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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  December 5, 2023 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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justice, write to us, leave your contacts, and we will try to help you, marat seddikov was with you, i thank you for your attention, all the best, see you on ntv, today in our program, there is no money, but you hold on, they said in washington that the funds for kiev have run out, and the new eu tranche is in question: who will feed ukraine next year. our funds are running out. price, errors. american journalists blamed zaluzhny for the failure of the counterattack. what fate now awaits the commander in chief of the armed forces of ukraine? all
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or nothing, it’s a matter of survival, and the price to pay for loneliness, in russia they proposed introducing a tax on childlessness, is it possible to stimulate births through extortion, but the easiest way is to ban everything, watch right now, hello, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clearly, i’m andrey norkin, colleague ivan trushkin, we’re working live, let’s start with the next news about the attempt of kiev terrorists to strike the crimea, as i understand it, they have some kind of new tactics, because we’re not all we tell you about this every day, it turns out that they’re just sitting there, digging up a little, a little, like little grass, then there’s a whole bunch of these drones, and they’re trying to direct them to targets in the crimea, look, today’s report from the ministry of defense, morning, ours for the past hours of the night. morning, which means
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that air defense systems on duty during the night destroyed, i emphasize, 22 enemy drones, another 13 were intercepted over the sea of ​​azov over the territory of the crimean peninsula. it's night in the morning, our military eliminated and intercepted six more aircraft of the ukrainian armed forces. because of the unprecedented nature of such an attack, car traffic on the crimean bridge was blocked for 400. well, for 20 minutes they block everything, everything starts to work, today there was a blockage for 4 hours, but now traffic has already been restored, there is a version that these drones are the remnants of white luxury after the failed ukrainian counter-offensive, a sensational investigation dedicated to this counter-offensive was published today by the washington post, it is very large, but the main one the thought there is this: the americans and the west told kiev how to attack, but kiev did not do that. well
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, let's look point by point: the americans demanded to launch an offensive back in the spring in april, kiev refused to do this, citing a lack of equipment. nato advisers said, attack on one part of the front, concentrate your main force there. ukraine did not agree here either and extended the offensive line, as you see, into three sections. the pentagon demanded a massive fire strike. but the washington post writes that already on the fourth day, the head... became saving equipment essentially sends small groups on foot to the front line. when the american generals saw this, they tried to reason with zaluzhny, but he simply ignored them, did not talk to them, and this went on for several months. months of planning with the united states were dashed on the fourth day, and the delayed counteroffensive, designed to reach the sea of ​​azov within 2-3 months, came to a virtual standstill. in
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total, ukraine regained only about 320 km territory, at the cost of thousands of dead and wounded and billions of western military aid. but the washington post doesn't stop there, it gives even more details. after eight large headquarters games in wiesbadan, germany , nato generals demanded that the ukrainians attack with a frontal attack towards crimea. they refused, citing lack of air superiority. the ukrainian losses, which were predicted by the american country, reached 40% of all attackers, so you see the figure, from 30 to 40%. kiev refused to act on such a plan because that he believed that this figure of 40% would be absolutely unacceptable and even catastrophic, problems also arose with shells, ukraine needed about 90,000 shells per month for an offensive, the usa and europe could not provide such a number of artillery shells, in the end it was all through third parties countries from south korea. had to
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be supplied and this also stretched out the time, well , the article describes the doubts of american intelligence, which they expressed more than once or twice to both the white house and the pentagon, regarding the fact that the ukrainian eyebrow... she's worth nothing. zelsky boasted on the first anniversary of the war in february that 2023 would be the year of victory. his intelligence chief announced that ukrainians would soon be vacationing in crimea, a peninsula that russia illegally annexed in 2014, but some in the u.s. government were deeply unsure. this is all andrei vladimirovich similar to the answer to commander-in-chief zaluzhny, who remember saying that. they didn’t give us equipment, that’s it, yes, there’s nothing there, first of all, i really, i ask you once again to pay attention to this vanin the epithet is a huge spill, well , just kind of limitless, i read it in russian, of course, but my english doesn’t allow me to read it in the original, in this
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retelling, so this whole article on telegram channels was divided into parts, these parts, well for example, there is maxim yusin, he has seven huge ones like that. pieces, but one thing, don’t laugh , i’ve already seen this in various comments, about the fact that nato played on cards, well, on military ones, these staff games, there ’s nothing funny here, this is absolutely normal practice, when there is indeed some kind of planning of a military operation, yes, maps of the area are used , and arrows are drawn there, but not here, some play for the reds, others for this funny thing, yes , then further, this is what vadin says, and here i would like to include our guests today, because well, it’s true - this is the first, second, in general, everyone now in the kiev elite is complaining that they were not given enough weapons, money, and so on, starting from zelsky there and ending with anyone, here, yes, it really does look a lot like guys,
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well, wait, you and i planned this way, and you seemed to even agree with us on some things, but acted in your own way, well , that means it’s your own fault, andrey nikolaevich, do you think that the united states of ukraine often deals with, oddly enough, in search of an answer to two well-known russian questions, who is to blame and what to do, now they are more interested , of course, in the topic of who is to blame, because what the united states is now voicing, well , first of all, of course, it’s wonderful to find out about that what nato staffers are seriously talking about the possibility of a frontal attack with forty percent losses, just ask the question of any american military , the us army will carry out at least some kind of operation with such frontal losses or not, look, there was another interesting point , the americans came from their military companies, including iraq, and there such a thing was written that the losses that were planned during those campaigns turned out to be much
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smaller in the end, why did they not take into account that the americans were advancing and were actually waging a war completely different, with huge air support, i don’t know, that’s what the losses are. in fact, there were even fewer planets than for some reason this would kill them, and they came to the conclusion that they could beat us like this, the thing is that the us army did not lead, did not conduct a single large-scale military campaign with comparable adversary, since the korean war in 1750, not a single military company of the united states, it was comparable, was not carried out in conditions, so you know, this is a very good counting the american military, when you count soldiers who are not your own, this is very wonderful, but you will be building on someone else’s army, you understand, in our country , the finnish war and the assault on the line itself is considered to be such an indicator of the wrongness of actions over the course of a decade forehead, this was always considered a big mistake, and this was always considered an unacceptable method, but here they believe that, firstly, here
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is the main message, they believed that such losses could ensure its breakthrough, that’s actually speaking, mr. zaluzhny in his article , if you remember, he wrote that i looked at soviet textbooks on... so he said that in general it doesn’t work, in fact, here zaluzhny is flying in for the fact that he simply exposed nato members are ignorant, but the situation here is clear, the fact is that now , before deciding what they will do in 2024, they need to report, and there are two main messages on who to put the blame on, because someone must be to blame , either it’s zelensky’s fault with his messages, or it’s zaluzhny, and we’re seeing it now in the west two, as it were, hidden towers, if you like, that play against one and against the other. now this is an absolutely clear attack on zaluzhny, which coincides with exactly the same attack taking place in ukraine, that is, to seriously consider the fact that the command of the ukrainian army is to blame, well, of course yes, because the company failed, but it turns out to be such a layer cake , because the first layer is whose military mistake it was, well, those who
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developed the attack plan for this american counter-offensive, or is it a military mistake of the ukrainians as performers, and then this layer begins... political, because it seems doubtful to me that the washington post is writing such a huge article specifically in order to point a finger at one zaluzhny to say that he is there i don’t know , nevertheless, there the commander-in-chief of zaluzhny looks like an absolute tyrant, a man who , when the nato generals wanted to take him by the shoulders and say, dear, what are you doing, he just didn’t pick up the phone , as such a person is supposed to give a second or third or fifth chance for the twenty-fourth year, and we will move on after a while, that’s why i’m carefully summing up about the article itself, the article is very bad for ukraine as a whole, for ukraine
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it doesn’t matter it’s against zelsky versus zaluzhny , here you can guess, you can accept something on the side, she is against ukraine, of course, because it is from ukraine in this article that ukraine is to blame for all this, this is the worst thing, because well, i have heard a lot and i also know stories about how the united states of america betrayed its partners , their employees, apparently, this article is exactly about this, this is a harbinger, yes, a harbinger, this, this is not that there is a zelensky loser, as it was before, or this one, again, i didn’t see the second one in this article the main thing i wanted to see was what kind of manpower losses ukraine suffered, not in percentage terms in general, but how many soldiers, how many ukrainian military personnel died in this offensive, there is no figure, well, because the americans are probably not interested in this figure, that’s how a citizen of ukraine would be interested in this first of all, because people who will read this
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article in ukraine will wonder: what were the losses that ukraine suffered for? for the sake of the american dream, this is the third question , the most, because they don’t count in people, in percentages, so let’s talk about people again, then yes, if there are no numbers in this article, then there is the only source, so far public for me - this is a statement by the minister of defense of the russian federation, and sheigu, who said that ukraine’s losses of 125,000 are the total losses, the total number of losses, that is killed, wounded and missing, 125,000 ukrainian military personnel for what purpose were they killed or wounded or disappeared, that is , what was the goal of this counter-offensive operation, what was the goal for ukraine or was it still a goal for the americans to commit mischief or say , bite the russian federation, finally, the most... something that caught my attention in this article, and for me personally, there mark milley writes that
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at one of the meetings he recommended that the russians should not 24.7 themselves anywhere, should not feel calm or sleep, fall asleep, in my opinion he was quoted, there was not a direct speech from him with the correspondent, but supposedly he was at one of the meetings, this is what this is about, that if this is so, then when you show crimea, when you show other things. i don’t know there bami and so on and so on, so it was millie who called for these things, i apologize, but in simple terms i will say, it was mark millie who called for terror, terror should be carried out by ukraine, and the united states should lead or call for it states of america, and now at the end you know, let me summarize, it seems to me that there is no answer at all to the question of what to do, the search for a strategy is just happening, but i’ll say it again, for me personally the worst outcome will be the one that, well, if
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you sum it up like this they said that the worst thing is happening, because this is a kind of harbinger that the united states is gradually refusing to support ukraine, we’ll talk more or let’s do this a little more, come on vladimir, you’ve been raising your hand for a long time, i was just also interested in who you are here asking what the ukrainian reaction will be society, how they perceive what happened , understand the article, i looked specifically at ukrainian public pages, readers’ comments under the translation of this article, which was published, and there i highlighted several points that clearly catch my eye, point one, why the hell are you even publishing this here, i mean, well, that is, this is a shameful article , apparently there are translation errors, and this is nonsense, this cannot be in the series, the second, kremlin propaganda, something like that, well , the washington post has turned into a putin newspaper, the second complaint is against them yourself, like, guys, you played
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cards there, everything became clear to you, where is the equipment in the required quantities, and where is the aviation, where is the f16, why don’t you attack without air superiority, they throw us into minefields, third, careful just now there were questions for zaluzhny from the series , it turns out that zaluzhny planned this operation badly, everyone blames him, but still , most of the complaints were directed at the western partners, who played with tanks during headquarters games, sent them to mines... they empathize with their own, in this context, this is
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zaluzhny in particular, to whom they don’t want to in this, because here, as it were, they make the most claims in the article, then for me it is very strange how they continue. now we’ll show the plot , because all this, in general, suspiciously happens at once, yesterday we were having fun here with colleagues, one aunt from the white house, she somehow first appeared in the area of ​​​​our attention, her name is shalanda young, she is the head of the white house, well, one of the controls is a little bit like administrative and financial plan, but she is in charge of providing financial assistance to various government foreign government clients, that is , she wrote a letter to congressmen on behalf of the white house, in general the meaning was that they do not have a magical source of endless funding, because the first version of the translation was generally excellent, that we do not have a magic pot that will continue to
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endlessly cook money for ukraine, so i must say that for this scow young, well it’s clear that the name is chalando, we’re all going to be tricked here somehow. a huge number of media outlets latched on to this scow yayanka’s letter, that is, we are adding this to the washington post investigation, because all this appeared on the same day, almost on the same day, please give us more details. on monday, several influential american publications, including bloomberg, broke out in a sensation: the united states could stop funding ukraine before the end of this year. journalists refer to a letter from a white house spokeswoman who... was sent by the leader of congress. sholanda young claims that there is so little money left in the budget that funds to provide assistance to kiev may run out before 2024. jake salevan commented on this news today. we hope that congress, both parties, will make the right choice. there is no magic pot of gold to
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draw from. as director yang said, we're running out of money, time is almost up. earlier , the white house acknowledged the reduction in volumes assistance to ukraine, according to the press secretary of the american president, washington is now deliberately transferring fewer weapons to kiev in order to stretch the possibilities of support for as long as possible, while 96% of the funds for ukraine have already been exhausted. we continue to supply ukraine with what we can and what remains from the existing presidential budget. our funds are running out. the news for the kiev regime was brought by the speaker of the us house of representatives, mike johnson. according to aksus, the republican said that congress would approve the next aid package ukraine until christmas, that is, until december 25th. at the same time, wall street journal writes that johnson called supporting ukraine one of the priorities for washington, although previously he was an ardent opponent of further financing of kiev. if we talk about
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ukraine, then we all know that in the past of ukraine. had a documented history of corruption and waste of public funds. what gives us confidence that ukrainians are completely open and transparent with us now? nbc reported today that representatives the democratic and republican parties have not yet been able to agree. republicans blocked biden's request for aid to ukraine due to the fact that congress could not agree on bills. protecting the border and combating the migration crisis, according to the tv channel, this was a condition for approving further funding for kiev. negotiations on capitalist hill regarding assistance to other countries are not going well at the moment. republicans demand drastic solutions to combat the migration crisis and democrats are accused of proposing the wrong solutions to protect
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the state's border. disagreements remain over the further financing of ukraine in europe. the german alternative for germany party said that berlin will continue to allocate money for the needs of kiev, although due to the budget crisis, funds will be taken from non-military items, for example, the social sphere or healthcare. however, even if germany gives money, pan-european assistance is still in question. according to the financial times, kiev may be left without the promised tranche of 50 billion euros, all because of problems with the german budget, as well as opponents of assistance. like hungary, the final decision will be made at the summit in brussels on december 14-15. so, what happens for us, and then it turns out for us, is at the legislative level. there is a certain pause, both in the united states and in europe, everyone is still sitting and thinking, at the level of statements, media publications, which means that the pot is not just
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refusing to continue cooking its magic money porridge, he begins to threaten his own client, who ate this porridge, that stop eating, the pot says, stop eating, your ass will crack, you know, my friend, dear, or i ’m drawing the wrong conclusions, vladimirovich, well, right there in fact , these are the conclusions. i would say not a pot , probably this client, he comes up with a pot on his head, basically, knock on his head, don’t knock, he hears his own, stories, maybe the americans themselves also remembered about the pot, i’ll remind you, today in the evening in moscow at 11 pm there will be this kind of new year's party for zelsky, where he will address american parliamentarians, and pay attention in a completely closed format without providing information to the public and so on, what is he supposed to show there, maybe, maybe , maybe he will play the piano, but it’s precisely for the closed composition of the american elite, he may do something else, but demand to give pennies, yes, but here you need to understand one thing, this is not just a demand to give money, but from zelsky , this is clear
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articulation to the fact that you and i are in the same boat, we understand perfectly well that the money that, it turns out, is now not quite in the same boat, we may have been in the same boat with you, but you have a hole in it with this instrument on which zelensky plays the pionin, some anna lena berbock says: “i don’t care what german voters think there, the main thing is to help ukraine, yes, why do they say that, and because the price of the issue is good, we we understand perfectly well that ukraine is a steal not only for ukrainian officials, but also for representatives of the western elite, western power, so a certain trap , whatever you call it, corruption, honey, something else, it has just happened." a hook, as he considers a hook, yes, that he can pull up western politicians and demand options from them
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there is no chance that he will also threaten them today, well, i think that this will be a different form of communication, but pay attention, regarding the informational component, the publication that you just said came out on the fourth, zelensky is asking for the fifth, and the sixth will be a decision must be made whether he will be given this money or not, these 50 billion, which were initially mentioned, i think they will give, but much less , much more. yes, you took a notebook with you, which you use to write down, well , it’s there in my phone, i just remember that last week andrei vladimirovich told us that they would give it on december 4, it’s december 5, they haven’t given it yet, maybe andrei vladimirovich, connecting with the publication of this article, the article is an explanation for the ukrainian public why the transit will forget about it in 2 days and so on, this is the first thing regarding financial assistance to ukraine , you know, most people simply do not understand what financing of ukraine is, the fact is that financing of military assistance to ukraine,
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it is designed for the first quarter of 2024, and the money that was allocated in the twenty- third year, they they cover the first quarter completely, this is the first yes, then they all say that they are on the other side crying that they won’t have enough until the end of december, let me listen. including this money already available, yes, includes expenses for f16 and so on, so on, it means that the usa still has 2 billion dollars, but you don’t understand, so shut up, sir, 2 billion, 2 billion dollars, which will also be allocated before the end of this year, this is enough for a positional war, believe me, for the positional war that we entered into, this is the case, as for this matter, yes, consultations took place yesterday between democrats and republicans, and the republicans. confirmed that they are ready to vote for a full package of assistance to ukraine, provided that the presidential administration allocates 10 billion
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dollars for the anti-migration program , this is in the sense of separate funding, today this issue will be finally agreed upon with biden, so to speak, and the republicans in congress changed their position, so zelensky was told about this today, but not, and i think zelensky too today will. can i return you to the article , which everyone will forget in 2 days, because who else but you should dispel the confusion that has brought upon us, it means the newspaper is not good, it means there is an absolute thought, i’ll just remind you what the americans said, do it so, so like this, and the ukrainians said, we won’t do that, and when they tried to correct them, the great commander of zaluzhny decided, decided not to talk to him, did zaluzhny really do a lot right. there are a lot of things to do, do you think, or who, that’s not the question, i’m just saying that we asked you, you have certain subscribers in kiev, that’s what you think, according to their version, the reliability of this,
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that’s what we need? in short, what is true in this article, and then what is true in this article is that there will be no support for zaluzhny, that’s me i guarantee, moreover , they understand everything perfectly, vasilno will not let me lie, ukrainian politics is such that if zaluzhny leaves the ambassador of the government committee, he generally disappears from ukrainian politics, in other words, translating from this, this is the first question, yes, secondly, i say again, ukraine is provided with everything... no problem, as for the european union, yes, there is a question of 50 billion, like true gypsies, the hungarians are fighting to sell their own horse, the hungarians were explained yesterday, absolutely fine, guys, you can vote against 50 billion to ukraine,
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but then you won’t get 13. euro subsidy otez, and without this money, orbits, excuse me, i’m not as interested in five billion as andrei vladimirovich just told us that zaluzhny is a written-off character, in fact, he’s in politics, i’m in politics , he supposedly after he is removed from the commanders-in-chief he will not go, that was the most interesting thing for you, no, wait, the americans set, wait, you are with politics, but he remains in such a position for now, that’s all. what's the point then because you 're a little bit now, but you just told us that zaluzhny did a lot of things right, i tried to clarify with you, is it your personal opinion, or is it something you don’t have, no, right, absolutely, and correctly, no, if he does the right thing, why do they criticize him then, no, because that he did some things wrong, does everything right, well, there were no leaders of history who did everything right, and zhukov made mistakes, and many
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others were screwed up. this is a normal thing, zaluzhny will remain for now, that is, he has not yet made the mistake of resigning, alexander vladimir, so is your impression of all this, well of course, victory has many fathers, and defeat is always an orphan, of course, they will look for someone to blame, who is to blame after all, because the americans, as they planned, well, with the support they provided to ukraine, what ukraine had to do within 60-90 days have already flowed along the coast of the azov sea, but in fact, as the secretary general has already said. stoltenberg that ukraine couldn’t even move the front line in six months, yes, this salevan, he collected advisers, just recently, as far as i understand, it was already a little bit another publication, and there he wanted a consolidated opinion for biden, that is , there were only two questions, the first question is, firstly, whether washington can unite the entire western world, and in order to give ukraine so much weapons, there is support for everything else
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so that she can succeed. the second question is, well, if everything works out for the west, can ukraine? well, if you give her all this, that is, they themselves don’t even believe in it, then what kind of finances, well, where do these finances come from? in past ukraine planned a budget for 2023, the figure for this budget is 70 billion expenditures in dollars, of which it was planned that the budget deficit would be 36 billion. today the budget deficit is 51 billion, that is, the hole in the budget of ukraine is about 5 billion dollars a month, 2 a billion is not even enough. what data do you have? ukraine's budget deficit today is less than $10 billion? row one, open the calculator, open the law of ukraine, what you open together, there is absolutely where you have such materials from the government of ukraine, statistics, all the latest data, but the government of ukraine, we really have to trust this financially 100%, so
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the government doesn’t have such figures, well, is this nonsense? no, wait, andreyvich, we, we showed , wait, please, we showed not so long ago to the minister of finance of ukraine, here he was hanging here, who said that even though, well, it was a long time ago, somewhere around probably a month ago, he said that in principle we can do 20 billion, in my opinion, something like that find to close, at the same time, he says, there will still be a hole left at 23, in my opinion, next year, we are talking about the fact that next year the hole is 27 billion, next year there is still a hole, that is, for now you can burn, you have a calculator, budget indicators for the next year , state budget expenditures 3 three 350 billion, budget deficit 1.7 trillion, how much is this in dollars, the deficit laid down in the law of ukraine, the budget for 24, and what are you 10 billion, you can somehow support andrey vladimecha or now, on the contrary, you will be his trample, i want to return us to the present
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day, the present state of affairs. what poland did with ukraine, yes, blocking supplies, blocking, transport blockade, is that it blocks the sale of grain, right? a little grain went through the black sea, what do i mean, the minister of finance says that today in ukraine, because we did not receive additional 1.6 billion dollars for something, we did not receive 1.8 billion dollars in income for this reason, customs did not provide such and such amount in hryvnia, surprising thus, russian gas continues to flow through the ukrainian gas transmission system and transfers its small one, it democratizes, thank you very much to russia, and this is indeed the case that russia today supplies transit and ukraine gets its money, and the poles are crap, the poles are crap for us, which should have been
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maybe lawyers, investors, and so on, and so on, and so on, and from here, this is today, today, and today there is another such problem, money, again, yes, well, i really want money, always about money somehow for us they told me so great, you can share andrei vladimirovich’s confidence that there will be money, no matter what size it is, why, well, they tell you that everything is laid out, everything is fine, well, next year there will be a shortage of 27 billion, what even andrei vladimirovich and i can read the same information, but look at it differently, i have been convinced more than once, we can even have the same source in ukraine, but interpret it differently, have it differently , about here's the money we we we now let's continue, because, well, it's just amazing there. hello, i
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came from the republic of bashkastan. dear vladimir vladimirovich, mr. president. in fact, there is one very pressing question , we will try to make sure that not a single question goes unnoticed, i would like a personal question, are you satisfied with the answer, the president is closer than it seems, his colleagues are sitting there on the top, they are not visible, summing up the year, he will answer in the studio for questions from journalists, russia, ask your question to the president via website moskва by phone 8800-20040-40 or via sms to number 04040. results of the year with vladimir putin live broadcast
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a decision will be a necessary and valuable gift for ukrainians christmas, well , ukraine will not receive any gifts from slovakia at christmas or even then, local prime minister robert fitze announced that he was refusing to supply arms to kiev, and this was done after negotiations with ukrainian prime minister. fitza says that he does not believe in a military solution to the conflict at all, and he considers attempts to prolong it unnecessary and without result. let’s listen to him, no one who is true to history will ever force us to hate russia , let’s be honest from fascism, we were liberated by the russian people, we were liberated by the red army, but the bulgarian president rumen radov used the right of veto to block the supply of equipment already approved by parliament, we are talking about about a hundred armored personnel carriers , the local parliament
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voted, the ministry of defense proposed to deliver them, but then radov said, why do we need to send this equipment somewhere else, without even using the word ukraine, he says that the equipment can be quite useful within the country, to protect borders, to somehow fight natural disasters, in general , it’s better to keep these armored personnel carriers, the bulgarian president tells us, andrei vladimirovich, under different names you started talking about gifts, i quickly ran away so that the christmas ones are no longer there. these are not armored vehicles, but these are boxing gloves, andrey nikolaevich, greetings from ulyanovsk, there is a letter, they are of course souvenirs, but quite readable, it seems to me a symbol, so here it is for you, but about the topic of gifts and uh, what you want, then look, if the washington post everyone else writes about the fact that it ’s zaluzhny, well, that’s it sort of worked out such material, his behavior then, or is it some kind of trolling, it’s just...’ i don’t know, an exorbitant level, or i don’t know, maybe
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this is, of course, some kind of lies, in general, in short , yesterday we somehow mentioned this figure, bogdan anatolyevich said about this without a finger, 17 million shells , which means, if you believe press reports, this is an official request from the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, which he made in a conversation with the secretary of defense of the united states, that’s plus money, we were talking here about how much ukraine can want. in order to plug up these holes. andrei vladimovich says that nothing is needed, because everything is fine this year, perfectly, next year there is a problem of 27 billion, and the hryvnia, so that’s the money... he’s asking for this now, i’ll tell you deoccupation of ukraine 400 billion dollars, they say that loyd osin is a little swollen from such requests, but now all the details will follow. on monday, the publication ukrainskaya pravda revealed details of the recent visit of pentagon chief lloyd austin to kiev. according to journalists, at a meeting with the american
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minister, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, zaluzhny asked for 17 million shells and 400 billion dollars for, as he explained, the de-occupation of ukraine. austin himself was, to put it bluntly, shocked by such desires of the poor man. 400 billion dollars is half of the entire pentagon budget, and 17 million shells, quote, cannot be collected throughout the world. after austin’s trip, the white house said that they understand ukraine’s desire to get even more weapons, but there is almost no money left for this. we continue to urge congress to pass additional funding as soon as possible. true , we think we have until about the end of the year before... difficulties arise with supporting ukraine. ukraine is asking the germans for money and weapons. president terrorist zelsky recently boasted about this, in particular said that he was asking berlin for an additional irist air defense system. germany promised to deliver two more such installations by the end of the year, and the german concern rhein metall the day before
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reassured ukraine by promising to send ammunition worth 140 million euros, albeit with a caveat, in 2 years. the concern previously stated. about plans to launch the production of their armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles directly in ukraine, but again not earlier than next year, here even the kiev propagandists are depressed, if this continues any longer, then the west will say, what they are already saying, that guys, well, you see, you have not it turns out there is a counter-offensive , we cannot give you more money in such an amount, because our taxpayers will not understand us, and without any credit at all... the western press enthusiastically comments on the situation in ukraine, the politico publication writes that the united states, against the backdrop of two conflicts at once, ukraine and the middle east do not have time to produce enough weapons; the former commander of us forces in europe, ben hodges, is sure that the ukrainians themselves are to blame for the problems with the shell shortage. let's be honest
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about what ukraine has been doing since 2014. you should already be mountains of artillery ammunition. so you can be disappointed that the west does not give more, but what did ukraine do after 2014 to increase its own production of ammunition. i believe that ukraine should do everything possible to increase production. also, by the way , he now speaks completely differently; last year, at the end of the year, he began to say that the ukrainians would return all their lands there, moreover, they could seize our lands there in the summer. so andreyovich, you somehow began to very actively disagree when andrey vladimovich was counting the money, so i’ll add to you when mr. fedorov, you know, says in full voice that ukraine has military funding for the first quarter and at the same time we are seeing a reduction in military supply packages and almost a howl from the pentago that we have no money , but somehow someone with whom is not, they are lying - 16 they are also lying, they did not give it, as
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the day before mr. umerov confirmed that he had negotiations with the belgian side about the supply of f16 in 2025, just that. yes , and you will pilot it, we already do it we know very well, personally, it’s all clear, mr. fedorov, everyone has already listened to you, let’s talk a little differently, and so, this turns out to be the main message, well, he always turns out to be right, he said that after the victory in poland, mr. tuska, all problems of blocking the border can be solved instantly, but we are seeing how it is being solved in poland, of course, so once again, it means that when we speak, here is the main message, the main message that comes from this , that for some reason on ukraine still thinks that everyone should, but now everything is even mr. hodges, if you look, is deciding his own questions, why, for example, if you look at it this way, republicans and democrats cannot agree on this aid package, strictly speaking, for one simple
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reason, it would seem, why doesn’t biden strengthen the border, well, let’s face it this is the money that the republicans are using, close the question, but the problem is that if he has this money. will give, then precisely the electorate that supports the democrats, including those focusing on migrants, may move away from him everyone else, and for him this is a much bigger problem than all the experiences of ukraine, the second point is, what do you want to give money for now, what to give money to ukraine for, what exactly should happen in 2024, and don’t forget that in general the candidacy of mr. zaluzhny as a hero , so to speak, and the main commander, behind him there were also mr. mili and mr. austin, and for austin, mili, everyone...
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who exists today, taking into account the situation at the front, taking into account the defensive fortifications of the russians, minefields, etc. etc., you can say how many weapons and everything else is needed there in order to overcome these lines and reach the ninety-pergo border, what happens, this is not the first conversation they had when this counter-offensive was being prepared, remember, zaluzhny already gave out some calculations and he said, we need so many tanks, we need so many rocket systems, as far as i understand. it was all provided, and now he is accused of the fact that we gave you everything, and you blew it all away, he says: well, not everything
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they took into account, they didn’t teach the deep fields, they didn’t teach the russians fartification, they were digging in all this time, and if at that moment there would have been enough, they prepared, now he says: according to the calculations that exist today, taking into account the operational situation, we really need 17 million shells and 400 billion dollars, the situation today is as follows. so next comes the answer to the question of what to do next, and then they make a decision, dig in, wait, we’ll dig in, that’s what they’re already doing, here i am i ask you austin, and i say, you austin, you want me to supply a 500- strong ukrainian army, this is 2000. per month, for this i am ready to supply a 5000-strong army, but you have to give me so much money and so much, approximately so it is an exchange
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of pleasantries between two two equal, two equal negotiating parties, when one side can, seconds, when one side can set conditions for the other, so the deal, ivan, what, the deal is precisely that ukraine must supply ukrainians alive strength, remember how reznikov said, reznikov, the minister of defense said in the spring, i will put a million under a friend. he said, he said, they gave him equipment, they gave him this, it’s not so suitable, they threw reznikov out, reznikov left, left, disappeared, remains in the mud, disappeared, he, i saw photographs, he lives well, well, but but for nothing is not responsible now, now he is responsible for something, for everything, let's andrey vladimov, then and there just for information about 400 billion dollars, there was an incorrect interpretation in the press, 400 billion dollars is a figure, it is not for war, but for de-occupation, this is based on the report of the world bank and the international monetary
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fund, that the restoration of ukraine, and what does the pentagon of the restoration of ukraine have to do with this, well, in fact, wait, listen, please, stop it’s nonsense to say, well, what does the zaluzhny have to do with setting up ukraine, these are different departments, and what does the pentagon have to do with it, i can’t ask austin for this money, well, don’t make him look like an idiot, but i ’ll say it again, we’re talking about... 800 billion ukrainians are asking for deoccupation, and not just for de-occupation , for demining territories, because
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they say that we need 800 billion to clear the territory and there, i don’t know, 70 or 80 years, so well, we are talking about war, and you are talking a little about something else, i apologize, yes yes vladimir, how are you all, i don’t have any idea about all this, that is, you can name one. maybe this is a fake made for some reason, because the puzzle is not working out for me yet, the fact is that now, as it were, what was stated in my native zaporozhye directly by zelsky is that they are moving into the stage of active defense, and this was done exactly six months after the start of the so-called counter-offensive, that is , it traveled around all the adjacent territories to the contact line from the kherson region to donbass and kharkov, precisely in zaporozhye, as the center of this entire movement, he voiced this, that is, the principle here is simple, zelsky clearly understands that gathering a sufficient
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number of people for slaughter, it fails, it fails more and more. they don’t know how to deal with it anymore, well, just look, now more than 20 ukrainian armed forces military personnel have been destroyed, who have come out clean, 49,200, and it’s no longer just barrage detachments that people are fleeing, they are already covering those who surrender or go over to the peaceful side, by the way, i want to remind you that the first such example was , when the azov militants, they then covered the khymers from the front line with a specially targeted strike, that is, they hit the colony, absolutely right, yes, that is, why, because no one should. convey the truth, how it is in russian captivity, in russian captivity it’s normal, no one kills you , doesn’t beat you, moreover, after being in russian captivity, people, people’s brains turn on without any violence, they go to the battalion named after bogdan khmelnitsky, to the unit of maxim krivonos and so on, we already have two solid units , numbering almost a thousand people who are fighting against the zelsky regime, and this process is only intensifying, moreover, in frequency 149-200, only
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officially several thousand people have gone over to the peaceful side. zelsky understands that it is useless to continue trying to throw people to slaughter; they will not go, they will rather turn their side, and here, by the way, is an indicative moment, everyone remembered this publication about 40% of losses in a frontal attack on the izov sea, and i will remind you that these figures were achieved in terms of losses, even more, here are vasil’s fellow countrymen from 128 directly from the mountain brigade, and the mountain-survival brigade from transcarpathia, they suffered up to 70% losses, four of them, well, about 1228, yes, that was a lot. and so on, that is, the losses are already greater and where, only on the line of combat contact without you think that of course they are so desperate, to the west, let us we will hold, let us hold the line, for you, for the west, the main thing is that there is a bleeding wound and war until the last ukrainian, since you understand perfectly well that the ukrainians are russians and so he is trying to offer this compromise to the west, but give me a penny, but a penny, as you give for the line,
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for the zelelenskyim line, and for many hundreds. what will zelensky say to the senator today and then we will continue this topic of course there are more mysteries here for now there is a short pause we will return to the air in the new season calmly
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citizens are all theirs in a new way. maybe we won't languish? new position , all you have to do is shave it all off, your uniform, put it on and you’ll be like a real boss, a new intern, you have zero knowledge, zero experience, new things to do, a corpse in our forest, and a fight in the gas tank, can you imagine, something else happens in the city of sochi, new feelings, i wanted to look at your next heifer, senchik’s heifers in the barn, sergey, hello, everyone and a new bike, what kind of motorcycle is this, come on, my albino, come on, but a reckless driver, still he's such a reckless driver lately vague, motorcyclist with a typical midlife crisis, nikita panpilov, that's it, ala, hoo, write letters, reckless driver, new season, soon on ntv. bolobal, new season,
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buy it for only rub 1,999. but that's not all. each person who orders the set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. leamax purchases with a plus. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, but in fact we now have a completely different topic, which has nothing to do with what we talked about in the previous hour, today we want again about our various social questions talk a little, in particular about the measures that we are discussing in the country, yes, as a way to increase the birth rate. demographic problem, it is acute, what is the informational reason? to be honest, i somehow missed it, for some reason suddenly the idea of ​​a tax on childlessness appeared again, as far as i understand,
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this was an initiative in the state duma, van, i didn’t after they began to discuss all sorts of stories with abortions, restrictions, bans and so on, then it surfaced, using the soviet tax on childlessness, it somehow now it’s already being formed in the form of some proposals, that’s what we’re talking about. today we want, but first here are some news, several messages that also relate to a social topic, relating to the topic of human rights, news from the state duma then i’ll start, they talked today about working on an amnesty for some categories of convicted women, this proposal was discussed yesterday during meeting of the presidential council for human rights, in fact, in particular during the meeting, hrc member eva merkacheva proposed pardon women who have minor children and who... are convicted of non-violent crimes. she spoke about cases where women were separated from their children immediately after giving birth or, in the case of hospitalization, because there was no escort and no one to guard such prisoners.
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merkacheva called the situation itself, when mothers and children are behind bars, nonsense. the human rights activist also drew attention to the enormous sentences for those convicted in cases not related to violence. as an example, she cited the case against journalist alexandra boezitova, convicted to 5 years in prison on charges of extortion. the prosecutor's office asked for 14 years of imprisonment for her; the president also spoke about the fate of women in prison. well, as for women in prison, examples that... you brought them, they are so convincing and i think that it is necessary to prepare and make an appropriate decision, including on amnesty for certain categories of women who are in prison. during the meeting of the human rights council, our colleague, also a member of the human rights council, took the floor kirilloshinsky, and he spoke about measures to support our compatriots who found themselves abroad. and which
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from unfriendly countries are now trying in every possible way to survive, if a person decides to live somewhere in another country, this is his choice, but what you said, what we are faced with, of course, requires us to pay attention to these processes, requires our adjustment in relations with these countries in which things of this kind are happening, and requires our attentive... attitude towards people who want to return to their historical homeland. well, the news publication today reported on the massive return to their homeland of another category of those who left, the so-called relocants, who went abroad after the start of a special military operation. the publication refers to data from the finion company. she specializes in helping to obtain all kinds of residence permits, and according to their data, 40% of those russians who left last year have already returned to their homeland. one of
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the reasons for returning is the tightening of the rules for obtaining a residence permit for the duration of stay in the territory other countries, that many russians who left decided to return to their homeland last summer, vladimir putin also spoke, the president then called the figure of 50% of returned relocants, that is, it turns out that every second person who left, so we can return from relocants, yes, because they we, as a state, still don’t have enough returnees to solve all the problems, so that’s why. not only will we discuss this tax, there are some other proposals, but in a sense , this is, well, in general, such an innovation for us, because seriously, it seems to me , no one has talked about this for a long time, seriously for a long time, yes, at the end of last week, deputy prime minister tatyana golikova said that next year there will be mandatory dispensaries in our country. it
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will be right at the workplace, and will necessarily include an assessment of reproductive health; innovation, according to mrs. golikova , is necessary as part of the government’s policy to increase the birth rate. for us, family is a broad understanding, it is a young family, it is a family that has children, it is healthy a family is a working family, a multi-generational family, and healthcare must also take care of every family and every member of this family. coincidence or not, almost immediately in the lower house they came up with an initiative to introduce a childlessness tax for healthy working citizens. in the ussr , a similar measure was called a tax on bachelors, single and small-family citizens, and existed until the ninety-second year. childless men under 50 and childless married women. as in the soviet
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union it would be nice, necessary to stimulate the birth of children , including through maternity capital, is it necessary to introduce a tax for this, if there is not enough money for these projects, it is necessary, if there is enough money without this, then it is not necessary, this is not a punishment, this is a way to solve the problem. have been heard in russia for a long time. 3 years ago, this idea was actively promoted by the then chairman of the council of mothers, now state duma deputy tatyana butskaya. she offered to take 500 rubles a month from those who are building a career and living for themselves. in the federation council, however, they considered that this contradicted constitution. we are talking about those who consciously refuse the decision to have a child. if he doesn’t love, let him pay the tax and don’t love anymore, either he loves children and gives birth, or he doesn’t love. they pay for what they don't like.
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to be fair, this practice exists in several european countries. in germany , childless couples pay higher taxes than couples with children. at the same time, avid but well-earning bachelors can give up to half of their income to the treasury. but even this seems not enough to officials; in 2018, the then head of the german ministry of health, jens spahn called for an even higher tax increase for childless burghers. similar ideas are being heard in britain. oxford university's call to raise taxes on the childless has sparked heated debate in the kingdom. i propose a higher tax rate for people who don't have children. lower tax rate for families with children. i've never heard anyone say it's so unfair that i pay taxes and don't get child support because i don't have children. however, most developed countries have recognized this measure of fertility support ineffective, and has long been abandoned as a relic
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of the past. so in finland from 1935 to 1975, those who were not officially married were obliged to give 20% to the state treasury . mussolini, with the help of a tax, duchi wanted to increase the birth rate, and at the same time replenish the treasury. so, well, let's start with the tax. denisovi, you are a new person with us, well, i don’t mean you, but you represent the party, new people. but it turns out, as i watch your pre-interview, that you are a tax, that is, you support the old soviet one. not everything old soviet is bad, for example, exercise, what is the benefit, look, a tax on childlessness is better than a ban on abortion, we don’t like a lot in our state, why do we get this choice, excuse me please, the choice is immediately interesting, something like this or sausage
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or rockets, i’m always surprised by this, in russia you need to live a long time, but i don’t live in russia long enough, maybe i’m 44 years old, but nevertheless it seems to me that when choosing, it seems to me that we are being put before this choice , so we have to choose. so wait a second we about abortions today , too, still, i would like you to explain to me clearly what the advantage is, you say, this is better than a ban, there is evgeniy alekseevich fedorov, whom we quoted, he generally had it would be nice, explain to me, well, explain to me, every person has the right, i live in this world a little more than... you, and i remember very well the times when this tax was in our country, naturally my parents didn’t pay it because there is me, yes, there is more, yes, there is more my younger brother, but why did i start talking, i don’t remember that any of my parents’ friends, some of them had to
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pay this tax, because they all had children, and i have a question, well not so many , after all, we had children in our families back then , well, one or two children, that is, there seemed to be no children either... no, and no money, i don’t really understand the point then, after all, this tax is for me it seems that it’s not about replenishing the treasury, this is a tax in order to really stimulate people, either to have children, or, if you have the right, once again, each person himself decides to give birth to a child or not, but if you consciously refuse to have a child, help those people who are giving birth to a second, third and fourth child, i will tell you that, for example, there in an old believer village in the krasnoyarsk region, i observed the norm is six children, for example three, this is considered... these people, these people, 500 rubles per person, there was a figure there, it seems to me that it definitely won’t hurt. denisdarovich, i’ll immediately ask the question, isn’t it possible in your logic, you gave, well, in general, such a clear explanation, let’s take
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money from those who don’t have children, we’ll give it to those who do, it sounds good, i immediately have a question: aren’t we pitting two social groups, people there making a career and childless, and people who have also chosen a family. isn’t it possible that people who make careers begin to look askance at these people with many children precisely because they believe that part of their honestly earned money is being taken from them and given simply by the will of the state, simply then continuing these logical thoughts you have to take it from him whoever has a lot of something and give it to someone who has little of it, i’m exactly a completely different person, i’m talking, i’m talking about the fact that when you live in a state, live in a society, you cannot be from it free, people. there are a lot of things they don’t like , for example, they don’t want to serve in the army, it seems to me , it seems to me that, for example, a legal buyout from the army would be a good way out, so pay the money, don’t serve in the army, and we’ll sort of send , and we will send him, no, i suggest not finishing some kind of complete madness, well, what, well, some
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some points, it seems to me, are logical, you can afford, if you don’t want to give birth, the state says, give birth, these are the rules of the game, and then let’s try to ask the ladies elena leonidovna. don’t you think that such a tax, it essentially already exists in our country, it’s just expressed in a mirror way, for example, families with children take out a preferential mortgage, there were four, now i think there are six, if i’m not mistaken, 7%, families without children, or if you are alone, you are such a careerist, you go and take the usual banking rate, not subsidized by the state, now this rate has already exceeded 10%, it’s the same, it’s the same tax, just turned in the other direction. let me start with this, in my opinion, the tax on childlessness was not even invented by the soviet union, it was in ancient rome and the meaning is from many different traditions. in the modern world, it is present in many countries in
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latin america, europe, and so on, why? because our society is structured in such a way that its reproduction and continuation ensure further life old people, but for example, if there are workers today, they provide pensions to those who cannot work now, it turns out that we give birth to children, our children will support us, and those who did not give birth to their children, it turns out that our children should will bear this double time, in this sense, if you consciously, that is, it is not by faith, for example, you are a monk, and you really consciously do not want to have children, then you owe the state, because the state, when you retire, must will include support you, and your contributions alone will not be enough for this, which you put aside in the pension fund, so this is your problem then, i say again, these are the problems of society, that is , balance, that you
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are not investing in the future of the country, i have i mean, man, it turns out that a person doesn’t invest in his future, he punishes himself, well, listen, well, you can’t cross the road when the color is red, these are the rules, well, the rule is to give birth to a child, but you can talk about the rules, just wait a minute, russian people's council, we must support families, family life as much as possible, help them solve the housing problem, because it is impossible for large families to live in small apartments, we need to improve housing, this can be done in turn, as they say, you say, you are now remembering wonderful words, which the president said should be supported. families, here is tatyana golikova, whom we just quoted, she also says that families
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there must be supported in every possible way, the state must take care, so i’m really scared, there, two lines earlier, we said that , according to deputy prime minister golikova, next year mandatory dispensary monitoring of working citizens at work will necessarily include an assessment of reproductive health, i’m scared, in principle i don’t complain, it’s like at work will it be? here is a nurse , she comes on time, unlike you , who is late, so van, what is the question , actually, we are trying to understand about the analogue of ubiquity, goods, money and ugh, children all that, i’m the first, yes no, well not first, if you didn't sleep, then you're at least third, okay. ah-ah, i think that the tax on stupidity is exactly the opposite of what the president of russia wants to say,
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because he is talking about supporting families and about soft measures, recommendations, about support, and not about punishment and prohibitive measures, so i don’t see the point, well, in this tax , forgive me, as if while there was this controversy, the following question arose: what should a family do if it has lost a child, it has become childless, now it has to pay a tax? i don’t know, it can be written in such a way that no , well, that is, i’m in detail, as far as i understand, people, for example, with disabilities, i don’t know how it is now, but before they had to confirm this disability after some time, in including amputees, that is , we must confirm our reproductive capacity, i don’t know, well, this is a dead-on question, really, but if they cannot have children at all, for them this is already a tragedy, you pay, well, this can be prescribed, this can be prescribed according to the people who offer,
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everyone should be of reproductive age send for compulsory medical treatment, go, let's see if you can or not, and someone says: but i can't do it right now, and they tell him, you come, i can't have a child with a certificate. so let us escalate, ivan sergeevich, here you are, when you have children in the end, this is not a beautiful question, i don’t consider it not to be publicly discussed, this is my personal question in the family, especially since in my opinion, i say, this is not a question state that owes me, that’s right, that is, you immediately translated it into that in this in this topic in general, the state, for such questions from much closer people, i begin to react sharply to this, because it is not theirs. the first thesis, which was voiced, is that there are some government officials who need to come to work
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on time, that there are some government tasks, so people must adapt to them, i want to remind you that... that is, the state has the right to interfere in personal life of ivan trushka i’m not saying something completely different, that the state is the result of a social contract, which means that the state must correlate its tasks with the way society sees them, and if society does not agree with this tax or anything else, the normal and democratic state adapts to these things, but we have emergency situations, as was the case in the great patriotic war, as now. who said that society is against, once again, but simply because society is against all the negative activity that is being launched today, i mean in terms of abortion, this is shown by sociological research, and if you ask our people the question, do you want this tax, people like this with your finger they will turn it around, try, try
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to refute it, i am absolutely sure of this, because i live on earth and communicate through work with a huge number of people, including the region. in relation to many initiatives that are heard from above, they are twirling their fingers like this, in fact, the request for adequacy, in fact, so i will explain in simple, once again simple words, there is no separate state divorced from the people, people decide this through democratic procedures, what are the goals of the state, if this happens differently, then it’s no longer a democratic society, it’s any kind of regime, the soviet one. that answer somehow confuses me even more, the society that we have is against what the state says, guys, we need more people, we need to somehow stimulate births, is it really that our society is against this, it’s not true, society , for supporting the birth rate, we need a birth rate, society for fighting abortion, society for support, but
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society says that the state exists certain incentives and measures that the state should apply. but society is against it, when these stupid bans are proposed, i’ll explain further, i’ll explain, this is a specific example, the thesis was voiced that this was not invented by us, colleagues, it really wasn’t invented by us from really back in ancient rome, but then it was all canceled , ask yourself why, if this was an effective measure, it was all cancelled,
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in european countries, for example, there really are different tax times, but this comes from the opposite, indeed, for example, during france has an income tax, it’s from the whole family, from everything, not from every person, but dad, mom, child, we have a 13% income tax, i’m all for people with children paying less, but for others to pay more , this is a completely different logic, this is a question of interpretation, the state - please, don’t arrange a communal apartment for us where there are a lot of children, that it’s time to break, well
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ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. we let’s continue with another discussed limiting factor that should help the birth rate: a ban or partial ban on abortion. back in the summer, the minister of health. goosebumps said that it would be a good idea not to carry out this procedure in private clinics, since then a very big discussion has unfolded in society, right is wrong, we should touch it, we shouldn’t, at the same time the regions, as they say, took everything into their own hands . in early november, all private clinics in crimea, supposedly voluntarily, refused to perform abortions; now undergo the procedure possible only in government institutions, only after communicating with a psychologist, as if on orders, other regions, tatarstan, lipetsk, kurskoe and chelyabinsk regions began to join the restrictions. some women will be referred to a lawyer, some women will receive separate psychological help, some
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women will be explained in detail about financial support from the state. but mordovia became the pioneer of the anti-abortion campaign. it became our first region where it was legally prohibited to induce women to have an artificial abortion. no more propaganda, not to mention simple persuasion, to break. faces a fine of up to 200,000 rubles. they followed the same path in the kaliningrad region; in the nizhny novgorod region they went even further and officially banned abortions in private clinics. the state duma is now discussing. is the initiative suitable for the entire country? in private clinics, unfortunately , a whole lot of violations occur, especially , you know, it’s hard to believe that these structures are implementing the decree, complying with all the norms of the law that have been introduced today, and she proposed to put pressure on unscrupulous private owners chairman of the federation council, valentina matvienko, although from her words it follows that we need to take a closer look at state clinics, in some regions a decision has already been made,
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say, to ban abortion... in private clinics, but if some private clinics , i think that not only private ones, they commit violations, for example, they do not observe the time of silence, which means they should simply be deprived of their license and prohibited from doing this, but you cannot indiscriminately deprive a woman of the right to choose if she decides to take such a step, at the same time matvienko said that abortion should be prohibited in our country definitely will not and called on... to bring the discussion to a level of common sense, while simultaneously stating that ideally, an abortion requires a good reason. i believe that we will definitely achieve that abortions will be performed only in the event of some kind of violence against a woman, or for medical reasons, we are moving towards this, but of course, the efficiency of this work must be increased. mikhail borisevich, you have repeatedly
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voiced on air your position on abortion, which is strictly negative, primarily from religious, from philosophical convictions, from your life principles, but in your opinion the ban or such restriction of abortion is very strong, will this help us with the birth rate, this will solve the demographic problem, but can i talk a little about something else, it seems to me that there is not only a religious component here , but there is also such a thing as civic virtues, our authorities, in principle, really don’t know how to do this. how to stimulate them there, yes, because this democracy, which is there all the time for 30 years or more than 100 years, is telling after all, leveling, this is such a reasoning, and that we are all equal by birth, which means that no one achieves any virtues in the process of life, but we still know that there are people who are heroes of russia,
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mothers of many children, there are some people are deserved in some of their specialties by birth, we are all equal, we are no longer equal by birth, because we are born into different families, we are born into different social strata, we are born with different talents, with different potential height, weight, talents and so on, that is, we are no longer, we are no longer equal, we are no longer equal, they are trying to somehow make us equal in the process of life, so with... a lot of problems are created in the sense that people do not feel not only that they are being evaluated in life, but that they are somehow well, they’re trying to average out, so when the authorities start talking about some things related to such concepts as civic virtue, it seems to me that this is very good, we need to support you in every possible way, when they try to stimulate, there is another question,
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clearly, unclearly, there it is expanded, it is not expanded, because we have different people speaking from the authorities, but have different commands of the russian language, yes, someone can formulate a topic in some detail, someone can blurt out something that journalists will gladly grab, say, look how idiots everyone is, everyone is an idiot, in fact , there are good intentions, and not all good intentions lead the way for you, well, a controversial statement, debatable, wait, then you explain to me, your neighbor on the right, denis udarovich, well, he didn’t blurt out, of course, but he told us i immediately somehow set the direction today that a tax on childlessness is better, than a ban on abortion, you know, frankly speaking, this is at the level of the fact that it is better to eat sausage, but not cheese, and why, and why not eat cheese, but i want sausage and cheese, me too, and this is in my opinion, it’s normal, there are some problems that are equally negative in society.
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mikhailenie, you support then a ban on abortion and a tax on childlessness, so what? well, sausage and i think yes, and it doesn’t matter to me at all, my colleague opposite said whether we will reduce taxes for families with many children, or increase taxes for the childless, in this case, how the authorities consider this structure to be more favorable for society is absolutely unimportant, it is important that vast formulates his position. a person who, on principle, does not give birth to children, in terms of civic virtues, he is strange, from the point of view of whether he should then be deprived of his rights, there is no need for rights. in this case, taxes in one sense or another, it seems to me that this is quite enough, plus, it seems to me, there are still some questions for those who do not give birth and speak aggressively about it, here is an aggressive
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propaganda also needs, it seems to me, to be mixed in such a way, including with some kind of financial instruments . to what extent are we, pavel viktorovich, how ready are we now, in your opinion, as a society, for such things? like a tax on childlessness, like a ban on abortion, well, maybe partial, but still a very strong restriction, only for some medical procedures or criminal history, as far as we are ready to accept it, which is conditionally there in, well, not in a month , but in six months it will come into our lives, so people like this i will answer as a sociologist, because i heard such a heated exchange, conversation, argumentation, uh, by and large, but we forgot about the child, that is, we are behind all these, as it were, outbursts. .. it was as if the child himself was abandoned, why? because, well, there is a clear understanding that it is impossible to regulate the state, whether i want it or not, financially, which means that relationships are impossible, there are certain conditions that are created
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so that people, and this is naturally the normal state of a person, have children, this means that they seemed to have taken place, and the question is that what is needed here is not prohibitive measures, that is, not issues related to incentives. you probably also remember that the topic of the 2000 pit was often discussed , why this happened, but because the question is not that the state stimulated or did not stimulate, the question was that there was instability, issues related to economic, political, this means that values ​​were changing, and people in this regard were in a state, this is not me saying, which we carried out and how would rely on them that, by and large , there is not a protest involved here, which means, but a certain responsibility, remember , it meant paying poverty, which means these were the issues that have now changed, so
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the point is that the first thing, from the point of view of financial regulation this means that the tax on idleness will not bring any income, and i doubt that it can be for those who give birth, who do not give birth, this is the first, the second question is, it is necessary to create conditions so that they can give birth and not, which means , experienced discomfort with point of view, that means, material or other financial difficulties , by the way, the fact that the latter was, that means the plot, regarding the ban on clandestine abortions, by and large there is simply a proposal, it always happened this way, but abortions well, immediately for understanding, for philosophical and for philosophical and religious and simply for civil
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reasons, i believe that abortion is evil , we really need to fight this, but absolutely not by methods that are not prohibitive, i will explain why, the point is that that's all that now, including the regions, went yes. regions accepted this, especially this phrase inducement to abortion - this is generally some kind of horror, because it is completely unclear what we are talking about, but it means that a woman comes, and her doctor, with her second child, forced me to make an abortion , they forced you, well , you told me, you had a big health problem, if i remember correctly, but they forced you, the doctors first of all wanted to relieve themselves of responsibility, it was a little, the thing is that in this phrase with
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i probably want to make everyone happy, although the numbers are catastrophic and scary, there are about 400,500 per year, and we don’t even count those due to medications, but these numbers are much lower than in the nineties, this is about times. what we are offering is nothing at all, no experience at all, let’s tax childlessness, look, i tried to find statistics on abortion in open sources, not just numbers, broken down by age group, social group, reasons for abortion, i didn’t found it, in order to look for how to dissuade these, this group of girls, this may be young. group, as far as i understand, the large group is 30-39, this is already the second, third child undergoing abortion, these are completely different reasons, there is more than one reason for abortion, i don’t... how, in my opinion, should all this be structured first
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, the state should have the first navigation system, it’s not like you came to a doctor, this doctor sent you to a psychologist in the same hospital, no, this should be a unified state system, why? because the doctor or the girl herself went to this social worker with psychological education, which means i tried to persuade, not only there, but there are antenatal clinics, so let them all, why is it important separately, because then the question of a private or public clinic disappears, because here... the argument is that in a private clinic they do everything just for the money, it disappears right away, because that’s it, they’ve already gone to another place, sent it and let the woman choose where it’s better, because why do they choose a private clinic, well, probably because it’s better there than in state clinics, no , let's go to a private clinic, but not faster, that's not why that’s not why there are statistics, including on those operations that percentage of operations there vary, abortions and surgical ones, well, in simple terms, in private clinics they are more gentle, well, there are just such statistics, so let the woman choose for herself , but then, but then we need
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to dissuade this girl, woman, and then even the escort system, because if this is a young girl from a poor family, or some kind of conservative family, here we need the help of a psychologist and social services, and some kind of financial support, and possibly educational help, because she needs a higher education, she thinks about her career, she needs help, for example, for an adult woman, another, for one who suffered from a maniac, she definitely needs good psychological support, that is this is a different set of tools and incentives, the state needs to think about this, and not ban it, the state needs to think, let us still maybe, he says everything correctly, it’s interesting, but we can’t get hung up on one topic today, because that we wanted to go over many issues , there’s a short break now, our favorite superstar show is on the air, the topic of today’s episode, here is a musical work,
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to create an individual offer for you. there is no need to doubt it. join those who have already experienced prostatricum and leave. your reviews for those who still doubt, call, don’t doubt, this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, now we will continue, we have a few of them here there are also exotic initiatives to increase the birth rate, but nevertheless, i will now also return the favor, greetings to you from ulyanovsk, so this is what they wrote. our fellow countryman khashchenko anton, a participant in your program, it’s so nice to see your former students in such programs, hello khashchenko, we’re proud, well done, the only one without a signature, i don’t know if it ’s one person or that one, but clearly one of your teachers is on if only you were at the concert , i’m only interested in one thing, were you late for the lecture or not, because of you i
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tore off this very microphone, giving you a gift, thank you, to the best, for some reason it was written, and let’s look at the story, as i already said, about exotic initiatives, let’s. a month ago, the head of the ministry of internal affairs of india proposed reintroducing the criminal penalties for adultery that were abolished 5 years ago in the country. the bill was submitted to parliament, and according to the author, it should protect the institution of marriage, which is now under threat. according to the old law, which existed in the country for 158 years, men who had sexual relations with a married woman faced up to 5 years in prison. they want to extend the new law to women. well, there will be changes in the law , according to which if a woman leaves her husband, has sex with another man, and if she lives with him, then she is committing treason and will be punished. until 1996, a similar law existed in turkey until it was overturned by the country's constitutional court. reason women
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were punished much more often than men. in 2004, the turkish authorities were going to return the law on adultery and even toughen it up to... up to 5 years in prison, but they abandoned the idea then, in order to meet eu standards, several years ago recep erdogan called for the return of punishment for adultery; he believes that turkey should not have followed european values. i think it would be very timely to discuss the issue of adultery again since our society is in a different position regarding moral values. this is a very old problem with... far-reaching consequences. however, there is punishment for adultery, for example in the usa. there are similar laws in as many as sixteen states. if in kansas and mississippi the perpetrators are fined $500, then in minnesota they will have to pay $3,000. in arizona and utah , they can be sent to prison for up to a year, but
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the authorities in the state of wisconsin look much harsher on an adulterer. fine $10,000 , 3 and a half years' imprisonment. what should be the punishment for cheating on your spouse? it pains me to say this, castration. what were you doing there, denis udarovich, you don’t like people like that, that’s a rare case when i’m glad that lena doesn’t seem to be watching this broadcast, no, well it seems to me that this is wildness, of course , well, what does it get, well, listen, well, okay, but if i stopped loving my wife, i should kind of divorce, well, divorce, divorce, well, well, okay, but in the process, between between divorce , for example, but you definitely have to have an affair, you fell out of love with your wife, look, i’ll tell you my own story, we, i broke up with my wife in the fourteenth year, we kept her together. well, i didn’t live with her, another family. now we
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’ll rewind to the beginning of the program, where you correctly told us how to enter tax on a childless woman, pay for the fact that you do not live with your wife, replenish the treasury, this will be given to virtuous citizens who live with their wife and do not cheat on anyone , you just understand, as soon as the tax can directly affect you, you begin to explain, and when so the tax doesn’t concern you, you say it’s yes or no, but treason and change or not change? so quietly, tell me, wait, some kind of fine, yes, a tax, that is, some kind of monetary deduction from a person who does not remain faithful to his spouse, how? it affects there is no connection at all with birth rates , you see, wait, we, this is how mikhail borisovich offered us,
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virtuous people, a family, we help, everything is how to prove that you cheated, right in bed, he has already begun to prove, so let’s go , lesya, i wanted, i’m here, i don’t understand the relationship, i just wanted, well, save this family, and what can i just want to say in the previous part that... everything that happens there is in ivan’s pants, as they say, me under my skirt refers to ivan, without relatively, respectively to me, and then this part of the addition began, and i was already thinking, maybe it’s good to lead all these prohibitions, i thought about it in my pants, i won’t, the main thing is that you don’t look at my knees again, and that’s how it will be it’s normal, but he looks at your knees, he looks at yours, i look at all the knees in the studio, it’s generally correct here, it’s prohibited, so please look at hers. too
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, it’s either yes or no, you either endure it for a month or 8 years, dear, or you go and fill out the documents or what if i just had lunch with it, and what does it give birth to here - you didn’t, you didn’t give an answer to my question, so i ’ll say it myself now, reformulate it into a blitz part , we’ll introduce it. the mother let her seven-year-old son and three-year-old daughter go to visit their dad, but they never returned home, the children are dead, he stabbed them to death. the father killed his own children while they were sleeping, but fearing punishment, he fled the scene of the crime, both had a stab wound to the heart area, he fed them in front of this cake, disappeared, such composure clearly amazes me, really. beyond, the man was quickly detained, but his mother is sure that the death of her grandchildren is also her daughter-in-law’s fault, this is what she’s been saying for 2 years, she
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’s been blowing my mind, she’s asking for a divorce, so which parent will be held accountable for the fact that the lives of their children were cut short before they even began , and how did they know where to put it, also felt the path, where it is closer to the heart, and aimed, and we say, i just don’t have words, this is beyond the bounds, today at 16:45 on ntv. balabol, new season, today at 20:00 on nnb. the far east is a region where everything is real. here's a youthful dream can truly come true. there are valuable species of forest here and valuable breeds of people. the pace of housing construction is really high, and mortgage rates are low. everything around here is truly inspiring. the far east is. priority development area, which begins 9 hours earlier. more prospects on the far east 2030 website. rfni, my art! hey,
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the only opportunity to stimulate is in society. giving birth is to establish the norm that giving birth to children is a natural continuation of the human race, and that this is a natural, well, some kind of obligation, including confirmation by the state that this is a civic good, the very need for this stimulation disappears, because it it goes without saying i think that's the question mental, ideological, i believe that , of course, you can stimulate simply by helping large families, those who give birth. it is possible and necessary to stimulate , and world practice shows that it all works
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, everything is normal, and families with many children must be supported, and the birth rate must be supported, but just... that same carrot, and as for the stick of prohibitions, you know, it can come to the point that a woman who has not given birth will not receive a higher education, a man will not be employed in government services without a child, will we become happier from this, whether we will solve the problem, i highly doubt it, russia is a country of opportunity, not a country of oppression, andrei vladimov’s stick, in my opinion , will not help at all, because a person will only get irritated and resist from this stick, the carrot may be, the carrot is for large families , when a person without children, looking at a large family, will say, i also want, not only in the sense of children, but all of that, excuse me for the package and the surroundings that all this creates, so about children, about money, even in some i mean about gingerbread is coming. down the street a young father is leading his little son by the hand, suddenly this son screams, dad, look, boobs are on the tree, dad is like, ugh, why are we
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paying money to your speech therapist, it was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14: 00 weekday broadcast on tv, goodbye. the israeli army storms towns and villages on the west bank. don’t trade and wait for a visit, but sit and worry about finland’s new attitude towards russia from helsinki elizaveta gerson. a search and rescue operation is underway at a volcano in indonesia. marapia with the victims of the eruption of which were climbers. the down payment on preferential terms can be increased to thirty. we’ll find out how this will affect apartment prices from business news. the construction of the century, which went beyond the millennium, exactly 20 years ago with the launch of the longest tunnel in russia.


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