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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 4, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm MSK

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vladimir putin visited russia’s largest exhibition of the main national achievements of the year and awarded the most diligent volunteers with awards. observes the president's visit to the airborne forces. svetlana gordeeva will tell you about 100 days of cough, why cough has returned to russia, what it threatens and how to treat it. for leaks of personal data, deputies and senators propose to fine hundreds of millions of rubles, denis talalaev talks about this. an electric car is still a luxury or a means of transportation. and why the white house. doesn't want to see chinese
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components in american electric cars, alexey vaselovsky understood. in stakhanov , the restoration of schools, mfcs and maternity hospitals is in full swing; alexey ivlev supervised the renovation. hello, you are greeted by the television information service, this is the program today, its presenter is elmira efendieva, vladimir chernyshov. today in moscow the volunteer of the year award was presented ; vladimir putin was present at the award ceremony; natalya amineva from voronezh received the award. she, along with her large family, participates in several charity programs, this also includes support for the participant. our own and various kinds of environmental
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initiatives. natalia came to the capital for the civil participation forum, we are together, which brought together 10,000 activists of charitable organizations from dozens of countries around the world. the president thanked all the volunteers for their concern and navdh visited the russian exhibition there. the head of state, in particular, visited the pavilions of the ministry of industry and trade, rosatom, the russian platform country of opportunity and movements of the first. the president talked to the children and said how what matters is that their dreams come true. this was also discussed at the wish tree. this year she is also at vdnh. putin, according to tradition, took three postcards from children whose dreams he would personally help come true. nikita korzun reporting. the russia exhibition is conceived not only as a showcase of the main national achievements. but this is also a visualization of the meaning of the country’s development. obviously one of the basic ones is selfless help to others. since the largest forum of civil participation, we are taking place here together in spaces. vdnkh, as well as the
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award ceremony for the most zealous volunteers of the year, and with the participation of the head of state. on the walk of fame dedicated to the sporting triumph of russia , vladimir putin was met by legends: olympic champion in boxing olek saitov, olympic champion in judo, tagir khaibulaev, ten-time world champion in samba artyom osipenko. the athletes invited the president to a children's tournament on december 16, in which about half a thousand wrestlers will take part. volunteers were waiting for vladimir putin at the entrance to the gallery. russia, to help them get comfortable in this grandiose multimedia space, which is popularly nicknamed collider, either because of the spherical appearance , or because of the streams of admiration that the public radiates, and in a month the director of the exhibition rejoiced, almost 3 million people have already visited here, natalya virtuozova did not even think of hiding the joy and spontaneity, the exhibition itself is more 90,000 km occupies , unfortunately, today, quite enough to understand the logic of the exposition from history to
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the future through the heroes and their deeds, gifted children told who gagarin and cheikovsky are, by the way, the composer conducts in digital form, they shared how they protect the nature of my native land, i hung up the co-worker , sprinkled food there so that the birds and squirrels could eat, i also cleaned up the rubbish, and where on the path of health, you know, and where it is, from lyrics to action, this has already become clear at the dream portal, his technologies make it possible to visualize... she
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, he told me, i don’t want to, i’ll first serve in the army, like this, because now this is the kind of work, now, yes, yes, yes, well, first you need to get a military specialty, the attractions of the atom pavilion turned out to be even more intricate; here the president was dedicated to the russian history of nuclear physics, they showed stalin’s office, from which general lysimos supervised the creation of the bomb and showed footage of its first test, the distance was 10 km, but there was no gap, everything was covered with earth, vladimir putin was greeted with a thunderous ovation at the awards ceremony for volunteers, the president noted that in its scale this movement resembles an army, in our country a quarter of the population of our country, a quarter of our citizens, 25% of the country's citizens
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are united in organizations, and there are over 100,000 who work as volunteers and volunteers. this is not accidental; after all, in the traditions, in the culture of the peoples of the russian federation, a sense of belonging, the desire to help those in need, is always present throughout the entire history of our country, and is passed on from generation to generation. natalia aminiye was recognized as a volunteer of the outgoing year; several years ago she created a detachment of youth from rostok, which is engaged in... education and environmental activities, but today natalia, together with her children, husband, parents, helps the front, knits camouflage nets , pours candles, knits socks, i especially want to thank you for what you do to help our soldiers who are on the front line of the fight for our country, for
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russia, you provide assistance to them directly, their families in the rear, their mothers. to fathers, their wives and their children, for this, and for us this is one of the most important tasks today, low bow to you, thank you very much, congratulating those gathered on the international volunteer day, the holiday of the volunteer movement is celebrated on december 5, vladimir putin highlighted the main thing that is said is that the competition is called we are together, as long as we are together, we are invincible, december, as you know, flies by quickly, it’s time to think about gifts, head of state. nikita’s dreams, he wants to visit christina’s armitage, the girl has long wanted to see baikal and ksenia, who used the chance more constructively, dreams of trying herself as a
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news anchor, and whoever doesn’t want to, dreams come true. nikita korzun, anton zubov, denis goryunov, vladimirov. and today vladimir putin accepted credentials from the new ambassadors foreign states arriving in russia. the ceremony took place in the alexander hall of the large kremlin palace, the president congratulated the diplomats on the start of their activities in our country, while putin emphasized that russia pursues an independent policy and is open to cooperation. it strives to resolve pressing global problems on the basis of the principles of justice and russia will only be active in international affairs. you are heading the embassy during a very difficult period for international relations, when crisis phenomena are growing in global politics and economics, regional conflicts are escalating, and in the case of the long-standing palestinian-israeli
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confrontation, the situation, for all its tragedy, has acquired the features of a real humanitarian catastrophe. the world is in a state of turbulence. is undergoing a radical transformation, but the main trend is that the previous unipolar system is being replaced by a new, fairer, multipolar world order. i believe that this has already become absolutely obvious to everyone. naturally, such a fundamental the process is not without difficulties, but it is objective, and i want to emphasize this. irreversible nature. putin personally addressed each diplomat; at the reception there were representatives of 21 states, including germany, great britain, sweden, turkey, australia, and south korea. speaking about relations with african countries, the president noted that russia is providing them with humanitarian assistance to
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africa, sending several ships with grain, some have already arrived at their destination port and are now unloading. today they are eliminating the consequences of heavy snowfalls, such rainfall, as this weekend there has not been 70 years, the central part of the country took the brunt of the blow, it found itself in the power of: the oliver clone, which came from europe. there are snowstorms, snow drifts, and ice everywhere; in moscow, snowdrifts reached a height of 36 cm, this is a record for 145 years, that is, in the entire history of weather observations. this weather has seriously complicated the situation on the roads; both cars and trucks are slipping. three dozen trucks had to be pulled out with the help of tow trucks. utility services switched to round-the-clock operation. street cleaning were busier. 13,500 people, traffic police officers were transferred to increased duty
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, more than seventy flights were canceled or delayed at the capital's airports. heavy snowfall is being replaced by severe frosts in moscow, at the end of the week it is expected to drop to -20 at night and even lower, the cold will be in other regions, in yakutsk, for example, it is already -47, dangerous weather phenomena are also predicted, including fog and stormy winds , it will rage in the territory... from the chelyabinsk region to the altai territory. but in the south of the country it is possible rain, sleet and ice? the state will not agree to ban abortions, chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko stated this today, while she expressed the opinion that in the future in russia abortions will be possible only in the event of violence against a woman or for medical reasons. according to matvienko, the state is already moving in this direction, but the effectiveness of this work. i am absolutely sure that no prohibitions, no
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companyism, no pressure, no, no criminalization of legislation in in this area cannot and will not be able to solve this problem, the state will not go down this path, i want to reassure society, and i think that we will be able to turn this into a discussion, a professional conversation, based on common sense and stop spreading it these horror stories. according to matvienko, despite the fact that over the past 5 years, the number of abortions in russia has decreased by 25%, these figures are still very alarming and the state is working to solve the problem. in russia this year it has increased 10 times. number of cases of clubfoot disease. it is not always possible to make a diagnosis right away,
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since many people think that medicine has long ago dealt with the disease, but a severe cough is just due to a cold. if you don’t treat it in time, there will be complications, and then you won’t be able to do without hospitalization. there is still no medicine that helps to quickly get rid of this disease, and the only way out is vaccination at an early age. svetlana gordeeva talked to doctors and patients. when alena's two-month-old daughter fell ill, pediatricians said she had a cold, but the symptoms worsened every day. appeared hoarseness in the throat, that is, when she was lying down, she did this, like this , she began to salivate very profusely, and then for the first time before going to bed she had such a cough, like an adult chest cough, only after some time, thanks to after the analysis , it became clear that the baby had cough, an infectious disease in which a person suffers from frequent poop. we have a lot of attacks per day, that is, my eyes turned
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blue, my lips, then everything turned blue, this year, poop, seemingly forgotten the new generation, raised his head and went for a walk around the country, in the same st. petersburg, the incidence increased 13 times. the number of patients is such that our department has been repurposed for cough of early childhood and another department is treating children with whooping cough, this indicates a significant increase in this disease, exactly the same cough that ours remember, this is the disease of the hundred-day cough, so called also our grandparents, the factor that whooping cough doesn’t seem to be very associated with modernity, often makes it difficult to make a correct diagnosis in time, the disease begins like a common cold, sneezing, coughing, but then the cough becomes stronger, and the attacks are such that they can lead to a hernia or even prolapse of the intestine; there can be up to 40 such attacks per day, in currently, there is no medicine that can significantly improve our the severity of the attacks and the duration of this disease, so our patients are forced to spend
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up to 5-6 weeks in the hospital, this is how long the period of convulsive cough lasts, most often coughing children and adults are sick, essentially carriers, now in the era of anti-vaxxers there are more and more of them, hence the mass incidence. hello, let's get vaccinated. anastasia herself, the daughter of a doctor, has heard from her mother more than once about dangerous infectious diseases, so she decided to protect her daughter as much as possible from everything. i am vaccinated according to the full calendar , my mother is a doctor, so everything is as it should be, vaccination is better done in the first months of life in order to form immunity completely, that is... we must go through all the stages, these are three vaccinations and at least one revaccination, then the child will be protected for 12-10 years, this is the most proven effective remedy in the world, the vaccine that is used has repeatedly shown its effectiveness, b - safety, there are two types of vaccines, these are classical vaccines
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, whole-cell, with which there were certain problems, as we believed, because well, there is some soreness at the injection site, which, however, quickly passes, the second acellular vaccine. all over the world , vaccination according to the kokan principle, when the whole family is consistently vaccinated throughout life. we also vaccinate a pregnant woman so that she passes on immunity to her newborn baby, we begin vaccinating children against whooping cough from the first six months of life, then they receive additional... then we vaccinate school-age and teenage children, then students, despite the fact that that in the 21st century, not all children with cough can be saved by doctors in order to make a diagnosis in time, now in the season when we are surrounded dozens of different viruses, doctors advise you to immediately get examined and get tested, from arvi and
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even from bacterial infections, which manifest themselves in a similar way, it is impossible to distinguish, simply by... there is a lot of hidden covid , there is a lot of that that is not diagnosed, i would really definitely check any signs of arvi, still did at least a rapid antigen test, preferably a pcr test , in order to at least rule out this infection, since the infection itself can cause serious complications, let alone cases when it crosses with influenza and covid viruses , vaccination against coronavirus is still relevant, now a new drug developed on the initiative of the fmba is appearing in the regions, this is one of the new vaccines that... of the russian federation, but it is one of the first that is generally registered in the world , in clinical studies she got quite good results, the immune response is fast enough and long enough, so everything flows, everything changes, except for one thing, the eternal advice
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of doctors, if you want a safe winter, get vaccinated, mikhail mishustin held a meeting with deputy prime ministers today; one of the main topics was the communications sector. the government has approved a development strategy for this industry for the next 12 years; its specific goals and objectives have been defined in order to provide people with high-quality communication services. our households will be able to connect to the internet at a speed of at least one gigabit per second, a phased... bills have been introduced to the state duma that sharply tighten liability for leaking personal data , including prison. joining us now and denis talalaev with an economic review. denis, under what conditions will they actually imprison you? well, there are many reasons, for example, if
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the data ends up abroad. united russia is going to sharply tighten punishment for leaks of personal data. as andrei turchak, secretary of the party’s general council, writes in his telegram channel, current fines of 100-300,000 rubles do not give companies an incentive to protect clients’ personal data. now it is proposed to increase the fines by 1-2 orders of magnitude and tie them to their size how much data was leaked. as a result , fines for legal entities can range from 3 to... but for repeated leaks, the fine is promised to be negotiable, that is, a percentage of revenue, and this, as reported in united russia, can already be hundreds of millions of rubles, and even for those who illegally collects, or stores , or uses, or transfers personal data, it is proposed to introduce criminal liability, for example, for illegal collection of data they can be imprisoned for 4 years, if the
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same is for selfish interest or with major damage, then up to 6 years, if data sold abroad, then: up to 8 years, this bill has been discussed since the spring of last year, after russian companies, from the beginning of the ukrainian events, began to report massive hacker attacks, a serious labor shortage will continue in russia until at least 2030, by this is the conclusion reached by the consulting company yakov and partners, this is the former russian division of mckinsey, arbk follows it, analysts write that a shortage of personnel in russia has already occurred, over the past 5 years the number of vacancies... which published by russian employers, has almost doubled. by 2030, it is predicted that there will be a shortage of 2.4 million workers, of which 90% are skilled. on which production itself rests. the most serious competition for workers, continue analysts at jacob partners, is in construction and industry, which is why the offered salaries there have
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more than doubled over the past 5 years. analysts explain the personnel shortage as a combination of demographic and economic factors, and the solution to the personnel problem continues vyakov’s partners, increase labor productivity, but over the past 5 years in russia it has grown at a rate half as fast as necessary. oil started this week in the same mood as it ended last week, prices continue to fall, albeit not by two dollars, as was the case on friday, but investors are still upset by the results of the opec+ online meeting, if only because the announced production cuts are called voluntary. investors have doubts about how diligently countries will implement them. the russian stock market has ended day in the red, although today shares of russian gold miners rose in price, against the backdrop of the fact that gold prices today for the first time in history exceeded $2,100 per ounce, the dollar at the end of today's trading was 90-93, the euro
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was 98.50, but during trading today the dollar rose above 91 for the first time since november 14. in russia, the volume of unsold housing in new buildings has broken the record in the entire history of observation, and this has been since january 2020. at the beginning of november it was more. 71 million km. this company is cited by rbc. now of all the apartments that are under construction, 67% still do not have owners. rbc's interlocutors at dumr, among developers and among consulting companies , cite approximately the same reason: preferential mortgages have so fueled demand since the 1920s that, as a result , records are set for the commissioning of new housing every year in russia. answering. but the main question is: could apartments in russian new buildings suddenly become cheaper due to the large unsold status? commercial director of the developer ssk anna
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shikh says: you shouldn’t expect prices to fall, so how the cost of projects is constantly growing. managing director of the consulting company nfom. natalya sazonova expects that price increases in 2024 will be at the level of inflation; according to her, this is up to 15%. prices may rise especially actively in the first half of next year. because buyers will be in a hurry to catch the same preferential mortgage, which is still valid in russia until july 1 next year, everything about the economy, thank you, denis talalaev with an economic review, well, now let’s return to the meeting in government, let me remind you that the prime minister discussed with the deputy prime ministers one of the main topics is the sphere of communications, the government has approved a strategy for the development of this industry for the next 12 years in order to provide people with high-quality communication services, we
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are talking about people’s access to high-quality communication services and data transmission, regardless of their place of residence. by the end of this decade, it is important to provide our households with the ability to connect to the internet at a speed of at least one gigabit per second, and a phased launch will also begin promising mobile networks, and 5g base stations should appear in all cities with a population of more than 100,000 people; only domestic equipment will be used for this. another important topic was agriculture. the head of government noted that the president has set the task of bringing the agro-industrial complex to faster growth rates, and for this it is necessary, among other things, to increase the volume of land reclamation by agricultural enterprises several times from 50 to 90% due to soil erosion and drought. an attempt by us authorities to transplant its residents
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are failing in favor of an electric car for the sake of the green agenda. americans do not want to give up classic internal combustion engines, and no amount of subsidies for the purchase of cars with an electric motor or beautiful fairy tales about the transport of the future will help. they don’t buy electric cars, car dealership manufacturers are incurring huge losses, meanwhile, president biden’s administration is further aggravating the situation by squeezing chinese budget competitors out of the american market, our correspondent in the us, alexey veselovsky, with details. at first in the 20th century, detroit, the first american city to have an asphalt road, opened in the 21st century a street capable of charging electric vehicles on the go. it charges wirelessly, without sockets, the battery charges while you drive. electric generators were hidden under the asphalt, which remotely charge the car’s battery through a special device. the futuristic technology didn't come cheap. 300 m of such
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a charging road costs about 2 million. now we need to understand how it all works, who exactly wants to use it, how much it will be effective. and problems will most likely arise with the users of such roads. despite all the efforts of the white house to get as many americans as possible behind the wheel of electric vehicles, america is in no hurry to replace their gasoline or diesel engines with batteries. not only are electric cars more expensive, as it turned out. owners have 80% more problems with them than those who drive conventional cars, of course, such figures are not the best advertisement for new technologies to stimulate demand, president biden 2 more years ago, ordered the return of $7,500 to each electric car buyer at the expense of the state, but no queues lined up for them; on the contrary, last week, the owners of almost 4,000 american car dealerships wrote a desperate letter
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to biden, your administration introduced a rule according to which, year after year, by 2032 there should be a big shift towards electric cars, until every two out of three cars sold in america are electric, but the reality is that demand for electric cars is significantly inferior to the supply , electric cars are now simply clogging up parking lots in our showrooms, mr. president, it’s time to put on the brakes on this unrealistic government order, but in this case the white house does not want to slow down and cannot roll back the issue of green technologies a year before the new presidential elections, this means signing up for yet another failure, and biden continues to insist that a clean future is not around the corner; building a green future in america is part of developing the economy from the bottom up, not from the top down. we set a target to produce 100% carbon-free and electricity by 2035
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. and thanks to my efforts, american clean energy companies began investing in our country. the efforts that the us president is talking about are banal arm-twisting. first, the white house introduced a twenty-five percent tax on chinese imports, then it actually banned american companies from buying the cheapest and most efficient chinese batteries in the world and a significant part of components, and now new conditions, if in the american the electric car will be something made in china, then there will be a government subsidy upon purchase. you can’t count on it, all this, of course , is being done to protect its auto industry, obviously, this is the only way it can withstand competition and compete on an equal footing, as in this commercial for the new cybertruck from tesla, although it would be more honest to compare it with some similar chinese electric car , and not with a gasoline porsche, but such a video is unlikely to be shot, the results may not be to your liking. alexey vaselovsky medvedeva, ntv, usa.
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president of belarus alexander lukashenko today. laid down in beijing, as he put it, all-weather cooperation, met with the leader of the people's republic of china, sidinping, talked about strategic partnership, mutually beneficial projects in the field of trade, economy, investment, separately discussed the ukrainian conflict, but details were not reported in the press, lukashenko praised the chinese authorities for their a consistent policy aimed at creation, which is extremely important in the current realities, and this, according to the belarusian leader, is appreciated throughout the world. western countries that are trying to cut everything into pieces, you put a single goal for everyone who can argue with this, no one, the world will be grateful to great china for this, we are very interested in china being a powerful power, in china developing, this is not only our interest, first of all, of course, ours, but first of all , this is the interest of the entire planet. in beijing
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lasted three times longer than planned , at the end of the meeting the parties exchanged gifts, sidzenpin gave lukashenko apples from hunan province, and his son nikolai a red tracksuit. in moscow, today the opening of the fourteenth asian conference of the valdai club. experts from different countries met to discuss the further development of the region and the role of its state in the multipolar world, which is actively taking shape right now. the speakers, in particular, noted that asia, in terms of the intensity of economic ties between the countries of the region , has already surpassed the rest of the world and is gradually becoming the largest consumer market on the planet. if you look at the number of consumers, that is , people who spend approximately, well , at least $12 a day, this is such, well minimum threshold for the global middle class, then in east asia alone, the number
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of these people will be... than the number of people of the same income in the united states, in about three years. the role of the region is increasing and for russia moscow is already reorienting its trade and logistics chains towards it, while many asian states are ready to pursue an independent policy and reject western hegemony. now a short advertisement. further in our issue, the restoration of schools, mfcs and maternity hospitals is underway, alexey ivliev supervised the repairs. north to south, israeli military stated that they were shelling not only border areas, but also southern ones. bank for every day, what is it? skinny,
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what do you think? fast, what will the younger generation say? cool, vtb is your bank for every day. we'll let you in. we spend, but there’s no need , another half hour, well, let’s get warm at least, he doesn’t say anything about himself, they’re not interested in how i live, you ask , you’ll be offended, for sure, you’ll be offended, i always miss you very much, it’s so difficult to leave you, warm your loved ones with warm words, winter combo. delicious, period. vashan, shock prices. knee, chicken, broiler, calf, 269 rub. descend to a depth of 3,000 m. look at russia from the altitude of satellites, feel the cold of permafrost, share the joy of sports
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20:00 on ntv. this is the program today, we continue our release. the total area of ​​educational premises that have been restored in universities in new regions since the beginning of the year has amounted to more than 70,000 km. reported this today. prime minister dmitry chernyshenko held a meeting with deputies from united russia faction in the state duma and noted that work to update the infrastructure of universities and scientific organizations in the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye and kherson regions will continue. at the same time, the specifics of the economic development of each subject will be taken into account, tasks to achieve technological sovereignty will be solved, of course, we will not be in offices, but on the ground in russian subjects. and each of them has its own
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unique research, innovation and technological potential in tied to the specific profile of the economy of this region, speaking about new regions, the deputy prime minister noted that it is planned to create 43 educational laboratories on the basis of 14 universities. dmitry chernyshenko also recalled that this year 37,000 budget places have been allocated for applicants in these regions. in donbass, as in other russian regions, they have done a lot of preparatory work for the cold season. well, for example, in the lugansk people's republic, schools, hospitals, residential buildings that were not put in order were repaired long years. the consequences of numerous attacks by nationalists also had to be eliminated, alexey ivliev reports from the city of stakhanov. in the stakhanov maternity hospital, the obstetricians are already anticipating the new year and are hanging them up everywhere. small christmas trees are decorated; the role of santa claus with a huge bag of gifts
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was played by the builders of, as they say here, one of the old russian regions. this building was built back in 1963, during the 60 years of existence of the maternity hospital in stakhanov, major repairs have never been done here, but they have finally replaced leaky roof, these wonderful windows were installed, and now the doctors say that it has become very... light and warm here, this maternity hospital is located closest to the contact line, so this is where expectant mothers from pervomaisk, lysechansk and other cities located in the red zone, that is , the ukrainian nationalists who are subjected to daily shelling of the country, and they periodically fire at stakhanov himself with missiles or long-range artillery pieces. it was very difficult to work under fire, but we cared for premature babies no less and... we, of course, did not stop our work.
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now the doctors from this maternity hospital have already well mastered such a construction term as closing the thermal circuit. for them, this means that they replaced the leaky roof, instead of windows that had dried out over time, they installed modern double-glazed windows, well, suffice it to say that these windows were installed back in 1963, they were wooden, of course, we repaired them somewhere, somewhere they painted, they tried to do something, in general, the bulk - this was installed 60 years ago, well, i think that everyone understands that, of course, the time has come for them, of course, now the entire staff of this maternity hospital is dreaming of a major renovation inside the building, and it will begin next year, but for now the main thing is that these babies are born in a warm place. danya ours, dan, 2,300 we, 408, there are several new residents in stakhanov this year, for example, the mfc.
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we didn’t have an mfc at all, when we became part of russia, we began to build mfcs at such a fast pace throughout the republic, including here in stakhanov, and this is the city gymnasium of cyril and methodius, here also they installed plastic bags, replaced the roof and doors, and according to the city government, residential buildings will also be insulated before the cold weather sets in. from artillery shelling. hundreds of houses, these are thousands of apartments, which received new double-glazed windows installed to replace broken windows caused by shrapnel after shelling by the ukrainian army. therefore, the thermal circuit is of course closed. and now people are much more pleasant and comfortable being in their homes. and this, according to the mayor, is just the beginning. it will start next year renovation of several more hospitals and schools in stakhanovo. alexey and the lugansk people's
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republic. the israeli army continues to systematically fire at the gaza strip, striking not only the north of the palestinian enclave, but the south, which the israelis themselves had previously declared a safe zone. speaking of the southern part of the gaza strip, the bombing began there too. there is now no distinction between what have been stated as safe and unsafe areas. until now, israel has not been able to break through the defenses, but if it still can break through, then resistance in the south will be no less fierce than in the north. per night on the territory. sector, two hundred strikes were carried out with the help of aviation and artillery, the idf announced this. the military claims that the targets were hamas militants, some of whom were allegedly located in school buildings. arab television channels report that a dozen and a half hospitals were subjected to massive bombing, and there were dead and
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wounded civilians. and against this background, tel aviv declares that they will consistently destroy the military infrastructure of hamas and the militants of the movement. even before the start of the truce, our forces destroyed two brigades of palestinian radicals, now the 162nd division continues to consolidate these achievements in the north of the enclave. yesterday and today we destroyed brigade and company commanders, many hamas militants, and we began the same process in the southern part. we will conduct the operation with no less power with no less results. we have the potential to do everything in the most thorough manner. and we will continue to consolidate our achievements. related the israeli military has launched a large-scale assault on palestinian cities on the west bank of the jordan river, the arab press reports. fighting is taking place in at least five settlements, where the israeli army is encountering fierce resistance. combat losses have dropped since the beginning of the war with hamas, according to
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the latest data, exceeding 400 soldiers and officers. now a short advertisement. and that’s what we’ll talk about after it. the nutcracker from prince ballet nikolaitz is staging a new version of the christmas play itself at the mipson theatre. on the christmas tree for the fairy tale hero and the mouse king pavel ryshkov stopped by. snow has fallen in the sochi mountain resorts and ski slopes are opening earlier than usual. an influx of guests is expected for the new year holidays, they expect that this season there will be more of them than in the past, which will delight tourists, this time svyatoslav gordin will tell. alfabank's legendary free credit card has forever become even more profitable, now withdraw cash from any atm for free. ozone zone, zone, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, buy
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loan from the post office bank there will be enough for everything. come get your money, post bank. channels you can’t tear yourself away from tv set-top box with an annual subscription from only 3,500 rubles. i agree. nine types of beneficial bacteria help maintain microflora balance from the first day of taking antibiotics. maxillac maximum for microflora taking care of yourself and your family. in btb, the rate on a savings account is 15%, save up for a wedding faster, great, that’s it it will work out at vtb. hello, vladimir vladimirovich. came from the republic of bashkastan, dear vladimir vladimirovich , mr. president, my question is this , please tell me, we
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have a lot of problems, and we would really like your assistance, in our region, there is actually one very pressing issue, we will try to do so, so that not a single question goes unnoticed, i would like a personal question, are you satisfied with the answer, the president is closer than it seems, his colleagues are sitting there on the top, they are not visible, summing up the year, he will answer in the studio to questions from journalists, as well as questions received from russian citizens. ask your question to the president through the website by phone 8800-20040-40 or via sms to number 04040. results of the year with vladimir putin. live broadcast on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. this program today continues our release in sochi ahead of schedule, 3 weeks earlier than
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usual, the ski season started. there has been a lot of snow, and the resort hopes that it will now last until spring. hundreds of thousands are expecting new year's holidays in the city. tourists. the sochi slopes are so popular among russians that this year they even developed a special mobile application, traffic jams on the mountain. well, it will show which slope is on at these minutes... sochi in winter is not only about alpine skiing and snowboarding, svyatoslav gornin was convinced of this. there is an opening of the ski slopes ahead of schedule. for three weeks. while the rains were raging in the black sea below, the mountains became white, enough to last until next spring. the uniqueness of sochi lies in this mix of subtropical sea humidity and alpine snow. almost now plus 20, maybe someone will even decide to swim, here in the mountains it’s already real winter. the first
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to start skiing on krasnaya polyana were the old-timers, alexey grigorievich is soon 70, he has been skiing for 30 of them, but still did not sleep the night before the opening of the route. it was hard to wait, i live in vadler, i go to sea at okatera, i fish, but it ’s been stormy and stormy there for a month now and i’m already so tired. the ski season means queues at the lifts, high-speed descents and distances covered. for the whole season - this is about 800,000 guests, these are our expectations, and if we talk about new year's holidays, now the load is already 15% higher. a snow cannon over rosa hooter and a christmas tree near the town hall. ski slopes will open here soon too. hotels are ready to receive tourists; there are usually many more guests here than local residents; it is expected that there will be many of them this season. the sample project will come to the rescue. on the mountain, especially busy areas will be visible in the resort’s mobile app. rodelbahn or
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mountain sanya is an attraction that once appeared in germany, something like a roller coaster, almost one and a half kilometers of highway with steep turns, the speed sometimes reaching 40 km/h. they have a very friendly character and are very willing to make contact. alpacas are in no hurry, they came from peru and now live in the mountains near the black sea, there are 21 of them here, 17 of them will soon give birth. the animals are sociable, they easily allow themselves to be petted, especially for carrots, children really like it, wool is an anti-stress. we are ready. where biathletes competed during the sochi olympics, alexey kornev teaches cross-country skiing and biathlon classes, for tourists. alexey played for the national team and won the most important international tournaments in russia. cross-country skiing is more difficult than mountain skiing and requires preparation. he teaches how to stand, walk, run, and also shoot at targets. his students then understand better, and often, those who try for the first time with us, get up on cross-country skis, they no longer
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get off of it all the time at home, in cities they try to find sections, the length of the mountain trails of krasnaya polyana, hutter rose and the gazprom resort 170 km, this year they will be increased even more. join us in living a healthy life life, get on your skis. sochi is preparing to welcome hundreds of thousands of tourists during the new year holidays. authorities are adding bus routes. we are simply delighted with such beautiful weather, but they promise to close the entry into the mountains for cars without winter tires. svyatoslav gordin maxim smagin, pavel elkovsky and alexander novikov telev sochi. a new version of the shalkochik was presented in st. petersburg today. the premiere show took place on the stage of the bolshoi drama theater, where the theater artists appeared. people's artist of russia nikolai tsyskaritsa acted as the director of the production for the ballet created more than 300 costumes for
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the scenery, used the latest technologies to work on the ballet, and even invited a video artist. tchaikovsky's nutcracker has long become one of the symbols of the new year's christmas miracle. pavel ryshkov, who also stopped by the mouse king’s christmas tree, will tell you whether this magic was preserved in the new production. there is nowhere to hide the tail, the tail sticks out and he will run after them along with the whole crowd of mice. representatives of the mouse king’s retinue do not only decorate their tails. pants and cuirasses are based on the principle of wearing a spacesuit. slim dancing rodent. these are bat wings . in the grotto, masha and the prince will be greeted by bats in costumes reminiscent of the tunics of spanish grandees. this costume is a surprise because it is the costume of drosselmer's nephew, not the prince. in this version, masha will not stay with the prince in a dream, she will meet a very similar young man in reality. all this stage magic
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happens thanks to a whole team of drastilmers, led immediately by grigorovich in a large theater, where a large number of stage tricks are used. i remember how nikolai maksimovich stood backstage later he took me by the hand and walked me through, he told me everything in detail, where i was going, where i was coming from, where, what movement i was doing correctly. tsyskari, who danced the fairytale prince in the bolshoi 101 times for the theater. nevertheless , he proposed the canonical version of vasily vainona in 1934. in marinka, the vaganovs dance in this production. here, children's batches also consist of 50 pupils. tsyskari at one time largely trusted the role of masha as a young ballerina. now the party was divided into children and adults. you are used to masha being portrayed by a very elderly folk artist. and you we're used to her playing this
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state of a girl with a doll. and here a child came out. when he took the doll, it was wonderful, more of a fairy-tale quality appeared, magic, i just watch what the children do, how the children run, react, that is, of course, it’s a little bit different completely, not like us let’s say we played children, these are just natural children’s emotions, this is how the nutcracker was conceived for a ballet school by the author winon, for this edition they perfected the execution of choreographic texts. nikolay maksimovich himself said that it hurts like a ship on which shells are growing, his task first of all is to clean the ship, the updated ship, or rather the fairy-tale boat with masha the prince, is sailing to kanfeterinburg again, all the toys have been returned to this version, though the little african was turned into a devil, soft pink flowers of apple trees were worn on the uniform dress, the waltz was pink, at christmas, everyone was waiting for a miracle, its symbol in the world ballet theater was the nutcracker, which appeared in
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st. petersburg 130 years ago, despite the difference... all spells and evil are always defeated by the forces of good and love. nikolai eskari's production was no exception. modern technologies in costume design, video art of the freezing portal of the stage in the dance of snowflakes, mice running along the walls, a huge chair for masha, elements of stage magic, together with the main magic of chkovsky’s music, again created a miracle. the applause did not stop behind the scenes from the creator performers. the connoisseur's enjoyment of the premiere explained the scam to the younger generation ballet. st. petersburg, well, tchaikovsky's music is new, winter mood, it's time for a weather forecast in our metudiya irina polikova. irin, well , winter has been good to us, right according to the calendar, from the beginning of december it covered us all
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with snow, now we understand that all we have to do is wait. december frosts to generally complete the winter picture, yes, records for snow have been set, now we will strive for records for frosts, or rather the frosts will simply be very strong, unrecord-breaking, it happened in early december and it was worse, we’re just out of the habit, so you will have to seriously adapt to the new frosty reality. so, the weather in the center has almost calmed down, a little more and it will calm down completely, the cyclone flies away, atmospheric pressure begins to increase rapidly, and in winter it is precisely this calmness that threatens increased frosts, it is very good that the record snowfall additionally covered everything growing before all this, at least gardens and vegetable gardens, and a super landslide with frosts of twenty degrees and below will occur in the second half of the week, until tomorrow in the center in the north-west will get colder by degrees sodium, more noticeable in the volga region with severe ice, even more noticeable in the north and south , the cold air also does not forget at night , minus during the day only in sochi up to +14. about capitals
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after a break. if you feel tired when the weather changes, take it. rheumoflex, it helps to reduce pain in the joints without damaging the stomach, and also normalize the level of uric acid, rheumoflex, avolar, movement without pain in any weather, you can’t refuse sweets. take it, the natural aleed complex promotes reducing appetite and cravings for sweets, as well as maintaining normal sugar levels, alejimar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. how to maintain normal sugar levels? takem. the natural alijim complex helps maintain normal sugar levels and reduce appetite and cravings for sweets. alidzhim evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. how to reduce joint pain? no harm to the stomach. rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - pain-free movement. in st. petersburg on tuesday -7,
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at night in the surrounding area up to -13. in moscow, the daytime frost is already -9, this is for training, then at night it gets closer to 20, during the day to 15. more appropriate, of course, for the middle of january. it's cold even from us. that it will be minus 20 , okay, a normal winter, we’ll get used to it, yes , we’ll get used to it, thank you, irina, irina palikova with the weather forecast, these are the main news, by this time we, elmira fendeeva and vladimir chernyshov, say goodbye to you, until meeting, goodbye, descend to a depth of 3,000 m. look at russia from the height of satellite flight, feel the cold of permafrost, share the joy of sports victories and scientific discoveries to be at home. take an unusual virtual journey of
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millions of years and thousands of kilometers in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition at the russia moscow vdnh forum from november 4, 2023 to april 12, 2024. how many containers arrived in total? 46, did you check the last sealing? not yet? go take a look.
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