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tv   Svet i ten mayaka  NTV  December 10, 2023 3:59am-4:51am MSK

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as if we don’t have enough of our own troubles here, have they really already called from above? no, they didn’t call, we don’t know what’s worse, this lawyer came, from moscow, uh-huh, who tikhonov defended, now they’ve put him on hold, you see, for the whole gang, he came to you, he came, he was hit by a bullet, he was screaming so loudly, demanding to let everyone out, everyone under release the subscription, release everyone, what? it means he demanded, it’s generally the court that determines who to let go and who not, yes, he knows, he knows all this, but you know, it, you know, doesn’t touch, it, listen, bone, can somehow this can be settled before the trial, comrade colonel, what, you decided to join a lawyer, something i haven’t noticed about you before.
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i didn’t notice it myself, you know, he was yelling like that , it blew my mind, it blew my mind, they just blew up the steam, this is suicide, can you imagine what he’s accusing us of, actually, that’s his job, he speaks everywhere like he’s speaking to a large audience, well, yes , he also threatened to call it out, they will trumpet it all over the country, can you imagine what kind of problems this will be, can you imagine what kind of problems this will be, well, what can you say, in general if it's that serious.
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they will lose their vigilance, they will think that all this is thanks to the lawyer, it will be easier for us to figure out the leader and detain him, and that i always said that you are smart, thank you, i supported the old man, one might say, it’s to my liking, you’ll have tea, if you don’t, then free what happened? why are you bothering me? i've got my hands full. do you have information on drug sales, thefts and robberies? this is all good, but you could tell me about all this next week, when we agree on something else interesting. rumor has passed that one of your leaks information to the lads. i know who it is. well who? lieutenant zelenin, is there such a thing? eat.
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okay, that's it, come on, hello, tanya, i will need to leave for a couple of days, where, why, on a business trip, when you will return, i can’t say for sure, but not earlier than in 2 days, and you won’t even come home, no , i need to leave urgently, i will miss you very much, don’t be bored, just bye. hello, kostya, listen, can you
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cover for me at work, what happened? yes, i’m completely depressed, you can say that i left for a couple of days, well, for family reasons, brother, well, you've run out of time, otherwise i'll just explode if i don't leave, and tell your mom that, well, that i went on a business trip, in fact, where are you going, well, at least for me... you can say, well, say, where, i’m going fishing, i need to take time out for a couple of days, got it, brother, don’t hesitate, i’ll cover you, thank you, bone, come on, bye, forgive me, tanyusha,
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what am i up to? yes, i'm listening, is this tatyana tikhonova? yes, who am i talking to, the neighbor of your teacher, oleg lobogo, is bothering you. and what happened? you know, he feels very bad, he asks that did you arrive poorly? okay, i'll come, did you call an ambulance? we are now resolving this issue, but he asks that you come first. okay, i'm leaving already. come on, come on, fool, go out.
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how was there from the stairs to the right and to the corner there were two more doors or three or two; damn, you’ll probably have to break all the windows. are you on call for testing? yes.
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well, let's assume.
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met, but of course, he came running like a sweetheart, well, how did it all go, again with a plus, or rather, he gave zelenin a clean bill of health, but he didn’t suspect anything, he accepted everything under at face value, well done, i praise you, if i need it, i’ll call you.
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damn, i broke it off or something, i'm out of luck. well, that's it, thank you, goodbye. yes, i knew you weren’t sleeping. listen, do you have an english manual?
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take it from the shelf. yeah, what's wrong with your leg? turned up on the stairs. why are you bandaging it? fix. don't you have a fracture? tanya, wait, tanya, wait, please explain to me what happened, you came running, ran away, you don’t say a word, what’s the matter? i was just pranked, a woman’s voice called me , they said it was your neighbor and that you were very bad, amazing, who could joke like that, i think it’s oleg’s employee, she ’s in love with him all the time trying to embroil us, i don’t understand the point at all, well, even if that’s the case, there’s something left, we should sit and drink tea, because if it’s her, then she’ll definitely come here to oleg so that he can see us together, so let me take a look, i’m a specialist , oh, it hurts. now i ’ll fix you, i’ll fix you, and so, otherwise
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the boy is big, but he still hasn’t learned to walk up the stairs, like normal , well, that’s normal, how are you doing, well, unlike some of the arms and legs are intact, but in general it’s bad, can you imagine? i’m thinking of quitting school, marrying you , moving to the village, it’s so radical, but i
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’m kidding that you’re so tense, i’m kidding, i need to go, so what, well, he’ll come, we’ll explain everything to him, we ’re not reprehensible he won’t believe me, but i’m very afraid of losing him, you know, i need to go, his car, god, what ’s going to happen now, but nothing will happen, oleg, why did you leave, well, we can figure it out, they just pranked me, they called, they said that oleg alekseevich was very ill, i think that this is shemena, what are you saying, oleg? i told you this, eat his pipe,
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he thinks that we are lovers, tanya, i ask you , please, everything will be fine, you and he love each other, well, can you imagine, the three of us were supposed to meet today , i’m tanya, and you know who else, lisa, can you imagine, but thank god, she called at the last moment... he said that he couldn’t, as if she had some business there, i don’t understand if you have such contradictions, why do you still meet in cafes? well, tanya wants it so much, she wants it, so that i can become friends with her, understand how honest and noble she is, and are you ready to do this? why not? tanya would calm down, and in general it would be better if this liza was somewhere in sight. do you think she's up to something? yes, i think she wants... oleg is jealous of tanya klobov and i’m afraid that she might succeed. listen, let them be jealous
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of each other, what do you care? i feel sorry for tanya, however, it will be a blow for her if she breaks up with oleg. i don’t understand, you constantly put a spoke in oleg’s wheels and tanya, she dragged me into this, and now you say i feel sorry for her. explain, tanya, please, i beg you, come on. “you and oleg love each other, everything will be fine, well, you didn’t hear how he shouted at me, but he was in the heat of the moment, he will cool down, figure it out, understand that this is someone’s vile intrigue, well, you again make peace, i don’t think so, you better think about who could have arranged all this, well, his colleague, a police officer, this is not solid for her, but i’m sure it’s her, and he’s now gone to her to console himself, she’s glad, excuse me, i have to go, okay, okay, i 'll call you a taxi, now..." wait.
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she went out, he followed her, you come in, come in, oleg, now the main thing is to calm down, yeah, that's how it's possible, and i i don’t
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understand. what was she doing all the time, seeing that she was jealous of shamina, behind my back with this head-on, you calm down, don’t worry like that, she probably immediately started to get out of it, well, she ’s used to lying to me at every step, she started to weave something right away, listen, it’s interesting, that’s what she said, so what? they say she called him the neighbor said that he was very ill, that he needed to come urgently, clearly, she couldn’t come up with anything smarter, yeah, that she brought shiminu here, that they say this is all some kind of intrigue of hers, and what are you going to do now, what should i do?
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i'm not going to do anything. she won’t be in my life anymore, everything, since you decided so, it’s probably for the best, yes, listen, let me pour you some tea with melissa, she’s very, very calming, listen, and if lisa is so insidious, you yourself you’re not afraid of her, so that gali belaya is afraid of someone, be quiet, girl. well, why do you need new problems, tell me, well, let oleg and tanya deal with this liza themselves, it’s your business, if tanya is left without oleg, kostya will immediately come running to her, i can’t allow this, otherwise it’s not about the poor woman at all tanechka, well, yes, kostya is my weak point, you know, kostya doesn’t love you, he crossed you out of his life, life is not over yet, okay, let
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’s sum it up, oleg, he can’t stand you, his friend tanechka. doesn’t believe you, it’s all fixable, yes, even if you defend oleg and tanya against lisa with your breasts, they’re all they won’t believe you, they won’t say thank you, we’ll see, carefully, carefully, i love you, your konstantin is already sitting here, what are you offering me, i don’t understand, watch how lisa separates tanya and oleg, i suggest you leave. .. everything is at the mercy of fate, well, no, now i will decide fate, myself, i’ve actually done a lot of bad things, tanya, it’s time for me to clear my karma, that’s for sure, and i think that i’m unlucky now, that’s why, here, keep it, thank you. olezhenka,
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you are so tired, you have such circles under eyes, you need to relax, calm down, and you know, as my grandmother told me, it will grind and there will be flour, you know, you need to forget about everything, at least until the morning. ariza, i think you and i agreed that we will only be friends, right? what did you think now? oleg , come on, he’s gone completely crazy , he’s some kind of crazy person, by the way, i’m fussing with you, fussing, taking care of you, and god knows what you thought, generally normal, okay, sorry,
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i’m just really a little out of control, yeah. okay, let's go, everything will work out for you, you will make peace, there will be a wedding, no, there will be no wedding, i will not marry tanya.
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tatyana, why are you surprised? you knew that everything would be like this, you yourself provoked all this, wait, what did i provoke? they specially sent me to lobov so that oleg would come there, see us together and leave me, make me happy, wait, wait, who did i send where, you called me and introduced yourself as lobov’s neighbor. tanya, i didn’t call you, and i don’t know anything about it, you know, you know everything, you needed oleg to be jealous, it all worked out for you, you you achieved your goal, i didn’t achieve anything, you are very much confusing something, you are the ones who confused everyone, he went to you again to console himself, oleg, come to your senses, oleg is not here, i know that he is here, oleg, oleg, come out , talk to me, are you really such a coward, oleg, convince me. “if you’re hiding him , of course, i won’t find him, and i’m not going to conduct a search here, all this police stuff is your thing,
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what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong with me, you know , even if he’s not here, still be happy because he is now free, take him for your health, you will be very ashamed later , tanya, you should be ashamed." and you know that you can’t build your own on the fragments of someone else’s happiness, but what should i do now? by the way, i became friends with tanya and you, and now should i break up or choose one of you, well, we met first, listen, and you said that you used to work in... in another city, yes, belsk, it seems like that in belsk, you to change the situation, it’s better to go to work in another city now, like belsk, this one, for example, to return, i can’t
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go anywhere right now, i have problems at work, tell me, i’m suspected of being involved in crime, can you imagine, how can this be, oleg? in life, in general, anything can happen, it can happen that those with whom you stood back to back, whom you protected from bullets, tomorrow will think that you are leaking information, but where did such suspicions even come from, well, this is complete absurdity, tell me for a long time , and you know what i thought, if you stay here, walk somewhere in the city, you will meet tanya, you it will be very difficult, won’t they stay at home? i can’t leave now, you know, i can’t in any way,
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but they say nothing is missing there, why should the equipment go missing, well, what could this be in the rector’s office? or maybe he’s just behind the equipment in the forest and someone scared him off? uh -huh, that’s right, they saw how he ran away and limped, fell out of the window, well, yes, he jumped, probably unsuccessfully, uh-huh, or maybe he wasn’t going to be in the office at all, maybe. hi, sit down, what are you up to, she finally
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got her way, he set me up like that yesterday in front of oleg, now we have definitely parted forever, good day. hey simonovich, my sister is selling a stroller, it’s so cool , it looks like new, you don’t need it for the price, guys, thanks, the fact is that i was already looking, but he says it’s a bad omen, you believe in omens, i believe, i believe, there was a black cat hanging around here somewhere, yes, yes, come in, if you allow me, i told you, come in, what do you have, igorevich. yesterday i spoke with an informant, he told me that the gang from the catacombs is protected by zelenin, like zelenin, what kind of zelenin, so...
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based on this, we can assume that he specifically went to the archives in order to provide for albi, wait, what to specifically provide for albi, i called in front of you, semyon confirmed that he was in the archives, that’s absolutely true, imagine the situation , that the archivist came out for a couple of minutes, this is enough to make a call or at least write an sms, well, yes, theoretically this is possible. theoretically, but you understand that the words of an informant alone are not enough for such grave accusations, facts are needed, and where are the facts, look, i propose, sit down, thank you, i propose to establish surveillance of zelenin, surveillance, according to all the rules, we must transfer this case to an internal
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investigation. but here, we can probably handle it ourselves, it’s disgusting, yes, tell me, i can continue the interrogations, but listen, i wanted to tell you everything, you understand what the matter is, i had to meet lawyer seglyaev halfway, well, in short, today, probably, bratkov will be released from the catacombs on bail.
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now the main leader has left, i think i understand you, well, go to work, there is, how so, i thought that everyone had long forgotten about this story with the expulsion and the problems, but they remember, as it turned out, and they told oleg about it, now i don’t know how to prove to him that lobov and i are just friends. but i can’t imagine oleg walking around our faith and collecting gossip, he collected it, good people were found, lopov and i never even kissed, yes, i know, but it will be very difficult to prove it now, i don’t know what what should i do, probably, for now i need to leave oleg alone, let him cool down and get bored. "
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it seems to me that he will come to you first and how long will he cool down, gal, i can’t live without him, tanya, well, if you love me, you’ll have to wait, and if he doesn’t come back to me, if he doesn’t come back, we’ll come up with something else, you always said so, i always came up with it, i’m sorry, please, that i yesterday..." liza flared up, but i’ve already forgotten, really, this is all some kind of nonsense, you know, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that i have you, if it weren’t for you and liza, i’m on the first place, thank you, gal, if it weren’t for you and lisa, i wouldn’t have endured all this, oh well, everything will be fine.
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do you want it with butter? how about pouring some tea? no thanks. olezhka, you can stay here. this won't bother me at all, right? thank you, of course, but i will return home. what if tanya is there? i think tanya has been at the lighthouse for a long time. sorry! “hello, elechka, hello, my dear, how are you, how are you, yeah, i’ve already become elechka, who are you hiding in front of, i also miss you very much, yes, in short, we need to meet, and you want to meet, speak up where when, i'm happy to, in a cafe on the corner of lenin and turgenev, in an hour, yeah, okay, let's see you, bye-
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bye, kiss." my old friend, i ran, i need to go home now before work to change clothes, wait, i really want you to know that i am ready to help you at any time time, and support too , really, well, whatever, thank you, fox, okay , thank you, come on, good luck, bye, bye, listen, my legs can’t move straight today, tan, this can’t be done, you’re before me i cursed for this, i went there myself, you know how many passes you have, so what? i used to say that too, but then i couldn’t with the tails get rid of it, you may have problems at the session, listen , there are simply no worse problems than i have now, don’t tell me
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, by the way , where did you end up going to spend the night? things, i’ll do this right now, but no, you ’re not going anywhere, we’ll go to class now, you sit, think calmly, carefully, and then decide, gal, what else should i think about, don’t force things, you i say, let's go, make wills, you'll still have time, in the evening, you're like a strict, classy lady to me, yes, i’m generally cool, well, let’s go there, student, oh, again he’s a lawyer of all times, and why is he so good? and it’s his client i need to ask, if you don’t mind? i can,
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seglyaev, pyotr petrovich, lawyer, if you haven’t heard yet, i am glad to welcome all the investigative authorities in your person, good afternoon to you, for what reason? well, finally with... justice has triumphed and all my clients will find the long-awaited freedom, they will leave on signature, but no, the cases should be closed altogether, especially since these are gentlemen, honest, law-abiding people, crystal, you even said, all as one, but can you prove the opposite, well, take it and prove it, what is the proof, you don’t have proof, she doesn’t, listen, why did you come here, calmly, remove the fish, what do you need? calm down, why did i come? minimize the number of interrogations, and if
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they are carried out, then only in my presence and stop putting pressure on my clients, don’t you need the moon from the sky? listen, all your examinations are illegal. well, okay, we'll meet you again, hello, quietly, evsey has found two candidates for your role relatives, well, to donate an apartment, so, so, so, one is 34, the other is 72, between them is 106, is he kidding me? and what doesn’t suit you? but the fact that the one who is young is suitable for tatiana, older sisters, which one of her is a giver? well, okay, but the one who’s older, and he couldn’t be even older, she ’s too senile, she’ll forget her role , she’ll screw up the whole case for us, okay, the client’s wishes
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are the law, i’ll say everything that i continued the search, but in general, how are you, everything’s good , i can make you happy, lisa will go on her first task today, congratulations, come on, come on! "this is yours simonovich needs to be kicked in the neck, one might say , physically, he kicked me out of the office, and what were you doing in simonovich’s office, what did i do, he is handling the case of my clients, i wanted to give him some instructions, instructions to the investigator, i believe that you didn’t get enough, and you’re all here at the same time, hooliganism, but if..." they met you halfway, let your charges sign, and not leave, and you have the audacity to put pressure on the inheritance. i’m doing my job. simonovich is also doing his job, and i’m here, too, not only drinking coffee, but
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doing business, so leave my office and don’t stop me from doing business and not all this nonsense. okay, okay, you 'll regret it, i'll complain to the top. yes , complain, lord, complain, of course. i just have a request for you, next time be sure to make an appointment with me, i’m not offering you coffee, you’re very excitable, you know, it’s bad for you, you’re free, yeah, good. fine.
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“good morning, son, for me she’s really not very kind, because i didn’t sleep all night, i couldn’t find a place for myself, why didn’t we spend the night at home, for various reasons, i decided to answer in riddles, okay, well... " i almost went crazy, i
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called you all night, your phones were turned off, sorry, sorry, why didn't you call yourself? if you didn't call, that means you couldn't, mom, my son couldn’t call his mother, okay, the next question is, where did tanya go, yesterday? she seemed to be lying down, everything was fine, then she jumped up, ran off somewhere, where is she, i don’t know, i’m where she is, and it’s for me, to be honest , not very interested, we quarreled again, uh-huh, where was she at night, apparently with her lover.
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hello, we have a promotion today, two business lunches rate one, thank you, hello, hello, it's kind of cold there. well, today you will meet your first client. wait, maybe we can order something, yeah, two business lunches for the price of one, what? it’s okay, let’s get things done, so this is it, nikolai kolesov, keep the photo for yourself, this is a well-known businessman in the city, owner of gas stations. shopping center, married? no,
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he lives alone, your task is to gain his trust, go home and get alarm codes and encrypt them, bone, well, that’s it’s scary, well, he’ll be robbed, and i’ll be the first suspect, i said that i don’t want to be a spotter, or a covenant, i’m a man of my word, i promised to do everything so that no one would suspect you, but in the worst case scenario, i on... the guy has been a developer for a long time and the incriminating evidence is through the roof , if something happens, i don’t think about this incriminating evidence, i’ll put it into action, yeah, that means tanya thinks that this call, supposedly from a neighbor, was a call from shemina, that’s what she said, in fact there was no call, she’s been dealing with this head-on for a long time. here she spun a whole bunch of stuff because she didn’t expect to see me, son, and don’t you think that
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this is somehow too loud for a lie, she learned this from galina, who, by the way, covered for them from the very beginning, and about galina lately you can’t hear anything, you can’t see her, here’s lisa, lisa, on the contrary , she appears all the time, what does lisa have to do with it? rumors about tanya and loba have been circulating around the university for a long time, yeah, but what did you find out about them only when lisa appeared, this is the story. with arthur, lena shemina also surfaced only when she became active. listen, mom , to eavesdrop on you, she set it all up, and so did slobovoi , i don’t rule it out, yes, she guessed when i would arrive, set up these two tan classmates, who
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were talking at the very moment when i passed by about lobovi and tanya, mom, then it doesn’t happen in the movies, here you don’t have any facts at all, only. gossip: mom, as soon as i told tanya that i was leaving on a business trip, she immediately ran to this forehead, here’s a fact, no, tanya just explained everything, that there was a call, only she thought that it was shamina who called, but i’m sure that it was lisa who called, yes, in order to deceive you, of course, he coordinated everything like that, well , listen, this is incredible, m... for my reasons, lisa, it should now spinning around you, spinning around, so that god forbid, you don’t break into tanya, don’t run , spinning, what does spinning mean, she just supports me, so i went to her yesterday, son, what a fool you are, what a spider, lisa is weaving
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these... webs, thank you, vladik, hello, hello, are you okay, vladik, i know why lisa was silent with you then, do you think she guessed? listen to the heartbreaking story , in short, yesterday i came to sozonkin, he was sitting, bandaging his leg, i said, well, what is he talking about, but he fell down the stairs, uh-huh, i helped him bandage him, and how stupid i was telling him about lisa all night , what is the connection, listen further, i come to the university today, it turns out that yesterday someone broke into
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the rector’s office, did not steal anything, because they scared him away, but pay attention, the thief ran away lame. it’s clear, this is sozonkin, which means twisted his ankle when he climbed out of the window, yes, sit down, that's it, wait, but why does he need this, and what does lisa have to do with it, look, just yesterday this huge scandal broke out, because our gossips told oleg about the video tanya lobov, yeah , which, as we know, is stored on a disk by the rector, and do you think that sazonkin went after this disk? i’m sure, i think that lisa wants to finish off oleg by showing him this film, and how did lisa find out from the bone, but the most important thing is that she recruited my sazonkin, you understand, my sozonkin, and i i also think that he suddenly showed up with flowers and confesses his love, gal, well, wait, maybe he ’s telling the truth, gal, nothing’s true, he’s
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a sellout, he relayed all our conversations, and i just told him the day before that we want to write down the sheet , well, it’s clear, that means... it’s better that i still trust him, then we can hang all sorts of noodles on lisa’s ears through him, for sure, listen, but did sazonkin get the dvisk or not, how do i know? but if they have it, we need to take it away at all costs, you know, mom, i’m in my head and so he was twisting this, it couldn’t be liza, but
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the whole point is that tanya, as they say, is walking, and galina, this sneaky one is still covering for her, found her walking. “in my life i have never seen such a clean girl as tanya, tanyusha, sit down, you will eat, olga vladimirovna, i’m getting my things, okay, i went, where did you go, please, just don’t start, she said, don’t start, and well, you were blowing off specks of dust for the wedding, getting ready, then some..." freaks started a bad rumor, he doesn't notice the bride at point-blank range. tanya, tell me right now, all these horrors of gossip that are about you. your teacher is being dismissed, is it true, what’s his name? no, olga vladimirovna, this is not true, it’s all lies and
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fabrications, we communicate as a teacher and student, and the fact that you ran to him yesterday is also a lie and fabrications, you know, this is a very strange story, i think it’s you shamina they came up with it, you told me about the business trip, she came up with this call for me, but i wonder why this is? i don’t know, maybe so that you then calmly end up in her arms with a clear conscience, like you’re a victim of my infidelity? i think you are already this crazy, you know what, in my opinion, you're crazy , in short, take your things, otherwise i 'll spend the night at work today, don't worry, i'll pack my things right now, go to the lighthouse, you'll never see me again, so what? this is to the lighthouse, why don’t i tell klobov to his own, that get out of here and i’ll leave, yes, i’m listening. lieutenant zelenin, that’s right, if you are interested in information about sukhoi’s death, you should be in the neftyanikov village,
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sadovaya street, building 17 in an hour. calm, calm, everything is fine with you, as you should - walk, stand, can you? thank you very much, yeah, yes, i think i can. my leg is fine, oh, only i broke my heel, now i’ll walk like an old hag, no, no, no, no, under no circumstances, not like an old corga, but like a charming girl, and not walk, but ride, you know , what , let me give you a lift, yes , well, wait a minute, well, i just changed my principle, i bought shoes in an unverified store, let me still take you, and on the way i’ll tell you which stores sell the most reliable ones , proven shoes, let's go, not shamina this, liza arranged all this,
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but i don’t understand why, the fact of the matter is that liza has no need, you know, if she was in love with oleg, then during dinner i would have read it in her eyes, but i’m there i only read the coldness, it is completely false. and is not capable of loving anyone at all, but i will bring her out into the open if you help me, olga vladimirovna, i really don’t think it’s liza, no need to think, you need to help me, well , what can i do, tanya, you have to tell me everything, everything she says, everything, what is she doing, are you and oleg even now , we quarreled, how terrible, but i still love you like my own daughter and i want... everything to work out for you, thank you, olga vladimirovna, don’t cry, let me phone,
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galina, you say, yes, write it down, uh-huh , gan, hi, listen, i thought, thought, in short, i left the hospital, well, since tanya is like that. cool situation, she might need my help. vladik, don’t be stupid, you have a gunshot wound, haven’t you recovered yet? do you need bed rest? yes, almost everything has healed for me. vladik, don’t be a hero, come back back to the hospital. gal, by the way, you need me too. we must find this disk together. let's.
4:50 am
day, good, good afternoon, allow me, allow me, i ask you, irina koval, i should become your relative, yes, well, obviously to me, yes, very nice, charming relative, and i am tikhonov, well, you can just. alexander, will you forgive me for not calling? well, it’s great that there’s no call, a pleasant surprise! yes, let's go into the house, it 's cold, yes, let's treat ourselves to tea, whatever god sent, it's so romantic here, secluded, well, we live in the outskirts, yes, solitary people, guests rarely come to me, so you, perhaps, are a pleasant exception, i beg you, i beg you. irina, yes, come in, come in.


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