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tv   Balabol-7  NTV  December 4, 2023 8:00pm-10:16pm MSK

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insert here.
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it's here in the navigation, yes, there's the entrance, but what if there's nothing there? they said everything should be like in a pharmacy, but i understood, okay, i ’ll go, let’s go. listen, can i drive on the way back? yes, just don’t turn off the engine, we agreed.
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go. they, oh, infection, what do these goats want from us, don’t be nervous arma, just money for...
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we need some documentation, please show us, hello, out of the car, creatures, quickly, out of the car, quickly, well, quickly said, passed, quickly , run, said, to the ground, said, hands behind your head, lie down, i said, face to the floor, and you too, hands behind your head, i told you, lie down, hands behind your back, i’ll shoot everyone now , put my hand down, lie down, don’t fish, both of you, do you understand that? now we are happy with arsyukha.
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zhor, it’s you who is trumpeting, yeah, don’t do that again, it’s very scary, voka, i thought you were from a decent vaccinated family, and you brought a terrible infection to our house, the homeland could lose, opera, but what kind of infection, sanya, i have allergies, well then that changes things, hello, summer, goodbye to colds, allergies, vitamin deficiency, lord,
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zhort, you are preparing a biological weapon , please close the lid , i really want to breathe, i especially really want to live, good morning, sanya, it’s not kind, but there’s nothing special here, it’s an old recipe, african, anti-allergic, by the way, if you want coffee, i ’ll get you too i cooked it in that saucepan , no, i don’t want coffee, my taste buds have disappeared, oh, oh, it ran away, because of you , what was it, my eyes almost flew out, oh, that’s it, i’m hungry, i’m out of the house , i still didn’t have enough in the department, so there’s the coolness with the loss of my ass... and damn it, what are we going to do now, or maybe they’ll find us to leave, and if they don’t find them, then
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they’ll take after our relatives, oh, lyokha, lyokha, and i told you that this was a bad idea, oh, well, that’s why i need this car, it would be better if i wanted to walk all my life. calm down, sit down, it’s okay to whine, we have to go to the little siskin, there’s no choice, what are you saying, they’ll kill us right there, and they’ll forget about us and about the drugs, no, arsyukha, they’ll get caught and bury us in a ditch if we don’t come. listen, let's go to the little siskin, talk, explain that we have nothing to do with it, that he won't understand or what? it seemed, yes,
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yes, listen, it’s really not our fault, is it? yes, everything will be fine, sanya, you already have four unsolved cases hanging over you, what are you doing there, nicholas, why are you blaspheming, as if we didn’t have hangings, we’ll sort it out little by little, little by little, and they’ll wash who’s manes, well who’s dirty, that’s why they soap you, so you’re a mayor, a guard mayor of the mounted motorized operational search troops, so... lord, i have no more strength, you know, this is avitaminost nicholson, i have a good doctor, yes, oh, olyushka, ok, come in, have a seat, hello, olyushka, this is my sister, and in general, get out of here,
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hello, well, don’t forget about the doctor, otherwise you’ll neglect him, oh, your brother is falling apart before your eyes, so get out. don't pay attention, you fool, did something happen? if lyosha seems to be in big trouble, why tie us up? we were hiding, we came on our own, on our own, and what about without suitcases? let them drink, so what, we did everything as said, picked up the goods, didn’t drive , didn’t violate, didn’t stop anywhere, don’t rinse my ears, you say stop, and our faces are like straight out of a bathhouse, not a bruise, not a scratch, so what are we we handed over the goods ourselves, but that’s exactly what i think, and there was no gopstop
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, but we left the grass for ourselves, why did we decide to treat ourselves for the baby, there was 100 pieces of green grass there, and how much we could raise with it , you can say it’s scary, they acted like cops there, but they weren’t cops. let's go, let's go away, but actually the baby could have said good morning, why? well, you ’re pulling crap from the same trough, so the kid is sniffing sharaga that he’s tracked the guys? well, he could have taken these soups into the dark and dumped them in the trash, voila, exit to business, but i was already thinking about baby, i called him for a conversation, well, ethics and so, firs called, he and the baby are driving up, look, punctual, cheburek, come, i have something to do with you. well,
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i realized that the ghouls got their feet into the fat, look after these two, let’s go have a chat, with the guests, great, little one. great, what did you want to talk about? tell me, baby, you and i divided the garden, we divided it, we agreed to live peacefully, it was, i don’t understand you, bro, you baby has been rumbling about my garden beds for a long time, tell me, did you run into my couriers? listen, alarming mound, if you if you present such statements, then you can confirm them with something, or you smoked the wrong thing this morning. you broom don’t rustle, i didn’t talk to you with cartoons in the melons, that it’s time to pour water, be careful, and i’m always
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careful, gonza, so little siskin, presented it, back it up, or there’s nothing, when i back it up, then it’ll be too late to rush around, baby, if it was you who worked, it would be better for you to return my two suitcases now, it’s stupid for me to bother with two suitcases, but if i wanted to fight with you, i wouldn’t have these ideas of yours listened, i would have watched you and gonzo in the cemetery. bury them, let's go, yes, and your lads would work for me, they wouldn't frown, what are you thinking, gonza, or maybe not a kid, is it actually someone from the stray crowd who stopped? the guy is coming,
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natasha, come here, atusik, let me in. well, stop drying your snot, i’ll start confessing to you now, where are my suitcases , who did the bastards fall under, they sold it to the kid, hey, someone, bring the soldering irons, slow down, bump, slow down, i rang something about garbage collectors, like they were mummers, and that the frost had left lida to be fried, but i say, it’s not the cops, it’s one of them is in the cossacks balat, dear ones. the cops don’t wear that kind of stuff, listen, little sissy, but let them knock in the cold and lead you with a sting, and as soon as
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they figure out the arithmetic, here we are, let me in, like, girls, meet the new girl, what a beautiful bride you have, lyokha , hello, natasha, igor , why did they bring me here, what does all this mean, lyosha, let him go, let him go, just for you, natalie, untie these losers, i give you 3 days, return my suitcases, quiet, quiet, quiet, quietly, quietly, natasha will stay with me for now, so that you don’t rush out of town, on on the fourth day, i’m going to rub the meter for you, and i’ll make some veal sausage out of this luxurious chick, of course, take these losers away, quietly, quietly, quietly, i was scared, natasha, but that ’s all for these suckers, let’s go, where, how where, to me,
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so mother-in-law went to the forest and didn’t come back, no christmas tree, no holiday, garik kharlamov and larisa guzeeva in the comedy mother-in-law, already in the cinema, why aren’t you in shape, you have genkich, i’m in the best shape of my life, what to go, where, for forms, what is needed, now there is some fabulous rudeness. happened, well, this is chaos, honestly person, for no reason, about nothing, and who are you? us, gentlemen? i’m also a reckless driver, well then let’s get down to business, today at 22:15 on ntv. superstar, new season, saturday at 20:20 on ntv, and also a lubik cube, a needle attachment, a putter, and santa claus will pull it all, pull it, with a new year's
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loan from the post bank there will be enough for everything. well, where is your list? come in for money, post office bank. descend to a depth of 3,000 m. look at russia from the altitude of satellites, feel the cold of permafrost, share the joy of sports victories scientific discoveries to be at home. take an unusual virtual journey spanning millions of years and thousands of kilometers. in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition-room russia. moscow vdnkh. from november 4th. 2023 to april 12, 2024 a couple of scandinavian burger scandinavian chicken burger at a bargain price only delicious and just for the new year our house is immersed in a fairy tale and your fairy-tale dreams will be a magnet win 10 million to buy a house and valuable prizes with a new house magnet alice turn on the timer for 5 minutes she
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will hear your voice even if it’s noisy around . alice set the timer, turn on the music, turn it on for her too. whoever you are, a comedian, a hard worker, an engineer, a wizard, an achiever or someone who has achieved peace, a businessman choosing his own path or the ruler of the world, for those who always wanted, even if they didn’t want or want to want nothing, for any of you, for any of your selves, there is a bank that you can go to without going, for the real, the real there is a bank for the real psb bank for the real superstar new season on saturday at 20:20 on ntv, yes, yes, i really liked it, i went there , look, she’s coming, look how happy she is, hello, hello, she’s so happy, i
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told you, buy him prostatricum, now by this age almost all men suffer from this, but what ? you whisper like that, i want it too, mine is today, oh well, yes, and mine disappears all day in the garage with the men , as you say, it’s called prostatricum, i remember, and remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times, prostatricum - something that you will definitely appreciate, the prostatricum is a modern complex... with which men order for themselves and women for their men. prostatricum was developed in switzerland and is based on natural ingredients. you can order prostatricum right now by calling our toll-free line. also, by calling right now, you will receive professional advice from a specialist on the action and use of the modern complex,
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prostatricum. men, we repeat especially for you. what do you say it's called? prostatricum, i remember, and remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times, prostatricum is something that you will definitely appreciate , call right now and we will try to create an individual offer for you, attention, now for those who have not yet ordered prostatricum, as well as for our regular customers, there is an opportunity to get more directly, now completely free of charge one package of prostatricum, just dial the number on the screen to get your gift, hurry up, limited offer, avatar show, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv, natasha, natasha, what can he do with her,
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i’ve made up my mind, i need to get her out faster , i need to get... suitcases, arsyukha, these cossacks are the only clue, if i recognize them, then everything will be decided right away, what are you thinking, i need to go to the kid and see what his lads are in for, lyokha , you know how many intestines a person has in meters, so when the baby guts you, he will measure them for you at the same time, but wait a minute with the intestines, why should he cut me up, the race is right, and not from malyshov, only the baby is not involved, without him they worked, what if this... tryx has already changed his shoes, this is a bad idea, i’ll start tearing off all the skin, and then from me, and this little siskin will get everything that’s left of us, it’s a bad idea to sit on your ass straight, do you understand that this stupid guy promised to do this to natasha? understand? so shut up, but did you change your shoes or not? how many times a day do you change your shoes? well, that’s it,
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there’s no other way out, but what a day it is today, huh? at first this sick little siskin with his idiotic claims is pulling the trigger, now this creature with its sticky paws has decided to get into the community, baby, what are you saying? some bullshit, you know me right? shut up guys, i thought i did too i know you, i thought so too , yes, you were worthy of great trust , and all our money came through you, and you decided to steal them from us, baby, shut up, i told you, did you think that if you pinch a little , we won’t notice, but we noticed, we noticed, firs, what are we going to do with one little baby, we can beat off his kidneys, or break his knees, great. i love it when there is a choice, listen, maybe we’ll cut off one of his kidneys and sell it, well, there will be moral compensation, what do you choose, boy, that’s it, wait, here, i’m off, come on,
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come on, whatever you need, nothing from you, i’m going to the baby, we have a conversation. and what have you done that he will bastard with you? i’ll still see the baby, just make sure that he doesn’t start talking to you later, okay, let’s go have a drink, baby, more meat from chizhikovsky, he was rushing to come to you, why are you a fool, we need to talk. what about the suitcases, these weren’t cops , i already told the little boy, go ahead , why do i need this, the little boy went crazy because of the suitcases, he took my fiancée, it’s not
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my fault, it’s your showdown, and i’m here , and i suffered because of you, i came to warn you, it was someone from within. he’s not your little one, why did you come here to stir things up, in short , you need to finish him off, uh, let’s cool down, come on , what did you say, your guesses, or reinforce what you can, that you’re silent, it turns out he rattled his tongue , take the guests to the air, with the rebbe, what to do now, and there . relative of the bastard.
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lyokha, oh, christmas trees, that's it, forget it, let's go, let's go.
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makrusha, follow this guy all the way to the door, do you understand? yes, leave the dumbbell, idiot. put it on, mother, uncle kolya, hello, lyosha, what are you talking about... nothing, hello arseny, lyosha, did i hear you talking about drugs?
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well, thank you, mom, now uncle kolya will open a criminal case, and arseny and i will grow old together, what are you saying, he’s your uncle, don’t be afraid, i didn’t come as a policeman , we’ll sort it out, without involvement, well, i ’m listening to you, well, well, tell me, we are still with you. we won’t be able to get it out and we won’t be able to help natasha, please make some coffee, i’ll have a cheburek, what’s his name, and he, lyokha karavaev, offered me a part-time job. item on my car
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transport what kind of goods? something criminal, stupidity, a lot, two suitcases, how many, you two are strong, okay, you transported them, so what? yesterday? we were robbed near the city, and our siskin hillock accuses us of drugs, says , if we don’t return the goods in 3 days, then i won’t see natasha again, you idiots, you didn’t understand what you were getting into since natasha and i are getting married soon, i really need money, arsyukha also wants a car, we decided to go once, what’s this guy’s last name? yes, we don’t
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know, but this guy’s name is igor, send me the address where i can find him, try it let's sort out this little chizhik of yours, since the coffee is ready, thank you, then, uncle, i thought again, that's enough, we've thought of it, now it's my turn to think for you, and before i get home, don't step foot, morons. hey, weakling, call a siskin, what a siskin, all the siskins are in the trees, get out of here, old man, before they help you leave , if he doesn’t appear in a minute, then you’ll start jumping on the branches, they want to see you here, from the internal organs .
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monsieur, the lieutenant colonel will come up to you now, mr. siskin, go for a walk, and what do i owe to the gentlemen of the police, that’s what, siskin, your courier is worth two idiots, lyosha and arseny, today you have complaints against them, so what? from this moment on, all your claims against your former couriers are lifted, former ones? i just fired them from you, besides, you’re letting go of your scoundrel bride natalya, and if you decide to resist, your pack of you won’t leave a wet spot, i explained clearly, and you really fell in like crazy and got here, it’s all bullshit, he knocked don’t treat you like garbage, otherwise there
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would be a stuffiness here. yeah, well, since you're here as a petitioner came, then listen to me here, uncle, i will give the girl only in exchange for cargo or money, i don’t want to go to extremes, so help them. cheburek, show the guest off. mister policeman, you can go yourself and lean on my hand. hello, san, listen, put everything aside, i need your help, what’s wrong, no,
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i just need a filter. this is the thing, the kid is sick of me, he put me there as a goalkeeper, other grandmas are making money, but i don’t have enough pressure, well, the kid just thinks you’re stupid, that’s all. what, calm, calm, my cousin can't be stupid, and when everything works out for me, you'll be my right hand, and you'll have all the money, you found out the address, big post office 18/20, yeah, it's clear that i'll go with you, no, no, no, you don’t need to leave here for a long time, just change the filter for now, and i’ll walk on foot, i need to think. lyokha, your uncle can be trusted, how do i know what’s on his mind? i thought, if he didn’t go to the little siskin, he ’d just be stupidly kicked out of everything, that’s right, that ’s how tough you have to be to persuade him
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little siskin, we won’t achieve anything, we’ll finish it ourselves. who do you want? to me? yes, who do you need? i know on behalf of you, please open. nikolai nikolaevich sent you? sorry, i made a mistake, goodbye, who is this guest? don't know. hello, hello, great, brother robbers, who are you? and i, the same kind wizard who turns donkeys back into people. well, the reason for the panic is clear to me, all that remains is to clarify the details,
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go ahead. if, while i was in your department, the guys went somewhere. so. and they were dumbfounded, guys, well, there’s no need to be shy, that’s not in in your interests, but i went to talk to the baby, baby, this is, oh, this is the siskin’s competitor, so i came, and what kind of conversation was that? i wanted to understand who could have robbed us with ars, and why did you decide that you could find out something from... there is a suspicion that the deputy of little firs robbed us, he has similar boots, similar boots, but he accepted the information, why did you i didn’t tell you about my suspicions right away, i wanted to, but you rushed
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to the little siskin as if bitten, you’re lyoshka , don’t be rude, dude, and most importantly, where can the little siskin keep natalya, what’s the pin code, if a simple question has become a problem, noapt can help, it helps restore attention memory. it's a good idea to get your head working. our virtual fairy-tale show avatar, how can she live without him, we were all so fascinated by this performance. very bright, very charismatic, i just go crazy from these rhythms.
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and fluffy vaselitsa towels with discounts up to 75%. nuggets, plums fagot. delicate and tasty. they contain cream for juiciness, and their crust is crispy, nuggets, plums fagot, juiciness, smile crunch. you are tormented by a cough, i am efatse, drink it: it thins macrotus, facilitates coughing, reduces inflammation. euface, triple strength against cough. this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air. they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just that. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the basting engine works perfectly. installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project. me and myself... a methane-powered car without any restrictions, it pays to be practical
8:37 pm
for nature and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations, and santa claus will pull it, pull it, with a new year's loan from post bank there is enough for everything, come for money, post bank, unexpectedly a sale happened on avito, something new happened to you dress. and a drill, and an angle grinder, and a robot, a snow scooter, and new and like new products are now on sale, even on avido. don't miss discounts up to 80%. do you remember the new year in childhood, how the whole family decorated the house, how they cut out snowflakes for the windows. let's create holiday together. receive scratch cards with stickers as gifts for every 600 rubles in a receipt. register receipts on the website, play in the mobile application. pyaterochka and win prizes, pyaterochka helps out, this year
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the russian lotto is giving away as much as 2 billion , meet the new godliarders, buy tickets on the website in branded stores, my element, hey, thunderer, this is not scandinavia for you, call an electrician, but to the delicious spot of scandinavia , scandinavian burger with cheese cutlet, cheese rings, pie, norwegian berries. and a warming punch, scandinavian: delicious, period. ntv - channels you can't tear yourself away from. tv set-top box with an annual subscription from only 3,500 rubles. i agree. invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker and a convenient, technological application. vtb is my investment, they work
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with professionals, the sale is very good, with discounts up to 80% on avito, what do you want, man, they called me to clean the pool, how do i get through, which pool? well, not a pool, but an aquarium, what difference does it make?
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man, what are you notasha? natasha, what do you need, man, valera, valera, give it to him, oh, sorry, there was a mistake, i’m returning valera, have fun, why do i need you, i have enough for my fucking lizards, so what if you’re of any use? grandma will be taken to the sandbox today,
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are you suggesting that i take away the baby’s grandmother, and if they start acting up, should we knock them down, or what? no, we didn’t like this kind of chicago, i heard, let’s spank , but wait a minute, in short, today the kid had one kent, i don’t remember exactly the conversation, the jug got a lot, well, there was something about two suitcases of dope, what you were taken away. and you find out about two suitcases. then you’ll join my brigade, what do you say, gonza? will count, let's chat, okay, i'll snoop around, hello, bro, who did you get your name from, and what about the delivery
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of office supplies? oh, but this is not accounting, well , excuse me, i probably slipped through, hey, man, wait, gonza, where are you going! i’ll stop by on the way back, do you hear where i sent my brother, hold him, uh, he was running, there he is! do you turn it off?
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and give me a cheburek, let’s cut this nit, these dead bastards don’t care, brother, this is not your suit, it won’t break out of your hut, but you’re not a bull, let’s show you why you showed up, let’s rub it, let's work or you'll go to bed cold, i didn't understand everything, but i'm stuck with you, where's the exit, don't shake the trellis, the guys won't fold it, you're sick without... yes, well then they turned it back, well,
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wait, wait. will you accompany me home? stop, stop, stop, come on, get out of here, get out, get out, get out, come on. that's it, come on, lads, let's break up, come on, come on, natusik, what are you like, lifeless , what don't you like here, i don't like that
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i have to put this on the drag, you were talking about drugs, what does lesha have to do with it? drugs, what kind of drugs, with our goblets it’s like that, there were things to do, well, why do you need this loaf, then what should he return to you, where did you send him, who needs him, sent him to hell, natasha, don’t you understand, i like you. and what can this topary give you? with me you will be an empress, i don’t love you, i don’t love you, but who needs
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your love, natasha, you just need to do the right thing. that’s it, you’re in heaven, but i don’t need your heaven, and i don’t need you, i won’t let you go, i’ve been waiting for such a mistake for a long time, your lyosha, he’s been fired from my enterprise, he’s now a beggar, you understand, and he also owes me a debt for the rest of his life, you want to live on scraps and dry crusts, but how lyosha and i will live is none of your business, the main thing is that i want to live with you, you’ll get used to it,
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but why are you alone, what’s there, nothing, natalie wasn’t there, so we need to get the guys out of here, no question, we’ll get them out, hand on the car quickly? i saw it, quickly, said, let’s quickly, let’s twitch, uh, villagers, but what do you need, if you profit from something, the shovel is right in your back pocket, you’ll tell me when you they will allow you to talk, oh, and it turns out you know how to talk normally, major bolabin, and there will be surprises, here, um, lieutenant colonel... gribanov, yes, so remove your janissaries and get out before hemorrhoids form under your tailbone, and
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excuse me, please, mayor trofimov, department for combating drug trafficking, the apology is accepted, we have been developing this organized crime group for a year now, i am giving you both the only warning. so that the chezhik would never appear again, we had the task of getting the hostage out and preventing the use of violence in relation to her and two young people, the young people set themselves up, we’ll deal with the girl without you, and what do we mean we’ll figure it out, what kind of a goose are you, this is not a goose , major, this is an undercover officer, i think that you remained whole today solely thanks to him, well, it depends on how you look at it, don’t worry, mayor, nothing will happen to your girl, the little siskin is head over heels for her. now they’re probably rinsing her in the jacuzzi with champagne, listen, lieutenant colonel, how did you end up threatening your business in the fox,
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one of these guys is my nephew, okay, we'll figure it out. my friends, would you explain your tasks to us, okay, so our task is to identify and neutralize the drug supplier to this city, yeah, but what if i hand your supplier over to you, well, let’s say, not in a year, but the day after tomorrow, major , don’t overestimate your... major, take an interest in my track record, i guarantee i won’t ruin your game, i need 2 days and additional information, i’ll ask, and by the way, what do you
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want for your feat if this happens? lyosha and arseny should go as witnesses, if your mayor does this, they’ll go, let’s go. gribanovich, maybe i wanted a new phone? yes, not only did these two donkeys get into trouble up to their nostrils, but because of them we almost got repaired. well, go ahead, let them gather, we’ll take them to another place. a loan with cashback from sberbank is even more opportunities, because every month you will receive a 2% return in sberbank bonuses. thank you. hurry up to get it. a loan with cashback in sberbank with prime is more profitable. brother and sister are sure that they have found his father, who disappeared in 1989. we
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were given 24 hours to get ready and were forced to leave our homeland. for many years, a man works seven days a week to pay for food to keep a roof over his head. there was a room, all the amenities. he received only 5 a month. he got up from morning until evening. and most importantly, he has no documents. documents on the train, but what happened to the eye? the fittings got there, i went to the doctor, why didn’t you go to the doctor, you gave me documents, did the children really find their dad, or were they mistaken, you were silent for so long, more 30 years old, you are sure that you know exactly who this man is, the ears seem similar and the eyelashes and eyes are similar, i want to have children, parents and children must live separately, i open the envelope, dna. tomorrow at 17:50 on ntv. avatar show - new season. sunday at 20:20 on ntv,
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russia from the height of satellite flight, feel the cold of the permafrost, share the joy of sports victories scientific discoveries to be at home. do the unusual a virtual journey of millions of years and thousands of kilometers in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition russia moscow vdnkh from november 4, 2023 to april 12, 2024 . it's impossible to drive through such traffic jams. so it's time to fly. dear ladies and leonid. fly there. back and wherever you want, with 5% cashback, pay for tickets on the website or in the aeroflot app through sbpp. but first , register on sherbakov. well, let him register for now, and at the same time the world will learn about all the advantages of the card. can i have some coffee? kagacel has already the first day of use begins to reduce the severity of symptoms of influenza and orv,
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regardless of the type of virus. therefore, kohocel is the highest antiviral measure. alpha investments give everyone 10 shares of large russian companies. open an investment account at alfa bank and pick up your gift. did an unexpected sale happen on avito? and a new dress and a drill, and an angle grinder, and a robot, a snow scooter, and new and like new products are now on sale, even on avido, happened to you. do not miss. discounts up to 80%. this is peter, he invites his mother to become tenkov’s client. his mother, anna ivanna invites her brother, uncle valera, who invites his daughter marina, and marina invites her friend grisha. new year's invitations continue to return with joy. until december 31, invite a friend to get a teinkov black card and receive 1,500
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rubles. and your friend will receive free service. forever t’kov i want, i can, i can, i want, i’ll get it with a btbek credit card, i want, i can , i can, i want, 30 days without interest, i’m not kidding, vtb credit card, they became stars on a tv show, oh, we’ll listen to this girl, well , this is kuzmin, maybe you know, they generally have jaws dropped, and how do factory graduates live 20 years later, while no one gave me rings, i should have asked for more money, how the girls’ favorite alexey kabanov was looking for a wife on the internet, i liked it right away, yes, of course, she was cooler in the photos, and he told me he gave me a black sheep, but it didn’t bother me. what kind of alimony did victoria daineka sue for from her ex- husband? he might not see each other for six months, but at the same time he always says that he loves her, what diagnosis did the doctors give to the factory girl sasha soveleva. i went to a psychologist, but the psychologist turned out to be insufficient. why vladimir kuzmin refused to make his daughter a star. i am not a producer or an oligarch.
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was it offensive? yeah, who broke the heart? mikhail grebenshchikov, for some reason he comes across crazy empresses, a million-dollar secret, this is life, i like it, i like it, on saturday at 13:00 on ntv, let’s go, don’t be shy , hello, what, well, yes, it’s a blinker, i just forgot , he’s not working today, he’s sick, guy. i forgot, so yes, nikolai nikolaevich, i’m actually already healthy, i drank the broth, everything just went away for me, sanya, if you want, i’ll write down the prescription, yes, no, i ’m more in pharmacies, why are you looking at me like that, that now he’s going to remove zhorik, why else, but because i’m an alchemist and a witcher, oh well, he’ll look after the boys, sit with them, okay, but don’t put up with this anymore , but the grave, that’s it, let’s go in, sit down, i announce,
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advice, in addition to the task of finding the release of a girl named natalya and getting these youths out of jail, another one has been added, this is identifying a drug supplier, but our priority is... he’s a hostage, and zhora, a question later, well, maybe it’s important, baby the treasurer kicked his rebov out of the gang in disgrace, he stole money from him, in disgrace, that means he’s offended, this might come in handy somehow, well, lyokha, your processor is messing around, and where does ribov’s last name live, you don’t know anything about it, but i i remember the license plate number, in the sense of the number, 115, my birthday is may 11, gribanovich, what? well then, bye guys, let's go, zhorik, don't let them get away, yeah, it's not contagious, don't be afraid, who else has brought it.
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what do you need? nothing, who, you? ay, ah, ah , quiet, quiet, it hurts, it hurts, ah, how did you sit down , are you cops, oops, boy, so you and i almost know each other, i saw you today that i snitched on my former boss, gribanovich, you understand how lucky we are, i realized that i didn’t snitch on anyone, so it doesn’t matter anymore, you ’re a guy who’s firmly in the right place, yes, but what if you drain the baby, there will be no wrapper left of you , okay, whatever you want, drain it, everything you know interesting about the baby, what is his weak
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link, yes, and he will bury me later, and you have a choice, fool, i’ll salt you , with a light heart, i won’t even cry for you, okay, in short, today at 4:00, from the baby at the bank will carry cash, a lot, i used to carry this loot, i also told the little siskin about it today , but in my opinion he didn’t fall for it, well, we ’ll check which branch of the bank, to the sand one, so 4 hours, yeah, well, look, spotted, let's go for it to work out. and don’t you dare merge with the city, let my eyes remain kind, san, san, wait, yes wait, i say, what are you going to do? if we grab
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the chizhikovskys for expropriation, we take the chizhik by the gills, we can twist and turn it until he hands over the supplier to us, this is a chance, come on, let's speed up, we're wasting time.
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baby, we were robbed, i realized, well, my friend, they put you on the money, a lot. are they all alive? well, that’s it, but who are you? people's squad, can you describe who robbed? no one robbed us, the squad would get out of here, okay, nicholson, it didn’t work out, let’s go, well, how... kholturka, test, how many are here, do you think? listen, there’s enough for whores , go to the suitcase, but in general
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, don’t waste your money on the money, that’s all, and fool you, it should go into business, a business without profit, a waste of time, but you can crunch. any money you say, it’s all in a bunch, i say, everything is cool and perky, i can now imagine the baby’s face. and with the jeep, what are we going to do , maybe set it on fire, drive it behind an abandoned warehouse, let it stand there, i left my pipelats there, so let’s go , i can’t do the most right now, come on, we still have one unfinished business, we need to say goodbye to the fraerk who recently came to us... you sit, take care of his ears and
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wait for me, where are you going? and i'm going to the boss? he will probably want to talk to the little siskin. creature, i will gouge out your eyes, i will strangle you, why, how did you get off the hook, you're going to cry your blood for these grandmas, what kind of grandmas are you talking about, that you just took from me, they'll bury you, make sure they don't bury you, get out of here with your nonsense, we we know that it was you who did it, you will regret it.
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oh god, aren't you sleeping? if they fell asleep, we need to do something, we need to look for natasha, but nothing will happen to her, how do you know, but i have a good informant, that’s it, let’s go to sleep, you’re sitting there like a ghost, scaring people?
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i'm so glad i wish i had slept, only in the morning the game is being caught, you again, what do you need at this time? we 're coming to your son, to leshenka, so leave him alone, he's not here, and we'll wait for him, makrush, mom, move away, avatar show, new season, sunday at 10 p.m. where to go, where to buy
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osaka, of course, on the website compare here you can save on buying a policy, there is a large selection of insurance companies, and most importantly - compare it reliably. 11 million motorists already use sаniru to select and purchase asa at the best price and without overpayments. dad, smart trio, look, it’s correct to speak, but no, right. smart trio. three is more profitable. 20 pro accessory communication is 10,000 rubles more profitable than just a smartphone, this is the permission , a smartphone also needs permission, billine is on your side, pay less, toothpaste splat 1390 pyaterochka helps out, a loan with cashback from sber - this is even more opportunities, because everyone a month you will get back 2% of the rate with sber bonuses, thank you, hurry to get a loan with cashback new
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season on saturday at 20:20 on ntv, empty house, even got into the closets, yeah, well, where is he hanging around, your son, i told you so , lyosha, my brother he was taking him where, i don’t know, they’re driving the crap, he doesn’t know how, why are you telling us fairy tales, we look like idiots, i’m telling the truth, but i can call, you ask him yourself. there’s no need to call anyone, there’s a city guy, in the hallway, around the barvie, yeah, brother, that means, yes, let’s talk about brother. he is a police lieutenant colonel, the head of the central police department, and you saw him the last time you came, a lieutenant colonel, and i am an air marshal, and you call him yourself, phone number, his number, which is
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true, cop, firs, let's go, and you to your son tell him not to was away. that we won’t wait , we’ll come in later, or maybe she whistled that her brother is in the underground of the muscovites, and we ’ll check that now, i bet you, she’ll now rush either to a relative’s place of service, or to her son’s hole, she’s coming. muzzle, just don’t shine, it seems she’s gone to the bus stop.
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listen, here’s the thing: two suitcases of dope were taken from the siskin couriers, and away we go. who took it? i don’t know yet, but it looks like the kid, he can’t see the edges anymore, and the little guy tore down the tower, the war will begin. so, don't panic, i'll decide, and don't call me on this number. here's a sheep, what are we going to do now, firs, with a crazy joint, time is running out now, we need to stir up our buddies faster, let
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them shoot each other, and if it does n't work out, don't worry, i have a plan b, what kind of plan is that? , good plan, everything will be fine. it's an infection, don't come here bro, you'll get more and more upset, the bitch has never eaten anything sweeter than a carrot in her life, but she treats me as if i was born in a garbage dump, and this little kid is goat meat, i'll make headlights out of him, i'll feed him to the yard cats, you puff on the mound, oh my, on the wire, what’s going on there
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, they missed the showdown, it’s normal, but... absolutely extreme, or i ran into someone, actually they squeezed out the goods from me, i have very big doubts about the baby , if my business collapses for you as a baby, i ’ll bury you both with housing, why didn’t the owner of biv rip it off? hello, why did you take the chizhik’s goods, you’re tired of sitting in your place, maybe i can replace you, but i’m not in the aisles at all, you’re dealing with the chizhik, this was taken away from my grandmother , but no one else
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could do it except the chizhik, and i have nothing better to do , except shit on yourself, i’ll come, and god forbid, i wonder who can pour this? if natasha didn’t end up at our headquarters, where she could possibly be, this asshole could have hidden her anywhere, well, maybe in the basement now. somewhere or in the garage, the little siskin has been licking his lips at natasha for a long time, don’t you understand, but i know that i’m stupid, or what? i need to go home to him. where did you jump, we're leaving,
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well, firstly, you won't leave here anywhere, because i won't let you out, and secondly , alexander mikhailovich is no joke, skin will let you down, it means they came early in the morning, yes, it was unpleasant, i completely forgot, one of them is called firs, you can describe it, and you ran into them at the entrance when you came last time. well, nik nikovich, it’s better for olga not to return home. yes, olya, you will live with me. now go to the duty officer, they will take you, i will give you orders. alyosha, you guys have nothing to worry about, under reliable supervision. okay, yes, one guy took his bride from lyosha, he’s fucked up in the mornings, in life in general from... if the attic screws him up, i don’t know what he will do with natasha, listen, dude
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, natasha is everything for me, this is love, you know, if you think that you can hold me, you can’t, you better help me, whatever you say, yes nicholson, you and i are somewhere miscalculated, today you... will deprive your relatives, keep quiet, it’s better, but an interesting version emerges, look, firs ran into arseny lyosha, lyosha figures out firs, after which firs decides to get rid of the witness lyosha, from which it follows that the raid was on collectors the baby could have been organized by firs, well having gotten rid of the little boy and the kid, he will be able to take over the city, and for your version to fit... you need to find suitcases and firs, so i’ll go look for him, and you need
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to stay in this office, i can’t believe that you’re on me it was knocked out. there are dogs, chezhek can’t stand their attacks, gardeners, cleaners, there’s only a watchman, an old one, their name is dukharem, a former boxer, there are no former boxers, okay, listen to what you need.
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who wants to make their face soft? that the carrion missed the break, but don’t make noise, i’m from the village administration, call the owner, and where did you come from, but no, now there’s no one, he came in the evening, okay. how old he is, he’s younger than me,
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take his belt, tie it up, arseny, tie it up, you’re left in the lurch. lyokha, follow me. the legend returns, the same one that was brewed from 100% malt, the same taste that the whole country loved, baltika 3 is non-alcoholic, try the revived taste, someone who lives in a little house, quiet and cold, like... mortuaries, yours, the long-awaited continuation the most dashing series, but is
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it true that there is a maniac running around sochi, the ural collar? no, what are you talking about, we’re preparing for april 1st, a perfect murder, just like in a movie , there are mere nothing left, it’s easy to understand who the killer is, cherche, as they say, nikita ponfilov, sit down, i wish i had a director like that, wow, wil smith on minimum wage, reckless driver, new season, brilliant, oh well, it’s like this every day here, let’s go, soon on ntv. superstar, new season on saturday at 20:20 on ntv. be irresistible this winter, choose products for skin care and the beauty of your hair at competitive prices at wildbers. descend to a depth of 3,000 m, look at russia from the height of satellite flight,
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feel the cold of permafrost, share the joy of sports victories and scientific discoveries. at home, take an unusual virtual journey of millions of years and thousands of kilometers in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition at the russia moscow vdnkh forum from november 4, 2023 to april 12, 2024 . magic condition - a real rate of up to 15.5% on a savings account at gazprom bank. your money works and you receive income. apply at entero is a unique probiotic. any antibiotic and diarrhea helps maintain healthy intestinal microflora with antibiotic suddenly enterolol is your faithful friend. alice, turn on the timer for 5 minutes. she will hear your voice, even if the environment is noisy. i started the timer. alice, turn on the music. i turn it on. she will also like what you like. louder. the new yandex station midi is your favorite smart speaker with alice. leona's new year's dreams 365
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and more million prizes guaranteed. hurry up to buy. unexpectedly a sale happened on avito, a new dress happened to you, and a drill, and an angle grinder, and a robot, a snow scooter, and new and like new products are now on sale , even on avito. don't miss discounts up to 80%. superstar, new season on saturday at 20:20 on ntv. where to buy osaga? of course, on the sravniru website at the best price and without overpayments. come to the plane service of apartment solutions from the deal for renovation and furniture. where to go, where to buy osago? of course, on the sravniru website. here you can save on buying a policy. a large selection of insurance companies, and most importantly - compare it reliably. 11 million motorists already
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use to select and purchase osaga at the best price and without overpayments. look. that's right , the smarttrio kit techn common 20 pro with a communication accessory is 10,000 rubles more profitable than just a smartphone. beeline is on your side. it seems to me that everyone in my family is a real wizard. my mother is a hypnotist, one look and everything is sold to her in the store, and my dad can charm the tv. salute, turn on the cartoons. in general, everything in the house, fireworks, turn off the lights, and grandpa has almost learned to see people at any distance, i see you, okay, eh my older sister got a manicure just for thank you, but grandma had a quality manicure,
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where did she get all this from? when i grow up , i will also become a sorceress, i have already learned the main spell sber, the five components of unionzym help normalize digestion, reduce bloating, discomfort, remove toxins: unionzym normal digestion, excellent mood, where to buy osaka, of course, on the sаniru website at the best price and no overpayments. avatar show - new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. natasha, help, quietly, someone, there somewhere, natasha, help,
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can you hear anything, please, i’m here, lyosha, lyosha, help! i ’m here, chair, come on, lyoshka, where is it, wait, lord, i was so afraid that he did something to you, save your worries for home,
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it’s calmer there, let’s go, natasha, i can’t, my legs can’t move, it’s stressful, take her in your arms , she can’t go away, don’t, i’ll do it myself, just slow down, otherwise your head will crash. come on, come on, come on. what's going on here? yes,
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some guest performers broke into the house. what tourers? these are not tourers, these are dead people. that's it, lyokha, trenges for you. it’s drizzling, don’t forget to lay out cold ones in the hut, don’t bother, if the washcloth withers wet, push it yourself, until sunset it’s only under the crosspiece, when will you start speaking russian, oh well, there won’t be any corpses, we’ll talk to you later, the three of you there were them, one black man, he moved me with a shovel, not on the head by accident, but what color was the gonza? normal, normal, normal, drag this one to the barn, the second one there, you will come with me, take their mobile phones,
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look for the third one. i went, sanya, they called. and here's the third one, let's smell it
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the pedal is stray, the pedal, but no, no, no, no, no, i, i myself, now i’ll find out with gps where he came from, and i’ll bring this freak here myself. why haven’t we opened it for so long? well done, man, he said, i won’t leave and didn’t leave. well, now come on, tense up, i need maximum data on the firm, first name, last name, address, do i look like the hr department? milok, do you
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have an acute intellectual deficiency, and what is it, i wouldn’t advise you to ask idiotic questions and put on a smart face, in short, you can guess the meaning of the word electorate, where can i find firs, you can tell me why you need it, and maybe i can give you some advice? he may have chizhikov’s suitcases with dope, so it worked, you already made a conclusion in front of the baby, you almost decided for health reasons, do you want it? again, okay, okay, what are you saying, listen, let me find you the firsa myself, and you’ll forget about me forever, that they let the doctor go?
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their faces were closed, it’s a pity , it’s all strange, and what’s strange, well, remember, that idiot chizhikovsky came, he also talked about the cops, and you think, in fact, the cops worked, but i don’t know, i’m saying it’s strange all this, chukhinin this is all, this little siskin worked, and this one that came from him, but he just
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tormented you, it’s all a cheap scam. let's figure it out , come on, get repairs, firs to see the person off, petrovich, slow down, go to lunch , do you think this is how the rosselkhozbank video should begin, yes, rosselkhozbank is the main partner of the entire agricultural complex of the country, and also ours. what do you think, our favorite superstar show is on the air, the theme of today's episode is the disco of the century, the musical work here is colossal.
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avatar show new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv, i want, i can, i can, i want, with a credit card , i’ll get cashback, i want, i can, i can, i want, 200 days without interest, i’m not kidding, vtb credit card. nazone, vitamins. with a 25% discount
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help normalize digestion, reduce bloating and discomfort, and remove toxins. unionzym normal digestion, excellent mood, i want, i can, i can, i want, i ’ll get it with a btbek credit card, i want, i can. i want a bank, 200 days without interest, i’m not kidding, vtb credit card: confidence and strength, this is how she wants to see you, brutal, reliable, stylish, like a set of hermes men’s accessories from liamax, a voluminous cross and a chain of armored weaving, a massive hermes cross, jewelry steel, noble shine and a spectacular, voluminous design, three crosses in one: a powerful cross fits perfectly with a chain of armored weaving, the color of real gold, a durable lock, reliable links. hermes jewelry is self-confidence and an integral part of a successful male image.
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a set of hermes jewelry is a worthy gift for a real man. the price of the set is 2.49 rubles. but call us right now and you can buy it for just. rub 1,999 but it's not yet all. each person who orders the set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. liamax purchases with a plus. superstar. new season, saturday at 20:20 on ntv. it was you who stole your grandfather's dirk at the age of 7. this is what the men from the yard told you, fighter. you were the one who was never afraid of a fight. it's with you, she's calm everywhere. it's on you. i can always be relied upon, it’s you who can’t stay away, it’s you, and here you are, among your own people, it’s great
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that you’re silent, nadaha, let it be. i won’t let you go anywhere, don’t be afraid, i won’t touch you. understand one simple thing, natah, i love you i’m not going to share it with anyone, and especially with your fucking lyosha, of course, he ’s a hero for you, he came to save you, let him go, but
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it’s easy, if you stay with me and look only in my direction, your ex- fiancé lyosha can go safely, i’ll even forget about his huge debt, and even more of you. i won't keep it under lock and key. just keep in mind natah, i’m not a chilean sucker for you , if you think that you’ll get out of here and you and leya will quietly leave, but no, i ’ll find you anyway, then your fucker will be my slave
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until the end of his life, because the money that he owes me will never be given to him, or we’ll just bury him for life, and you will work off his debt in my club, i understand, i understand, well, what will you answer? baby, infection, i’m confused, you need to whisper.
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well, what do you have there? are you going to get even with the little siskin? the grandmother he took from our guys. i rustled slightly, you can even go now and grab the siskin by the gills. wait, bye! what are you doing? are you done, or what? not really, i can’t disassemble it yet harness. baby, you either fight for your soul or fight for your dad. sets it up, our monks can’t survive here, they’ll eat you, no, let’s wait,
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you need to know for sure that this little siskin worked, well , since you’ve decided everything, it’s of course your business, you know best. something useful, today in 2 hours near the club, anyone? young, tall, short hair, the product will be in a large sports bag, what does he drive? 833, black hatchback.
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what are you doing, buddy, you ’re screaming in russian, i’m screaming, i’m screaming, you need to call, guys, it’s urgent. call, yeah, hello, sanya, it’s me, you know, this is the case here, in short, lyosha and arzhika, together with natalya, sanya, can you hear me, what did you want to hear me, wait for me at home. and who is sanya? major bolabina.
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are you pulling the strap under balabin? well, sit down then we'll give you a ride. yeah thanks. we made it just in time, i should be arriving now. looks like it's him, come out. hey, keri, wait a minute, calm down, are you so anxious, come on, don’t slow down,
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chizhik, we have problems, we’ve been taken for a ride, thank you, hello balabin, before, god help me, fuck off, yes i’ll fuck off, just
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a comrade i'll pick it up. i was a champion twice region, do you want to die? family life has strengthened me so much that i’m no longer afraid of the afterlife , let’s continue, and the second round, oh, just don’t overexert yourself, well, champion, right away. i’ve never fought on the street, zhorik, zhorik, why are you getting distracted, come on, get up, get up, are you giving out horns to your husbands, and what horns, forfeits, morality, oh, you see, the deer galloped,
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a trophy i left it, it looks like your mobile phone, but it’s yours. well, let's go, let's drink the decoction, what happened here, i guess, i 'm interested in who did it, i didn't see it, i came out when it was all over. where is the courier in the hospital, oh well , so brazen, it means maybe they drugged him and burned the dope , well, maybe like the people’s avengers, i’ve already extinguished such people, no, not them, it’s the kid, he promised to make an answer, where is the gonza, collect everyone,
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immediately. listen to the schmucks, tell the kid to come to the turnout at 5 o’clock, or we ’ll paint you all red and it won’t be paint anymore. well, martial arts master. under the dial, it’s like you missed a beat, you ’re so nimble that you can’t catch flies with your lips? sanya, they’ve never sneaked up on you from behind, so don’t touch my back, what were you told to do, why the hell did you go after the little siskin with these boobies, sanya, i, yes, i did, and you would have stayed at home if if your fiancée were kidnapped and then
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held, no one knows how, i react very sharply to such things, it would be better if you went to work and reacted to the criminogenic situation. okay, you’ll still have to somehow pick out these donkeys now, well, you’re seated, ready to take off, and the boxer, what a boxer, you’ll get scared, you’ll close your eyes. well, that’s it, i passed on the invitation, it’s okay , he’ll come, as you have here, everything’s chikim-brikim, even a little while the whole gang is taking care of the trellises, you
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look, mugrishche, don’t spread too much wet garbage, they’re not bad, they’ll chip in for the schmalba, they’ll push the brigade for the freezer, just come for us baby, maybe there’s no time before the shooting... what did you find out about the suitcases? in short, i have one clue, but it’s a very risky business for me, if i bring you these suitcases myself, what do i need then, what’s the cost of 20 green pieces? grandmas, maybe in rubles. i'm listening, it looks like a big war is starting,
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it’s starting right now, you should come before it’s too late, what to do there? he puffed , and whoever he invited here, no one, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, and if i call the siskin, remember, i knocked on the cops, yes, what if these two, the siskin and the baby start a war, but we will be left without money. i called the owner , don’t tell anyone, i won’t tell, go, geninferon light spray is a green light, green light, my goals and plans, red light, viruses that can interfere with them, genferon light thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents virus reproduction influenza and arvi, together there are questions about them that have no answer, but there are others
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to which accurate and direct answers will be given, you can ask your question now by calling 8 800 2004040 via sms to number 04040 or through the websites: ru and moskwadefisputinu.rf. all details are on the websites. results of the year with vladimir putin. december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. avatar show new season. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. from the first day of administration, kagacel begins to reduce the severity of symptoms of influenza and orv, regardless of the type. that's why kogacel is the highest antiviral measure. hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, buy on ozone, final
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sale of the year on ozone, up to 25% discount on instant coffee egoist. wi-fi, palaris robot vacuum cleaner for 36,999. this is peter, he invites his mother to become tinkov’s client. his mother, anna ivanovna, invites her brother, uncle valera, who invites his daughter marina. and marina invites her friend grisha. new year's invitations continue to return with joy. until december 31, invite a friend to sign up for a tenko black card and receive 1,500 rubles. and your friend will receive free service forever. tyunkov. this is the ecology of the city. this is an investment in the health of our children. this is clean air. they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just that. methane is cheaper, savings per kilometer, the engine runs great on methane. installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project. i also
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converted my car to methane without any investment. being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations. invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker and the vtb-application my investments, with a robo-advisor for portfolio management. professionals work. pasha, yes, new garlands, christmas tree, headphones, frying pan. megamarket new year's sale. buy christmas decorations with up to 50% discount. and also a lubik cube, a needle attachment and a putter. will santa claus handle all this? it will work, with a new year's loan from the post office bank there will be enough for everything. well, where is your list? come for the money. post bank. in the sunniest ones. places on the planet, we select ripe fruits and vegetables for our global village products, and when you try our natural, 100%
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apple juice, others also want a sip, once you bought it, you immediately fell in love with it, global villages are ripe for your table, discounts up to 30% on all purchases on the yandex market, when paying with any alfa bank card, if no card, order a free debit alphacard. and buy at a profit! what do you need? according to the instruments, there is a gas leak in your lackey? it's you
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, me, well, zhor, where next, where are the guys? give me the barn, i'll look for the girl, yeah.
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natasha, who are you, don’t be afraid, i’m from the police, well, let’s go, there’s an overlay, lyosha, lyoshenka, natasha, i’m after you again, and i’m
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offering. already lyosha, until i had to come for the third time, and what is this? he’s alive, yes, he’s just tired, who tired him out so much? lyoshka, what a great fellow, and zhorenka, zhorenka, well, what kind of day are you having today, well, get up, help, get up, get up, oops. we still have unfinished business, i have music in my head, well, it’s better than nothing, but where is the spirit, the boxer, or what? yes he’s also tired, he’s resting there at the entrance, by the way, drag him to the barn, lock him up, i’ll pick him up later , thank you, and i’m with you, let’s go, yes, who is this, this is the guy, mr. cop, and if you want, i’ll give you the supplier of the baby and the little siskin , i really want him
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to meet with them today, but only with you, well, if he didn’t lie, then completely, zhora, you have the opportunity to rehabilitate yourself, let’s go, i’ll tell you what to do, uh, who are you anyway, who needs me here, what do you need? so what? what are you doing? are you cops or what? will you find out soon? nothing is understood? what are you like and well, what to do now i don’t know i don’t know all the guys there will be nothing more shura and sucking beer come on come on let’s go.
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that there’s nowhere else to hide, you hear, take the car away, gonz, stand taken away, dive into the hazas and don’t stick your head out. yikes , go ahead, yeah, there's a lot there? yes, that's enough.
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who are you? get out of here, it makes tourists faint, go there, go there, and with your legs, okay, thank you, thank you very much, take it to the trunk,
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the poor guy got lost, well, that's it, now we're in chocolate, quiet, quiet, no rock the boat, otherwise a draft will appear in his head, whip, come on, be careful, yeah, now you, what's in the bag? well, what’s in the bag, i say, what are you doing, it hurts, how much money, a lot, bring it here, it can’t be
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defended, leave it, leave it! it’s safer there, so now let’s go get our suitcases.
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well, you're a smart mayor, and you thought, ah-ay. i give you a fang, uncle, who is inside, this is the one you need, save your fangs, let's go,
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what's going on? why couldn’t we come ourselves? be silent, i really don’t like initiative from those who are not allowed to have initiative, here he is, he’s proactive, i had nothing at all, but i forbade him to speak, it seems to me that you both turned out to be random people in my business, with such problems, should you participate in it? and where are we
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now, maybe nowhere, like nowhere, you two cretins, i don’t understand how you could... kill us for what, remember, i told you, if i have to appear here, it will be your funeral , please don’t, stop it, be men.
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dry your pants, this will be a lesson for you, and god forbid, your hands should be raised uphill, without sudden movements the sniper is working, well, wash your hamsters so that they slowly drop the trellises, slowly, like this, and now turn around and throw bracelets on your sidekick. you, come here, and let’s not complicate everything, come here, and now you, hands, cleanly, threw the bone on the stool. yes
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zhura, what do you have? i’m on my way, well, i still have things to do here, you can handle it yourself, yeah, i’ve already called the group, yeah, and no nonsense, are you selling out, bro, wait, you’re a natural, how is this possible, hmm? chizhikov igor gennadievich, you have the right to a lawyer. let's go out. why did you take the money? leave it
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where next? into the basement, so what if we froze, moving the buckets. why aren’t you in uniform , i’m in my best shape, go where to get what you need? some fabulous rudeness happened. an honest person for nothing about anything, and who are you? me too, reckless driver, well then let's do it. closer to the point, today at 22:15 on
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ntv, superstar new season, on saturday at 20:20 on ntv, you sleep with cash, and you also sleep with it, we all sleep with cash, they are so different, but still... after all, they are together, we decided to kill him, are you kidding, i’m not an accident, i’ll set him on fire that’s it, the cache has to die, which, look now, it’s a shame to forget what you came for, but the most offensive thing is to forget about the x5 club card at the checkout, leave your points in the store , show the card, get up to 20% cashbacks and up to 50% package for services, it’s not profitable forget, when you invite friends to tenkov, these new year's invitations are returned with joy, before december 31, invite a friend to apply for a think of black card and receive 1,500 rubles, and your friend will receive free service. forever
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tenkov, national lottery. new year's traditions, they can dramatically change our life. therefore, dreamleon, your new new year’s tradition, dreamleon, so that you have a chance to make your dream come true, dream leon, dreamleon, it’s worth buying, new year’s dreamleon, that’s 365 or more million prizes and a super prize of 100 million is guaranteed, buy a ticket for mail to descend to a depth of 3,000 meters. look at russia from the height of satellite flight, feel the cold of the permafrost. share the joy of sports victories , scientific discoveries, be at home, take an unusual virtual journey of millions of years and thousands of kilometers in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition russia moscow vdnk from november 4, 2023 to april 12, 2024 . oh, did you lose your lipstick? today my mother changed her last name. this time she is elena loselovna. now he will call me. look
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at the cashback for new year's sales in the megamarket, we can buy you cosmetics, perfume or a blouse, a dress, lipstick, or better yet, all at once, they always do this for a loved one. it’s profitable for megamar to bring joy in the new year, maybe a sandwich, new year’s appetite, maybe only dad will tame, dad can, dad can, new year's appetite, only dad will tame, new year's appetite, only a spa holiday will help. you will receive an addition , be in the know, an addition to everyone who is in yandexplus, additional cashback points when
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paying for yandex, invest in your country with a reliable btb broker and the btb application - my investments with free training and expert support, professionals work. new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv: order homeeclub lanterns from 249 rubles from lenta stores, sbermarket delivers holiday, where to go, where to buy osaka, of course, on the comparison website. here you can save on buying a policy, there is a large selection of insurance companies, and most importantly - compare it reliably. 11 million motorists already. come to the plane service of apartment solutions from the deal for renovation and furniture,
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it is easy to imagine the ideal home, so just imagine, and the rest will be done by the house-click, from a dream to a home, one house-click. where to buy osaka, of course, on the sаniru website at the best price and without overpayments. meeting point tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. are you satisfied? yeah, cling to each other. why, no one comes here, i’ll shoot you in the legs now , then you’ll definitely die,
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you’re a firs, a twister, of course, but i, i’m a twister , come on, oh, lad, look what i found, but it’s not for nothing that this morning in dog shit has arrived, now every morning i’ll trample on shit, put it in its place, is this yours or something, please, hands, oops. nezhdanchik, this is my friend, zhorik, in the struggle between the cunning , the strong, defeat the unpredictable. sanya, are you still selling weapons? there in the basement the guy left you a gift. firs in packaging.
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you're a bugger, you wanted to collect all the cream, right? but you still wouldn’t succeed, do you know why? why? yes because? what did you decide with the guys? trofimov, as promised, will not appear in the case, so what are we going to do about it? well, you can sell it in our department, for example, san, well, okay, we’ll use it ourselves, we can’t cope, our relatives will help, very funny, niknikovich, this was taken without a protocol, which means it’s not registered, you refuse to sell it and use it, which means it’s all subject to disposal , let's grab your wallets, oops.
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maybe it’s not necessary, there’s no need, lyosha, to sit on the potty in your pants, come on, burn it. lyosha. don't miss it tomorrow, yesterday the kryvych museum was robbed nearby, i think the authorship belongs to these three men. here's the floor, here's the trunk, stand on it, hang it, tie it on the second one. so run, i 'll check the rest, balabol, new season,
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cartridges need to be counted, fool, premiere, tomorrow at...


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