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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 5, 2023 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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important statement by the president at a meeting of the human rights council. at the last meeting you raised the problems of targeted support for participants. this year the defenders of the fatherland foundation was created, which operates in every region. what other topics did vladimir putin touch on? a number of successful operations by our military in the northern military district zone. recent message from the ministry of defense. launches a ground operation against
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hamas, where is the idf moving? don’t trade and wait for a visit, but sit and worry about finland’s new attitude towards russia from helsinki, elizaveta gerson. hello, you welcomes the information service of the ntv television company, in the studio of yulia bekhtereva. work with specialization participants, issues of school education, migrants’ compliance with russian laws. and traditions. these and other relevant topics were discussed at a meeting of the presidential human rights council. it was held the day before by vladimir putin. the head of state noted that now one of the main directions of the work of the hrc is to support the fighters who protect the civilian population of donbass. according to the president, this activity must be continued, including including within the framework of the fund, defenders of the fatherland. at the meeting, attention was also paid to the problem of russophobia in the baltic states. vladimir putin
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warned countries, including latvia, against an unacceptable attitude towards the russian population. all important statements are in the material by svetlana gordeeva. the first thing vladimir putin noted, summing up the outgoing year as a teacher, was the work that had been done in the field of education. this year, special attention was paid to the working conditions of teaching staff. this includes the level of their salaries and issues of increasing the prestige of the teacher. and technical equipment of educational organizations. i think our council needs to continue to pursue this topic. there are still many pain points, such as the shortage of personnel and the unpopularity of pedagogical universities and the heavy burden on teachers due to changes in the law on education. but the problem of prestige, according to the commissioner for human rights of the ulyanovsk region, can be easily solved by introducing liability for discrediting the profession. the president promised to think about the proposal.
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however, he noted that such a serious problem could not be solved by bans alone and moved on to one of the main topics of the videoconference: protection of the rights and support of svo participants and their family members. at the last meeting, you raised the problems of targeted support for special operation participants and members of their families. this year , the defenders of the fatherland foundation was created, which operates in every region. we need to work closely with him. but there are problems that cannot be solved without the participation of the president, according to members. the council needs to expand the list of recipients of benefits, for example, free higher education should be received not only the children of the special operation participants, but also their wives. vladimir putin responded with an even bolder initiative. it is necessary to be careful, of course, so that there are no abuses here, but certainly think about the topic of supporting those women who lived in a civil marriage with their husbands. this
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year , children with rare diseases began to receive highly qualified care in moscow centers, one of the young patients even gave the president a gift, kiril vyshinsky called for protecting his compatriots, living abroad , faced with cases of russophobia, citing the example of latvia , where russian citizens, under the threat of expulsion from the country, were required to take an exam in the latvian language, we may find ourselves in a situation where simply latvian bailiffs... bring people in wheelchairs to the border, and after all, among those who ended up in this zone of forced eviction, there are probably many pensioners; he also proposed simplifying the repatriation procedure for those who find themselves in extreme conditions, for example, when holders of a russian passport they force him to take a language exam, close his accounts or try to confiscate his car, i don’t think that happiness... will come
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to the house of those who pursue such a policy, chairman of the council for the development of civil society and human rights, valery fodeev touched upon the topic of ecology, according to according to him, russia has all the resources to fight the global... first of all, these are millions of square kilometers of tundra, as the main platform for the implementation of the project. in addition, the council works on issues of labor migration and two groups emerge here problems. the first is when employers violate the rights of migrants by forcing them to work for days. the second is when migrants themselves do not comply with russian laws. there must be a balance, a balance, this cultural one does not exclude the fact that all visitors must, i repeat this again, comply with russian laws, respect our cultural traditions,
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speaking about changes in the field of justice, council members asked for leniency for women who received long sentences for minor crimes, economic, for example, i would ask you to pardon all women who have minor children who are suspected or have already been convicted of non-violent crimes, you know, in some countries it is no coincidence that, say, for tax crimes, or for violating rules in the field of anti-cartel activities , such punishments are provided , which, it would seem, are also too strict, too even... strong, i think that it is necessary to prepare and make appropriate decisions, including on amnesty certain categories of women who are in prison. by the end of the videoconference, another important topic arose: the status of large families. now
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each region has its own preferences for parents with many children and their children, and as a rule they only work for residents of the region upon registration in their passports. council members believe that this status should be equivalent. the russian system thwarted a massive attack by ukrainian drones. militants made two attempts to attack russian infrastructure in crimea. at night duty crews shot down 22 and intercepted 13 aircraft over the sea of ​​azov. then, early in the morning, the ministry of defense reported a second attack using six drones. all of them were successfully reflected. information about the destruction had not been received at this time. and now to the latest messages from the ministry of defense from the svo zone. our military personnel carried out successful operations against militants of the kiev regime in several directions at once. in south donetsk, motorized riflemen did not
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allow saboteurs to lay mines in the area of ​​the villages of urozhainoye and novodonetskaya. ibid. disrupted the rotation of ukrainian troops. in the krasno-liman direction , our tank crews did not allow the enemy to pull reserves to the front line; the activity of enemy groups was detected with the help of a drone within a few minutes , the crews of t-80 tanks arrived at strike positions. the fire came from fragmentation shells, in addition to manpower, the ammunition depot and the mortar crew and the enemy came under fire. all targets were eliminated. in the same area, the nationalists lost another stronghold; it was hit with the help of s8 aircraft missiles. they are armed with russian su-25 attack aircraft. according to a scheme that had already been brought to full automation , the pilots bypassed enemy air defense systems,
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moving at an extremely low altitude. the pilots left the danger zone as quickly as they entered it; no emergency situations occurred during the combat mission. the artillerymen in the kupinsky direction also completed their tasks with high efficiency. there, a hail of rockets passed over the enemy fortifications . just one installation is enough to cover an area equal to several football fields. ukrainian the offensive was prepared with the help of computer board games, writes the washington post, which interviewed dozens of officials from kiev, great britain and europe. the training took place at the beginning of the year at an american base in germany, according to newspaper reports, with western instructors
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using wargame software, excel spreadsheets and regular maps on which figures were moved. it is reported that the allies regrouped even before the offensive, and already by the fourth. it became clear that zalensky’s militants were not capable of blitz creek. now kiev and the west are blaming each other; journalists have found out that, according to the terms of the games, ukrainian commanders were limited in manpower and this would exactly correspond to the current situation in kiev. the day before , ukrainian newspapers reported that commander-in-chief vsu zaluzhny asked the pentagon chief for 17 million shells when he was in kiev on a visit. according to media reports, lloyd austin, quote: to put it mildly, i was surprised, because so many shells cannot be collected in the whole world. moreover, zaluzhny asked the united states for 350-400 billion dollars. the amount is huge, it’s almost half of everything budget. pentagon, but the states are in no hurry to write checks. the day before , negotiations on
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a deal, which also concerns financing of ukraine, failed once again in the senate. the white house believes that the tranches for kiev may run out by the end of the year if congress does not allocate funds in the near future. finnish border guards began looking for illegal immigrants on freight trains from russia. freight trains are the only transport that currently travel between countries. true, so far no one has been found there. a flood of migrants is the official reason why helsinki closed checkpoints for cars and pedestrians from our country. the service reported that they had begun investigating four hundred crimes, in most cases - lack of entry permission or drunkenness . meanwhile, on the other side of the border , discontent among local residents is growing. some were left without contact with relatives, others without cheap money. elizabeth gerson on the consequences of the current border state. lenin and his comrades
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broke through from switzerland to petrograd in april 1917. railway through germany, sweden and modern finland. 106 years later, the route is still tricky, and not because of the tsarist gendarmes, but because of the finnish authorities. from finland along the roma to estonia, then by bus to russia, and the estonians have not yet closed their border. perhaps the estonians simply think even longer than the finns, if they close, well, lenin ’s paths will become even more tortuous, if estonia bucks up, then we have a 12-13 hour plane, turkey and at least 4,000 euros per family, a trip to russia, grandmothers cannot come here, estonians do not allow finnish visas, that’s all, that is, we are here, they are there. for helsinki central station , the non-revolutionary december
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theses were announced: open the borders, let the russian grandmother through to her granddaughters, about 34,000 russians with second citizenship soome live in finland. if now there is a choice of citizenship, i choose russian citizenship, because everything that i have is close to me and dear and loved, i have everything there, everything in st. petersburg, previously from this station to st. petersburg the allegro train, which is in front.. .means he walked cheerfully and joyfully 3 and a half hours, the finnish carrier in april 2022 was not at all allegra, to write off all the rolling stock and spare parts with a total value of 45 million euros, but what could i do? i wanted to punish russia by introducing sanctions against russian railways, they punished their citizens. the finnish government closed the last border crossing, raya östsepi, 240 km from murmansk on december 3. other more accessible checkpoints were closed in november. the explanation in finnish is not so that the grandmother does not
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go to her granddaughter or finn to the gas station, but so that no migrant on a bicycle slipped through. finnish authorities accused russia of organizing these migration bicycle flows. our meath called the accusation misinformation and provocation. at the meeting in helsinki they spoke out like this, so far we have not received the facts about how great the threat was. and the decision was made in violation of rights, and i am here today for everyone’s freedom of movement. helsinki may open the border on december 14, maybe not, but the circle of these revolutionaries is small, as lenin said. finland issues visas after a one-year break with reservations, only to relatives, preferably sick, or study or work. the flow of tourists from russia froze long ago, the tourism infrastructure of the southeast of soome and tempe allegro passed into white silence, and for those who work abroad, finland became only a transit
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zone. we ourselves, working in britain, recently got to russia via finland on the london-helsinki plane, and then across the border on a bus that was packed with our compatriots who had similar circumstances. it’s 200 km to my hometown, but in reality it turns out i’ll have to drive several thousand, because we will fly through turkey, through. turkey, serbia, azerbaijan, even through antarctica, it doesn’t matter, we will all get home. elizaveta gerson and boris halfin, tv company, finland. the army began an assault on the city of jinin on the west bank of the jordan river. the army of the jewish state sent fifty military vehicles and bulldozers into battle, they are destroying the infrastructure. drones are flying over the city,
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and snipers are stationed on the roofs of buildings. israeli troops took up positions near a local hospital. one of the goals for the camp. the refugees had already been de-energized; meanwhile, the gas sector was subjected to heavy air bombing; in the morning the israeli military struck the city of jebaliya. previously, fierce battles took place in the khanyunis area, where hamas knocked out three tanks and an armored vehicle. the world health organization has warned that israel's military offensive in khan yunis could leave thousands of people without access to medical care and simply unable to get to the hospital. became one of the main targets of the attack. first the exacerbations attacked them more than 200 times, while the number of workers in hospitals has already been halved, but the israeli army intends to further expand the operation. these days , the fourteenth asian conference is taking place in moscow at the valdai discussion club. leading
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political scientists from eight asian countries, including japan, attended the meeting. the main topic of discussion is the future world order. experts discuss the growing role of the region on the world stage, the conflict between the united states and china, as well as the middle east and ukrainian crises. anton talpo listened to the opinion. to understand how the mechanism works, you need to understand the details. this is exactly what the valdai club members do. this time we are talking about cooperation between russia and asia, since asia is now an important partner for our country. in addition, it is the region with the fastest growing economy in the world. reorientation towards asian markets, the formation of new production and logistics chains, as well as the transition to payments in national currencies, all this is discussed at the club conference on economic sovereignty, expert alexander lomanov argues, according to him, methods of financial pressure on russia, as well as asian countries , from the west do not bring tangible results. this american electoral partnership, which can be
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compared metaphorically to picking raisins out of a bun, has led to a very serious crisis. in bilateral relations, surprisingly, the west is now trying to offer china the same strategy, let’s cooperate where we need, the americans say, but excuse me, what do you we need, this is what we don’t need , it is mutually beneficial cooperation that is the key to development, the valdai club believes that our country is ready to take into account the interests of partners, looking at how successfully russia manages to build relations with india and china, interest in the discussion format club about of course, japan is interested in maintaining a dialogue with russia, but in the current world realities this is not easy to do, so i think that the valdai discussion club platform is a good opportunity to improve relations. current forum - this is a continuation of the conversation about the growing
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role of asian states and multipolarity in the world, this conversation was started by vladimir in october of this year at the twentieth annual meeting , then the president drew attention to the fact that not only india and china, but also other asian states, such as vietnam, yangma , thailand, indonesia are ready to pursue an independent policy and have sufficient resources, so russia views these countries as equal partners, they also spoke at the conference about russia’s digital sovereignty, which was achieved after the departure of foreign it companies in the market segment, previously dominated by western corporations, are now busy with our software products, all thanks to the fact that domestic developers restructured in time, what other changes await in the future, members of the discussion club are discussing this right now, some sessions are being held behind closed doors . and even though the main tool of the valdai club is discussion, just now the experts have gathered for a closed discussion of important issues, in the end the participants still find practical ways to interact in international format, these are precisely the
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cases when theory does not diverge from practice. anton talp, alexey ermakov and alexey zuev. ntv. with this we say goodbye to the viewers of central russia, see you later. we keep prices low. chocolate not 109. pyaterochka helps out. do we take out loans, is it easy to apply for? we 're all up and running, taking out loans. did you get there quickly? we are at sofcombank. loans that everyone knows. polysorp is always with you. for poisoning, allergies, hangovers, it’s time to drink polysor. magic conditions, real rate, up to 15.5% per annum on a savings account in gazprom bank. your money. and you receive additional income, withdraw and top up at any time, apply online at gazprombank - time to make
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receive a supercake every month and withdraw cash for free from any atm across the country. not just profitable, alpha profitable. if only i could have a lunch basket for 200 rubles now. only. it seems to me that everyone in my family is a real wizard. my mom is a hypnotist, one look, they sell her everything in the store, and my dad can talk to the tv. fireworks, turn on cartoons, and in general everything in the house, fireworks, turn off the lights. and grandfather almost learned to see people. at any distance, i can see you well, and my older sister got a manicure just for thanking me, and grandma
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’s self-confidence will affect her, where did she get all this from, when i grow up, i will also become a sorceress, i have already learned the main spell, zber. about the weather for today, hello, and the main weather trend of this week is cooling, this applies to almost our entire country, a powerful core of cold has formed in yakutia in iymikon -55 in the center of yakutia today it is -42, in december such frosts are rare, in siberia the winter is decisively fighting, it started from the eastern half, in krasnoyarsk today altai, on the contrary, is set to warm up, albeit very briefly, the temperature will stay above zero for literally a couple of days, but accompanied by sleet, in the omsk region sleet combined with freezing rains
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first caused problems on the roads, and then the arctic will add cold. the center of the european territory is recovering from snowfalls, assessing a record increase in snow cover, clearing the streets of snow continues day and night, but now the era of snowfalls has come to an end, frosts are beginning, and how extreme? in the komyev republic on the regional map -25, this is just the beginning; in the center it is rapidly getting colder, and mind you, not to the east of the capital. in orekhova-zueva, the temperature will drop from -10 to -20 in a few days. at night it will be -25. there have not been such frosts in december for a very long time. the southern regions are just preparing for the cold, but it is inevitably coming. in the lower reaches of the don, there is still a weak minus, in the crimea there is a weak plus, and sochi is holding on to the goiter, +14 without precipitation. in st. petersburg today -7, small. snow in moscow, light snow is not excluded, today it is -9, but by friday it is already almost -20.


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