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tv   DNK  NTV  December 5, 2023 5:50pm-7:01pm MSK

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i have this son, i still don’t realize that i’ve lost them, my brain simply refuses to accept it, svetlana , do i understand correctly, you didn’t have time to divorce your husband, but i’m officially his wife, everyone wants to hang him up in debt on me, since he took everything in the marriage, everyone calls me and says that i should pay it all off, in such situations, why should svetlana pay off the debts of this monster, since the debts were formed during the marriage, and the prenuptial agreement was not between the parties, it is presumed that everything these debts, they are common, as well as all property, you will need to prove that these funds were spent exclusively on him, for which, by the way, he took this money, loans, i don’t know, svetlana, you must initiate this division proceedings jointly acquired property, and even if you have nothing... other than this, you
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have no debts, then the obligations are subject to division, and for our part, after the program we will exchange phone numbers, you can count on my support, everything that is necessary with the procedural points of view, prepare a statement of claim, send it to court and prove these points, i, for my part, will help you free of charge. svetlana, we will also exchange contacts, and you can count on my help, my support, so that you... can survive this very difficult period. svetlana, will you accept this help? yes, of course, if you had the opportunity to talk to your son and daughter at least one more time, what would you tell them? so that they forgive me that i could not save them, i love them very much, together with them i have... i, i simply
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exist, that’s it, svetlana, once again accept our condolences, we hope that the killer will suffer the most severe punishment, if you need help, call or write to our editorial office, we will continue tomorrow, there's a new dna test right now. and tomorrow, in a program abroad in the tula region, a man opened a private shelter for dogs and built a crematorium nearby. famous actress tatyana kozyuchets assures that the man is burning alive in his ovens by mongrels whom he picks up on the street and begs to save the animals. it's just live queue. to this crematorium, it’s just
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beyond the bounds, this is beyond the bounds, horrors and neighbors who are suffocating from the acrid smoke from the private crematorium, the smell from burning dogs is unbearable, dogs barking at night with howls, this is beyond the borders, tomorrow at 16:45 on ntv. a muscovite recognized her father, who was working for pennies at a time, as her father, who disappeared in 1989. yulia koramyan turned to us for a dna test, hello, hello, yulia, how old were you when your dad disappeared, at that time we were still very small children, well, approximately i can say 5 years, i remember that that turmoil began in the house, they began to pack things, eighty-nine... year in
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azerbaijan, we are from there, military conflicts began, martial law, that is , we were given 24 hours to get ready, were forced to leave our homeland, grandparents, mom, my brother and i, and dad, how lost he was, at that time, mom was married to him, at that time she was poorly received in the family and so she knew that if we left, he would of course call and go with all his relatives, she didn’t want to, she said that i want to leave with my parents, that is, i won’t leave father and mother, and the children will stay with me, that is, it turns out that they were forced to divorce, but your last name remained the same after the change, no, my mother even changed our last names to russian ones at that time. because
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we were already moving to russia, when we later entered school, my mother changed our surnames. you are not offended that it turned out that your father did not leave with you. well, you know, of course, we missed him, but in our family there was a grandfather, this is my mother’s father, but to some extent he replaced him for us, anyway , he did his homework with us, well, mostly my mother i was at work, from morning to evening, and we were mostly with our grandparents, that is, all the time, you can say, we were under the supervision of them, and my mother got married again? and you know, when we already moved to russia, uh, there was still this moment, she of course worried for a long time, although she somehow tried, perhaps, to hide it from us,
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we were still small, but we still felt, that she was bored, that she was looking through photographs, also with dad, where was dad, and well, it was clear that she was missing him, already when she got a job work, uh, there in russia, she had , of course, friends, acquaintances from work, and they tried to introduce her, they also said , let’s introduce you, there are still acquaintances, you can’t live like that either, well, that’s here she was telling it in her own words, well, so did i ... then, when i was already at school, and she was introduced to a man, they didn’t live long, then he said that well, i can’t, after all, these are all my thoughts about your father, you loved him , somehow you waited for him anyway, and
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they parted, they could not live together for a long time, as you remember your father in childhood, i remember his kind smile, he looked at me with such a kind look, i remember his kind eyes... eyes, uh, smile, we heard, mostly everything good from my mother, only about him, he said that he loved me, and i he also took him to restaurants all the time, well, he looked after him well, he didn’t even pay attention to the fact that his parents were against it, that is , he always supported him, he was kind, didn’t your mother try to find your father? there were attempts, of course, already when... we started school somewhere in high school, probably they knew that there were already television programs, so they also contacted us, wrote letters , sent many photographs of good family members, but of course there was no result, then
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i know that my mother heard or knew that his family was going to ukraine, the city of nikolaev , so we went there too, we wrote a letter to the passport office, we received an answer from there, saying that his brother, uncle seryozha, was registered at the address indicated, and we wrote a letter there, that is , we wrote specifically to the family, we were also waiting for an answer , we thought that maybe they would answer us , they would also write a return answer, they also asked directly with a question whether your father was with you, we really hoped, but unfortunately... we also got nothing from there without any results, you know, then after some time time, and my mother was already on vacation, and decided to go to the city of nikolaev in ukraine alone, my brother and i were also
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a little surprised, i said, how are you not afraid, how are you accepted there, all that, she still went later... according to her, she said that she had arrived, stands in front of their house, uncle seryozha drives up in his car, stops, and sees that a woman is standing, and he took a closer look, then asked, lida, is it you, that is, he recognized her, they welcomed her well at home, they sat at home and talked too, but it turns out that at that time, they were also the last one... they didn’t know anything about him for 16 years, that is, they also lost contact with him, so they also waited, that they also called up all the relatives, found out, maybe he will show up somewhere, since then that family has been talking about him too they don’t know anything, but your mother is alive now
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, no, unfortunately, she passed away in 2008 , she suddenly fell ill, in general it was a shocking situation for us in general, we did not expect that everything was so fast, unpredictable, everything was like this it would end, we thought that mom would get better, after all. he will recover, well, quickly, here we go, you just know, time, how to say, well, fleeting, even we , not roma, did not expect that everything would work out like this, for us it was a shock that we were going to lose our mother suddenly, i’m sorry . and it turns out that your mother waited until the last minute for your father?
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yes, she even had thoughts out loud like this, that in front of us she even reasoned like this , saying that, well, doesn’t he really want to see how the children became, how they grew up, then, in her conversation, how if we heard that... how to pour out on him and there was some kind of resentment and at the same time she had some hope that he would still come for us, that’s all - the meeting will take place, that is, she hoped, after all, she loved him, waited until the last. yulia, you children, when you grew up, did you try to somehow look for your father? yes, sure, in 2016, through yes... we found out relatives, that is, they wrote to me, that yulia ’s dad had been found, at that moment - we
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corresponded with our relatives, agreed to exchange phone numbers with my father, so that we could specifically contact him , talk about everything, arrange a meeting , and so on, i was also the first to call otsuma, that is, how i recognized his number, uh, i decided to call first, it was also very exciting, because after so many years i didn’t know how now he will react, will he want to, can he talk to me, the first thing that happened was tears, of course , he cried, uh, well, there was also such, you know, unexpected, also such an unexpected moment, exciting, alarming, so we agreed to meet, in the summer of the same year, we brother, i even took my eldest daughter
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, we went, and there was such a situation that we arrived at the bus station, and he met us, that is, from a distance we even recognized him, we saw him by his smile, he smiled at us, he walked towards me, he smiled, even from the familiar facial features, we recognized him. there it was this was such an exciting meeting too , the only thing that, when we met my brother and i, of course, one might very well say , upset us was that he was blind in one eye, so my aunt also kind of warned us in advance, she said, yulia, look , don’t be alarmed, your dad was found to have a blind eye, and he told you how he lived all this time? he said that he had his own... no, since there were no documents, during this time he was unable to purchase his own housing, but he met
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a man, who was his boss, who somehow settled him, it’s good that he didn’t starved, at least somehow existed, that is, here is a man who was caught like this, that for so many years, he was nearby, this very kind of hard work, yes, well, how he lived, he told me that after all, well, the work was hard , that is, gradually later i found out what kind of work he had, that is, at the beginning, as he said, that in the summer, for example, he was in the apiary, he was always there, and at other times, that is , in the spring, winter, autumn, uh, his boss picked him up and took him to another place, to the rebhos, that is, there it turns out them - a lake, in this lake they raised fish, fed them, as if they were raising them, then
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sold them for sale, it turned out that to catch as needed, of course, they had to climb into the lake, and who was left only to him, that is, high rubber boots, climbed into this icy water, as he said, and he had to, he had to, in such difficult conditions, to fish, but the salary, of course, for me too... he received only 5,000 a month, and his was that okay? well, no, of course, but where else could he go, that is, he had to to do this kind of work, he also told me that, well, where can i go, i have nowhere to go, i have to work, what should i do if i don’t like something, of course the boss will say, you’re free, you can go, that’s it, but where will he go , naturally, he had to do this kind of work, he got up in the morning, uh , at 6:50 and until the evening, until 90, until 100 , he had these kinds of shifts, seven days a week,
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and then in the evening, when he told me too i said, well, call me if anything happens in the evening, so to communicate, talk, i... used to so that it was not always possible for him to even get through on the phone to talk like this , to communicate with his father. yulia, didn’t you offer your father to move in with you? we also offered him, when we met, i said, dad, that’s how you look, if we take you away from here, because you, after all, well, we also said, you’re already old, you’re already in your seventies, i say, it’s time it’s already like getting to know his grandchildren, he has grandchildren, he didn’t mind, but he later told us that it turns out he doesn’t have documents, and for us it was also shock, roma and i also talked, but how come, why didn’t you contact me more closely, and where did they go with the documents, well, it turned out that he told me that when he left baku,
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he had documents, all in one they were lying in the same place, either lost , or stolen, there was nothing left, nothing, nothing , the only thing i brought, already to neftekumsk, was a certificate of divorce, my mother’s, it was my mother’s document, and when we had a trial, that is , when i was still living in neftekumsk, that was also 6 years ago, i lived there for 3 years, i i also contacted a lawyer. here they filed a case, there was a trial, it was necessary to prove that he had actually lived in neftekumsk all this time, so we had witnesses at the trial, but unfortunately they didn’t believe us, they refused, now we hope, so we turned to your program,
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dna, we hope that through your program we will be able to establish his personal. i'll be able to make a passport here. julia, did you tell your father that your mother is no longer alive? yes, of course, when we met , he asked where mom was, and we, of course , said that she had passed away in 2008, i fell ill, one might say, suddenly, severely, and he cried and asked for forgiveness for what happened like that. could he explain to you why it happened that over all these years he himself could not find his children and wife? well, he... told you that he also tried to look for us, but to no avail, he said that he bought, he even tried to buy ticket, he knew, the only thing they told him was the city of shuya, that there was a city of shuya, but he didn’t find out, specifically, that it turned out to be the ivanovo region,
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so he got confused about this when he got to the bus station arrived, that is, they didn’t even explain it to him, apparently there or maybe he explained it incorrectly, that is, he couldn’t even buy a ticket, well , it didn’t work out for him, she assures that she herself helped your father look for you and your brother, in the studio tatyana samarina , hello, hello, tatyana, hello, that everything is fine, slowly, tatyana, where from. do you know julia's father? when we arrived from baku as refugees, volodya and i lived in the same house with one grandmother, she took us into her apartment, so i met him there, he was very sad, withdrawn, because as he later told us,
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he doesn’t know where his family is, he doesn’t even know where his family is, he lived, got by, doing odd jobs, well, that’s how he lived, but how tatyana, he didn’t know where his family was, well, it so happened that he left , as they say, in one direction, his family in the other, then there were military operations in baku, and many people tried, well, to quickly get their family away from the war , broke up with his family, his wife, his little children, and then after he...' yes, later, when we already more, we became closer friends with him, he began to say that i want to find my family. our children, our wife, well, then we got a computer at home, and we started looking for yulechka and roma on social networks, well, we
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were unsuccessful in all of this, that’s all, and then by some miracle we managed to find them, and how we searched for data, well, we searched by the surname of the children’s father, what surname, ambortsumyan, but there was no thought that maybe the children grew up and changed their surname? saying, no, for some reason we thought that the children had this same surname, we found romochka and yulia, and i invited them to my place to meet my dad, so i met yulya, yulya, ulyashka, her daughter, we arrived at the bus station when yulia and roma got out with ulyasha, vova well i cried, i was so glad to see my daughter, i was incredibly happy when we came to our house, there was a conversation at the table, uh, i don’t remember who roma probably said, dad, come on, or yulia, they suggested, dad, let’s come to us to live, and he said, i don’t have documents, and then i was surprised and
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said: “vov, why did you take so long he was silent, i had to say, maybe we could go somewhere, yes, well, we’d find out how it’s all done, how you can find your documents, well, somehow restore them, well, in general, he too..." he said nothing, he is a very shy person, it turns out that this was the first time you heard about this, about this problem, yes, that ’s when the kids arrived, how long, it turns out, vladimir has been living without documents, and for more than 30 years, he has already despaired of getting documents and change your life for the better, in the studio vladimir ambortsumen. vladimir, how did you allow your children to grow up without a father? hostilities began, i was forced
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to leave there, they didn’t try to look for them, there were no documents, how could i not go anywhere, and there was no way to tell my wife where you were, where did you move? there was no way, how can i say, you know that your ex-wife was waiting for you until her death, i know you loved her, yes, you still have at least one photograph from your past life, yes, the wedding, we have this photograph , let's see what happy newlyweds you were then? i used to have this photo, yes, of course, i also really liked it, i like it, but the main question, vladimir, why did you end up without documents? your documents were stolen on the train,
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and then, from the chinese, were you somehow punished for the lack of documents? yes, well, they stopped me, say, give me the documents, i said, no, well, 5: they gave me a day, sat for a while, then the second time too. again, well, then i didn’t start going out anymore, you decided not to go out at all, so that you wouldn’t be taken away, yes, so that you wouldn’t be locked up at all, and what happened to your eye, and this i was working, in short , the fittings were damaged, there was loading, well, you have to earn money , it so happened, for some reason they didn’t go to the doctor , but what, why contact me if i don’t have documents, my boss did it, he bought some kind of paint, no i know, something, i smeared and smeared, and never got through, the membrane burst here, what is the name of your boss,
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alexander petrovich, he constantly takes advantage of me, i was there in the apiary for 5 months, and then i went to the garden, i have nowhere to live, i needed a room, everything... convenience, a toilet, a bathhouse, there, everything in the house, but food, food, they rent it out themselves, but how you found this very boss , well, you advised him, in short, one woman there said, he says pa, and he died, in short, the watchman, and he took me to work, and accommodation, clothes me, well, closer to you in the city , she lived closer to you for 3 whole years, why didn’t you live with her? is there one room
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to live in? i came, i left one day, how many years have you not seen your son? 6 years old, will the son accept his father, who disappeared 34 years ago, or will he not want to see him, even if the result of a dna test confirms their relationship, we will see for ourselves in a few minutes of advertising, the legend returns, the same one from 100% malt 3, our virtual fairy-tale show avatar, how can she live without him, we were all so fascinated by this performance, very bright, very charismatic, i’m just going crazy these rhythms, both for the ears and for the eyes of the sweet.
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young, mom and dad, vladimir ambartsumyan disappeared from the life of the family 34 years ago, after the divorce from his wife he did not appear again, he remembers that his mother worried and cried at night, until the end of her days she remembered her husband, never finding the strength to get married again , although she had the opportunity, of course, she liked her, she was a pretty and beautiful woman, but she herself was such a strong person, and somehow she hid it all, after many years of separation, julia no longer hoped to meet my father, when i suddenly received a message from distant relatives, vladimir was found in the city of neftekumsk, stavropol territory and is ready to see each other, he met us at the bus station, yes, of course he has aged, a lot, changed, but nevertheless, this is some kind of, you know, it’s all the same and a familiar face, maybe somehow, a feeling
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, or something, suggested that it was him, coming, and he smiled at us too, just like that, looking at us and we too, well, there were hugs, kisses, in general, it was also very good. meetings, of course, vladimir told about his difficult fate, it turned out that he does not have his own home and documents, for a roof over his head and 5,000 rubles a month, he works for a local farmer, from early morning until late evening and practically seven days a week, in the apiary in the summer, all summer in the apiary with honey he spends the rest of the period on a republican farm , that is, they have like a lake there, as i understood it, he told me that there is a lake, they breed fish, then they sell this fish, without documents , it is impossible to change a father’s life for the better, says yulia, but to get them, vladimir needs to prove their relationship with their children, so
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yulia and her brother decided to take a dna test. and i would like him to be with us already, because he is already seventy, and i also tell him, i say, dad, stop working, i say, you have grandchildren, uh, it’s time to kind of rest, yours brother, yulia, is even ready to shelter his father, but only for a short time, in the studio roman anochkin, roman, hello, romka, are you sure that you know exactly who this man is, yes, this is my father, and how do you remember him? - well, to be honest, i don’t even remember childhood, we they left, i was 4 years old, somewhere, i don’t even remember that time, only from photographs, well, yes, but how could you then recognize your father in this man? from the photographs
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, firstly we had photographs, well , there seemed to be similarities, the ears seemed similar, the lips, and remember how they told you that the father had been found, well, there was such a feeling of joy and such surprise, such surprise, they thought he was not there alive? well, yes, 30 years, such a period, as it were, and you remember how you met your father then, for the first time, it turns out, you were able to say the word dad to your own father, well, i said before, even on the phone, when i called him, well, the word was so unusual, well, for me, at least, because i haven’t uttered it here for so many years, then what... should i say this word? they asked vladimir why he hasn’t looked for you all these years? yes, he asked, explained that there was no connection and problems, well then there really was no connection, mm, to find us, there weren’t these gadgets, nothing like that, but
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it was still possible somehow, if i had known, i would have come , i would have found them, i didn’t know where this city was, well, you yourself, what do you think of the novel, he needs your help, well, we are ready to help. how long can you live in such conditions , after all, you’re already in your seventh decade? are you satisfied with this life, or would you like to change it? do i only want to be with children? we are ready to accept him, of course, we want... he will finally be with his grandchildren, he will live with you, i believe that, well, as if parents should live separately from their children, but of course, collect all the documents , make a pension, well, in the future, if he himself agrees with this condition, well, you’re ready, if go for it, if not, then, well , it turns out, you have to help, you have to remove those, help, naturally, but from our side, it will be, and you yours... didn’t ask for help with the documents, well, we contacted a lawyer
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, we were refused, my daughters also went , the judge refused, the judge refused, in short, in fact , the court relies only on the availability of evidence, and you could not go to court with anything, that is, your lawyer went there with something, perhaps not the amount of evidence was enough, or you went with the wrong requirements, the only requirement is for identification, if we say that this establishment of fact requires a certain amount of evidence, it means that it was necessary to demand it either through the court, or to obtain it through an administrative procedure, which you could not avoid, that is, you contacted the migration service, the passport office, the police, where -did you contact any territorial body, federal executive body? no, only to the passport office, but in court we were able to provide something, we only had witnesses. you contacted the passport office further, that was? you received the passport office
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to the boss, i came, that is , i also asked what could be done, as i also explained this situation, and they told us that it was necessary to provide it in paper form, that is, whether he was officially allowed to be employed or maybe, if you applied to the clinic there for help, for medical care, that is, it had to be provided in paper form... did you apply in writing with an application or did you just come for an appointment and they verbally refused me, they didn’t ask me anything else, after that i mean here about the court certificate, the only thing that i explained, told in words that this is how the court, we filed an appeal, gave a refusal and asked how else you can help your father, do you think... wants you to restore the documents? he probably
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does. my colleagues met your employer. we have a plot, let's see. vladimir ambortsumyan calls this man in a black jacket his employer. he introduced himself as alexander duyunov and agreed to give a tour of the territory farms in the village of turksat, stavropol territory, and at the same time show in what conditions his subordinate lives and works. this is a cottage. two entrances, we live in one half , volodya lives in the other half, and when someone is there, who is a tractor driver there, who works like who, the house has all the amenities - says alexander, hot water, stove heating, conditions for the workers no worse than his own, the rooms are the same, everything is parallel, there is a bedroom, there is a kitchen, there too, three sofas, the workers prepare food for themselves, on the menu both first and second courses, everything is fresh and with meat. we make stews, we make
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twists there in the basement of her sea, it’s normal, alexander asks vladimir to show his room, a small closet where he stores personal belongings, clothes and relaxes after work. here is my bed, i sleep here, rest , there is a groomer next to me, in short, there is a bag there, work things there, and so on, and here i have everything clean, when i need to go somewhere, i... we have the same size, he wore it, gave it to me, in this box vladimir keeps the most valuable things from my wedding photo, i want to go to the cemetery to see and see her, how lucky, cry, on the territory of the farm,
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here is their feeding trough and the little ones are already climbing here and eating since i poured a bucket of food there, they are small, alexander does not leave vladimir a single step, constantly praises him. volodya, calm, most importantly, he is so pure, like quiet, quiet, yes. honest dignity, even if vladimir’s salary is only 5,000 rubles a month, but taking into account the fact that there is nowhere to spend it, this is quite enough, he believes alexander, we have enough for the basic necessities , toothpaste, swimming trunks, socks, well, it’s natural that he’s with us, we feel sorry for him, we have respect, i think she has the same for us, so that’s how we we exist , garina, what do you say, i clearly saw that whatever the owner does not say, he will, vladimir
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will agree, whatever you want, i will do everything, i, therefore the owner says, a respected person, neat, clean and honest everything, of course, wherever such a worker can be found, he has suppressed his will completely, and he is without documents, he he is afraid of losing this money, which he receives for pennies, of course, terrible conditions , one might say, arab labor, especially since it is profitable for the owner to pay pennies, provide modest housing, although in principle it would be possible to hire a partner so that vladimir could see his children , go on vacation when... he said a lot of good words and he understood that he was speaking on camera, but the key thing was said, what is he like? he says, his dignity, the fact that he is quiet, and the fact that you are so quiet, submissive, it’s convenient for him, but i don’t have such a feeling, i’m in the morning
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i’ll feed them, that’s it, i’m free, that is, everything suits you, no, that’s not the point, it suits me, i want it. now, if you want to be close to your children, what’s stopping you, pack up your few things to leave, and i did that, i have things here, that is, you can say they’ve already left, yes, almost, they didn’t go, that’s for sure, whether the dna test will prove that roman and yulia found their father, who disappeared 34 years ago, will not have long to wait for an answer. spreyferon light is a green light, green light, prevents the proliferation of influenza viruses together their penetration. spray ginferon light - the power of green light with mint aroma. colonel sotnikov, criminal investigation department. why
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are you behaving this way? motorcycle, paraphernalia, random women, because i think all this is an advantage. he’s a little old for a motorcycle, no, he’s forever young, so how old are you, you said, in full force, baby, and damn dashing, who is that anyway, he’s a reckless driver, nikita panfilov, sergei viktorovich, if anything, he’s a criminal legend search for sochi, yes, i can do it, returns to build, what the hell is this, where is mine? bike, you 're running around like a kid with your trandulet, reckless driver, new season, this is the most interesting, soon on ntv, balobal, new season, today at 20:00 on ntv, we take loans, easy to apply for,
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we are at sofcom bank, we take loans, but we got them quickly, we are at sofcom bank. loans, which everyone knows, brought us into the light. is it okay that i won? a grand raffle of gifts from mts, you can win a meeting with my favorite artist. of course, i said right away, there’s no way i’ll win, use it official position, this is your biggest fan. sorry, just a camera with dmitry, you have to go. in general, i decided to participate. you participate, we don’t participate, that’s enough. lenka from the buffet actually won the trip. i think it's a buffet? closed , i couldn’t leave my biggest fan without a gift, of course, and i dropped this phone, nothing, lucky, get used to luck, and i won’t throw away the old phone, it’s happy, i ’ll win a meeting with a new one for it, and another one, in honor of its thirtieth anniversary, mts is organizing a grandiose
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of the year at ozone, designer set for 2,899, boots children's for 2.99, wool desk for 2.399, homeless in the dna program studio. documents, met with his alleged children, whom he left back in 1989. muscovite yulia karamyan from early childhood knew nothing about the fate of her father, but it turned out that he was left without housing and documents, now from morning to evening he works in the stavropol territory for a local farmer, here is my bed, in short, there is a tv, well, i sleep here in the winter . they taught me that you will start in winter. in the summer, vladimir ambortsumyan works in an apiary in neftekumsk,
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and closer to autumn he moves to the village of turksat to a fishing enterprise, where he looks after the farm, well, i’ll go and collect eggs, i’ll feed the piglets there a little, they’re small, and that’s it, and so on. the boss , alexander duyunov, assures that he never refused vladimir anything. he also provided food, clothes, well, i let you buy them, i brought you as many as two times in a pack there, well, anything can happen, in the summer what kind of clothes, tights, a t-shirt, and even provided medical assistance, vladimir adds, when he received an eye injury and partially lost his sight, boss buys medicine, if he’s sick with something, he’ll just buy everything, in short, or simply, or something like that, he needs some kind of mother, they buy everything themselves, but when i contact the clinic, i don’t have a document. there is nothing, who will keep me there, right away, vladimir’s children took
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a dna test with him, because a man needs to establish his identity and get a passport. son roman anuchkin is ready to shelter his father at any moment, though not for long, well, for what period of time, yes, well, so that he adapts to that period of time, he himself has already realized that he is ready, as it were can find a job that is still familiar. vladimir, your fellow countrywoman believes that you only have yourself to blame for your problems, in the studio liliya mnotsakanova, hello, i need to see you, finally, hello, i haven’t seen you for 100 years, hello, hello, dears. lilya, tell me how you know vladimir? well, vladimir, i know, it’s the seventy-first year
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, well, my nephew, that is, you still lived side by side, you lived nearby, yes, you lived together, we all lived there together, and you saw vladimir’s children, no, i saw lida when she was in a position with yulia, the last time, that’s when romko is born. i didn’t see it because we left, that is, you left earlier , yes, we first got an apartment and lived on the other side of the city, i also had small children, and somehow it wasn’t possible to see each other often, how vladimir’s family lived , before everything that happened, it was normal, very good, they lived wonderfully, vladimir was a good husband, a good father, of course, he is quiet, calm, and when your connection with vladimir was lost, when we all left, in the eighty-ninth ukraine, and we stavropol territory immediately year, so they left, but they left
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on a trip, my husband was a taxi driver and went to talk, found him by accident, just by chance, they just asked there, well, as usual, baku residents know everything like their own, and usually, so i found another nephew and this is how much time passed after your separation somewhere in the nineties , probably in the nineties, they found it right away and then again, but you weren’t surprised that just a year later you found vladimir, but he was already without a wife, without children, in neftekumsk , well , i asked him, he says we are still fled to baku, and vladimir never complained that he was forcibly held, forced to work, no, this did not happen, he said, i feel good there, and they give me food, they dress me, they feed me, and there is a place to sleep,
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he is happy, yes , you also left the country, when you moved, you managed to get documents for yourself, well, we immediately, back then in soviet times, we immediately bought a house, we registered everything at once, and vladimir could have done the same, yes, but that’s when he went to ukraine and after that he was there apparently something happened, all his documents were gone, he arrived without documents . well, it’s still a union, you yourself say , it was a single country, you could have gone there in ukraine and declared that your passport was missing, you had to go to the police there, well, the police, then the police were there to report there, then there were no migration records questions, yes, but he didn’t want to see it, i don’t know, then, then, then, for how many years, and you didn’t scold vladimir for being weak-willed, for being irresponsible, that
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there were no problems, they stole it, just think documents, i went to restore them, and my husband scolded him, i need to think a little with my head , i still need to restore them, i need to do all this, well, then yulia came, wanted to help him, well, he’s to blame, he’s to blame for his fate, vladimir, now, if you had a passport, where would you go first, children, have your children had children of their own for a long time? i also want to defeat them, let’s see the plot, since childhood, yulia koramyan dreamed of being like her mother in everything, in her ability to manage everyday life, raise children, always keep a smile on her face, peace of mind in her soul, and even a hobby, she chose the same one as her mother, drawing, well, here is my memory of my mother, of course, this is a picture of her, she painted on plywood, a girl, but she loved
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to draw like this in this image, well, i myself also like to draw, because this is my job, i’ll brag a little, i also really like it, yulia sighs for a long time since her childhood, there were a lot of upheavals in her life, moving from place to place, and finally she settled with her husband and two children in the capital, this is our apartment, this is our children's room, this is our the elders and the youngest sleep, play and do whatever they want, here our youngest sleeps, here are all her toys, she plays, here is the work area of ​​my eldest girl, she is a programmer with us, she is studying web design, an it specialist, you might say , yulia’s brother lives in the city of shuya, ivanovo region, while his personal life is not going well, the man
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divorced his wife, and has not yet met a new love, but he doesn’t forget about clothes and maintains communication with them, roman earns money by repairing car parts directly at home, for now until the time everything is stored here , when the time comes, i’ll free everything here , it will be seen there, i’ll do some repairs, roman, just like yulia, misses his mother and always visits her grave in the cemetery several times a year aspen mountain, well , from time to time, vladimir, having received the documents, you will go to visit the grave, you will definitely come right now, if only you had the opportunity
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to talk to your ex-wife now. what would you tell her? don't know. did you say thank you for the children? would you apologize for not coming earlier? did not have document, i didn’t know, she would have understood you, what do you think, of course. but now are you ready to change your life for the sake of your children, for your own sake? yes, i’m ready, maria, what needs to be done first to help vladimir restore his documents? it is necessary
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to apply for restoration of citizenship. at the same time, you need to collect as much evidence as possible and make inquiries. what needs to be done first in order for vladimir to become a citizen of russia. he needs to apply to the migration service. and to the statement there is a non-exhaustive a list of documents that need to be collected , you need to look at which list they have already applied to, see what is from this list that you can get on your own, a number of documents can be obtained on your own through lawyer requests, for example, the legislative office, what you can get on your own , what cannot be obtained on our own, we go to court, but here they will have to go through: establishing family relationships and transfer will help with this. family relationships are established and the birth certificate becomes valid. yes and we can't avoid it. by which it is already possible to restore the passport. that's right,
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yes. but when his passport and citizenship are restored, vladimir will be able to receive a pension, which of course, he automatically receives, of course, medical care, сnils, and a compulsory health insurance policy, of course, he will be able to live normally, he will be able to live normally, as an ordinary person who ...or he can calmly walk down the street, drive a vehicle, receive medical care, travel around the country, and of course, a pension, and benefits, benefits are quite possible , we don’t know what’s going on with our health, maybe you can get some other benefits, you can help vladimir, a full-fledged citizen of the russian federation, yes, i ’m ready to help, i’m ready to figure everything out, julia, roman, you are ready to go to the end, yes, are you? of course, to find out if vladimir is really your father? yes, yes, i invite yulia severtseva, our expert in forensic medicine, candidate of medical sciences, to the studio.
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did roman and yulia meet their father? result we'll find out from the dna test any minute now. look, today at 19:00, not the last heroes, like participants in a special military operation who were seriously wounded, found the strength to return to active civilian life, the construction of the century, which went beyond the millennium, exactly 20 years ago, with the launch of the longest tunnel in russia has completed the construction of the baikal-amur mainline, how it has changed the regions it passes through, how the villages that have become stations have changed, and what life is like for you today, border guards estonia is thinking about closing its checkpoints on
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the border with russia, allegedly due to the influx of migrants, about the border crisis, which has already been caused by similar actions of the finnish authorities, in the material of our correspondent, watch tonight at 19:00, on the website in the appendix already. bolobal: new season, today at 20:00 on ntv. this is peter. he invites his mother to become a client of tinkov. his mother, anna ivanovna, invites her brother, uncle valera, who invites his daughter marina, and marina invites her friend grisha. new year's invitations continue and return joy. until december 31, invite a friend to get a tinko card. get 1,500 rubles, and a friend will receive free service foreveralpha investments give 10 shares of large russian companies to everyone. open
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ivanna invites her brother uncle valera, who invites her daughter marina, and marina invites her friend grisha. new year's invitations continue and joy returns. until december 31, invite a friend to get a teinkov black card and receive 1,500 rubles. and your friend will receive free service forever. tinkov. avatar show new season. sunday at 20:20 on ntv. today we’ll talk about male power, but first about its absence. i mean that sooner or later men’s sexual function begins to fade away; this is always the reason for emotional distress and trauma. those who have gone through this know how bad it is men in such a situation need it to be sweet, so that all men live a full life. the emperor's secret is the optimal natural product for today.
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run, i'll check the rest, balabol, new season, cartridges must be counted, fool, premiere, today at 20:00 on ntv, this is a dna program to prove your identity, who disappeared 34 years ago, the father passed genetic examination with your prospective children. julia, over to you! this envelope contains the result of a dna test, which is vital for sixty-five-year-old vladimir ambartsumyan. for 34 years now , the man has been living without documents, does not receive a pension, and cannot get a job or go to the clinic. and most importantly, he could not come to his children, whom he left in 1980. when, after a divorce, he moved from
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baku to russia, today in the studio vladimir met with his daughter and son, yulia koramyan and roman anuchkin. the children agreed undergo a genetic examination to help my father establish his identity and finally receive all the necessary documents. julia, do you agree? announce the result? yes, yes, roman, can i open the envelope? yes, vladimir, are you ready to find out the result? yes, attention, i... am hiding the envelope on one side , the alleged father vladimir ambartsumyan, on the other, his alleged children, yulia koramyan
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and roman anuchkin, the probability of consanguinity between you is: 99.9%. vladimir, we congratulate you, your identity has been proven, you are the father of yulia and roman. now it's time is up to you, you can restore your passport and all other documents. yes. yulia, are you glad that a start has been made, yes, everything will work out, roman , what do you think, this time, of course, lilia, you believe that now everything will be fine with vladimir, i am 100% sure, everything will be fine with him, everything must be fine with them, at
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least they can be reunited with their children, grandchildren, let’s go to me so that they can at least see their grandchildren. yes, i would be happy to, don’t waste time, if you also need genetic expertise, contact us and we will help you, tomorrow on ntv, a new dna test. descend to a depth of 3,000 m. look at russia from the height of satellite flight, feel the eternal cold. to share the joy of sports victories and scientific discoveries to be at home. take an unusual virtual journey spanning millions of years and thousands of kilometers. in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition-room russia moscow vdnkh from november 4, 2023 to april 12, 2024
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. in new regions, it is necessary to overcome the consequences of kiev’s nationalist policies - a statement by vladimir putin, who visited the mashuk educational center today. one shot one goal. our crews of anti-tank missile systems burn ukrainian equipment, and if we need to cover a column, we call in rocket artillery. sergey pikulin more details. not the last hero, the svo participant, who was seriously injured, chose an active and socially useful lifestyle; mikhail chabanenko asked the hero about how not to give up and win.


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