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tv   Likhach-2  NTV  December 6, 2023 10:15pm-11:36pm MSK

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i like this, get distracted , let’s move on, legs wider than shoulders, stretch our arms forward , well done, i know, tell me, if you get sick, don’t endure it, your progress is so good , no, my doctor is good, oh, don’t push, don’t push , don’t push, this, this, this is mine, this, this is mine, this is me for work. how do you know, practically no one calls me anymore, i listen to the centurions, hello, great reckless driver, how are you, are you healthy? hello, good man, who are you? you see, i didn’t recognize the old man, he’s a traumatologist, do you remember this one? oh, what, are you in sochi, or what? yes, in sochi, of course you are not do you remember that it’s my birthday, and i remember you and want you. invite, congratulations
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, right today, hey, how are you, reckless driver , we're celebrating our anniversary, come on, well, i see you're having fun without me, but it's a moose, you don't know him, he didn't come with us last time , in general, let's get closer to us, oh, well , if the doctor treating me lets me go, but what happened to you, well, yes, not a major work injury, but everything is fine, well, you remember that i'm a traumatologist, i'll tell you , take your ball, cog, tongue with you, yes, yes, yes, cube, well, yes, yes, his mechanics, that ’s it, we’re waiting, he’ll come again, but what difference does it make to you, you bought everything that i asked you, yes, work, that means, yes, you’ll see one friend, narisov’s birthday, moose , but your back is already normal? be careful with alcohol
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, you shouldn’t go heavy on it yet, listen, what are you doing in the evening, i don’t, no, you see, i was still talking to myself, well, we agreed, first treatment, then a date, oh, if i’m like that someone will conjure someone who will save me, you will again protect me so that no one will seduced, well, i’m talking about alcohol, well , let’s go, i think it will be fun, here it’s literally, what’s the point of going, i’ll finish at two, okay, okay?
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thank you for agreeing to the meeting. how
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's shchukin doing? maxim dmitrivich has not yet regained consciousness, the doctors say that he is lucky, they say, but when he will get better is unknown, so it will not be possible to interrogate him, maxim, i’m actually not coming to him anymore, to you, but what can i know, i wasn’t on the yacht, shchukin let us go that evening, why because of women, yeah, his friends in they were chewing on their shoulder straps, they didn’t want any extra eyes, yeah. do you have any thoughts about who could want your boss dead? isn't this a robbery? it’s clear, understandable, there are no thoughts, it’s difficult to guard him, he doesn’t worry about safety, he doesn’t dedicate his business, when i interfere myself, he gets angry, but why then does he need security at all, i want to ask, so i tell him the same thing , what’s the use of us with this approach, but he’s stubborn and says he has no one to fear, and he rather needs security for the statue. yes,
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do you think it's an assassination attempt? well, here in our business nothing can be denied. i understand, i myself worked in the authorities, to be honest, i’m also not sure that it was a robbery. why? well, because there was nothing to take on the yacht, they would rob either what came to hand, which is impossible at sea, or based on a tip, who could have pointed him to shchukin if he was in sochi as a tourist. so maybe they copied it somewhere on the shore; to put it mildly, he’s not a poor man, right? and then we waited for him to let us go, and took with us, well, just in case, a wetsuit. okay, i understand, i accepted, everything, if anything, keep me posted, then, ok, elk, hello, get up, elk, get up, you hear, go, go with a beer, the injury
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has gone somewhere, we need to decide something about the meat, there are so many things to do. they called on another one, wait, they are already looking for the camp, the subscriber is temporarily unavailable, call back later, no problem, hello, you look great. thank you, great motorcycle, one by one, you seemed to promise not to ride yet, oh, listen, i wanted to come by car, i just remembered that i don’t have one, but i, i’ll be careful, you promise, i swear, that means you put it on, tightly
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you hug me, i know, i went for a ride, to the cinema i saw, you have an interesting friend, these are all his guests, yeah, i say, you’ll really like it,
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great, great, you’re seryoga olekhanovich, yes , this is mine, and whose will you be, moose, that’s it, don’t be surprised. this is a moose, and the moose is zhenya , zhenya is the moose, it’s very pleasant, mutual, wow, and why are you all so cranky , what the hell, the traumatologist has disappeared, well, maybe he just lost his oil drain it, or maybe it’s the other way around , and i thought so too, but the phone doesn’t say hello, it’s nowhere to be found, as you wish, the most important thing is that his bike is in place, and he wouldn’t have faded like that, i feel something mystical has happened inside, we’ve already searched somewhere, but we’ve scratched the whole clearing, so we’re going to the forest, although it’s strange that he went there to pick mushrooms or what? go,
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go, go, grass. wow, how and why he often does this like this, but i didn’t notice, like, yeah, it’s his birthday, yes, but here there’s such a crowd, if you don’t control it, what the hell are you going to organize, that’s the same thing, he was joking around in the morning, giving out tasks to everyone, come here, this is not his case, his pipe, where are you going, what else do i need your fingers for? was missing here, sergey, what is this, i keep thinking, who
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i could raise my hand to the traumatologist, he’s like our father, seriously, or something, here, too. wrinkles, who could have done this, maybe he was a woman, whom he killed? maybe i owe someone a lot of money? we solve this locally, everything is civilized, but, well, i just forgot to add, please, you see, and yes, it ’s a gentlemen’s club, really, seriously, not some kind of gang anymore, everyone here is decent people, cultured, cultured, apparently, that she’s gone a little too far with the culture, she ’s climbing out of it, what are you driving, or something, what, that’s it this banker, this one? dmitry nikolaevich,
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regional director for sales of fermented milk products, got excited - nikolaevich, sit down, i understand everything, all cultured people, good afternoon, senior lieutenant grigorieva, criminal investigation department, please introduce yourself, zhenya, full name. kolesnikova evgenia alexandrovna. date of birth? does it matter? please answer the questions. let's pass. yes. full information for you. i work as a physical therapy doctor in a sanatorium, i live on vinogradnaya 28, i rent an apartment. something else? how do you know the missing alexander vysotsky, nicknamed traumatologist. but i don’t know him and have never seen him. how did you end up here then? they invited me to a birthday party, i agreed, who called, your boss,
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i’m telling you, i’m a physical therapy doctor, he has a back injury, don’t feel the connection, you’re a policeman, stay here, we’re not done yet, the movie is being filmed, it goes out light, the movie starts and they kill you, in the comedy " already in the movies! anna, a surprise awaits you, bah, a surprise awaits you, these are scammers, it’s good that the finances are insured with a profitable policy in protection for any case from sberbank, hello reckless, this is a meeting, and announces the hunt for
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a maniac, that again, just work carefully, okay, as always, let's go straight over the corpses, the police are working, citizens are resting, listen, colonel, promise , that you will do this thing right, i promise you, they will all be in jail, nikita ponfilov, unscrewed, dashing. new season, coming soon to ntv. balabol, new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv. bank for every day, what is it? good guy, what do you think? fast, what will the younger generation say? cool. vtb is yours bank for every day. misha, yes, it’s a shame to forget the food. for the cat, but the most offensive thing is to forget about the x5 club card at the checkout, leave your points in the store, that’s right, show the card
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drawing fairy tales? yes, they appear in my head on their own. series premieres. only these are mermaids, especially dangerous, escaped from the fairy tale central, they told one hero to catch him, what were you doing in the aquarium, laying eggs, wait, did you just give birth or something, well, yes, congratulations, magic area, series premiere already in okka's subscription, this is peter, he invites his mother to become a client of tinkov, his mother, anna ivanovna invites his brother, uncle valera, who invites her daughter marina, and marina invites her friend grisha. new year's invitations continue and joy returns. until december 31, invite a friend to get a tinkov card and receive 1,500 rubles. and your friend will receive free service
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forever. wait , what will you please, there are prints on the phone, yeah, but only one , most likely the owners, the soil is dry, judging by the traces the body was dragged, there are traces of someone else, but a normal impression of the sole, i couldn’t take it, clearly, and these are wheel marks, but no, well, at least nearby, okay, i’m seryoga i’ll tell you everything myself, go and rest, in the sense of work. ksyukha, let's go, what do you have? nothing, no one except the traumatologist disappeared from the camp. so, well, i, of course, it’s too simple for us, yeah, the only new person is a certain evgenia kolesnikova, but she says that with you, we need to trust people, talk, which means it’s true, it means that we’re succeeding, someone from the outside was hanging around near the camp, waiting until the traumatologist was left
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alone, and then attacked him and carried him away, but it turns out like this. for some reason no one is here i copied it, well, wait, maybe these forest brothers over there will dig up something, yeah, maybe i ’ll go, but let’s go together, well, siryoga, and i, listen, for some reason, i came here with a doctor, i didn’t invite anyone , and by the way, i also know a traumatologist, why didn’t i invite you, well, you’re here, with your own feet at work, that you’re right, well, okay, well, well, you’re guilty. you know, all my thoughts about women immediately flew away, i know i’m flying somewhere, what is it , nothing, vanya, we’re working, once again, vans, everything ’s fine, no, thanks for getting there,
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okay, lasyas, i thought that, that you need wrinkles they started, as i say, none of ours are in business, put ours , maybe there were some conflicts in the family, but there was one story in moscow, what a story, a traumatologist always dreamed of opening his own bar, he had one sidekick, semyon, yeah. he had a premises, he sold it to a traumatologist, he just asked him to name his honor, stop, what is the conflict and as quickly as possible, yes, local businessmen wanted to get this premises for themselves , they began to offer money to the traumatologist, he began to refuse, so it began, what began, yes he cleaned up the face of one of these businessmen, and a couple of days later the bar burned down, the firemen said it was arson, they started with a showdown, in the end
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they tied these beznyuks to this case, one was caught. the second one ran away, clearly, clearly, names, appearances, these businessmen, remember, but it was a long time ago, i don’t remember anymore, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, yours, yours, yours, sorry, not a date, you turned out to be a skillful gentleman , well, you said that we were on a date, yes, to be honest, i’ve had worse ones, but here there is intrigue. well, well, if there have been worse, then i will definitely calm, maybe i’ll take you home, if not, what about your work? what, can he cope without a boss? that means they’ll call the boss , if anything happens, okay, just
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give me the keys, why, give me the keys, give me the keys, but you know how, and if you know how, why didn’t you tell me then, and you also somehow didn’t say that you’re a policeman, already the whole boss, the keys, yes, send it, just be careful, if you’re already asleep, you’re a serious girl, you say she’s a doctor, then, well , yes, she’s beautiful, however, as always with seryoga. i don't like her.
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i've been in sochi for a long time, or maybe i'm local, everyone i know the locals who drive induriks like that, for some reason i’m not surprised, almost six months, from the province, then soch, by and large , is also a province, well, at least it’s warm with palm trees, that’s the same, and you’re a local, a native, not like that. and what doesn’t attract you to the big city? yes, well, god forbid, i love motorcycles, sochi has the longest motorcycle season, it turns out, for me, this is
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the best city on earth, forgive me, i just need to save a friend, i would definitely come for a couple of cups of tea, quick what, but i don’t invite everyone to tea. so you'll have to take me on a normal date, i'll think about it, and kiss, that means everyone , so kind, hello, what happened, oh, what happened? usually your date ends in the morning, isn’t that so? we haven’t had a date for a long time, then our man disappeared, what’s up with the commercial version of moscow, in the process,
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well, your birth, what’s your birth, sergei viktorovich, we actually only returned an hour ago, we already managed to pick up the materials, the case of arson , by the way, it turns out that your brother is the same businessman, who is on the run now? in sochi , interesting, further, interesting, no, interesting is that he was at a rally of bikers, uh-huh, please, nikolai stepanovich kulyakov, nickname is skat, so if he was in a party with a traumatologist, you definitely knew about the bar and could persuade your brother squeeze out the room.
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today is women's day in the bathhouse, oh, reckless, hello, hello, oh, what people, it's great, in bollywood, since i came in, i haven't seen you for a long time, it's a pity that it's for work, huh? it’s a pity that at work, they say, yes, they didn’t find it, they couldn’t have been more careful , listen, maybe you can tell me, at a party it was, i was chasing the scat in the world nikolai, like a scat, nikolai, of course, i know, well, what happened, nothing yet, just talk, just talk, just talk, well, if
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you just talk? then, there he is, with daddy, dad, nikolai stepanovich, and the noisy police, sit, and look, little water guy, where are you going? where are you going to wipe the dry slope with a flipper? i didn’t do anything, you ran as you did, then the non-local is there by the beer, let go, somehow sloppy
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, why are you silent, but the fish of my dreams, well , look, it’s logical, simple, if you don't when it comes to matters that you rushed then, well , you can tell me, just where the traumatologist is, oh, you’re as stupid as a piece, well, if you’re not completely dumbing down. now, wait a minute, don’t leave, yes , kuvaldin called, he’s flying to moscow, he promised not to get involved in the matter so actively and not to drip on karapyatyan’s brains, well , beware of beauty, comrade, boss, i’m really a little busy here, so literally here , little man, can i finish, sergey , yes, i know, that’s why i came, silent, skat,
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silent, skat, give me 5 minutes, i ’ll talk to him, and master class, please, master, yes, yes, yes, all attention, ah, colleague, sit down, sit down, don’t be shy, colonel sviridov, the head of ugrozovsk, and you, then, with us, kulyakov, nikolai stepanovich, nickname skat, is he perhaps the cousin of the fugitive businessman, malyutin , yeah, it turns out interesting, your brother is in conflict with the biker. organizes the arson of his bar, goes on the run, and after some time you find yourself at a party from which the traumatologist disappears without a trace, an interesting coincidence, isn’t it, sergei viktorovich, well, yes, not neatly, of course, i didn’t do anything did, i didn’t participate in that case, i won’t look into the main office, just think about it, your brother is on the run, the investigators will have to strain and look for him for the bastard, but they will thank me that i sent them a warm one, they will load everything onto you, yes, well, i really didn’t do anything,
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it’s elyukhina. the showdown is clear, i’m not involved , well, i started talking, presented prospects , thank god, i started talking, where is the traumatologist, but i don’t know, i’m where the traumatologist is, i didn’t lay a finger on him, we’re friends, he invited me to his birthday, what kind of friends are you if your brother is in conflict with him, but he knows that i haven’t communicated with my brother for several years , asked not to tell anyone about my brother, why, there would be too many questions, but by the way, it came to my mind, why did you run? ? yes, because you knew you would dig up something and knew that you would blame me for everything without understanding it, and that’s what you do, don’t break my chair, brother, criminal, they all came, i ’ve been living with this guy for 2 years now, me because of this asshole i was fired from my job, well, really, i’m not in business, but you ask people, i’ve been in the party for a long time traumatologist, we arrived together, you were in the camp all the time, how could you be in the camp all the time if i didn’t see you there, but i
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was in the tent all the time. blocked, than blocked, but no, i mean, drunk, heavily , blocked, who am i telling, write what i said, no, god forbid, you break my hand, well, do you believe this scat, well, check anyway, i i’ll talk to these biker crowds then, but for now let him sit, that’s right, you see, sergey, nothing operatic is alien to me, so you and i have a lot in common, daniilich, centurions, pikes will begin, how can he talk to him, well, how, well, if a person has already been able to come to his senses, well , he can definitely talk, well, what if he writes something on
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a piece of paper? okay, i know the address of the hospital, don’t see me off, wait, danilo aleksandrovich will go with you, why do i need him. i’m gengevich, i hurt your back, not the brain , the victim, somehow i can interview him, because, sergei, shchukin, he’s unique, well , you need to be more careful with him, but you love him, right through, well, comrade general, situations are different, but here you are right, tomorrow morning we will sotnikov, we’ll go to the hospital together, you don’t mind, sergei viktorovich, god forbid, do what you want, having the honor. i'll pick you up, i'm on my way, if you have nothing else to do, stop by, all the best, nothing, he 'll get used to it, genenferon light spray is
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oh, good morning, vanya, what happened? nothing happened? what happened to the voice? nothing happened, i just passed by on the way, i passed by, where were you coming from, that you were on my way it became, okay, why are you getting excited, don’t be angry, i have the right to visit an old friend, like you, alive, van, alive. well, your birth
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, you didn’t get enough sleep vanya is angry, don’t be angry , now we’ll go to work, and the class in general is like yes, yes, yes, you’re alone, by the way, and so you’re from the inspection, acting as your ex- wife, yes, let’s go , i’ll show you all the rooms, everything in the closet! okay, you’re getting excited, better go get dressed, i’ll make you some coffee in the meantime , svetka over there has prepared breakfast for you, come in, yeah, what’s up, thank you, yeah, no, what, and what, very good, not bad. we have been in the cafe for so many years, in the kitchen
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you need to be able to do everything, by the way, about this, i have work tomorrow, i’ll be there a little later, okay, we found a place for the cafe, tomorrow we’re going to look, but with only one condition, goddamn, it starts , if you invite me to the opening, by the way, seryoga, what are your plans tomorrow, you’ll be at home, tell me, did sveta hit you on the head, what? no, sasha, you ’ve been asking me tricky questions all morning, but all you say is, well, good, hello,
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good morning, colleagues, sergei viktorovich, are you ready, always ready, why is he, why is he, and shchukin just woke up, so the sosich appointed daniil aleksandrovich to make sure that i didn’t offend his friend during the interrogation, well, what really stood up there - then the neighbors will think it’s only 5 minutes. listen, ivan, they say you are a fisherman. who says, well, that’s what people say, maybe we’ll go sometime, show me some cool places, maybe we’ll go someday, it’s delicious, it smells like coffee, so that
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’s coffee, but can i? in this sense, two spoons of sugar and milk, milk, yes, now, thank you, listen, i wanted to tell you, take the position after me, don’t drag your feet, otherwise they’ll send someone again, i don’t really understand now, well, i told you, we’ll solve the case with the yacht and i’ll leave, i want to return to moscow. what didn’t we like so much? no , on the contrary, it’s good with you, it’s just that i have a son and an ex-wife in moscow, we parted with her so uneasy, my son stayed with his mother, i rarely see him anyway, and if i stay here, i’ll completely lose contact, but you seem to have a daughter, yes,
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it seems, well, that means you understand me. listen, maybe it’s enough to dig out already? shall we switch to you? sit down, thank you, i’d rather stand , remember how it was, vaguely, yeah, vaguely, and the face of the attacker, well, at least it’s also vague, i remember, well, i remember that... i was in a wetsuit, wearing a mask, no face it’s visible, clear, understandable, but do you have any thoughts about who it could be, and what do you think, if i had thoughts, i wouldn’t share with you, well , i don’t know who climbed onto my yacht, why, there was nothing to take there, i know, enemies got in,
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i’ve been in business for 20 years, and of course, i have enemies, but not like that, we’re different we are resolving issues, but can you be more specific about what kind of enemies, what disputes, and why do you need them? well what will you do? in general, where did you get the idea that they wanted to kill me, and not a sledgehammer or a vazgen, for example, well, we are working out all possible versions, well, work it out, look for this diver, kuvalin has already explained everything to you, i’ll explain it exactly, it’s complicated, so to order, you know, maybe you can at least think hypothetically, maybe one of the competitors, and if purely hypothetically, well , there is this igor suvorov from tomsk, we are
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at odds with him, but why would he kill me, well honor of words, well, you make our work easier, and yours? security, well, can you tell us more about this crazy guy, well, really, well , there’s nothing special to say about every word, but we’ve been competing with him for the last 3 years in the supply of equipment for machine-building plants, but igor is not that kind of person, he, he rather came i wish i could hit the board, i really don’t know who it could be, if i knew, i would tell you, he ’s a security guard... i understand, since there’s such a drinking spree, maybe you’ll write a statement, sotnikov, a statement, yeah, so what, sledgehammer for you didn't explain everything thank you, maxim dmitrievich, get better, all the best, it didn’t
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work out, find the diver, yeah. "birth, among themselves, kuvaldin is still a handsome man, he has already decided everything for everyone, yes, but it’s not surprising why the generals need a scandal, it’s okay for shchukin on a yacht with the girls, he’s not even married, and they won’t forgive koropetyan and kuvaldin, i’m afraid, no matter how shchukin began to engage in amateur activities, the head of his security himself from the authorities promised to keep him informed, wait, you said that you haven’t met him yet, i don’t remember this, okay, what’s wrong with the biker? if there was anything, they would tell me, okay, then deal with it for now, and i’ll find out everything about this crazy thing, yeah, there will be news, i’ll tell you, come on, now, and put it back where i got it, i ’m left without a mopedi, well sit down, no question, already, hello, dear, yes, dear
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, you will be there soon, no, dear, you went to see your mother, no, i didn’t go to see your mother, so why didn’t i understand, because i don’t have time, you don't have time, but listen to me, please, no, it's you, listen to me, i'm a grown man, okay, i can have my own things to do, i your wife, listen, if i want you, i don’t have to drop everything and go to my mother every time, okay? listen to me, go spam, right now, you're completely crazy, or something , you have no time to live, i'll call you back, hey, take me to the hospital, man, wait, good morning, what about the traumatologist? we didn’t get anything, come on, let’s talk about some ideas, ksyusha, well, you can check the movement of all
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participants in the meeting by their phones, whose phone will be closer to the traumatologist’s phone until it turns off, then you say so won, won, wait, it’s long, difficult, ineffective, the pealing is going through the towers, and we have a solid forest, vanya, but i’m offering cameras, who are you offering cameras to? no, i suggest tracking it using cameras, along highways, maybe we’ll find something, that’s it vanechka, along highways, that’s right, but we have a country road to the horizon, you know, well, there are still some ideas, sergey viktorovich, you’re the best among us smart, you can suggest something, no, kul, i’m the boss, no, i can’t, hello, i’m listening, yeah. lights out, everything according to the traumatologist, i mean
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everything, i mean everything, he was found, he is in the hospital, so he’s alive, here, i’ll go as a boss, he thinks, i still don’t know how, thank god, he was found, thank god he’s alive. a breathtaking promotion from a betting league with a prize fund of more than 100 million rubles. the jackpot is big. the jackpot from the betting league, the winnings are sure. it seems to me that everyone in my family is real wizards, my mother hypnotizes, one look, they sell everything in the store, and my father knows how to speak. fireworks, turn on cartoons, and in general everything in the house, fireworks, turn off the lights, and
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grandpa has almost learned to see people at any distance, i see you well, and my older sister got a manicure just for thank you, and grandma’s self-care will take its toll. where did she get all this from? when i grow up, i will also become a sorceress, i have already learned the main spell, sberg. our virtual fairy-tale show avatar. how can she live without him? we were all so mesmerized by this performance. i'm just going crazy from these rhythms, and for the ears and for the eyes the delight is harshly
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trolling us, banter, the avatar show, the new season, this is the highest level of artists in our country, we must choose them. on sunday at 20:20 on ntv balovol new season, tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv, and also a lubik cube, a game console, a stick, and santa claus will pull it all, pull it, with a new year's loan from the post bank there will be enough for everything, well where is your list, go get the money, post office bank , look what... for the new year's sale in the megamarket, we can buy you cosmetics, perfume, or a blouse, and also dolci and gabaana eau de toilette for 3,650 rubles.
11:07 pm
i demand that the banquet be continued, the ripples are fabulously delicious. cogacel from the first day of admission begins to reduce the severity of symptoms of influenza and orv, regardless of the type of virus, therefore kogocel is the highest antiviral in the world. celebrate the new year with vkk. here you can set the mood with one new year's playlist. congratulate loved ones via vkk calls, even when you are not at all ready for this. shoot an unforgettable moment in vklips, which you want to share with everyone and meet midnight with a flurry of congratulations in messenger vkontakte, vk we are celebrating the new year together, this is peter, he invites his mother to become a client of tinkov, his mother, anna ivanovna invites brother uncle valera, who invites his
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daughter marina, and marina invites... grisha, new year's invitations continue and return with joy, until december 31, invite a friend to apply for a teinkov black card and receive 1,500 rubles, and a friend will receive free service forever. if you see this, buy a set of red october assorted candies on yandexmarket. this year the russian lotto is giving away as many as 2. celebrate the new year for billionaires. buy tickets on the website. in stores there is an apartment in moscow, and you will get such a benefit, a 4k tv would also be only for 31,999. alpha investments give everyone 10 shares of large russian companies. open an investment account at alfabank and pick up your gift. not just profitable. alpha
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is profitable. unexpectedly. a new dress has happened to you, and a drill, and an angle grinder, and a robot , a snow scooter, and new and like new products are now on sale, even on avido, don’t miss discounts up to 80%, you somehow really scared everyone, lie down, lie down , lie down, lie down, lie down. run, come on, come on, prick yourself, what happened here, yes, if only i remembered, i went to take a leak in the darkness, woke up in the forest without documents, no phone, no money, uh-huh, or he hobbled to the highway, braked the car and now,
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uh-huh, if, in short, he lay down, stood up, hobbled? yes, what is it, how long does it turn out that he was lying there, that it was you for a day, or something , unconscious, it turns out like this, well, who do you think it is? yes, whoever, they got me, gopa, if you are cutting through the forest gopniks from rubinguda, or something, and there were so many people there, it turns out that they were waiting in ambush all this time while you went to relieve yourself? will you go away, are you asking me? i told you, i don’t remember anything, they are behind me the bastards hit you from behind, and they dragged you all the way into the forest, why? what did you want to eat? i’m lying here and thinking, maybe they wanted to hide me so that they wouldn’t find me so quickly, they were stalling for time? no,
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it’s kind of a sloppy story. i don’t understand something, i’m crazy, and you think that i’m lying to you, and you’re lying to me, i’m not lying to you, so don’t lie, okay, that’s you, let’s rest, i’ll go to your personal doctor, i’ll find out what are you allowed at all, then you see it came empty, yes, uh-huh, uh-huh, good, hello. lieutenant colonel sotnikov, criminal investigation department, who am i with? talked on the phone? yeah, and you’re talking about vladimir vysotsky, no, that’s all, alexander vysotsky, wow, of course, alexandrovsky, a traumatologist. so, let's call him that, by the way, may he live, he received a severe injury to his head, this is the doctor, yes, he has a concussion, but
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don't worry, it will come off in a couple of days, that's why i say it. it’s hard to say whether a person with such an injury could lie unconscious for a day, well, you’re like a doctor, tell me. but he arrived to us an hour ago, and to answer your question, i need to conduct a full diagnosis, but he refused it, is going to leave, and what is it, ask him, what is it? about something? i found out, something , that’s it, go, go, doctor, thank you very much, i found out that you don’t allow me to carry out diagnostics more carefully, doctor, well, this is not news, well, who cares, lord. well, you're scary, of course, by the way, do you know this stingray? of course, he’s a normal guy, but what did you get on him, or what? that's exactly what he dug up with us, he is now, i think that it was because of him that you got here
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moscow showdowns, it can’t be, he hates his brother even more than i do, in general, no one could do this with his own, what do you know about the forest gopniks, there’s an even worse version, yes, but what’s the difference? let my shovelers choke, i won’t make a statement anyway, extra pain for you, and extra pain for me, i’m losing my head, come on, come on, come on, get well, you’re our generous one, sotnikov, i’m listening, hello, how are you, hello, best of all, why are you calling me, and why do you miss me? i'm calling to ask how your back is, and so on better than me, and guess what, a traumatologist has been found, he’s lying here in the hospital, good news, listen, what are you doing tonight? why do you want
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to invite me on a date? do you recognize? well, i don’t know, i’ll think about it, okay, i agree, okay, then see you in the evening. hello, shrimp, somehow i was imagining it more and more romantically, well, you say that her back is like new, yes, let’s give her a test. we're racing, don't you mind, well, you're our doctor, movement is life, yes, movement, darkness, we're careful, great reckless driver, great, reckless, that means, oh, a terrible story
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covered in darkness, well, let's see how reckless you are, come on, go, change your clothes for now , look at me in the eyes
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, well, what a reckless thing to do, it's not a shame to lose to a girl, it's not a shame to lose to a girl like that, i admit, he, but i already know for sure that your back is fine, what kind of fabulous rudeness was that, i’m going for a swim, you’re with me, well, are you coming?
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kolis, where i learned to ride like that, i had a friend, rumka, at school, who taught me to run around garages, blow up corbit, smoke and ride a motorcycle, he was a good guy, why was he?
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they put him in prison, but where is he now, i don’t even know, how did he become a doctor? i graduated from university and became, how else do you become doctors? funny, swallow, freedom, yeah, sailors used to stuff it as a symbol to return home and not get lost. that is, you will go home too, i don’t know where i will be yet, but let’s start with where your home is, in samara, in samara, but what about here?
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it’s just that our climate is better, we just have more work during the season, and in general, in general , i like moving, that you can leave sochi directly, anything can happen. this is for you, motorcycle, uh-huh, thank you, fasten it, it will be remind you of soch, if? you go, if
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you leave, and sochi should resemble shells, not motorbikes, shells, sergey door! surprise, where's dad
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, hi, i'm zhenya, where's dad, zhenya, come in, and work for another hour, me, ulechki, dad, hi, dad, surprise, great, yes, but it's noticeable. serge, let’s go and talk for a second, let’s talk for a minute, and oh, really, let’s go and talk, just for a second. as i understand it, you are a daughter, and you, as i understand it, are just another friend, how long have you known each other, a day or two, you can immediately see a future policeman, you don’t even know me, so the fact of the matter is that i don’t even know, and you’re already opening
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the door in our house, and even in this form, i’m sorry that this happened, if only we knew, we. okay, i’ll go and change clothes, and don’t be afraid, i won’t steal your dad from anywhere, why are you shouting at me, it’s alice, she wanted to surprise you, and he, why did you come here yesterday, you’re all here, and just ask about my plans directly, no way, who tells me, she’s my doctor, she’s my doctor, i... i don’t sleep with doctors, i have svetkov, vanya, tell me, are you really vanya , what can you say, the surprise was a success , thank you too, i was surprised, oh, that’s how
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i got there, okay, so, and mom knows that you’re here, or wait for alarm calls again, but of course she knows, by the way, she went on vacation. with a friend for a short time, but i said that i’ll live with you, and that’s right, the apple doesn’t fall far from the apple, that the same family, yes, dad, you don’t mind, i didn’t interfere, no, uh, zhenya, this alice, alice, my daughter, zhenya in the cube, you know, okay, i have to go, okay, i'll see you off, no need, i myself, i i’m accompanying you because... really on the way, while alice, yes, it turned out somehow awkward, well, who is she, a masseuse, what a masseuse, yeah,
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then everything is clear, but no, she’s not like that, doctor, your father , he fell off his motorcycle, what? again, don’t varya, no matter how much i explain to him, you know, it’s all about the wall, she put him on his feet, well, how is it with them, seriously , i’m begging you, do n’t you know your dad, or what? as i understand it, you and your daughter were with your daughter over the weekend, so everything happened suddenly, excuse me, but everything is fine, cool girl, and when he’s sleeping, his character doesn’t look like you, so stop
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what he said to you, it’s nothing special, he’s just jealous of dad for another woman. and yes, i understand everything, i was a teenager myself, yeah, a teenager, soon 20 years old, horses don’t even live that long, thanks for the catch, i really liked it, no, why are they calling you , sorry, sorry, i’ll go, come on! sergey, hello, i, i’ll call then, it’s not me , there’s interesting news, remember, suvorov, whom i was talking about, a competitor, remember, yes, i checked him, imagine, he’s in sochi now, i want to meet him, you’ll make up to me
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company, send, address, food, i repeat to you, you are looking in the wrong place. but you are the main competitor of the shchukins, so what? we’ve been fighting with him for many years, you know, there are competitors, and there is a competitor who is not a competitor at all, you even want to have a drink with him, because around you, besides your competitors, there are no people of your level, well, you understand what i ’m talking about , shukin mentioned your name when he woke up after the operation, that’s exactly why i flew to sochi. to figure it out, because i knew when he recovered, he would decide that it was i who wanted to remove him, and that is, peace flew here, right? well, just don’t let me go to him. by the way, where did you learn about everything so cleverly? why are you laughing? no
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, it’s the sun, it’s just, but, you said it yourself, shchukin is my first competitor in tomsk, what do you think, i don’t have my own people in his security service, which only casts more suspicion on you, oh, listen, he’s a spy behind me, just as i follow him, this is normal practice in our business, and when everything happened, i was not in sochi, i just arrived yesterday. so sorry, but no one doesn’t say that you yourself attacked him , it’s just an accusation, but you have a criminal case, documents, i’ll contact a lawyer, god, right here, that’s it, you know, we don’t have a statement yet, and of course you, me, sorry, but if it was. criminal case, i would love to talk with you in the department, but
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now help me meet with the pike , explain everything to him, excuse me, girl, but can i go with you, with me, of course, thank you, yes, pike, yes, the legend is returning, that the one that was brewed from 100% malt. the same taste that the whole country loved. baltika 3, non-alcoholic, try the revived taste. in the new season, calmly, citizens, everything is new. maybe we won't languish? new position. all that’s left to do is shave it all off, put on your uniform, and you’ll be like a real boss. new intern, you have zero knowledge and experience. new things, a corpse in our forest and a fight in the gas tank, imagine,
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something else is happening in the city of sochka, new feelings, i wanted to look at your next heifer, a calf in the barn, sergey, hello, everyone, and a new bike, what’s that for a motorcycle ride, uh, come on, my albino, come on, but a reckless driver is still a reckless driver. lately everyone has been such an indefinite motorcyclist with a typical midlife crisis nikita ponpilov all ala ulya write letters reckless new season soon on ntv balabol new season tomorrow at 20:00 on ntv you hurry up hurry up hurry up buy everything final sale of the year on ozone discount before we take out loans easily we
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take out loans at sofcom bank and we quickly got loans at sofcom bank, which everyone knows, i demand a continuation of the banquet, it’s fabulously delicious. new year's dreamsleons 365 and more prizes we are protected from unnecessary travel expenses in the event of a delay or cancellation of a connecting flight, right now live a better future, already in the present with alpha insurance, new year's discounts in magnet chocolate al 49. do you sleep with cache, and do you also sleep with him? we all sleep with kesha , they are so different, but still they are together, we
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decided to kill him, are you kidding, i, an accident, they will burn him all, kesha should die, why, look now only at kion, what is common between pulmonary fibrosis , prostatitis by adhesive process, we explain on the fingers, on at the site of inflammation, fibrosis may appear , which prevents the organ from working normally, the smart enzyme lankidase helps break down fibrosis... tissue and restore the functions of the organ lankidase is simply against fibrosis, the recommended course, two packs, and santa claus, will it work? it will do, with a new year's loan from the post bank there will be enough for everything, come for money, post bank, maybe a sandwich, new year's appetite, but it will help, it will help, only dad will tame it, dad can, dad can, new year's appetite, only dad. holiday, spa will help, with your loved one
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large russian companies to everyone. open an investment account with alfa bank and collect your gift. this is the green light. green light to my goals and plan and red light to the viruses that can interfere with them. the feron light gene , thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents the proliferation of influenza and sars viruses and their penetration. sprayeron light - the power of green light with mint flavor. it’s not difficult for me to repeat, but it’s difficult to work without an application. here. the stories of suvorov and shchukin converge, listen to them, in general they are almost friends, and you yourself think about it, it looks like a contract killing, right? night, boat, knife in the ribs, if they wanted to kill shchukin, they would have simply shot him, he’s white-faced, maybe that’s why they didn’t shoot him because they want us to think like that, well, all this is difficult, especially for people like
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this suororov , they still decided in the nineties. that’s it, it’s complicated, it’s a matter of fantasy , any whim, just to hush up the matter somehow, why are you so stubborn, and shchukin says that it’s not personal, his competitor says it’s not personal, what else do you need to did you believe that this was just a robbery, another episode? listen, i’ve been working in sochi for 20 years, not a single robbery or yacht at sea, but here’s an attempted murder. there are so many people they want to cover up that they can’t fit on their heads, you know? okay, don’t get me started, in any case, you’re right , it’s difficult to work until we have an application, not to mention the fact that we don’t have a single piece of evidence, but what about the kidnapping of the biker, so far it’s deaf, so far, and why is he silent?


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