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tv   Balabol-7  NTV  December 7, 2023 8:00pm-10:16pm MSK

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sanya, he didn’t have anything , he managed to throw it off on the way, you had a baton there in the car , that’s right, pr73, drag it, and we’ll support him, yes, he ’s the one, but as you wanted, an attack on a police colonel, this is a terrorist attack, okay, let's go to the car, well, let's get him into my car, because the major cannot cancel the colonel's order. krynd to you, people, comrade colonel, george.
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so hold on, just take some normal champagne. and not a hot mess like last time,
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after all, my wife and i have an anniversary, what, 17 days, oh, bro, are you a ghost? saw it, or what? maybe a ghost, something familiar to the face, yeah, it’s one of those cormorants that was shooting in a restaurant. come on, follow him, let's go ahead, hello, let's get in the car, what are you doing? guys,
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have you confused me with someone? and, apparently he doesn’t want it in a good way, let’s load it into the trunk. oh, you bitch, why are you standing there, come on, come on, tape, give me your hands here, begum, bitch, my nose is broken. well, mikheev, yeah, straight home, she definitely came to see him there, well, let’s please the witch, maybe turn him over to the cops, they ’ll give you a furashka and a certificate, what are you talking about, so where are we going, well let's go towards mikhev for now,
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he doesn't answer, go and check that this guy hasn't got a bone there. well, i was talking nonsense, i came to my senses, lads, they leave, guns on the ground.
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calm, calm, yours and the land. yes, you set the tasks, well, we solve them, you must agree, indeed, there were groups of military specialists, a training program, that included that same live battle, they didn’t give me information about all the fighters, only about those who are no longer alive, about pensioners who resignation, look, the whole
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mayor, seryoga, thank you, you helped me a lot, i ’ll leave myself, that’s it. this one, this one, oleg, everything is fine with you, maybe you need help, no, thank you, everything is fine, otherwise maybe we can sit somewhere like before, next time for sure, i have a plane in an hour, okay, seryoga, be there!
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it happens, something like this, yeah, the object, as i understand it, is sensitive, i’ll make passes, temporary, and... and without photographs, well, these are not excursion passes, you need a real reason to come there, but something think about it, it’s all somehow complicated, but what did you want for such money, it’s a shadow in the gateway, that’s also true. okay, we will think, comrades, dear , well, let’s go without a protocol, i told you everything,
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i’m transferring the name of the mortal supplier into money on his card, the cat is a garbage cat for you , comrade, let’s get to the people, ivanovich, i’m even afraid to ask what you did with him, i i came across an interesting book here witches, haven’t you read it? no, this is a treatise on demonology on the proper methods of prosecuting witches, a handbook for inquisitors, by the way, read it, read it, well, alexander mikhailovich, i propose to mark another notch on the sword belt, so i’ll say, i’ll come by in the evening after work, uh-huh, young, after all, mikhailovich, tell me, do you have justice in your department at all? well, it depends on the attitude of whom, well, in relation to me, let’s say that he has gone crazy or something in his old age, what justice is there for the robbers, your colleagues detained your lip, and again you urinated in the wrong
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place, well, almost, for shooting in the wrong place, what , mikhalich, the lip himself didn’t shoot at all, no one would give him permission as a previously convicted person, he was just standing next to him, and the guy... has permission to use guns, so i i didn’t understand anything, the guys were shooting where or at whom, the lip has something to do with it, okay, don’t talk too much , we’ll figure it out, listen, if you really have to die, you’ll live like a highlander, but did you buy some smoke? damn, were you flying into a box shop? i ran into a whore, which means i was walking from the store, a car slows down next to me, two people get out, let’s get in the car, cops, fuck it, i recognized one,
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a bald guy from a restaurant, knock him out. to which samoha kumpul broke through yes, listen, call him, tell him about it, why the hell, they didn’t swaddle me with sneaky clothes, i’m not a fool to go to the next forehead, well, yes, that’s also true, but let’s say to the tsar, who the hell knows what’s in his head, he’ll paint us as a samokha, a bow, i’m also not made with my finger, i always have a cannon with me, let him try, you and are you sleeping with her, or what? i advise you. and i ’m washing with her, wow, you’re a trump card,
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otherwise, okay, i’ll go, i’ll cry, come on, and i ’ll try to connect this box, and you alfred genrikhovich didn’t shoot, why are you, if only from the chimney, and you don’t be rude to me here, oh, great mikhailovich, i’m uni mikhailovich, citizen guborev, who was shot at, but no one was shot, but where did it go, eh? you don’t even have a statement, so , let’s do it, lip, either you tell me how it was, or i will make sure that for the next couple of years, your young wife will carry parcels for you, what is this for, article 213, part two, hooliganism , a committed group of people , by prior conspiracy , with the use of weapons, associated with resistance to government officials for up to 7 years, you are joking, but it looks like we are joking, so we are, we wanted to make a citizen’s arrest, what,
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how do you know such words, in short , you remember, in a restaurant our sides once started shooting, well, when they also shot ben’s hooves, well, then, in short, we were sitting in a car at the store on cherry street, well, where else are the schools, well, it doesn’t matter, suddenly one of them comes out, so i have in my daddy instructions on the case of the attack on the special couriers, bring it, so we passed the case, well, you passed the case, come on, come on, look, eh what is there to see, here he is, uh-huh, and what time it was exactly, well, about three. so zoya, here you go, go to the store, there are 100% cctv cameras
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there, maybe you’ll recognize him, so why do i need an identikit, i saw it, i’ll recognize it, but sure enough, you saw it, come on, so mikhailovich, maybe i’ll go, yes, you’ll come with me, where, lip, i have big plans for you, it’s clear, no good deed goes unpunished, i gave you a drink... let’s go, i think so, we deliver the guns to the territory in advance, 24 hours in advance , we enter in two groups, you and i go straight to the storage facility in a wheelbarrow , sack with a bow with the builders, we leave together, i wouldn’t, as soon as it rises nice. they’ll be looking for four people, they need another car, i’ll tell luka to do it, this is boris, we
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need to meet, okay, i’ll call, let’s go to the base, i have an idea, let’s drive. san, i’m already a lieutenant colonel, i’m not thinking well, what do you want? yeah, i also don’t understand something, i want mr. guborev to write a statement that he was attacked for the purpose of robbery, or rape, so why bother, what’s your choice? are you either a victim or a suspect in a hooliganism case? he
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's right, he wanted to rob me, he says, drive me away grandmothers, and boys, what do you see, how quickly you think, lip, now it’s the same thing, but on paper, fershstein, alfred genrikhovich, yeah, take a pen, go ahead, san, just a minute. this is a matter of special couriers, i understand correctly, right. you want to start an operational accounting business, well, so that you can calmly carry out operational activities, but i don’t want my close comrade and immediate superior to be desecrated by the higher authorities, well then , be kind enough for tomorrow, draw up a plan for operational activities, if you don’t want , i don’t want your comrade boss to reproach you, listen, but do you
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want it? the case was taken away, unobtrusively, they asked not to go there, you yourself said that there were already offices there, okay, work, mikhail, i ’m done, date and signature, that’s it, i can go, all that’s left is to take the oath, probably with the ministry of internal affairs get a tattoo, death to the bandits, everything is free, return the pen, and boys, work, i’ll give orders.
8:17 pm
the lights go out, the movie starts and you are killed, garik kharlamov and larisa guzeeva in the comedy, mother-in-law, already in the cinema, there is contact, results of the year with vladimir. putin on december 14 at 12:00 moscow time. avatar show. new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. invest in your country with a reliable broker vtb convenient technological application vtb-my investments. professionals work. naozone
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8:20 pm
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everywhere is calm, it’s on you, friends can always rely on you, it’s you who can’t stay away, it’s you, and here you are, among your own. great! you decided to fall asleep, you tsar, what are you doing? bro, this is a real mistake, they could just as easily have copied you, so why order delivery now? so... put on a vietnamese hat and a kimano when you leave the house, i have a reason not to bury you , at least four are needed for the job, this is the last
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time, there won’t be a second chance, i’ll ruin it, and you’ll take your pistol from the leg holster even you won’t have time to get it, you just know, i’ll ruin it, i’ll ruin it, where’s the money? last deal, maybe you’ll give me the money, we’ll do the job, you’ll get it for this time, when it’s already done, otherwise we’ve been sitting here for like 2 days, you can go 2 days without getting into anything, clean the weapon, prepare the equipment, check , i will meet our friend, but this is really an accident. oka,
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i'm sorry, screw you, maryam, please tell me what the local police are there, is the case moving at all, what is its state in general, as far as i know, they are working on this case their colleagues from the region. could you do anything? investors, they are aware of what happened, and how quickly the police get on the trail of the robbers will determine their decision whether to invest in the business or not, so far it looks as if we are trying to solve our problems through new financial injections , yes, the fact is that the goods are at least insured, but no one wants to risk money? yes, please clarify how much progress the investigation has made in finding these. it’s clear, i ’ll come in a couple of days, we’ll come and i wanted by the time we arrive so that you
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have more specific information. okay, bye, goodbye. hello, friend, how about telling everyone to go to hell and get drunk properly, i really want to, agreed.
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i never leave myself behind in unchecked premises, bastard, i missed you too, can you imagine what i went through during this time, you got a bad manicure, you ruined your manicure, your conscience is tormenting you, you’re a fool, a gun, it doesn’t suit you . where have you been? in st. petersburg, women's wine, everything is standard, do you think this is funny? this is tulanreya, samsunov boris, borisovich,
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madis yanovich raut. where did you take it? in st. petersburg? you’re bored, you’ll have dinner without me today, and what happened, varvara and i decided that the girls need to rest sometimes, but you can’t argue that you’ll be back by morning, well, i’ll think about it, dear, i’m just being so unjealous.
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it's time for me to run, bye. yes. well, well, by the way, now you can calmly get into trouble with ivanovich. oh, where does this happiness come from? have you already exiled zoya somewhere? oh, i sent you away. yes. so, colleagues, we are working again on case about special couriers. oh, there was no sadness, the woman bought a piglet. i don’t understand, are you against it or what? no, i am. maybe that’s why there’s such joy, it seems like the region is doing the business, but apparently they’ve screwed themselves up, now they’ve decided to shit in our pants , well, we’ll see who goes where to whom, okay, in general, we’re working on our own without the region, i don’t understand, sing , you don’t need to understand anything, you’re not supposed to according to your service life, he’s lieutenant colonel gribanov and he doesn’t understand anything, and your job is not to understand, remember what we’ve accomplished, where should we move now, and why is it so difficult, so i knew that we
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let's get back to this matter, i'm here... and i immediately said that they would ruin this matter, you can organize a car entry into the territory, technically yes, there are a lot of cars, there is construction in many hangars , building materials, brick, concrete, their by the way, they don’t inspect it, should i steal a concrete mixer, the other day our elevators and forklifts often break down, okay, i’ll steal a car, send you the information, order a pass, yes, you still need two passes to join the work crew, i can do it, but no question, okay, i'll call.
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yes, i found him, it's one of the robbers, i i sent you his photo, well done, i will apply for your nomination for the lenin komsomol prize, i absolutely agree, i’ll try to find a local district police officer, show him the photo, maybe he saw him, well, try, but it’s unlikely that he saw him there, why, well, judge for yourself, zoya, if you were wanted, you would go to the store under the windows, you would probably drive up by car or minibus. no, well, try, of course, maybe it will work out, who is he? yes, but i didn’t say, this man today gave his people a bream on his lip, and then dived sunk to the bottom of the mud, so are they in the city
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or something? so, well, everyone quickly strained their brains and remembered that where and when they had worked on this matter, i can’t yet understand. what is the connection between these people and alym? no, alym had different people in his brigade in st. petersburg, but this is a different level. the elite of the special forces, i don’t know, maybe through popov, where is this ferret hiding? i thought you wouldn't come back. i gave you my word, that’s it, thank you, i’m full, it’s very tasty, oleg,
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maybe it doesn’t matter, of course, but the priest’s manicure is good, so what do you mean a lot. saw men with manicures, are you trying to say that popov has a woman, well, yes, he is married, but wait, who would do a manicure for his wife? he has a mistress, well done, my girl is smart, oleg? where should you work, listen, your yuri, how old is he, 45 years old, probably, what if i don’t come back today, i’ll come back tomorrow, i mean, you won’t
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order, five pieces, the money is with you, you will need to put a repair inscription on the sides industrial equipment, can you? well , can you do it or not? yes, in principle it is possible, by morning. as far as i understand, the passports will be ready tomorrow? yes, two passports for 5.5 tons per car, i’ll throw in a couple of thousand more for urgency, it’s fine, come on, everyone will be there tomorrow, we’ve agreed.
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so what do we have, now the group consists of four people, of whom we know for sure only one, friend, what’s his name, zhor, they sent you data on him from the colony, vasily denisovich kulkov, well , you installed it, you need it. communications, relatives, sexual partners, okay, there is also information that the stolen stones were sold through the royal lily company, owned by a certain mr. mayr, who in fact is not mayer, but alymov, sergei borisovich, a character from the nineties, the leader of one of the st. petersburg organized crime groups, and he we were hiding in the city, no, he was hiding in germany, and here his affairs were managed by the manager, as if he were running, mr. popov, but i’m wondering
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what the status of this popov is with the sledak , who is in charge of the business, and there is data on him , yes, sing, look, yes, one of them stabbed samokha and one of my old acquaintances, well , at least this popov is not on the wanted list, it’s interesting, well, sing, he’s yours, that means finding and asking, he’ll wander around, hand him over to ivanovich for re-education , i wonder if it works for lily , well, just start with her, okay, i know , just what i thought of, apparently, they are not local, well, for sure, they make several corpses, you say the stones, they have already thrown them off, why didn't you leave the city? do you think they're up to something? what is the point shine here? it’s logical, if discovered, don’t bother yourself, call the special forces, pretend to
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be brooms and sit quietly, especially petrusha concerns you, the last meeting they almost broke your skull, but i got it, i got it, that’s it, go work like a priest. where did zoya go? good day, i’m listening to you, captain yakubovskaya, excuse me, comrade captain, bein dobro, senior lieutenant, as i understand it, you are a local district police officer, well, look, what address are you interested in, cherry, and this is the territory of kuzmich, captain litvinov, is he there? no, he won’t be here today, if anything, i can help you with something, we are looking for this comrade, we saw him on cherry, i didn’t meet him, no, i didn’t see him, you leave a photo, i’ll tell him, let me leave his number, and what have you done, but they haven’t
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paid child support for some time now? he’s working with the kneelers, give the photo to captain lyutinov , i’ll pass it on, thank you, i’m listening, but no, i ’m listening, where have you gone, i’m at the strong point, and what are the results, chestkovy is not there, i handed the photo to my colleague, say, it’s clear, well move it move home, i've cut down the tasks, you'll get to work tomorrow morning, and tomorrow is a day off, the weekend will be after the twentieth, that's all for now, let's go, why after the twentieth, and why not after
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the twentieth? well, yes. wait , did you tell me about this guy, the lieutenant colonel , it seems, who is looking after you, no, no, no, he’s looking after you, he’s a colonel, colonel belousov, listen, well, he’s so funny and ridiculous, simple, but at the same time he’s so sincere , that i can’t tell him off, you know, how to offend a child, but does he have something to do with it? well, where's the place? factory? no, this one definitely isn’t, but by the way, is it moving forward? yes , it doesn’t seem to be progressing at all, and you can’t influence it, they gave it to the region, why, by the way, was it taken from you, maryash, ask me something
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easier, friday, evening, good wine, you, me, and this job , come on for us, hurray, hurray, let's get drunk. it seems to me that we already have, but it seems to me that it’s still possible, yes, okay, luka, you’re already a good bull. why should i get angry at you? no, well, you’re really wrong, but what if you brought garbage along with you? what if you got into one like this i don’t understand, i got it, well, well, well, okay, okay , let’s drink the world drink, and forget about this
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hat, you drive it, but go, you know, where, where, to the kitchen, kulya, help out, you’re not mad at me hold on, shell shock, okay, let’s do the job, we’ll run away beautifully, no offense? we agreed, are you
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going home? no, i still have a business meeting scheduled, and ivanovich invited me for a glass of kvass, it’s inconvenient to refuse, to be offended, but maryam won’t be offended, she also has a cultural program, they are shameless , they’re gossiping about something, okay, i’m off , yes dear, once again, well, okay, i ’ll come now, alesa mikhailovich, i’m ready for outrage, i even chartered a plane with a pilot, ivanovich, it looks like they drank all the alcohol in this city for us, who, let’s go, i’ll show you the scoundrels. hello, a dream, not a woman,
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for something like that you could get into an ice hole, even into a steam boiler, even though, i was already thinking, she let you go, but i understand that she likes me at least a little bit, no, what do you think? well, why not, honored empress. that's why no, so sanya, you, if only you, i'm telling you, if you, well, you understood me, yes, that’s right, now you, of course i’ll go home with you, but don’t let yourself fantasize there, okay, well , sit forward, okay, bye, maryasha, have a good time, oh, mom, fury, that’s it , i drove,
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let's go, let's go, i'll feel bad tomorrow, it will definitely happen, anya! a surprise awaits you , bah, it’s a surprise for you, these are scammers , it’s good that your finances are insured with a profitable policy, protection for any eventuality from sberbank, our favorite superstar show is on the air, the topic of today’s episode is the disco of the century, here musical work, colossal, very
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where is your list? come in for money, post office bank. sportmaster has double benefits. clothes and shoes with discounts of up to 50% and 4,000 bonuses in the app for every purchase from 1,000 rubles in stores and online. ntv - channels you can't tear yourself away from. tv set-top box. with an annual subscription from only 3,500 rubles. i agree , we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for them, we take out everything, we take out loans, and we got them quickly, we are in sovkom-bank, loans that everyone knows, unexpectedly there was a sale on avito, you got a new dress, and a drill, and
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an angle grinder, and robot, snow scooter, and new and like new products now... even on sale on avito, don’t miss discounts up to 80%. cogocel already from the first day of administration begins to reduce the severity of symptoms of influenza and orv, regardless of the type of virus, therefore cogocel is the highest antiviral measure. in rbtr - installment plan for household appliances for 30 months. invest in your country with a reliable btb broker and the vtb investment application with low commissions on transactions. professionals work. i have a question, this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they are talking about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just about this that methane is cheaper, savings every kilometer, the methane engine works perfectly, installation of equipment as part of the national fuel project, i also converted my car to methane without investment, being practical is beneficial for nature and for you, choose ecogas,
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refuel at gazprom stations. everyone was looking forward to this meeting, meet the new truffle burger in kfc and rostix restaurants, a special combination of haute cuisine and your favorite chicken, which is impossible to refuse. the main novelty of the season is the truffle menu in rostix and kfc restaurants. there is in the feed everything for the new year, and even a pineapple costume or dragon wings. receive mixiks, a gift for purchases in stores at the checkout with delivery of the order. and create funny characters, collect, mix, play, it gets better and better, up to 14% per annum on deposits , the best percentage in sberbank, deposit with a favorable rate, place it literally with one button in the mobile application in sberbank with prime , more profitable, prophetic interview with margarita simonyan, since you’re forcing me to predict, let me give you my forecast of
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how long the kiev regime will last without help usa? guys, you can run away, run away as prisoners to us, i’m now turning to the ukrainian military, what awaits the kiev dictator himself, look at this boy with a beard in a light-khaki t-shirt, he’s completely crazy, and how the special operation will end, we’re not all done yet our territory was liberated, says margarita simonyan, i can only talk about what i know for sure, on sunday at 6 pm on ntv.
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here is some kind of orientation, apparently old, what to do with it, throw it away.
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left the police, ran away from the police, ran away from the tax you'll go away.
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hands, calm, man, my height is in the investigative committee, and santa claus, documents in your pocket, take them out, for the murder of an undercover agent, you will not be stroked. young man, get it out, slow down, why are you so nervous, fuck you , colleague, get it out yourself,
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hands, back to me, that’s all. voice, oh, listen, i wanted to find out from her how things are going, but she is silent, she says, she doesn’t know, well, maybe she really doesn’t know, oh, some water please, yeah, no, she’s not saying something, well, maybe and doesn’t finish speaking, but are you kidding me, my uncle is coming soon with the president of the company, they want
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to attract new investors, but what if i tell them that the local police are incompetent, well, here i would argue, we have something.
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do you remember how you beat me off in fifth grade, tanka khodakova, you remember, she was a beautiful girl, i liked her very much, but you were luckier then, luka, luka. have a drink with me, let’s measure it, no
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offense, everything’s fine. sit well, huh? i think you've already had enough kuhl, daluka, let's go, kuhl, rest, okay, let's go, let's go, let's go rest, cul, now i’m going, well, come on, let’s go,
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so it turns out that you’ve known each other since childhood, we’ve all known someone since childhood, i’m in the army, in prison. he was a good guy until he got on the wrong path. so they both ended up there, and then what? i haven’t decided yet, it’s all over, we’ll go pick up the car early tomorrow morning, keep an eye on it. he didn’t
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have a hangover here, okay, that’s all for today, robbery.
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meeting place tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv, it is getting better and better, up to 14% per annum on deposits, the best interest in savings. deposit with a favorable rate, place it in just one button in the mobile application in savings with prime, it is more profitable in sportmaster - double benefit. clothing and shoes with discounts of up to 50% and 4,000 bonuses in the app for every purchase of 1,000 rubles or more in the store. it’s just space, when you feel the real taste of smoked meat from cherkizovo’s own farms, enjoy the moment with the fantastic taste of salchichon, cosmically delicious, cherkizovo, five components of unionzyme help normalize digestion, reduce bloating and discomfort, remove toxins, unionzyme normal digestion,
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where to buy osaka, of course, on the comparison website. at the best price and without overpayments. avatar show, new season, sunday at 20:20 on ntv. knock-knock, relieved. oleg ivanovich, it’s so good that i got through to you. why then? wouldn't it be easier to take the keys to the handcuff? i didn’t think of anything, but to hell with them, now in two, well, in three,
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here, come on, calmly hit her, she’s cold, take her out. something went wrong with the pipe, but who knew there would be water there, summer is here, listen, we need to warn someone, they are planning chairs around the office, let’s go, let’s go, let's go, let's go, petya, reekvanovich, it's not good, also make up, chekashin, follow me, listening,
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hello, boris, i found out, i didn't think, you... hear more, we need to meet, who needs it? you, the phone is far from you , don’t put it away, i’ll call you back, but if you’re unavailable, i’ll put the envelope in the mailbox, tomorrow directions for you will be hanging on all the poles, and take away your dogs, we don’t need them.
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raise your hands. sorry, i don’t mind, the documents were done, 20 tons, we agreed on 10, i ’m telling you. disagree, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, in short, give me my 20 tons, we are all happy, we are leaving, and will you walk from here? my money, where? we agreed like this,
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10 grand, for two passports and a car, i see passports, let’s get the keys to the car, you’ll get the money, right, do you hear, you’re smart, damn, why are you so heavy, huh? the earth is not worth it, are you smiling, stupid or what? do you hear , you’ve been fretting for a long time that you got up, he has the keys, hurry up, come on, leave for... they’ve made a noise , and please say hello to me behind the bully, i’m like that myself, why can’t i sleep, you don’t seem to be going to
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work, no, i need to go to work, uncle arrives, and you said, wait, where are you going, it’s the day off, i’m catching robbers. what robbers? the same ones that caused your president to have doubts about the competence of the local police, are you still serious? yes, they are in the city, they showed up yesterday, here you go, thank you, listen, the decision of investors may be influenced by whether we find them or not? i told you about the investors, and about the rich lover, i even told you that. from mozambique, fuck you, so what about investors, well listen, the company will get money in any case. whether you find the stones or not , because the cargo was insured, but for this
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, the case needs to be closed, absolutely right, interesting, okay, i flew, maybe beer would be better, the legend returns, the one that was brewed from one hundred percent malt, that the very taste that the whole country loved. baltika 3 is non-alcoholic, try the revived taste. the new season is calm, citizens, everything is new. maybe we won't languish? new position, all that's left to do is shave it all off, put on a uniform and you'll be like a real boss. new intern, you have the knowledge. zero experience, zero, new things to do, a corpse in our forest and a fight in the belly tank, can you imagine,
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something else is happening in the city of sochi, new feelings, i wanted to look at your next heifer, senchik’s heifer, in the barn, sergey, hello, and a new one bike, what kind of a jerk are motorcycles, come on, my albino, come on, but he’s a reckless driver. a motorcyclist with a typical midlife crisis nikita panpilov all ala ulya write letters reckless new season soon on ntv show avatar new season on sunday at 20:20 on ntv you better have time hurry up hurry up buy everything final sale. weather on ozone: instant monarch coffee with 30% discount. soft and fluffy
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vasilisa towels with discounts up to 75%. will santa claus handle this? it will work, with a new year's loan from the post office bank there will be enough for everything. come for the money. post bank. new year's appetite. dads will be tamed. holiday, spa will help. i have a question. this is the ecology of the city, this is a contribution to the health of our children, this is clean air, they are talking about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not only that. methane is cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the methane engine works great. installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project. i also converted my car to run on methane gas without any investment. being practical is good for nature and good for you. choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations. invest in yours. a country with a reliable vtb broker and the vtb investment application with a robo-advisor for
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portfolio management. professionals work. new year with a new home. buy with a card from the magnit app. play, win prizes and 10 million to buy a house. magnet. petelenka - pure products without harmful additives. magic condition, the real rate is up to 15.5% on a savings account at gasprom bank. your money works, and you receive income, register at order homeclub lanterns from 249 rubles from lenta stores. sbermarket delivers the holiday. enter airplane plus, an apartment solutions service from the deal for renovations and furniture. where to go, where to buy osago? of course, on the sravni website. here you can
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save on buying a policy. large selection of insurance companies, and most importantly - compare it reliable. 11 million motorists already use sаniru to select and purchase osaka at the best price and without overpayments. pay less. jubilee cookies 64.90. delivery with a 25% discount from 30 minutes using the code in the pyaterochka application. pyaterochka helps out. here are our girls , twin dragons, great idea, calm down, it’s hard not to notice ours, be sure where your loved ones are, geologtor and other subscription services everything for the family, the first month is free, connect on your side, it gets better and better , up to 14% per annum on deposit, the best interest in savings, deposit from at a favorable rate, place it literally with one button in the mobile application in sberbank with prime, it is more profitable, the master has double benefits: clothes and shoes with discounts of up to 50% and 4,000
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bonuses in the application for every purchase of 100 rubles or more in stores and online. it's just space. the real taste of smoked meat from cherkizov’s own farms, cosmically delicious, cherkizova, where to buy osaga, of course, on the sravniru website at the best price and without overpayments. in the global village we select ripe fruits from all over the planet, and when you try our natural 100% apple juice, others also want a sip, once you bought it, you immediately fell in love with it, global village is ripe for your table, five to the rescue, superstar new season, on saturday at 20:20 on ntv in winter, you especially want warmth and bright emotions in our drawing, cars , houses, studios and cash prizes, there are more of them than snowflakes in winter, even if it’s cold outside, it’s warm in the soul, because they win with us, every sunday at 8:20 on ntv.
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kule, coulea,
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eh,. ivanovich, how are you here? comrades, yesterday i went to this lilia’s office, i would say we went, and what did they meet our minister there? no, i met you there, it was you, remember, i showed you
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the orientation, you also told me to throw it out, a former cop, what, narcova, or what? that's right, comrade officer, hello, i wish , hello, i wish, hello, varvara semyonovna, come here, breathe, and dad, i said, breathe, yesterday evening, two unknown people entered the sealed office of the royal lily company, i personally sealed it, these two unknown people were cut off, the pipe from... one of them was susami, yes, so what, you never know the intruders, susami, what is it, you didn’t give me all the materials, and what is balan, i
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personally ordered not to get involved in this matter, so i ’m not getting involved, i have another case in progress, attempts on... the life of mr. gubarev . are you kidding me now? i'm not kidding. perhaps we have the same suspects as fellow investigators. varvar semyonov, can i see you for a second? come after me. maryam, hello, how are you, how
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is the weather there, i won’t freeze when i fly, good afternoon, you won’t freeze, when you arrive, not us, but me alone, tomorrow morning, without oron, sorry, i have good news for him, sanya said that they were attacked by a robber, it seems like things are starting to move, but really good news, there tomorrow, okay, i don’t want to distract you, but you still haven’t sent me information about the flight, i’ll definitely send you everything, i’m waiting , bye, well, what about the attack on gubarev, everything is official there, the patrol brought him a report to the duty room yesterday, indeed, one of the raiders shot in the lip, well, in the sense of citizen gubriev, but why didn’t they just tell the investigator? do you understand? comrade lieutenant general, everything is there somehow it’s not easy, the manager of the royal lily, a certain mr. popov, the main witness, but most likely a suspect, and
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the comrade investigator, he wasn’t even put on the wanted list, why? well, as far as i understand, the case is not moving there at all, but the case is not moving, investors are nervous, complaining to the governor, the case is not moving, well, okay, you work with the investigator. i'll decide, thank you, keep me posted, what's this for you? maryam turned out to be right, these are military men, but the information is classified, and here is everything that was found on the army knife fight, look, maybe it will help, well, thank you semyonovna , i helped, the circle of suspects has narrowed down to a few thousand, well, still, let me go, touch general, come on, hello boya, what
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did you want? there is enough for everyone here, you screwed up, by your grace i lost everything, business, real estate, future, but now i have to hide from my own people and... i have to hide what you want, i know about the case that you are planning now, so half will suit me, my face won’t hurt, my face won’t even cover all my losses, so half the pain, half, it will be like that justice. everything is not so simple there, the matter
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turned out to be more complicated than sergei expected, i believe in you, you can handle it, and this is for our mutual friend, so that all sorts of stupid things don’t come into his head, and when i get the money, i’ll tell you where it is originals, truncated. it's me, we need to meet, no today. oh, groom, why can’t you sit at home, hello, sanya, hello, hello,
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i have a seminar today, well, anyway, you ’re not interested, i stopped by to pick up some documents, well, you’re very, by the way, do you remember the case about special couriers, well, where there were three corpses, one of which was killed with a knife with a curved blade, well, in your memory, in general, another episode occurred in the region , similar, yes, i know, a classmate worked there, i even i saw a murder weapon , what are you talking about, well, what can you say about the knife, well , for a discount, for a quick glance, it’s not stamping, it’s... work, the steel is of very high quality, and somewhere i’ve already seen similar blades, it seems to me that they were made by one master, and you don’t have to thank me, oh, where is everyone? belous socialist left, the investigator i don’t know, he left right after you, but no, good morning, hello,
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everyone, good morning, hello, zhor, please make me some coffee, with cream, i would like it with cream, just cream, everyone drank, sing, what could norkov be doing in the office? i don’t know, dives, in which office? the same one? no, well, what was he looking for, the investigative team has cleared everything out, kuku, can anyone even hear us, who is this mink? yes, there's an acquaintance over there, so guys, i have a clue, brumych says that the blade with which samokhi was stabbed and one of the special couriers, made to order.
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handmade, well, he could have made it anywhere, so the pipes brumych claims that he has met similar blades, from which it follows that it was most likely made in our city, well done, so go ahead and do it with zhory, okay, well and what kind of dives are here , oh, ask me what’s easier, i think he’s also looking for dad, why, well, let’s catch, ask, who, who to catch? yes, but i need to go to one place, so narkovt, who is he? petya, you were told to study the priesthood, so do it. zhor,
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well, i asked for coffee, please, excuse me, petrovich, slow down, go have lunch. do you think this is how the rosselkhozbank video should begin? yes, rosselkhozbank is the main partner of the entire agricultural complex of the country, and we also have 1,500 branches, more than 7 million clients, and financial solutions that suit everyone. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think. our virtual fairy-tale show avatar. how can she live without him? i'm just going crazy from these
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rhythms, both for the ears and for the eyes of slad, who is harshly trolling us, bantering, the avatar show. new season, this is the highest level of artists in our country, we must choose them, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv, superstar new season, on saturday at 20:20 on ntv. if they ask me to go to the store, i turn from dashenka lyubovova into darya bigailova, well , unlike my dad, he loves this business, megamarket new year's sale. oh, peas for olivier, ordered, winter freshness
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or double strength, squirrel or crocodile? and dad is often profitable, apply bonuses zbir thank you, pay benefits up to 95%, that’s what you need, and after that for a long time again loved ones, until he gets hungry again , couscous, megamarket, it’s profitable to make people happy in the new year, it’s impossible to travel with such traffic jams, so it’s time to fly, dear ladies and leonid, fly there, back and wherever you want, with 5% cashback, pay for tickets for website or aeroflot application through sbp, but first register on sherbakov. well, let him register for now and at the same time learn about all the advantages of the card. can i have some coffee? descend to a depth of 3,000 m, look at russia from a flying height satellites, feel the cold of permafrost, share the joy of sporting victories of scientific discoveries, find yourself at home, take
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an unusual virtual journey of millions of years and thousands of kilometers, in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition forum russia moscow vdnkh from november 4, 2023. until april 12, 2024, misha, it’s a shame to forget where your cart is, but the most offensive thing is to forget about the x5 club card at the checkout, leave your points in the store, show the card, get up to 20% cashbacks and up to 50% service package, profitable don’t forget, a couple of scandinavian burgers , a scandinavian burger with chicken at a bargain price, only delicious, period, unexpectedly happened on avito sales. and a new dress and a drill, and an angle grinder, and a robot, a snow scooter, and new and like new products are now on sale very much on avito, don’t miss discounts up to 80%. and also a luberry cube,
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a game console, a stick, and santa claus will pull it all, pull it, with a new year’s loan from the post office bank, enough for everything. well, where is your list? come get your money, post office bank. the stars aligned on sunday immediately after the avatar show on ntv. confidence and strength. this is how she wants to see you, brutal, reliable, stylish, like a set of hermes men's accessories from liamax. a voluminous cross and a chain of armored weaving, a massive hermes cross, jewelry steel, noble shine and a spectacular, voluminous design, all at once. three crosses in one: a powerful cross fits perfectly with a chain of armored weaving, the color of real gold, a durable lock and reliable links. hermes decoration is self-confidence and an integral part of a successful male image.
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a set of hermes jewelry is a worthy gift for a real man. the price of the set is 2.49 rubles. but call us right now and you can buy it for just one. rub 1,999 but that's not all. each person who orders the set will receive a hermes bracelet as a gift. liamax purchases with a plus. avatar show - new season. sunday at 20:20 on ntv. how much does alexander sirov spend on his grandchildren? half a million a month. this is a good grandfather. we are modest people. is the people's artist ready for his grandchildren? make peace with your ex-wife? grandmother. she also came to us for garlic, are you glad, we won’t let her in, how tatyana vasilyeva is raising her youngest grandson, whom she took from her former daughter-in-law, this is what my grandmother gave, i’m actually a dictator in the family, you can’t make a child stop trust
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you, you know, but it’s possible for him to go to prison at the age of 14, why is the thirty-year-old grandson of georgy burkov still living with his mother, i wouldn’t want to live separately, separately, well, it’s like this is my hut, in principle, it’s a fence in general ... and why did vladimir devyatov buy an apartment for his schoolboy son? what difference does it make if my money is there or if it’s an apartment? the stars have aligned. when are your grandchildren's birthdays, do you know? ask michelle. on sunday immediately after the avatar show on ntv. citizen mikheev, this from the laboratory is bothering you. the results of your tests have arrived, the test for chlomediosis gave a positive result. okay, relax. micah, why are you so nervous? where are you, clearly,
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fucked up, ugh, you’re not sleeping anymore, and you ’ve known the circus performer for a long time, so what? nothing, it’s so simple, but samoha didn’t introduce us recently, but where by the way, this is with a finn, let's go to the dots, okay. bugulli. he wrote everything down,
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is this a printout of the conversation, or what? as i understand it, he has the records themselves, look, look, everything is there, the numbers can be read. he transferred money to us, and the data of the people who helped us, what he wants, money , what he wants, if i have one topic, he wants a share, what kind of topic, tell me, so, which wheel does not spin when making a right turn? the first letter is z back, he’s
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a back reserve and mikhey, don’t say that you and your lads are watching your game, but that by the way, last weekend i raised 700 rubles, what are you driving, you hit the bottom in the first round, minus five mowers. intellectual, although you have now suffered with us, mikhailovich, what did you want? i, oh, i wanted to order an african saber for my zhorik’s anniversary, well, one so that he wouldn’t be ashamed, well , you need to turn to hephaestus, who is he, a blacksmith, golden hands, but what can you do, write the address, mikhalovich , would you like me to show you my gratitude? because you saved your wife’s lips from dates, from packages, you yourself
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i’ll order this saber, but i don’t want it, you’d better tell me about the royal lily company, did you hear anything, and this is the owner who was killed, he seemed to be german, micah, our duty officer sends you reports on the city, or what? well, what do you mean, lilya, i need... the manager , mr. popov, so wasn’t he killed? can you show me the place where the body was buried, but i saw it once in my life, such a shady little bastard, where did i see it? we were introduced at a drinking party in the city administration, well, i was in a smoke, i don’t remember who, mikhiyushka, you remember, tense up, hemorrhoids come out from tension , what are you talking about, a headache arises from reluctance to cooperate, this priest is going through us... where there are already nine corpses, perhaps there will be more
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, they will start checking connections, your name will come up, but well, you need, in short, remember , tell me, lip, why, when it appears, i get heartburn, and because there is a lot of bile in it, well, do you remember who introduced us to popov, you were with me? i think at that moment i was already hugging the toilet, and that the topic is real, we need to do it, only why don’t i know, and why do i have to report to you for every wallet, well , let’s say, i find a priestly one, but what will i get from it? as usual, as usual
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, it won’t work, if all this comes to light, it won’t be enough for all of us, of course he turned down a third, just right, but what will i tell my people, by the way, the promised money, think about how beautiful it is to realize yourself, you you can, i'm sure. what, what are we doing, our shitty business, we need to get out, this idiot can’t think about anything but money, but it’s already on his forehead written bastard, i don’t even know why the hell you got involved with him, he didn’t come on his own. okay, commander, what are we doing?
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we are working according to the plan, but with minor changes, you... said, your colleague and a friend were looking for a job, there are two morons there, like samokhi, dava, that is, you won’t miss them, i won’t , call, familiar style , the work is excellent , but how... no, his name is a local blacksmith, but how can
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i find him, you know, i want to order a knife for myself, well, not with such a blade, with a normal one, well, for hunting. well maybe will you take me something, i have a lot of choice , but no, thank you, i want to order it for myself, help me if you tell him it’s from me, he ’ll give you a discount, yeah, thank you, i’ll say hello, please. two in the city and 10 in the region, and how many more blacksmith shops that don’t have a website, uh-huh, petya, if you don’t want to have a good time, you want
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to give me a game console, don’t even hope, i ’ve been asking for a year now, i’m asking for you why am i asking you not to sing for a year? african songs, zoya, this doesn’t depend on me, it happened once, well, that’s enough already, in last year there was such a 30% discount at the sale, and instead of a set-top box i bought a vacuum cleaner, i think this is an absolutely correct decision, type, yeah, 12 forges, 12 forges and those in the region basically, start here, i don’t even have an address like that, but i did i tell you that kuznis is much bigger? he said, okay, let’s go, so, petya, what are you doing? i started thinking about how to look for popov, no , he doesn’t work in the office, well, i already understood that, well, he’s not at home, the phone has been turned off for several weeks, i’ve asked the neighbors, no, that is, you
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i decided to look for him without leaving the police department, yes, no, i made a request and am waiting for answers, drinking oper polishing his pants in the department is the same as a starving traffic cop, possible, but unlikely, forward, there, forward, hello, your documents, please hand in your pass upon departure. hello, commander, we need vladimir dmitrievich kryovov, and what is the matter of repairs? you are repairing a loader, yeah,
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a loader, let’s pass it through, turn it in when you leave, open it. the cargo will arrive tomorrow on schedule, schedule, security personnel, transport unchanged, without changes, passes will be ready in the evening, for everyone, as agreed, and i’ll add the car to the checkpoint list, where to put it, come with me. genferon light spray is a green light, a green light to my goals and plans, a red light to viruses that can interfere with them.
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genferfeon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component , prevents the proliferation of influenza viruses and their penetration. the power of green light with mint flavor. prophetic interview with margarita simonyan. since you're forcing me to predict. let me give you my forecast. how long will the kyiv regime last? without the help of the united states, guys, you can escape, escape to us as prisoners, i am now turning to the ukrainian military, what awaits the kiev dictator himself, look at this boy with a beard in a svetakhaki t-shirt, he has gone completely crazy, and how will the special operation end, we haven’t liberated our entire territory yet, says margarita simonyan, i can only talk about what i know for sure, on sunday at 6:00 pm on ntv. superstar, new season on saturday at 20:20 on ntv, and santa claus will pull, pull, with
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interview with our program. yes, the lord gave me the opportunity to know my killer in person. this will be your central television, on saturday at 19:00 on ntv. yes, my job. and for... you did it, you don’t remember, but with your knife, did you really decide someone, decided it, so let’s remember who it’s for, i’ll look now, but well, khryovov, his last name is so strong
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a man in his 40s, only he said that he wasn’t ordering it for himself, as a gift, there was also a stand, uh-huh, the phone was still there, no, he didn’t leave it, i had a deposit, he asked when it would be ready, and it arrived the same day, that’s it. address, yeah, yes from the demon, alive, that's good, that's very good, don't bother, what are you doing? for what?
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actually, he saved your life, i owe him what? you didn't say. he said, now he's alone. we will still have the opportunity to take it. what was he doing there? let's go ask. call the elder, master, we need to leave behind spare parts, if we come back in a couple of hours , it’s fine, no, no, this is a sensitive facility, all work is strictly until 7:00 pm, well, then we ’ll only finish it tomorrow, you decide with the security, you’ll let them through tomorrow, vladimir, 8
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i'll change in the morning, i'll hand you over to the shift, write down the numbers. they’ll let you through tomorrow, vlad, but who screwed it up like that, good tach major, well, come in. captain, captain litvinov, i am a district police officer, major balabin, senior detective officer, yesterday your employee came, captain, yakubovskaya, apparently, as i understand it, you are interested in lukin, as lukin, and you know him, i know, this is one of my former charges, he’s local, no, like me, i started in tula, almost 20 years ago, and he’s a chair,
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yeah, but the name kulkov doesn’t mean anything to you, is it vaska or something ? so this is lukin’s friend, even if he’s not ladin, you’re interested in which one of them, but both of them, you’ll have coffee, well, i won’t refuse. if you do something like that again, i won’t do it again, now, where did you get it, downloaded it on the internet, give me a link later, well
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done, i must admit, i didn’t expect it, but what about popov, there’s news, i think he ran, i think, or ran, all known addresses, house , apartment, apartment, parents, everything is under control, he ’s not there, friends, mistresses, anything else, captain, prepare a wheelbarrow colonel, don’t get carried away, then that’s it, sit quietly. and don’t forget about the subordination, why the hell are you provoking him, there is an address, look where it is, the tax office, that this is a notification, and the payment of property taxes is 500 km away, the house is so
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small, i found it in popov’s office, chickens. ena sergeevna, who is this? this is for her, popov does the trick, so most likely you were you’re right, vasya kulkov - in general he was a smart guy, from a good family, until he was eighteen everything was like everyone else, he was going to go to college, lukin just showed up, his parents moved to tula, from somewhere in the north. so what? an eagle flew around the pig farm, first hooliganism, then robbery, if borko vasikin’s friend didn’t go into the army then. borka. boris samsonov, he was not in the company for the eldest, he went into the army , then entered a military school, when he returned from conscript service, vaska had already been imprisoned, it’s a pity,
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vaska would have been of some use if it weren’t for nelukin this poor fellow, so these two, you don’t know, well, i don’t know this, so this, this is borya, borya samsonnov. come on, let’s talk more about this borya samsonov, everything is ready, we’ll work tomorrow, well, finally , then listen. carefully, at 10:00 you arrive at the checkpoint, there will be a bus for workers, which will take you to one of the hangars, repairs have been going
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on there for a month now and a bunch of construction workers are wandering back and forth, as he is driving the bus, my man will issue passes, the storage facility is located a kilometer from the hangar, you will be assigned to some kind of work, nodded their heads, let’s go, just don’t leave right away. the car with the cargo arrives around 15:00 , you will have enough time to get there, the car has two guards, they are yours, next to the ramp we will put a toolbox, black, there will be guns, there are two more guards at the door of the storage room, they are ours finn, the collectors get out of the cars, go into the storage facility, there we meet them, how... you saw that we disarmed them, grab the guns and neutralize the two at the car, there’s a hill here, we drive them we lock them here, that’s it, there are questions, somehow
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everything is too simple, too simple, if even one of the guards manages to get the barrel and shoot, it’s too simple, it turns into simply impossible, we will end up in a mousetrap. from which we will have to fight, it would be good to go there to the place, have a look , tomorrow morning we will go on reconnaissance, and as we leave, it would be nice to have another car, one outside the gate, you can do it, i will do it, you have a car, that’s it, get ready, i’ll go i'll collect the passes. great, hello, listen, and you, popova,
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you know, well, yes, but what? why did you annoy him so much? where did you get me from? so he told you to kill? what a bitch, are you here for the money or something, so as not to give away your share? yes, calm down, i’m not some kind of maniac, am i sure that he persuaded one of my accomplices to kill me? you have to blame for such things, i think so too, only it went out somewhere, bitch, and doesn’t
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show its nose, but the whore has it at her own, if her parents aren’t at home, then it’s definitely hers, the address, you know, no, i i’ve never been there, but i can find out, otherwise... i know you and i are interested here general, mikhey, well, we have problems at the terminal again, don’t tell me that the container was lost again. yes, it would be better if they lost it, the batch of tea was again pushed aside one by one in order to check, from what half? i know, well, call what
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’s his name, kryuchkov, kryuchkov, exactly, he’s the one who introduced you to popov. mikheyushka, there is something to please krykov, and she has a middle name, yeah, but where does she live, who does she work for, who? micah, but the plus is in your karma, yes, five more of these pluses, and you don’t owe me any more, sasha, yes, we found out where the knife was made. maybe i figured it out?
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okay, your tip worked. they actually ordered rammed legs from this blacksmith, and more than one. we also met narkov there. so, how did the meeting go? well, there was no evening of memories, he left, the slippery bastard. he also made inquiries with the blacksmith about the knife. what is it that wants to make friends? to get rid of him, i still didn’t have enough windows, it looks like a certain mr. kryuchkov ordered a knife from him, only he doesn’t know his name, in fact he doesn’t know anything else besides his last name, in my opinion i know, i also know two robbers now , this one here lukin, and this is samsonov, a former military man, sanya, when you had time to do all this, district police officer litvinov, whom you didn’t find yesterday, came in.
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so you run and run, and they bring everything to his office, and i also know who kryovov is, he is the head of security at the southern gate terminal, sanya, how do you do this, commander, and here? i ’m sure we’ll do it, if i weren’t sure, i wouldn’t get in touch, you got through to your people, got through , they’ll be there in the morning, you’re confident in them, listen, although they’re dumb, they know their job, bor, you’re definitely in control of everything. i believe it, we're leaving
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no, i mean, so as not to bother later, that is, after the jump we’ll sit here, no more than a day, you should pack your things too, i ’ll go and look at the car, yeah, there’s not much time. come on, he’s become kind of strange lately, i thought, it seemed to me, let ’s go after him, there’s a big area here, try to find out who they’ve gathered here, why wouldn’t you point a finger, yes, you can’t set up an ambush, maybe there’s a checkpoint at take control?
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several checkpoints, what if they planned a raid for tomorrow? no, zhorik, this is unrealistic, we need some kind of move, what? okay, let's go, i led to think, and you go home, robs the yacht twice and twice on board, but we are a bit of easy virtue. lieutenant colonel sotnikov, criminal investigation department, city of sochi, to me, yes , for what, i’m just bragging to you , it turns out that she had a quarrel with this, i want, why did she quarrel, come on, dad, yes, it seems we have a corpse, there is a corpse, there is suspect, means you have to, well done, reckless, today
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she whispered something to him in french, took him away unknown direction, why? i wanted to feed you, right? well, conquer me, i want it too, i’ll kill you, what are you doing? you're not happy with something i’m happy with everything, i need to warm it up, i obey, i’m going to meet my uncle in the morning, so don’t wait for me at home tomorrow, yeah, yes, mayor balabin, balabin, come down, there’s an applicant here to see you, now. marian, the applicant is waiting for me there, will you wait? no, i have to get up early in the morning, so i’ll go, well,
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let’s go, i’ll take you with you.


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