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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 7, 2023 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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the world media are discussing vladimir putin's visit to the gulf countries. an incredibly high and close level of partnership between russia and the emirates, where putin feels at home. what about at home, who in the west is more upset than others? 250,000 questions. hello, you have called the editorial office of the year-end program with vladimir putin. your call is free operator julia. please state your last name, first name and patronymic. what do russians ask the president ahead of the year's results? report from the call center. our lance drones destroyed ukrainian infrastructure on the right bank of the dnieper. what targets are hit? and
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the israeli army is increasing the pressure. in khan yunis there is a house of the hamas leader, it is underground. our task is to detect it and eliminate it. how does hamas respond? hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhtereva. palestinian-israeli conflict. cooperation within opec plus, as well as the common interests of russia and saudi arabia , were discussed by vladimir putin, the crown prince of the kingdom. negotiations ended yesterday late evening in erriyadh. the russian leader arrived in saudi arabia immediately after a working visit to the united arab emirates. the meeting in the kingdom was held in an expanded format and in the tetat format. the leaders of the two countries paid special attention to cooperation in economics and culture. during the negotiations, vladimir putin also. invited
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the crown prince to visit moscow. the results of the visit in the report by roman sobol. saudi arabia is the very heart, the very essence of the entire vast islamic world. the country is certainly not very open to outsiders trends, but this is where many of the keys to the very global south are located, together with which russia hopes to build a future fair multipolar world. vladimir putin arrived in riyadh late in the evening, but looked cheerful. crown prince mohammed bin salman met him on the porch of the royal residence. welcome. glad to see you. then vladimir putin introduced the members of the russian delegation to the prince. the head of rosatom, representatives of oil companies, financiers, and industrialists are here. occupies convenience and every chance to make a big joint company. saudi arabia buys from russia. grain and is very
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interested in the supply of agricultural products. phoenix trees here, of course, are excellent, they grow, perhaps the best in the world, but for many other things there is no climate, so to speak, then negotiations began. we have stable, very good relations in the sphere of political interaction, in the economy, in the humanitarian fields. and of course, for all of us, it is very important now to exchange with you information and assessments of what is happening in region. thanks to political cooperation and interaction, we were able to positively influence a number of issues in the middle east, and this increased security in this region. our subsequent political interactions will undoubtedly have a positive impact on the global situation. we have ample opportunities before us, using which we can work for the benefit of the peoples of the whole world. like many neighboring countries that have amassed huge capital through natural resources, oil and gas, first of all, saudi arabia is now
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is actively looking for a use for the accumulated wealth, looking for reliable partners and finding them in russia. with saudi arabia, today we are announcing for the first time that we and our partners plan to increase our investments in saudi arabia by another trillion rubles, and from that in the next 2 years. rfpi has already invested and attracted significant amounts from saudi arabia, of which money has been invested in 40 significant projects. 12, which were again built from scratch. of course, the president of russia and the crown prince of saudi arabia discussed the situation in ukraine, in even more detail, the catastrophic consequences of the palestinian-israeli conflict. saudi arabia is interested in russia as an authoritative player capable of helping resolve conflicts in this always turbulent region. in the south, saudi arabia borders on yemen, in the north on iraq, and there it’s just a stone’s throw from syria . the saudis themselves took an active
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part in many local conflicts, supporting the syrian opposition, for example, but now riyadh is pursuing a much more balanced foreign policy , because the he listens less often to western advice, and yes, he has established contacts with bashar assad. roman sobol, georgy ugarov, sergey dronov, ntv television company: abu dhabi. the russian leader's visit to the gulf countries is being actively analyzed in the west. the united states, which considered itself one of the main partners of the united arab emirates and advocated the isolation of moscow, was especially disappointed. however, the ceremonial reception of the russian leader in abu dhabi showed that vladimir putin is valued in the east as a close friend. i think the footage is from the emirates that we saw, especially with this flyover, with this fireworks display, as well as with the escort that vladimir putin received, show how important this visit is for the emirates. the emirates and saudi arabia are sending
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a signal to the united states, as well as the rest of the world, that while they are very important allies for the united states in the middle east, they also want to continue to work to have a pragmatic relationship with russia. arab television channels noted the disobedience of the emirates and saudi arabia, which did not impose sanctions against russia at the behest of washington and , moreover, began to cooperate even more actively with our country in various fields. an incredibly high and close level of partnership between russia and the emirates, where putin feels at home. i wonder what washington would say to this? the united states also wants to consider itself in charge. allies of the emirates and would like as many countries as possible to impose sanctions against russia, but the united arab emirates and saudi arabia did not do this. the bloomberg agency emphasized that vladimir putin's visit to the gulf countries was the failure of the isolation policy pursued by
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the united states and its partners. the media noted that the russian leader presented a real challenge to all western attempts to break russia. and today vladimir putin will have negotiations with the president. iran's ibrahim raissi will come to moscow on a working visit. according to the kremlin, the leaders will discuss the prospects for joint projects in the trade and economic sphere, including transport and energy, and will also talk about international and regional issues. the palestinian-israeli conflict and what is happening in ukraine will be touched upon. negotiations will take place both in the presence of delegations and in a one-on-one format. and in a week, on december 14, the results of the year will take place with vladimir putin. this is a new format that combines the traditional direct line and a presidential press conference. our tv channel will broadcast this event live on the website. the start is scheduled for 12:00 moscow time. the president will talk to journalists and answer questions from residents of the country. they are
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also accepted at the processing center. more than 250,000 messages have already been received there. what worries russians most of all - anton talpa found out. in that. in the call center, the phones do not stop ringing for a minute , 24 hours a day, seven days a week, without breaks; they receive calls from all over russia. hello, you have called the editorial office of the year-end program with vladimir putin. your call is free operator julia. please state your last name, first name and patronymic. yulia chilikova, a volunteer from voronezh came to moscow to work in the message receiving center for vladimir putin, before collecting humanitarian aid and delivering it to the special operations zone in her city, helping pensioners. i don’t get tired , on the contrary, it’s a joy for me to communicate with people, listen to their problems, write them down, help them formulate their questions, the country asks the president about different things, in a few days of work there are more than 250,000 questions, somewhere a school needs to be repaired, and somewhere to solve the problem with public transport, in
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the yaroslavl region, for example, they are asking that instead of parking in the yard , more playgrounds be built, irina kozedub recorded a video message, they say, russia is the largest country in the world. car there is nowhere to park , here everything is exactly the opposite, there are only cars in the yard, after a walk on his playground, sava terekhov from krasnodar also decided to record a video, this year he went to school and , apparently, in the future he is going to work as the head of state, therefore, they are interested in what subjects would be worth pushing for in order to become president? i know that the job of the president is very difficult and responsible. i have one question for you: what profession do you need to study to become president? according to call center forecasts, the number of calls on the eve of the meeting with vladimir putin could reach several million. and it is clear that the president will not
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answer all questions immediately; they are trying to help with simple problems here at the call center. volunteers also work as an all-russian help desk and do not turn anyone away. the question was : why isn’t it... possible to upload a disability certificate received there from the health authorities to government services. well, in fact , such an opportunity definitely exists on the government services website, there is a section where you can upload this certificate as well, that is, such a problem does not exist in fact, the person just did not know about it. questions for the president come in perhaps all possible ways. you can call, send an sms or leave a message on the moscow putin website. social networks and a smartphone application are also available for this. anton talpa, sergey ratnikov, alina sumina and vladimirrin ntv. the combat work of russian units does not stop in the special operation zone. tula showed truly sniper accuracy paratroopers in the vicinity of solidar. intelligence
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found the positions of the nationalists in the forest belt and sent their coordinates to headquarters. from there , information about the target reached the artillery. they were separated from the enemy by 12 km, and yet the fighters fired only two shots from the mstab howitzer. this was enough to destroy a western-made weapon. the militants also suffered losses in the kupinsky direction. there, the ukrainian positions were destroyed by the crew. fighter-bomber su-34. the pilots dropped bombs with a special module on the trenches that allows them to manage supplies during a fall, the blows become several times more accurate. russian lancets have also become famous for their surgical precision. the day before, such drones attacked the infrastructure of the ukrainian armed forces on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region. the operators immediately knocked out two radars, with the help of which the ukrainian air defense system operated, and also took them out of action. mobile communication station. and in the kerch strait at night and early in the morning , sailors of the black sea fleet held exercises.
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the warships were patrolling the waters of the crimean coast when they suddenly received command to destroy a mock enemy. according to legend, the enemy attacked with a drone. the aircraft discovered the crew of a small anti-submarine ship, after which the military personnel activated their anti-aircraft guns. the second training simulated an attack by enemy drones. it is precisely these apus that are regularly launched towards crimea; all conditional targets were successfully eliminated by artillery fire, as well as from rocket launchers. in the meantime, american support for the kiev regime appears to be coming to an end. congressmen refused to agree on a bill on additional financial assistance to ukraine worth $61 billion. even joe biden’s unscheduled appeal could not convince the republicans to invest in kiev again. who called what was happening in congress absolute madness. the white house managed to find
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only 175 million for kiev, but with a warning that most likely there would be no more money. alexey vasilovsky is monitoring the situation. the vote on the aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan in the us senate was delayed as long as possible, without republican support democrats in the upper house could not get the required 60 votes for the document of support; everything was not added, despite desperate persuasion. the main stumbling block is the $61 billion in aid to ukraine, which the white house wants to allocate to kiev. republicans are not against this assistance, but for this they demand that biden change migration policy in the country, stop the influx of illegal immigrants, and the parties are unable to reach an agreement. it is obvious that some of our colleagues in europe will allow russia to trample a sovereign country in europe than will help strengthen american borders. they count. that our open borders are worth jeopardizing global security. democrats
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counter where kiev is and where the american border with mexico is, and what does the ukrainian conflict have to do with illegal immigrants? our colleagues say that they are for stopping putin and for supporting ukraine, but we cannot say that i am for ukraine, but only if a completely unrelated program works. you can't be in favor of stopping putin from taking over the country by force and then vote against it. providing ukraine with resources. either for or against. the talk lasted until the evening, and at some point the american president himself, who had not actually planned to speak, unexpectedly joined in. in his work schedule, there was no televised address to the americans, but when it became clear that the negotiations had reached a dead end, biden tried to get them off the ground from the screen. if we refuse to help kiev, how many of our european friends will continue to allocate funds and in what volumes? this is too serious. all european. leaders are ready stay with us, stay with ukraine, who in the united states is ready to give that up?
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i'm telling you, i'm not ready to give up, and i don't think the american people are either. biden painted a grim prospect for america if the aid package in ukraine is not accepted; the us president believes that the refusal to support kiev increases the risk of a clash between american soldiers and the russian army. the head of the white house even promised the republicans to make significant concessions and toughen things up. border security, just vote to support ukraine, but even, the republicans did not flinch; the doomed aid to kiev was nevertheless put to a vote in the senate, where the document failed miserably. today is a sad evening in the history of our nation's senate. republicans just blocked desperately needed aid to ukraine. and if they do not become more responsible in the near future, then vladimir putin will walk through all of ukraine throughout europe. to sweeten the pill for kiev at least a little, the white house announced another aid package to ukraine in the fifty-second year.
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true, its amount is only 175 million dollars, and without new means, this weapon will be one of the last. american parcels to kyiv. without additional funding, these weapons will be one of the last we can send to ukraine, ending support and giving vladimir putin exactly what he needs. what next is completely unclear. the white house claims that it is ready for negotiations, but republicans have made it clear that they are not satisfied with the administration’s current proposals and that drastic migration measures are needed. the question is whether biden will agree to them for the sake of ukraine. at the same time, work this year congress is left. only 2 weeks, and then the holidays in such a short period of time with such a difference in approaches it will be difficult for the parties to come to an agreement, so by the new year ukraine will most likely be left without american gifts. alexey vaselovsky, aviaabramov and vladimirsky, ntv, usa. in the capital region and neighboring regions, they are currently looking for suspects in the murder of former ukrainian
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deputy ilya kiva. his body with gunshot wounds was found the night before near the hotel. in the cottage village of odentsovsky district of the moscow region, there, according to neighbors kiva lived for the last 2 months, investigators worked at the scene all night, interviewed witnesses, and studied recordings from surveillance cameras. according to the preliminary version, the criminal used a pistol with a silencer. ilya kiev was elected as a people's deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine in 1919, but in march 22 he was deprived of his mandate and several criminal cases were brought against him, including state law. putin asking for political asylum. recently, he has repeatedly stated the need to fight fascism. on the territory of ukraine and advocated its entry into russia. at the end of november , he accused zelsky and zaluzhny of treason
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after kiev admitted the breakdown of peace negotiations with russia in 1922. he sent a corresponding statement. prosecutor general of ukraine. this morning a cargo plane caught fire in the sky over uland. transport tu-204 made a flight to china. the aircraft left the airport, but within a few minutes the pilot reported an engine fire. to avoid an explosion right in the air, the plane began to drop fuel. footage of the burning jet was captured on eyewitness cameras. according to the head of buryatia, the ship returned safely to the airport, where rescuers were waiting for it. the fire in hamas is going on on the west bank of the jordan river, where the army began its assault on the city of tulkar. at least 30 units of equipment are involved in the offensive, and a refugee camp located near the city is blocked. the military of the jewish state
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is waiting for the local hospital. in the gas sector of the israeli army itself, the israeli army reports a breakthrough in several at once. in the areas of jebaliya, ash shurjaiya and khan younes, we have broken through the defensive lines of hamas, terrorists are now emerging from underground tunnels and engaging in close combat with our forces, our military is gaining the upper hand, the house of the hamas leader is located in khan younes, it is underground, our task is to discover it. arab television channels also report that the idf attacked a refugee camp in the center of the enclave. the rocket hit a residential building, killing at least 17 people. hamas responds with rocket strikes and also claims to have hit more than twenty pieces of israeli equipment in just one day. jewish authorities states,
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there are no negotiations on the release of the remaining 138 hostages. they said that they intended to rescue them by force. the engineering profession will become more and more attractive, this opinion was expressed by the rector of bauman moscow state university, mikhail gordin, in an exclusive interview with the ntv channel. the university has created developments that are already successfully competing on the world market, and the main change in the profession itself has been the reduction of time from idea to product appearance. this is what always distinguishes a good engineer: an engineer first and foremost had to apply knowledge, now apply the knowledge of the sea. now he has an advantage over everyone, because he was always taught to apply knowledge, not to create but to apply, your creation speed has increased, you get results faster, you can do it faster. to confirm that your design, your idea in hardware works , this is class, so for an engineer this is very good, so the profession, the full version of the interview, watch today in the late program at 0:55, at this point we say goodbye to
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clothes and sunshine. safety glasses in ufa -23 blinding sun in ekateri.


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