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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  December 9, 2023 5:40am-6:31am MSK

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nikitosik, dear, i dug up something on churino, listen, well, he’s not convicted, in the central address bureau, there’s no information about his work, but i’ve identified photographs from his folder, well, if he’s on social networks, then of course i’ll find him , okay, but first, try the license plate number of the car that fled the crime scene, okay, that’s it, let me go to the expert, come on, i was visiting my brother, i came back, here you are, what’s your brother’s name, andrey, i’ll give you the phone number, if you need to check. galina, is your husband officially unemployed? of course he worked from wherever this is all? and by whom? sales representative of the company. interesting. they sell agricultural equipment. i don't know exactly which one. kolya often went on business trips to the regions. yeah. please tell me, maybe you know one of his colleagues.
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true, dima brought him here once. who is dima? son from his first marriage. they had a big fight a couple of weeks ago and kolya kicked him out of the house. kicked out? where is he now? i don't know, i can give you the number. galina, what did your husband keep in si? money. kolya did not like banks. it's clear. just a minute. well, igor, i think
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i need to call this dima to find out what the conflict is. call, pasha. hello, dmitry, hello, this is the criminal investigation department, captain potapov, i need to see you. yes, they could drive to their father's apartment. hey, lyosha, i can smell it all over the department, lard, rydanov’s favorite food, come on, sit down, treat me, a package has arrived from home, yes.
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this is our way, treat, treat, excellent lard, oh, i can have some kefir, there’s a minzhurka, clean, well, what can you please, besides lard, i just pierced the churin’s gloves, yeah, and found out that her fingers match the prints an unidentified criminal, involved in a double contract... murder, wow, what is this, was he a killer or something? quite possibly when the murders took place? one 4 years ago, the second a year and a half ago, this will be more interesting than lard. captain igor, great, hello. well, our killed one is not so simple, there are two capercaillie on it, and a contracted one at that. listen, put pressure on bulkin, let them prepare a search of the churin’s apartment and dacha. oh, and we just did it here.
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hey, seryoga, stop another one with the left numbers, captain makeev, i wish you good health, i wish you good health, i am a colonel of the gorodovs, the chief, i know, i know, comrade colonel, you are the head of the inter-district department, that’s right, well, what’s the matter, the point is, comrade. colonel, that
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someone else’s license plate is on your car, great, good joke, i like it, listen, really, we laughed, can i go? listen, how can this be? the number that is on your car belongs to a blue volvo, and yours belongs to mandeo, let's figure it out, please, listen, captain, between us, we had a drink today, breathe, some kind of cleaver, what numbers, what you do not like? wait, they’re the same there , damn, what kind of nonsense, well , i need to ask you, comrade colonel, you ’ll sort out your car somehow, i’ll figure it out, i’ll figure it out, yes, thank you,
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comrade captain, good luck, comrade colonel , what the hell? and where was everything, there was money, a lot, a little less than 3,000 euros. and who else had access to the safe, except your husband, of course, no one, only kolya had the key, no, well, my words will probably seem banal to you, but dad really didn’t give me any freedom at all, everything for decided me. and two weeks ago, what happened, why did he kick you out? i found out that i dropped out of university, so what, how do i live alone now, okay, i’m not alone, i have a girlfriend, i have a job, i can handle everything just fine on my own, it’s clear, it’s okay, you won’t have to cope soon, you’re here my
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dad is the heir, everything will be fine, i think this is just a hint, no, i didn’t kill him, and i don’t need his money, i was able to prove this when i started living on my own, no, this doesn’t prove anything, but an alibi. when you said it killed? at six o'clock? at this very time i was at home with my girlfriend nadya, can you ask her yourself, dial the number? so, this means that we have, in principle, anyone who had access to the owner’s keys could take the money from the safe. do you now think it’s me or dima? wait a second, let's figure it out. let's say it again, how much money do you say was in the safe? about 30 euros, was there anything else there besides money ? no, citizen churina, to your dacha, will you come with us, cherdetsov, is that a car number plate, comrade colonel, whose, not i may know that these numbers are from my car, but if
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they are on your car, then they are yours, damn it, mine. these license plates on my car are not mine, do you understand? well, how did you get them, comrade colonel? if it's not yours. listen, cherdyntsev, why are you asking me idiotic questions all the time? it is i who should ask you, not you me. why are other people's fake license plates on my company car? i forbade you to engage in this matter, where was the car left? i left it as usual in the parking lot near the neighboring front door, so
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the previous case was just there, so it’s a bummer, i’m setting the task to figure it out and report as soon as possible, is that right? well, keep it up, and you cherdynts, while i’m in my office, think about what i’ll go home in, yes, listen, this is very interesting, very interesting, go and punch the numbers that we nailed down, interesting him, thank you for your help, always, please, a negative result. the same result, yes, georgivich, you feel exactly how you feel, but no, i just wasted my time, both orders were with churinsky
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the fingerprints have not been revealed, unfortunately, yes, okay, i understand you, that’s it, let’s see you in touch. well, there are no cctv cameras, so we’ll start by interviewing local residents. yes, andryush. listen, i would love to, but i’m on duty, and igor sergeevich also threw it in, and i ’ll send you a pie now, come on, come on, that means, now you’ll go help rodanov, and i ’ll manage here myself, eat, and you generally come here often, if it’s at the dacha, i’m never here without him... well, i’ve already looked around, there ’s nothing, well, nothing, so nothing, let’s go
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already, let's go, move away, what's there, oops, the second underground, yeah, open it, plow, help, i'll help. wow, come on, did you know anything about this? is this the whole knee? well, apparently, yes. what a beauty! are you sure your husband was a sales representative? what if, if you killed because of all this, dima and i are also in danger? don't know. come on, call bulkin. and i’ll call georgievich, hello, georgievich, hello, can you hear me, in short, at
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the uchurin dacha we found a whole arsenal of weapons, yeah, it looks like he really was a killer, well, mazanov disappeared from the crime scene, yeah, he didn’t tell churin’s death anything, so what do you think, why did they even meet, well, judging by the envelope with photographs and money, i’m only asking for one conclusion, you’re thinking correctly, it’s possible to resist arrest, you’re ready, you i’m ready to say, or honestly, oh, leva, i’m listening to you, nikita, listen, andryush, well, that man with the photograph that mazanov gave to the churin, that’s how i found him, and the co-founder of the mazanovo company, stepan vitebsky.
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and the police stand still, don’t be stupid, drop the gun, come out with your hands up, go where you climb, don’t shine, break the barrel, come out with your hands raised, leva, look what’s... with them, yes, alive, it’s pointless to remain silent, you understand, you were caught at the crime scene, yes, citizen stogov, so you’re keeping silent , and we, oddly enough, are partly acting in your interests , the fact that we ambushed you means that we knew where, when exactly you would shoot at, we knew everything. i can’t understand everything, which side is the setup? who else could have betrayed you, besides the customer? citizen stogov. deadline for you
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shines anyway. the only question is what? the situation is this: you hand over the entire scheme to us, and we, in turn, will knock off a couple of years for you. give me some paper. at first it’s like this, tell me. vitepsky and i have known each other for a long time. he helped me get a gun, why? i owe him $2,000. he said, if you kill mazanovo, i’ll do my duty, and i’ll give you another five on top. well, how often did you carry out such assignments? such, no, i doubted it, but i can’t repay the debt any other way. how did you manage to owe so much? i invested in one topic, they cheated me, but the money borrowed. interest began to accrue, vitebsky helped me out, he said, i will owe a favor, everything is clear, now write in detail.
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so, i, i don’t understand why i was detained, i’m a victim, they wanted to kill me, and i ’m sitting in a cell, i’ll complain, citizen mazanov, it’s already late, it’s time for everyone to sleep, maybe stop acting out, i’ll write to the prosecutor , yes, please write to the prosecutor, this is your right, just listen to me first, today you met with
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the hired killer churin, ordered him... your companion, vitebsky, handed him over photographs, by the way, there are your fingerprints on them, this, this is not an order, i wanted to play it, uh-huh, uh-huh, joke, joke, you're lying mazanov, also tell me that the fingerprints are not yours, no, not mine, not yours, ok , do you know that the killer survived, he is alive, yes, the killer survived, he is giving... testimony, and we also have a witness who can identify you, the killer is in the hospital under our protection, and vitepsky ordered you to someone else the killer, stogov, whom we took from your house, you see, i told you, he’s the scoundrel, he’s he, you ordered each other almost at the same time, admit it, admit it, mazanov , the more you tell, the less you get, there was no murder of vitebsky, but why,
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why did he start selling my business, it ’s mine? business, i made it, i built it all , and he decided to give half of it, that’s the big motive, okay, okay, i agree, i’m ready to testify, the right choice, the investigator will take your testimony, sergeant, take you away, on the way out, here so, andryukha, great, you came up with the idea that the killer is alive and in every way confessed, otherwise, well, we need to take vitebsky , we need to take vitebsky, great, buddy, great, help you, yes, help, wait, a little bit on the nimble, look, i can handle it quickly, okay, but you’ve been in trouble for a long time,
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10 minutes, how? what are you, you’re one of ours too, right? noticeable, right? a little bit. i understand that the car is not yours. now i ’ll pick up the key, it will be mine. i understand that. so, come with me to the department, i’ll tell you why you changed the numbers. what numbers? such numbers, go calmly, sergeant. sorry, sorry, you can’t tell anyone. well, why are you coming to us like that? looking late at night? i work as a bartender at night, it’s more convenient for me, well, let’s go and talk. did you hire a hitman to kill mazanov? what nonsense? i will complain.
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believe it or not, everyone is saying the same thing today. i will complain to the prosecutor. this has already happened too. yes. i need a paper, it’s over, yes , yes, it’s already late, i think the prosecutor is resting, write a complaint tomorrow, now let’s talk about our case, you know that they detained him and he already admitted everything, what did he admit, that that you ordered mazanovo, by the way, from so you seized the gun, of course you can remain silent, waste our time , not tell us anything, but we have enough data to open a case, but if you write a purely heartfelt confession, the court will take it into account and you will get ...
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okay, then write, that’s it in detail. so, gavrilova confirmed albi churina. that's right, they were together in a rented apartment when the murder happened. what's new on the explosion? there is reason to believe that the hired killer was churin. in the park he accepted an order from mazanov, but mazanov. but still, who killed the churin? well theoretically it can be assumed that vitebsk somehow found out that mazanov ordered his churin to remove churin. well then, put the pressure on vitebsky. we
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have a more interesting version with an iron motif. churin's fingers were listed in the database as unidentified. they were removed for two slaughters, one of which was committed a year and a half ago in a neighboring area. i wonder who was killed? well, the name of the murdered man is okhmarchuk, a middle-class businessman, the murder is unsolved, it hangs like a wood grouse, but it’s an order. so what does this give us? i don’t see, so to speak, the version, nikita and i yesterday compiled a survey report on churin , it turns out that his first wife died 5 years ago, 3 years later he married again, and his second wife, galina arkadyevna churina, was galina arkadyevna okhmarchuk before her marriage, that is, the daughter of the murdered man? yes, comrade colonel, and this is already emerging as a significant motive. what do they have with salebi during the murder? but galina claims that at the time of the murder she was with her brother, who firmly confirms this. but, that is, they create an alibi for each other, it turns out that yes, so the most working version we have is this, galina found out that her husband was the killer of her father, told her brother about it, or
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vice versa, her brother found out and told her, but the fact is that they developed a plan in place, but it’s too early to take them now, because if they don’t confess, we will hang, uh-huh, so i have a proposal to comrade colonel, we need to understand whether this couple really knew that... he killed their father, uh-huh, another operational combination, well, yes, we need to push them to active actions, like here possible options, maybe they they will offer us a bribe so that we close the case, maybe they will go on the run, but it is necessary to formalize everything through the investigator and establish surveillance over them, yes, well, let's try, let's prepare the operation and call bulkin, good one.
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here we go? come on, just be careful
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not to press too hard against them. georgivich, is there any information about explosives experts? is this about the bomb that was blown up by the churina? well, yes, come on, twins of our bomb, two little things.
6:05 am
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develop yourself. interest in science since childhood, enroll in scientific specialties nauka.rf, please give me a screwdriver, oh , thank you, levka, you said it would be quick, we’ll probably have to pull the cable for another 3 hours, what kind of cable, the video is transmitted via wi-fi, the quality is certainly not like in a movie theater, faces we may not be able to see it, but hey, we definitely won’t miss the guy who’s going to knock down numbers, the view from here is good, yes, what’s wrong with that drug addict? not him , no, not him, nah, yeah, well, firstly, he’s inadequate, and secondly, when i detained him, he didn’t cheat at all, he tried to open someone else’s car with the keys to the apartment, it’s good that he wasn’t caught violently, according to statistics , drug addicts most often resist arrest, well, beauty, what do you think, we already have contact, leva, i’m begging you,
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what? come on, so i, i installed the camera, in theory, your laptop should already receive an image, you just say so straight away, that’s what i say, let’s go take a look. we have contact, again there is a bomb, again there are bombs, i have already said 100 times that apart from those two that were found during the search, i had nothing else, citizen baranov, well, 100 times it’s you you told others, and now please tell me once how you explain the fact that another bomb went off recently, and experts say that it was done... by your hands, that’s for sure, but it can’t be more precise, i don’t know, there was nothing else for me, ah rams, you want me to say
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what i really think, but i already know what you think, oper, you think, i’m like sitting here and collecting a new one, yes, that’s exactly what i i think even if this were so, oper. you would n't prove anything anyway, that's arrogant, but honestly, believe me, i answer, boss, i didn’t have anything else at all, okay, okay , let’s say i believe you, but maybe you have any thoughts on who could have done this, sheep, help me, help me in turn, i will help you, thank you, what will you say , or will you kiss the top of your head, but no, i won’t kiss you on the top of your head, i have information that a month ago you lost your stall, hm? i can talk to the super unit, come down, i’ll give you a brownie, and you give me lari, okay, that is, i drove the brownie from him, well, yes, who
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he? well, i had such a student, he helped me make bombs, but i don’t know his name, and i don’t know where to look for him either, well, okay, how did you meet? like a shurik, a komsomol member, he brought me, he said to teach me, that’s it, that’s it, thank you for that, guard, take him away, well, thanks for the information, oper, just give it honestly, the officer’s word. well, did you have a fruitful conversation? yes , i don’t even know yet, listen, gorkin, please make me a list of everyone who visited baranov over the last year, i knew that you
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would ask for it, so i prepared it in advance, cleverly, thank you, yeah, yeah, i know this last name. territory of the institute , so i called a long time ago, yes, her phone turned off 2 hours before the murder where she studies, turned on an hour after the murder in the same place, that’s it , until we get in touch, gorkin, thank you again,
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our entourage bomber baranov, so , his accomplices, but no one is of particular interest to us, among the people who visited baranov in the zone over the past year, there is one very interesting name for us, andryukh, i have a lot of work, you
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can you make it more clear, this girl of churin’s son, nadezhda, came to him four times, she is the one who provided churin’s son with an alibi, besides, she is baranov’s daughter from his first marriage, oops, just. a coincidence, and as they say, there are no random coincidences in our work, so it turns out that baranov made bombs, and his daughter, a friend of the son of the murdered man. no, andryukh, this is not a coincidence. “ but how can we take it? krymov is now watching churin’s wife and her brother, after we talked to them, they immediately rushed to the detective agency, tried order an investigation into his father's murder. it turns out that instead of paying off you or going on the run, they are trying to establish whether you told them the truth, that churin is the killer of their father, that is, they knew nothing, they have no motive, perhaps we were mistaken, we need to remove the crimea from observations throw all your strength at churin’s son and his girlfriend, yes, you’re right. the daughter of a man who made bombs is much more interesting to us than his ex-wife, and besides, she
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had no motive, but what do you think nadezhda’s motive is? well, if hope has no motive, a son is a compelling motive, to kill his dad and take over the property, maybe, maybe, hello , igor, hello, once again, how are things going for you, the churina and her brother just returned from the agency, they’re sitting at home, so, well, everything is clear, let's go. hope, let's hang up , start, yes, hello, they called me here , come in, why are you standing there, sit down, so they called me to look at you, that i'm a monument or something, why look at me? ask a couple of questions, so i told you everything, that
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something needs to be signed, you’ll sign here, and here write from whom, that’s it, you loved dad, but what’s your business? andryush, let me clarify, you want me to send an sms to nadezhda so that she will think that this... the sms came from her friend dmitry, who is in our next room, you understand correctly, yeah, then dictate the text, that means i’m in police, uh -huh, they suspect you and me, uh-huh, urgently hide everything , don’t write to me, don’t call, don’t call, listen, andryush , you’re a provocateur, there are all sorts of methods , faster, i’m waiting, 35, now, wait, 34, 35, 36, well, let's go, please, thank you, rit,
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i took you a pie, how are you doing, lef , i don’t eat pies, maybe it’s delicious, yes, yes, thank you, very much, thank you, well, look here, it’s him, good evening, nadenka, be careful, you have everything there - the bombs, dimka told you everything, yes, we know everything, weakling, listen, man, oh, i’ll explain everything, i won’t bother you, you ’ll explain everything in our department, let’s go. in writing, so, my dear,
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money was found on you that was stolen from churin’s safe, and also an explosive device, exactly the same one that was used to kill churin, i won’t say anything, but well, it’s clear, dad taught me, i’ll say more, they’ll give me more, my father has nothing to do with this, don’t get him involved, and you know, it’s very difficult not to get him involved in this situation, he kills people with bombs, his daughter is a direct accomplice, and you say don’t get him involved, and what him for this? there will be, well , at least there won’t be a parole, and then it’s up to the court to decide, and if i testify, what will you do with him? if so, what if we are at the market, or what? his innocence will be proven, which means we won’t do anything, he didn’t know anything at all, so tell me how it happened when my father was imprisoned, i came to the garage to put things in order, and just to see what and how, i found three bombs there, so wait, i didn’t understand how it could be, the garage wasn’t searched when my father was detained ? the garage was registered to his brother, who has been living in novosibirsk for 5 years, but yours
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didn’t know anything about the garage, that’s it, that ’s what the shortcomings of the investigation lead to, and dimka, and dima, he complained about his father all the time, he wanted wanted to kill him, told me that we would live like royalty, so i decided show him the bombs, well, why don’t we remain silent, dmitry nikolaevich, you can generally continue to be silent, not say anything, with us. you already have a full set, but your position is, let’s say, unenviable, testimony of hope , yes, yes, the explosives confiscated from her, there is no confession, everything is clear, but i can somehow cut a couple of years, at least there will be some sense from my words, there is always a chance, and it’s stupid not
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to take advantage of it, tell me, i hated this bastard all my life, i wasn’t at all surprised when i found out who he worked for, this asshole, all he did was ruin other people’s lives, and why, i wonder, did your father ruin your life , studying at a prestigious university, you can’t even imagine what it’s like to live with such a dad, your mother died as an alcoholic, and i also thought, they couldn’t stand it, they could have just left their father, you didn’t know him, didn’t know, i... he wouldn’t just let me go, he always had to control, control, control everything, we wanted to start a new life, maybe abroad, maybe start a new life with money from dad’s safe, looking for excuses for himself, but in my opinion the motive is banal, money,
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and why now, he said, he said: “i need to find a new girl, they say, if i don’t leave her, he will find a way that i should have, in your opinion, still be afraid to sit like that, yes, but certainly not go to kill, they ruined the life of their girlfriend, although she herself is good, write sincerely in detail.” come on, borya, formalize this citizen in full. so, who do we have here? this is comrade colonel, a parasite. what kind of parasite? it was he who removed the license plates from the cars and swapped them. we caught him red-handed. oh, is that him? well, what are the results? well, we contacted the owner
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the car on which your numbers were screwed and so to speak. so, margarita, don’t bother me, where are the numbers? well, with us? well, great, this is where we had to start. firstly, i’m not a parasite, i’m a people’s hero, and secondly, it serves you right, what do you mean they’re so tired of putting their junk under my windows, every morning they rumble, rumble, rumble, quietly , listen, you’re absolutely right, no dare you interrupt me, i didn’t steal anything, you don’t have an article in the criminal code to penalize me for renting rooms, there is no such article in the criminal code, but there is administrative code and there is an article for petty hooliganism. fight, fill out the documents in court, let our national hero clean the street for 15 days. take him away, you have no right. it's fun here, comrade colonel.
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well, how? have you solved a murder? one murder was solved, two others were prevented. yeah, after all, it’s not for nothing that you were appointed, the senior authority officer. by the way, about the senior detective, now rydanov and solovets will finish interrogating everyone, i ask you to go to the canteen to celebrate my new position, what is necessary, he should be tried for making a false call, but he should be hanged, it’s a disgrace.
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ritka, the information reached us here that you want to buy a war horse, it will take away the headache, that’s for sure. where does the money come from , and the citizen is a potapinka, well, let’s quickly admit to an illegal source of profit, no, i won’t say, okay, okay, mom and dad sent it for her birthday, but i saved it for her myself, you’re lying, no, you take bribes, yeah, well those, but seriously, what kind of car do you want to take, from a showroom or a used one, no, guys, where did i get the money for a showroom car, i beg you, yes then you first need to learn how to drive, correctly, and then buy a new one, so a used one, well, i hope i don’t need to remind you, yes, that everything is to check the numbers there. body-engine, yes, captain igor, of course , so, gentlemen, we have a triple murder, radanov krymov, find potapov, leave urgently, run, rita, you remain in the department, oleg georgivich. can you take me off tomorrow? for what? want to buy a car? car? yeah, but on
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the one hand we have a triple murder, on the other hand there’s another extra oper on wheels will interfere. so, okay, go and buy transport. thank you! lyosh, is there anything interesting for us? yeah, gunshot wounds, that’s understandable. apparently i’m shooting from a pema, but i’ll tell you for sure, tomorrow, now according to the documents, come on, that means, the driver is navedsky, the paramedic is bragin , doctor barskaya, that’s the order in which they were killed, i think i’ll tell you tomorrow, that’s all, but what else are you talking about wanted, there was a standard video recorder in the cabin, but now it’s gone, do you think the killer took it, i don’t even doubt it, the killer probably realized that the recorder was his fixed it and decided to play it safe, why are you alone, where are everyone else? well, where
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, where are they working , are they looking for witnesses from rydanov and potapov, pirogovsky left for the ambulance station , van, everything is fine, yes, i went out to get food and met this man, and why did you pay attention to him, he ran quickly, quickly, you can describe , what he looked like, ordinary jeans, a jacket, and what color his clothes were, brown, but i don’t remember exactly. signs, well, well, bald, well, bald - this is already something, and maybe before this guy did you see it here? no, i’ve been working here for a long time, no, i haven’t seen it, or maybe you heard some sounds, there’s a fight, no, no, i haven’t heard that, oh well, maybe we ’ll need you again, okay, just in case you need it in advance , i’ll call a replacement, okay, okay , don’t worry, thank you, goodbye, goodbye , oh my, i have a triple murder, but the bosses will devour me without salt, and you reveal it quickly, everything will be all right for you, lyoshenka, yes, you can help me with anything, if you want, i’ll help you with advice, quickly open it, that’s it,
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that’s it, gentlemen, break, calm down, i need it for i began to understand who exactly from the crew was the target of the killer, maybe one of them, then the rest were cleared out as witnesses, or maybe all three were herded, by the way, why exactly here, well, guys, they found one witness, he says that he saw a bald man in a mustard jacket, have you installed it? i called from the ambulance, but not yet, dalva, hello, to the sixth apartment, from what number, call nikita urgently , let him ring, that’s it, until we get through, bye, he says , the call was to the sixth apartment, let’s run, pasha to the sixth apartment, good luck , men, men, let's go at the pace of the waltz, van, stop it, you'll have time for your drinking party, an hour ago an ambulance was called from your apartment, and what do i have to do with it? i didn’t call there, maybe someone else called from your phone? i live
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alone, yeah, okay, but how do you explain the fact that an ambulance was called to your apartment? but who knows, how do i know it’s a mistake? yes igor, yes, i checked where the false call came from, uh-huh, the ambulance duty room gave me a number, i punched it, okay, that means the device is registered to a certain ivan kamyshov, convicted of robbery 15 years ago, yeah, has been free for 7 years, hasn’t been charged since then, wait. igor, well, i should be home an hour ago, yes, okay.


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