this, someone would give a huge amount of weapons, someone would give a huge number of mercenaries, someone that is, in short , this unity, which, a new unity, which maxim anatolch considers undesirable, understanding, understanding vich, was only possible when a second, wait, when there was a feeling on the part of the opponents that he was omnipotent, the whole world with us, then, yes, then they are right here they rallied because they were bursting with the feeling of such their own invincibility, and
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now he says... when all this was blown away, we need to fuck it up again so that nothing happens, no unity, but what happens on the contrary is completely regional, it’s very difficult with dreams, well what fuck, we haven’t been able to take the little marinka for a year and a half, but i would also really like you to take the lions for the airborne assaults just like that, for example, for example, again, for example , i’ll still ask the question i want to ask, because if you don't answer, it's you you will look bad, what can i say, so i say again, for example, resume. which is already bursting at the seams,
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yes, now come in, well, first of all, georg was not talking about this, but about taking large cities, using available forces to capture a large one now, i just don’t see everything, i asked you a question, that’s how you treat this proposal, i treat this with caution , why, because i am afraid, knowing the ukrainian psychology, that if we overexert a little with such blows, we can pay them back again, firstly, during the blows, maybe, god forbid a rocket flies somewhere in the wrong direction, hits a residential building, a picture of victims there, if several dozen people, god forbid, die, they should not be allowed to unite, that is, what is happening now is good, there is no need to interfere, your opinion, i hope that what i’m about to say will not be used against you, little,
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little - let’s say, is combined with reality, i hope that this is not wrong, but i don’t want to ruin the new year holidays , for the audience, for other people, you understand, what is happening now in the information field western ukrainian, and it began to happen very suddenly, it resembles an orchestrated campaign, there is such an opinion, and we have already seen one such orchestrated campaign. a few months before the start of the war, it was a massive campaign in the western media, in the ukrainian media, where various maps were published, it was said that russia would begin, in fact, a military operation in ukraine, and it was said a lot very often that this the operation will be almost lightning fast, it will take place supposedly in a few weeks, it will it will be very successful that zelsky is supposedly already
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preparing to leave somewhere, either to lev, to leave kiev to go to lev or even further, and that in general the ukrainian government may flee somewhere, and this can also be perceived in some way sense, as a provocation, that’s when we observe this information campaign, perhaps pleasant for many russian ears, in the ukrainian media, among ukrainian government officials, the mayor of kiev, there david arakhami, deputies of the verkhovna rada, the secretary general of nato, various figures... some western experts , a it’s worth thinking about whether this is not a certain provocation of a new russian offensive, that is, what picture, what picture very briefly , the ponies pretend that they are wounded and some birds are doing there, which here raises particular suspicion that they it’s not just pretending that they have problems, they really have problems, it’s obvious to everyone, their
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counter-offensive has failed. but they do, in a sense, this company says that they are not just wounded, but very seriously wounded, supposedly as if on their last legs, but if we look at the state of the front for the last time... in this theory of yours, some kind of provocative conspiracy, it turns out that there are a lot of participants in this conspiracy, they all work for one specific, different organizations, or maybe some -the number of these people would not have blurted out at some point that this is a story to lure, no one knows how to hold their tongue , and separately in ukraine no one knows how to hold it, i don’t think, you know, we really,
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well, what don’t we see on tv channels or in the media different countries, including russia, some topic is on a number of different channels, it is clear that it comes down from somewhere, it is not necessary for everyone to come to everyone and say, here you are the secretary general of nato, you must do this now ... i mean the blockade that has now been imposed on ukraine by its neighbors, well, somehow this is too much, let’s take a little break now, show the plot, explain everything,
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there are a lot of questions, god grant that there is enough time for everything discuss everything that 2023 will be remembered for, one branch of the nord stream remains 2, today is the decision, tomorrow, without digging someone else’s hole, you will fall into it yourself, so they fell into this hole, everything that is important for the president, there is no need to step on the same rake, everything that is important for everyone is necessary to know where the root of evil is, where this very spider is that is trying to entangle the entire planet with its web, this is not a pancake, the wind rose can turn in their direction, we do not create military alliances and we are not friends. against someone, we are friends in the interests of our peoples, everyone has a future, only it is different, even in economic conditions success awaits us in international turbulence. results of the year with vladimir putin. on december 14 at
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the size of the army, let us do this, we will now look at the text of the decree itself, it is actually already available, and then at the explanation of the ministry of defense. so, according to the decree, the staffing level of the russian armed forces will be over 2,200,000 people, of which a little more than 1,300,000 are directly military personnel. compared to the previous decree, their number has increased by almost 170,000. and here in the defense i will explain to the department that the size of the army will be increased at the expense of citizens who want to do military service under a contract, and there is no talk of any new mobilization. the very expansion of the army personnel in the ministry of defense was called an adequate response to the aggressive activities of nato, which is amassing troops and weapons near our russian borders. at the same time, the following discussion began in the state duma: whether the period of conscription service in the army should be increased from one to two years. with such an initiative. in fact, this discussion was started by the deputy from the communist party of the republic, viktor sobolev, he
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retired lieutenant general, well, he presented his arguments. in his opinion, this issue is long overdue, and sobolev proposes training on imaginary units in training units for six months, and then using them directly in the troops for a year or a year and a half, for a total of about 2 years. the head of the state duma defense committee and colonel general andrei kortopolov answered him. he called sobolev’s proposal nostalgia for the soviet order; in his opinion , there is no need for a two-year service, since a person is able to fully master in a year military specialty, second year conscript will be quoted: just wasting time eating government food. lieutenant general andrei gurulev, also a state duma deputy, joined the discussion; he not only supported increasing the service life, but also called for a fight against universities, which, in his opinion, were created only for the purpose of giving a deferment from the army, all pre-universities, should be separately , this is a separate topic of conversation, i am convinced that all these shops should frankly just be taken and closed, to be honest,
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because for several reasons, firstly, they don’t provide any meaningful education, well, let’s look at things realistically, secondly, i have no illusions at all that, well, okay, he graduated from this bursa there, which is incomprehensible, but it will work just as well, although it will also provide some benefit to the second, this is also a key point, well , finally, as the tas agency reports, the russian ministry of defense proposed changing the requirements... for health for military service, what exactly do they want from these requirements change that it is unclear what to add, so far only a draft of this document has been published without details, but there is explanatory information... information, the so-called explanatory note, indicates that changes may affect the government decree on military medical examination, it is intended to improve the process of medical examination of citizens with diseases that do not significantly affect a person’s ability to serve. the revision of the criteria, as stated in the document,
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is related to the experience that has been accumulated in within the framework of a special military operation , the full draft resolution has not yet been published, so the new one... while i formulated the idea and did not forget it, we settled on the assumption that you said, viktor zhizovich, that all these statements by various ukrainian western politicians, about how difficult everything is developing for ukraine, maybe some kind of global provocation, yes, to lure us, weaken our vigilance, in general, force us to do some, you can very, two words, this has another goal, and that . on obvious, this is to create such an alarmist background for those in the west who decide on additional funding for ukraine, that is, when members, you made it even more difficult then, that is, we need to be relaxed, and for them it means, a second, a second, wait, i he said
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that you and i had our doubts, as if, well , somehow this conspiracy looks very global, someone would definitely say that he spilled the beans, but i say. that there is a car, and we have a truck drawn, so how do they fit into this then? this is not a statement, this is real actions that are directed against the ukrainian economy, including its neighbors, poland, slovakia, bulgaria, hungary, well, somehow i don’t know, it seems to me that this is out of our theory, which we are discussing, please, the plot, please, over the weekend the wengerges joined the blockade of the border with ukraine. farmers, they paralyzed the checkpoint through which ukrainian truckers tried to bypass the slovak border that had previously been blocked for them; as a result, the line of trucks stretched for more than 20 kilometers. ugorshchiny, passage blocked by the hungarian side; only those with ukrainian license plates are not allowed in. last week, the slovak authorities doubled
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the list of ukrainian goods prohibited for transit. in addition to wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower, a ban was imposed on honey. the slovakian ban will remain in force until the european union solves the problem with the dominance of ukrainian products in europe. last year our farmers lost 110 million euros. almost all checkpoints on the border between poland and ukraine are blocked; 2,500 trucks are stuck in a 50 km long traffic jam. they promise to open the passage today, but only empty trucks will be allowed through. ukrainian drivers are furious in protest. the confederation did not allow them to pass through ukraine, considering them simply expensive yachts. border, american patrol boats for the polish authorities turn a blind eye to all this. integration of ukraine into the economic
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space of the european union threatens poland with problems. ukraine, with its low level of wages in agriculture, is a dangerous competitor. ex-prime minister of ukraine mykola azarov did not receive additional budget from the kiev regime due to the blockade in november, $253 million, but the strike also backfired on european manufacturers, as bilt writes, in germany, automakers were left without supplies of electrical cables, which caused a shortage of components, in latvia there is a shortage of raw materials for food production, ukrainian grain, honey and sugar cannot be delivered to the factories. and just now i read something about the bulgarian president, so... this looks like support for ukraine, but great support, in fact , look, this is not the integration of ukraine into the european union, and we haven’t come yet close to the question of ukraine joining the european one, how many and yes, and how many problems
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and how many problems have arisen on the border, one could say, you know, this is poland, remember. they tried to present it to us, but it’s all internal squabbles there in poland, there , this is internal politics, elections and so on, now slovakia is joining, now hungary is joining, and then there was bulgaria, no, look, you’re just a little late for me today program, i’m wondering, so we first showed the regular attacks by the president’s office on poroshenko, poroshenko, well, klitschko is on all of them, that’s all, that’s what viktorich said, these are some real real processes going on. or is it some kind of performance they are putting on especially for us, so that we think that they have everything there, this is not a performance, you know, the ministry of defense will never be guided by public statements of some... they have intelligence, they have they have everything they need to make a rational decision, so they can say whatever they want, but the strategy
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and the tactics of warfare will be determined exclusively within the framework of the verified information that the ministry of defense will have, if it is not for our ministry of defense, but there i don’t know, for politicians, for or for western politicians, but no, well, it’s clear that everything it’s gone, it’s all gone, is it really all gone or are they shouting like that on purpose? intelligence services of western countries always work in terms of disinformation of the enemy, this is their normal sphere of activity, but i say again, i think, seridon pavlovich, but here you are now slightly contradictory, you say , the ministry of defense or other politicians there make decisions, are not based on the information background, if this were so, then no one would be engaged in disinformation, the information fund one way or another, i said something completely different, intelligence,
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intelligence should do this engage, but not , not like that, not on such a scale, not in relation to all the leading media in general, you know, like a year ago we had a hard time finding any quotes we liked, and as a rule, it was either colonel mcgregor, libit-riter, which it’s even inconvenient to comment on, but now these are really serious media , this is exactly what they write about, what do you think, they all stood up, it means that the french foreign intelligence service, the german bnd, and the cia were given tasks, but this does not happen , they just really reflect what's going on. another thing, this is where i agree with victor, no matter how one gets the impression that yes, indeed, they still have a little bit there, so... yes, but, but, why, victor, i think this won’t happen , well, watching how the fighting
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have been passing for almost 2 years now, but our military is quickly learning to understand their mistakes, what happened in february last year, they will no longer allow it, so here it begins again, you understand how competently the troops were cast, on the one hand you say , not a single large city has been taken there, on the other hand, we are learning, so maybe we are just not going to take any large cities now, a historical example in 1942, when we had the most difficult battles, lending to the soviet union was almost stopped, well in general, politically it was obvious, the allied countries were waiting to see who would win these battles, the ussr or germany, the ussr, which means we will help the ussr. secondly, in order to really further divide the political forces in ukraine, in order to level it, well, frankly, as a state , it is not necessary to capture large ones. cities require the destruction of military and dual-use potential, military potential, dual-use potential, airfields, logistics, supply routes,
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warehouses, energy resources and so on and third, no one is going to take large cities, large cities are simply covered and the troops move on, this is what professional military men with whom i am constantly in contact told me, as for this entire campaign that is associated with blocking, well, i would single out poland , slovakia, poland here. slovakia is a healthy egoism, well, and maybe a little bit of russophilia, actually slovak, russophilia, no, i was talking about slovakia, profitsa, that’s it, but even there there is still an association of translators of slovakia unas, they say yes, we support ukraine, but we are against our economic interests being infringed upon, because no, well, that’s all clear, i didn’t pay attention to it, i have a wonderful cover of the polish report. here it is, it’s not visible here, it’s written here, in the camera, if the poles are for ukraine, but against the ukrainians,
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to the ukrainians, or from ukraine, but against the ukrainians, this is the general mood, and the hungarians, the hungarians, they still have a very good a reason to take revenge, because they just wanted to deprive hungary, first of all, of the nuclear power plant in paks and the druzhba oil pipeline, they will now fight for them so that later they can bargain, so alexander mikhaivich, again you had a phrase that they are all tired of them and , well, decent people want to somehow distance themselves from this, because decent people have growing confidence in two things: firstly, as the so-called eastern flank of nato is being strengthened, as troops are deployed. in the already existing nato countries, i am absolutely convinced that the sense of danger, the sense
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of the value of ukraine as a predator from the russian yes, this is a process that is going on, the third point, i do not undertake to evaluate the military aspects, but there is no need to take any big cities, let me say it more politically correct, in 1945, at the beginning of 1944,
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the british did not take any german cities. but they bombed some to the ground, they bombed them, but i am not able to assess the potential of the russians from this point of view , there was no germany, and you know how they fought for strasbourg, it’s a large city, its french, by the way, we won’t do that anyway we will, we have for example, it’s now the fortieth day, it became clear to everyone. that it is impossible to bring down russia by replacing a conditional putin with a conditional putin, agent i believe that in general everyone understands this, therefore the whole story practically loses its meaning after a year and a half they came to the conclusion that there is no need to take anything, you need to twist it, but not take it. let us stop now,
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now we will also argue a little on a historical topic, but we already thank our guests. colonel sotnikov, criminal investigation department. why are you behaving like this, motorcycle, paraphernalia, random women, because i think all this is an advantage, and it’s not too old for a motorcycle, no? forever young , so how old are you, you said, at the full dawn of your strength, baby, and damn dashing, who is this anyway, this is a reckless driver, nikita ponfilov, sergei viktorovich, that he is a legend of the criminal investigation department of sochi, yes, i can do that, returns to service, what the hell is this, where is my
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hermes jewelry is self-confidence and an integral part of a successful male image. hermes jewelry set, a worthy gift for a real man, set price rub 2,499. but call us right now and you... buy it for only 1,999 rubles. but that's not all. each person who orders the set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. leamax purchases with a plus. this meeting place on ntv, a place where everything becomes clear. now in this hour we have one of our, well, one might say, already traditional historical topics. here. i'll be brief. before the news , i’ll remind our viewers in volgograd that we have a meeting with you on the sixteenth, don’t forget about it, because then we pause until the last ten days of january, and now let’s talk about today’s events, here ivan sergevich has again - some unpleasant
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news related to illnesses, well, not entirely unpleasant, but definitely alarming, yes, let's start this part with a report from cnn, not so long ago we told you about an outbreak of what appears to be childhood pneumonia in china, and now cnn claims that similar symptoms, similar cases, they have already appeared in europe, so about the increase in cases of pneumonia in children said in denmark, france and the netherlands, in the united states, according to the same cnn, a surge of the disease is observed in the state of ohio, with 142 cases of the disease recorded in warren county since august. previously, an outbreak of the disease among children aged 15 to 12 years was recorded in germany, where doctors reported several severe cases. reports that the main reason. it is the bacterium mycoplasma , it penetrates the respiratory tract and affects the trachea, bronchi and lung tissue, causing a strong, long, prolonged cough, while cnn, with reference to doctors, writes that
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so far all this is not so similar to an etidemia, but simply to the traditional increase in incidence, which happens every few years, is simply the current outbreak, it is stronger than the previous one, here is the german publication bilt, on the contrary, it is pumping up and publishing photographs from china. where, in fact , i will remind you of all this and it was discovered how disinfection is carried out in the classrooms of chinese schools, well, this bill passes off as overcrowded chinese hospitals, to confirm the authenticity of this photo, this should be addressed to the bill as soon as possible, the world health organization turned to the chinese country for clarification , they say that no new viruses have been found there yet, already known ones are rampant, including the same flu, and the current surge in incidence is simply the consequences of what was canceled all sorts of... covid restrictions. we must improve our ability to diagnose and treat common infections, and our efficiency in identifying and transmitting severe cases.
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efforts should be made to increase the number of opening appropriate clinics and treatment rooms, and increase the hours of service for drug supplies. the united states decided to warm things up, and politicians, such as senator marco rubio and his colleagues, called on biden to close air traffic altogether. with china due to the risk of growing, as they say, epidemics of a new unknown diseases. they remembered the experience of the reaction error during covid-19 and proposed to prohibit americans, in addition to closing air travel altogether... from traveling to the people 's republic of china, which we say, despite the alarming news from abroad, at our gamaleya institute of epidemiology, they said, that russians should not be afraid of any new viruses, most likely we are talking about the usual pathogens of all kinds of respiratory diseases, arvi, the season of which is now andrei vladimirovich, in many countries in full swing, in our editorial office also, several people there i know are sick , in general, so far everything is as usual in winter, well, look
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, we’ll take your word for it, what historical event did we want to remember today in order to discuss and maybe draw some conclusions, this is the event, this is where sitting, you see, we have here the smiling president of the united states, george bush, with the older and no less smiling mikhail sergeevich gorbachev, while i was looking at the photo, i noticed that bush has headphones for translation, and gorbachev for some reason no, what does that mean? and let’s look at this story, what kind of meeting this is, it was almost every day, well, on december 3rd, today is the fourth, meeting in malta, and which supposedly marked the end of the cold war. formally, the date of the end of the cold war is considered to be december 3, 1989, when at a summit held in malta, mikhail gorbachev and george h. w. bush announced that the soviet union... and the united states were no longer
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strategic adversaries. the statements were made orally, the parties did not sign any agreements, which gave rise to many rumors, given that the leaders of the two superpowers met behind closed doors. after the negotiations, gorbachev promised not to interfere in the affairs of eastern europe and never to fight with the united states. the world is leaving one cold war era and entering a new era. a new era requires new ones. it is necessary to resolutely abandon a lot of what was created during the cold war, and above all, from relying on force, from confrontation, from the arms race, from mistrust, from psychological, ideological battles and struggles, all of this should be a thing of the past. the boys' summit took place against the backdrop of a rapidly changing world, with the gorbachev-bush meeting imploding just weeks before. wall,
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nuclear disarmament was gaining momentum, by this time the intermediate-range nuclear forces treaty had been in force for 2 years. eastern europe was also changing. in 1990, a united germany received full state sovereignty, and gorbachov not only promised to withdraw soviet troops from germany, but also agreed to its entry into nato. it is your decision, napoli bureau, to prevent this. i must say, there were appeals , they didn’t really want unification, and even margaret thatcher, we said that we would not interfere, this is a matter for the democrats, let them decide, in 1991 the soviet military bloc, the warsaw pact organization created in opposition to nato, and the decision... to liquidate the bloc was made immediately
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after gorbachev returned from a business trip to the united states, which again gave rise to a lot of rumors that the americans had properly treated mikhail sergeevich. during the period of the soviet union, it means that gorbachev was still verbal, but after all, it was promised that there would be no expansion of nato to the east, so where are these promises? you did a great job, that’s right, you fooled the fool by four fists, that’s what our people say, which means putting everything on paper. well , the worst thing was the sudden collapse of the soviet union in ninety-one for many. bush the elder assured that he opposed the collapse of the ussr, fearing that in the place of one nuclear power several would appear, which would be more difficult for the americans to keep track of than to deal directly with moscow alone. in the summer of ninety-one, bush sr. even went to kiev to dissuade ukrainians from breaking with russia and made a speech in which he warned kiev against independence. i received this speech. ironic name
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for cutlet kiev, we will support those in the center, americans will not support those who seek independence to replace distant tyranny with local despotism, they will not help those who promote suicidal nationalism based on national hatred. however, the ukrainians did not listen to bush, a month later they declared independence, immediately after the collapse of the soviet union, the american leader with pathos announced us victory in the cold war. the greatest thing that has happened in the world in my life, in our lives, is by the grace of god. we took here, as it were, several more events that preceded the meeting in malta, which ended on january 28 , 1992, when president bush announced the victory of the united states in
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the cold war, respectively, then, after all, the malta summit itself , andrei vladimir, we decided that still, let's start with you, we have reconciled. like two opposing systems or was it still a capitulation and that here you need your things for your own no it was a deal a deal it was a deal, this was not a capitulation at all, it was a deal, a deal of an ongoing nature, because mikhail sergeevich, and at that time i was already working in fact, we guessed that you were already actively grist for the mill, then the point was that this would be a deal, that it would be a temporary agreement, after which, so to speak, we’ll see what happens next. absolutely honest about what we get respite, respite, respite from the point of view that there is no need to further build up weapons, that we get a respite
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because we can begin to solve some economic problems together with the americans and so on, that is, he did not consider this as a surrender at that time absolutely, so wait, do i understand you correctly, are you taking a breather? then you continue some kind of dialogue and then continue the dialogue, this is what he loved, but at the same time, andreyvich, some interests were surrendered for this respite, that is, the americans, as it were, they said, okay, we won’t do anything, for this they received our refusal from eastern europe, and so on and so forth in the plot it is listed whether this looks like equal rights, all this happened before, here is genscher, the german foreign minister, he told me he said that all this was consent to all these matters. should have been given to him earlier, when they were walking there on the archiz and so on, that is , this is what happened, this was already a consolidation of what was said earlier, okay, here is your personal assessment, this deal turned out to be successful for us for us it was unsuccessful, because
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regardless of this deal we received the collapse of the soviet union, there was this deal, but it wouldn’t have happened, because i say again, the situation was very simple, the soviet union and the soviet people. wait, here’s the logical chain, this is where the collapse of the soviet grew, this was the beginning. already the physical, visible beginning of the collapse of the soviet union, it was high treason , in fact, you say that gorbachev talked like that, but why not, wait, nikolavich, well, now there was a respite, the soviet union got the opportunity to work there together with the americans, there, as
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i understand, andrei vladimov, solving some complex problems, i don’t know, economic, scientific, humanitarian, and why didn’t he cope, he got this respite and nothing did not happen, there was a constant deterioration of ours. not only in eastern europe, but throughout the world, that is , our former enemies overnight turned into partners, our former allies are numerous throughout the world, as it turns out, they became our opponents, that is there was a betrayal, a catastrophic betrayal on a global scale, then there is another question, because we hinted twice here in the story that all these negotiations, they took place well... well, let’s say, not very transparently, so is it true, is it even possible is it possible to assume that mikhailgevich gorbachev was somehow pre -prepared for such, i’m trying to put it mildly, of course, mikhail sergeevich was already prepared, why, because he was already
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trying with all his might to integrate into the western world, so not only these are the negotiations happened without evidence, what is called the surrender of germany, as it happened when experts learned about the conditions under which we were giving up, as if we were giving away... in the gdr, so to speak, they were horrified, they knew nothing, nothing was planned, and mr. gorbachev, so to speak, with one in return for a feast, with one in return for a hand, destroyed the most powerful system that existed after the second world war, after that an imbalance began and what we now have, so to speak, the confrontation between russia and nato is a continuation of the cold war, she turned into a hot one war , there was no end to the cold war, i made one small amendment, the fact is that - before the trip - to malta, a special meeting of the politburo came, at this meeting of the politburo, mikhail sergeevich received a mandate, that is, it was a collective decision, if consider
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this to adhere to andrei vladimov’s version that this was a definite deal, was there a chance, again after gorbachev’s politburo collectively consulted, not to conclude this deal, to continue the confrontation, or is that all already rolled down such a responsible slope that one way or another they would have come to this deal, i know you should talk to gorbachev about this, ivangevich, i’m a little different about this with gorbachev. i was talking, as i understand it, people who were located much closer to gorbachev are present in our studio, i worked in america, watched all this from an american angle, and how did it look from there, like a deal or what? like a victory over a principled enemy, look, firstly, with all due respect, gorbachev’s country supported him then. people, as far as i remember, i had, i had, i had one
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person i personally knew, of all the people i knew, who, when chernenko was appointed konstantinin, he said, well, we’ll wait a while, but the rest all said perestroika, great , even i heard from high-ranking diplomats then that this was, like, our last chance for our country, for our system, to save ourselves, strengthen ourselves, and so on and so forth, yes, of course, of course. here the americans, the americans turned me into such a spontaneous democrat with a little literally in the sense that they complained to me all the time about their presidents, bush is not like that, obama is not like that, i ’m not talking about trump at all, so i’m saying, guys, you chose these people according to your own rules, and here we have exactly the same situation, gorbachev was elected. according to the rules of the system that we had at that time, moreover, contrary to these
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rules, he several times addressed more directly to the people, to the people, there to the party, in a broader sense than the politburo, to the people, he it was as if he was trying to enlist the support of the people, i personally believe, this is my personal opinion, that there was support, now about how i apologize, i was very pleased with your invitation. because, among other things, i thought that you might remember, now it’s november 30, 5 years ago, the death of bush the elder, and uh, how could several dates come together here, and uh, yes, of course, they count, and we just saw on the screen, they consider this their victory, in principle it seems to me that it’s difficult to blame them for this, because yes, but this is understandable, but we don’t want them so much analyze the idea from you , senior, bush senior, and then in his famous speech, which means chicken kiev,
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and chikin is still a coward in english, that is , he is a kiev coward, no matter how they called him that, this is not a kiev cutlet, for 25 years in the 14th year of the same maltese agreement, i turned to bush, well, in writing, that means, and i say how you assess and what you can say now about those events, about the lessons, he... responded in writing like this: since leaving the white house, i haven't been working i won’t give out advice now either, but in my opinion it is obvious that for our peoples, for our common interests, it is better when our leaders are not like ships diverging in the night sea with the lights off, but it is important that our leaders feel each other’s heartbeat, you see, in any geopolitical scenario, beautiful words. behind which, in general, there may be nothing more than this , i agree, but one ship sank, so i
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had the same thoughts, that one ship as a result went to tuna, vecheslavich, was it the opportunity then not to give up positions, i actually have, i’m not a witness to the era, so i’m wondering if it was impossible, because andrei konstantinovich is right, back then gorbachev’s support within the country was quite large, there were many factors that led to what they brought, the soviet... union could still exist for a long, long, long time, but again the speech does not come down to the role of the individual in history, it is strange to hear from true communists that they extol the role of the individual in history, that the communist ideology was a distraction, you know, but excuse me, i’m interrupting you, there was one noisy story with one deputy from the communist party of the russian federation, the state duma, who fled to ukraine, he was then killed there, a well-known representative of the communist party faction came, and i asked him, i i say, how come you
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have such a turd in your cpr faction, yes, he’s here on corruption cases. he tells me: they didn’t check why the communists might not have checked mikhail sergeevich, he was an active member of the party, he worked well there in the stavropol region, and then he didn’t finished watching, and the answer to this was already given by colleagues, a respite was needed, and how did the need for a respite arise, what happened to the country, strong, powerful, practically, well, if not number one, then number two, and maybe number one in world, suddenly she needs a break, because she began to choke, who is this? bush, as they say, led to this, the americans or whoever, nothing of the sort, there were objective reasons that by the end of the eighties, well, in general, the soviet union had become ideologically distorted, no one believed everyone in anything anymore
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these slogans, and the party members themselves did not believe, i , too, as a party member of one of the parties ... inflationists, did not believe it at all, which means, on the other hand, objectively the economy and the arms race were slipping, they began to lose, yes there was satan, but this is satan , this is not a weapon, this is a condition that there will be no war, but there was a subjective factor, of course , if it were not for gorbachev, aden siopin was sitting on our throne, then probably everything would not have fallen apart so quickly, of course, rick javik, malta, these are all important milestones, but before that there was almaata, sumgayit, where excuse me, the party showed its complete failure, that’s what we’re talking about, in 5 years everything was fine with us in 1985, then under the leadership of a comrade or mr. gorbachev it began to fall apart, i’ll say the following, here
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we are now we use the word cold war, it really came to light. for turpin , the return was heightened by the significance of what had happened. in fact, since 1972, with nixon's visit to the soviet union, the cold war has not was mentioned, and its sources, this was churchill's speech, churchill's fulton speech, was used. but what about the evil empire? but what about the evil empire? nixon’s evil empire is clear, this is reagan, i don’t remember now, but this is his formulation , so what does empire mean, well, this was even before the revik, the ideological confrontation was never removed, okay, then let’s
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pause now, because it’s very good that you mentioned this very term cold war. because that’s what i said now, yes, we want to discuss, extract some lessons, because, well , they almost always say now that we have a new cold war, there are two cold wars, and so on and so on, well , we’ll talk about all this further, now there’s a short pause, it’s hanging on you there are already four unsolved cases, let’s sort it out little by little, major of the guard, major of the mounted motorized operational search forces. what do you want, man? oh, oh, but this is not accounting, well, excuse me, i slipped through , probably, you can fix it, i give you a fang, the uncle who is inside, this is also possible, hands up, sniper works, balabol, new season, it
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investments, i just repeat the transactions of successful investors, blue investments - it’s simple, repeat transactions of successful investors , earn money, follow investment sharks, there will be a catch, tinkov: this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, discussing the end of the cold war , our defeat in it, we inevitably, one way or another, come up against the figure of the direct personality of mikhail sergegevich gorbachev, because here some people say that if it weren’t for him, then maybe everything wouldn’t be so bad, others say, everything would be bad in independence, he just turned out to be extreme, this is such an eternal dispute, come on. we will do this, we will now look at our material, where current politicians and politicians who left, that andreevich, just one moment, you know, when you were now paying attention to the ships that
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were going in different directions, alone, because there, if it were bad there, the country would not be there, but for mikhail sergeevich everything turned out great , it’s true, now i’ll tell you about it myself, it’s true, in fact, let’s look at the materials, a couple of years ago, on the occasion of gorbachev’s ninetieth birthday, cio conducted a survey to find out the attitude of russians towards the first president of the soviet union. union. the results were for the hero of the study sad. these days , more than half of russians believe that gorbachev did more harm to the country than good. about a third directly blame gorbachev for the collapse of the ussr, and another 7% reproach him for building a foreign policy to please the west and the united states, and not domestic interests. only a few were found grateful to gorbachev. the collapse of the ussr, which is enough, ruined the country. what he did for russia is a big minus; after gorbachev’s perestroika it became very difficult to live in the soviet country, he destroyed the soviet union. current russian politicians and
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public figures are still much more balanced in their assessments. so vladimir putin said that gorbachev was a politician who had a huge influence on the course of world history. and alexey kudrin called him the author of new thinking and perestroika, which were designed to give the country and the whole world a new breath. mikhail sergeevich. made very different, sometimes very difficult decisions during dramatic periods in the history of our country, contributed to the development of the political system of the ussr, laid the foundations for gorbachev to lead the country in a very difficult period: to face many external internal challenges, to which no adequate answer was found, now god is his judge. but in the west, gorbachev was sung and sung in praise, and is considered one of the outstanding politicians of the late 20th century. so his eightieth birthday was celebrated in london's albert hall, and george bush sr., ronald reagan and margaret thatcher more
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than once spoke of how pleasant it was for them to deal with mr. gorbachev. i like it, mr. gorbachev, we can do business together, we both believe that the likelihood of success will be higher if we can build each other's trust to understand each other's approach, so we believe in cooperation on issues of trade, culture, in quite a lot of contacts between politicians on both sides of the divide. in 1990, a year after the fall of the berlin wall, gorbachev was awarded the nobel prize. peace prize, in the ninety-second german citizenship and the title of honorary citizen of berlin for services to the unification of germany. germany can be united, the iron curtain has disappeared. democratic movements in central and eastern europe benefited from the fact that he was then in power in russia. igor sergeevich, how correct, how correct, how fair, all our failures, from
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the end of the eighties, maybe the beginning. to focus on one surname, i think this is completely unfair, although i believe that all the blood that is being shed now and was shed in the nineties and two thousand years is on gorbachev and yeltsin, but it does not follow from this that everything needs to be written off to such a terrible figure, he came and destroyed, we have two extremes, on the one hand, either begin to prove that the soviet union collapsed because there were objective reasons, it could not collapse, which means that any claims against someone, as it happens, cannot be avoided, i will just remind you that the economy of course was very bad, only 2.5% growth per year, now as i understand it, this is perceived somewhat differently, and i remind you that in the worst year of the soviet union, the soviet gdp was twice as high as the chinese, well, since then we have a perfect economy, but only the relationship with china
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will somehow change. this is such a part of the economy , but for consumer services and so on, it was just now that it became clear that as much as needed should be allocated for military needs, this is one extreme, the second extreme is what i say, so the second extreme, yes the second extreme - this is that gorbachev came, either out of stupidity, or because he was recruited, he did all this , let's remember that in the soviet ... union there was no absolute power of the general secretary, there was collective leadership, here really it was said that this was a decision of the politburo, and even stalin was not an all-powerful leader who could decide everything, as soon as his decisions became objectionable, he suddenly died, we also know this well, so this is what was behind the collapse of the soviet union, behind the collapse of the soviet union, in my opinion, there was a very serious, vital interest,
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a significant... part of the party nomenklatura and intelligentsia of the soviet union, who were interested in the fact that from the service people they were in the soviet union, with all the salaries, dachas and so on, turn into a hereditary elite, this is andrei vladimech, his friends, but into the masters, into the masters of this country, not to convert power, giving up power in fact, but the interest of ours... but they those who stood behind this collapse understood that in order to become masters in this country, the people will not just agree to it, but a geopolitical cataclysm is needed, the destruction of the economy is needed, in order for people to say anything they want,
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only at least somehow get out of this. for joining the western elite, for the opportunity to become capitalists, owners of factories, factories, bridges, steamboats, they are
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ready to pay with anything, so a condition was set, gorbachev directly said when he started perestroika, i already knew that from the baltic states i’ll have to refuse, but i just tried to persuade him not to do it too quickly, so as not to cause an explosion within the country, or, my verdict, i asked mikhail sergeevich a direct question at one time , and in a private setting, behind his skirt bodki, mikhail sergeevich, why did you agree to unequal negotiations of an agreement with the west? he answered me, ilya, we had no other choice, the country was already crumbling , so i see it, yes, it means that we lost not
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just the cold war, as is often said, especially in the west, the situation was much more serious, remember this term, competition: two systems, not just a military confrontation, competition between two systems: economics, ideology, social issues, uh, the welfare of citizens, life expectancy, everything, everything else, so that’s eighty in the fifth year there were already, we could already feel... the first signs, and maybe they were felt before, we could already feel the signs that this was a confrontation, we were losing, and mikhail sergeevich, his team, he was not alone, of course, this is andropov
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started, this whole, this whole thing with perestroika, with reforms, andropo started, the leadership saw growing problems emerging, even further, the very first attempts to reform the economy led to what, a sharp jump in the commodity deficit, he was before that, it was me i understand everything, i don’t understand the only one, if that’s if you talked with gorbachev on this topic, look, it means he told you that there was no other possibility, the country was falling apart. and what did he expect, he and his team , as you put it, what did they count on, that by signing some kind of documents, which, back, which yes, were not actually signed there, there were some verbal agreements that the country would begin to fall back and they hoped that
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military-political pressure from the united states and nato would weaken, it would be possible to reduce expenses for military purposes, do not forget that before this... troops were withdrawn from afghanistan, soon after this the withdrawal of soviet troops from europe began, soon after these agreements, which means reducing military spending first of all, the country cannot simultaneously carry out the most complex reforms, where everything was on hinges , it was necessary to introduce a military force, but then there was some kind of i don’t know list there, they were just sent to the fields, people were sent to the fields, what’s the difference, i’m talking about
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what that means there was no understanding, but what to do in this situation, keep understanding, god forbid, i may have more complaints about him than everyone else here. you see, but i’m just talking about motives, when they talk about gorbachev’s betrayal, that he was bribed and so on, excuse me, kindergarten, pants with straps, he headed a giant power, the second power in the world, he was counting, he he expected to remain in power, all his actions would be, how direct you are, i always say, i was in ulyanovka last weekend. you know, i still had some kind of dichotomy there was, because there is a square where, in my opinion, there is just an administration, there is a huge vladimir, developing, yes, there is the volga, on the left. side, i certainly don’t remember now, there is a memorial plaque with, but this
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is from the new martyrs, one of the local priests there, who was shot in 1918, here they are nearby, you know, this priest over there is looking at vladimir ilvich, in general i cannot exclude that vladimirovich did a lot to ensure that this particular priest was shot, but with you everything is straight, so you have stamped everything, he is a traitor, you have everything only red and not red. well, that’s not possible, let’s rush in, let’s see, i’ll think, short pause, our favorite superstar show is on the air, the theme of today’s episode, the disco of the century, the musical work here is colossal.
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unpredictable show, in red , back at dawn, yes, over 30, saturday at 20:20 on ntv, balabol, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv, well, credit card debts are hanging, interest is dripping, you need a handyman, you take out credit cards, transfer debts to the holva, divide into 24 months, conveniently repay , make purchases, get rid of credit card debts easily with hava new year's discounts in
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still digress directly from the person of mikhail gorbachev, well , probably him alone, here we will consider that we have almost arrived towards the end. let him think as he thinks, it’s his right, but to blame gorbachev alone, naturally they think it’s all, well, you see how good it is, great, if we talk about certain team actions, we are now in a state of a new cold war, so we specifically took a couple of assessments from western sources, which is why they believe that now there is a cold war again and, most importantly, how they see... possible results. the united states is actually declaring a new cold war on russia. a new cold war would become a major feature of international relations for many years to come. such a development is inevitable if the fighting in ukraine does not will cease, or the conflict will enter
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a frozen phase without any understanding regarding the status of the territories controlled by moscow. cold. wars are not really as cold or peaceful as their name might suggest. the american-soviet confrontation from 1947 to 1991 involved dozens of civil wars, proxy wars, and even serious conventional warfare from the korean peninsula to central america. today, a new cold war pits the united states and its allies against each other eurasian autocracies. through small wars the united states must. andrei vladimovich are also straightforward guys, you can compare the time periods of these periods, i can, because today of this entire confrontation, now there is an ideological component, today in the confrontation, and i am an absolutely
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ideological component in the form in which it was, so maybe he somehow i think that today we are talking about... and ukraine is an example of this, this is a confrontation between two systems, namely systems, this is the russian system with its specifics and the american system, which is our specificity, if there is no ideology , then this is specificity in one thing, this is a question of control, we want to control a certain part of the world, the americans want to control a certain part of the world, our interests intersect very seriously, that is why the cold war. in its current form, it is inevitable. ukraine is just the beginning, it is a catalyst for a new process, a confrontation, which, by the way, for which the united states is ready - to play the long game, to play the long game, they now understand perfectly well that now they can repeat the experience of the ninety
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-first year in the future, they just need to be patient, that’s all, what if we are not constrained by ideology now, as we were in the first holo. cold war, does this mean that now we have more room to maneuver, and more chances to win? no, in my opinion, this is a subjective view, without a national idea, i’m not talking about ideology, i’m talking about a national idea that unites the entire society, in general, it is impossible to conduct military operations, and if we do not have a state ideology, or it it has some kind of surrogate character, then this... gives us more problems than the lack of some material things and so on. well , you say, to conduct military operations in what sense, literally, when the war is hot, because the cold war, but we are so used to it, this is some kind of, you know, propaganda, this is propaganda, you can put it in brackets, you can deduce it from parentheses, we are talking
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about the fact that, uh, the confrontation of two or more warring parties is determined: in particular, by the extent to which one of the parties, well, let’s say, is united in a certain way, i don’t want to say ideologists, i want to say the national idea, tanks do not work against the national idea. and how far then and on the other side i’ll try to go, if that other country, as it seems to me, has now become much more ideological than it was then, let’s try with andrei konstantinovich as a specialist on that side, doesn’t this mean that they find themselves in side, when they are able, when they are constrained by these ideological frameworks, that is, you want to say, excuse me, that they are potentially weak because they still have this idea. because they are now becoming an increasingly ideological state, more and more doctrinal in terms of imposing certain thoughts, i agree, firstly,
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secondly, this is exactly what we were talking about, i said it from the very beginning when the soviet union collapsed , or rather no, of course, not right away, after all, in 2001, when they hit the towers, so i said, guys, well, look, 10 years have passed and your tower is starting to crumble. our tower was collapsed by the whole world, okay, soviet, but now yours syplitsa, these are historically related things, i just asked gorbachev about this, gorbachev said: no, well, these are things of different natures, kisinger didn’t tell me much, but he confirmed that yes, there is a certain connection there, that’s why yes, now america will inherit not good features, idealized features of that past, so i didn’t really understand either. what is the difference between us, if there is a sphere of influence, if we have no ideology, then
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what is the difference, we are also building some kind of capitalist society there, and we they, and we, they are now just, yes, we are groping for the way forward, in this sense, i want to argue a little with the opinion that yes one second, that we lost the war, it, it is still going on, including the ideological one , who will win it, we don’t know yet, okay , so let’s do it now, and in the blitz we’ll give the others the opportunity to speak out, a ten-year-old boy is taller than his dad , his height is 175 cm, and his weight is 140 kg, he’s a big eater here, so far mom and dad are at work, the fourth grader knows that i’m buying a shorma,
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so on ntv the meeting place, the question that, in fact, andrei konstantinovich asked, he already answered it, so can we become winners in this new or still ongoing cold war, vyacheslav nikolaevich, we not only can become winners, and we will definitely win in this war, firstly, russia is strengthening before our eyes, and secondly, in this already hot war against nato , which is taking place on the territory of ukraine, the whole world is on our side, we are on the right side of history, we will definitely win, so, andrei vladimorovich, i will say pessimistically, we will not win, and moreover, i am more than sure that after a certain time we will have to , even a few modernized form, but to follow the path of gorbachev, so igor sergeevich, i believe that now there is no cold war, now there is a hybrid war of the west against russia for destruction, but if we win this war, that is, we do not allow ourselves to be destroyed,
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then we can we will enter a cold war , in which we do not need victory, because the cold war is the optimal form of relations with the west, we do not need to destroy the west, it is not beneficial for us, we cannot let it destroy us, interestingly, so, ilyavich, there is a fight going on right now in the process of which a new balance of forces in the world becomes clear, this struggle requires a certain time, when the new balance of forces is finally clarified and begins. a new detente , it is inevitable, so vyacheslavovich, there is no point in waging a war if you are not sure of victory, the meaning is lost, but how then, i just stood, listened to you now and thought to myself, this is how we formulate the goal of victory in the new cold war, we we want the collapse of the united states, we want to see in the united states, i don’t know, the same thing that we saw in
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in our nineties, we don’t want this, we’re unlikely to stop it. then we are quite capable of such a victory and we are absolutely within our power to ensure that here i have only 40 seconds left. he is not a political joke; the first meeting of gorbachev and reagan is not political at all. well , the negotiations, naturally, there is an interpreter on the american side, there is an interpreter on our side, the negotiations are going on, going on, going on, break, everyone starts going about their business, the american translator comes up to to ours and says: he says, listen, help me, please, i’m already exhausted, this boss of yours keeps telling me to start, i don’t know how to even translate this, ours thought, thought, thought, thought, says, say begin, it was meeting place, which cannot be changed, 14:00
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weekdays broadcast, all the best to you, goodbye. vladimir putin visited the russia exhibition at vdnkh. the president of bulgaria blocked the provision of armored vehicles to ukraine. some exotic proposals are easy to even comment on. valentina matvienko spoke out against the fight against abortion, prohibition policy. the houthis have again attacked cargo ships in the red sea. these are unthinkable actions by the houthis. attacks against civilians with assistance. and the idf called on the civilian population of gaza to leave for the egyptian border. 100 days of cough, why kaklyush returned to russia, what it threatens and how to treat it.


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