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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 7, 2023 1:00pm-1:26pm MSK

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the whole world will obviously be watching us. the federation council has set the date for the presidential elections. stumbling block. in exchange for agreeing to provide ukraine with another aid package? every hamas terrorist is a walking dead man. our goal in the war is to bring all monsters to justice. the most intensive military operations since the beginning of the war have been launched in the gas sector. the g7 countries are going to ban the import of diamonds from russia starting next year. track their origins and
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bolivar will withstand two , the venezuelan state neighboring goiana is tasked with governing oil-rich region. hello to ntv news in the studio egor kalyvanov. so, the russian presidential elections will be held on march 17, 2024. the date was unanimously approved by the federation council. as the speaker of the upper house noted, this decision essentially marks the start of the election campaign. she emphasized that the electorate has expanded. russia and this vote, according to matvienko, will be the culmination of the reunification processes. obviously the whole world will be watching us, because the russian federation today is one of the main architects fair global future. and our people understand this. our people will confidently make the only right choice by casting their vote. for russia, for victory, for
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the future in a strong and sovereign country. the head of the election commission center, ela pomfilova, in turn , said that tomorrow the central election commission will consider the issue of three-day voting on march 15, 16 and 17. in addition, according to her, russia does not refuse the presence of international observers; in the gaza strip, as the israeli command claims, the most intense military operations since the beginning of the war, battles in north and south. as they say... at the general staff, hamas terrorists leave a cell with weapons in almost every house, so that militants in civilian clothes at any time from any building could attack the israeli military, where battles have already taken place, this is the picture. and this is a hamas warehouse, one of the largest; hundreds of missiles were found during the war, including long-range ones, explosives, drones, the entire arsenal was stored next to a school and a hospital, and this is a fuel tanker with a secret, launchers inside , the main one... hamas centers, here
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soldiers attack a hideout of yunisia militants. khan yunis was called a stronghold, hamas, almost the entire leadership of the group, both political and military, grew up in those places. the city hosted the headquarters of one of the most powerful terrorist battles. batal played a major role in the october 7 massacre. we are working to destroy the infrastructure that he has built on. among the most so-called wanted monsters, yahya sanwar, the leader of hamas and one of the founders of the military wing of the group, who has killed many jews, also writes that he personally participated in the murders palestinians suspected of working for israel. sinvar spent more than 20 years in israeli prisons, but was released in the eleventh year as part of an exchange and subsequently became one of the jewish
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state, this is senvar's house in gaza, it is clear that by the time the soldiers arrived there, he was not inside, sinvar's house in the khan yunis area, sinvar is not above the ground, he is underground, i don’t want to reveal what we know from intelligence, the task is to find and destroy sinvar, his house is not a fortress, he can escape, but his capture is only it's a question of time. well, while israel is destroying sinwar’s associates, in this photo taken before the war in one of the bunkers, the high ranks of hamas with a red circle mark those who have already been eliminated. fighting is taking place in the palestinian authority on the west bank of the jordan river, there are also tunnels fortifying militants, and sometimes it’s a problem to even get to palestinian settlements. in these footage, one of the military vehicles is blown up on me, but israel itself, despite the operation in gas , still remains under fire, here’s another one the blow disrupted the wedding. two people were killed
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and five were injured as a result of a shooting at the bryansk gymnasium. the first report of the incident was received by the police around the morning; according to the investigation, a fourteen-year-old student opened fire on her classmates, who brought with her a pump-action shotgun, presumably belonging to her father; she later committed suicide. the wounded were hospitalized, one of them was in serious condition; the provision of medical care to the victims was taken under control by the minister of health mikhail murashko. currently , the school employs criminologists and researchers, establish the reasons for what happened. one of the versions is a conflict between teenagers. the girl's father. brought in for questioning. in the svo zone, russian mortar men destroyed two ukrainian infantry groups trying to break through the defense line of russian units on the left bank of the dnieper. the enemy was identified by scouts, after which the pvso opened targeted fire.
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moreover, russian paratroopers using drones destroyed a lancet on the right bank of the dnieper, in the ukrainian rear, two radar stations and one mobile station wsso communications. in the kupinsky direction. the su-34 bomber, having received data with coordinates about the accumulation of personnel in the ukrainian armed forces on the line of combat contact, destroyed the opponents with faded aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module, which allows for precise strikes without entering the affected area of ​​the ukrainian air defense. they worked. well, the us senate blocked a new aid package for ukraine. the document did not even reach the main vote. republicans killed it in the primary. although the democrats bargained desperately with their political opponents, and then unleashed heavy artillery. joe biden made an unscheduled appearance before lawmakers. he said that if you do not support ukraine now, then the moment will come when
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american soldiers will have to fight the russian army, and they, unlike the ukrainian ones, must be protected. alexey vasilovsky was looking into why the white house still can’t get money for kiev. voting on the aid package for ukraine. not israel and taiwan in the us senate were delayed as long as possible, without republican support among the democrats in the upper house could not muster the required sixty votes to pass the document of support, and everything did not increase, despite desperate persuasion. the main stumbling block is the $61 billion in aid to ukraine, which the white house wants to allocate to kiev. the republicans are not against this assistance, but for this they demand that biden change the migration policy in the country, stop the influx of illegal immigrants and... it is obvious that some of our colleagues in europe will allow russia to trample the sovereign country in europe, which will help strengthen the american borders, they believe that our open borders are worth it, so that the security of the whole world is at risk, the democrats counter where kiev is and where
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the american border with mexico has to do with illegal immigrants and the ukrainian conflict. our colleagues say that they are in favor of supporting putin for supporting ukraine, but we cannot say that i am for ukraine. but only if a completely unrelated program starts working. you can't be in favor of stopping putin from taking over the country then vote against the provision of resources to ukraine by force, you are either for or against. the talk lasted until the evening, and at some point the american president himself unexpectedly joined in, who had not actually planned to speak ; there was no address to the americans in his work schedule or body, but when it became clear that the negotiations had reached a dead end , biden tried to move them from the dead point from the screen. if we refuse to help kiev, how many of our european friends will continue to allocate funds and in what volumes, this is too much seriously, all the european leaders are ready to stay with us, stay with ukraine, who in the united states is ready to give this up,
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i'm telling you, i'm not ready to give it up, and i don't think the american people are either. biden has painted a grim outlook for america if the ukraine aid package is not passed, the us president believes. refusal to support kiev increases the risk of a clash between american soldiers and the russian army. if putin attacks a nato ally, if he continues to attack, then we are obliged, as member of nato to defend every inch of nato territory, then we will be faced with what we do not want and what is not now is american soldiers fighting russian soldiers, so today's vote will be remembered for a long time. history: will harshly judge those who turn their backs on the cause of freedom. we can't let putin win. the head of the white house even promised the republicans to make significant concessions to tighten border security, just vote to support ukraine. but even so, the republicans did not flinch. pre-doomed aid to kyiv is all
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they put it to a vote in the senate, where the document failed miserably. today is a sad evening in the history of our nation's senate. the republicans just blocked it. desperately needed help for ukraine, and if they don't become more responsible soon, vladimir putin will march through all of ukraine and all of europe. to sweeten the deal for kiev at least a little, this is the fifty-second aid package for ukraine, although its amount is only $175 million, and without new funds these weapons will be one of the last american parcels to kyiv. without additional funding, these weapons will be among the last we can send to ukraine, ending support and giving vladimir putin exactly what he needs. this will be terrible not only for the people of ukraine, but also for our national security, and of course, for security. what happens next is completely unclear. the white house claims
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that it is ready for negotiations, but republicans have made it clear that they are not satisfied with the administration’s current proposals and that drastic migration measures are needed. question, will biden radio ukraine go to them? at the same time, the congress has only 2 weeks left to work this year, and then the holidays in such a short period of time with such a difference in approaches will be difficult for the countries to come to an agreement with, so by the new year ukraine will most likely... be left without american gifts. alexey vasilovsky, ntv, usa. the venezuelan parliament at an extraordinary session unanimously adopted the law on the protection of the eskiba in the first reading. a significant part of the territory of neighboring guyana, the dispute over which has been going on for more than 100 years, caracas, following a referendum the day before announced his new staff, the head of the military and administrative headquarters for the management of the new territory in chinara has already been appointed. mayor, while in venezuela they emphasize that the army of the country of wasequiba will not enter, at least at first,
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the oil-rich region will be controlled from the neighboring venezuelan state of balivar, and only diplomatic methods of struggle remain at the disposal of guyana, which is much smaller in comparison with venezuela. the president of the country called the actions of his neighbors a threat to his state and international security. the authorities of guyana today intend to discuss the actions of venezuela in the un security council. the g7 countries announced that starting next year they will begin to introduce phased restrictions on the import of russian diamonds. further business news and denis talalaev. denis, as far as i remember, this measure was discussed for a long time, but they still did not dare to introduce it. why? egor, well, probably because russia produces a third of the world's diamonds. they are going to ban it in the g7 countries from january 1 next year. import of diamonds from russia, this was stated in their joint statement on march 1 the g7 wants to ban the import of those diamonds
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that were mined in russia but processed in third countries; next september the g7 is going to create a mechanism that will trace the origin of rough diamonds. according to reuters, the g7 countries account for 70% of the global demand for diamonds. the issue of including russian stones in sanctions has been raised more than once, but has always encountered opponents of this idea. 97% of diamonds in russia are mined by the alrosa company; the usa and great britain have already imposed sanctions against it, but one of the world centers diamond trade is located in the belgian antwerpon, that is, in the european union, and there was no consensus on whether russian diamonds should be banned. in mid-november, eu authorities reported that measures against russian diamonds were nevertheless included in the twelfth package of sanctions, which is now undergoing approval. the government has exceeded the plan to collect the so-called tax from russian businesses. excess profit tax, initially the authorities expected to receive 300 billion rubles in this way, but now the amount is already
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305 billion, izvestia told about this to the newspaper finance minister anton siluanov and added that by the end of the year the amount will increase further. the head of the ministry of finance reminds that the company has a choice whether to pay this year at a rate of 5%, or next year, but at a rate of 10. the difference between the profit for the twenty-first, twenty-second years and the profit for the eighteenth, nineteenth is taxed. large companies will have to pay if their average profit over the last 2 years was more than a billion rubles, while , for example, banks in the process of reorganization, some developers and oil and gas companies, for which there are already enough tax innovations. norilsk nickel, headhunter, sberbank, and rostec publicly announced plans to pay ahead of schedule. olga belenkaya, head of the macroeconomic analysis department of the financial institution, says: most companies paid this tax, but some could have postponed it to a later date, so that, given the high key rate, they could place money on favorable terms for now. russian shares are trading in
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the red, oil is now at least trying to grow, but this is all after yesterday’s failure, but still it is at its minimum for six months. weak oil puts pressure on the ruble, but after the dollar climbed above 93 again, investors obviously decided that it was time for a correction and therefore the ruble is now rising in price. the dollar costs 92.55, the euro 99.86. finland. stated that she was ready to open the border with russia from december 14, this was reported to the local media by the country’s border service, they clarified that the barrier can be removed quickly in a few hours, but they will remove... not all of them will be removed, only some of the barriers, because if the flow refugees will resume, then everything will be returned as was. finland began to one by one close all land checkpoints on the border with russia on november 18. currently , there is only a checkpoint between the countries, through which freight trains pass. the reason for closing the border, finland, which joined nato in april of this year, said that
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there is an influx of migrants from the middle east and africa from russian territory, according to the finnish side. russia actively helps migrants with this. russian mint called such accusations very strange. egor bokonomics is all. thank you, denis talalaev, with business news. more than a quarter of a million questions have already been submitted to the year in review program with vladimir putin. the event will take place on december 14. ntv will broadcast it on television on our internet resources. anton talpa found out what exactly the russians would like to discuss with the head of state. in this call center, the phones do not go silent for a minute, 24 hours a day , seven days a week, without breaks; they receive calls from all over russia. hello, you have called the editorial office of the year-end program with vladimir putin, your call is free operator julia. please state your last name, first name and patronymic. yulia chilikova , a volunteer from voronezh came to moscow to work in the message receiving center for
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vladimir putin, before collecting humanitarian aid and delivering it to the special operation zone in her city, i personally don’t get tired, on the contrary, i enjoy communicating with people, listening to their problems, write down, help them formulate their questions. the country asks the president about different things, in just a few days of work there are more than 250,000 questions, somewhere a school needs to be repaired, and somewhere to solve the problem with public transport, in the yaroslavl region, for example, they are asking that instead of parking in the yard, more playgrounds be built, irina kozedub recorded a video message, they say, russia is the country itself. largest in the world , and there is nowhere to park the car , here everything is exactly the opposite, there are only cars in the yard, after a walk on his playground, sava terekhov from krasnodar also decided to record a video, this year he went to school and, apparently, plans to work as head of state in the future, so are you wondering what subjects would be worth pushing to become president? i know
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that the job of the president is very difficult and responsible. i have one question for you: what profession do you need to study to become president? according to call center forecasts, the number of calls on the eve of the meeting with vladimir putin could reach several million. and it is clear that the president will not answer all questions immediately; they are trying to help with simple problems here at the call center. volunteers also work as an all-russian help desk, not for anyone. they refuse. the question was that why is it not possible to upload a certificate of disability to government services and received there from health authorities, well, in fact, such an opportunity definitely exists on the website of government services, there is a section where you can upload this certificate as well, that is, such a problem does not exist in fact, people just didn’t know about it. questions for the president come, perhaps, in all possible ways, you can call by
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phone, send an sms or leave a message on the moscow putin website, and also for social networks are available. immediately after our release the emergency program will be broadcast, marat sezikov is with us, marat, what did you manage to find out about the tragic events in bryansk, egor, yes, by this time the investigators have talked with some students and teachers, we can already talk about possible motives, there are information that the girl who staged a shooting in... the gymnasium and was bullied by her classmates, this continued almost from the first grade, while, as her father says, at home, she did not talk about it, a few minutes later in our release of a report from the scene, let me remind you that an eighth-grader came to class with a gun and opened fire before committing suicide, the girl killed a classmate, five more children are now in the hospital. thank you,
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marat, emergency personnel, further, well , that’s all for now, i say goodbye to you, until the next news release. see you, it is getting better and better, up to 14% per annum on deposits, the best interest in savings. make a deposit with a favorable rate literally with one button in the mobile application in sberbank with prime, it’s more profitable in what way cause of hemorrhoids? could the problem be in the veins? venarus helps increase the tone of the veins. light up the wine bottle. together against hemorrhoids, magical conditions, real rate, up to 15.5% per annum on a savings account at gazprom bank, yours: the money works, and you receive additional income, withdraw and replenish at any time, apply online at, gazprombank - time to make
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ozone, adidas tracksuit for 5.299, toy for 999, artificial beauty for 699. emergency program in the marat studio seddikov and we are live. in one of the schoolchildren who was shot this morning at the bryansk gymnasium remains in serious condition; the teenager lost a lot of blood. let me remind you that an eighth-grader opened fire in a city gymnasium; a girl in a tube carried her father’s hunting rifle in the second lesson, opened fire on her classmates, then committed suicide. another student in the hospital could not be saved. five schoolchildren remain, the girl’s father is now being interrogated at the ssc, the detectives talked with teachers and some students, and now we can already talk about
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possible motives for what happened, the shots that rang out in the morning in one of the schools in bryansk instantly transferred the entire educational institution to a state of emergency. all teachers teaching the second lesson were ordered to barricade. in the classrooms to calm the children, groups that were closer to the emergency exits and could safely leave the building began to be taken outside. at that moment it became known that the shooting was carried out by one of the eighth grade students, who came to biology class with a gun, which she hid in a tube and opened fire on her own classmates. according to the preliminary version, one of the schoolgirls died on the spot, five more were injured, and the girl herself committed suicide . a classmate met a girl right in the toilet one on one, we had to go to the second lesson, they met there in the first, she could have shot her, but for some reason she didn’t shoot, she was still deciding everything, in short, she immediately goes into the office, shoots at
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the biology student , in short, it got there, it just came in large numbers...’ everyone came in large numbers, we barricaded ourselves there, it’s simple.


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