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tv   Svet i ten mayaka  NTV  December 5, 2023 3:30am-4:11am MSK

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ignat sobole, he, your mother, her theater, schnittky , which i don’t really like, and there are also a lot of people who want to change something here, but he doesn’t run to america for ephemeral happiness, it’s not there, but there is freedom there , but here she is not and will never be, for all your gold you will never be able to buy her, yes, ivan timofeevich, this is nadar, i found your son, i understand, i’m on my way, matvey was found, your love, for a drop of my soul. this feeling
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is stronger than life, and these noises sound and sound, and to me, your love is such a song of the soul, and for the sake of this love it is worth living, let sounds without words, night and love shine like a beacon, turyevo bandits break into the apartment of olga ignatieva, mother of oleg and konstantin, and take her hostage in order to reach tatyana. arthur calls oleg and announces to him the terms of the exchange. lisa continues to cause discord in the relationship between oleg and tatyana, pitting them against each other. vlad chegorin's father finds galina in his son's house and starts a scandal, demanding to kick her out. but galina reminds him about a certain video recording.
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yes, mom, it’s not mom, it’s me, arthur, who found out, so where’s mom, where did you get her phone number, guess three times, you're smart, where is my mother, i promised you that i would be freed, i was released, i promised you that i would return to primorsk, i'm already here, it's time to fulfill the third promise, what's the third promise? pick up tanya, and i’m ready to do it, i’m asking you, where is my mother, your mother is a wonderful woman, brave, smart, loves you very much and is even ready to die for you, soon she will have such an opportunity, if of course you are stubborn, what do you care it is necessary, but a simple exchange, you give me tanya, i give you mother, everyone gets theirs, i ask you, this is my mother, i will do whatever you want, i will find money, i will give you an apartment, whatever you want, how can you not understand, me?
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i don’t need money, i don’t need your apartment, i need tanya, it’s all just you, just come on without threats, and don’t make a fuss, too, let’s solve everything somehow at home, yes, you have 15 minutes, to make a decision or what? your mother will die, don’t worry, get some advice, tell her everything, i’m sure she ’ll be smart if i send you somewhere away, i’ll start sending you your mother in parts. you have 15 minutes, time has passed , oleg, you need to do what he wants, no, no way, you need to save your mother by giving you, he won’t do anything to me, but olga vladimirovna can, i won’t give you to him, he's crazy crazy. guys, why are you shouting?
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arthur kidnapped his mother. lord, how do you know, he just called himself, he wants to exchange me for her. call the bones, no, arthur told you not to call the police. i didn't care what he said. in the end, this is his mother too, he should know. at least call from mine, yours may be monitored. tanya, is it me, kostya? oleg, what happened? our
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mother was kidnapped. oleg, everything is very simple, i’m going to arthur, you free olga vladimirovna, then you capture arthur and free me, no, tanyusha, this is not a movie, it won’t work out that easily, now arthur will call us and tell us the meeting place and time, even don't have time to prepare, what do you suggest? well, we'll play for time, our specialists will try to trace the call, and if that doesn't work. if if it doesn't work out, will you let me go? tanesh, don’t worry, if anything happens, i’ll go with you. fox, don't, please, we've had enough of innocent victims, this is our business, yes, everything
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is fine, good, great, hello, yes, yes, allow me, come in, there's a new girl. yes, there is, sit down, thank you, everything is free, two of kharamov’s men started talking, oh, you see, tikhonov didn’t bend to the bandits, so what? well done, he worked quickly, you can take the case to court, but i’m afraid that not everything is so smooth, i have a feeling that they are hanging noodles, why are you took it, look, at first, they were silent, completely
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silent, and then two of them rushed at once , well, anything can happen, but they could have just gotten scared, so they rushed, no, well, of course, of course, maybe they were scared, but their testimony is like a carbon copy, you see, this is what confuses me, it confuses me, that everything confuses you, you know, captain , you can’t please, they are silent, bad, they started talking, bad again, well, it depends on what they say, and what they say, what they say, maybe they admitted that kravchenko is our main gangster authority in the city, like you you think, but in vain, it’s in vain that you laugh so much, dare you laugh, the fact is that i’m sure that kravchenko is connected with bandits, well, of course, of course, you... thought that tikhonov was also connected with bandits, but he turned out to be ordinary , victim, excuse me, oh, kravchenka, yes , kut, listen, slav, i urgently need your help, help is needed, well, what kind of help, i’ll come now, i’ll tell you everything, okay, well,
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he says, help, he needs it, eh yeah, the ideal person is asking for help, why? the fact that he trusts you, you have written him down as a bandit, ah, comrade, colonel, okay, free, there is, oh, a meticulous guy, of course not bad for business. good afternoon, it was you who wanted to see me, and you, mr. evseev? for you, yes, it’s very nice , but i, i know who you are, so what do you
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need, i didn’t recommend you, one very good friend, businessman igor slavin, he said that you are a good specialist in solving sensitive issues . this is true? and your question, to be honest, yes, there is one girl who is trying to blackmail me and generally ruining my life. gal, i'm sorry, that i’m talking about my own, well, as they say, in shilo oban, but, whatever, you know, you’re smart here, i understand. about tanya? yes, when will you be able to make peace with us? well, it’s not possible yet, why? she hasn’t moved away yet after your quarrel, so your appearance will only anger her. so
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our reconciliation operation is being postponed? no, nothing is postponed, you just don’t need to appear in front of her, you can do everything else. what about everything else? well, first you need to apologize to oleg, say that you were wrong and that you are terrible at you repent of this, why else? well , he will come home, tell tanya about this, they will understand that you have changed and will treat you differently, and what to do next, mm, and then we’ll see according to the circumstances, well then , tell me what to do now, go to work colleague, okay, you're with me, no, i'm at uni, recovering, yeah, i think that... it's not a question of how much, i don't know yet, okay,
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here's 100,000, i think that's enough. thank you, but you're welcome, it seems to me that the hardest thing in the world is to wait, yes, you know, i'm in i was so afraid of exams at school that every second seemed like torture, lisa, we ’re not in an exam now, i found out, so we decided about an exchange, let’s give mom a chance, we
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agree, just like that, without fighting, without screaming, we agree , it looks like you don’t love her at all, and you can’t hear well, or you’ve changed your mind about changing, i keep my word, now remember where and when we meet. no , that’s a dare, gala, what are you doing here, what are you doing here, we’re studying here, we kicked you out, just like we kicked you out, so i’ll take it back, you now are you kidding or serious, see, listen, what you have here, but i don’t know, vladimirovna, she is an extraordinary woman. it’s a pity that you don’t know each other, i hope we’ll meet again, of course, you know, from the very
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beginning she received me very well, supported me in everything, and when oleg and i had difficulties, she said that she would still be on my side, so you still had difficulties, fox, you are on your own again, you started it yourself, everyone has difficulties, it doesn’t mean anything, difficulties are different from difficulties. tanyusha, it’s time to get ready, mommies, yes, vladik, how are you doing, okay, yours, how are you, i’m a bummer, i came to the department. and they tell me that oleg is not there, and it is not known when he will be, maybe i can drive up to his house? no, no need, what are you saying, will it be too intrusive?
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you better go to your institute, sort out your studies. well, yes, that’s an idea, so that i wouldn’t get spanked for absenteeism, yes, come on, sozonkin, oh, hello, your new girlfriend has a bad influence on you, you don’t even notice anyone around you, and are you looking for documents? and then at quiet speed you won’t be able to wait for me already restored, how did you restore it? like this, though it’s still on a paid basis, on a paid basis, but where does the money come from? money is not a problem, wait, listen, maybe we can celebrate, come and see me this evening, and let’s celebrate? well, yes, well, that is, i don’t have any money right now, i’ll have to pay for yours, yeah, for some reason i thought so. gal, come on, let's go
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in, have a drink, have a snack, and dig around, well, if you don't mind, then you can, you know, dear, but go to your girlfriend and let her sponsor you, gal, wait, i was thinking about you all the time, called you, you didn’t lie on the phone, i’m just amazed how you can lie to me so brazenly, but i’m not lying to you, gal, i missed you, why did you sleep with others, when i was sleeping, i imagined you, you know, you’re a dream my, you ’re kind of crazy, what’s the big deal, gal, well, you know, my doors are always open. yourself, well, you buy drinks, snacks , and i, in turn, promise a good night, pleasant communication, and you are a fool,
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say something, that’s all, the most important thing, don’t be afraid of anything, i’ll try, tanya, come on, please remember, what i tell you now i'll tell you. bandits are in this state, they are like wild animals, if they feel fear, they begin to see you as a victim and can do whatever they want to you, thank you, i reassured you, you can be a friend, enemy, ally, opponent, anyone for them , but not as a victim, this should be your inner
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work, tanya, try to overcome your fear, you hear how, well, think about me, i ’ll be close to home all the time, guys, that’s it, it’s time, we have to go, i’m with you, no , lisa, you'll only get in our way, yo, but i can't quit tanya in this state, no, lisa, it’s too dangerous there, let’s go, be careful with the fire here.
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so, brother? nebuha, to hell. arthur, it’s me, what do you have there , you looked like water, it was in this house that they hid it , they left already, just now, alone or with
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the cops, of course, with the cops, well, nothing, we are separate from the cops. the surprise is prepared for the rest of your life, remember, come on, aista, it’s a cuckoo, welcome, aista, i’m a cuckoo, welcome, cuckoo, can i hear you? well, what do you have there, what is the degree of readiness for the operation, everything is ready, the place where the clutch was taken, you can start acting according to the plan, thank you, well, glory, adrenaline, yes, there is a little, but you won’t believe me, something is shaking, as if it was put on for the first time, you don’t understand
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, it’s not surprising, after all, it’s a mother, and a bride, that’s for sure. cool, i’ll call you, hello, igor valerievich , this is kostya, yes, kostya, i’m listening, how are things with you, yes, everything is fine, so far everything is according to plan , we’re escorting the guys to the place, listen, kostya, i didn’t want to tell you, you know everything yourself, but all the same, to hell with them and the bandits, they’ll leave with these guys, they’ll leave another time, they’ll catch you the main thing is to get olya out, i mean, olga vladimirovna, do you understand me? i understand, comrade, colonel, and yes, tanya, of course, in general , good luck to you and oleg, good luck so that the weasel doesn’t fall from her head, otherwise i’ll demote you to hell, sergeants, you’ll be on patrol, you understand me, there is. colonel, i’m listening, well, he will , i’m listening, that he’s nervous, colonel, that i’m worried, yes, yes, it’s a long story, hello,
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arthur, yes, i’m listening, remember, i hinted to you about the comments, well, something’s going on here, that’s it i feel as if they have raised hell in the whole city, so we... did we take your mother? yes, i understand everything, but still , there are only cops all around, even the air has changed, as if they were performing a wax operation, all because of some woman, i don’t like all this, i feel something is wrong here, and what chuika tells you, and sense tells me that they will take you, and maybe during the exchange, this is unlikely, it’s too big a risk for the hostages, there will be two of them at once, but after we give up the mother and take tanya, then they ’ll try to squeeze us, but i don’t
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understand why you’re happy, because they’re predictable cops, five moves ahead, it’s clear what to do , they’re getting ready, and this makes it easier for us, of course it’s easier, we’ll prepare our own for their moves, okay, fox, let’s call xian now later. that’s what arthur needs from me, can’t he really understand that i will never love him, and he doesn’t care about the feelings of others, he treats people like they treat things, and what to do with them, put them in the dock and send places not so remote, it’s easy to say, here’s the lyceum’s nothing... you can do with him, but what about ordinary people then? listen, what if in my place there would be another girl, you would
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risk your life for her, probably yes, i love you, i love you, i tried, look how many people i caught up with, such things... that it was not your mother, but his mother who was kidnapped, glory, the whole point is that igor valerievich is a wonderful leader, and he perceives the problems of his employees as his own, personal, you know, okay, no need to call, hello, brotherly heart, how are you doing, tribute to the well done people, he sends his greetings to you. thank you very much, tell her too. oleg, and tell me please tell her that we are for her , yes, we will overload anyone’s throat for her, just say so,
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thank you, kostya, she knows, okay, we are already approaching, we will have to lag behind slava a little so as not to light up, brother, but you don’t worry, we’ll be watching you, everything ’s fine, we’re close, come on, good luck to both you and us. i hug everything tightly. hello, hi. oh, hi. listen, what a day today, i managed to do everything i planned, i talked to the dean and took the documents, i paid for my studies, did you even have enough money? yes, by the way, there is still a dacha left, so here you go,
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20,000 rubles. no, you take it, because you are already an adult girl, how can i leave you without money, what? well, i just realized it now. that i didn’t understand you at all, what do you mean? well, you have a lot of rare human qualities, you are kind, you are open, you can’t praise enough, okay, i won’t , so what, yes, so-so, laboratory work needs to be completed, a lot of written work, for coursework i i didn’t take it at all, so it’s full of nonsense. all sorts of, wow, nonsense, for they can expel this, they won’t expel, if something happens, i’ll set the most vicious dog in the yard, named papa, on them. by the way, you’re
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in vain, why? because you are already a grown boy, you think some girl will like the fact that you run to your dad for every sneeze, listen, i never thought about this, but think about it, and in general, it’s time to take your upbringing seriously, what , that i can raise such a man out of you, not a single girl ... is worth it, uh-huh, uh-huh, even tatyana herself, i ’m telling you, not alone, yes, kasyan, like you're like crazy, guardsmen, tramplers in uniform, there's no place to spit, the whole area is cordoned off, they're knocked down, such a shoher on the water, no, they 're dreaming of taking us like that, so they'll take us along the way, dammit kosyan, everything's under control, you better tell me how our chicks are doing, a car with
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girls? i’ve just passed the second one, i can’t see anything, they’ve probably split up , they’re holding us by the voskov, okay, so that’s it, now call fox and go back to olga, and wait for my call, yes, go ahead. where is mom, and they didn’t teach you how to say hello, where is my mother, in one reliable and safe place, it’s you who keep your word, but for the last time i ask, where is my mother?
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hello, finally we are together again, we are not together, well, it’s a matter of time, i will take you far, far away, where no one will find us, and we will be happy, i will never be happy with you, you will, i am all for this i will, if you don’t tell me right now where my mother is, i’ll lay you down right here, understand? well, shoot. you will never see your mother again, so we behave more politely, we remove the barrel, otherwise i will get angry i can, i did everything you said, what else do you need, i told you not to interfere with the cops, and i didn’t involve the police, yes, what is this? why is the entire area cordoned off? said
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only bones. arthur, i promise you that if you tell me right now where my mother is, so be it, we will give you a taste of memory, no one can ever hold me back, this is because i will always be a winner, listen, you are a winner if you now you can’t tell where my mother is, in a coffin, i understand where she is, okay, i ’m in a coffin, and you will be imprisoned for murder, no, i they’ll just say thank you for killing a citizen, unarmed, and what’s more, but no, i remember that your mother is going to the next world with me, whatever you want, well done, this is a business conversation, so that’s it, i'm
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leaving now. camp , no one is watching us, and when we are in a safe place, i’ll call you and tell you where mom is, oh , you think i’ll believe you, but you have a choice, what the hell, they’re standing there talking, but moms are nowhere i can’t see the words, yes, but now it won’t make any sense, what? tanya is sitting in the car, before the conversation simply doesn’t reach her. mo should have put a microphone on oleg. yes it was necessary, it was necessary. what guarantees? what are you going to call? well, i don't need your mom. we just fulfill the conditions, and you and i, that’s it, business, business. the terms have been exchanged here now.
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yes, but we agreed. there will be no cops, you violated the terms, that means you, the word i gave you is invalid, can we conclude a new agreement? if you break it again, i won’t break it. if you don’t break it, i offer you another agreement, you let go my mother, you take me instead, that’s it , i repeat you for the last time, not you, not your mother, i don’t need anyone else from your family, i need tanya, you understand, now i’m leaving with her. or we meet in the next world , i need to talk to her, so, oleg, let's go,
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words, yes, come on, come on, turn up the volume, oleg, we are talking about life, your mother, your mother, say what he wants, wants you to go with him, when he is safe, he will call and tell you where mom is, do you believe him, no, no, i won’t give you to him, listen, we still have no other choice, sooner or later i’ll have to go to him, you ’re crazy, i won’t let you go anywhere, oleg, tanya, i tell you again, i won’t let you go anywhere. take it right now and are you crazy, are you crazy, just think about it, there’s a pant, there’s oleg, there, they could get hurt, there’ll be shootings, especially, you understand, arthur himself may not know where he is at the moment olga vladimirovna is located, kosyan and lis can transport her from place to place by
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car and wait for a signal from him, just think, if they don’t receive it at the right time, be silent, then mothers can kill, i know without you, i love you. i love you, i will do anything to get you out, do you hear? mademoiselle, here you are, why are you so sad? have i offended you in some way? ask!
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arthur is leaving, attention to all groups, the object is leaving, under no circumstances should you follow him or detain him, this is an order, do you hear, this is an order, well, the guys will be surprised, yes, at first he is delaying, now it’s lights out, check that there is a signal? vachok works like a beast, and the microphone works too, so you’re all about tanya you dream, we need to think what to do with this liza, so what’s the problem, we need to go to
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tanya to tell everything, what to tell, well, that liza was sent by kostya, and that liza is trying to quarrel oleg with taniya, you’re my little calf, i don’t i tried, but this lisa turned out to be so cunning and deceitful that she became her best friend, and now tanya just doesn’t want to listen to me, apple, you will, come on, wait, well then you need to do everything somehow in a cunning way, only in a cunning way and you need to do it, people don’t understand otherwise, wait, and what is the plan, and our plan is very simple, but very effective, what? will cope with lisa , we use a baseball bat, you, i mean , look, so far no one knows that you and i have made peace, yes, yes, but everyone knows that
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you are crazy about tanka, yeah, and you will make contact with this liza, you come, give her money , ask her to take you to tanya, wait, well, she can take the money, but do nothing, it will be like this, but what’s the point of wrapping up this toadstool, you don’t understand, look , your negotiations and transmission: we will film it, then we will show it to tanya, then tanya will understand who she really is, this is liza skorkina, and also, and you can also give the money in parts so that there is more evidence, exactly, you are fumbling, yes, in general, attention , tell all the dps officers that this car should not be at any post under any pretext... there is sound, that means
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they have entered the coverage area, we are very close to them, the microphone is turned up to full, i told you that we will be together , and you didn’t believe it, yes, what do they have there, or is that all? oleg, it’s me, what’s going on there, how affairs? yes, it’s you, alexandrovich, yes, i , i, i, i’m asking how you’re doing, what’s going on, in general, not especially, not especially, but where is tanya, why isn’t she picking up the phone, hello, hello, can you hear me? , oleg? i hear danya is not
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with me now, that is, if not with you, oleg, what is happening, where, where is tanya, don’t worry, listen, pull, pull the cat by the tail, tell me where she is, she, she is with arthur, how arthur, wait, are you crazy, what happened, why, they should have exchanged her for... it didn’t work out for us, how can we exchange her? wait, mom where? arthur has her, he will kidnap her.
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why do you enjoy life, i am free , rich, my beloved woman is next to me, this is happiness, your happiness is grief for other people, i love oleg, i dreamed of marrying him , having children for him, you came and ruined everything. you don’t understand, a new life is starting for you now, bright, cheerful , rich, free, nothing is starting for me, you took away everything that was most precious from me , you made friends with me, shame on you, i will never love you, you hear , never, i thought you were a man, you are a monster, a monster, if i had a gun, i would kill you without thinking.
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shoot, what are you waiting for, shoot, it’s strange, you say that you hate me, you wanted to kill me, but i hate me, i can’t, you know, when i was snotty, then one wise old thief taught me in life, and so he said: take the gun, shoot, the threat must be carried out, and if you understand that you cannot, then remain silent, but you cannot keep your word, neither you nor oleg promised to kill me, they didn’t kill me , nothing, here we are. .. we can’t pull out the bridge. and


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