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tv   Balabol-7  NTV  December 5, 2023 8:00pm-10:16pm MSK

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sasha, do you have a fool? yes, here, take mine, thank you, sasha. yes, maryam, i’m at work, you want to go out of town on the weekend, that’s a great idea, vaska and masha just had a fight, we’ll reconcile them there, yeah, and the rest, yes, i
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’ll ask now, maryam calls, offers to go out of town on the weekend go, yes, well, who doesn’t mind raising their spirits with a full-fledged country holiday, zhora, well, well, in my opinion, you can get away for the weekend, zoya, no, i won’t go, i. then you'll be on duty at the department on weekends, okay, i'll only go to the mountains, i know one boarding house, it’s not the season , there shouldn’t be people there, it’s swept up, well, calm down the suitcases, the whole gang is assembled, yeah, you can also call nikolai nikolaevich, no , we won’t take nikolai nikolaevich to the mountains, he’s afraid of you, but i’m not i'm afraid i'll go too, of course, you'll go on duty on saturday morning, well, someone
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should be on duty in the department, come, thank you, it's so good to breathe, how good is it here? i’ve never been here, zoya, you ’re smart, you haven’t seen what’s around yet, there ’s only one lake here, what’s it worth, sash, what’s sash, well , that’s cool, one thing’s bad, to civilization from here, alone road, it might happen that we won’t get out, there’s no avalanche here , and tsunamis and typhoons don’t seem to have been recorded, but the aliens are nearby, part of the air defense, oh, he knows everything, so, dad, stop yaroslavna’s crying, vasechka, grab it me. suitcase, they often quarrel
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like that, well, they quarreled, made up, it’s a young matter , marian, what are you saying, i’ll tell you, okay, georges, help the girl, i’m with myself, i said, help grandfather, here, hello, hello, welcome to our boarding house, i am the administrator, my name is kuzmin nikolay sergeevich, hello, we have a reservation for six people. yes, yes, the last name yakubovskaya has one room with two beds, that’s right, but why two? well, that's what i ordered. let's go check out, and then i'll show you your numbers. styopa, take the luggage. won't your brother styopa be crushed by a weight? how can i say it?
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well, now we know what a forklift man looks like, this room has two beds, there is a mini-suite, and from this room the view is beautiful, yeah, so i, as the senior in rank and the strongest, am taking the suite, madder, come in, why is it you? well, because you have a vazka and heaven in a hut, respect old age, by the way, there is a minibar in the room, the bar is only downstairs, good. we’re checking in, in 10 minutes we’ll meet at the bar, so daddy, we’re not in the army and you’re not our troop officer, and we want to relax, don’t be jealous, oh,
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why can’t you sit at home, but the room is really not bad at all, but look at the view which one from the window, it’s very cool here. why haven’t you and i come here before? well, we’ll come again and not only here, i’ll also see what our dad pressed, uh-huh, uh-huh, sash, don’t you see, i need to hang it up, i don’t see, there’s something wrong with my eyesight, i need to hang it up, okay , i now i’ll correct your vision. zoya, let 's talk, i need to relax, vasechka,
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i took a swim, i'm cold, yes, i'm frozen, now i'll warm you up. in short, zhora laid out all the robbers on the floor, they lie peacefully like bunnies, but we went to the store... we went to buy something to drink, but, well, he’s a saleswoman, she’s a young man, and you’re 18 years old, zhorik is stunned, he says, i actually want to buy mineral water, she looked at him with such a languid look and said, you know, i’m just interested, i’m a free woman, but you just came up with this, maryam,
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you know how a woman looks at him, like a rabbit at a boa constrictor, you can’t walk down the street, san, that’s enough, that’s it, well, oh, well, what’s all the gathering, and where’s the zoyato? maybe two coffees, so i suggest we go fishing in the morning, i took the spinengi, and the zhori, by the way, is on you too, well , what are you, a freeloader came empty-handed, so we didn’t agree on anything, well, i ’ll give you a net, zoya, i’ve never fished with a spinning rod, and i don’t want to, i’d rather go on a boat, there are people who want to, but what a boat, you son-in-law are drowning me, although he’s unlikely to drown, generally that’s enough of course we're off the boats, so that means you're with us? we just wanted to take a walk, well, yes , we can buy fish in the store, and here there is beautiful pine air, vaska, what a piece of rubbish, and a traitor and a traitor that they didn’t call you pavlik in childhood, zoya, well, you don’t seem to have any companions either, yes , join
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us, bryam doesn’t want to please himself with the fishing here, there are no muddy jordanian waters here , you don’t really have a desire to stare at the float or whatever else, zonka, what a float, it’s not a fishing rod, it’s a spinnin, i’ll probably win too, well, you’re quite you'll be happy i’ll take a walk, zhur, well, it looks like we’re not voting together, you have... i want a martini of dry olives , more black and green, but let’s have two, so listen, as usual, sasha, you liked the girls, but i’m not the only one looking at him, what are you saying? if you're shy, i can introduce you to all three. maria, why do i need teenagers? a relationship with
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an adult woman is enough for me. i mean it in a good way, but in general, if you want, i can marry you, say in july or august, seriously? what a good catch, girls, let me go to the toilet let's go, where's the toilet? straight left? let's! what do i have, and what do you have, hello, hello, styopa, let me take your luggage to your room , heavy balalaika, be careful, it’s an expensive thing, we guarantee complete safety. i hope, well, let's have a drink, it looks like our
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girls have already arrived, hello everyone, hello, my blonde, beauties, hello, how are you, make us three cognacs, well , how are you? oh, i see, our regiment has arrived, well, hello, new people, hello, old-timers, to be honest, we didn’t expect to see anyone else here, it’s just here at this time out of season, oh thank you, hello, how are you? yes, okay, i understood, well, i’m maxim, and this silent young man is kolya. this is seryoga, girls, well
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, let's introduce ourselves, kat, elsa, snezhanna, what good russian names, the parents came up with, or they tried themselves, yes girls, show us your passports, well, we are cashiers in the wine department, or something, so, well what, it’s our turn, yes, i, sanya, this is the beautiful maryam, this is georges, you can just be zhora. this is maria, vasily, zoya, very nice, have you been living here for a long time? yes, we just moved in. so how do you like it manager, at first glance? nothing, but we are not going to sit within four walls. yes, we already got ready to go fishing tomorrow morning, right zhor? yes. fishing? and i beg you, what kind of fishing is there? all the fish left here about 15 years ago. no, of course you can try to catch a couple of vagrant minnows here, but there’s a mountain over there in the west. there are iconic walks there, don’t regret it, i wonder where it is, but not so far
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, beautiful views, fresh air, you can take our girls with you, why else, tear off the tights, you’ll buy us new ones, i’m here i saw a sign for spasolia, all the way to the mountains, and the girls are still smoking and getting chocolate. are you going on this walk? i, yes, well, why not, and i would be with you too, great, maryam, how are you, sounds tempting, so what? since there’s no fishing here, i’m ready to lead the cavalry, zhorik, you have shoes for riding, only arguments, that’s it, let’s hit
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the hoof, great, well, let’s talk some more, but for now the gang is moving in, walking, arsh! the lights go out, the movie starts and you are killed, and larisa guzeeva in the comedy mother-in-law, already. at the cinema 14 december at 12:00 moscow time, summing up the results of the year, vladimir putin will answer questions from journalists in the studio, as well as questions received from russian citizens. ask your question to the president through the moscow website by phone 800-20040-40 or via sms to number 040-40 results of the year with
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vladimir putin. live broadcast on december 14 at 12. avatar show new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv, a bank for everyone, who understands my needs, guys, and for you to be on the same wavelength with us, and what do you say , for the whole family, vtb - bank for everyone, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, buy everything on ozone, final sale of the year on ozone, big discounts on... infinity nado and wild screechers. mattresses, pillows and bison blankets with discounts of up to 75%. you have a cough. i'm eifatse, have a drink. euface, thins mucus, facilitates coughing, reduces inflammation. eifa - triple strength against cough. descend to a depth of 3,000 m, look at russia from the altitude of satellites, feel the cold
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of permafrost, share the joy of sports victories and scientific discoveries and find yourself at home. commit it. an unusual virtual journey of millions of years and thousands of kilometers in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition-frum russia moscow vdnkh from november 4 , 2023 to april 12, 2024 nuggets slivushki fagot delicate taste enticing cream in them for juiciness, and a crispy crust, nuggets, slivushki fagot, juiciness, crunch of a smile, in rbt-ru - installment plan for household appliances for 30 months, with an antibiotic, suddenly enter is your faithful friend, a probiotic for any antibiotic, invest in your country with a reliable vtb broker and the vtb application for my investments, with a robot advisor for
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portfolio management, are run by professionals. now by this age almost all men suffer from this, and why are you whispering like that, i want it too. oh well, mine disappears all day in the garage with the men. as you say, it’s called prostatricum, i remember, and remember, it’s better to try once than to hear 100 times, prostatricum is something that you will definitely appreciate, prostatricum is a modern complex that men order for themselves and women
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to receive another package of prostatricum completely free of charge, just dial the number on the screen to receive your gift. hurry up, the offer is limited, superstar new season, on saturday at 20:20 on ntv, why are you waving other people’s things, what’s that, it’s a bit heavy, what’s your business, give me the key and get out of here, how about you... your head in a pot put the yell in it, no need to yell at me. so yes, i’m filling there, gentlemen, vacationers
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, at 18:00 there will be dinner, everyone is invited, open buffet, compliment from thank you, girls, i think that we should be very beautiful today, get up, well , we’ll go then too, well, we’ll sit yes, yes, you’re going, yeah, goodby my friend, well, maybe we’ll repeat , i know that the guard was taken away, yes, that’s right, i say,
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my friend, it’s the same for us, sorry, well, i’m off, what happened, at the neighbors, bloody the museum was robbed, the forwarder says that everything roads in the area are blocked. they catch the burglars, that’s how it is, thank you, it’s some kind of nonsense, what are you talking about? i, at our new acquaintances, are cloudy, they are somehow pretending that they came to russia with the girls in the same company, and this is the first time in their lives that they are seeing them, these girls are clearly mary. trade unions, sash, do you want to say that they are robbers or something, i don’t understand, but why not, maybe they are the ones who are being caught now, you have to be complete idiots to commit a robbery, and then immediately
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go with the girls have fun, don't you think? soot, anything can happen, you know, i haven’t seen anything like this, but aren’t you jealous of me for this handsome maxim, are you? is this the key to your suspicions? what? come on, let's go , i'll show you how jealous i am, buddy, we 'll take it back to your room, i'll return it later, of course, oh, damn , well, it's time to go out, maybe we won't go, i'll shake you up now, you why aren’t you afraid of tickling? no, maryam, i'm afraid, i'm afraid. actually, you promised to marry me this summer, well, let's be honest, isn't it summer, honor my soul, i'm ready to pay a bribe for amnesty, if you think that i can
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be bribed with gifts or money, then yes you can, alexander mikhailovich, come out, we are waiting for you. that they would be there to eavesdrop, well , we had to go, it would be a long time, there was no way to sit in the room, but what is it, it’s nothing. that, yes, so, nothing, nothing
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, well, what else, dad, i forgot my phone number, then we ’ll wait for you downstairs, yeah, this is not an unexpected situation, we agreed that we’ll be here alone, we’ll definitely solve everything, i’m very i hope so, you need something, but we don’t have towels in the room, where can i give birth? i’ll give you a towel, by the way, they didn’t give me one either, i’ll see to it myself, you go down to the cafe and now dinner will start.
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i'm listening, you're not there. are you sitting at my table by chance? no, i don’t have my own place, i believe it, and so, my dear, don’t you know what kind of local history museum they’ve enclosed here? no , i don’t know, well, find out, study the reports, 5 minutes is enough, that’s definitely enough, that’s it, i’m waiting for information, i’m back, i’m also returning , future lady, yes, i’m listening, a saber and a dagger were pulled out of the kroevets museum, mid-century, dear , in gold with stones, and according to the robbers, that three, armed, an employee of a private security guard was wounded, with a degree of probability, one of
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the robbers is left-handed. the local watchman has a broken right side of his face. this is all? yes, so, while we are alone, i propose to hold a meeting. i have suspicions about the group of comrades who came for us. yesterday, the kroev museum was robbed nearby. so i think that the authorship belongs to these three men. alexander mikhailovich, and he sees a criminal in every person. podsya vasya. sanya, is this just your guess, or are you based on something more significant? my intuition has never let me down, well , it’s not an intuition anymore, it’s paranoia, i have this written down in my personal file, at least you don’t have to say that you are cops, think of something to yourself, tell something funny, well, lie to we have masters, yes, well, i can say that i am a lawyer, no, he says that this is a tourist, oh, hello, why are we standing here so indecisive, we were waiting for you, well, here we
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are? come on, wonderful fish, of course, you ate it all, somehow now you need to get up from the table, ladies and gentlemen, dance floor.
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bon appetit, thank you, my katka abandoned me hard, can i join you, katka, which kat is this? exactly, please. and i remembered you, you are katya the rabbit, ekaterina dmitrievna zaitseva, you came to work, what a job, man, well, let’s go away.
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my friend, give us something tasty , but i remember you, so the conversation will work out, what should i talk to you, and i ’ll tell you, for starters, either we’re friends, or you’ll be fired and deported to your small homeland, listen, what do you need, captain, and already major, congratulations, what kind of clients? how do i know, we just met , it’s interesting, i heard something from conversations that i should listen to the goat, it hurts, what’s wrong with him, well, there is an opinion that these boys are harsh, they can even drive you to the morgue, let’s not panic , thank you, in short
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, listen to what they’re talking about, well, you ’re a seasoned girl, you’ll figure out what’s what, if they put a lot of stress on you, break my number, 213, remember, right? it’s not yours rubbing up there with my girl. aren’t you afraid that he’ll wag his tail? no i'm not afraid. maryam, aren't you? i’m local, i’m from israel, i came here to take my relatives with me. i’m tired of living in two countries, that’s right, that’s right, i also always dreamed of living somewhere by the warm sea, maryam, invite a person, don’t break his dream, but if he invites
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you, i’ll definitely come, what are you even doing, i i have a profitable business, mm. i fix men’s faces, so why? well why? i get it, i get it, sledding next to the tram station is a great idea, but you’re eating, why don’t i need to work, is that like me? lucky born what do you do, maxim? i, and i am an artist, yes, and an art critic, he, seryoga, is
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my assistant, so to speak, he rubs the paints, it’s great. yes, he has a grandfather, or rather a great-grandfather, he was a great artist, ilya efimovich repin, maybe you’ve heard about this, no, well, then for this repin, come on, sirenya , for your great-grandfather, repin, i understand, come on, for pensioners sberbank has a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback
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artists, well, yes, what genre do you work in, what is your genre, portrait? landscape, still life, well, graphics or painting, i paint with paints, these landscapes, yes, i mean, you write what i write, we’re talking about paintings, yes, well yes, okay, artists, pour it. in our homeland, girls dance so much that
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even disabled people get up on their feet and dance with them, there is such a fire you lose consciousness, for the girls, oh, come on, where are you from, from batsvana, is this how they dance in your villages, or what? everywhere, we live in the capital, in gaborone, my father is the assistant to the vice-president of the country, and my little sister is having such a blast, you’ll be stunned, but why are you here then? i'm going to marry a russian, ours are the best, right? i don’t know about everyone else, but mine is definitely the best, so now my little sister also wants to marry a russian guy, but why? we also have a test, she
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is my parents’ favorite, they will get stars from the sky for her, and that means her husband won’t know sadness either, that means she has to go to africa to live, right? well, not in the desert, there is a huge house, air conditioning, conditions like in a palace, well then you can, but your sister is beautiful, well, she had plastic surgery, now she looks 100%, come on for her, come on! listen, let me take a photo of you, and i’ll send it to my sister, she ’ll definitely respond. listen, what if i like it, this is for you. you can come, of course, later, now my sister is coming to my wedding, and look,
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katyukha, let’s dance, let’s go to the apartment , just once, there’s a platform on the east side, we had a camp there, it’s beautiful, well, nothing so good, at dawn especially, well, we have to go, but will maxim go? zoey, are you going to leave george at the boarding house?
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well, you should go and listen closer, otherwise he’ll take his wife away, do you see what a piss? well done, i provoked vasily, but i don’t intend to dance or talk with you. the dancing is over, fuck off, mash, well, vasya, stop, what are you doing wrong, i'll rub you between my fingers, don't let your fingers slip out, so mash, life in childhood, you're not needed, comrades, what are you doing? vasya, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet,
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calm down, where are you going, doll, who did you call a doll, huh? what kind of holiday without massacre can we go to the dishes for a peaceful atom?
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turn off the music, well, i danced, what are you accusing me of, he groped you, vasya, zoya, don’t interfere, and don’t shut anyone’s mouth, guys, don’t quarrel, we just had a little too much, alcohol, the source of many fascinating things adventures, that’s okay, vais, we are not supporters of drunkenness, we are its victims, alexander mikhailovich, sorry, we’re leaving, or you stay, alcohol is for the weak, the strong enjoy depression, you’re like, okay, that’s it, zoya, let, bring , zhor, let's go to the table , i'll treat you a little, give me more ice, of course, bring ice, thank you, thank you, you
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're in a lot of pain, but no, nonsense, listen, sanya, i took a picture of the young man, oh, oh, zhora, handsome , so, call chikushkin, let him run it through the facial recognition system, that's right, the left, they're some kind of artists, so, well, let's wait, maybe for now, for the time being, don't you mind if? it’s used as a pain reliever, of course, look what’s being done. quickly, hello , aunt, put it on loud, yeah, what kind of person,
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it appears, kurnosov, sergei fedotoich, never passed us anywhere, thank you, sing, passed by, so, one of the criminals, lefty, lefty gave you a punch in the jaw too, well what? there are few left-handers in our city, maybe let's go, go, sash, come on. take a break from your work already, no, wait, maryam, it’s not that simple is happening, we need to analyze the situation
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, okay, the question remains, if this is a dashing trio and there are those robbers who robbed the museum, yeah, then why did they appear here, sash, stop it, this is no longer funny, you’re even right, they don’t look like painters , which means that they are lying, everyone is lying, why, well, everyone can have their own reasons for this. there is only one explanation, they are here to hide the stolen goods and sit out until the interception plan is canceled, which is well thought out, they will spend several days here as vacationers, then they will calmly and easily pass through all the posts and wait until the spoils are handed over to them, aren’t they great? okay, let's say you 're right, then they must have an accomplice here, of course, a person who controls the cache. friend, tell me, does anyone work here around the clock, we work two through
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two, there is a security guard on duty at night, at the doors, yes, there is, our manager, kuzmin, he lives here, one might say, he is a jack of all trades, well the management doesn’t mind, because you don’t have to call the panic button at night plumbing, electrical, he is in charge of a room for living, a cocktail pot and something like a workshop, thank you, thank you, sash, for now these are your guesses, your wild imagination, let's go to the room, let's go.
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now what are you going to do, wish kuzmin good night, okay, horror , yes, what, yes, my brother-in-law called the police, he called, he told me, the museum was robbed, we heard, yes, i heard, the fool robbers didn’t know that everything valuables marked with a special agent that glows in ultraviolet light on the hands, that is, well, now all the robbers and their accomplices will be caught quickly, because the means are very sticky, if the person marked in front of you grabs the door handle, the bag, and then you grab it by accident, then this means will remain on your hands for a long time, yes, well , god grant that they catch you quickly, oh. god forbid, god forbid, yes, good night, good night
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, so, ah, yeah, the avatar show - new season on sunday at 20:20 on ntv bank for business, what is it suitable for the scale of my business, and is it suitable for a smaller business? of course it’s suitable, and profitable for you, that’s the point of business. vtb, a bank for your business. azon, have time, have time, have time, have time. everything on ozone, final sale of the year on ozone, kix dishwasher tablets for 299. unison will help you make your home new year's eve,
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discounts up to 75%. ntv plus - channels you can't tear yourself away from. tv set-top box with annual subscription from only rub 3,500. i agree. descend to a depth of 3,000 m, look at russia from the altitude of satellites, feel the cold of permafrost, share the joy of sports victories and scientific discoveries. take an unusual virtual journey spanning millions of years and thousands of kilometers in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition forum russia moscow vdnkh from november 4, 2023 to april 12 , 202, and also a lubik cube, a needle attachment , a putter, and santa claus will pull all this with
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a new year’s loan from the postal bank, enough for everything. well, where is your list? come in for money, post office bank. alice, turn on the timer for 5 minutes. she will hear your voice, even if the environment is noisy. i started the timer. alice, turn on the music. turn it on. she will also like what you like. louder. new yandex station midi. your favorite smart speaker with alice. maybe a sandwich? new year's appetite. only dads will tame, dad can, new year's appetite , only dads will tame, new year's appetite, holiday, spa will help, if only now there would be a lunch basket for 200 rubles, only at kfc, invest in your country with a reliable broker btb and the btb application, my investments with free training and support from experts,
8:54 pm
professionals work, this year in the new year everyone has a chance to become a billionaire, we guarantee, buy tickets in branded stores on the website in the mobile application, a chance in a billion, if they ask me to go to the store, i turn from dashenka’s beloved into darya bigailova, well, unlike my dad, he loves this business, the megamarket has a new year’s sale, oh, i ordered peas for olivia, winter freshness or double. .. the power of a squirrel or a crocodile, and dad is often profitable, apply bonuses, thank you , pay benefits up to 95%, that’s what you need, after that you love him again for a long time, until he gets hungry again, couscous, megamarket, delight in a new one profitable year, magical conditions, real rate of up to 15.5% on a savings account at gazprombank, your money works and you receive income,
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apply at they became stars. on a tv show, oh, we’ll listen to this girl, well, this is kuzmin, maybe you know, their jaws actually dropped, and how do the factory graduates live 20 years later, while no one gave me rings, i should have asked for more money, as the girls’ favorite alexey kabanov was looking for a bench press on the internet, i liked it right away, yes, of course, it was cooler in the photos, and he gave me a black sheep, but this didn’t bother me, what kind of alimony did victoria daineka sue for from her ex-husband? i might not have seen each other for six months, but he always says that he loves her. what diagnosis did the doctors give to the factory girl sasha soveleva? i went to a psychologist, but the psychologist turned out to be insufficient; why did vladimir kuzmin refuse to make his daughter a star? i’m not a producer or an oligurch, but was it offensive? yes, who broke the heart of mikhail grebenshchikov. for some reason, you come across crazy empresses, a million-dollar secret, this is life, i like it, i like it, on saturday at 13:00 on ntv.
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well done, katyukha, perky, i wasn’t in the mood, okay, seriously? and damn, who is there, it’s me, come out, we need to talk, but the deer, i’m here now.
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what do you need? come out. what kind of program are you talking about and that it can’t be nonsense it’s all from where in some crap museum there are special equipment and what’s so expensive about the exhibits don’t fuss with the cops you still have to look for these special equipment you have to look for the fool the one who foisted this on you and you’re a fool because that i believed everything. go, don't be an eyesore, what is this here? but i need it, i need it,
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quickly, but, uh-huh, are you still here, what? okay, that's it, go, go, i said. sit down, now come on, tell me, quickly and clearly, what happened, max has a pistol under his pillow, a combat, traumatic one, i know that
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i should have asked him, or something, they also talked about some kind of museum, special equipment, and that they killed someone, yes , well, almost, but now it’s come , you couldn’t wait until the morning, so i burned out there in the doorway, i screwed it up, but it’s too early for you to take on operational work. ekaterina, and maksimka, who was he talking to, not the administrator or the administrator, bingo, sazhya, i didn’t expect you to be so cheerful , hello, this is katya, i remember, i think you have something to tell me, yes, well, in general, katya’s patient has a gunshot under his pillow, and i also listened to one fascinating conversation, and i stirred up my soul even more, so do you have any ideas? well, actually, i’m all alone, i should check maksimka’s number, but she has a guitar case, maybe there’s something else in there besides the guitar, can you help? sasha, i shouldn’t have undressed and took a shower, well, i ’ll compensate with bonuses later, if you can’t handle it, you’ll
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let’s start, katerina, what are you saying, i don’t earn that much, i’ll be ready in 5 minutes, goddess, and should you sit here quietly, like a rabbit? like a mouse, katy, katy, yes, where did this fool go, katy, so, she has number 306, it’s on the right in the middle. sasha , if he has a weapon, it doesn’t mean that he’s a criminal, well, it doesn’t mean anything over the hill, but here you know, you’ll have to get permission to use a weapon, then why would an artist need it, wake up sleeping sitters, he
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needs to be exchanged from rooms, invite him for a drink, seriously, just a drink, sasha, this is not funny, well, yes, it’s not funny, but what options are there? sash, it’s open here, come in, there’s no one, great. listen, he’s downstairs, go take him off, please, i’m telling you, goddess.
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oh aryan, i can’t sleep, no, what, have you lost someone? oh, yes, katka went somewhere, as if she fell through the ground, you didn’t see her , you saw her, she knocked on our room, she’s making a girl sick, now she’s sitting in an embrace with the toilet , sasha is trying to resuscitate her, i don’t know if it will work, no , what did you feed her, nothing special, just a little drink, should i call her? just stock up on paper
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napkins, no, no, no, thank you, why are you here? alone, and i’m looking for the administrator to ask him for anti-vomiting pills, yeah, well , let him sit there and hug, the girl needs to relieve herself, somehow, well, yes. well, yes, why are we standing here, maybe we can go up to my room, i still have a little whiskey left there, but what about my husband, well, he has salvation in the waters, i’m not tired of him yet, it’s a pity, well, no , as they say, not here either.
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wait, let's sit just like that, here's the second bottom. either i'm a fool, or you're not they’re coming, can i see you for a minute, yes, of course, i’ve changed my mind, no, don’t be sorry, no. well then
9:05 pm
, good night, good night. new season on saturday at 20:20 on ntv, where to go, where to buy osaka, of course, on the sravni website. here you can save on buying a policy, there is a large selection of insurance companies, and most importantly, compare it reliably. 11 million motorists already use it to select and purchase. at the best price and without overpayments.
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sportmaster - only original ski equipment from leading brands with a guarantee of product authenticity. double cashback bonuses for purchases in the sportsmaster mobile application. enter airplane plus, a service for apartment solutions from transactions to renovations and furniture. unionzym's five components help normalize digestion, reduce bloating and discomfort, and remove toxins. union. normal digestion - excellent mood, keep prices low, chocolate 1099 pyaterochka helps out, where to buy osaka, of course, saydate sаniru at the best price and without overpayments. meeting point tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. mash.
9:07 pm
9:08 pm
sanya, be quiet, i’ll get you out now. why are n't you sleeping, lady? and i'm the key by chance defended me, and you came to my aid on purpose, did you happen to see the key? well, not on purpose, of course, i’m coming to you, i’m doing a round, i’m just doing it, i didn’t find the keys. where is he going?
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i can take you to the administrator's office, it's downstairs to get a duplicate key there. nikolai serge is sleeping now, true, but since this is the case, you can go to him on the way and wake him up. what are you doing here until the morning? shall we go? no, thanks, i'll look again, and if i don't find it, then i'll bother you,
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thank you, you like to spend nights in men's rooms, it was a bad experience, did you find anything? no, we have to wait until the morning, i completely forgot that we have a front office, well
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, don’t kick the girl out. hi, good morning, good, very, zharty.
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forgive me for that incident, i was confused and i just give it a moment now, you know, this discord, he made it clear that you are very dear to me, and i don’t need anyone else, i don’t either.
9:13 pm
well, good morning, leave me alone, something is wrong, and try your memory, remember what you said to me yesterday. well, that means the evil legend is returning, the same one that was brewed from 100% malt, the same one the taste that the whole country loved, baltika 3 is non-alcoholic, try the revived one.
9:14 pm
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the website or in the aeroflot application through sbp. but first, register on, and there you will also find great deals on the world map, the avatar show - new season, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. where buy asaga? of course, on the sravniru website at the best price and without overpayments. get on the plane. service of apartment solutions from the transaction to repairs and furniture, it seems to me that everyone in my family is real magicians, my mother is a hypnotist, one look, they sell her everything in the store, and my dad knows how to charm the tv, salya, turn on cartoons, and in general everything ... in the house, there are fireworks, turn off the lights, and grandpa has almost learned to see people at any
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distance, i can see you well, and my older sister got a manicure just for thank you, and grandma will have an effect on the dressing, where did she get it from? that's it, when i... grow up and i, too, will become a sorceress, i have already received the main sber spell, sportmaster, only original ski equipment from leading brands with a guarantee of product authenticity, double cashback bonuses for purchases in the sportmaster mobile application, where to go, where buy osaga, of course, from sravniru, here you can save money on buying a policy, a large selection of insurance companies, and most importantly - compare it reliably. 11 million motorists already use it to select and purchase asa at the best
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price and without overpayments. if more than twice you get up at night and fall. at the first symptoms from the outside. prostate afalase, a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. where to buy osaga? of course, on the compare-ru website at the best price and without overpayments. superstar: new season, saturday at 20:20 on ntv, why are you clapping so much? will you wake up catherine? but the fact that she woke me up half the night with her snoring did not bother anyone. my friend, yes, well, i didn’t see it yesterday, none of your palms were scratched, remember, i told you about this yesterday, no, i didn’t see it, it’s a pity, they should have bounce off, well, if anything, hiss at me, ok,
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yeah, okay, look how in a hurry, zhurik. slow down, good morning, good, manyun, i would like your wife, hello, hello, alexander mikhailovich, let’s not now, i need to talk to your daughter, take yours. wake up, you're completely crazy, or what? what are you doing here, and i didn’t close the door, or what ? perhaps
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you can't sleep? but i see you are in a deep sleep. what happened? imagine, this one, who was talking about special equipment, keeps walking around, muddying the waters, as if he knows what, in the bastard looks into your eyes and sniffs out. you should leave here as quickly as possible. okay, wake up the others , great, listen, in our boarding house there are the same robbers who have been looking for since yesterday, and you have confirmation of this, only indirect, but you know you can’t build accusations on indirect ones, dammit, understand, they are in a guitar case could have taken the stolen goods out of a closed area, i checked, there is a double
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bottom, that is, in the case itself you didn’t find anything, sanya, why are you... that this is a hiding place, you can store strings there, and all sorts of other things nonsense, george, katya just said that she herself saw maxim’s trunks, you know, well, sanya himself intimidated her, i imagined something that wasn’t there, or did you find the trunk? no, i didn’t find it, well, here it is, vasya, what do you think it’s you , talk, i’ll go to masha’s, and... it’s great neighbors, and why are we leaving so early , we haven’t had a rest, it’s time to go home , uh-huh, oh , where’s the guitar, or maybe you’ll take it later, well, at least it’s hidden safely, it won’t get lost, san, i don’t understand what you’re talking about, so what’s the hurry, let’s drink beer, the bar is coming soon
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it will open, girls, let's move away, the guys need to talk. uh, where, no, no, let them go, well, guys, tell me where you came from for vacation? by chance, not from a hot spot, but the day before yesterday one was organized nearby. what are you hinting at? sanya, the truth is that you are as artists as zhora and the snow maiden. yes, why so? they go to sketches with etude books. and today is lazy day. stay happy, it's time for us, let him pass, hey, hey, hey, what are you doing, stop it, get the hell out of it, bye, in an amicable way, comrades, stop the disgrace, well, as long as you can, well, there’s absolutely no need to disturb the peace of the vacationers
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, what’s going on here, mop the floor, where are the hands, zhor, here’s the trunk, come on, paws up the hill and teeth to the wall, what are you , quietly, wait, sanya, wait, it’s still early. if you move, i 'll cut off his head, understand? yes, i don’t mind the haircut, serenya, bitch, this is for you, come here, you creature, if you want problems, i’ll give you. now i’m organizing them, well, sleigh, this can also be cut, yes, well, your tongue works faster than your brain, close your mouth, let’s move away,
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guys, come on, come on, come on, period , let's go, they didn't... shoot from him, why didn't you shoot, why did you let him go, and it's my fault, okay, well, thank you, put your hands down, quiet, shut up , so what are you going to do now, in a maximum of 20 minutes the cops will be here, we have no more than 10 minutes to get out, so calm, i have the key to the fire exit, great. so here he is, with the woman, what should we do, we’ll take her with us, come on, lead her,
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come on, come on, let’s go, if only you had believed me right away, we haven’t screwed ourselves up so bad now i wish, relax, we are with the police, i may... balamin is mayoryzi shapira, and this is an osb officer, so are there any other exits from the building? i understand, but i definitely have one, i can show you, yeah, there is a weapon, so, a stun gun, for me, ah, a baton for a girl, a combat barrel, a traumatic one, and a barrel for me, i can’t, it’s official, i signed for it, nikolai nikolaevich, urgently , the outfit is a boarding house, here, armed bandits, yes, i’m serious, come on, zhor, hold it, that means with maryam, control the stairs, yes, vachka, you are with me, well, show me,
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where, awesome , come on, open it, you can do it faster, now, the key is tight, but that’s it, you can go out, come on, come on, come out, where, vaska , take it, let me go there, come on, come on, let’s go, that’s it
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they’re standing there, where the idiot, dale, vasya, take him , we’ll take the safety off, stop, you’ll live, nothing behind them, where they’ll put a gun against the combatants, so vasily, hold on, you stay here, control the exit, don’t let them get out, i at the main entrance, come to your senses, get up? come on, come on, go, you can, yours, don’t be a hero, let’s go,
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yes, where are you, lost, or what, someone help, help, shoot, they ’re shooting there, who? i don’t know , please hide me, go outside so quickly and don’t stick your head out until the police arrive, what ’s going on, oh, hi, beauty, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, by the way, oh, ah, oh
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my god, where did they come from, come on , take her at gunpoint, kolyan, check the other rooms, wow, what's the matter, did you cut the room? on the way out, come on, come on, stupid, stupid, sit, don’t fish, oh, here’s another one, well done, kolyan, check this number.
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no, no, no, no, no, no, well, now you can rub yourself. come on, drag them into one kennel, come on, come on, come on, come on, kolyan, take the bags, earrings, don’t take your eyes off them, understand? zhor, zhor, ours, maryam, we have a wounded animal here, look,
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it’s good. but don’t let him go, he’s like don caerleona, what are you talking about, i ’m the same victim as the others, i robbed someone, threatened someone, well, accuse me if you can, you will be accused, be patient, what was there, sanya? ay, they wanted them on the way out grab it, it didn’t work out, now it’s really bad, zoya, masha and katya krulik are there now , you have a first aid kit, a man is bleeding, yes, in the administrator’s room. so why did you get up , go show me, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, calmly, i’m without a weapon, who are you, cops or something, well, let’s say, concerned citizens, what did you want? well, yes, i see, so, let us go out, or i’ll kill your women. let
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them go and you can get lost? no, sanyok, no, things won’t work out like that, they’ll go with us, so, that’s it , peroxide, go back, petrovich, slow down, go lunch. do you think this is how the rosselkhozbank video should begin? yes, rosselkhozbank is the main partner of the entire agricultural complex of the country, and we also have 1,500 branches, more than 7 million clients, and financial solutions that suit everyone, rosselkhozbank, more than you think, avatar show new season, on
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sunday, no matter what you are wanted to fulfill a dream, change the world or know yourself, for any purpose, psb has a loan for any purpose, without a visit to the office, psb, bank for the present, hello, i’m dash lyubimova and i’m visiting parents, daughter, let's go to dinner, i come here often, he cooks unrealistically, we are not always loved ones, it’s unbearable. sometimes we are unbearable, sometimes wonderful, sometimes tired, but loved ones always return , what do we need for this, taking care of each other at megamarket, making people happy in the new year is profitable. this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children. this is clean air. they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just that. methane
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is cheaper, saving on every kilometer. the methane engine works great. installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project. i also converted my car to methane without any investment. being practical is good for nature and good for you. choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations. i’m irena, a bitch, and i don’t want to revolve around technology, let it revolve around me, and haer knows how to do it. let technology revolve around us, and we enjoy using it. hair is a technique inspired by life. december 27 is a parade of planets, get ready for an expedition to arx. what's the twenty-seventh i have nuggets, and on the twenty -sixth, and on the twenty-sixth, a cappuccino, a delicious calendar at a delicious point, every day, a new favorite product at a super price, only in the app it’s delicious, period, what is common between
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pneumofibrosis, prostatitis, adhesive process, we explain on the fingers: at the site of inflammation fibrosis may appear, which prevents the organ from functioning normally, the smart enzyme lanchidase helps break down fibrous tissue and restore the functions of the organ... hydase is simply against fibrosis, recommended course, two packs, invest in your country with a reliable broker vtb and the vtb application my investments with a robot advisor for portfolio management, professionals work, the sale is even with discounts of up to 80% on avito. superstar, new season, saturday at 20:20 on ntv. confidence and strength, that's how she wants you to be. bruto. reliable, stylish as a set of hermes men's accessories from liamax, a voluminous cross and a chain of armored weaving, a massive hermes cross, jewelry steel, noble shine and a spectacular, voluminous design, three crosses in one,
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a powerful cross fits perfectly with a chain of armored weaving, the color of real gold, a durable lock and reliable links, hermes jewelry is self-confidence and an integral... part of a successful male image. a set of hermes jewelry is a worthy gift for a real man. the price of the set is 2,499 rubles. but call us right now and you can buy it for only 1,999 rubles. but that's not all. each person who orders the set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. leamax. shopping with a plus. avatar show - new season. in sunday at 22.
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gather our people, our homeland needs us. and then, and then, then i’ll let them go on the highway, and if you trample after us or even worse, set the cops on, i swear, i ’ll cut them into pieces, i understand, i’ll give you a minute to think, time: let’s go, well and what should we do, let them go , maybe we can pull them out through the window, we just need to figure out what room they are in, we write in sms,
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great, something is really bad for me, damn it! why are you looking like that? not scary? don’t be afraid, your guys won’t act stupid, everything will be fine, they’ll get us out of here anyway, it’s scary will you, shut your mouth, what's the pipe, come here, okay, shut up with yours, pipe, come here, calm down, sit there, telephone, come on, calm down, sit there, i told you, oh, hands, hands, not vapi, who's there? dad, write the answer, where is the key, under the mirror, and hold it, i’ll get
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a ladder and pull them out, be careful there zhor, yeah, so what? a minute has passed , what are the guarantees that our women will not suffer, are you a fool or something , they asked for guarantees for a perpetual motion machine, where is your third, and zhorik went to the toilet, by the way, maybe our zhorik is with you in the place of women
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it will go, but to hell i need your zhorik, i ’d better take this beauty for you, maryam, come with me, or better yet, stay here with me, but not seriously, what do you need money, zhora has money, a lot, let the woman go, he’ll give you that amount of money, no, well, of course, maybe he doesn’t have much cash with him now, but maybe...’ go to the bank to withdraw it, and if anything, will your father bring you the money by helicopter? seryoga said to this george, who was caught up in the african government, maybe they can take the money off him? george springs, get us out. well, how are you here, wow, yours, well, let's
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get out, go ahead, next one, come on quickly, i'm afraid of heights. what are you more afraid of? heights or bullets to the head? come on, i'll help. hold me, i'm right now, carefully, carefully, hold your hand, hey, katya, hey, damn, zhora , go, okay, guys, really, i
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don't need a war with you, let's try to settle everything peacefully, what do you want me to do? here you drive in hand, and well, back, both of them, kolyan, quietly, quietly, and why are they so nervous, well , there was no order to shoot, you want it peacefully, who on the contrary, give me the floor first. yes, it’s not a question, but no, you decided to change things, you’re stalling for time, right? seryoga, come on, let’s pick out the first one,
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now we’ll arrange a demonstration mochilovo. little girl, show me your face. kaler, trunk, pull one of them out, come on. come on, get up, you idiot, i 'll make jelly out of your head, max, what happened, gun, on the floor, face down, hell yeah, who are they, where did they come from? kodan, give me the gun, go check it here... and i 'll look for another one.
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zoya, where is masha and is this katya, the rabbit? they are downstairs, everything is fine, but stand still, you got it,
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and raised his hands, come on, come on, and turned around. you're nervous, it seems they shot from there, it's a grasshopper, what do you have here, and do you know that you have an injury? enough for the eye, no, no eye needed
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, that's it, that's it, that's it, look, look, i'm putting it down, stand, give it to someone else, tie it up, what happened, without asking, long story, maryam, help , intercept. yes, what’s wrong with her, she was flattened a little , the pillow, like this, and like this, from the second floor
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flat on the asphalt, katya, are you all broken, but no, it’s not like it’s broken, we’re her they shook it a little, it didn’t seem to rattle anything, you’d better pour some vodka for her. barno, can you help? how are you feeling? it’s okay, bear with it, mash, will you take care of the eldest? i’ll stay, and we, on the second
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floor, will see what’s going on there, yeah, genferon light spray is a green light, a green light for my goals and plans, a red light for viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component , prevents the proliferation of influenza viruses and their penetration. spray ginferon. the power of green light with the aroma of mint , in the new season, calmly, the citizens are all theirs in a new way, maybe we won’t languish, a new position, all that’s left is to shave off your uniform, put it on and you’ll be like a real boss, a new intern, you have the knowledge zero
9:49 pm
, zero experience, new things to do, a corpse in our forest and a fight in the cowshed, can you imagine, something else is happening in the city of sochi, new feelings, i wanted to look at your next heifer, senchik’s heifers in the barn, sergey, hello, everyone, and a new bike, what kind of motorcycle is that? wow, come on, my albino, come on! but the reckless driver is still a reckless driver, lately all so vague, a motorcyclist with a typical midlife crisis. nikita ponpilov. that's it, ala ulya, write letters. reckless, new season, coming soon to ntv. superstar. new season, saturday at 20:20 on. tv ozone zone, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, buy everything on ozone, and surprise with a new dress, give a smartphone,
9:50 pm
final sales, final sale of the year on ozone, dress from the parade for 1299, tubing f78 for 1499, uvelka buckwheat, five packs for 399, and santa claus will pull it, pull it with new year's from the post bank there is enough for everything, come in for money, post bank. this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air. they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just that. methane is cheaper, savings per kilometer, the engine runs great on methane. installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project. i also converted my car to run on methane without any investment. it pays to be practical. for nature and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at the stations gazprom. ntv - channels
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you can't tear yourself away from. tv set-top box with an annual subscription from only 3,500 rubles. i agree. the five components of unionzyme help normalize digestion and reduce. bloating discomfort removal of toxins, unionzym normal digestion, excellent mood , in the global village we select ripe fruits from all over the planet, and when you try our natural one hundred percent apple juice, others also want a sip, once you bought it, you immediately love it, global village is ripe for your table , pyaterochka helps out, new year's appetite, only dad will tame it, only dad will tame it, holiday with dad. who can the holiday begins with sokolov, magical discounts on your favorite jewelry, watches and cosmetics, as well as super prices on new year's gifts sokolov, this is
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peter, he invites his mother to become a client of tinkov, his mother, anna ivanovna invites his brother, uncle valera, who invites his daughter marina, and marina invites her friend grisha, new year's invitations continue and she returns with joy. until december 31, invite a friend to get a black card and receive 1,500 rubles, and a friend will receive free service forever tenkov, well, they've all cut down the robber, yes, he's smart, he's an infection, what a great fellow you are, but no, this is vaska, we've done a great job, and where is maksimka, he was in the corridor, and then? george, i was so worried, you are my hero, so it means that if maxim didn’t appear downstairs, then he’s somewhere on
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the third floor, maryam, stay with zoey, we ’ll go and check, jorsh, he’s limping so badly, i thought they were in they'll break into pieces, by the way , this girl, by the way, she's almost in pieces, thank god she didn't break, but why didn't this one connected? well, i should have tied him up, this is my trophy, what are you talking about, shut your mouth, tie him up with a towel, he ’s on his stomach on the floor, fuck you
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, you twitch, i’ll shoot, don’t shoot, i’m not dangerous, i’m ready to cooperate, no the second one was shot, so run, i’ll check the others. everything is fine, my friend wanted to leave us, you tied him up, i did.
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damn, yokar. and your mother, damn it! you have to count the cartridges
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, you fool. stepan, why did you kill me, a robber? he gets better, and here comes vasily,
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on time, as always. alexander mikhailovich, it’s not you by chance they defended me, somehow i’m tired from such a rest, come on, drag him to the others, that’s it, for your health, your katyaka is more. so she’s already healthy, that’s right, now something can be done for us , no, girls, let’s do it for the mayor, if it weren’t for him , i’ll carry it, and you won’t have it anymore, you, igoryukha, don’t bother, you see, that girl over there is barely alive they didn’t deprive me, by the way, i
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suffered from these bandits, so don’t argue, bear it. commander, what about your health, leave me a little for the procedure, ah-ah-ah, that ’s it, zhorik, it hurts a lot, yes, it’s a bad thing here it’s necessary, the body is good for bruises, okay, stop looking at me like your leg, yes, i taped it with tape, until it holds, it ’s always like that, still flowers, so i hear everything, let’s pester zhora zoya, and then they are very happy, something, that’s it, okay, let’s go back to our sheep, yes, you say, kuzmin has a dagger saber, yes, we have it like a bump, wow, you wouldn’t think it right away, it’s good that he was provoked by a special means , with what
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special equipment, i’ll tell you later, so maryam, where is your ward? in the admin room, well come on, damn it, well, either there’s something wrong with my eyesight, or he was mimicking it until it was transparent, well, i locked it myself, here it is, well, that means there are other smart people here besides us, damn it, stepan, and you don’t know , where are we? find your administrator, we'll have to look, well, let's go look, let's go, but he just ran away, or what? yes,
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what is this door that swings open? where is he, wait a minute, guy, he’s not here, in the administration room too, the break room is empty, does that mean what? which means he's somewhere else, where else he could be is a bit of a mystery, if, if not here, he has it. to the place, where he keeps all sorts of junk, well, we ’ll talk about this later, or you’ll still show me, and you ’ll hobble around, i promise, i won’t ask for your arms
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, let’s go, let’s go, let’s go, well, let’s go, so what? it’s hard, you’re a wounded man, guy , you haven’t seen wounded animals yet, such bundles of money flew off from me, doctors fell into a stupor, it’s still a long way, 200 steps, you’ll hobble, or support, support your entrails so that the spartok doesn’t fall out, well, let’s drive the lawn , dear colleagues, introduce yourself. daniil alexandrovich, head of our criminal search, let's go, i'll free up my office , you, wow, i'll sit down, otherwise you'll get sick, you take sick leave and get treated, i need a healthy castle, while he's sick, we
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're doing great here without him, a course of physical therapy and massage, i think , 10 sessions will be enough, anyone? reckless, on your knees, hands behind your head, that’s my phrase. and usually today at 22:15 on ntv, avatar show new season, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. invest in your country with a reliable broker vtb convenient technological application vtb-my investments. working professionals. oh, did you lose your lipstick? today my mother changed her last name. this time she is elena loselovna. now he will call me. i found it, look at the cashback for new year 's sales in the megamarket, we can buy you cosmetics, perfume, or a blouse for it, so wear it, after all, lipstick, or better yet, all at once, they always do this for your loved one, megamar,
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well, and my older sister got a manicure just for thank you, and grandma ’s self-defense will affect her, where did she get all this from, when i grow up, i will also become a sorceress, i have already learned the main spell of sber. avatar show - new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. anya, a surprise awaits you, bap, but it’s a surprise for you, these are scammers, it’s good that your finances are insured with a profitable policy of protection for any eventuality from sberbank. where to go,
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it’s still a long time, here’s nikolai sergeevich, what’s wrong with your mood, why are you hiding from people, you’re a misanthrope, let’s go away. move away oh, here are the stolen things, nikolai sergeevich, respect, to be honest, i was not completely sure that it was you. get out of the way
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, you bastard, you're a bastard, okay, give me your treasure sword , come with me, i'll chop off your hand now, sergeevich, you're a complete idiot, shut your mouth , holdey, i'm not a rump of beef for you to shred me, organize a good circus, let's go , okay, that’s it, i warned you, oh, so we’re having a duel , why are you offended, we paid for the rooms, i didn’t pee on the toilet seat, oh, well, maybe that’s enough, and uh, i’m tired of all this, let’s change it
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weapon, throw the sword, otherwise you’ll catch a bullet , i don’t see you all, stepan, by chance you haven’t worked in a slaughterhouse before, but it would be better if you shot him, there are no cartridges here, maximko shot everything. where am i, at denikin’s headquarters, well, you’ll have to carry it, lieutenant kuzmin, there’s a rush in the city, let’s take it, while i collect evidence, why do you need such a big knife, what were you going to do with it, execute? a violator of the regime,
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or cutting a herring, you don’t understand, so tell me, we’ll try, these daggers are a saber rightfully belong to me. wow , he fought in the caucasus, man, and when our caucasian war began, don’t you remember, in 1817, look at this long-liver, no, well, after all, what were you going to do with him, sell him, hang a wall, sell a wall , firecrackers, my proprade brought these saber daggers from the war, didn’t steal them, didn’t swindle them, got them in battle, the whole district. i read that he received a snuff-box with a monogram from the hands of emperor alexander nikolaevitch, and they are making fun of me here, cattle, yes, well, well, your honor has gone far from your ancestors, for some reason i
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it seems that they did not steal, were not friends with the criminals, and did not try to let go of the guts of government officials, okay, enough of the lyrics, we’ll call a convoy. so i don’t promise the kazimatov of the peter and paul fortress, you won’t be able to communicate with the decembrists of the people’s volunteers, there will be an ordinary cell with a declassed element and a representative of the proletariat, so no one will hear the noble subtleties of your soul, nicholson, yes, well, where are you, of course, we’ll wait, where are we let's go, that's it, we're waiting, well, brothers-robbers. now your biography you will be enriched by hard-working experience, then you will show off your yard and slug tattoos and talk about your heroic past, but it would be better if you told about yourself, about your inter-squad, then what can i tell you, we are all from
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the police, mostly from the domestic police, we don’t have id, but believe me i have your word, your mother. i felt like the leftist tourists , some of your chicks are well-cooked, wow, by the way, they’re great, maria charges our lawyer inexpensively, she likes to defend all sorts of jerks, oh, here’s the second shift, so the victims there, hello, nikolai nikolai. great, take it, oh, look what a team they’ve assembled, together with the coach, take them away, guys, you’re hungry, and what are you doing
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, your vacation was a success, but that’s not the right word, so you ’re lame, you’re clinging to people, you’d better say thank you , we closed your case. how did you manage to get caught up with the robbers? well, of course, somehow yes as usual. maryam, well, at least you could hold him somehow, no one has ever succeeded in doing this, that’s for sure. oh, frost, frost, bye, katyukha, bye, major. okay, let's go to the department, you can prepare a report, yes what is this, by the way, i’m also wounded , i have a legal day off, i won’t give it up to anyone, just like my homeland, okay, rest until tomorrow, listen, but what’s going on here in general, it’s okay, maybe
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chikashin and i will also stay for a day, but no, nicholas, well, you have lizaveta, dumplings, and chekashin will one day find his happiness, you have a wonderful monday ahead, so bye! okay, tomorrow you will be late for service, demoted to sailor. no, lieutenant colonel, i don’t need to become a sailor, i’m getting seasick, to hell with you, stay, well, my vacation is already over, wait, vaska, did you decide to take the trophy yourself, there’s no one else? well, yes, i'm for the company. okay, then here's another, okay , bye everyone, see you in the city, man, well
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, let it air out for now, okay, tomorrow i 'll forgive vaska, thank you, otherwise i thought some were glued together and others were scattered. and you and i definitely won’t fall apart, not for anything in the world. oh, sorry. be careful, actually, we have a whole day left, oh, we need to start them right , and where is our master of bartending, igoryan, come on, lay out the clearing, we have a whole lieutenant colonel visiting, it will be done, please lord, chikashin is behind me, stepan, join me. don't miss some street tomorrow.


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