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tv   Segodnya  NTV  December 7, 2023 4:00pm-4:46pm MSK

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and he says to this physicist, petrovich , you know, maybe how strawberries multiply, this physicist without raising his head from his notebook and says with his mustache, trudovik, yes, of course we are still far from that, this was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14 :00 weekday ntv, goodbye. the whole world will obviously be watching us. the federation council has set the date for the presidential elections. stumbling block. today is a sad evening in the history of our nation's senate. republicans just blocked desperately needed aid to ukraine. what do biden's opponents demand from him? exchange for an agreement to allocate another aid package to ukraine. our goal in the war is to bring
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all monsters to justice. the most intense fighting since the beginning of the war took place in the gas sector. bolivar can handle two. guyana's neighboring state, venezuela, is tasked with managing the new oil-rich region. restored caftan of peter ii and luxurious porcelain from the imperial collection. nikolai bulkin saw how the hermitage surprised him on his birthday. hello to ntv news in the studio egor kalyvalov. so, the russian presidential elections will be held on march 17, 2024. the date was unanimously approved by the federation council. as the speaker of the upper house noted, this decision essentially marks the start of the election campaign. the whole world will obviously be watching us, because the russian federation today is one of the main architects of a fair global one. our people
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have an understanding of the future; our people will confidently make the only right choice, voting for russia, for victory, for the future in a strong and sovereign country. the head of the central berkom, ella pamfilova, in turn, said that tomorrow the central election commission will consider issues of a three-day voting on march 15, 16 and 17, and before december 12, a decision on how we can secure security only after consultation with the fsb of the ministry of defense and other departments, having weighed all the pros and cons, this is the decision we will make , what do russians expect from the upcoming vote, the participants of the election round table said today president public. the first question, which
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indicates the attention and interest of russians in the elections, whether they actually know or do not know when these elections will take place, what we see is that today 61%, already 61%, were able to name the date of the elections, respectively the month and year of the elections, that is, they understand that the elections will take place in the near future, i would rate this indicator as quite high, probably, according to the survey, 84% of russians consider the presidential elections an important event for themselves personally, even more 89% are sure that they are important for the country as a whole; here are the five most popular answers to the question why they are important. 32% of respondents said that elections are a way to influence government policy. 20% consider them an important institution of democracy. 16% they believe that elections are a way to support the current government. the future of the country depends on voting, answered 11% of respondents and 6%
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called participation in elections a civic duty. the global economic system is now undergoing a stage of fundamental irreversible changes. the unipolar world is changing to a multipolar one, vladimir putin announced this when opening the russia calling investment forum. the world has entered an era of dramatic changes and serious challenges, not only for individual companies and industries. but also for entire countries and regions of the world. successfully only a strong, stable, and i want to emphasize, definitely, i want to emphasize this to emphasize this, a sovereign country, this is extremely important, this is what is interconnected in the economy and in politics, with a powerful, and a country with powerful industrial, technological
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infrastructure, personnel and financial potential, with a dynamic own market, a country that clearly knows how to defend political and economic. national business of their foreign business partners. as it turns out, there are countries like this, despite any external pressure, there is cackling, teeth-pounding, rapping on the table, whispering in the ear, there are people, leaders of countries, and powerful countries at that, who do not succumb to this pressure, and are guided primarily by their own. according to putin, in the current conditions, in the coming years there will be a financial revolution that will end the monopoly of the largest western banks, payments in national currencies will gain strength, and russia is ready for this. and today vladimir putin will meet with iranian president ibrahim areisi. the iranian
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leader arrived in moscow on a working visit. first, the presidents will communicate in a limited format, and then bilateral negotiations will take place in the format of a working lunch. on the agenda. issues of economic cooperation and the palestinian-israeli conflict, as reported in the kremlin, a statement for the press following this meeting is not planned. meanwhile, the most intense fighting since the beginning of the war is now taking place in the gaza strip, according to the israeli command. battle in the north and south. as they say in the general staff, hamass militants leave a cell with weapons in almost every house so that militants in civilian clothes can appear at any time from anywhere. buildings could attack the israeli military, where battles had already taken place, this is the picture: this hamas warehouse is one of the largest that were found during the war, hundreds of missiles, including long-range ones, explosives, drones, the entire arsenal was stored next to a school and a hospital, and this is a fuel tanker with
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a secret, missile launchers inside. residents continue to leave the war zone, they are heading south, closer to the border with egypt, but those fleeing from missiles do not reach the population, what comes is distributed to people, so they say, everything goes to hamas houses, that ’s when the hamas shelter is attacked the israeli military, personnel from khan yunis, called the stronghold of kha. almost the entire political and military leadership of the group grew up in those places; the headquarters of one of the most powerful battalions was located in the city. the battalion played a major role in the october 7 massacre. we are working on the destruction of the infrastructure that he built above and below ground. every
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hamas terrorist is a walking dead man. our goal in the war is to bring all monsters to justice. among the most wanted monsters, ihya sinwar, the leader of hamas and one of the founders of the military wing of the group, who has killed many jews, also writes that he personally participated in the murders of palestinians suspected of working for israel. sinvar spent more than 20 years in israeli prisons, but was released in the eleventh year as part of an exchange and subsequently became one of organizers of the hamas attack on the jewish state in october. this is sinwar's house in the gaza sector, it is clear that by the time the soldiers arrived there, he was no longer inside. sinvar's house in the khan yunis area, sinvar is not located above the ground, it is underground, i do not want to reveal what we know from intelligence, the task is to find and destroy sinvar. his home is not a fortress, he can escape, but
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his capture is just a matter of time. well, while israel is destroying the comrades-in-arms of yehya sinwar, in this photo taken before the war in one of the bunker high ranks. hamas with a red circle marks those who have already been eliminated. fighting is taking place in the palestinian authority on the west bank of the jordan river, and there are also tunnels fortifying the militants. sometimes it’s a problem even to get to palestinian settlements. in this footage, one of the military vehicles explodes on me. well, israel itself, despite the operation in gaza, still remains under fire, so another blow disrupted the wedding. the fsb detained the perpetrator of two terrorist attacks; he turned out to be a resident of the baikal-amur mainline in buryatia. in lithuania, a citizen of belarus, acting on instructions from the ukrainian special services. at the end of november , a man installed magnetic mines on two trains carrying petroleum products. as a result of the explosion, both
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freight trains derailed within a day, and the tanks caught fire, which temporarily blocked traffic on the highway. the terrorist was detained in the omsk region, he has already confessed. in the zone of defense in the zaporozhye direction in the area of ​​​​the settlement of rabotina, the russian army launched fire defeat of the 3rd mechanized brigade of the ukrainian armed forces. in other sectors of the front , nine enemy attacks would have been repulsed over the past 24 hours. on the territory of the dpr, the vostok group of troops interacted with aviation and artillery and defeated a unit of three ukrainian brigades at once. the total losses in the ssu exceeded 800 military personnel. operational-tactical and army aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces and artillery, hit command and observation posts of units of the 67th mechanized brigade, 100th territorial defense and special purpose brigade in the serebryanka area;
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in addition, air defense systems shot down a su-25 aircraft of the ukrainian air force and 27 drones. above the united states blocked a new aid package for ukraine, the document did not even reach the main vote, the republicans killed it in the preliminary, despite the fact that the democrats were desperately bargaining with their opponents, and then used heavy artillery. joe biden made an unscheduled televised address. voting on aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan in the us senate was postponed as much as possible; without the support of the republicans , the democrats in the upper house could not get the necessary sixty votes to pass the document of support; everything was not increased, despite desperate persuasion. the main stumbling block is the $61 billion in aid to ukraine that the white house wants to allocate to kiev, but the republicans are not against this. the parties just can't do it. it is obvious
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that some of our colleagues would rather allow russia to trample a sovereign country in europe, than will help strengthen american borders, they believe that our open borders are worth jeopardizing global security. democrats counter where kiev is and where the american border with mexico is, and what does the ukrainian conflict have to do with illegal immigrants? our colleagues say that they are in favor of stopping putin for supporting ukraine, but we cannot say that i am for ukraine, but only if completely unrelated programs work. torque dragged on until the evening, and at some point he unexpectedly joined in the american president, who actually did not plan to speak in his work schedule, there was no televised address to the americans, but when it became clear that the negotiations had reached a dead end, biden tried to move them from the deadlock on the screen, we will refuse assistance to kiev, how many of our european friends will continue to provide funds and in what
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amounts, i'm telling you, i'm not ready to give up, and i don't think the american people are either. biden painted a grim outlook for america if the ukraine aid package is not passed, us president believes that failure to support kiev increases the risk of a clash between american soldiers and the russian army. if putin attacks a nato ally, if he continues to attack, then we have an obligation as a nato member to defend every inch of a nato country's territory, then we will be faced with what we do not want and what does not exist now is american soldiers fighting russian soldiers. the head of the white house even promised the republicans to make significant concessions to tighten border security, just vote to support ukraine, but clearly, republicans didn't flinch. the doomed aid to kiev was nevertheless put to a vote in the senate. where the document failed miserably. today is a sad evening in the history of our
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nation's senate. republicans just blocked desperately needed aid to ukraine. and if they do not become more responsible in the near future, then vladimir putin will walk through all of ukraine throughout europe. to sweeten the pill for kiev at least a little, the white house announced another aid package to ukraine, the fifty-second in a row, although its amount is only $175 million. without additional funding, these weapons will be one of the last we can send to ukraine, ending support and giving vladimir putin exactly what he needs. what next is completely unclear. the white house claims that it is ready for negotiations, but republicans have made it clear that they are not satisfied with the administration’s current proposals and that drastic migration measures are needed. the question is whether biden will agree to them for the sake of ukraine. at the same time, congress has only 2 weeks left to work this year, and then a vacation. for so much in a short period of time, with such a difference in approaches , it will be difficult for the country to come to an agreement, so by
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the new year, ukraine will most likely be left without american gifts. alexey vasilovsky aviaabramov and vladimir vepritsky, ntv, usa. the us authorities continue to use russia as tools in their internal affairs. this is how the kremlin commented on joe biden’s statement that, having finished with ukraine, russia would attack one of the nato countries. according to presidential press secretary dmitry peskov, moscow is done. their congressmen and senators, so that continue to burn american taxpayers' money in the furnace of the ukrainian war. moscow and minsk are increasing cooperation in the field of forestry, we are talking about timber harvesting and forest protection. integration, also in the online space, relies on the russian electronic accounting system. it
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allows, among other things, to track the origin of wood and combat gray schemes in this regard. market, and belarus is ready to share experience in the field of forest restoration. work to preserve the gene pool is underway, for example, in this breeding center. us the experience of partners from the republic of belarus is certainly interesting, because the reverent attitude towards forestry in belarus is visible, there are owners in the forests in belarus, colleagues are engaged in forest genetics, colleagues are engaged in very systematic restoration and reproduction. another area of ​​cooperation is the fight against forest fires , in particular, a project has been developed for the sharing of satellite data. the g7 countries have announced that starting next year they will begin to introduce phased restrictions on the import of russian diamonds. further business news, denis talalaev. denis, could it be the same with diamonds as with oil,
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that russia will redirect them to, well, india, let’s say. yes, that's an option, not that. excluded, it is already actively used. the g7 countries are going to ban the import of diamonds from russia from january 1 next year. this is stated in their joint statement: from march 1, the g7 wants to ban the import of diamonds that were mined in russia but processed in third countries. but by september next year the g7 wants to create a mechanism that will trace the origin of rough diamonds. according to reuters, the g7 countries account for 70%. russian sanctions have been raised more than once, but this idea has always encountered opponents. in russia, 97% of diamonds are mined by the alrosa company; the united states and great britain have already imposed sanctions against it, but one of the world centers of diamond trade is located in the belgian antwerpon, that is, in the european union, and there was no consensus there on whether russian diamonds should be banned. and in
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mid-november, eu authorities announced that the measures against russian diamonds we still ended up in the twelfth. a package of sanctions that is currently being negotiated. according to the camberley process, russia produced almost 42 million carats last year, making it by far the largest producer on the planet. the top five are batswana, canada, the democratic republic of the congo and south africa. besides belgium, there are other world diamond trading centers: india and the emirates. and as bloomberg previously noted, it is to india that most russian stones are sent for processing. is trading in the red, oil today, although it is trying to grow, but after yesterday’s failure, it is still at its minimum in six months. weak oil naturally puts pressure on the ruble, but after the dollar once again climbed above 93, investors apparently decided that it was time for a correction, so the ruble is rising in price today, the dollar is 92.62, the euro is 99.84. the state duma adopted in
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the third final reading a bill on the abolition of the commission for from july 1 next year, only those who need social support will be able to receive a communal apartment without a commission. in the first reading, this bill was approved back in april of 1920, but then it was proposed to abolish fees for paying utility bills for all russians without exception. the banks, as expected , came out against it, saying that if the commissions were abolished, then they would have to, for example, lower the rates on deposits and raise... interest rates on loans, in order to cover the costs of making payments free of charge, the banks proposed to shift these payments to resource-supplying companies organizations, of course, were not happy either. the management companies of the itsh are also worried that the commissions may ultimately be passed on to them, which means they will have to increase the payment to citizens for maintenance and repairs. as a result, the deputies then proposed to abolish commissions only for pensioners and
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benefit recipients; since then, this bill has not been returned to for more than 3 years. beneficiaries for whom commissions for paying housing and communal services will be waived must be determined by the government. egor, everything about the economy. thank you, denis, ntv viewers in the capital, next episode awaits today in moscow, and we we will continue broadcasting for other regions of central russia. a foul-smelling riot in france, local farmers protested against high taxes and an abundance of imports. in one of the largest french retail chains, 80% of goods are from abroad in the province of brittany, the discontent of farmers splashed out in a powerful stream through the windows of administrative buildings, farmers showered them with manure and straw. well, on the roads, upside-down signs are also a sign of protest, a symbol of the fact that farmers are walking on
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their heads, trying to survive in an upside-down world. well, the summit of the european union of the people's republic of china is taking place in beijing. there have been no face-to-face meetings in this format for 4 years. european officials stated in advance that they expected to eliminate acute contradictions in the relations of the old world with china. in beijing they were told that in the middle kingdom they also hope for this. receives distinguished guests from brussels, the head of the european commission ursula fonder and the president of the european council charles michel, without emotion, according to the protocol. footage of the meeting, word illustration of a dry headline from the chinese global times, china eu summit, an opportunity to stabilize relations, form consensus. with the correct position of the comprehensive strategic partnership: china-eu cooperation should be mutually beneficial, constantly strengthen mutual political trust, overcome all kinds of interference, and
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we should jointly respond to global challenges. european diplomats announced a course towards building a new model of relations with china as opposed to the united states, although almost every day they continued to express their concerns to beijing, with these same concerns the leaders of the euro... thank you, mr. president, for the very warm welcome, it is a pleasure to see you again and to be here in china for the second time this year, this speaks volumes about the importance that the european union attaches to its core relationship with china. zelsky's peace plan or if he reconsiders
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his trade relations with russia. for some reason, the european union is sincerely confident that up to 70% of all chinese exports to our country are dual-use goods. before the summit, the newspaper politics, citing the words of community officials and diplomats, wrote that the preferred option was so that china itself will deal with the problem, but we have the tools to deal with it on our own, if necessary, at the same time, all the time before the start of the summit in the public field, european diplomats tried to avoid harsh statements, much less threats, the chinese country responded diplomatically. official high-level meetings took place one after another between the eu and china, where consensus was reached on cooperation, which contributed to development on both sides. and president of the european council charles michel, they took place
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within a year, europeans have something to worry about, chinese exports to europe are three times higher than imports of goods in the opposite direction, the imbalance is huge, europe has less and less to offer china, while brussels is doing everything to limit supplies to the european market. chinese electric vehicles, whose share there is already more than 8%. in europe they are now trying to initiate anti-dumping investigations; economics and politics have also not yet been separated; they cannot even be mixed, but not shaken. u we share a common interest in peace and security, in the effective functioning of a rules-based international order, and in finding solutions to global problems. this is why it is important to end russian aggression against ukraine. establish a just and lasting peace in accordance with the un charter, and in the same spirit, do everything possible to achieve a two- state solution in the middle east. europeans
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continue to accuse china of aggressive policies in relations with taiwan in the middle east and expect beijing to increase volumes humanitarian aid to palestine. and with respect to thirteen chinese companies, the european union is considering the possibility of imposing sanctions for working with russia. concerns settled daily seeped into the european press, which, competing in the mastery of the headline, escorted its officials to china, to conduct a dialogue of the deaf, alexey prokin and irina chernyshova, ntv television company. the venezuelan parliament at an extraordinary session unanimously adopted in the first reading a law on the protection of esequibo, a significant part of the territory of neighboring guyana, the dispute over which continues more than 100 years, caracos, following a referendum the day before, declared it its new state; the head of the military and administrative headquarters for the management of the new territory has already been appointed in the general. at the same time , venezuela emphasizes that the country’s army
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will not enter esequibo; at least at first, the oil-rich region will be controlled from the neighboring venezuelan state of bolivar. much smaller in number compared to venezuela and guyana , only diplomatic methods of resistance remain at its disposal. the country's authorities today intend discuss venezela's actions in the un security council. today you can get into armitage absolutely free. on its birthday, one of the largest museums in the world gives visitors such a gift. the holiday is celebrated on december 7, st. catherine's day, as a tribute to the memory of the museum's founder , catherine ii. nikolai bulkin appreciated the scale of the collection and the modern capabilities of the museum. a brown caftan from the shoulder of emperor peter ii is awaiting restoration in a fabric laboratory. the hermitage is not only the state rooms of the winter palace, it is huge funds laboratories where scientific work is carried out. the king's robe has faded over the centuries and has turned out to be moth -eaten, but museum specialists will certainly return
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the royal robe to him. as it was already possible to make a green caftan sewn according to the french fashion in 1710, this outfit was first washed thoroughly, then the fabrics were strengthened, then the lost threads of the fabric trim were restored with gold thread, buttons made of wood, and with the help of electron microscopes they found several hairs on the blanket, it turned out to be from sable fur, the caftan is winter, this one the button is genuine, this is what was added, here you see the original fabric underneath... you can imagine that the collar, it’s almost a stand-up collar, yes, that is, in cold times it rose, in this case the armitage attracted money in an unusual way for restoration, together with a well-known social network, he released stickers with the image of the emperor, from their sale he collected 3 million rubles in 5 months. a new way to introduce all our friends to various armitage projects, this is one of the most important armitage projects, close
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to the soul of those who love st. petersburg , who love peter, you can see the tsar’s rich wardrobe right there in the open storage facility, in the museum, where there are more than 3 million storage units; it is not possible to fit everything in the palace halls; for many years now the modern building of the storage facility has been open for excursions , the open funds of the storage facility are an opportunity to see a variety of carriages of emperors, for example, the carunation carriage of empress catherine, an evil body, luxurious decor, elements of painting for more than... centuries and this is a real work of art, in the very residence of the russian tsars in the winter palace, of course, they also celebrated the museum’s birthday, in the blue bedroom, they decided to surprise with porcelain from the french sèvres manufactory from the imperial collection. i doubt that this is one of the best manufactories in europe, where both a sense of taste and grace have always been present. and by the way, on the day of the museum, the famous hermitage cats showed themselves in the palace; they live in the basement and protect works of art from rodents, but one
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mouser got into the air duct. and several the museum security guards were haunted for weeks; the cats rescue team helped rescue the cat for three nights, and eventually returned the cat safely to his workplace in the state armory. nikolay bulkin, victor khudi, pavel zelkov, ntv, st. petersburg. this is the program today, that’s what we’ll talk about next. the implants become stronger, the injections are more painful, and the bill for the dentist’s services is higher. about how to keep a smile when sanctions hit you in the teeth. report by pavel rybalchenko. magic conditions - real rate: up to 15.5% per annum savings account at gazprom bank. your money works and you receive additional income. withdraw and top up at any time. apply online at
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on the air, continuing our broadcast. domestic dentistry faced a shortage after the departure of western manufacturers and difficulties in logistics, procurement of some. the supply of foreign drugs and medical instruments has decreased significantly, as a result of rising prices for dental services. russian enterprises have established their production, but volumes need to be increased, pavel rybalchenko talks about what has already been done and what remains to be done. there are stones, a small plaque on the teeth, in general, it heals the teeth, right? yes. 13 years of practice, hundreds of patients, lectures all over the world. after all this, dentist louise avtondel is forced... to ask again the question... it seemed that a long time ago it was decided how to make people stop being afraid to have their teeth treated, dentistry is an area where we are all really afraid of visiting the dentist since childhood and when we are in pain, we don’t want
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to stay here, and just such anesthetics how did ubestezin solve this problem, if one dose was enough for the patient and ubestezin and local anesthesia to cure a tooth, then for example, a... articaine-binergy needs to be injected with about three or four carpules in order to get the same effect as from ubistina. artikain binergia is a russian analogue of the american ubestezin. the second anesthetic left our market with the departure of the western pharmaceutical giant 3m. it also supplied high-quality cement to russia. according to doctors, they managed to switch over to analogues, both domestic and from other countries, quite quickly. at first there was such a collapse, everything... the companies we worked with slowed down a little in providing these products and of course the doctors were a little in such shock, but in principle everything was resolved quite quickly, i, as an orthodontist,
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i see absolutely no shortage of products. the most important room at the plant is the quality control department. with the departure of western firms in russia , local production is increasing in volume. at this enterprise in st. petersburg , not just dental implants are made, but materials for the entire medical segment. the system includes implants, orthopedic components, instruments, related products, the capacity of this enterprise... allows at its peak to produce 200,000 implants plus components and components, that is, this means implants - everything that is necessary for its installation and for prosthetics. it is a fact that in the industry many domestic analogs are cheaper than imported ones, but are not inferior in quality, and the price in dentistry, according to experts, is an important component not only for patients, but also for doctors. if - imported materials and tools, they have now risen in price and quite significantly, ours have risen in price... but insignificantly in accordance with, so to speak,
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comparable, let's say, well, relatively speaking, even if we take the tip, our tip there is the best one, which is produced there with an led, i think you know, the imported one costs about 70-80 thousand and above, our most expensive, but not inferior in quality handpiece, for a drill, for a dental unit, costs there , well, no more than 20,000, a certain skill is of course required, because in order for it to be beautiful, reliable, and useful, so to speak, in serpukhov, with pinpoint precision , domestic tips for drilling machines are manufactured and assembled, laboratory tests are carried out before packaging, unique the opportunity, without having a medical education, to find yourself on the other side of the drill, this is... the tip is assembled and ready for testing. first, we drill into a material
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identical to the material of the tooth, then we measure the revolutions of the small turbine. more than 370,000 rpm. for comparison, the speed of a jet aircraft engine turbine is two times lower. this speed is necessary so that the nerve endings do not have time to react and the person almost does not feel pain. water is supplied so that the protein in the tooth bone does not have time to coagulate. but... the glowing diode turned out to be a unique solution that was implemented right here in production. the air passes through the generator, the generator generates current and the diode lights up, it simplifies the design for the dentist who uses it, they don’t need these additional devices, well, power supplies and everything else, he just inserted this tip, it lights up, doctors rated russian tips by dignity, inexpensive, performs the functions... properly, fits comfortably in the hand. an important issue is ergonomics, so that in
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complex manipulations, uh, the doctor it was convenient and comfortable for them to work. the handpieces cope with all tasks, all doctors are completely satisfied with the quality, all patients are happy, everything is fine with this equipment. alas, if domestic instruments have inspired confidence in russian doctors, the same cannot be said about drugs yet, due to the massive use of imported analogues in the outgoing year 2023 ... pavel rybalchenko, georgy ugarov, nina brykova and yana fedorishcheva, ntv television company, amazing beauty and danger, a record set in the united arab emirates three-time world champion in vexate brian grab, an extreme sportsman, jumped from a skyscraper in dubai, accelerating with the help of a drone along the surface of the most swimming pool in the world, at the end
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of the acceleration, the hornbang drove onto a springboard, parachuted down from a height of 294 m and landed on the beach, after a successfully performed trick , the extreme sportsman himself admitted that it was the most terrible thing he had ever done. well , now it’s time for the weather forecast, evgenia neronskaya and zhenya are with us, are there any hints of warming already? here on the european territory, in addition to the arctic anticyclone, there is another player - the southern cyclone, it will try to penetrate the center, i’ll tell you how successfully after a pause. how to maintain normal sugar levels, take this natural complex to help maintain normal sugar levels and reduce appetite and cravings for sweets. olzhim evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes
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association. if you can't give up sweets, take olzhim. the natural olim complex helps reduce appetite and cravings for sweets, as well as maintain the level of sugar levels are normal. olzhim evalar is recommended by the russian diabetes association. so, since the cyclone from turkey, the temperature background in the south, up to the bryansk-voronizh and volgograd line, is significantly higher than in the center, especially in the northeast. in general , up to +18 in crimea. it rains in places; closer to the don , near zero, the weather is not the best with wet, sticky snow and sharp winds. snow is possible in the black soil, with an average temperature of about 6° below zero. away from the core the cold is moderate. frosts in the northwest and even in the north in pskov -9, murmansk -12, but in the northeast it’s 30 and snowing in places. in the center, in the volga region , the sun will appear, but this will not prevent the frost from intensifying. in the moscow region during the day it’s down to -18, in tatarstan up to -25, in volgovyatka it’s all 30. about the weather in the capitals in a few seconds. if
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your joints bother you when the weather changes, take rheumoflex. it helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes uric acid levels. rheumaflex evalar - movement without pain in any weather. how to reduce pain in joints without harm to the stomach? rheumoflex helps reduce joint pain without damaging the stomach, and also normalizes the level of uric acid, preventing its deposition in the joints. rivmoflex evalar - movement without pain. in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be -11 and without significant precipitation, also in moscow. only here it’s down to -16. a little softer for the weekend. thank you, that's all, good luck. when you invite friends to tinkov, these new year's invitations are returned with joy, before december 31, invite a friend to apply for a tinkov card get 1,500 rubles, and a friend will receive free service forever tenki, i want, i
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