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tv   Svet i ten mayaka  NTV  December 7, 2023 3:30am-4:11am MSK

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here is the accapella of the soul, and this feeling is stronger than life, and these but sound and sound, people in me, your love is like a drop of the soul, and for the sake of this love it is worth living, let it sound without words, let it shine like a beacon! arthur tries to convince tatyana that tikhan is a crime boss. oleg goes in pursuit of arthur, but the bandits manage to escape. konstantin is released from the basement, where tikhon’s bandits abandoned him, and he joins alleg and simonovich, who are actively searching for tatyana. arthur and lis bring tatyana together with tikhon to the house at the lighthouse. they are sure that no one will look for them there. the fox, having learned that arthur killed kasyan, decides to quit the game and quits. artura, you are the plowman of the blue mori
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, answer me, where is the money, what do you have to do with my money, well, how is it, i’m marrying your tanyusha, she is due a dowry, and after so many years of snatching, smuggling, crash, this is for a couple lyamov will pull it, listen, arthur, and you... aren’t tired of this nonsense, robbery, theft, nonsense of a madman, listen, i really have saved up some money over the years for my wedding, but it’s far from million, well, nothing, quietly , the time will come, i will bring you out into the open, and you, girl, get ready to find out that everything... all the time you lived
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under the wing of your father, a murderer, and my dear father-in-law, and what a change you are, forging you tisht, i also found a groom, remember, you bastard, here they are, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, i forgot, cop, tigan. my dear , tell me, isn’t it a shame for you to become related to a cop, your brother won’t understand, oh well, all this is empty talk, let’s go, get up, rest, and tomorrow we will continue, i say.
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it's almost full, but there's still no dinner, tanya, i wish i could eat something , i haven’t eaten or slept for almost a day, why don’t you go to bed, who’s bothering you, we won’t escape from here anyway, do you hope that your friend and i will come and tie me up with you? better go, please, prepare some coffee and sandwiches, you can, of course , add some nasty stuff to the coffee, but before i leave for another world, i’ll take my dear father-in-law with me, it’s a pity there’s no rat poison, otherwise i would definitely add it, please prepare it coffee.
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hello, i need olek ignatiev, please call him, unfortunately, nothing i can't help. captain ignatiev is away, well, can i talk to one of his colleagues from his department? no, everyone is on a mission, so what should i do, i urgently need to contact ignatiev, but where did he go, to what area? young man, we don’t issue such certificates, somehow you contact them, by radio, by cell phone, this is also prohibited information. listen, starley, well, well, be
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a person, and i really need him, you know, this is a matter of extreme importance, nothing can help. i can’t, write the order on the sixth, simonovich, this is krotov, i can hear you perfectly. lay the situation, are you at the lighthouse? no, but we’re already approaching, it seems like there’s no one at the lighthouse, don’t lose your vigilance, don’t lose your vigilance, and keep reporting to me about every step of the operation, but no amateur performances, do you
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understand me? if you understand, then see you in touch. i’ll go on reconnaissance, and you wait here for me, if you cover for anything, well, by the way , i’ll understand everything together, no, in a group it’s too dangerous, maybe someone will notice, god forbid, then so, i’m going with you. oh, vasim stays here, there’s something not cool, it’s clear, just be quiet, kostya, be careful,
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kindergarten, senior group, dan, why are you so serious, scared of the photographer? whether ? no, i just didn’t like to be photographed, they forced me to go to kindergarten, well, it’s bad that i didn’t like you, you ’re like that in the photographs, just a little princess, probably all the boys liked it in kindergarten, at school, it’s impossible for everyone to like it, some do, some people don’t, you know, but i liked it in kindergarten. one girl, olya, olechka, i even wanted to get married, but did you like someone? of course you liked it, how could it be otherwise? a what boys did you like? nerds,
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probably, because you somehow don’t really like hooligans. i suggest we don’t take him alive, no , we won’t kill him, i want him to rot in prison, then he’s an important witness and can tell a lot of things, brother, there’s something i don’t understand, the girl kidnapped you, kidnapped , there was an attempt on your life, an attempt on your life, about your mother, i
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’m generally silent, after this you don’t want him to be an adult, i know, but everything must be according to the law, just like that, i understand, you need to call the cool guy. what to do, yes, simonovich, yes, the capture group is already with you sent , don’t take any action until she arrives, you understand me, don’t take any action, it could end badly for them too, talk simonovich, sit still, this is an order, and the order is not discussed, that’s it, good-bye
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for getting up so early , you’re not sleeping, you’re not letting others, you’re walking around, making noises, sorry, gal, it’s already dawn, you can start the search again, what kind of search, where are you going, well, first i’ll drop by a colleague at the police, in case he found tanya, she’s already there, but what if she’s not there, but if she’s not there, then i’ll try to find oleg, well, in the end after all, tanya has relatives, maybe they know something, so, look, i’ll go to
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the lighthouse to see her father, on the way i’ll drop by the future mother-in-law, well, of course, mad dogs , a hundred-mile detour, lovers, especially come in, so, this is for you, oh, that's it, eat, uh-huh, thank you, that's it, i'll call, yes, keep me posted, i'm worried. stand, tribute, look who came to us, what kind of people, groom, well, cop, how are we going to share our beloved girl, but i let her go, and if i don’t let her go, then what will happen, i may not take you alive, that’s all- still... i suggest you give up, what a noble man, but he gives me a chance to save my skin, i don’t give a damn about your skin,
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so let’s throw down our weapons, otherwise i’ll shoot her, hear you, pantares, you’re not doing anything, that’s not why you took hostages, really, in order to kill now, i've given you enough nerves to shoot right past you, oh damn! again there is no connection with simonovovich, i don’t like it, i don’t like it, if they didn’t start to figure it out themselves, they’ll start acting on their own, hello, this is colonel krotov , i need a commander, the commander of the capture group, you’re already in place, at the lighthouse, as soon as 20 minutes, but it’s impossible to do it faster, and there’s no connection
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with ignatiev, i’m afraid that this holy trinity has already begun to deal with arthur, but of course, i gave the order, i gave the order, to wait for the capture group, but they are like that, they can disobey the order, we throw down the weapon, count up to three times, okay, if we throw it, you won’t let go, no, well, mitro? yes, he’s bluffing two, okay, tough guy, come with me one on one, hand-to-hand, or weak for you, fuck off, stand, stand, if i press this button, everyone will not think it’s enough, but what have you got, a remote control for a children's car, a remote control for a bomb that is attached to a quiet one, oleg ko please, let us leave quietly, otherwise the woman will die, back, don't shoot, tell
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your people to let us leave primorsk, damn it, hurry up, pokamenty, koshcha glory, i’ll be quiet, guys, on horseback after him , and oh my, and you have a machine with a remote control , well, kostya, you can neutralize it, i think so, yes, oleg and i recently had this... exactly with the same one, there are some wire cutters, yes, of course there are, come on, come on, this one
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will do, yes, great, thank you, go and breathe air, now, why, no, no, bone , we fly together like this, but you don’t understand, this is not a request, this is an order, senior to your rank, go ahead, firstly, the order is not discussed, secondly, you are your wife the bride is pregnant and needs someone alive and healthy. go ahead, yes, come on, oleg, why don’t you report on the progress of the operation, what’s going on? how is tatyana, how is tikhan, did you detain arthur? we practically detained arthur, but he outwitted us again and left, how, how, we read everything in advance, i sent a capture group, he i attached some kind of explosive device to tikhonov in advance, and hid the detonator in my pocket, we had no options, well, the beast, well the beast, it is necessary to blow up the father
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of the girl he loves, yes. the basic guy was good, listen, but arthur, can you detain arthur now? i am pursuing him along with the capture group, waiting for a signal that tikhon has been cleared of mines. i understand, oleg, i understand, i beg you, carefully calculate every step, every step, in order to avoid casualties, i obey, comrade colonel, that’s it, okay, oh, lord, hello, gal, report the situation, listen, oleg is not in the department, and
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it is unknown when he will appear, i went to his house, tried to talk to his mother, but she flatly refused. explain anything to me and put me out the door, and she did the right thing, by the way, with some article to report to a stranger where her son is, well then, where are you going? to the lighthouse, as planned, it’s very dangerous, vlad, and if this arthur keeps a thief in the lighthouse, you’re risking your life, but you’ve already told me this 100 times, i’m not afraid of risk, for me now the most important thing is to free tanya. okay, gal, that's it, we'll call you later, come on.
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i shook mine, but you still have to live and live, kostya , i have one request, don’t give up, look after him, i also have a request for you, alexander nikif, shut up for at least one minute, don’t interfere, well, everything is clear here , here. 50/50 chances, i congratulate you, so, perhaps , this one, my technical intuition is very well developed, no, i think it’s this one,
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i’m so mortally tired of everything, i just want to eat normally, and just relax, shower accept, okay, tomorrow we’ll be in moscow, i’ll report to the boss about the trip , we’ll be busy, we have a separate passport, i have a little guy at the travel agency, he’ll arrange vouchers and visas for us, in a couple of days we’ll be, i don’t know, in spain or somewhere exotic islands, in the evenings we’ll... somehow sit on the open veranda and admire the sunset, we won’t, and i’m not going to go anywhere with you, well, you weren’t going to go today either, but you’re going , so enjoy your vacation, i think it’s this one, yes , well, now, let's breathe out, say goodbye to
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dad, no, please, no, i'm honest warned that if the cops get close, something in the remote control is loose, i don’t know, but it’s okay, the bomb has a timer, it will work normally, the police will defuse the bomb anyway. come on, they won’t trash it, they won’t risk their lives so stupidly, they won’t have the courage , how much i hate you, so you die, grind away, you bastard,
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let her go, you bastard, stand still. tach, are you okay, vladik, a first aid kit, i have a first aid kit in this trunk, carefully, be patient, i have to press it, i’m on time, that’s not the word, where did you come from, i went to the lighthouse, and from your words i found out everything that was happening, ah, but it’s quiet, and there ’s already a matter of technology, call an ambulance, the main thing for you here is to block the only road, thank you very much, like your shoulder , let the wedding heal, i hope i’ve now
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made up for the past stupidities, about which you, kostya, well done, kostya, you, you just. kostya, i’m your debtor, take this gerlenda off him, now, now, just olleg, i’ll call you back, hello, oleshka, everything’s okay, kostya has defused the bomb.
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oh, gal, hello, i miss you so much, i have so much to tell you, you come in, ah, sit down, ah-ah, it hurts, that ’s what you need, vladik, how many times have i asked you, don’t get into trouble, no, hero, scars adorn men, thank god that everything ended well, you’re lucky that this... wouldn’t kill me, i was born wearing a shirt, i’m generally always lucky in life, and this is a reason to risk it? vladya, we are not cats, we don’t have nine lives
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, we only have one, gal, stop raising me, you can’t even imagine how happy i am that i made peace with oleg and it was worth the risk, of course, of course, by the way, they wanted to come to me today, here, here. of course, i understand that maybe i’m asking for the impossible, but still , try not to do any new stupid things, you, what do you mean, exactly, that i don’t know what, your increased impulsiveness often works against you, you know, that is, to see tanya and not lose my head, well, i would like to, okay, i ’ll try. so tell me how are you in general? now i’ll show you how it is with me,
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mother, little deer, oh, son, my dear, my son, was sunny worried, mom? lord , if you knew how worried i was about the uprising, how you endured all this, my mother, well, i felt like practically a heroine of a caucasian prisoner, a bag on my head, taken away somewhere, yes, only in unlike her, no one demanded marriage. come out mole and alexander nikirovich were very worried about you, i know, i know, because mole came immediately as soon as he found out
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that she had appeared at home, and sasha cut off the phone, alexandrovich miraculously remained alive if kostya had not defused the bomb, well mom, everything will end, everything is fine, well, mom, i just can’t, i can’t do all these horrors, mom, okay, that’s it, let’s assume that everything is very symbolic. in terms of? well, this bandit arthur was caught, finally caught before your wedding, yes, that’s it, all the horrors are behind, only good things are ahead, only a good and long happy life, mom. and
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mom, that’s it, maybe we should marry you off too? what if your husband guarded you around the clock, took care of you, we would all be calmer, but where is tanya, she’s in hospital, she went to visit chigorin, apparently he was delayed, and chigorin turned out to be such a wonderful boy, oh, okay, mom, it’s time for me to go back to work, yeah, it’s a pity that i won’t drink. i’ll tell her to call you right away, right away, right away, right away, that’s it, bye-bye, yeah, i ran, yeah, until the evening, lisa, hello, i’m very, very glad
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to see you, i’m so glad. that everything is fine with you, and i’m so glad to see you, as if i haven’t seen you for a hundred years, you know, i couldn’t find a place for myself all day, i kept thinking , they found you, they didn’t find you, i’m so glad that everything is fine, really, i almost went crazy, my poor thing, listen, tell me, tell me how you were saved, oh, fox, you can’t even imagine how many people took part in this, oleg, kostya, dad, oleg’s colleagues and even vlad chegorin. well, why even? he was courting me and i definitely didn’t expect to see him at the lighthouse. tanya, have you ever had an affair, right? no, what, never? i always considered him frivolous, rude, selfish, i didn’t want to know, but you can’t imagine, lis, how he showed himself in this story, how he is, what arthur shot? no, but arthur wounded him when vlad went under the bullets for me. wow. and
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what, it turns out, this vlad is now a real hero? he is a real hero, he blocked arthur’s car with his car when he tried to take me away from primorsk, that’s why arthur wanted to kill him, but where is this vlad now, to the hospital? uh-huh, i want to visit him today, you know, when you visit him, please give him a huge hello from me, well, tell him that i just admire him, okay, and let...' rather he’s recovering, a hero , i’ll be sure to tell you, okay, no, the authorities called, they praised him for the successful operation, well , of course, the authorities don’t just call for it , they demanded that we collect the evidence base on arthur as quickly as possible, so we urgently need to intensify the search for the fox, interview witnesses
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, well... we need to finish this whole thing, yes, personally to my colleague, oleg , yes, i’m listening, that’s what, dear, i forbid you not only to interrogate arthur, but even to appear in the room where he will be interrogated, you don’t you have rights, you understand me, because i’ve already had enough of your nonsense with fights, arthur will hire a lawyer and he will first of all say that you have a personal grudge, that the case is fabricated, the case can be ruined, do you understand? i understand, comrade, colonel, i entrust this to simonovich, come on, act , just don’t delay, i understand, i have already invited tikhnov after the meeting , i will talk to him, in the near future i will talk to tatyana and olga ignatieva, well, well, right, right , act, let’s act, words, and when you are going to interrogate arthur himself, you planned in the near future, but he demanded a lawyer and refused to testify, are you tormented? simanovich, it’s not
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a matter of business, people like arthur don’t take injections quickly, i’ll figure out what you did, it’s not a clumsy thing, but you, there’s a saying, it’s clear, it’s clear, it’s important to find out who freed olga vladimirovna and helped tatyana, yes, by the way , how is this guy, hero, chigorin, feeling there, yes, yes , well, why, he’s getting better, the wound is not serious, oh, i kept wanting to ask, oh, he’s not the son of this deputy mayor chigorin, well, remember , there was this guy who spoiled simon for us. than blood he’s the one, your wonderful deeds, lord, it means oranges will be born from the ass, okay, that’s it, let’s work, the meeting is over,
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i had a snack, thank you, you support me, and now tikhonov will bring me to me, or i don’t know, or he’s already come, we’re starving to death, we won’t leave you to die, feed him. well, you can understand, the girl has been locked up, of course, and suffered enough, well, it seems like she has calmed down already, the most important thing is that she is free and we are together, that’s what you say correctly, oleg, the main thing is that you are together, i
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think, now it’s okay will not interfere with your wedding, but it’s right, konstantin , what do you think, by the way, kostya, you’ll forgive me too, for god’s sake, i didn’t thank you properly, after all this commotion with everyone, after all, the bombs were defused, to the office, yes, i’m running, let me see you off, well, goodbye, yes, come on, oleg, come on, come on, i’ll quickly, well, simonovich, where is tikhonov? i told him to bring him to me 10 minutes ago. if
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mayor kapchenko is talking now? please tell tikhonov to hurry up, i’m running out of time today. that's all, sensible, explained, kostya. only. i’m already worried, kostya, maybe i shouldn’t involve tanya in this matter, or maybe somehow i can do without her, or what? i understand your fatherly feelings, you have to, so good luck, go and tomono something else, hurry up, yes, okay, please, i have to. you know, they say the truth, big things are seen from a distance, you’re tantalizing, what are you talking about , only after this whole terrible story did i understand how much i love oleg, tanya, well, you
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told me about this all the time, that you love each other madly, that you from him crazy, well, yes it is, we really love each other, but i just now realized that we can’t waste time on all these groundless quarrels... suspicion, jealousy, god, i was jealous of oleg for shamina, but i couldn’t do anything more stupid come up with, you see, how good it is that you understood this, figured it out in yourself, otherwise you would have tormented both yourself and oleg, but you know, i have a wonderful idea, what, let’s have a picnic, choose some wonderful place, it seems to me , after everything that happened, it will be good, and even more so we can invite all the people you love, great idea, lis, i'm for it, just let's organize it all. next weekend, i just want to spend a little time with dad and oleg, okay, let’s plan the next weekend, just tell me, who are you going to invite? galya for sure, firstly, it seems to me that she will want to thank you for helping her
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recover at uni, and secondly, and secondly, i really want my two beloved friends to become friends too, this will definitely happen , it seems to me that i really liked galya, even in the hospital. then, when i saw her, the hospital , what god, i forgot, i wanted to visit vlad, that’s it, lis, i went, well, well, where, where, i’m with you, i really want to see this hero, i don’t mind, just, just what? vlad doesn’t know you, so it will be awkward. danya, we’ll tell him that i gave you a lift because you were late, especially since it will be true. are you by car? yes, i’m in my car at the parked entrance to the park, so let’s go? i didn’t mind right away, just, yes, of course, i understand everything, let's go, hello, konstantin, great, hello, i would like to meet with you, on business. grisha, what about the matter, is it urgent or not, very, very
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urgent, i have important information for you, by the way, about the kidnapping, what do you think happened to the fox, and what? can you imagine, tanya told me that when they were going to the lighthouse, the fox was with arthur all the time, arthur refused to leave under the pretext that he had some business in the city, when the fox was about to leave alone, he shot him. no concepts, and no principles, dashingly,
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well, yes, when the duty officer told me that you were waiting, i immediately went to see you, well, on the way i met your colleague. mayor kravchenko, well, you will understand me too, this man risked his life to save both me and my daughter, but i simply could not pass by and not thank him, i agree with you, i believe that there is a lighthouse there, mayor kravchenko accomplished a real feat. yes. well, you ’re not being modest either, you also showed yourself
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properly, and knowing that it was mined there, that at any moment you could fly into the air, but nevertheless, you saved, your daughter and i are what they call debtors, i ’m glad that we were able to help you, tell me, how do you feel now after everything you’ve experienced, how is your heart... perhaps you shouldn’t worry, we’ll just reschedule our conversation. yes, everything is fine, no, as they say, the man is strong. yes, no, everything is fine, that’s why i’m ready to listen to you and answer all your questions. okay, then let's get down to business, tell me, how did you find out about arthur's whereabouts? oh, how. he himself called me on my phone, well, on my mobile. and from what
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purpose? for what purpose? made an offer. so, well, in short, this is the scheme, he told me to give him the documents for the house, for the land. well, he is ready to let go in response to this gesture. so why didn't you contact the police immediately? are you kidding me? to the police? why did you turn to mayor kravchenko? why not a colleague? yes, i wanted to contact a colleague, after all, somehow a future relative, well , i couldn’t get through to him, god knows what he had, that’s why i called kravchenko, well, i just didn’t know that in such a situation to do, well, i called, told him , described it all, even asked him how
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to come with a weapon, what do you think about


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