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tv   Mi i nauka  NTV  December 8, 2023 1:10am-2:01am MSK

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in general, we are engaged in the elemental component base before quantum computing, these are quantum superconducting subprocessors and for devices for photonics, integrated photonic circuits, electro-optical modulators, not just a theoretical model or something, but we actually produce them, a technological cycle has been mastered there with a very a large number of operations corresponding to the technological culture, as for any production of microelectronics, it is necessary for the corresponding volumes. here is one of our buildings called quantum park, here it is it is planned to expand this activity further , we have a good base, there is already a center, and there are people, dozens of people who are doing this, that is, it is no longer a piece of goods, yes, so that, in fact, it will be a nanofap that can do not only our projects there, well, now we are doing not only according to our projects, but we from the system, from misis, with moscow state university from kazan are cooperating on their ideas, we are making a component base. which we then
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parameterize ourselves, study or together with them, well, we get some results, these are the following the world’s leading ones have already answered, and of course, in addition to this , we are also involved in various types of labor technology, and this is closer to practical application, i would not call it science and this is engineering, of course we work a lot with kamaz, we do a lot of practical engineering for them, there is an unmanned dump truck, for example, and we have a project that we are now actively developing, called a brain on a chip, an organism on a chip, when we. on a silicon crystal with microchannels with microfluidics we place it in a living cell on the basis of this crystal with micro to even nano-sized parts are able to study the effect of various chemicals on a cell; this is necessary for the development of drugs, for understanding the individualization of drugs , and so on, of course, the technology is still far away, these are all demonstration samples for now, but in a few years i think that some practical applications will appear. mikhail valerievich, thank you
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very much for the conversation, thank you very much. hello, in russia out of ten. science and technology television company ntv and state corporations present a program: science and we are a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years, i am vladimir antokhin, yakaterina shugaeva, in 10 years eternal batteries will be created, i would really like to , honestly, here i am, for example, as a motorist i would really like to, so i invited an optimist, and i, as a telephone operator , would really like an eternal one, in general , we invited optimists, then i realized, yes, who believe that in 10 years
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eternal batteries will really appear, this is oleg drozhin, a chemist, kind evening, good evening, good evening and anatoly sidorin, a specialist in charged particle accelerators, hello, good evening, i don’t believe at all, of course, that physicists will do something to make life easier for women and make an eternal battery so that you can constantly talk on the phone, maybe ok, so my guests are skeptics, these are vyacheslav kulagin, energy engineer, economist, good evening, and anatoly krosilnikov, physicist, good evening. good evening, at the end of the program, our guests are optimists, they will make a forecast with what probability they will appear in 10 years, finally, eternal batteries will be created. our expert, professor kapustin, will tell you about the history of batteries. the conductor of chemical current sources was the famous alesandra volta, who dipped a saline solution, copper and zinc plates. mass production of batteries began in the 19th century, sheets of copper and zinc were filled with
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sea water. the first battery that could be recharged many, many times appeared in the mid-19th century. this was a lead-acid battery and is sometimes used today. lithionic batteries are used everywhere today. cheap and convenient, they have a number of disadvantages. first of all, this is a limited charge storage capacity. replaced with a lithium battery. now batteries based on fluoride are arriving, they are coming, but they still won’t arrive, yes, so i have a personal question for you, you are often left without communication, because your phone is dead, i would like to see it more often, you know that i have four children, sometimes i wanted to be completely without communication, so that no one would call me or ask me anything, but no, now the batteries are quite good , they last a day, but you and i don’t, but still...
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well, i think that people probably learned to use energy a long time ago, well, let’s remember windmills, ordinary mills, even before the advent of electricity, but when people came up with the idea that this energy could be accumulated, you know, from my point of view, a person was born when he began to use a tool, and in order to use a tool, he needed energy, right away. without a fire there would be no man, he would not cook food, and the fire - this is a source of energy, and in order for it to burn, firewood is needed, excuse me, these are batteries, energy sources, biological ones, and as soon as firewood was accumulated, it can be said that there was the first battery, the first
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woodpile, it was a solar energy battery thermonuclear, which was transformed through plants into firewood and which man set on fire... prepared his first food and thus became a man, so not a mill much earlier, unexpectedly, how beautiful, good, oleg andreevich, then let's now directly about electricity, batteries, and when the first batteries appeared and what they looked like, well, the first demonstration that it is possible to obtain energy from chemical sources was made by alexander volta, and he did what any child can do now, but then this of course, it was a sensation that turned upside down various metals, copper, zinc, a napkin soaked in vinegar, all this is divided, placed on a pole and can generate a fairly large amount of energy, in fact, it was precisely such devices that became then use other scientists to
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make other discoveries, and perhaps more important to us is what happened 60 years later, when the frenchman proposed using not... zinc, lead as an electrolyte with sulfuric acid, and so the ones known to all of us appeared, lead batteries. that is, this battery is already 160 years old, and they are still all used in our, well, not electric cars, in our cars, yes, and, of course, completely different current sources are used in electric cars, but in those electric cars, which were at the end of the 19th century, at the beginning of the twentieth, probably many are aware that 100 years ago there were more electric vehicles than gasoline cars. those electric cars used lead acid batteries, but now lithium is gradually starting to dominate everywhere. well, we ’ll talk more about what’s going on today, but after the advertising, advertising on ntv.
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russia is a country of great achievements. right now we are making a discovery in science, our children are throwing open the doors of modern classrooms. and of course, we are opening new routes and points of attraction, discover the achievements of our country, come to the russia forum exhibition, i hope today we will be able to please our guests, or at least instill hope in their hearts. 40 years ago lyudmila lost contact with her older brother, zhenya began dating someone like this... the last time in 1983 and now she wants to find him, how many years have passed since this meeting, what happened to him? as well as the incredible story of the siege diary, the author of the diary, aleksan mikhailovich kalinin, decided to keep notes
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in the hope that someday my family will read them. and the search for relatives and its author, mikhail stepanovich, who had the diary, was my sister’s husband, he too. because at the end of the program, our guests , optimists and skeptics, will make a forecast: with what probability will eternal batteries really appear in 10 years, and does our expert professor kapustin believe this? the word battery traditionally refers to devices that store energy and then
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release it. so in general it is more correct to call such devices, for example, drives spenders. batteries range in size from tiny to gigantic. in ilinoisky... in the world, the battery was built in china, it is the size of dozens of football fields. the capacity of this battery is 36 megawatt-hours of electricity. this battery is powered by a whole complex of wind power plants and solar panels. the total capacity of generating equipment is 140 mw. by the way, betogalvanic batteries can operate without recharging. tens of thousands of years, maybe 10,000 years will suit me perfectly as a quality
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eternity, okay, but i’m still up to eternity, i want to figure it out first, can i ask a question from the blonde, even to your optimists? anatoly olegovich, just now oleg andreevich said about lead batteries, but i also call them batteries, professor kapustin said the word battery five times, the word battery five times, in the end, but batteries are the same thing, is there any the fundamental difference, if there is, what is it, in the spoken language the difference between these concepts has almost disappeared, but if you try, it’s somehow scientifically to answer this, a battery is, after all , an element that produces energy from a reserve of internal energy, and as soon as this reserve is used up, the battery must be disposed of or its contents changed. i remember you can also chew on the battery a little, pull out the carbon rod
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, use it for electric welding, there are many different useful applications, what you used and threw away is a battery , this is a battery, something that repeatedly stores and releases energy, this is an accumulator, something that can store, yes, i have a simple item, which will illustrate this by the way, it is directly related to the name of your program, exactly... years ago i wanted to buy a new watch, since childhood i was too lazy to wind a watch with a wheel, well, with an automatic winding, i went into the store and asked if you had a watch with an eternal battery , they said with an eternal battery no, only 10 years, i bought a watch with a ten-year battery, it stopped for 8 years, i changed the battery, it started running again, but i dropped it on the concrete floor, its glass broke, so a few days ago, this is a word about in preparation for the transfer, i went into the store with the same question: do you have a watch with a perpetual battery, how will you pay, by card
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or cash, that is, if 10 years ago you were told that there was no candle battery, but now you just they ask how you will pay, but i paid for the watch, it has an eternal battery, it is the sun, it converts, the glass dial converts solar energy into electrical energy and moves the hands, but such an eternal battery has one drawback, it only works during the day, because the sun doesn’t shine at night , it can’t accumulate, i want the watch to always work, yes, for this you need an additional storage device, a battery, that is , a battery or a storage device, if we talk about examples of such large-scale batteries, this is probably the most a large battery that humanity is building is a nuclear power plant, fuel is loaded into it while this fuel has an energy reserve, it produces this energy, then all the fuel needs to be unloaded and loaded again, the largest
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battery, here is our professor, for some reason i forgot to mention it, the largest energy accumulator on earth that humanity is building is a pumped storage power station, they are based on storing water energy in the gravity field of the earth, two reservoirs, very far apart in height, are connected by some kind of pipe system. along which, when there is an excess of energy, water is pumped up, and when there is a shortage, it goes down. and, for example, in the moscow region there is one of the largest in the world, the fourth largest pumped storage power plant in zagorsk, where the klinsko-dmitrovskaya ridge, there is the required height difference. the maximum power that it can deliver to the network is 2 billion watts, 2 g. 2 gigawatts is a lot. this is not just a lot, it is very good, and in general 9, these are two blocks of a nuclear power plant, yes, this is 99% of the electricity
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that humanity stores, it is stored precisely - in hydro, storage power plants, excellent, and since the largest reserve is water - in russia there is apparently electricity around it, we will store energy here, vyacheslav aleksandrovich, and what types of batteries exist today, well, what are they made of, anatoly olegovich said that even... like this hydro , what is it called pumped storage? there are pumped storage ones, what other types are there? yes, you know, today there is a huge, and most importantly , being done, a huge, i think i won’t be mistaken, in demand direction, and everyone wants to develop it, because it’s a very small step forward to step ahead of a competitor, so there are a huge number of types, well, let’s draw, try to classify them a little, well, since they have already started talking about pumped storage
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power plants, let's basically start with this, that is, the first type is mechanical... a spring, let's draw it like this, here we can include various flywheels, we can include spray cans, such cans mean where it is pumped, for example , air, when there is energy, it is needed, so this air is obtained, that is, in principle, the types are different, even now there are elevators. which when lowering the rise, that is, on the difference, well, that is, if we let people rise, we lower, the force comes it accumulates energy, it can work like such a small generator, that is, even in an elevator, some provide such a function, walk up the stairs, you see, that’s why you ride in the elevator, you accumulate energy, take care of nature,
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what you told about elevator , so the first category is mechanical, pneumatic , the second, well, you can bring thermal ones here, their meaning is as follows, well, you can distinguish two categories here into subcategories, that is, the first is a, when we, for example, heated it up at night, that is, electricity is used for heating , for example, we heated it just at night, when energy is cold, when energy is cheap , we heated electricity, and when necessary , for example, during the day we use it, that is, this is such an attempt to transfer heat, in this case i thought that we actually heated something, heated it under the sun and... well, well, it’s possible this way, it’s possible this way, that is, it’s different here, but there is another option when, well, for example, we pumped liquid air or some kind of liquid gas into a can, then there is a simple meaning, and we cool it, liquefy it, pump it, and when necessary, it heats up, comes out and can spin up the turbine, that is, it is used to produce electricity, and well, yes, you
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just heat it up, but to heat it up, you still need to spend electricity, well, electrons, you can just stop cooling it. that is, this is the principle that as a result of a chemical process we get this charge at the output of them, but before that we naturally need to charge, then, well , the fourth category, let’s probably call it electrical, here these are a little specific things, for example,
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supercapacitors, or superconductors, they as a rule, they have... we got hydrogen through electrolysis, we store it when needed, or, well, we get electricity, but you can conditionally burn the hydrogen there, and thereby get electricity by burning, or you can, or you can return to this method and accordingly , i need to spend it so that
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i can burn enough hydrogen and it will burn well, and this is a normal process, by the way, we had these experiments in our country, we still have them in space technology, you can remember buran, where such solutions were used, that is here is the usual process of obtaining, well, chemically the same electricity and both are considered in principle, this is more likely for power plants, this is for some autonomous installations, but in large-scale electricity, of course, well, hydrogen is always a dangerous thing, but very tempting, because today, especially when there is a lot of talk in the world about obtaining electricity from the navies, this is precisely the solution they are trying to balance the system, because otherwise you need to return to some such solutions, somewhere by the way in nuclear
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power plants, that is, hydrogen can be produced at night and used accordingly during the day, that is, this is the chain, okay, thank you very much, alek andreyvich, well, indeed, there are many types, there are many batteries , how many generally live today, well , let’s say, the battery lives and what harm does the production and recycling of batteries cause to the environment? those same litions who now scare everyone with them, but no, there is no need to be afraid of them, but they live differently, very differently, and of course, some are happy, some are not, companies that, well, basically yes, that is, they are needed to make a person happy, yes, depending on the person's goal, the company makes a battery that makes him happy in different ways, say, if you need to have as much energy as possible in the phone at first. and after a year you already want to change it, but why would you make a battery that will work for 20 years, right? they specially make a so-so battery in my phone so that it stops working in a year, so that i change
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the phone, but i don’t presume to say that i am it was the engineer who caught the hand with his own hands, but this is logical, you know, that is , it is much easier to add, add a little something that increases the initial energy, but does not provide long-term energy. of course, they know how to make a good battery , so i always really like the example of the sea rover and opportunity, they were designed for 90 days of work, one worked for 5 years,
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the other for 15 years, and even then both were stuck in the sand, they were covered there, covered with sand brown on mars, that is, they worked tens of times more than planned with batteries everything is fine with them, they have the same lithium batteries, but they have worked much longer than their service life, and i am more than sure that if now someone flies to... mars and they dig up shovels there and revive them, they will work, that is in fact, our phones seem to be able to work , well, only on mars, i understood the second example , yes, i’ll give you the so-called titanate batteries, and they use something else, not graffite, but titanium spinel, they can last tens of thousands of cycles, they use them, no, they make them , they are used, for example, in our electric buses, but they have less energy, that is, a phone with such a battery, if it has the same volume and mass , it will give not 5,000, but say 3.0 or 2,500 ma. of course, no one will want to buy it, so it’s catastrophic, but at the same time i know for sure that it won’t have to be
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disposed of or recycled, and it will serve me for, well, a really long time, no, if such things have to be charged every niche there there are fans of eternal devices, of course, it’s possible, but usually they’re like that batteries are used specifically in transport, because an electric bus costs there , a phone costs, well, i don’t know how much, 10,000 rubles, but an electric bus costs... i don’t know 30 million, it seems, if i’m not mistaken, it’s clear that having bought one electric bus, you want he worked there for 20-30 years, and the longer he works, the more economically profitable he becomes, and there, of course , it is profitable to use those batteries that will give you tens of thousands of charge and discharge cycles, thank you, you wanted to object, no, no, no, no, the only thing i can do i would like to add that it would be nice if everything was recycled, but in practice, of course , it turns out that many people send it all away. batteries are thrown out in landfills; it wouldn’t be good if everything was recycled, well , recycling is a recycling process, i mean, yes, they just stored it, and often it actually ends up in landfills and there it ends up in
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a fairly large amount of pollution and this causes natural damage to the environment. let's take a break for a while, recharge our batteries, advertising on ntv. each of us has something dear to us. honor, memory, present and the future, dear, sincere, and not like a worn-out phrase from a sticker, we do not throw words to the wind, and we do not abandon our own, join yours. colonel sotnikov , criminal investigation department, why are you behaving this way, motorcycle, paraphernalia? random
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women, because i think all this is an advantage, and he’s not too old for a motorcycle, no, forever young, so how old are you, you said, in the full dawn of your strength, baby, and damn dashing, who is this anyway, this is zhelich, nikita panfilov, and sergei viktorovich, if anything, he’s a legend of the criminal relationship of sochi, and yes, it’s me i can, he returns to duty. where is my bike , you're running around like a kid with your trandulet , reckless driver, new season, burn, this is the most interesting, soon on ntv, a program on the air, science and we are a program about how science will change
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our lives in the next 10 years, 10 in a few years , eternal batteries will be created, but unfortunately, our expert, professor kapustin, doesn’t believe it. strictly speaking, there are no eternal batteries. any battery, like any device in our universe, cannot exist indefinitely, the battery takes energy and gives it back, that is, the battery works. and battery operation obeys the second law of thermodynamics, like all other processes. batteries are perhaps the most revealing devices that clearly demonstrate the laws of thermodynamics. let's imagine an ideal battery, that is, one in which energy is accumulated and released, accumulated and released. but even in the most ideal battery, some of the energy will disappear somewhere. number of cycles in batteries, even the best ones, do not last forever. and the number of cycles is traditional.
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or leave some free space. the dispute was serious, everyone gave their reasons. as a result, we did not come to a common opinion; we still don’t know the question. open, wait, i certainly had a smart question, actually, but now i’m interested in something completely different, in the end you need to fully charge the battery in your phone or not, if you want it to serve you for 20 years, a big, simple rule, 20 % leave until charged and 20% until discharge, it’s amazing, it’s 60% there, only in this 60% in the middle, but you know how satellites fly in low orbit, they
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have dozens of cycles there per day. the discharge charge and the batteries that are used on them, over a service life there, let’s say twenty years, there are hundreds of thousands of cycles, that is, this is a huge number, but the trick is simple, they only use 10-20% of the depth, the maximum capacity, and what’s wrong, well, i’ll discharge it to the end, i’ll charge it to the end, why is this in the most extreme points, the most unpleasant processes occur in the battery in the materials of the batteries, but well, it’s not in vain that they came, it’s called, excellent. it’s not in vain that they filmed the program, anatoly , well, okay, but what technologies need to be developed to extend the service life, i realized that not only to charge and not to discharge to the end, but still, to extend the service life of existing batteries, well, not only in the phone, you understand, here is the battery, because when it gives out energy, it is very important that the energy also reaches in the right form, in this sense, it’s stormy the development of superconductivity, which is now
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being realized at low temperatures. conductivity and high temperature, the development of these technologies will undoubtedly be useful in order to provide energy, here is our breakdown, and i also wanted to say one interesting thing that seemed interesting to me, anatoly alegorovich said that hydroelectric power stations, the largest batteries, i for some reason i remembered about tidal power plants, i know that there is a project in the sea of ​​okhotsk, when part of the sea of ​​okhotsk can be fenced off and... and used both for generating energy as a battery and further generating energy, this is this this is a global project, and the anatorium, you won’t believe it, i was there, we were with the children on the sea of ​​okhotsk, there are double tides, there is a 12 m high tide there twice a day, and they are ideally building a tidal, sort of hydroelectric power station, one problem, there is no one there, no one lives there, no one
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needs electricity there, no need to go. in this direction, for some reason i thought, is there an even larger battery than the tidal one? power plant than part of the sea, and why did you think about our land, look, everyone’s land is constantly. thermionic energy is charged from the sun, and then discharged in the form of wind, in the form of oil, in the form of forest, in the form of coal, in the form of uh, well, including the same tide, we get it, god willing a battery in the form of our planet, which is permanent, and by god it should be as long as possible, but this is our earthly ball. dreams of an electric car, but in the conditions, even of our vast country, she she’s very afraid that she will
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drive it for now, i’ll show you now, i’m afraid, yes, that i won’t get to the nearest gas station, charger, and my electric car, so i use another environmentally friendly vehicle, a self-propelled vehicle, which has... a battery it never sits down, all i have to do is eat an apple there, and i can go again as long as i want , here it is an eternal battery, oh, how fast, most importantly, listen, as silent as an electric car, well, what’s worse, this is my eternal battery, okay, vyacheslav alexandrovich, how do you know the appearance of the eternal in general, katya, i really liked the way you rode a bicycle, you know, in a certain sense it was a release. the battery is discharged, you are like a living being, like any living being, we, each of us is charged with energy, and then gives this energy, and this is our life cycle, we constantly take energy from the outside and give it away, and this is
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our life, in this sense, may god grant us to reach the eternal battery sooner and longer, so that you ride a bicycle and live forever, well, eternal batteries will really appear, how will this change us, humanity, how will it affect humanity, this will change a lot of things, because well, they were talking about the same electric cars, that is, what is the problem, well, firstly, in the winter there the discharge continues, we bought a car there, after 2-3 years it suddenly turned out that the battery capacity suddenly became much lower and you could drive twice as fast, but now we bought it and can drive there for 5, 10, 15 from the same distance years. naturally, this is great, we charged the phone, it the characteristics do not change that today, tomorrow or in 10 years, even if we fully charged it, it turns out that it’s not scary, that is, it really improves the quality of life, but the truth is, you know, there is one
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question here that raises doubts, let’s say katya bought an electric car, drove it for 5 years, she’s happy, everything is fine on an eternal battery, it seemed like she drove it for another 5 years, well, not too much. not bad, but after another 5 years i started wondering if i should change it? i remember, in my childhood there were these, look, here - let's say i had one tape recorder, it had these, well, let's call it a battery, but conditionally, and i bought another tape recorder, but exactly the same batteries fit it, well, you know, i remember, in my when i was a kid, i also had this kind of battery, remember, 4.5 v and you could touch it with your tongue, it would pinch a 3.5 v light bulb if so. it was fashionable to park a bike with a flashlight, it’s cool , so volodya, what’s the point, that is, i’ll buy a new electric car, but without a battery, and i’m also interested in this, and now look, what’s left is this let’s imagine that i had this battery
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that lasted forever, now i would have it too, and what would i do with it? put other requirements into phones, science has moved forward , other requirements for batteries for devices , different capacity, this is the battery that is in an electric car today, you won’t need it on your car in 15 years, because new cars with a new battery of the same size will run two to three times longer, this is another progress, superconductors will be discovered, a lot of things will be discovered, and thus eternal device based on today’s technologies, they will slow down further development, which is why the fact that what kind of device we invented today, used and threw away, i don’t know, there’s a refrigerator, a tv, whatever, that’s also a plus for one simple reason, that the new refrigerator there will be a different efficiency, the new tv will not take as much energy, this is also an evolutionary process, so the theory of eternity must also be approached with caution, yes, if you
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sent something into space, it will fly, that’s where it is extremely important that it works reliably and better in general for decades, especially if it flies beyond the solar system, but if on earth, you have to look, depending on what it is used for, the same batteries for phones are changed, just their capacity is 400 5,000 , well, quickly quickly, the phone that i had there 20 years ago, well, where will i now insert its battery, it’s nowhere, although now my battery is smaller and the capacity there is probably 10 times greater, so here’s progress we must not forget, we must not forget, well , for example, cardiac surgery was very common, for example, no, here is astronautics, medicine, cardiac surgeons, but again, let's remember, these are batteries that should last 20-30 years, a battery that lasts 200 years, well, unfortunately, it’s not needed... what about pumped storage stations? i remember the pumped storage station briefly,
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the first one was built in switzerland about 150 years ago and it’s still working, no, there’s no problem, that is, you just understand, we’re talking about the eternal, but something yes technology is forever, the question is that the equipment is not needed aleksandrovich, this is because oleg andreevich says that a pumped storage station was created 150 years ago, it did not prevent the development of nuclear energy, thermonuclear energy, it did not interfere with technical progress, it did not interfere, but the equipment on it is constantly changed, water is pumped with other pumps, electricity is generated differently, that is, you understand, there is a theory, a hydroelectric power station is a theory for pumping water, and then there are practical ones solutions that are being improved , that is why the geska stands, but by the way, i must say, we have the gaska, but it did not spread in our country, because the economy was calculated and decided, and they decided that the soviet union was much larger, they existed, but they you see they are not developing, which is what the economy has calculated and decided.
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it’s profitable to produce batteries that will work there for more than 3 years, for example 5, 10, 15, because then no one will buy new batteries and, accordingly , indirectly there will be new cars or something one more thing , but here’s a question for everyone, well, for sure, maybe they themselves are artificially slowing down progress, well , surely the interests here have become friends, and i think that the manufacturers, you know, when we often buy some kind of equipment... if you look at the economy in reality, people often look
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only at the cost of purchase, but its maintenance sometimes turns out to be much more expensive than this equipment and indeed companies make money on this, you can buy there, i don’t know, some inexpensive coffee machine with capsules, but then you will spend so much money on these capsules, they will also be of some specific format, so this is naturally a business, this is an element of business, but someone really has a conspiracy about, well, i think that there is a conspiracy of the manufacturer in such things cannot be serious, there are too many manufacturers, competing ideas, if someone diligently slows down his own idea, he will lose, that is, manufacturers simply satisfy our needs, it turns out, and we ourselves we don’t want it forever, the terms of reference for production are really set like this, it must work for this much time, because a device that is serviced by a battery will not work until... yes, this is the era of consumption, yes, everyone wants to change
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their phone once a year, yes , which lasts longer than a phone, it’s not economically viable, indeed, you will have, for example, a car with a good battery, and then the transmission and everything else will fly much earlier, and what’s the point, it’s going to run out of things, that is, the service life of various pieces of equipment agree with each other, in the end we ourselves are not a conspiracy, this is not a conspiracy, this is economic feasibility, well, the same company that makes batteries for electric vehicles and for phones will make different batteries, because it knows that it takes a year here and there. two, but here you need to count on 10-20 years, if you look at the statistics, and the degradation of batteries in electric vehicles, it is regularly published by companies, various manufacturers of electric vehicles, there are no problems there, that is, there are 3-5 years of use degradation there is 5, 10, 15 percent, that is, although this is the same thing produced. although this is the same manufacturer that makes my phone, which degrades
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after a year, moreover, at low temperatures, usually everyone in russia is afraid of low temperatures, but they say that how will i drive in winter, again statistics in northern countries europe and other areas where it is generally cold, electric cars work better, they have less degradation, that is, the mileage itself is a little less, lord, it’s not 400 there, but 350 yes kilometers, say in winter, but if you don’t charge it in the cold, just ride it, yes, charge it... somewhere in the garage or basement and so on, then it has less degradation, because at low temperatures the speed of all parasitic processes slows down , but at the same time, by the way, the manufacturer still has a difficult task, so... in recent years we have been faced with the fact that prices for the metals from which this is made have risen sharply, so you can note that many, for example, have set the task for the same cobalt , or refuse altogether, or dramatically reduce its use , by the way, they are successfully implementing this, that is , what is really rare is land is expensive, they are slowly reducing its use and
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transferring it, trying to preserve the characteristics , but this is a cheaper solution, something accessible and cheap, well, here i have now there is - an example, i think, maybe this is the first in russia or one of the first, this is a new type of battery that is not yet in use, this is the development of a startup , this is unfortunately not russian, this is a sodium battery, there is no lithium, not lithionic lithium, there is no cobalt here, there is none, but in mass production it will be two times cheaper than a lithium battery, well , it is believed that this is our development - what is it for, it is of such a shape that it will not fit anywhere, why not, this is actually a standard size 1860. this is it, for battery manufacturers, this is a standard, this is normal , in particular electric cars are made from it, i mean, in electric cars, it’s kind of big, big, the batteries in electric cars are not the same, it’s not clear that there are thousands of them, yes, but recently there was a conference where the developers of this battery were there, and there
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the conference participants drove an electric car with a sodium battery, and this , as vyacheslav aleksandrovich said, is in order to replace sodium. we replace lithium , we replace cobalt, we replace copper, we make it cheaper, we make everything available for production and yes, we make new technology, that is, this is what will come, or rather not a change, it will complement lithium batteries, i think there in about five years, it seems to me that about half of the electric cars will already be produced at this point, that is , you have to wait 5 years, don’t buy an electric car for now, wait, buy it , you’ll get tired of it in 5 years, at the same time you’ll wait for a good hybrid, and also a hybrid? a bicycle for you, an advertisement on ntv, it’s me, alexander osachiy, i discovered two sea currents, and global climate forecasts became more accurate, and this is the moment when i realized that there was a whole sea of ​​seas in the world i wanted to know
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everything about them. develop an interest in science from childhood. enter science majors. rf. in aired our favorite show superstar. the theme of today's issue is the disco of the century, here is a musical work, colossal, very poklyzinsky with his trick. as if, you know, i attended a riyana concert, you and i, a gun, a rocket, a firecracker, a superstar, this is an unpredictable show, we come back, on saturday at 20:20 on ntv, on
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the day you told me, the science program is on air and we are a program about how science will change our lives in the next 10 years. let's ask our guests, optimists and skeptics, what is the probability, in your opinion? in my opinion, in 10 years , eternal batteries will still be created. anatolyich, do you have a forecast? i would bet 50% that such a battery will be created, uh, well, because i ’m an optimist, somehow yes, you don’t look like a skeptic,
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okay, that’s normal, that’s good, you were convinced by optimists, that’s why 50%, charged the skeptic by 50%, everything is fine. and what gives you reason to believe that they will still be created? well, there really has been colossal progress in recent years, and life in science is becoming so dense that every year some revolutionary solutions appear in batteries, so today we didn’t say a word about nuclear batteries, they are of course related to batteries, but nuclear batteries exist, they start out almost eternal, the half-life can be thousands of years , yes, but this. a battery is not a battery, if you choose between a battery that will last 15 years and a battery that will last 100, i will probably still take the battery, we have already decided today that there is practically no difference, the battery is a battery. well there is a philosophical difference, either disposable or reusable, rechargeable, but
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in fact batteries can last 100 years or more, because the half-lives of different elements are very long and the only question that remains is to implement a practical scheme so that it is not just a phenomenon, but a working device, we use it effectively, and i easily admit that within 10 years we will be successful here, and this, in this sense, i said 50%, because in some areas it is feasible, but not in all, therefore 50%, thank you very much, in the near future progress is being made to increase the temperature of superconductors, now second-generation superconductors are being mass-produced, this is already the temperature of liquid neon, about 50° higher, every 10° is a huge saving, second-generation superconductors are what is being done now at the joint institute for nuclear research, they can be irradiated, for example, with heavy particles accelerated by
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accelerators, while in the second generation the temperature of the superconducting state increases approximately to the temperature of the liquid nitrogen. liquid nitrogen is a revolution in superconducting storage technology; liquid nitrogen is shown in supermarkets when demonstrating physics for schoolchildren. room temperature room temperature there are superconductors that work, but these are high pressures and so on and so on, then this is not a technology yet, high-temperature superconductors of the second generation, you can order the tape at the factory and how much percent do you then give with the hope of the dehydration industry, i think just this year we conducted an irradiation session high-temperature superconductor with relitis xinon ions. approximately very encouraging results, i would say that 10 years is a very long time, at the same time,
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together with this work is being carried out jointly with the kurchatov institute, at the same time together with the people's republic of china, we are developing superconducting energy storage devices, we have two superconducting accelerators, which, when the magnetic field in them increases, they take energy from the network, when the magnetic field decreases, they give it back if they are directly... connected to the network, they will ruin the lives of all consumers around , let's still better improve life, after all, we will install a superconducting storage device, and only a few hundred watts will be consumed from the network, forecast, 100%, 100%, thank you very much, yaslav aleksandrovich, yes do you have a forecast of how likely it is, in 10 years, that eternal batteries will be created? well, as a realist, i understand that nothing lasts forever, and it’s probably not always necessary, but still, of course, i’m for progress, so for that so that the movement is in this direction, well, 30%, 30%, thank you,
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alec andrevich, do you have a forecast, what is the probability that in 10 years eternal batteries will be created, and 99%, and i believe that in 10 years everyone will forget about other types of batteries, except for metalloon, lithion, sodium, and this will happen because a lithium battery is such a multi-parameter system, unlike all other types of batteries, where you can change all the components, you can replace the cathode, anode, electrolyte, separator, binder, very much work is being done on all these areas active work and more and more scientists from various fields, they are uniting in order to constantly improve all components ... i have already given an example of a new technology that was born literally in just a few years, that is, it is now progressing so rapidly everything, lithion is only 30
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years old, and all the technologies, sodium has already appeared, obviously through there


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