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tv   Svet i ten mayaka  NTV  December 10, 2023 3:15am-4:00am MSK

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and he’s just stitching up at work , interrogating, yes, seryozha, i’m listening to you, kostya, there’s one thought, i’ve studied the approaches to simonovich’s house, although he hasn’t returned home yet, evseev, what are you talking about, a very good moment, you can soak it on the way and pass it off as a banal robbery. listen to me carefully, i told you, don’t you dare touch him, he’s my friend, that’s it, come on, i’ll call you when you need me, amateur activities have been abandoned, listen, how is it with you and tanya, but not very well, she’s kind of intimidated or something, and oleg is not at all wants to talk to me, well, we need to measure ourselves somehow, yes. a common language, it is necessary
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, to be honest, i don’t even want to think about it now, well, i’ll think about it tomorrow, oh, let’s go without these clever quotes, okay, maybe we can dance , well, let’s dance, although i usually don’t. in the hostel with friends, oleshka, i wanted to talk to you, let's go away for a second, oh, excuse me, ladies, oh, come on, share your plans, what are you going to live on, huh? well, for now on my
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salary, and then, oh, how about you, haven’t you thought about leaving the police, it’s still a job so, frankly, nervous, and tanya will be calmer, right, daughter, dad, you’re trying in vain, i’ve already accepted that oleg will be held back by his work, oh well, work, work, he’s not paying much money to the police, is it possible to open some kind of business, but you won’t earn all the money? you know, the police is my calling , it’s easier for me to go into business than to persuade oleg, it’s so hard for me, i’m all alone, that’s my destiny, yes, why alone, but what about me , what about you, you will you sell me first? yes, you're
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right, we need to make peace with tanya. she suspects the wrong woman. who? yes lena shumin. she works with oleg. they seemed to have had a romance there before. and who really? lisa, but for some reason they just don’t want to believe me, she says that i’m slandering an honest girl. yes, i feel that soon this honest girl, tanya, tanya , you, you know, it’s very cool here, but it’s time for me to go home, it’s like a child’s time, thank you very much for your hospitality, for such a wonderful, delicious table, goodbye, lisa, goodbye, goodbye, very glad acquaintance, let's go, i'll see you off, all the best, goodbye. goodbye, goodbye
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, well, mom, how are you, liza, well, it’s fake , it’s got to you, it probably seemed to you, olga vladimirovna, why is it fake, specifically, what is it, oleg is in everything, what are you, no, really , she is very kind, and she treated everyone so well, even galya, although galya took her with hostility, i don’t know, well... okay, so, as if the person is constipated, and we are discussing her. i made peace with gali, although to do this i had to confess my love to her, which i had never done before never did. well, you're no stranger to being a doctor, are you? what's interesting? i’ll tell you now,
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just let’s run slower, let’s go there. vladik, oh, hi, hi, don’t be sad, i know what we should do, oh, forgive me, please, in general, we need lisa to openly admit everything, record it on video, this is unrealistic, she’s cunning, you understand, she never... nothing always comes unexpectedly, that's why we need to call her on purpose, and i even know how, okay, but how can we get her to talk about tanya and oleg, well, to be frank, what else should you talk about, but something will definitely blurt out,
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good day, how are you, is it normal, what’s the matter? bad news, slav, well, tell me, he hanged himself dry in his cell at night, let me go, comrade colonel, did you hear that, what, comrade colonel, i already know, i already know, hey, damn, listen, how dry behaved on time?
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he came to me, well, no, well, this is strange, i saw him only yesterday in the morning, and then by chance in the corridor, moreover, there is another strange thing, after they left, he called me a woman’s voice told her that my wife was in the hospital, well, i didn’t pay attention to it then, now i understand that this was done specifically to interrupt the interrogation, well, i will certainly fly to my wife in the hospital, well yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, that means someone organized the call.
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interrogation in the office, this is the only thing, if someone told him something, wait a word, just wait, great, semyon, yes, moles, moles, tell me, zelenin didn’t come to you yesterday, well, yes, from our department, ah, yeah, something like two, yes, yeah, how long has it been for you? was, more than an hour, oh, well, well, well, okay , listen, but he didn’t call anyone, didn’t go out anywhere, no, yes, okay, thank you, semyon, be healthy, go, glory, go, bye, go, go, eat
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, wow, so far everything is fine, oleg and tanya don’t suspect me of anything, you’re so confident, yes, confident, yesterday i was visiting them, so oleg’s mother, such a terrible bore, gave me an interrogation with biases, so maybe she just suspects you, for goodness sake, let her suspect, no, it’s... not warm, not cold, there will be further instructions, or i i can be free, sazonkin , you are never free, please continue to get
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useful information from galina, just be careful, and don’t forget that now she is your favorite, so you need to shower her with sweets, bouquets, extras, where can i get them? since when have you been involved with the criminal world? i don’t understand, right, colonel? you were present in the office during the interrogation of sukhoi, right? so, simonovich has already started to crack the dry stuff, right? so, at night he was hanged dry in his cell. someone leaked the contents of the interrogation to the bandits, what do you
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think, it was me, there were four people, dry, hanged, simonovich split him up, zelenin went to the archives after the interrogation, there is confirmation of this, where were you, colonel, i didn’t tell anyone about the contents of the interrogation, where? to expose yourself to zelenin , who has an alibi, you stay, yes, i would never
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dare, okay, let’s figure it out, go, there is a video in your rector’s office, maybe it ’s hidden somewhere, maybe it’s lying separately, so here it is for you. .. i need to get this video, but what’s in this video? and there is eroticism, there is our saint tanyusha with your forehead he's tumbling, i've heard about this, wait, you 're suggesting that i climb into our rector's office, he'll destroy the disk, uh-huh, this is a matter within the jurisdiction, well, look. either they will give you a prison term for the crime of a jeweler, or they will catch you in the rector’s office, as for me, then there is a difference, the difference
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between a noose and a gallows, why is it so , firstly, they may not catch you, and secondly, if they catch you , well, in extreme cases, they’ll expel you , that’s not part of my plans, well then come up with something, like, for example, that you were sneaking around to get answers to the exam, hold this as an incentive for you, if you do the job, you’ll get more. yes. listen, what? tanya is really spinning around head-on. we seem to have a good girl. what happens in life, sazonkin. the main thing is that you keep quiet. yes? yes. by itself. well, i've had some coffee, let's go ahead. already yes, come on, okay, come on, i'm off
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, see you soon, you'll slam the door, yeah, hello, lisa. yes, vlad, come to my hospital right now, we need to talk, okay.
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dog, will you ever top it up? hello, hello, what happened, everything is bad with tatyana, bad, but not with tatyana, moles suspects me in connection with crime, you? yes, during interrogation with simonovich, sukhoi began to inject drugs, his brothers somehow found out about this, the next morning sukhoi, he was found hanged in his cell, and what do you have to do with it? i was at the interrogation, the witness, so what was i present, i’ll now go talk to mole, lena, lena, allow me, come in, comrade colonel, this is some kind of misunderstanding, oleg couldn’t, we were with him last night, he didn’t care
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i didn’t have any telephone conversations, no, we only talked about our own business, of course, you see, oleg can’t be ... tanya, did i catch up with you, hello, hello, how are you, listen, yesterday there was such an uncomfortable situation, lisa came to visit us, so oleg’s mother, i arranged a whole interrogation, so how she to her? it’s very strange, but this is exactly
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where you ended up with olga vladimirovna for one thing , oh well, i didn’t like it, don’t be so happy, she said that liza was... fake, i told you, gal, that you are so you both think, this doesn’t mean it’s true, you don’t know her at all, you saw her alone once in the hospital, that was enough for me, i made my conclusions, bad conclusions and wrong ones, in general it seems to me that you need to communicate, get to know each other a little, then you will change your mind, listen, maybe the three of us will sit in a cafe, the three of us, well, chat about something. come on, great, so, lis, hi , listen, how are you looking at drinking coffee with me from gali today, great idea, when, well, let's go out after class, we'll call you, we agreed, i'm waiting, that's it, come on , kisses, that's it, it's time for us to pair up
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run, listen, i’ll go buy a pill, i’ve got a headache, you’ve been licking yourself like that, no, i’ve been having something since the morning, well, i don’t know, blood pressure, changes, come on, just come back, yes, you take notes, i ’ll be in a hurry with you later, as usual, let’s go bye, slav, well , tell me honestly, do you really suspect me, i personally don’t, but with the facts, and you can’t argue against them, what are the facts, that i was in the office, and then came out, oleg, an emergency happened. which you need to figure out, don’t be offended by me, okay, figure it out, but in general it’s like that sour, but i missed something.
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that he came to his senses, decided to give me money, well , we already discussed this topic, there will be a result, there will be money, but why did you call then, well, i just wanted to talk, well, tell me, tell me, i want to know the details, what details, well how what, how do you want
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to quarrel tanya with oleg, that i want to quarrel tanya and oleg. well, yes, what did you come up with, vlad? how did you come up with this? wait, well, you, you, you promised, didn’t you? i promised? well , yes, well, well, wait, did you promise to come up with some kind of meanness to quarrel between them? vlad, they are my best friends, i’m not going to spoil them, i won’t do any nasty things to them at all. okay, is that all? that's all, get well soon, thank you. “great , well, conspirator, she came out, now you’re going out to get sick, i’ll come, come on, igor
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igorevich, i can vouch for my brother as for myself, they suspect her, it’s like they spat on my soul, oh my god , why are you bothering me already, shamina came here with her bad head..." he must think, but think what you want, send his request to his previous place of work, they will confirm to you that he is an honest officer, he will always remain so, just don’t
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teach me where, what, who to send, i know who to send where, okay, we’ll figure it out. i wrote it down, i wrote it down, but what’s the point , don’t you understand, that’s it, here we have her, yes, that you’re happy, there’s nothing special to be happy about , it’s like a fly bit her, she started saying that tanya and oleg are hers best friends and that if she quarrels between them, it will be very mean. did she fall from the oak tree? i don't know.
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she probably just guessed that we were her we write it down. how did you guess that she was a dreamer? i don't know. got burned, got burned again. where was the camera, where was the camera, you see, you see, didn’t you notice? she didn’t notice, but i hid it here, right here. look, she probably just guessed how she guessed, well, maybe i was just putting pressure on her, well, tell me, tell me, she understood, why were you pressing, well , i tried to get something out of her, so that she would at least do something told, she would have told everything anyway. hello, lisa, i almost burned myself to death. what, did you climb?
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behind the disk? well, yes, how did we agree? when? during lectures, i went into the office, rummaged through the drawers, and then the rector himself came in. well, i managed to hide behind the curtains. you are a complete idiot, you are us. set it up, i mean , you yourself told me to go into his office and look there, well, don’t just watch the working day when, in the middle of the day, everything is open, you need to think about it, but okay, come on.
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kostya, oh, oh, well done for stopping by, great, hello, alexander nikiferovich, yes, you ’re not too bad either, listen, kostya, but i’m just there is a conversation before you, on the topic, yes, the topic , you know, is this, i thought... i was thinking of giving tatyana and oleg a gift for their wedding, and well, not just some little thing, an apartment, great, what’s the problem, but the problem is this, kostya, how to arrange this matter in such a way that no unnecessary questions arise, where did he say that the modest lighthouse keeper got such money to buy apartments, that’s what i mean, i understand you, well... no, nothing simpler, let you have some elderly, distant relative, lonely, who will happily find relatives, you are so happy that you decide
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to rewrite it in tanya. hut, well, that’s not a bad idea , but where to find her, this rich aunt, but you’ll have to puzzle samson, let him start looking for this same relative, here you need something more cunning, this aunt shouldn’t be from primorsk, let’s say she’s dying in primorsk some distant relative with an apartment, she comes to...
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it’s a bone for you to write plays and we don’t have talent evseev, he even studied at the theater, though he was kicked out from the first year, naturally, well, that means he’s not our aunt will play, evseeva, such iron without leaving, so to speak, bounces, hello, alexey, great, it will have to. remember your theatrical past, today you and i will meet with three photographers, each in turn, why? well, let's look at their portfolio and choose who is right for us. a wedding photographer is a separate world, they can create, well , special plots, you know, stories, you don’t need to negotiate anything with anyone, maybe there won’t be any wedding at all, honey, how’s that? well,
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is that it? everything will happen, why? circumstances have changed, but what circumstances? was everything okay yesterday? no, yesterday, not everything was okay, oleshka, we are friends, you can tell me everything, but what does it have to do with friends, not friends, i just think that tanya is cheating on me, now i would like to talk about what with you talk. what to do with this lisa? it’s like you promised me that she ’s about to start working, bring good money, the cart is there, don’t rush the horses, not everything is so fast, yes, i understand that not everything is so fast, but this is a very proactive young lady, lisa it turned out that he was always fussing around tanya
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oleg. look, your mother, kostya, don’t smile, she believes that she is the reason for all their disagreements. tikhan, if anyone quarrels with tanya and oleg, it will be either galina or shamina, galina is jealous of tanya, she was pushing her colleague out of the water from the very beginning, and now maybe she’s taking revenge. wait, which side is shaminat here? shamina is also in love with him, like a cat. but most likely, it’s galina who’s intriguing, isn’t she? lisa, now i need it for something else, i would n’t quietly exchange it for all sorts of small things. intrigue, especially for the sake of a girl whom i haven’t loved for a long time, everything is fine, liza is now cooking, for now this and that, etiquette of good manners, i’ll soon bring her out into the world, she’ll start working, she’ll start working, here’s your mother, kostya, yes mom , what do you need mom, stop it,
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mom constantly. is mistaken, your task is to talk to her, convince her that liza is good, otherwise your mother will start to mess with your brains, you and i don’t need this at all, come on, okay , i’ve persuaded you, talkative, i’ll try to talk, i don’t even understand how tanya is this could happen go, damn, it just doesn’t fit in my head , i don’t understand either, listen, i think we need to go to the university, talk to that student, well, from whom you... why, how why, you can intimidate her like a policeman, she will split, if she made it all up, you will find out about it, but you understand, you will find out everything in every detail, if it’s true, liz, can you even imagine what i ’ll look like, well, we just want to find out the truth, everything, if tanya really isn’t cheating,
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i... i know how i will look into her eyes, yes, indeed, i definitely won’t be able to forgive this, i don’t understand anything at all, having something like this. how do you deal with this nonsense? you know, it seems to me that galya might be involved here, she always confuses her, you might think that tanya has no head of her own, but you understand, that’s the point, galya has some kind of extraordinary influence on tanya, she has so much since she betrayed her, set her up, and tanya forgives her all the time, i would like to meet this galina, so you...
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the moscow parrot has arrived, which is they show on tv, he himself, i’m not afraid, is raking in a lot of money, who
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sent him to such an expensive court, i demand the release of all those detained in the catacombs. under an undertaking not to leave, well, first of all, you forgot to say hello, hello, not up to the ceremony , on what grounds, they mug them with interrogations, keep them in inhumane conditions, mock them, please sit down, it’s somehow awkward , i’m sitting , and you are being a highlander here, listen, don’t talk your teeth into me, it’s a shame. the guy lost his life, you understand that this is a scandal, whose fault is it yet not established, uh-huh, simonovich drove the guy to
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suicide, that he hanged himself before he even started to live properly, well, the circumstances of sukhoi’s death are now being clarified, uh-huh , well, while you’re figuring it out, i’ll involve all the media, so that the whole country knows how primorsk investigators mock detainees and drive them to suicide, yes, please, involve whoever you want, simonovich acted within the framework of the law, well, in an amicable way you don’t want to, but i thought igor valerievich we’ll agree on what are we doing we will come to an agreement between you and me, i said everything. well, whatever you want, then i’ll have to take more drastic measures, take it, more or less, oleg, well, what you learned doesn’t matter,
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i don’t want to say, but don’t despair so much, you never know, people. they say , you need to see everything with your own eyes, but i don’t want to hear anything, i don’t want anything, i’m tired, it’s too early to give up, oleg, the easiest thing to do now is to make tatyana to blame for everything, and abandon her, you need to fight for a real relationship, but it’s interesting, how to fight sometimes to find out the truth, you need to resort to tricks, what tricks, i know what i came up with, let you pretend that you left the city, well , come up with some reason, maybe a business trip. anything else, why? and then i have work? oleg, in fact , you won’t leave, you’ll stay here, keep an eye on tatyana , keep an eye on her again, no, you understand, if she ’s actually dating a crazy guy, then if she
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thinks that you’ve left, she’ll start dating him in full, and you will see everything. okay, where should i take you? yes. where do you and the girls meet? you know, i already have something i don’t want to meet with them, i’m not in the mood , maybe take me home, i’ll stay there, i’ll cancel the meeting.
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hello, hello, you know, i won’t take it that i was passing by, i decided to come in, in fact, i would like to, well, talk about our guys, come on, in short, some questions have accumulated , yeah, but for me it’s the other way around, after yesterday no evenings with liza...
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think, well, a young girl, for the first time , what a horror, but no, well, ol, well, you found yourself, well, unfamiliar surroundings, and unfamiliar people, well, how do you think she should behave there was a lead, well, you really might have been embarrassed, confused, well, how was she supposed to behave normally, naturally, oh, stop it, stop it, honestly, i’ll tell you one thing, if you really didn’t like someone there , this is not yet a reason to draw a conclusion. that it’s liza who wants to quarrel between our guys, anya and oleg, well, well,
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believe me, your reasoning is wrong, i’m right, i’m right in everything, i’m right, fake, unnatural, capable of anything, that’s exactly what they say about, in the language of honey, there's ice under the tongue, for that matter, i'll tell you, here who you just described is galina, but no, galina, that’s who she really is.
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don’t regret anything, go away, i’ll go, after all, olya, sasha, are you stunned, no, i’m not stunned, you, you, you ’re pointing at the door to me now, or something, i’ll leave, olya, that’s it, i i’m leaving, olya, we talked, they say, stay happy.
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lisa, i wanted to tell you again, thank you for everything, oleshka, don’t be foolish, but think about what i told you, somehow this is all wrong, well, i know you. until you find out everything yourself, you don’t you'll calm down, won't you? yeah, it’s probably true, i’m telling you for sure, it’s better to be sure of everything once than to be tormented by suspicions all the time. well, yes, so do as i said, call tanya and tell her that you are leaving, okay, bye, come on,
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hello? san, you know, i won’t be able to meet with you today. hi lis, i was just about to call you, why? my faucet burst here, basically it’s broken, i’m waiting for a plumber. is it possible to have a plumber sometime later or tomorrow? i'm very afraid that something will happen. well, in general, something will break through, i'll flood my neighbors. you know, there was already such a scandal once, then there was, in general, a lot of money taken from me. it's better to have a plumber come and fix everything. yes. well, yes, it's probably better that way. so very sorry, we’ve already got ready, yes, my dear, i’m also very sorry, yes, i was going to meet you, let ’s maybe tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, okay, come on, bye, who is it, lisa, she’s waiting for the plumber, so the gatherings are cancelled. , it seems to me
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that oleg was offended by me, we had a little fight with him in the morning, then all of a sudden he arrives at univer, just without calling. just arrived and left? well, yes, why did you act strangely? never mind, i just wanted to see you, maybe what ’s really strange is that lisa canceled our meeting. gal, it’s not funny anymore, why do you always suspect her of something, i’m tired of it. tanya, really, it seems to me that she’s preparing some new meanness, you’ll see, it’s simply impossible with you, i don’t want to. tanya, yes, yes, igor valerievich, allow me, come in, kostya, come in, you know, my brain is already on one side for murder this dry, as if we
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don’t have enough of our non-urians here, did they really call from above, but no, they didn’t call, it’s unknown what... it, you know, doesn’t touch, it, listen, kostya, maybe somehow this can be settled before court, comrade colonel, you decided to join a lawyer, something i haven’t noticed about you before.


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