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tv   Svet i ten mayaka  NTV  December 9, 2023 4:00am-4:51am MSK

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well, yes, yes, to be honest, i don’t even know how it would all end if arthur hadn’t spoken, i was 100% sure that he was a reverse in uniform, i was going to go, i don’t know, to the authorities, to rotov , at the headquarters, fsv, wherever i was going, thank you, you see how good it is, you don’t have to go anywhere now, you know what, i’ll probably go up to kostya tomorrow, talk to him alone, and like a man, i’m sorry, i’m ashamed, slav, it seems to me that there’s no need to go anywhere. why? well, what will happen if he finds out that you were digging for him, collecting information, especially since his brother works in his department, the other guys, everyone will become your enemy overnight, but what to do then, i don’t know, i’m ashamed, the wedding is coming soon, you’ll still quarrel, you don’t have to go anywhere, say anything to anyone no need, well, yes, well , seriously, okay, i won’t. i, i
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won’t say anything to anyone, and the main thing is don’t be nervous , eat, but what if he called me to witness the wedding, simonovich, congratulations, go ahead, how to decide after that, it’s a pity for verka, one of the children will stay, right? somehow everything is turning out interesting , at first you saved his life, now you want to kill him, this is not human, at first your brother’s assurances were taken away, now you can’t do that with your husband , the law is dungli, the boss, it’s either us or us, whoever will take pity on you, and no one will feel sorry for you, it’s hard for me. it’s hard and just somehow, and you know
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, i’m somehow not at ease, but well, now, now do what you need to do, but i don’t want to know anything about it, i’ll still bother myself when after the wedding , pirka, as the widow of a policeman, she will receive all sorts of benefits, well, it’s reasonable. "here you go, unwind for now, they found where, yes , the spoon landed him, he climbed into the room in the pebbles , had a good joke there, in general he found it, well, i’ll omit the detail, yeah, spare me , please, i’ll note one thing to you, the right motivation for locus.
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he also told something about pebbles, what exactly, well, she ’s messing around with some cop again, yesterday he wanted to play a prank on him, how, well, like, she ’s so drunk on pills, she wants to die , she’ll call this cop, they say, forgive him, forgiving his last love all that, they also argued with sazonkin, will there be trash here?
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well, yes, and if she doesn’t follow through, then she tells him, you’re somehow lost , you have a headache, a migraine, i guess, i know, i’ll go home, take a pill, sleep, come on boss, don’t cough, i i'll call.
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we feel so bad, what are you doing, what are you doing, you wanted to commit suicide, now it’s a real suicide, come on, come on, come on, come on, they wanted to explain to me, yes, like a complete loser, so that i would fall for it, really, now you’ll fly beautifully with me ? well, once again, if you come closer than 500 m to me, or call me, or try to interfere in my affairs, i i’ll smear you on the asphalt so that
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there won’t be a wet spot left of you, i don’t understand , i didn’t want to, i didn’t want to, really, you understood me, get out of here, mowing it’s not your fault, get out. well, the creature, oleg, dear, forgive me, please, i just can’t get it out of my head, so i don’t understand where she is now, and you still said at work that you don’t know what time you’ll finish, and i’m sitting here like on pins and needles, well, what will happen... oleg, listen, please, do you understand that the person wanted to commit suicide, what, what is it a terrible thing could happen for a person to decide on such a thing, you know, this is where she is now,
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i can’t get through to her, she won’t answer my phone, where is she, what’s wrong with her, what if she, please don’t worry, everything will be fine, i... came in a taxi , please, i’ll quickly leave and what, yes, okay, pick me up at the hostel, come on, kiss me, bye, and what if you’re not my own, ordered one cup of tea, took a bite of a cake and that’s it, well maybe i... take care of my figure, or maybe you take care of your pockets? do you think i'm poor? and you us very rich, right? well, he’s very rich, we know who he is, and i’m not complaining, well, you could order whatever you want for yourself, you just had to point your finger, but you’re a funny
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little prankster, i’m not serious, any of your whims are for my money, handsome, you’ll tell me no... you know, the next time we see each other, i promise you the sky in diamonds, that is, you decided that you and i will definitely see each other next time? well, yes, you ’re wondering what i’m capable of? oh, well, maybe , where are you going now? you made me up see you off? well, of course, oh well, no need, i ’m on my way to work now, and there... believe me, it’s not that interesting, ciao, if it weren’t in diamonds, i’ll give you a course, i don’t prepare it
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at all, well, you better do it in pairs appeared , maybe somehow everything, everything would change, no, oh, white, why is she so gloomy, maybe a club with us, let's go for a walk, is someone at university? what's with her? crap! damn, damn, hello, vladik, the disk with incriminating evidence on your
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father has disappeared, like it disappeared, just like that, they ransacked the whole room, they dragged it away, but do you understand that this is the end? i understand if this disk will make it public, my father will decide that it’s my doing, that’s it, the end of funding, and what he ’ll do to me, he’ll even imagine it’s scary, well, what can i do, he’s not anywhere, no, i’m looking, he’s not there, think of something. find it, gal, you always come up with everything, so come on, figure it out, if anything happens, i’m ready to buy it for any money, for any money, you don’t have any, they will, i’ll sell the apartment and move to a small one on the outskirts, gal, crap!
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hello, evseychik, it’s me, sazonkin is almost in my pocket. well done, dear, i never doubted you. yeah, but i doubt it, that's why i say almost. what don't you like? i don’t like this one, you know someone, he’s so yours, he’s shaking too much for his own skin, he’s a coward, you think he’ll get off the hook, he might, but i have an idea, i’ll tell you now.
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open. i'm so glad that everything is okay with you, but not completely okay, forgive me , please, it's all because of me, yes, yes, because of everything together, i'll think about what if soon i didn’t arrive on time, well, after all , i arrived, they pumped me out, although, to be honest, i really didn’t want to live, i understand, i myself i really blamed you for this, tanya, you are my closest person. and if those closest to you don’t believe, it’s really better to die, well, don’t say
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that, i believe, i forgave you anyway, and oleg will forgive, sooner or later, the main thing is you tell me how it all turned out, i have nothing to do. tell me, tanya, i didn’t do this, i swear to you, i can swear on anything, it’s not me.
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oops, how about apologizing for the late visit? apologize, you're crazy, will you get by? how are you working, baby? i didn't understand the question here. i'm asking the question differently. what the heck oleg and tatyana are together new? i’m paying you money, why am i paying you money? yes, i’m doing everything i can, though it doesn’t seem like it, i have to understand , i can’t immediately take the bull by the horns, you know, well, oleg, he’s built like that, he’s such a man, an active woman will scare him away, oh-oh-oh, what we are psychologists, imagine, i had to first gain his complete trust, i did, yes, i did, we are now best friends, what do you mean, then he will relax, and i will easily drag him into bed. i don’t work either, who
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put sazonkin on the hook? well, what about your sazonkin? wonderful, delighted, enchanted, now through him we will learn about all of galina’s plans, so forget about galina, she’s in it for games, that’s all. why did you decide this? it doesn't matter. come on, it’s important, because i think you’re wrong, she won’t stop until she gets you, she’ll constantly put a spoke in our wheels at every step. shut up, i said, it won’t happen, that’s it, we closed the topic, you sit down, we can talk in more detail, however, i have nothing to do with it, tanya, tanya,
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well, you are my dearest person, i am for you, i, i'm ready to listen to you like a dog. believe me, to be honest, i really believe you a little less than before, of course, it was lisa who tried, and it really hurts me to see how my loved one and you are quarreling, because i considered you my best friend, i never stop being your best friend , tanya, i will prove it to you, i will do everything to make you think differently, i promise. tanka, okay, and specifically, dear, how are you going to compromise tatyana in the eyes of your true friend, i don’t know yet, i’ll improvise something, i’ll improvise, listen,
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there was such a story. about her, by the way, oleg knows nothing, once they wanted to expel tatyana from the university for an affair with a teacher, a certain forehead, but there really was an affair, there was no affair, but there was a video in which tatyana allegedly tumbles very hotly in bed with an alleged frontal, who knows who made it, well, whoever made it made it , the main thing is that... there is a video, and you and i would like to get it, yeah, can you imagine, a few rumors, then this movie, oleg will definitely change his mind about getting married, this everything is fine, but this is how we get it, that’s why you will need sazonkin, he has access to the university, he is a student, but you don’t,
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by the way, about sazonkin, it was with him that oleg was caught. in bed, tatyana in bed, uh-huh, listen, this poor little lamb, innocent in bed? well, innocence remains like that, it hasn’t gone anywhere. it was a hoax invented by galina. and oleg believed. at first he believed, and then tanya was able to dissuade him. you know, galya is still a great guy. no, you're wrong, galya was great, yes, she just doesn't finish anything to the end, it’s not that i, you, you too, my star hasn’t been shining lately, i came up with this multi-move with arthur ushimina, but toltoluto, our charges are back in place, this won’t be for long , i hope, by the way, elizabeth, i
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have something for you. a very profitable urgent job and don’t worry about oleg, he’s quick-tempered but easy-going, i’ll talk to him later, don’t worry, everything will be fine with you, you promise, i promise, bye. kostya, listen, well, no, well, you ’ve come to the wrong address, whatever, but i won’t intimidate you, my girl, what exactly do you need?
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it’s embarrassing, or maybe you’ll learn that you don’t like it, you understand that i don’t want to go to jail, you thought what would happen to my brothers if i went to jail, honey, i’m a police officer, i’ll cover for you, yeah, that’s you now you say, well, then something goes wrong, not according to plan, it’s not according to my plan, it doesn’t happen like that, you’ll be like christ in the bosom, i guarantee you, something doesn’t believe you, in vain, meha, you’ll earn a lot worthy grandmothers, your brothers need grandmothers, you know it yourself, but if i didn’t get knocked out here in front of you, that’s great, you’ll raise them to their feet, right? decent education, i myself will write letters to them from the zone, but there will be no zone, you know why, why, because i still
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need you here, are you sure it’s safe, come here, lisa, i swear to you, i wouldn’t take such risks. shots like you, okay, i agree, that’s great, you show me off, i need to go. what are you,
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zhuzi, hello, hello! tired of sitting at home, you want to go for a walk, right? well , now we’ll take a walk, look, what a wonderful day, yes, come on, come on, here you go, walk, come on, come on, go on your own business, smart girl, come on, oleg, where are you, the coffee is getting cold, why aren’t you sitting down, or something, but i’m afraid i might be late for work, why are we so gloomy? i got off on the wrong foot, tanyusha and i had a very successful visit yesterday , please don’t start again, i really, i don’t understand, there are people who are so
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deceitful, it’s just that you still feel sorry for her, yes i do, tell me why you i made peace with her, because i can’t do it any other way, every person, even the worst one, should be given a chance, and galya is my best friend, what a friend, tan, you when you already see something, stop forgiving her. i’m not even sure anymore that it was she who planted the things in the car? i mean, i'm not sure, it's a fact. fact? where is the proof? maybe we can still investigate? no, we just won’t believe the speculation, especially if she says she didn’t do it, i’ll believe her. well, well, let's see what other surprise she has prepared for us. girl, do you know if people are allowed into the hospital only with a pass? no, the main thing you see is that you are sure. if he asks, speak loudly the number of the ward and department, thank you, you're welcome, hi, well, hi,
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how are you? yes, it’s fine, just listen, they specially cook it so that it’s impossible to eat, why didn’t you bring anything? sorry, i ran ahead, i didn’t have time, which is really bad, but if you want, try it, i won’t get poisoned , i don’t know, i’m alive, yes, not very well, yes, well, sorry, but i have good news, first, tanya and oleg made peace, second, tanya forgave me, completely, completely, well... not quite, completely, but soon i will bring liza out into the open, i will again become tanya’s closest friend, and how will you bring her out? i think,
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lisa is up to something again, here we have to catch her, so the only thing is that i ’ve run out of money, completely, gal, well... this is the last one, here you go, yeah, well , can you imagine what will happen if my father stops give money, and if he finds out about this disc, then generally 15, 15 should be enough, but how will this money help you protect tanya from lisa, well, we will look at the circumstances, yes, hello, vlad, this is lisa, you have there nobody here? tanya or oleg is there, i just want to come in on the floor, quickly, quickly, why, yes, liza, there’s no one, come in, come on, where should i go? there under the bed, turn on
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the video, but there’s no time to turn it on, turn it on, at least turn on something, record it, vladik turned it on, that’s it, well, hello. hello, great, well, i looked at the recording that azonkin found a bowline in the room, what a deceitful creature she is, but she swore her love and loyalty to me, i don’t understand why she’s kicking around there, more than once , then in some house... in the office,
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this is for you, i beg you, i’m just surprised every time by the depth of women’s cunning, on record - it’s only to our advantage, now chigorin is not going anywhere from us , if you want to put him under tikhon, take him higher, look, now the kharlomov gangs are headed by kasaton, well, then i’ll remove both kasaton and tikhon, uniting the two gangs into one , i’ll guess out of three times that i’m presenting this corporation to you as a gift , and i don’t pretend, of course , i don’t pretend, but you deserve it, nothing can be done, you will be the criminal king of the hero city of primorsk, and i will supervise you, normal, quietly, but not sorry, no, nothing personal, just business, yes, by that time, lisa will finally quarrel oleg and tatyana, although she did not succeed very much, well, god willing, she will succeed, tatyana will remain an orphan without a groom.
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that’s how to leave a girl without a man’s care at such a moment, yes, i’ve already quarreled tanya with oleg, i’m waiting for payment for my work, yeah, okay, but where are the arguments that they won’t make peace again, trust the professionals, but the professionals are lying, i just talked to tanya, everything is fine with oleg , it can’t be, they were in trouble yesterday, well , maybe they were yesterday, i’ll separate them out... you know, i have everything in order, so let’s pay, well here there are no fools, first the result , then the money, vlad, what are you going to give for the date, for what, what are you going to do, well, what difference does it make to you, i told you, everything will be, well, then we’ll talk, okay, yeah, then we’ll talk, yes, just don’t relax, prepare money, okay. what, oh, i wrote
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it down, but i wrote it down, well, turn it on, damn it, what, yes, what, i pressed , apparently something is wrong, it didn’t record, how could you, well, excuse me, class, but what to do with shcherin’s order ? i didn’t touch tatyana, but what to do with galina, i took an advance, let him live, she won’t bother us, besides, she ’s already punished herself, with the advance, what to do, keep it for yourself, someone took out the disk, as he asked, everything is fine, and we’ll press him with this disk , we’ll load it, be healthy, we’ll get a share,
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let’s say. your enterprise, when to start, right today, send him the task, listen carefully, oleg, you said you were late? “actually, i can come to work later today, yes, i said so because, because i wanted to leave the house quickly, yes tanyush, i really don’t understand how you could galya forgive me, well, i don’t understand, okay, enough, stop quarreling, your wedding is coming up, i have a surprise, take it, since you’re the first
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to get married, then let it..." your money will be there, enough for the wedding, for suits, for rings , i didn’t like it at all, i’m scared that lisa offered you money for a wedding. a stranger, oleg refused and did the right thing, and now we don’t owe anyone anything, well, she offered from the bottom of her heart, but i want to look at this generous soul, get to know her with liza, would you invite her to dinner? yes, of course, thank you, mom, thank you, olga vladimirovna. yes, hello, lis, can you come to dinner today? of course i can, thank you, go ahead and write down the address.
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oh, kostya, hello, hello, tell me, what are you going to do this evening, i don’t know exactly yet, but what? yes, okay, why are you immediately looking for a catch in everything, i just wanted to invite you to sit and talk tonight. well, like before, remember, we could go fishing, barbecue, well, thank you, now i’m afraid to invite you somewhere, what? well, you're a family man, you have a pregnant girlfriend, the wedding is on us, but okay, okay, i
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i made an agreement with vera, said that i want to talk to an old friend, sit down, and she understands you, well, yes, that’s great, i congratulate you, well, well, let ’s try, relax somewhere in the evening, well, great, well what's going on there, specifically, what are you doing? ah, well, thank god, i’ve already gotten rid of arthur, i can concentrate on the gang from the catacombs, and what’s the result? well, nothing yet , you know, they all point the finger at kharlam, but i found out that kharlam has nothing to do with it, so they are covering up for someone, how do you plan to put the squeeze on, i’m thinking of interrogating in a second round. young people, well, their psyche will be weaker, it makes sense, well, good luck , uh-huh, thanks, i want some coffee, well, it
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seems like there’s a small thing, i’ll go and get the machine from the machine, uh-huh, here... kostya will be our wedding witness, that’s decided , here are the witnesses, who is the question, but not galya , she didn’t mind showing us at her wedding, no, this is too much, we have already offered her to be a witness at our wedding, what will i tell her now, if you want, i ’ll tell her, she’ll go takes pills again, you'll fall for these cheap tricks again, listen, well, you're on your own again, well , there's a lot of time before the wedding, you'll figure it out, now... shopping,
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oh, you're already here, what subject are we meeting for? “it was agreed that you are closing the issue regarding two girls , you are holding out, if you want to raise the amount, the amount does not change, the concept of our relationship with you is changing, i will not eliminate two girls, i got my hands on one very interesting disc, what the disc, and it turns out you’re still that little colt, wow, what did you call yourself?” "as a person i understand you, i was i would be an absolute cretin if i didn’t take advantage of such luck, i believe you don’t want the disc to get into the media, this is
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dirty blackmail, as for your wife’s reaction, i ’m generally silent, but there are serious people behind me, so pyotr sergeevich, you'll have to do it. all i will tell you, i repeat, is dirty blackmail, a criminal offense, and this is said by the man who ordered the murder of two young innocent girls. okay, so what do you want, money, how much? we are interested in issues directly within your competence, allocation of land, rent, preferences in business, by the way, you won’t be at a loss either. oh, thank you, cost, well, i would be glad
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, yes, i can’t, he’s calling moles, by the way, just on the case of a gang from the catacombs, it feels like today is going to be a day, first there’s a debacle with the boss, then one interrogation, a second, and so on, and it’s evening , we’ll honk in the evening, we agreed, like in the good old days, to honk and honk, well, yes, great, let’s see it until the evening. catalog workers you say?
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excuse me, why are you changing the conditions, you have not completed the order? as far as i know, in this is not welcome in the criminal world, how much do you know about the criminal world, very influential people have signed up for the girls, by the way, don’t even think about re-ordering them, something happening to them that you simply can’t live with, okay. okay, but you will return the disk, i will pay , i said, we are not interested in money, what exactly, to begin with, allocating part of the premises of the seaside recreation center, this is not possible, there are children's clubs, sections, nothing, the children will wait. in their place there will be an underground casino, 3% of the profits from which will fall
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directly into your pocket, an underground casino, make up your mind, pyotr sergeevich, 3%, this is a very good amount, otherwise the disc will end up in the media, good. “i agree , tanyush, didn’t you really like anything in the salon, everything there is kind of pretentious, i wanted a simple classic dress without frills, well, maybe i’ll order it from the atelier, but although no, wait, lena told me that she has i have a friend, i ’ll call her directly now, please, i beg
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you, don’t mention her again, why is lena a good, responsive person, so responsive that she dropped her off in your car a handkerchief and a condom, i only now realized that she did this on purpose, tan, i think you’re making it up, well, you gave her a lift, went out for some reason, she tossed her a handkerchief, went and bought the same one, she’s cunning , like when she came to me and pretended to be my best friend, i’m all like that. and fluffy, yes , i trust galya more than her, i’ll listen, lula, your leader abandoned you, so now you’re going to trample the zone and ruin your life, or can you? help the investigation, then i
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’ll help you get the minimum, or maybe maybe only conditionally, but i know these tricks, i’m not the boss , don’t tell me noodles, i won’t tell you, i know lena very well, she would n’t have come up with such a scheme, that means you don’t know her well, you learned how to come up with it from galya, so i’m wondering why you defend her so much, she’s just someone to you ? really, you can’t stop communicating with her even for my sake, but you can stop communicating with galileo for my sake? i don’t understand what this has to do with it, galya is my friend,
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and lena is my friend, but there is no friendship between a man and a woman, especially if she is in love with her. hello, evseev, listen, seryozh, here’s the thing , i organized wiretapping of simonovich’s workplace, at the moment i’m listening to the interrogations that he is conducting, something worries me, as if someone, you tell me, will split in the tikhnovsky brothers’ detention center, is it motivating? yes , they are buttered up through the roof, money, programs, all sorts of pickles, everyone was separately warned, you will come out if you keep your mouth shut, so, well, this is of course good and even wonderful, but the young ones bother me, simonovich, he’s coarse, grated, he can
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cheat someone out of them, okay, go ahead. tanyush, come on, calm down, we have a wedding coming up, and we quarrel all the time, we don’t quarrel, we sort things out and do the right thing, it’s better to find out everything now so that there won’t be any misunderstandings later, it’s just that what you ’re coming up with is nonsense , i’m sure she did it, now 100%, i don’t even want to discuss this, let’s just close this topic, okay, i’m tired of this topic too, but if i mean anything to you, you ’ll stop communicating with her once and for all. well firstly, i don’t accept ultimatums , that is, my request is an ultimatum for you, and then how do you imagine that we will stop communicating, we actually work together, so work, just nothing but work, and you know what, if i find out that you communicate outside of work hours, you and i will separate forever, to the university,
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please give me a lift. your mother is sick, right? and you understand that she may not wait for you to leave the zone, imagine a sick mother sitting at home and waiting to meet her son. but my son doesn't care you understand that you may need help, i don’t know whether to go to the store or to the pharmacy, but there will be no one, because you will be behind bars, you
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will be driven into a coffin ahead of time, lyova. duty officer, this is simonovich, take the suspect away, bring in the next one. well, where to go in the evening? after which can you have some coffee, how many couples do we have today? bye, oleg, everyone got ready, but no, i didn’t have time, there was so much material today, i barely
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finished writing the notes, please give me the notes, now i’ll show you, look, girls, look, allov is having an affair with tikhonova, they’re not even shy. they could at least hide for the sake of decency, otherwise i’ll tell everyone, but what should they hide, everyone knows everything, forgive me, i’ve now decided, what’s up with the session, look, no matter how i ask you to get married, his apartment is in the center of the city there is, she’s not small , she got it from her parents, and tanka is no slouch, it ’s just that she seems such a shy beauty, in fact, she ’ll give our pebble a head start, it’s not for nothing that they’re friends, you finally decided to visit. our educational institution is such a great joy and honor for us and for me, for the entire teaching staff , yes, sorry, i just had to solve some family problems, well, we haven’t gotten married yet, we are already solving family problems, what will happen next, this is not funny, i i really started my studies, now i’m afraid of the session, tribute, there’s nothing to be afraid of, we
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have a wonderful example before us, galina, she was lagging behind, and now she’s come to her senses , and it’s nice to see, yes, look everyone, i hope she’ll move on soon on a budget, i don’t even doubt it, well, i hope that tanya will deal with our tails, and i will help in any way i can. well, okay, i guess i’ll go on being an example, all the best.
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completely insolent. leonid? leonid, are you home? is there anyone? leonid, lenya! and mommies,
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oleg georgievich, what about our detection rate, the end of the year, well, on the whole we are coping, despite, so to speak, personnel changes. the percentage will not be lower than last year, it needs to be higher, we will try, well, at the end of the year, the villains generally break their chains, maybe they have their own indicators, well, you look there so that their the indicators did not spoil our reporting, by the way, as new personnel, very nice personnel, well, they are coping normally, yes, sorry, we have a murder, a man was strangled right in his bed, that’s it, let’s go out. lyova, you stay on the farm, andrei, and you are in charge there, go ahead, i’m not watching where crimea is, and so -


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