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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  December 5, 2023 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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alexey rybkin. both were born in the ninety-first year. both are registered in the village of ryakhino, smolensk region. yes. it doesn’t look like a robbery, some kind of scoundrel, maybe a hooligan showdown? yes, the killer does not look like a street hooligan. a pro worked here. by the way, i have to agree. the killer fired four shots , all four right on target. from a makarov pistol of 9 mm caliber. each person killed has a bullet in the heart and a bullet in the head. classic case. in the head, and when death occurred, about two hours ago, who discovered them? the owner of the garage, but i questioned him, he doesn’t know anything, he hasn’t seen anything. georgivich, is this someone’s house, what? look, here he is someone’s things, and judging by the package and the bottle, perhaps the homeless man was sitting, someone scared him off, or maybe he was on business, perhaps scared him off, well, where did the homeless man get a gun
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and where did he learn to shoot like that, well, yes, but perhaps the homeless person could see the killer, so andrei, tomorrow we should look for this homeless person, of course, radanov has a high aesthetic task - to look for a homeless person, so our homeless person is an elite one, he could see a double murder with control shots, i i understand, so to avoid getting bored, take rita with you, it’s certainly more fun to look for a homeless person with her. well, please buy me, this is the kind of fish i want, this one, yes, i understand, listen, for this i must first say, but be careful, sorry, i didn’t mean to. young man, can
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i see you for a minute, well, what’s going on, man , let go of the child, are you touching him, calmly, not yours by chance, my, oh you bastard, calm, calm, no need to fight, i’m from the police, captain krymov , now we will punish this child born in ninety-five. the police, that's right, it's necessary, what a happy coincidence , and you’re great, how you figured it out clearly, that, what are you doing, this is my job, and what area do you work in, but i’m not in the area, i’m not far from here, in the inter-district slaughter department, in the slaughter department , well, yes, great, yeah, right, i need to write a statement, and yes, please , walk, you little lad, now you can’t run away, let’s walk, great, young people, hello
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grandpa, what did you want? don’t be rude grandpa oak, look how nice he is, there’s no need to be rude, you need to clearly answer my questions, 2 hours ago we were here, hanging out there, with a bump beaver, uh-huh, but we didn’t hear any shots , it was just that they were shooting, we thought firecrackers were shooting away, but we didn’t notice anyone suspicious, maybe there was some kind of showdown in the area , we’re all peaceful, but what happened, they shot someone, these , you know, no, no, no, not ours, it’s clear, look, goon has rolled up, he’s in kind , stop, oh, georgivich, dear, what fate, at this time of day, and at work, listen,
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here behind the garages of two boys they banged, didn’t you hear which guys? but these, no, i don’t know those, well, you yourself are like, like a wife, like children, but in principle everything is fine, wife, sorry, oh, sorry, georgivich, urgent, urgent call, yes, uh-huh, yes. where is oleg georgievich? i am here, comrade colonel, excuse me, i was an expert based on the results of the examination. krymov will be there any minute; he went to glavk this morning. accepted, report back. this means that the data from the bullet casing collection has just been received, the pistol from which they were shot is assigned to the district police officer of the central rovd ​​zybin. a year ago, two unidentified persons attacked him, hit him on the head and took away his his gun. zebin himself was suspended and given
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a 2-year suspended sentence because, contrary to instructions , he did not hand over his pistol after duty at the time of the attack, he was very drunk, good thread, i like it. that means i’ll look up the data on this attack , i’ll try to find out something else, is there anything else, fingers, witnesses, but no, the fingers are absolutely zero , they won’t throw off the gun, so there’s simply no place to get the fingers from, yes, but with witnesses too there aren’t a lot of us, but not far from the scene of the murder, we found a homeless man’s rookery, hmm, and that he he says, but unfortunately, we haven’t found him yet, well then why did you decide that he saw anything at all, comrade colonel, judging by all the traces, there is an unfinished bottle of vodka, the remains of dinner, we think that the homeless man was there , he probably saw something, unless the killer himself was disguised as a homeless person, and what about the personalities of the killed, and their last names fokin and rybkin, are registered in another region, judging by
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their appearance, ordinary gobstoppers, perhaps someone killed them from their environment, but then it’s just a regular petty criminal showdown, so it turns out that this someone took the gun? at the local zybin, if we find a gun, then we will solve the murder , i would like to hope so, so, i will deal with the gun, potapinka and rydan will look for the homeless person, and krymov will go around the surrounding houses, well, he will tug at the gopniks, maybe someone of them knows something, he is called there, man, hello, captain of the crimeans, oh, hello, and i’m coming to you, what happened, i want to invite you to a cafe, why? but i have to thank you for catching the thief? thank you, of course, but you mean nothing to me should, i said, this is my job , at the same time we’ll talk about your time , excuse me for god’s sake, i just have a meeting with the management, all the best, goodbye, oh, you’re just what we need, let’s connect to
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the double, why do? who is this? there is a large residential area at the crime scene, we didn’t have time to go around everything, and you finish the walk, rit and andrey will also work on the territory, but according to a different plan, well, of course , let’s go, let’s go, ladies, i already explained to you that we do not provide information about our employees, but i’m not some kind of criminal, i’m a writer, i’ll write a book about police officers and i chose captain krymov as the prototype for the main character, so then... we ask his address, phone number, everything that interests you, and now get out of here, don’t interfere with work, boor, galusik, hello, dear,
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you work in our personnel department of the ministry of internal affairs? i need information about one employee of uboyny, what are you talking about, exclusively for personal use, we are alexander and dmitry koshnin. i calculated a model of a superhard material for industry, and i for ultrasensitive gas analyzer. and this is grandfather, thanks to his inventiveness, we became interested in science. develop an interest in science from childhood. enter science majors. rf. dear colleagues, meet daniil aleksandrovich, the head of our criminal investigation department, let’s go, i’ll free up my office for you, what if i sit down, otherwise you’ll get sick, take sick leave and get treated, i need a healthy castle, while he’s sick, we ’re doing great here without him,
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physical therapy course, not massage, i think, 10 sessions, there will be enough, great, there is someone, reckless driver, on your knees, hands on your head. this is my phrase , usually, today at 22:15 on ntv, oh, hello, commander, why didn’t they call, i would have come myself, but i’m here working the slaughter of your house, not far, in general, fokin and rybkin, i heard about these people, fokin, these are not the ones who were shot behind the garages, no? well, yes, petty criminal elements, sort of. come on, i gave up crime a long time ago, i’m kidding, what do you know about this murder, tell me, but i don’t really know anything, only ham dug up a sniper rifle somewhere and walked around, bragging about her, so they fucked them
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up? so, what kind of ham? max kharitonov, he lives in the next entrance, i asked him where he found this rifle, he’s not silent, give me ham’s address, why did he get up, now, now it will happen. commander lieutenant margarita, tell gerashchenko from me, i'm the postman for you or something from a cartoon? come on, just say hi, well, hi, that’s possible, here’s the address to the right, like everything else. all the best, bye, ah, ritka, where are you, are you planning to spend the night in this basement, but here i am, owner some, when you need it, you won’t find these homeless people during the day, when you don’t need it, they’re on every corner, don’t worry, something, there are enough homeless people in our country, let’s go around the yards and look around, let’s go, stand, you have your back white, what are you anyway? attentive, when will we have a wedding with you, yes soon, erdanov, soon! who's there? police, homicide,
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please open. killer, what do you want? i came to meet you. hello, hello. where's the rifle? and so i wanted to take her right today, right now, yeah, right today, come on, show me, yeah, where did you know? my inner voice told me, where did you get it? was lying in the attic. was lying in the attic , it was waiting for you, no, yes, i’m telling the truth, okay, let’s go, show me the place, let’s go, let’s go, yes, somehow
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your place isn’t tidy, it’s tidy, it’s not tidy, what do you need, are the neighbors complaining again? , zybin, i’m ashamed to live like this, you’re a former policeman after all, but i don’t need to live. okay, okay, okay, that’s it, it’s none of my business, i’m talking about the attack on you, about the gun, i ’ve told you everything a thousand times, i was fired from my job, life they broke it, my wife left, what else do you need? calm down, the fact is that the gun started shooting, we have two corpses, it’s not me. tell me what happened that evening when you were attacked? i was walking home, went
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to a shawarma, had a beer, well , i drank it, then i drank some more, then the money ran out, and there were two people sitting next to me, well, they poured me vodka, uh-huh, that’s it, who were they, what did they look like, what were they wearing? i don't remember anything. yes, it’s bad, okay, that’s what, zabin, i’ll tell you, stop drinking alcohol, listen, go away, but okay, be with you, be with you, it was lying here by the window.
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so very interesting, good afternoon, dear citizen of no fixed abode, the criminal investigation department is bothering you, how is it without a fixed abode, i live here, this is my district and my yard, well, i see, but what is your name? stepanovich, very nice, tell stepanovich, behind those... garages you live? no, i don’t live there at this time of year, it’s cold there, but i like warmth, it’s clear, who lives there then? who, this yurik, when he buys a drink, fills up, yeah, he’s sitting there, and does this yurik have a last name? no, yurik and yurik, everything is simple, find i don’t know where he can be found, he’ll come on his own, okay, and when was the last time we saw him, the day before yesterday i... saw him yesterday, okay, not yesterday,
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that is, he lives somewhere in the area, yes, we’ll look for him, thank you, please, here i am and the same thing, oh, great, there is a conversation, i’m listening to you, oleg georgivich, you even remember your middle name, yes, i have a very good memory. i remember everything, uh-huh, well then, tense her up, a year ago a district police officer named zybin was walking around here, yes , by the way, i was interrogated later, tell me, you don’t remember the guys who got him drunk, one named shtanga, his name is denis, you can find him at the bus station, he pinches passengers there, the second is jay, but he died of an overdose, and what does this shtanga look like, he has a scar on his left cheek, he’s been wearing the same clothes for three years now jacket, with an eagle on the back, yeah,
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limping on his left leg, understandable, but if you know everything, what before? i don’t like him, but why did he tell me, i’m also a policeman, and because i have a very good memory, 3 years ago i was detained on suspicion of murder, and you are the only one who believed me they found the real killer, you know, if you had told us about the barbell a year ago, you would have saved two human lives, you know? okay, nevertheless, it doesn’t matter, thank you, come on, well, you’re a man, you’re dominant, you understand, andryukh, so bereritu, let’s go to the bus station immediately, i ’ll wait for you there, that’s it. mr. gunyaev,
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car, hello, hello, who are you talking to, i’m going to igor krymov, he’s at work, what kind of work, he left there a long time ago. what is your question, exactly? and you, strictly speaking, on what basis are you asking similar questions to me? actually, i’m crimea’s wife, and who are you? as a wife? is he married? ha, well then he can't be the prototype of my hero. goodbye. no, wait, wait, what hero? but this is a dumpling.
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you shouldn't be interested anymore. i’m the late pudeev, the head of gunyaev’s security , but i see that we met, why are you guarding your boss so poorly, why is it bad, alive, but this is not your merit, the killer who missed, i will give the command to my fighters, now we will block off all these yards, no need, the shooter is probably already far away, pps i oriented, but i’ll still do it. georgich, listen, they just shot at the gun, but i recorded the shooter’s position, i found a sniper rifle, well, call an investigator and an expert there, examine everything there carefully, yeah, come on , well, they shot at gunyaevo, but krymov himself will figure it out there, but us barbell, andryukh, you look around the station, and
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rita and i go to the stop, be more careful. oleg georgivich, yes, you said, he’s limping with an eagle on his jacket, but it’s not him, it looks like, just be careful, slow down, slow down, i said, hands, hands behind head, citizens, attention, let’s whitewash , look what happens to those who don’t pay for travel, well, olich, of course you do, it’s impossible to keep up with you, the situation,
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as you understand, has now changed dramatically, at first a criminal case was opened regarding an attempt on your life, now your guard has been killed, the investigator is raising 105, yes, he died instead of me, it’s a pity, he was a good guy. but at our last meeting , for some reason you got off with general phrases, because i was sure that my security chief pudeev would figure it out himself, now everything is different, now i am ready to pay you for your work. find the customer, find the shooter, tell me how much money you need, but that’s not the point, i understand, i understand, you will say that you have a lot to do, that’s why i want to pay for everything, but you don’t need any money. what do you need? well, okay, what do you want, i’ll hand over to you two arms dealers, and one bandit, whom
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you’ve been looking for for 3 years now for murder, and you, to be honest, no one has ever offered me such bribes, but what about the idea, how? thieves' honor, come on, what concepts, all concepts on... for the cheap ones, who have neither their own home, nor money, nor business, today everyone rents out everyone, if it is profitable, well, in that case, find through your channels one homeless person who lives in your area, name is yurik, let’s do it, tell me, maybe you have some assumptions about those who could want your death, but there is one nuance, the fact is that we recently caught... in my office, my
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telephone conversations, the fact is that when i fired him, he accidentally fell and broke himself hand, and then generally ran away from the basement , which, in the sense, generally just ran away, well, yes, that is, you assume that those who ordered him to record your conversations, and there is actually no other, well, why did you tell us earlier then? they didn’t tell me this , because i was sure that i would find him myself, well, you know why, to give me a work book, to write out unemployment benefits, to give a certificate for good services, i found him, he lives outside the city, in the country, but we can’t get close to him, why? well , because it's guarded by a couple of goblins with trunks, it’s not for me to start a war with them , but that is, you are asking us to go to war, and i want to pay for everything, especially since
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the law is behind you, amon is with you, well, then here’s paper, here’s a pen, write the address of the dacha, now , yes, hello, what, i’m at work, i have a novel for the writer, nadashka, are you crazy, or what ? so, don’t shout at me, please , well, women, what can you do, the first question is, where is the gun that you took from the district police officer in the shawarma cafe, what kind of shawarma, listen, commander, i don’t even understand what you’re talking about, i i really don’t know why you’re asking , yes, georgivich, krymov asks to go and help in the dacha village, okay, take rita and go, i’ll tell you what, my friend, you don’t have to shoot up, but at the shawarma
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they’ll recognize you, district police officer he’ll also point at you , yeah, what’s he going to point out there, he was banging a sausage, your district police officer, yes, yeah, so you let it slip, so that’s it, barbell, in the world asyatin denis olegovich, if you get at least six for a district police officer years. then for two corpses it’s already a life sentence, what two corpses, are you a commander, you took such a gun, you, from two people were killed yesterday, so who is the killer, you? no, no, no, wait, wait , that’s not good, okay, my local policeman , but the corpses are not mine, and actually three days ago i lost the barrel at cards, to whom, it’s a handicap tuna, and names, surnames, where live, i don’t know, in general, you see, everything is clear, we won’t be able to find them. that's why we'll make you a murderer , but wait a minute, the crutch introduced us, who he is, write down the address, you always understood what
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you want, what you're capable of, today you know who you want to become, who to be with, what your path and what is it for? among those who share your values, join yours, serve under contract, balabol, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv, long-lasting cream paint palette gives a rich color, and a triple care system restores, moisturizes, nourishes hair from the inside, without gray hair, the palette is yours. choice of color, well, credit card debts carry interest, you need a credit card, take out credit cards, transfer the debts to the credit card, divide them into 24
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i won’t throw away the old phone, it’s happy, i ’ll meet with it nogiev will win, and another one, in honor of its thirtieth anniversary, mts is organizing a grand drawing of prizes from ecosystem services, a visit to the film set from kion, a year of communication, a meeting with your favorite musicians and millions of guaranteed gifts, go to new year's discounts at magnit, assorted tomatoes and cucumbers kuban product 99.90. magnet, price is what you need, and santa claus, will it work? it will work, with a new year's loan from the post office bank there will be enough for everything. come get your money, post bank. kleiteland, easy to mix, apply, stick on, professional quality in new packaging. to remember your winter holiday with warmth, book apartments and houses on avito. expectations from housing will coincide with reality. payments are transferred to the landlord
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6:09 am
to russians because you can’t give up sweets? takem. the natural alidzhim complex helps reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, as well as maintaining normal sugar levels. aldzhimar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. and now about the weather for today. hello. abnormal cold has shackled yakutia, where it is below minus 50, the southern regions of the far east are experiencing cold temperatures only meet. on the islands in the south, the seaside is still a plus, but everything is far from the ocean. colder, this is accompanied by a strong wind and a snowstorm, in chita this afternoon it’s -6, tomorrow it’s already -17. eastern siberia is moving even more decisively into the cold. the west is just preparing for a cold snap, but it will be simply dizzying in novosibirsk, in a few days the temperature will plummet from -5 to -30. and the european territory faces frosts that have not been seen in december for a long time, 12 degrees below normal, we are waiting for new records, and record snowfalls have already ended. in the south today
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sunny, in yalta +7, 14 in priozovye is already a slight minus. it's -7 in st. petersburg today. light snow at times. in moscow , snow is also possible and temperatures down to -10 below zero, but this is just the beginning, -20 is ahead. everything about the weather. if your joints are bothered when the weather changes, take remoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. rheumoflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. how to reduce joint pain. without harm to the stomach, rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. revmoflex evalar - movement without pain. georgivich, that’s why you need me here, but you’ll immediately interrogate kostylev, so to speak, on the spot, you couldn’t bring him to the department, i’m telling you to run around the apartments. van, movement is good for
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health. here they are. just be careful, they have guns there, yeah, stand still, hands , don’t twitch, calm, calm, guys, we and... showed our ids, ours, slowly, we’re from the physical protection department, to you killers, what here we need it, we need akimov, akimov , why do you need it, he is suspected of an attempt on the life of the criminal authority gunyaev, we must pick him up and take him to the department, i didn’t make an attempt on guna, the guys will confirm, akimov wrote gunn’s conversations for the orb, but screwed up, goon wants to catch him and kill him, so akimov is under our protection, he puts up physical protection if a criminal case is initiated. but i haven’t heard anything like that about the guna, everything is correct, it was filed against the gunyas 3 days ago and it’s the third day since we’ve been protecting this akimov, and vc you know, the information does not appear right away, look, yes, everything is correct,
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thank you, it’s a pity, it was a good version, well , we’re leaving, guys, come on, fora itunets, i know, at the recreation center. we met last summer, yeah, and such a character as the barbell, you know, yes, this is my classmate , his name is denis, that’s what, this denis, the barbell, he knows tonka and fory, yes, he came to my base, i them introduced him there , and what happened, well, if we ask , then it’s necessary, and after the base, the three of them met somewhere, you don’t know, yes, barbell he told me that they crossed paths in the city. either they were playing cards or something, but i didn’t go, you can see for yourself, i have pneumonia, yeah, what’s the last name of the tuna handicap, and how do i know how to find them, and i think i have their
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phone number, listen , let’s do this , you call them, say that we need to meet, there is a topic , the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, please, later, unavailable, it’s clear, that’s what , my friend, despite the fact that i’m sick, come on, get ready, let’s go to the ace vacation, where you hung out, that’s right, if there were a head start there, then their passports should be there data, listen, don’t you have random and photographs, i think you have them on your phone, come on, no need to go anywhere, we have their complete data, what do you know about them? yes, you too, these are the two who were shot at yesterday near the garages, like they shot, like that , damn it, what the hell, you homeless people, stopped the fight,
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otherwise we’ll now jail both of you for 15 days, so what’s the matter, boss, what’s the matter, he came to my land, where it says that this is your land, this is my land, i grew up here, we’re not going to get into it, if anything happens hang out in our monkey barn again, what’s the matter, what do you need? so, tell us, dear stepanich, have you seen yurik today? i didn’t see him today, but maybe he died , how do i know why you’re silent, yurik, yurik, i don’t know this at all, i’m not from here myself, that’s right , you can’t know anyone, that’s it, they went in different directions, you go there, and you go there, don’t forget your things, forward, forward, come on stepanovich , go, maybe he’s really dead, maybe he’s dead, but you still have to find him, a fun night, the following picture turns out: barbell, year ago, he took the pistol from a drunken
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policeman, uh-huh, then, according to him, he lost this pistol in cards to fora and tuna, and then fora and tuna were killed from that same pistol, well, it turns out he killed with a barbell, mm. yes, he just didn’t want to give up the lost pistol and killed him. but why then did he himself say during interrogation that he lost this pistol to the fori tuna? good question, really, why? it would be more profitable to simply lie and say that you lost it, or gave it to someone else, and then blame it on a third party for the murder. here he is claims that he lost this gun to them. and he really wants us to believe it. what happens when he drowns himself? the fact is that we told stange that two people were killed with this gun behind the garages, but we didn’t tell him who exactly was killed, so he thinks if he proves to us that the barrel was not with him at that moment, but with faure with tuna, he
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will be cleared of murder charges. wait, you didn't tell him who was killed, right? yeah, but when he went to kill, he knew who he was killing, so it turns out that he didn’t know who was killed from this gun behind the garages, conclusion. listen, oleg georgivich, you are simply a real enemy of detection, really, well, now let’s talk about the series of assassination attempts. the murder of his guard, tell me, horror, the whole day wasted, nothing, little ritual, i think tomorrow there will be a holiday on our street, this is yurik, he said that this is the promised advance for captain krymov, wow, in my opinion, this is not an advance, this is a gift , thus, one version of pagunyaev has unfortunately disappeared from us, they continue to look for... a witness, allow me, wait, you
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nothing was confused, we have cameras there, this is actually a witness to the murder behind the garages, comrade colonel, in general, he saw how two guys assaulted a man behind the garages, tried to rob him, they had a pistol, the man easily disarmed them, from the same gun i killed both of them, took the gun with me, i almost died of fear there, gentlemen, i have a request. can i pour 100 g for courage? so, calm down and tell me what you saw? i saw him again today, but i ran away, where? he is also homeless, he took over my territory, he stepanovich is still worn out today. so igor, bulchen will arrive now, take his testimony. and in general he behaved terribly. and be careful not to pour it for him. do you hear? let's walk. yes, in fact, we saw this homeless person.
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listen, i was very surprised, under his rags he had a clean white shirt, i didn’t understand how a homeless person got a clean white shirt, a suspicious homeless person, i wonder if we have a combination emerging: an assassination attempt on nagunyaev, that is, the mining of his car, so, the murder of two thugs behind the garages, the discovery of the first rifle in the attic, then the second attempt, the discovery of the second rifle, yes, well, it’s clear that nagunyaeva... a professional killer was ordered. well, yes, but fokin and rybkin accidentally ran into the killer, and he knocked them down so that they wouldn’t get in the way. yes, now two guys are walking around this microdistrict looking like homeless people. so, why does a killer pretend to be homeless, and especially in the territory where his target lives. i think that he wants, under the guise of a homeless person , to get as close as possible to gunyaev from a short distance to remove him. yes, it is very similar to the truth, and i think that he will do this will. either at gunyaev’s entrance or next to
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it, what are you going to do? well, we need to take him, take him, and if he doesn’t have a weapon with him, what will we show him. gentlemen , of course, i understand that you want to, as i say, stir up the operational plan, but let’s do it without any requests or anything like that, i ask you, calmly, professionally, after all, a professional killer, your department is already understaffed, that’s it, that’s it , work, everyone follow me, krymov remains on duty in the department. good afternoon, hello, can you give me 10 minutes of your attention? well, take a seat, what is your question?
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again you get out of here, but the basement is not only yours after all, well, well, i have vodka, well, we’ll drink it, i’ll kill you, i understand, i understand, i understand. i don’t understand, to be honest, guna , with that kind of money it would be impossible to find an apartment in the area, oiri, you don’t understand the soul of a patriot of the area, he was born here, everyone knows him, there’s our homeless guy coming, so stepanovich, tell me, well everything is fine, he’s there, i’m getting along and like the devil, he threatened to kill me, listen, stepanovich, to this basement, through others you can get into the basements, all basements are connected. between each other and the doors are open, thank
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you, thank you, can i keep this, take it, i deserve it, thank you, thank you, happily, well, go ahead, be careful, listen, citizen, you ’ve been complimenting me for half an hour already, you’re in the end can you tell me what you want, i want you to spend the evening with me, i want to get to know you better, what? so, better, in what sense? i told you, i’m a writer, i want to write a book about police officers, but for this i need to know more about you. but i i must understand what you are thinking about, what you like, what you don’t like, i must merge with you, you know, into one whole, listen, let’s not merge into one, i’m very comfortable being alone.
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took it, that's it, quiet, i have to be next to you for a while at work and at home, wait, well, is this some kind of, this is, oh, what kind of home, i have a family at home, a wife, children, what are you saying? , what kind of wife, no, no, well, my hero is not married, that’s great, no, we will have a wife, i’ll say, i’m a deeply married man, i love my wife, but i came up with an idea. and we let's send my wife to the resort for a while, i'm sure one of them was involved in the murder of fore and tuna, oh retul, how are you? nothing, i wanted a little, but it’s okay , our poor thing, thank you, well , we’ll tell you, maybe we’ll come to an agreement, but if within the limits of the law, you give your testimony clearly
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and quickly, 100,000 dollars, no, it won’t do, then no, you know, in your situation it’s not profitable, give evidence, you can escape for life, georgivich, there’s only one phone number for communication and texting, i’m waiting for your signal when it will work out, yeah, so, it’s already interesting, but this is an old scheme, two numbers are used for each other, hello, nikit, i’ll send you a number now, urgently try its location, yeah, wait, you know, judging by the text, the customer is located next to goal, do you understand? and quickly , genius, yes, nikit, i understand, the phone signals coincide with ours, which means it’s somewhere nearby, maybe in gunyaev’s apartment, maybe, well, we guessed right, oops, look, we’re leaving, right,
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andryukh , come on with me, rit, stay, guard him. hello, oh georgivich, what's wrong? business, citizen of pudeev, the concert is over , what does this mean, and it’s not the shooter calling you, but me, your comrade here and giving very interesting testimony, don’t do anything stupid, so come with us, forward. i don’t understand what you’re asking me about, i have a headache, i need a doctor, i don’t understand what you’re asking me about, pudeev, i’m not tired yet, i don’t understand what you
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’re asking me about, pudeev, that’s enough, use your brains, otherwise we will find a way to present you with an order, but... why three? yes, we know that you only ordered gunyaev, and those two for garages, the personal initiative of your performer, the security guard was also killed by mistake, the shooter missed. ogonya ajiv. in general, if you give evidence, you will be tried only for the attempted assassination attempt on gunyaev, but not for murder, and if you remain silent, you will get the full punishment. what are my guarantees? listen, maybe we can also issue you a warranty card. for 24 months, what the hell are the guarantees? i won’t give you time to think, yes or no? the killer's surname, satin, please, thank you, who is this interesting young man? a,
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rydanov, please come, i’ll introduce you now, get to know each other. colonel rydanov, yes, one might say, the legend of our investigation of st. petersburg, i think that in 5 minutes the general, i am of course very flattered, but it’s very nice to meet you, natalya tagurinskaya, writer, master of lively prose, very nice, colonel radanov, colonel, and are you married, no, the colonel is not married, very good, that’s what i need, yes , i invite you to the restaurant, but i’ve already eaten four times today, agree, colonel, this is an order, okay, colonel, an order. with satin
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we served before for a long time, we met recently , he had just returned from some hot spot, he said that he had brought a bunch of weapons, but he couldn’t find a job, he asked to come to me, i invited him, he agreed, and who ordered the murder of gunyaev, or this is your initiative , let's write it down according to the protocol... that it was a personal disagreement, and so that there is more mutual understanding between us, i will tell the truth, well, if this does not greatly affect anything at all, gunyaev has a hiding place at home, in which is almost 5 million in foreign currency, i hoped that if they kill him before the police arrive, i will have time to pick him up, and gunyaev’s friends, they would still understand that the money had disappeared from the safe, no, it was his personal insurance fund, so to speak, yes. georgivich, they told me there is someone to interrogate, you weren’t deceived, the client is ready , rita and i will go, we won’t disturb you
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, please close the door, yeah, why did this woman come to our house, calm down, it’s a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding , she was talking about some novel, stop it, you ’re disgracing me, people are watching, but let will they know what kind of husband i have? wait a second , what do i have to do with this, she’s a writer, she’s crazy, her last name is tugarova or tugurina, please, why am i interfering in your conversation, i heard the last name, tugurinskaya, she’s really a writer and really like all creative people a little out of control, well, i’m telling you, why did she come to our house, you see what’s the matter, she was looking for a police officer so that she could use him as the main character of her novel, but not your husband, not... i not even oleg georgivich suited her, not even oleg georgivich, yes, yes, i declare to you responsibly, as the head of the department, we gave
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her captain rydanov into literary slavery, and he will save us, we will never forget what he did for us, of course, good gentlemen, i have a proposal , now i propose to go to a restaurant or cafe for a glass of dark, foamy... to celebrate the next disclosure and, so to speak, reconciliation , i bear all the expenses myself, i declare responsibly as the head of the department, allow me, you allow me, of course, your colonel, of course, we wish you the best morning, further in
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program. we clarify the details of the emergency, understand the details of the accident with first gear. on ntv, the program is an emergency in the studio marat seddikov. internet scammers who managed to deceive several dozen. people were detained for hundreds of thousands of rubles in orenburg, two men developed several schemes, one of them was to deceive subscribers of telegram channels that were created supposedly to support special operations, on behalf of administrators, the scammers convinced people to transfer money to purchase the necessary equipment for military personnel. the suspects were detained by police with the support of the national guard. our employees have previously established their involvement in thirty facts: theft from residents of different regions of our country, the damage caused exceeded 400,000 rubles.


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