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tv   Za granyu  NTV  December 7, 2023 4:45pm-5:51pm MSK

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on october 18, 2022, in the irkutsk region , unknown persons kidnapped sixty-year-old beekeeper pyotr shilopugin from the village of griznushka. the man was brutally tortured for almost 30 hours. unable to withstand the torture, the pensioner died. as part of the investigation of the criminal case, investigators and the investigative committee questioned more than forty witnesses, conducted 15 different forensic examinations, including commissions from the investigation. suspects a few days later. two of his acquaintances from neighboring village. they are now detained and awaiting a court verdict. charges have been brought against two residents of the irkutsk region, they are accused of kidnapping, torture, extortion , murder with extreme cruelty.
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the criminal case is currently being considered in the irkutsk regional court. in our studio , the father of one of the accused, sergei volgin. hello, hello, serge. how did you find out that your pasank was accused of several charges on the day of peter’s funeral, he was there at his partner’s house, he was there and when peter was buried, who at that time was considered the culprit of his death, during the funeral no one knew anything yet, and who was not suspected, and you were familiar with the deceased? yes, my relative, your relative, who is he related to you, he is like a second cousin, and you communicated with your stepchild before this terrible tragedy, a week before this incident, my mother and i were visiting, everything
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was fine, how he seemed to you , alarmed or vice versa, he was calm, balanced, on the contrary, calm, drank tea, sat, talked and didn’t even twitch about anything, nothing, everything was calm, and you knew what your little boy was doing before the funeral, he was doing housework there, everything was fine, he was preparing firewood, alexey, could sergei’s little boy already be planning murder at that moment? the psychological state of people can be different, sometimes they sit, drink tea, with a person who just recently committed a murder, the second partner doesn’t even know about it, or vice versa, one is preparing for a crime, and it’s hard to understand, he’s thinking here, here you need to know, of course, psychology deeply to figure out who is sitting in front of you, what his thoughts are, what his desires are, and it often happens that a person says, “i didn’t know.” i didn’t even
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suspect that he had such inclinations, that he was planning crimes, that he had just committed a crime, it’s hard to determine. sergei, were you able to communicate with passink after his arrest? no, only once, when he was detained once, they did not allow him to contact him, what should i ask him, why do you take the blame for all this on yourself? and he says: i don’t take responsibility for the folder, it’s not his fault, he’s weak-willed, he’s into fights i didn’t notice that he was like that with everyone in the village, all the boys respected him, who then is guilty of the murder? the second suspect could have intimidated him, because he had already been convicted, the second suspect was for murder, then he had some other conviction, i know that, but why didn’t you then forbid pasunka to communicate with this person at all? he worked in his fields, he was like a tenant, he went to cultivate the fields, well, that’s it, the second suspect, he’s older than your little boy, but it turns out, in your little boy
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how many 34, and before that your little boy never served a sentence in prison, he was not punished in prison, but there was, the same incident, climbed on a tractor, he took it, tore it up, drove off, got caught with the forest, he did it on his own, well, how did they steal it, or someone will push him to this in the same place, he works there, he works for one in the same way, the group works for one, in logging sites and everywhere, but there in the group, one persuades the other, the other signs documents, you sergei also blame that man for whom he worked, yes, masha, and you can guess why one man can be so afraid of another that he takes his blame upon himself, that he is so intimidated, intimidated, well , it seems to me that there is some kind of slyness here and something is not being fully explained to us, because i understand , which, first of all , protects his stepson, but i don’t believe in
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such spinelessness, you know, to be such, excuse me, a fool, but here he is, yes, a whipping boy, yes, yes, there are people who, well, well ok, fine, i'll take the wine. yes, otherwise he will meet me there somewhere around the corner and will score, everything is possible, alexey, in general, in your practice, you have often encountered the fact that people take on someone else’s guilt, for what reason, in percentage terms, if you take it, then 10% who may be afraid of inheritance then they say that i’m scared there, the main part of our law has been determined, either you go alone on business, you’re there for 5 years, or you go together, it’s a group, you already get... 8, or even 10 years , these are already aggravating circumstances and so on, so in this case, as a rule, those in penitentiary institutions , people say, i was alone, he says , yes, they saw how the second one helped you, no, i’m alone , that’s it, they agree on this, but let
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the second one help me, they send parcels, they send letters there, they call each other, they support the family for what the person has taken upon himself, but if suddenly people don’t provide... help to the family, they don’t support them financially, they don’t give them parcels, then he goes back to the investigation and says: i wasn’t alone, and the locomotive, as it’s called and goes on in full, from the plot we heard that in none the crime accused pasanok of the second defendant, of several crimes, and the first crime was announced as kidnapping, that is, the person was first stolen and kept in some... closed room and tortured for a certain amount of time and pasanok did not inform anyone and did not help this peter , as it turns out to a distant relative, this is generally out of the ordinary, on the verge of understanding any human
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qualities in general. ekaterina, could it be that sergei simply doesn’t want to believe the obvious facts that concern his pasinka? of course, parents always see in their... child a child, whether he is 34 or 44 or 20, but the fact is that there is a reasonable grain in sergei’s words, because people are different, yes, someone shows such hostility from aggressive intentions, someone uses them out of fear, so you asked, can a person take the blame? maybe even from psychological... characteristics, when a person did not have the opportunity to express his opinion there, we don’t know when sergei appeared there at an early age with this pasank, yes, or the eldest, maybe he lived with his mother for a long time, this whole situation, the whole society in which he grew up, yes, could also influence the fact that a person joined some kind of
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society, unfortunately, this society turned out to be not very prosperous, and when he gets into this society, he accepts the rules of the game , because we all want this society not to reject us, but this is not a mitigating circumstance in those crimes that we have now seen and heard about, and we must be responsible for it there will be a crime. sergey, tell us in general about your pasanka, at what age did you start raising him, how did he live, you took him in when he was 4 years old, and he went to kindergarten, everything is fine, with my kids, everyone talked with dad, mom, myself, the first children left, well everything is fine, because well, i didn’t study at school, it’s normal, wherever you want, you don’t want to go to school, you finished nine grades, then you went to become a driver, you got your license, but where did you work? on a tractor, with a guy, then he worked in the sowing field, he helped, and
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he had a wife and children, but he got married got married, then they had a wedding, they still had a girl, well, something didn’t work out, they had a fight with her, so they separated from her and her daughter stayed with her mother? yes, daughter, where, of course, is this his only child? no, i also have a grandson, he only gave paternity to the boy, but he was deprived of nat, they lived. that she ran away for 4 months, his son was 3 years old, we have now taken him into ourselves, and you know, sergei, what exactly your stepson, together with the second accused, did to your distant relative, well, now yes, they abused him, according to people, like because of a horse , for someone, whose horse, what kind of horse, the second suspect was, some long ago lost, a year or so, well, passed, and they suspected peter that he stole this horse, right? that’s why they
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dealt with him so cruelly, mocked him, well, the name of your program here never shines brightly, because beyond the boundaries of good and evil, humanity, permissibility and so on, the only thing i think is, here’s your little boy, to whom you say, that he is weak-willed, that he obeys, and so on, who is his raised him this way, maybe you... but somehow suppressed him from childhood, maybe you made him this way, did you beat him? no, no way, maybe they were brought up harshly, but no , in general the situation is beyond the bounds for me, but uh, there is family upbringing, and there is upbringing by society, the society where the little boy grew up can leave its mark, sergey, and the murdered peter left behind a family, yes, a wife, two daughters. peter's daughters cannot believe that their cheerful and sympathetic father
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is no more, studio elena yurgina and evgenia bogatyreva, hello, elena and evgenia, first of all accept our condolences, thank you, there is still no awareness that your father is no more, this awareness is not there, it is not coming. this unconsciousness is so painful and we each, probably every morning, wait for dad’s call, that he will call, wish him good morning, but there is no call. elena, how did you find out that your father is no longer there, my mother called me on october 20 and said that my father was no longer with us, she could not explain what happened, i just told her that mom, i’m going, i’ll finish the things that need to be finished and get ready and go to you, i gathered my eldest
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daughter, youngest son, and we went, of course, we were in such shock, we didn’t understand why our dad was no longer there, when we brought dad home, he had his face was in pain , i can’t even find the words, i can’t right now, because the pain was so frozen in his face, his face was blue, it was burned, there was a cut from ear to lip, this cut split open, there were bruises, that's it, the bruises were black, they weren't bruises, you know, i when i came up, i said, as if it were not our father, i just took his hand, he had this , you know, a characteristic injury in childhood,
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he had arms like this, here are his arms, like this, here they were bent, i kept saying, dad , on purpose, you’re the driver, i’m telling you, on purpose, so that it would be comfortable to hold the steering wheel, he laughed at me, i could see from my hands that it was him, there was a huge cut in my hand, i don’t know how many times that right hand was cut there , he defended himself, he grabbed the knife so that there would be fewer blows to the body with a knife, as when a loved one leaves, it always hurts, but when it’s illness or age, it gives you the strength to understand, explain, come to terms, time passes, the pain subsides, and when you imagine that your loved one was tortured like that, dear girls, no condolences to you, they probably won’t help, although let me express them, but this, this is some kind of worst, in my opinion, atrocity. to torture a person like this, and what these girls are experiencing now, i
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can’t even imagine, a terrible dream, elena, but what exactly did your father die from, what the doctors said, the cause of death is a live wound in the left lung, in the pleural cavity with pneumothorax, so in my opinion, alexey, how long can a person live with a lung injury, or is it immediately incompatible with life, no, it depends on what object , how wide the penetration is depends on the depth, well, this is blood loss, yes, yes, yes, and breathing. the person could not, at this time, what the people who were nearby did, whether they helped, or they gave him artificial respiration, or turned him over incorrectly, depends on various circumstances that's it, they wounded him on the eighteenth, until well, at 2:00 in the morning, at night he was wounded, at 20:00 he died, he spent the whole day, they continued
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to torture him, they continued to torture him, they continued to torture him. yes, what a nightmare, what a horror! evgenia, you know, everything that happened from the very beginning, i know only from the case file, what happened from the very beginning of the eighteenth, in the area from 6 to 13:00, dad was returning home from the apiary, they stopped him, grabbed him by his clothes , pulled out of the steering wheel of the car. they struck him several times in the face, tied his hands and put him in another car , the car was stolen back to the apiary, they erased all traces of the crime, traces, it turns out, fingerprints , we went, we went all over the village
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, we went into the forests, there they beat, tortured, strangled, cut, uh-huh, oh, god, burned, struck all over his body, with fists, with knives, with a knife, they choked him with more than, at least nine blows with a knife, then they doused him with gasoline, set him on fire, wow, he has a third degree burn, 45% of his body, upper, upper extremities, chest, and head, this is terrible, what we hear is just some kind of disaster, how can you be like this? sadists, tying him up, beating him, setting him on fire, well, what kind of people are these, some kind of non-humans, just non-humans, no matter how you raise him, he ’s not a person, your little boy, not a person, elena, he’s sitting in front of you now sergei, the father
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of one of the accused, and he claims that his son is not guilty. that he simply took on someone else’s guilt, they entered into a criminal conspiracy. kiril, this massacre could have been carried out by both men, i am sure that they had absolutely the same planned intent, since they left, tried to cover their tracks, drove this car away, they took fingerprints there, they tried to destroy fingerprints, of course, they had the same intention, here to say that someone had a more active role in the commission of the crime, this is an absolute tragedy, i would like to offer condolences to the relatives of the deceased, but at the same time i would like to remind you that every criminal case, every situation is
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unique, yes, when people commit a crime, in any case it must be established. motives, reasons, all the circumstances, as we see from the way they described how the crime was committed, well excuse me, this is an absolute atrocity , that is, who committed this here, all these moments must be found out, what will the woman who last saw the tortured man still alive tell me, i was scared, i say, we need to call him, he wanted to live, he didn’t want to he was dying, he resisted for a long time, fought for life, we’ll find out together in a couple of minutes, grandfather frost, give me a field, vadik,
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beyond, it's beyond. in the irkutsk region , two men suspected a beekeeper from a neighboring village of stealing a horse and decided to force a confession out of him. the monsters tortured me for almost 30 hours. petra shilapugina. the man died. the suspects were soon detained, but why one of them is sure that his stepson is not guilty. the second suspect was my stepson's boss. i believe that he is to blame for this whole coming. my little boy couldn’t do it, he’s weak-willed and cowardly. both believe that the daughters of the murdered man, elena and evgeniy, are to blame. women still can’t believe that their father is no more, it still doesn’t fit when you read the case materials, to be honest, i can’t read them. i
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can't stand to see the lines of all the torture that was applied to my dad, well, i can’t, elena, but do you believe that your father was killed because of a horse? it defies any explanation to me, an animal that has a price and human life, which is priceless, on april 21... in the twentieth year, a horse was lost and on april 27 a statement was filed, they were looking for this horse, but the criminal case was closed on july 27, because... one of the accused, they had no suspicions about who could steal this horse, the horse is actually not a stagusen needle, and even if this had happened, if indeed peter had been our victim, yes he would have been
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would be guilty of theft. horse, then i think that someone from this village would have seen it , would have known, this horse, it is impossible to hide it anywhere, so i think that the motive for this crime is simply far-fetched, elena, evgenia, or maybe , your father somehow crossed the path of these people, if he had some kind of conflict with someone, we would have known about it first of all, but there was no conflict, and what in general... did your father do? our family lived on a subsidiary farm, raised cattle, had our own horses, he had his own herd, more than twenty heads, but the last one was probably about 10 years old, dad was more closely involved in bees, peter’s large farm is now looked after by his daughters, on a rural street dusted with snow there is a dilapidated wooden house with an apiary, which...
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he restored with his own hands, he used to come here to collect honey, now his father’s legacy is carefully preserved by his daughters. he felt good here, it was a place of his strength, he liked to work with bees. the grandfather of five grandchildren became so addicted to beekeeping that he allocated half of the house for wintering of bees. so they are kept in winter; the temperature here is comfortable for them. elena proudly shows the utensils she made. with the help of his father, in addition to beekeeping, he was interested in wood carving, handicrafts and crafts at this very table. dad’s favorite place , this chair, because here he picks up the phone, he contacted us and sat here very often, but now we sit here, and it ’s as if you feel his presence, you tell him something, it becomes easier, i would like to express my condolences, of course, grief, your loss, it’s impossible to even
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find words to... somehow hold you, i have the following question: have you dreamed of anyone’s dad during this time? i dreamed about dad once during all this time, in the dream he was already lifeless, you know, this is how he was lying in a coffin, he was all disfigured, but in the dream he was so beautiful, his face was smooth, beautiful, and he was lying there, smiled, there was this terrible facial expression that he had during his death, he had a smile on his face, i also dreamed of dad, but i dreamed of him alive, he was talking to mom, it’s far away, i see him, i’m running, screaming, screaming, dad, and he turns around, and he has a face, the face that was there when
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the body was exhumed, that’s it. that i was scared, i screamed so much in the dream that it seemed to me that i was screaming at eve, and it ended, this dream from the fact that i woke up, that i screamed, there are certain things that every person who experiences loss goes through , at first there is shock, disbelief, it seems that now the person will enter that this is all not true, then sadness sets in, melancholy, sadness, the understanding that it is really he is no longer there, and here, i would probably say that what you are talking about now about your dreams sounds like how disfigured he was, yes, his face, his body, and these memories are very vivid for you, yes , if this is at least somehow possible for you, try to remember something good, yes,
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how you spent time with him, that’s how... now they showed how he sat on a chair, how he called you, so that these memories , so they moved from horror, to slight sadness, yes, to such sadness, here... acceptance, well, the third stage is when time passes, time heals, everyone talks about it, everyone who has gone through such losses, yes, confirms that over time this is accepted by a person, he continues to live, girls, if you need the help of a psychologist, to survive this grief , to go through this path, then i or my colleagues have the skills and knowledge to help you in this matter, please come, we will be there. elena, evgenia, how did your mother survive your dad’s death? she has aged very much this year. she was such a hustler. and
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now she began to move so slowly. she, she is deaf in one ear, her blood pressure is constantly rising, we are trying to protect her from the courts. i say, mom , you have diabetes, your blood pressure will rise, it will go through the roof, i’m just afraid that the blood vessels may not be able to withstand it, i’m generally terribly afraid for her, i spent this year completely with her, i just came to the funeral, only twice was at home, and she is still worried and she is worried about us, that we are going and we are worried about her, it’s hard, we talked with mother elena evgenia, with her beloved husband, four-year-old tatyana shilapugina lived 43 happy year. as soon as the conversation turns to him, in the eyes of the kind, smiling woman one can read the inconsolable melancholy that has been lying like a stone on her heart for a year now. he was a good husband, a wonderful father, a wonderful grandfather.
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he never laid a finger on his daughters, i think he never even shouted at them. he was hot, he was so hot-tempered, but he quickly moved away. in my opinion, he didn’t hold any grudges, tatyana remembers the morning when she saw her husband for the last time to the minute, she went to his apiary to pick up hay for the horse, her husband i was surprised, because i was going to bring it myself, he said, go put the tea on, well, i put the tea on, we drank tea, and i got ready to go , i now regret it, i should have said, we’ll go together, hay on the puddle, we’ll go together, when he looked at me, and already at night the criminal investigation officers arrived at tatyana’s house, they began to tell me when they saw my husband, i say, i didn’t want to believe, i
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didn’t want to believe until the very end that something had happened, what they said in the morgue, the woman vaguely remembers how she got there, at that moment earth... my husband was buried in an open coffin, he was beaten, cut up, his hands were in his hands, it was clear that they were clenched and there were cuts in them, he was skinned, i don’t have a day that i don’t cry, because i remember , ekaterina, how should daughters behave so that it becomes at least a little easier for their... mother, to grieve together, to remember good moments, how he did, what he said, and blessed memory, there are such words, that’s what
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everything is about, you can’t cross out that this doesn’t exist, this didn’t happen, let’s forget, let’s not talk about it anymore and to think, this is impossible, but your lives must continue and be close to... and your mother will be with you, elena, evgenia, you probably, like your mother , cry every day, yes, yes, every day, every day we remember him, not only that, we have the feeling that we feel his presence, we get behind the wheel, we drive, because he taught us to drive cars, we feel him, it seems to me, we feel him when we do his things. here are his unfinished affairs, we had to take ourselves to do this, and you know, it feels like he’s nearby, i don’t want to, i don’t i want to accept that he is gone, absolutely, but what do you think, what did he think about
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before his death, what does your heart tell you, he wanted to live, he really wanted to live, he didn’t want to die, he resisted for a long time, fought for life, the partner of one of... the last one to see your father alive, today she also came to our studio, raisa tugarina. hello, hello, raisan, how did it happen that you were the last person to see evgeniy and elena’s father alive, at that time my roommate called me, i was just at home, i heard in his voice that he was worried, so i asked him, i said what happened, he answered me, i’ll come, you’ll see everything, you’ll find out everything, he came for... went into the house, asked
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for me the keys to my sister’s house , i didn’t give him the keys, he said: “get dressed, come with me, we went, approached the car, my roommate opened the back door, i saw petra in the back seat, i was scared, i didn’t get in car, she said, i’ll go on foot, what condition was peter in, he would have been burned, i didn’t see the cut in the car, i i got to my sister’s house , my roommate took peter out of the car, asked his friend, help me, he refused, didn’t say anything, the roommate took peter alone into the house, sat him on the sofa, i started providing first aid to peter, immediately, poured it right away warm water , began to wash off the dirt, began to wash him, it was clear
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that it was painful for him, well, she washed the dirt on him, went to the store, took gauze, began to wrap him , saw two cuts, one cut in the area of ​​​​the heart, on the left side, and he was there’s another cut on my hand, i’m scared, i say it’s necessary call an ambulance, my roommate told me, what are you doing, he says, well, i already understood from his words. something could happen to me, as my roommate explained to raisa what happened to the man whom he brought to her burnt and wounded, i didn’t believe it, of course, i didn’t believe it , what the dying beekeeper asked her for before his death, he didn’t ask for anything soon, no police, he only asked for one thing, raisa’s testimony, they really need to be looked at under a microscope, we’ll continue after the commercial, we became stars on a tv show, oh, we are this girl
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package, call 8800 exactly 6 8882, the call is free in russia. beyond the limits, this. beyond the bounds: they strangled, beat, cut, doused with gasoline, set fire, for almost 30 hours, two kidnappers mocked the father of elena yurgina and evgenia bogatyreva from the irkutsk region until they tortured the man to death. according to investigators, the accused deprived the pensioner of his life because they suspected him of stealing a horse. it’s very hard when you lose a person, a loved one, who... did everything for you, and dad was just like that, dad was such an honest person, always worked with his own labor, dad never stole a horse when he had his own horse, why do you need someone else’s horse, the last thing, who saw peter alive
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, the partner of one of the accused, his lover brought the bleeding man into the empty... and her sister’s house, he was burned, he had a cut in the area of ​​his heart, there was a cut on the side, it turns out on the right, on the left side, i when i undressed him and took off his jacket, first of all, he had his hands there were his wife’s lower backs, he was also burned , his head was burned, i didn’t leave and didn’t leave him, i started providing first aid, raisa, did your roommate explain to you what happened to peter? he didn’t explain anything to me, he intimidated me, if you tell anyone, i can do the same to you , that is, you were afraid of the very accused, that he would deal with you, you were afraid for the children first of all, they just brought him, uh, his roommate brought him into the house, sat him on the sofa, and
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why did they bring him to you? at that time, the house was empty, only the keys were me, and peter... and you didn’t try to ask what happened, he was generally conscious, yes, he was conscious, he was talking, but he was already bad, he told me one thing, your roommate is not to blame for anything , don’t blame him and don’t scold him, he didn’t say anything else, and you believed it, didn’t believe it, of course, i didn’t believe it, well now, but peter didn’t try, i don’t know, to escape, to leave, no, he didn’t try, he sat completely calmly, not about one thing he asked, call a taxi, call mine, he gave me a phone number, call me mine friend, they called his friend, he... it’s okay with her, i’ll come to you, she answered yes , you can come to me, so they called a taxi, took him out to the porch, on the porch he leaned on me
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and started to fall, he locked the door, he started fall, fall, and at that moment i didn’t understand, i thought that he was bathing vomor and didn’t understand that he died, i didn’t understand anything at all, that is, he died, it turns out in your arms, well, that’s how he started for me slide down slowly, i... or told my boyfriend, hold it, i went, i don’t know, do you want what do what you want with me , even kill me, even if i don’t know, i’ll call an ambulance, i took the phone, jumped out over the fence, called an ambulance, the first time i didn’t call, the ambulance answered, we’ll be right there, i called the second time, the third once the ambulance had already arrived, when the ambulance arrived, the doctors declared death, yes, the doctors didn’t... asked what happened to this person? they asked, he was in such a state, i said, well, yes, that’s it,
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they didn’t ask anything else, we have a photo of the state peter was in before death, but i warn you these photos are not for the faint of heart. alexey, how can you comment? that's it, he lost consciousness. internal bleeding , of course, there was all the bleeding there, and well, it ’s obvious right away, they were beaten by sadists, they mocked, oh, my god, these are these terrible injuries, what can they talk about? blows, maybe even, they usually try to burn them with cigarettes , that it hurt, at this time the victim tells there, that is, this is definite torture, this is not one-time blows with one knife, they tried and knocked some kind of confession out of him or some words. kiril, how can you comment on this? his lung was punctured, this is a pneumothorax, so, that is, the person
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gradually suffocated, that is, the diaphragm sucks in air, but it doesn’t suck in through the mouth and nose, yes, through the pharynx, it sucks in directly, not into the lung, into the pleural cavity, which the lung surrounds, the lung begins to shrink, shrink, shrink, there is just a little bit of oxygen so that from the second... which comes in, the person gradually begins to die, this is a very unpleasant and terrible death, this approximately the same as drowning , so they continued to torture him, despite the fact that he was gradually dying, they saw it, they could not help but see that they were killing him, so i still say that these people animals and them, respectively, they must suffer the most severe punishment. elena, evgenia, which friend did your father call? an old family friend, he was going to visit her. why not home? he was afraid to scare , he was torn about scaring his mother with his de why didn’t he call you and ask for help? did not have
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the phone was taken away for a moment. nina, if raisa’s mistake is that she did not call the doctors right away, can raisa be punished for this? well, petra, yes, it was possible, probably, probably could have been saved, because the person really grabbed hold of life, was a healthy person, we see that from the photograph... life, he was a fairly normal- built person, thin, thin , here in the photograph we really see everything on the face of torture and swelling, but still, as for raisa, raisa is afraid, we see that raisa is afraid even now, but is it possible to to judge for this, well, purely from a legal point of view, yes, of course, raisa was a witness to this crime, from the point of view of raisa’s guilt, but i am more than sure that she is involved in a criminal case as a witness,
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most likely, yes raisa, yes in in the criminal code there is criminal liability for concealing crimes, there is for complicity in a particularly serious crime, and therefore raisa’s testimony, they really need to be examined under a microscope, i will explain why, raisa needs to avoid criminal punishment herself, i emphasize. some she did some things correctly, but some things weren’t, we must remember that raisa was in a state of stress, now she is in a state of stress, now she adjusts, adjusts her own testimony to the situation, so that she is not guilty of concealing a particularly serious crime once , not for complicity in committing murder, she called an ambulance, she tried to provide first aid in this situation, plus, she called some friend there... petra agreed that he was coming to her, called a taxi, then called ambulance that’s why it’s natural, what
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kind of guilt is raisa talking about here, it was necessary to get out, get out of this situation, call... the police, an ambulance, report such a particularly serious crime , look, another thing, based on the history of raisa’s story, i understood, that her partner and his friend fled, yes, they fled the scene of the crime, they were discovered, he wasn’t hiding , he didn’t even try to hide, but his friend, he fled, after some days, the resident was immediately detained, police officers immediately after the ambulance arrived, he was detained, they immediately released him until... then , already on the third day, he was already detained, that is, raisa’s partner was detained and released, that is, the law enforcement agencies did not have enough evidence to immediately detain the ninety-first and release him with a petition in custody, he on the second said, he is on the run, he is guilty , there is not enough evidence, yes, that is , something was missing, we see that there are questions, there are doubts, in this regard
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, i would return to the situation about whether there was really pressure on ...our next guests too they believe that the second suspect forced sergei pasank to mock the murdered man, in our studio marina bondariva, hello, marina, hello, how well did you know each of the accused, i was very close to the two suspects, the first suspect is rai’s roommate, and my neighbor... sergei ivanovich's stepchild, well, the second suspect, he was my beloved, but it didn't last long, we broke up with him because he was a womanizer, he was judged by his youth, he knocked a man to death, but his brother took him on yourself, because he felt sorry for him that he was a minor, so that he would not be convicted, nothing, but they seemed to get away from this punishment, he was prosecuted for theft in
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the forests, but he also escaped... from punishment, he hired people who needed financial matters , he paid them to take on all this responsibility, and how can you characterize sergei’s pasonko, well, positively, i’ve known him for 30 years, but i know when he brought him with his four-year-old child, he went to kindergarten, there were no complaints about him, there was no reason that he in childhood he had a conflict with someone, when he became older, he and i would never say a rude word, i lived in a neighboring village, he came to visit me, he even stayed overnight, but it never happened that he was noticed in something, somewhere, but nevertheless, now he is accused of a brutal murder, i understand that he is accused, but the fact is that he was taken like a calf on a string , that is, you you also think, like
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sergei, that he took someone else’s blame upon himself, since i live not far from them, they are his home they did it, he did the repairs himself, as if that was it, he would already live at home, he took his son , there, that everything would live at home, the second suspect arrived, called him, and he left, at that time they succeeded, so this is all. elena, evgenia, do you believe that sergei pasanok may be innocent? no, of course, you know, in all the testimony, they both participated, and... we also cannot not believe the testimony. the investigation has already proven that they both participated in this. of course, they told us that he wants to avoid punishment, they talked about it and they said it more than once, but the lazy one did not say that he would not escape punishment. nina, what punishment can you face for this? well, this is a brutal crime, the gravity here
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is group-wide, yes, yes, yes, this is part three, and evgenia and elena will be able to demand moral compensation from the killer. yes, relatives, even within the framework of a criminal case, could file a civil claim to seek moral compensation, and this is also possible in court, if they did not do this at the stage of the investigation of the criminal case, they can file this civil claim within the framework judicial investigation. the girls will get help if they need it. lawyer, we will contact you and i will provide you with this assistance. does sergei have a chance to fight for the freedom of stepson, a person should be responsible only for what he did, nothing more, no matter how much they gave, probably, when you lose a loved one, everything was not enough. we'll be back in a couple of moments.
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ex-mother-in-law demands a dna test from her daughter-in-law for her three-year-old granddaughter, i mean him, i don’t want to see her, she didn’t accept her from the very beginning, saying that someone else’s child is in ours no need for an apartment. firstly, the girl is different from her other grandchildren than my relatives, she is similar to them, secondly, the woman found the wife of her eldest son with her youngest son, i saw with my own eyes how she was sitting on ruslan’s lap, thirdly , the eldest son cannot have children at all, he was sick with mumps for 8 years, there is a high probability that he will not have children, so is it really little adeline’s dad, in fact, her uncle, who read the mixture, good morning, dear, i’m off to work, we’ll see each other, who's screwing me with, he's stanislav in this sitting in the studio because he wants to prove more to his mother than to himself, to my mother, most of all i want to prove to my mother, i open the envelope, dna, today at
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success and maximum sexual energy. get tanka premium right now free of charge, find out how by phone: 8800 2009-456. all conversations are confidential. bolobal: new season, today at 20:00 on ntv, beyond the bounds, this is beyond the bounds. pasanka sergei volgin and from the irkutsk region are accused of kidnapping, torture, extortion, murder with extreme cruelty. according to investigators, the man and his boss tortured a beekeeper from a neighboring village for almost 30 hours because they decided that he had stolen a horse from one of them. the pensioner died, but his father insists that his stepson is not capable of such a thing versatility. he couldn’t do it, he never offended anyone, well, he was afraid to see him. boss's boss, he could have beaten him
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, hit him or humiliated him, he said, take the blame on yourself, i want the case to be looked into, the monsters left no living space on their father's body, the daughters of the murdered man, evgenia bogatyreva and elena yurgina, are crying, they insist , both accused should be punished, the face was unrecognizable, swollen on one side, the blood was so baked, there was a large cut from lip to ear, all hands cut up, the body too, there were more than nine stab wounds, death itself occurred in the stab wound, in the left intercostal space. maria, do you think it is necessary for sergei to fight for the freedom of his stepson? i believe that if there are any doubts, then clearly, it is very important here who inflicted
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these blows, what blows were inflicted , which of the accused actually inflicted them, who inflicted the blow that caused death, i, in turn, am ready to provide help your side, since a person should only be responsible for what he committed, nothing more, alexey, and you can somehow contribute... of course, this is a resonant matter, i am ready to provide legal and consulting assistance, of course, elena, evgenia, you will seek the most severe punishment for the murders of your father, no matter how much they didn’t give it, probably, when you lose a loved one, everything was not enough, but your father still has grandchildren, of course, yes, two, three granddaughters and two, two grandchildren, how will they remember their grandfather? prokhor will remember good,
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he won’t remember leva, he won’t remember leva at all, he’s old, this is the last one, probably yes , the communication that is on the screen of the youngest grandson with his grandfather, in six months, is probably not enough, what kind of child will remember his grandfather, only from a video, from a photograph, and what will you tell your grandfather to your children, what a knight dad was for us, kind, affectionate, how he rejoiced with us, our victories, was upset, upset by our some small losses, it’s hard without him, very hard, it’s a pity that he won’t teach his grandchildren to pick mushrooms like he did knew how to pick them, like picking berries, like fish caught.


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