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tv   Svet i ten mayaka  NTV  December 8, 2023 2:00am-2:41am MSK

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30%, 30%. thank you. alec andrevich, do you have a forecast of how likely it is that eternal batteries will be created in 10 years? uh 99%. and i believe that in 10 years, everyone will forget about other types of batteries, except metal-ion, lithium-ion, sodium-ion, solid-state. oh, and this will happen because the lithium battery is so... a multi-parameter system, unlike all other types of batteries, where you can change all the components, you can replace the cathode, anote, electrolyte, separator, binder, above all of these directions very active work is being done and more and more scientists from various fields are uniting in order to constantly improve all the components of these batteries, i already gave an example, and a new technology that was born literally in just a few years, that is it's already going so fast now.
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lithion is only 30 years old, and all the technologies, sodium has already appeared, obviously in a couple of years there will be solid-state batteries, where the liquid electrolyte is replaced by a solid one, and this a much safer, more durable system, and of course, such coordinated efforts of a huge number of scientists around the world, from different fields, different profiles, they will certainly lead to the fact that in 10 years we will see a very interesting development of this whole story, well that with almost a 70% probability, in 10 years , eternal batteries will be created, one thing confuses me is that the creation of eternal batteries may slightly slow down scientific and technological progress, but on the other hand i am happy thanks to these batteries are created due to scientific and technological progress.
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yes, i’m actually a little upset that we live in an era of consumption, when it’s customary to change a phone every year, a car is usually replaced every 5 years, and i would like eternal batteries to be created, let the progress in creating new phones or cars slow down, let’s ride for a long time, on one , well, but happily, but happily, it was a program, we are science, science and we are a program about how science will change our lives, including yours , in the next 10 years, ah yes, live happy, see you in a week. bye.
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your love is a drop of the soul, and this feeling is stronger than life, and these notes sound and sound in me people, your love, the acapella of the soul, and for the sake of this love it is worth living, even if it happens without words, it shines like a beacon of beginnings. after the release of tatyana itikhon, krotov instructs simanovich to complete this case, but tikhan gives false testimony to simonovich , and arthur refuses to speak at all. lisa and tatyana visit vlad chegorin in the hospital, chegorin’s father also comes there and, when he sees tatyana, comes to rabies. he decides to order evseev to kill her. tatyana and lizaa accidentally see oleg and elena arriving from somewhere to work together. lisa again sows
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doubts in tatiana’s soul about oleg’s loyalty. i want to ask you something. ask, daughter. tell me, are you really connected to this crime? well, you see, this thought haunts me. well, why does arthur need to say this so many times, he’s not a five-year-old child. oh, he’s not a five-year-old child, daughter. but you just act like a child to me. honestly, you. future psychologist, how could you even believe these arthurian delusions? okay, but what purpose did he pursue by insisting on such nonsense? what goal? and i'll tell you what the goal is. look, arthur in love, yes, he kidnaps you, counting, so to speak, on reciprocity. make sure later. that you are attached to your
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father, that is, to me, and i will always be categorically against this union, if i may say so, and he begins to turn you against... me, yes, inventing all sorts of things fantasies are nonsense to quarrel us, well , i don’t know, dad, well, arthur, for all his disgusting qualities, the person is far from stupid, so the idea of ​​quarreling us in this way is very naive, and in general it’s very strange, because he understands perfectly well, that i will never love him, daughter, daughter, just think about it, if i really were some kind of...
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and not somewhere in a cottage village, outside the city, in a luxurious mansion, are you really my only daughter ? , i would study at this provincial institute, dad, but normal university, normal, why not study somewhere abroad, france, england and america, finally, well, oh, daughter, daughter, what can i tell you, i’m rich, really, daughter, i’m fabulously rich. this is my wealth, you, this is my most important and indivisible wealth, my stupid one, come on, come on, come on, well, like a bachelor, as they say.
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great, a desert island of some worker, who will work? so i 'll be there, hello, tolya, how is it, losev, how is he feeling, is there any
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news? i got to the hospital for about an hour ago, stepan is still in intensive care, what kind of creatures they are, but they just maimed the guy. okay, tol, there will be some news, i’ll tell you immediately, okay, okay, come on, well, andrei kravchenko, lived in the city of solnechny. so, hello, fifth department of the solar
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, hello, primorsk criminal investigation department, yes, and you don’t have to worry, please, please connect me with igor shevchenko, there, great, hello, igor, hello, dear, yes, yes , it’s me , yes, thank you, everything is fine, igor, i have a request for you, help me please, information about a certain andrei kravchenko, asked by krava. the most detailed, so we sent you the most appropriate official response to an official request about kravchenko, didn’t you receive it, yes you received it, received it, you need something else, dig
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there, try it, you know, we have such a thing here, such problems because of his death, you can’t imagine, someone is taking revenge, someone close to him, i think so. can you imagine, one of them was killed, ours, the second is in intensive care, a colleague, apparently, there were attempts on my life twice, that’s all we participated in the arrest of the krava, be one of his relatives, in general, for the entire period of his stay in sunny, something there, and burning, well, you know, it’s due to me , of course, i’ll try to help, that’s great, i’m in i believe you, i’ll wait, okay, right away, if anything happens, come on, buddy, bye.
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duty officer, give me aksyonov from the detention center for interrogation, i’m waiting, yes, yes, let’s go in, here he is. thank you, i’ll call you, i don’t understand, boss, why they pulled me out of the isolation ward again, i’ve already told you everything i knew, it seems so to you, aksyonov, that you’re everything told me, and i would also listen, well, about krav’s personal life, for example, tell me something. “i don’t know anything, the boss is a citizen, he didn’t share with me, i didn’t
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hold a candle, this is the case, aksyonov, it seems to me that you don’t understand the importance of the moment, someone is taking revenge for the death of krama, taking revenge cruelly, so cruelly, that one policeman was killed, the second is in intensive care, there were two attempts on my life, it’s normal, yes, in a word, or something i remember.” something worthwhile and very important, or i, my friend, will pin murder on you our employee kharisttenko , bless his memory, i didn’t kill, i think otherwise , you were still free then, so i’ll hang you if you killed , but i have nothing to remember, he stole about his personal life, never talked much about it, he still often he said, wife,
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prison, shkonk’s mother-in-law, but i visited him at home a couple of times, no women, no beds, it was as if he lived as a woman, a cavalier. get up, let's go out, slava, where are you from, you lovely child, you're joking , you're mocking me, yes, but here i am, sewing up, in the archives, now arthur's interrogations, sympathize with slav, but i can't help,
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krotov entrusted you with the business, well , be pleased with the okkan trust, and i, and you, where , what do you mean, where, do you think, you’re the only one of us who is so businesslike, no, not the only one, i’m also a businessman, that means i’m on business, probably , please take your medicine in half an hour, lunch, thank you, well, hello hero, here
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i am, no, this is not a day, this is some kind of endless holiday, guests come to me all day long, and some even manage to do it twice, i’m literally on a couple of minutes, i don’t want to be seen here alone, so why did you come, you have something to do with me, no, i just brought you some fruit. you chegorin just amazed me. of course , i understood that you were obsessed with tatiana, but i didn’t think about it to such an extent that you would get in front of bullets. this. was a very risky, but effective move, i mean? well, i mean, well done, you are chigorin, you made peace with tanya , yes, i forgave you oleg, you know, i wanted to clarify something with you, our agreement regarding the fact that i am destroying their relationship is valid, well, of course it is valid, well that i was in vain to face bullets, in vain to risk my life, to save
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a girl, having no plans for the future, i love her very much and want to connect my destiny with her, this is exactly what i wanted. i hope you won’t hesitate and will quarrel tanya and oleg in the near future, because we have to forge, we have to strike while the iron is hot, while tanya sees me as a hero, yeah, you can prepare the money, i’m starting to act, by the way, about the money , don’t worry, everything is as agreed, get well, thank you. hello, galya, yes, listen, skorkina just came in, wanted to make sure i didn’t change my mind. did you act according to plan? well, of course, he said, that’s it, i taught him somehow. good girl, did you record the conversation? no, unfortunately, it was not possible, but she appeared so unexpectedly, i won’t take out a camera in front of her to record. well, yes. okay, don't
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be upset, next time you'll write it down. i think this is not your last meeting. yeah. let's. okay, right away the action that will come later, have you decided to change your student life, bags, books and notebooks, everything is in order in the notebooks, leave me alone , you're tired of handing over your tails, so you should have come to me, i would have trained you, come in today, did you get me? i told you, i don’t need alphonse, who sleeps with whoever he gets, well, gan, why are you doing this, you know that i am sincerely attached only to you , and you about that girl, well, i broke up with her, she’s a fool it seemed that your sex life was of little interest to me, i would forgive the betrayal, i couldn’t forgive the indifference,
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the only time i turned to you for help, and you didn’t give a damn about me, gala, i really had a bad streak then... well, forgive me, i really like you, hello, tolya, yes, kostya, what’s the matter with attack on lieutenant losev, he also participated in the arrest of krava, we examined the scene of the assassination attempt. so far no traces have been found, what do you mean they haven’t been found? well, he didn’t evaporate without a trace, further, further, well , the attacker ran up to losev in the yard of his house, crept up from behind, seemed to hit him on the head with a heavy object, then disappeared, and neighbors, neighbors were questioned, maybe they saw something? unfortunately, nothing,
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okay, tol, if anything becomes known, call me right away, okay, okay, okay. bye, bye, who is taking revenge for you, dear dad, to whom are you so dear, tanya, tanya, i’m so glad, god, i’m so glad, how are you? it’s already normal, but you were settled again, or something, yes, can you imagine, they promised to return you to the same room where i lived, i even still have things there, i’m so glad that everything worked out for you, oh well, about me, how are you, oh, how is it - the first day of freedom, what are you doing, you probably got caught up in preparing for the wedding, yes, i didn’t have time yet, i saw all my loved ones, lisa, chigorin,
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olga vladimirovna, dad, now here before you i got there, well, i probably found time for oleg. by the way, he works normally, so, somehow you’re cold, to your fiancé, did you quarrel? no, we haven’t had time yet, i just saw how they drove up to the police department today with shamina, i don’t know what they were doing and where they were, but they were crowing like doves, i don’t know, but it probably seemed like lizzie, she also saw this the scene that this lisa imagined, but i’ll tell you that i trust oleg as i trust myself, yes, before i had doubts about him, but i was wrong, tan, so you he loves you, really, he’ll give his life for you , thinking, you know, that’s the same thing, almost word for word, my dad said to me today,
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that’s what you think, i should talk to him frankly, lisa just said, he doesn’t mean anything don’t ask now, but observe for a while, again it’s liza, tanya, you must trust each other, but of course, you need to talk, then all your doubts will be dispelled, you’re right, it’s just...’ lizy, the advice confused me, listen to her more, and don’t delay, right now to talk, he promised to drive up to the dorm in 20 minutes, great, you see how everything is going, tanya. hi, how are you?
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wait outside the door, if anything happens, i'll call you. i’m all ears, i’m interested in tikhonov, how you were connected before, and how now, very serious people somehow came to me, and they ordered me to seize the house and the land plot quieted down. they said that he was an ordinary lighthouse keeper and no one was standing behind him, but
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why didn’t it work out, the grandfather turned out to be stubborn, no matter how kharlam and i pressed him, we took him to the catacombs, pressed him, they threatened, all to no avail, we even kidnapped his daughter, well , we thought about squeezing documents out of the old man... we kidnapped him twice, the second time i had personal motives, i fell in love with tanya, well, during the first kidnapping, i wanted to marry take moscow away, mayor kravchenko, how he is connected with tikhonov with crime, connected with crime. i’m connected with tikhon by duty, well, i don’t know , somehow related, probably, but don’t worry about it, you ’re the boss, kravchenko is an ordinary cop, but only
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a very greyhound, good, quiet, calm, i ’m very grateful to you, i somehow a little bit into yourself i came, it’s been a long time since we sat together like this. yes, kostya, well, when to sit, you see, lately we’ve been full of warriors, and showdowns, well, father, a warrior and warriors, but i want to eat, no one canceled lunch, you haven’t shared anything with me for a long time , listen, kostya, yes, fear god, he knows what to share, what kind of profits. all my boys are sitting in the detention center, oh, who should we do business with, well , this is a solvable problem, i’ll return the people to you, but
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our agreements with you, what to do with it, yes, that’s what it means, the cop’s approach, oh, well, i can do otherwise, hold on, it’s smooth here , we haven’t gotten to know each other today, simonovich said, you have a lot of things to do at work, yes, today i’ve been running back and forth all day , like some kind of errand boy, oleg, tell me. you're cheating on me with shimina, why did you even start this, well, i was just at the department today and
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saw how you let her down, well. we traveled together for work and came back together, what's wrong with that, you just behaved so playfully with her, you opened the door so gallantly for her, i would open the door like that for any girl, this just politeness, well, for some reason you didn’t say a word about going somewhere with her, why, i asked you how your day was, what difference does it make who i went with, someone else there, or with shamina, there’s a big difference, it seems to me that you ’re hiding something from me, and you were on a mission in the fall. tanyush, i have nothing to hide from you, okay , then tell me how your day went minute by minute, okay, first lena and i went for work, and then she asked me to help her fix the faucet, that’s it, fix the faucet, we stopped by, yes, i, you were at her house and not a word didn’t tell me, and after that you claim that you are friends, you know very well that lena is a lonely girl, and there is no one to help her, so here i
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am. yes, you are a real friend, you fixed the screen , took you for a ride in the car, that we had to walk to her without a car, no, just for example, kostya could have helped her, kostya couldn’t , i wonder why, yes, good, y you have a million employees in the department, couldn’t she really ask for them, well, lena has done so much for me, it’s just hard for me to refuse her such a small thing, you know, how is tanya doing, and how is she is she doing? she came to see me today , she arranged an interrogation, dad, it’s true that you are a crime boss, that you’re a millionaire, well , how did you get out of it, he said that daughter , you saw what kind of arthur he is, a bastard bastard,
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he’ll say whatever he wants , yes, and if i were a crime boss, a millionaire, would i really live in such mansions, if i may say so, frankly speaking, kostya, i ’m tired of all this myself, there’s a lot of money, but i can’t celebrate a decent wedding for my daughter, isn’t this life, with a cute reshlash. true, tanechka wanted to marry a gladran man, so she chose my brother, that’s her right, okay, don’t think that i only came to you for money, i have news, unfortunately, it’s not very good, i’m already from good news, excuse me, let’s say what’s going on you for the news, lay it out, the temerian lads from moscow want to raise the entire kharlam group under themselves in order to control all the cargo
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moving. from the sea, yes, that’s really it, here’s grandma yuri at the day, i ’ll tell you this, kostya, i had my sights on the kharlamov inheritance myself, i understand, forget it, you don’t have people now, but moscow guys, they are crazy, it’s better not to base with them. that’s true, well, it’s a pity, of course, such a tasty morsel, to lose, okay, they forgot, but you yourself, you came out to the thugs who made the attempt on you, not yet, well, i’ll definitely come out, but i don’t have any other option,
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or i'm on them. i knew it, but i didn’t want to tell you why? it seemed to me that we trust each other and can discuss everything, lena and i discussed everything, dotted the points, we are just friends, tanyush, you have no reason to be jealous, please don’t be angry with lena, i would i wouldn’t be angry if you told me everything right away , i knew that you would make a scene of jealousy, what kind of wild opinion do you have about me, my opinion is that you are too gullible, that you take advantage of it, blows in your
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ears all the time, i can even guess who is who? your best friend always sticks her nose into things that aren’t her own, galya has nothing to do with it, but of course. i thought and made a decision, i’m taking an order to kill both girls, that’s great, now i’ll give you an advance for tatyana, wait, i haven’t finished yet, because of the complexity of the order i i’m raising the price, it will cost you three times more. okay, i agree, maybe you will change your decision, pyotr sergeevich, there is time, after all, we are talking about the lives of both young
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girls, and the problem is, in principle, trivial, for the sake of killing, no, i have thought it all over carefully, we need to free life from such creatures, and don't forget about the video, you have to get to it. sorry, i'll answer in a minute, i need to call, yes, of course, thank you, hello, kostya,
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i just talked with chegorin, he demands that i take something from galina a memorable video for him, to be honest, i don’t believe in this sentimental rubbish. most likely there is incriminating evidence on chigorin, then we need this video more than chigorin himself, if you manage to get it, then chigorin will be completely in our hands, yes, okay, lights out, we agreed, she’s an intriguer, she’s cheap at that, all the machinations are calculated on if only you could do it, right? well, i told you everything, i explained everything, i just love you, and if you don’t need me, then tell me what you ’re saying, well, well, here you go, i i promise you that
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i will never go to lina again, if i want to make you cry , i want to, forgive me, please, i’m just very afraid of losing you, forgive me for making you feel guilty, but both are good, both distrustful and belt, why were you following me or something in the department? no, i came to give evidence to simanovich, and i saw you , i came up with god knows what, lisa, yes, lis, everything is fine with us, we are going home with oleg, well, you say, it’s a pity, but i, you know, i thought i'd lure you into... some tea, i have there’s a cheese pie, we should sit, drink tea, talk, otherwise i ’ll soon howl to the wolves out of loneliness, wait, come out, we’ll go home, change clothes right away at your place, so put the kettle on, i adore you,
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i’ll run to the table on the bed, bye! good afternoon, police captain ignatyuk, what do you need from me? you received complaints from some students of our university, what other complaints, i didn’t get angry with anyone, especially with the girls. the statement contains facts of fraud, extortion,
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debts have not been repaid, after all, you have been followed before similar pranks. what other facts? what kind of extortion? who applied? i do not yet have the right to disclose the names of the victims. this is illegal and stupid, firstly, i’m not worried, and secondly, for some time now scammers began to respect the law, have you forgotten that a criminal case has already been brought against you? the criminal case was closed, so there was no fact of fraud, i was framed, one small correction, it fell apart and was closed, that would be more accurate. and do you have proof? so that you do not doubt further, believe me, on this time i’ll get you to go to jail, maybe we’ll come to an amicable agreement somehow. maybe, but for that you
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need to do something for me. well, come in, come in, don’t be shy , i hope that my pie won’t disappoint you, sit down, i’ll pour you some tea, oh, tell me how are you preparing for the wedding, yes, with my work we can’t get anything done, time is running out , and nothing has been done yet, somehow nothing has been done, at least the place has been chosen, well , there won’t be many guests, only the closest ones, so... for reasons of economy we decided to celebrate at the lighthouse,
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like at the lighthouse, what kind of wedding is it at the lighthouse, and why not, it’s a good place, a wedding once in a lifetime, to celebrate like that, celebrate in the best restaurant in primorsk, but we can’t afford a restaurant now, it’s too expensive for us, listen, let the restaurant be my wedding gifts, let me do this, no, lisa, we can’t... accept such an expensive gift, oleg, tanya, don’t offend me, please, i’m very grateful to you, i really, really i want to thank you, please accept this at least not as a gift, but as gratitude, well, please, well, you supported me, you protected me in difficult times, yes you protected me, but no, thank you, gratitude, we’ve had enough of your pirague, oleg, i’m serious, by the way, you didn’t provide such security, yes, such security that you could galli valezarova hit the road. no,
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lis, really, this is too much. maybe i can at least order a limousine? well, kostya will take us in his car, we have already agreed. okay, it’s my brother’s wish, even i don’t have any arguments. what about the clothes? well, this is the only thing we have our eye on. u oleg will get his salary soon, so let's go buy a dress and a suit. oh! okay , i think i came up with an idea, let me give you a photo and a video, it’s not very expensive, but it’s very important, okay, i’ve persuaded you, photos and videos from you, thank you lis, please listen, the alarm went off, i’ll go check that it happened. fox, just don’t swear at me
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, but i couldn’t stand it, you asked oleg about the start of the sheminnoy, yes, as i thought, they are just friends, of course, tanyush, but you should n’t have done it, we agreed on everything quietly to find out, i talked to galya, she advised us to talk about everything honestly, well, galya, of course, we have the best psychologist, take advice only with her, well , i also think that this is right, it’s closer to me, you know? yes, that’s the only way we could find out the truth, but olek still didn’t confess to anything.


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