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tv   Zoloto Lagina  NTV  December 7, 2023 2:35am-3:31am MSK

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with which guy? did you ask her? i'll ask. who did you see her with? this is how i’ll tell you everything, right? good day, hello. what do they write in the press? well, what do they write? as usual. the west is rotting, we are prospering, the imperialists are rattling their weapons, we are preparing a worthy response to them. yeah, my wife recently
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went to paris, she says i live well there, yes, not bad, i’ve been to paris, yes, but what do you work for? i’m a journalist, izvestia newspaper, you know, i have one thing for you, maybe it’s would you be interested? fyodor, why are you standing there, go home now, laziness, one good one. ivan timofeevich, for
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the procedures, that's it, okay, bye, come on, thank you very much, work today, she has night duty today from 18:00, let's go and do a cardiogram, oh, i'm already drunk, i can't stand it, i'm lucky. bear, fyodor is chasing tanka again, you went and stopped fyodor , he’ll kill her, that’s what she needs, there’s no point in hanging around in taverns with men, and you know why people come to me, to earn money , of course, well, not to respect me . just not in words
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but in deeds, they want to feel like people so that they can decide for themselves what can be done and what cannot be done need to be done, i’ll tell you more, grisha, those who worked for me at a state-owned enterprise no longer come back, it’s stuffy for them there, well, you don’t have ortels here, just some kind of island of freedom, a cube, only fideli castre is missing, and without freedom, you say, there will be nothing... there will be no economy, no country , you have radical thoughts, ivan timofeevich, you’re not afraid, why not be afraid, you won’t be sent to kolyma anymore, and i ’ve already been there, so why not write an article prortel, i take care of all the expenses, fishing, and balconies. that's it,
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guys, i can't take it anymore, i have to get out of here, i i saw where they hide the gold, if we grab it, we 'll have enough for the rest of our lives, we still have to get out of here, take us to the iron , half of it is yours, yeah, with the escape, they'll rip off our skin, we have nothing to lose, we won't leave, they'll fill us up anyway, yeah, the roof is held up by snot, uh, weekly workers. are you stuck there? don't yell , let's go already,
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security, what do you need, open it, you need to take a leak. come on, can i, sorry it's so late, thank you, i wanted to thank you, what is this, take it away now, well, i can't
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give a beautiful woman a gift, uh lustecin. what a cute little thing, you have good taste, my wife doesn’t, she chose it, why are you standing there, pouring it? well, where is your gold, somewhere here , guys, i saw badger
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come here with a container of gold, there’s gold , why are you driving around empty, julia, and here’s a lock, you can open it, come on, let’s take a look . yes, there is food here, the baruk lives well, well, shine a light, what is this? here it is, come on, chulya, and the knife, come on, hold it,
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guys, it’s gold! i told you, it’s real gold, that kutegor, there’s a lot of it there, a kilogram 20, tulle, bag, come on, come on, fold it, come on, come on, load it, you have a wonderful wife, thank her for the gift from me. definitely, she will be pleased, as soon as i saw her on stage for the first time, i immediately understood that my woman went to all the performances, she was there for all the castings, until she got married to me, that means they took me out of the pestilence, it’s similar to when we met on war, i
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wasn’t eighteen yet, i was stupid, but i don’t regret anything. and i will advise you, take care of your health and don’t get nervous until it works out, why? on there are a lot of problems at work, i recently discovered a new rich gold deposit, they don’t give permission for industrial development, who doesn’t? like barran, he doesn’t know what to do, or what? well, what happened to you? yes, it happened,
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so who did it? tulya, he's dreaming. ran away, they took our gold at the same time, take it away and throw it somewhere along the wolf’s path. you comb the banks of the river in a boat, and i’ll go through the forest, okay, oh, we should go there, no, i don’t know how to swim, then
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stay here, and you won’t drown with our gold? help!
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look at them, i see them, go to the shore, come on. that's it, guys, i can't take it anymore, my legs are falling off, tsulya , let 's divide the gold, we don't have scales, but there is a mug, let's share it with a mug, i'll share the mug too, don't shoot, don't shoot, don't shoot, don't
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shoot, it's not me , it’s not me , guys, guys, it’s, it’s all them, don’t shoot, don’t shoot, please don’t shoot, put it in a tree, don’t, guys, guys , don’t, okay, that’s enough, okay, guys, well, let me go, but let me go, it’s not me, it’s all of them, but let me go, well, guys, why are you, people, you’ll die die, you bastard, who did you raise your hand to, you freaks, you know who my father is, my last name is andropov, my father is the chairman of the kgb, and if he finds out, what will you do to me? he will grind you freaks into powder, and he even
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dragged you into the ground for andropov's balan, let us go. in magadan, our son andro was messing around, by the way , they were called volodya, let him go, are you serious, i 'll give you a grudge, but you yourself are him i saw, well, i didn’t see , but i heard, and even... the lawless people didn’t touch him, they killed my dad, so what do you think , i don’t know, taflov won’t like it, if the kgb officers come here, fuck it, so what are you driving here, but i’m not driving, my dad put me in jail for being a hooligan, i’m in magadan from call to call. i see you haven’t lost your sense of humor, make sure you don’t lose your head when dad
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sends his security officers here, don’t scare us, boklan, scared, so how did you end up here, after an ear infection, my dad sent me to moldova, he forbade drinking, assigned his tramplers, but i can’t do that, i ran away from them, first i was in moscow, then here in the dump, you know, it ’s cartilage, you need to take it to the toflag. let him he’ll deal with it himself, but if you’re driving, i ’ll tell you the bastard, i’m telling the truth, that’s what, about gold, so? word, i ’ll rip your guts out, i won’t see whose son you are, understand? ok,
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let's go, i'll take you, come in, make yourself at home, hello, haven't the gays called you yet? i call the committee members that way because of the color of their uniform, no, but what should they have, well, they are now wooling all our friends, so be careful, i talked about your problem, tomorrow at 7:00 pm gennady danilovich brovin will be waiting for you at the house of the veterans of the central committee , brezhnev's personal secretary. svetlana vladimirovna, dinner is ready, please come to the table,
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thank you. so guys, come on , let's hurry up, move around, quickly, quickly, quickly, drive the grannies, how many are here, ten, great, listen, and this is definitely that horse, have i ever deceived you, lenich.
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i understand everything, i’ll take control of the situation, she’s calling, he’s a friend of my friend, find out what’s going on, get on with it, okay, galina, lenidovna, come out, hello, gennady danilovich, you’re lagin, come in, sit down,
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tell me. what's the problem? i would like to i ask you not to send our minister gribov to retire without the industry dying, a young, promising, new person in the ministry doesn’t understand that without the artel movement there will be no gold in the country? it’s not for me to tell you about the consequences of such short-sightedness. here is the documentation for the new deposit, there is a huge concentration of gold there. leave it, i'll take a look. thank you, goodbye. you sit, i'll take a walk.
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let's go after him, vasily ivanovich, how much longer will we endure his tricks, again he
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ended up in the police, again he is suspected of theft of gold, as far as i know, lagin was released, well, i think this is a flaw in the investigative authorities, today he was released, tomorrow he will be arrested again, he was with you, he was , so what, nothing, he was talking some kind of nonsense. about the efficiency of the artel and high profitability, and so on, well, okay, i’ll talk to him, it’s useless to talk to him, if i had the power, i would drive him away with a filthy broom, i’ve already prepared a replacement for him. vasily ivanovich, brezhnev’s secretary is calling, brovin gennady danilovich, connect, hello, gennady danilovich, why did you decide to retire? it was recommended to me. comrades from the central committee said that it was time to give way to the young. is this a rash decision? leonidich against?
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comrades asked me to tell you to continue leading the ministry. it's too early for you to retire. tell leonid luc that i thank him for his trust. what problems do you have with the new field? i have a memo on my desk from comrade lagir. yes, no. problems, we are currently dealing with this issue, this is good, in connection with due to economic difficulties, the country really needs gold. tell him to support the local efforts. i'll definitely pass it on. and take close control of the execution of this issue. okay, i'll do it, goodbye. goodbye, gennady danilovich. well, what do you say, vitali andreevich? i'll go to work.
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another suspect, lagin, ivan timofeevich, appeared in the circle of brovin and the shchelokovs. yes, i know, the chairman of the zolotodovaya artery is trying to get permission to develop a new birthplace, i don’t rule out
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the possibility of a leak from officials, the fact of a bribe is not established, well, it’s a matter of time, collect me detailed information about this comrade, deadlines, done. take off the bread, tantar, it’s not me, stop the market, dystrophic, it doesn’t affect me, mamay, i swear, it’s not me, mom, he remembered, who if not you? lenya weiner, it’s him, the bastard, he’s me. you know his address, i know, come with me,
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the editor-in-chief, in principle, approved the topic, but before writing the article, i need to clarify some details, weeks, what do you want from the article, what is your goal? i want the country's leadership to know our success? you do not devoid of ambition, i see, but what do these ambitions have to do with it? i just want the officials from the ministry not to interfere with our work, they interfere with you, i can’t put a toilet on the site. without their permission, that is, you want even more freedom for your artel , not only for the individual, everyone needs freedom,
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you, including, i want to give people the opportunity to work and earn a lot, but honestly, then maybe we will build communism, capitalism you wanted to say, i said what i wanted to say, such an article will not be missed, but i won’t write it, it’s a waste of time, maybe they’ll let you in after all, okay, i’ll come to your mine, but there’s one condition, whether you like it or not, i’ll write the truth about what i see there, that suits me, this is for misinformation, understand? this will happen again and you’ll go sweep the streets for me, you’ll clean the toilets with a goldsmith in two shifts, it’s my fault that he has connections in the kremlin, it’s your fault that you don’t control the situation
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, you allow us to be put in... a convenient position, i ’m all i’ll fix it, i’ll create a commission, i’ll come to him with an inspection, with such manners, he probably has a lot of violations in his area , i’m just sure of it, i promise you , he’ll go to jail, brovin won’t defend the criminal, lagin is far from a fool, as you think, he built a structured concept and convinced everyone at the top of the correctness of this concept, just by violations you can’t take it, you need serious compromising evidence, i’ll get it, i’ll get it, get it, go, get it! it’s in your interests, otherwise i ’ll sternly throw you out of work, i’ll get it, go, it’s great, it’s great that you don’t answer the phone, your secretary has been telling me off all day, meetings there were, but i thought you didn’t want to talk to me, to be honest, i don’t have much desire, you promised me that lagin would go to prison, and in the end
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you’re kicking me out. there was a flaw, i admit, what’s the use of your confessions to me , i need incriminating evidence from nalagino , shuvelev is threatening to fire me from my job, maybe we ’ll do something radical, we’ll kill this lagin and the matter will be closed, you gave, of course, everyone knows what he has there’s a conflict with us, i ’m not going to put my head on the line, morad, i need this area, i can’t wait any longer either i can, i’m going there for an inspection, and it would be nice if an emergency happened during... the inspection, but only such that it’s a killer emergency, when the inspection, the day after tomorrow, i fly out, i’ll think about it, so i don’t understand whether there will be an emergency or not , will.
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your man got me 20 grand. hello, what did he do, sold me some scorched cognac, 2,000 bottles, poured the push, you can take it.
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i’m lazy, why don’t i pay you enough, pay normally, what the hell are you doing? they set me up, who, my friend, don’t worry about the money, i’ll return everything to you, he will return it, but where are you going? get away, you like it,
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guys, have a light, we don’t smoke, we didn’t ask you for a washcloth, apologize, do you want me? are you deaf, apologize to the girl, now you’ve run away, i told you to apologize, you ’re very polite, more than yours, and if you ’re in trouble, try it, let’s go, i’ll try, matvin, don’t mess with him, don’t, katya, don’t worry, everything is fine , it’s in vain, you’ll just sit there, but what
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should i do, get into a fight with him, and if they break my fingers, i’m a musician, i need to play, then he asked for it, but if they kill him, they won’t kill him, he’s a local punk. okay, then i’ll go myself, sit down, make a fuss, come here, stop, or i’ll call the police, what did i say, i said stop it or i’ll call the police? i told you that in vain, in vain - the girl obliged, katya, the guy got excited, wants
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to apologize, excuse me, please , well done, i knew you were polite, go, i’m kind today, it hurts, nonsense. madvey, well, after all, there was no need to get involved, oh well, everything worked out, oh, guys, maybe we’ll go for a ride, but oh, no, i’m afraid, come on, that’s not at all it’s scary, anton, and you, without me, are you guys so boring, let’s go for a ride, isn’t that cool? well, you heard, katya and i passed, and i came up with an idea, i’ll still get a ride, you see, it’s a completely different matter, katyusha, well done, it’s better to do something to regret than not to regret it all your life, i’m right in saying, the main thing is to make up your mind, let’s go , otherwise you’re
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here, wait, just don’t tense up, relax, i’m so afraid, but don’t be afraid, i’m with you. don't be afraid, don't be afraid, i'm with you.
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what, no, you decided to check, because sometimes dyed millet is steamed instead of caviar, meat put it ivan timofeevich, the guests will come, then you’ll put it up, it’s a nice clearing. the plane was delayed, hello, dear guests, where did you bring us,
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we are welcoming the recreation center, dear guests, and we , comrade lagin, came here to work, not to drink, comrades, please go back to the rafik, we are going to the mine. mapreisk, there is no good. that’s all, but his economy is strong, it’s immediately obvious, i would even say exemplary, and he has good equipment, yes, but where did he get it from, as far as i know, the ministry is for this the remedy did not release, which means that somehow lagin managed to do without the ministry and was angry. well done, a real boss, listen, sergei sergeevich, you were not sent here
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to be defered, yes, i understand everything, but when the facts are clear, certification at the ministry is coming soon, i’m afraid that they won’t like this fact of yours, look , so as not to end up on the street before retirement, these people all work for you, yes, and you have snowdrops, keep in mind who issues the salaries, no, there are none of them, all miners are registered officially, levon asked me to tell you that dinner is ready for the guests, we’ll go to the hotels, okay, wait a minute, young man, you work in the canteen, yes, you have a cook named mironov, i think, what’s his name? i don’t know, i didn’t ask, you work in the same
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canteen, you don’t know each other’s names , everything is clear with you, go, what kind of interrogation did you do, are you an investigator or something? no, i’m not an investigator, the investigator will come after me, marat nikolaevich, but what’s going on? their patheria is run disgustingly, with complete documentation confusion, we need to call the obkhs and organize an urgent prosecutor's check, well, if it's necessary, then we'll do it, comrade lagin, could you please come out, she needs to talk to moscow, created on the claim... all the conditions for the theft of gold, i wrote it down, i wrote it down,
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what are you talking about, guys, what other conditions are you talking about, the instructions for storage and transportation were violated, why were they violated, where did you see this? don't interfere with work and don't smoke here, come out. i can’t breathe, what kind of nimble, a commission came from moscow, carried out an inspection, they won’t disperse us, i don’t know, maybe they’ll disperse, how are things at home , i have no idea, i rarely go there , i’ll talk to my mother about business, i need to get her to work on something
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, i’ll be in town, i’ll drop by, say hello, tell me, may, are you at home? mom, what are you doing again, i’m working on him, don’t, baby, don’t, don’t touch him, i’ll kill him, bitch, so why did you stop? come on, don’t bother your father, son, don’t
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, don’t, don’t take it upon yourself, andryusha, let’s go, why are you working here, it’s money that’s needed, that’s not all, and what else, you can’t drink, there are no women either, so that means working conditions are difficult, you live like in the zone, why, we are free people , if you want to work, but if you want to go home, slurp it with your paws, i worked at a factory for 15 years, and what did i see, a salary of 100 rubles, and a room in a barracks, and now i bought a cooperative apartment , and my wife stood in line for a car, oh, the bosses aren’t harassing you, lagin, or what? well, yes, lagin, yes , i will give my life for timofeevich, you write there in your newspaper that
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timofeevich is such a guy, and those who poison him are shameful assholes, and why they persecute him, as you think, is jealous, there ’s no point in thinking about it. so guys, we stand for work, quickly, quickly, you, as i understand it, from the newspaper, from the newspaper, from the local one, news, wow, and you write the priists, yes, prolagina, well , how do you like it, all this, if only they worked like that everywhere. you completed the five-year plan in 2 years, yeah, and you’re sure of it, you looked at the certificate, okay, i’ll take action, sveta,
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connect me with the editor-in-chief of izvestia. timofe, don’t bear a grudge, well, the service itself understands, well, yes, whoever exchanges the old one will have a voice, whoever forgets, will get both at once, comrade, captain, what do you need, then the signal came, fyodor bogdanov, he beat his wife again, head of the club tatyana, moderate condition, how tired i am too, okay, timofe, come on, i heard that you have guests, moscow, and what are you going to send to bkhss, locals? i don’t know, but what if the local issue has been resolved? come on, come on,
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timofeevich, look who arrived, kunitsin, the devil brought him, what does he want? yes, i didn’t forget, there were some guys located near the mine, so there is a restricted zone, well, i told them, they don’t listen to me, okay, i’ll figure it out, that’s it, let’s go, come on, hello ivan tivich, i heard you’re zhorov’s mansion decided to rebuild, yes it’s kind of, well, not modest, i can build it, no need, i want to ask, how is it with you? yes, it seems like nothing , why did i ask, today the ministry called me, moving , it seems, the deputy minister, yes, you won’t like the information very much, from his conversation i understood that they are preparing a replacement for you, there is already a person
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to take your place, clearly, do you understand that? he is a bandit, you know that he is connected with crime, and you want to write a laudatory article about him, you want to make him a hero of labor, yes, but they gave me completely different information about him, you were misled, call petrovka, the investigators will tell you how many cases were filed against him, how many arrests there were, arrests, yes, that is, you want to say that this is exactly what i want to say. we are dealing with a plunderer of people's property, a malicious anti-soviet, why is he still not in prison, and why are the kgb agencies not interested in him? all the time the ministry is dealing with this issue, an order is already being prepared to remove lagin from the post of chairman of the artel,
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so we really look forward to your support. okay, you'll get it, half technique there are no documents, okay, half of it, just for one bulldozer, well, where did you get it from, my handy men assembled it from some pieces of iron, you will tell these tales at the prosecutor’s office, i think that’s enough for today, we’ll continue tomorrow. well, it’s terrible, we just need to remove shlagin
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from the management of the mine, open a criminal case, while everyone is getting ready, i’ll go for a swim, how can you swim, the water is icy, it’s just right for us walruses. i wanted to talk to you, i seem like a normal guy, if i had worked according to your instructions, i would never have fulfilled the plan, only i wish i could take care of your papers, that’s what the instructions were given for... to follow and no one gave you the right to break the laws , that’s all verbiage, in life you either work and
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take risks, or you do nothing, you deal with instructions and cover your ass with papers, you’re better you know me, you have everything, no, not everything, well, tell me, it would be better if my bulldozers were in a landfill, and i ran around the ministry and begged you for every piece of hardware, i solve my problems myself, is that bad? yes , you finally understand, the mine is not a private shop all our problems are solved by the party and the government, represented by their legal representatives, but no one got hit, sergei sergeevich hasn’t been hit in the face for a long time, what? my life, i won’t give it to anyone, understand? timofeevich, sergei sergeevich, please go to the rafik, everyone is waiting, it’s time to go. but this is a comrade lager, you won’t get away with it, if you continue in the same spirit
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, we’ll definitely take away the plot from us, but don’t interfere, and you ’ve become too hot, don’t poke your pitchfork back, the chairman of the commission, as he writes, so and there will be timothy. san, you are here for me, wait
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people, there is someone alive, hey!
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what are you doing here? are we archaeologists? so, archaeologists, quickly put your feet in your hands , so that i don’t see your spirit here, or maybe we can agree, are you offering me a bribe, but no, why, well, you know everything here, let you be our consultant, and we will be yours then we’ll pay everything according to the law, which means you’re looking for me as gold seekers here, where did you get the idea that we’re looking for gold, we’re on an archaeological expedition, but don’t hang noodles on my ears, quickly get out of here, comrade captain, and you something ? you know about royal gold?
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i don’t know, i heard her talking on the phone, she wants the cops from moscow to come visit us, that’s all we needed, hello, i’m leaving, i was planning to do so in a week, the editorial office called, the boss is urgently calling, show me to airport, write an article, come read it. let's go, well, guys , there's a little gold coming, and why are you so sure that the gold is right here, we've been working on this topic for 3 years now, in the archives we found the memoirs
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of a white officer who took part in the burial of the gold. but his son was found, who, according to his father, described the location of the treasure, a cave somewhere here, next to the mine, they talked about this in lagina, no, but to the locals, this is good, don’t tell anyone, continue the search, i will ensure your safety. you will find the cave right next to me.
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what are you doing, uh, what are you doing, stand, stand, break your hand, break, quibble, break your hand, hand, goat, just take us with you. your love has drained the soul and this feeling is
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stronger. than life, and these new ones sound and sound, and for me to give birth, your love is like a drop of the soul, and for the sake of this love it is worth living, let it sound without words, shine like a beacon of beginnings, arthur tries to convince tatyana. that tikhan is a crime boss. oleg goes in pursuit of arthur, but the bandits manage to escape. konstantin is released from the basement, where tikhon’s bandits abandoned him, and he joins oleg and simonovovich, who are actively searching for tatyana. arthur and lis bring tatyana and tikhon to the house at the lighthouse. they are sure that no one will look for them there. the fox, having learned that arthur killed kasyan, decides to leave the game and abandons arthur.


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