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tv   Ulitsi razbitikh fonarei-15  NTV  December 10, 2023 5:35am-6:31am MSK

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so a week ago she received news from riga that the same murder allegedly happened there, but not what it is, similar, but with the same handwriting, but i know her disgusting, persistent character, she would have come out at any time she came at me, did you kill this girl, maria sizova too? “yes, me too, but what could i do? i took full, full revenge for my mother, in full, wait, many years passed between the murder you committed in kolpino and the murder of this girl, did you really need all this time i managed to restrain myself, korvetsky, what are you doing? this is the world, it’s big, but
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there’s enough of this dirt, this dirt everywhere, everywhere, not just here, what are you, andrey, pour him some water, are you crazy? well, that’s all for the last 10 years traveled abroad several times, each time to a new country, how many times repeatedly? eight times, for work and for leisure, for recreation, well, it’s scary to imagine what kind of vacation it was, uh-huh, and danilin and tsarev were released? of course, oleg georgievich, they immediately released me.
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i'm a film buff, yes, i contacted parents, katya kravchuk, said that we had caught the killer of their daughter, her mother told me, unfortunately, you can’t return anything, all that remains is to learn to forgive, yes, and to forgive is the most difficult thing. oh, there it is, well, it’s all about to begin.
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krymov, natasha, listen, well, you didn’t understand everything correctly, i’ll explain everything to you now, krymov, you ’re the best in the world, i love you so much, i really do, uh-huh, natasha, well, let me at least take off my shirt, dammit. oh, charlie, go for a walk, come to me, my boy, let's go for a walk, you're my charmer, come to me, charlie, charlie, charlie, charlie, co me, a bully, come to me, charlie, charlie, dog. come to me, charlie, charlie come to me,
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tell me in detail how you found out that he got it badly, didn’t calve like a punching bag from the heart, that’s it. to death, maybe even to death , there are no penetrating wounds, an autopsy will show, the time of death was five, maybe six hours ago, clearly, georgich, the man didn’t see the car, but he heard it, and by the time he reached the enemy, its trace had disappeared, and so did the trace from the treads i caught a cold, but my dad’s sick son was the first to come here on call, and then we brought in the path, oh, you unfortunate detectives, go take a closer look at the highway exit, maybe there’s something left there, thanks already, you can go, what else is there nothing else around, as i understand it, he’s also with him? nothing, no, there is nothing except clothes
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, of course, in short, pash, check if our murdered person is on the wanted list, uh-huh, igor, and you take a photo of him and go to the migration office, okay, at least his face. they didn’t disfigure them, and you know what, start with the tajiks, i think he’s a tajik, but if he’s an uzbek, can you somehow tell them apart, or what? well, uzbeks, turks, and tajiks, iranians, didn’t you know, maybe if you work with mine, you’ll also figure it out, igor, why, pay attention, he has a mole on his face, a special mark, it will be easier, indian cinema, so summer has come. please come in, make yourself comfortable, thank you, i'm here for guidance, please,
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good afternoon, hello, lieutenant colonel sylovets, juman dzhuraev, assistant consul of tajikistan, thank you. have a seat, amal, amal nabieva,
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that means i’m an employee of olsus tajikistan in the city of st. petersburg, some of our colleagues want to talk to you, please speak up. amal, hello, my name is oleg georgievich solovets, i’m from the police, something with valid, where is he, where is samir, samir, who is samir, and this is brother, valid’s brother, the two of them just arrived here, my younger brother, samir and valid, left for russia together, samir nabiev, your brother, yes , tell me, do you know where your brothers are staying, where is their house in st. petersburg, in russia, no, house, i don’t know,
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he told me to find it, show him an sms, and how much money did your brother give you? 200 dollars, did something happen? could you please read us the text message that your brother wrote to you? yes, yes, now it’s 4004, oh, 2005, 40 04, 184, and that’s all, yes, one more question, amal, ah, hello, amal, hello, that's it. disappeared, well, nikita told you that you need to buy a new router, but where can i find you money for a router? well, what’s up with our tajik’s phone number? so , well, here’s the details, the sim card was activated a month ago, yeah, what a frugal subscriber, yeah,
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instead there are only six calls and one text message, well, judging by the tariff, he used this number exclusively for calls to his homeland, the sim card is registered to a non-existent person. like the ones they give out on the streets without presentation of a passport, which was what was required to be proven, thank you, what kind of people, during the course of the investigation it turned out that the murdered man, in addition to his sister, also had a brother, samir nabiev, 20 years old, together with valid they flew to st. petersburg on the same flight, and according to the text of sms messages... sister, did you manage to clarify anything? yes, even more than that, my colleagues from ubeb helped. this is the code to get money through hawala. hawala is a basurman word. what means? hawala is a system of instant money transfers, although it has nothing to do with banking transactions. has no relation. this is an illegal scheme
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that is practiced in central asia and the middle east, and it has now come to us. here, and from here in more detail, colleague. well , look, valit wants to send 200 to his sister in dushanbe. it’s not very convenient to do this through a bank, because it requires documents, losses on courses, time, and so on, he comes to the dealer of praise on the market, so to speak, you’ll break your tongue, gives it to him . dollars, he in turn tells him the digital code, he sends it by text message to dushanbe, sister with with this code she goes to the zakiyah merchant at the local market, also to khvaladar, shows him, he recognizes her, hands her 200 dollars minus 2-3% as a reward for the service, that ’s all, the dealers pay each other for the delivery of goods, or by other methods, known only to both of them, simple and practical, yes, the east is a delicate matter, all that remains is to find this one, well, in my opinion, they have already found it. izub’s colleagues have a certain akhmat in mind, he works in the blue market, and judging by the letter in
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this message, this is his work. well, is it here? come on, let's everyone don’t break the shura, and we’ll insure you here , 500 dollars, i’m a respected person , i said that you can help with this, what a guy, he’s a fool, you know him, a 5% commission will suit you, of course it will suit you, but i need that ... it happened quickly, without problems, the money is with you, with me, but in rubles, this rate will suit you, quite well,
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give me the money, now i’ll write out the password for you, yeah, where are the pens, huh? where is everyone, just a second , yes, yes, of course, masha, where are all the hands, masha, masha, here are the hands, here are the hands, akhmat, damn, andryukha, why are you standing there, hold it?
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as an accomplice of terrorists, i’m not a terrorist , well, well, well, i’ll say everything you need to, just please, don’t need the fsb, you know that, no , i swear to god, you swear to god, i swear to allah, this, i don’t know, you’re this you recognize, but i know this one, this one, no, this one, yes, he came to me, how did he contact you, he said that it was from rakhmon, who is this? i don’t remember his last name, i only know that he works as a foreman for the tajiks, he helps with construction there, with
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work, yeah, well, yeah, that’s it, how to find him, a merchant at a vegetable base, he has a point there, great, well done,
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there's registration, where's the registration, look, everything is there, documents, cops, come on, come on, come on.
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it seems like we only have a month to do, by the way, hmm, when we managed to owe so many debts to the testimony of the guest workers whom we detained at the military base, it follows that the brothers
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stole on the very first day of work, rakhmon got them a job in a construction materials store, and they were there they stole an expensive one...
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no word or word from them, it’s like yesterday after work they went somewhere and never showed up, i already reported to the authorities, and someone else works at the site, no, just me, my shift worker and these two, yes, it’s a small team, so what were they doing here, they’re cleaning the room from all sorts of rotten garbage, preparing the site for
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repairs, okay, leva, let’s go and see how the tajiks are live. but can i inform the authorities about you, excuse the old man, this is the kind of work, it’s not possible, but it’s necessary, wow, how can one live like this, i can’t breathe at all, tolerate the lion. do you know, as one of my friends said, who studied for what? in general , i want to tell you that the brothers have settled down well, a separate cabin for two more, apartment, just a luxury room, oops, look, sister, she. and here is the family
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, oh, look, it’s a beautiful little thing, with the family monogram, listen, lyova, call the investigator and expert, let him drive up, the boss called, they’ll be here now, my replacement, he was on duty yesterday, hello, let’s go for a walk . a statement was received from the store owner about the theft of goods, he pointed to two tajiks, so the brothers, it seems, yeah, we initiated it. check, yeah, even before the case was initiated, the application was withdrawn by the victim, i i believe that the parties resolved the conflict without our intervention, so without intervention , well, no rakhmon, as i understand it, you
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naturally don’t remember, sanya, could you take a walk, okay, comrade senior lieutenant, yes, your tone worries me very much, as if i am guilty of something, what kind of rakhmon are you talking about? brigadi of those two brothers who appeared in the statement of theft, i don’t know about whom, there were about five tajiks working in the store, yeah, maybe among them there was some kind of rakhmon, i don’t know, i don’t from the fms, to ask everyone there for a passport, yes, yes, but we have other information, information that you not only know rakhmon, but also received a large bribe from him, you have confused me with someone, colleague, perhaps i didn’t receive anything from your tajik, in fact , from you i... didn’t expect to hear anything else, this, comrade captain, is a copy of the entry made by rahmon’s hand in a notebook that we found in
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his office. you never know that some guest worker wrote, really, well, in management of their own security will figure out what and how? and i ’ll just tell you, captain, in the end, that rakhmon is suspected of nothing less than the murder of one of these brothers. wait, let’s say i know rakhmon, what’s next, i love these moments in the movies, when the hero suddenly wakes up from a coma, his memory returns, and you don’t know, did anyone see the brothers at the construction site, no one is with me, what the for two weeks there was no one, well, there was no one on my shift, well, maybe we saw someone outside the perimeter, but i didn’t notice. did they happen to tell you, what did you do in your free time from work, maybe they went somewhere, maybe they saw something, but we didn’t really communicate with them, they couldn’t put two words together in russian, what kind of
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communication is that? didn't you drink? no, we are strict about this, but it seems like the koran doesn’t tell them, but yes, yes, yes, so why drink, they subsisted on money from water to bread, that is, they were sitting without any money, completely without money, once they asked me to lend me 500 rubles or something, but i didn’t give it, so they offered to buy me dishes, dishes and a silver plate, like silver, with patterns, they said they brought it from home, supposedly for a rainy day, i also thought where did the poor tajiks get their silver, it’s a murky matter, in short, i didn’t even pick it up, listen, but we seem to be doing nothing in the change house they didn’t find anything like that, but no, they called igor for the case, they identified rekhmon, they called us for detention, okay, thank you, but no problem, no problem, goodbye.
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lights, noise, look, how's the situation? worker, join, yours, ours, take them away, ahead of yours.
6:00 am
oleg georgivich, well, in general, i looked at the recordings from the surveillance cameras that are located at the vegetable base, and rakhmon and
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the bodyguard. there can’t be a mistake, hello, good afternoon, there can’t be a mistake , i checked everything, it’s clear, thank you, nikit , please, okay, i started talking, but everything is off topic, the picture emerges that neither rakhmon nor his bodyguard, actually , they couldn’t kill our tajik manually, alebi , what do you have, it’s also a picture, but it just doesn’t emerge, uh-huh, so, it’s not that, it’s not that, there is, well, something has dug up there, huh? afanasey
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golovtsov, margo, you would make a good historian or archaeologist, a black ranger tell me, we’re all trackers here, we’re digging , we’re digging, just wait, golovtsov, samny golovtsov, this is, this is the object where our brothers worked, right, well, come back to us, yes, hello, hello, here there is a question, do you happen to remember, on the plate that the tajiks offered you, there was such a sign, yes there were some squiggles, yes , yes, it seems like it, but i don’t remember exactly, uh-huh, well, let’s admire how our glorious ones lived ancestors, i don’t mind, count, please, pie.
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beauty, of course, is a lie, well, look. well oops, what is this? yeah, newspapers, 1917, yeah okay, yeah, come on, is there anything else, now i’m just newspapers, we need them, in
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short, for examination. that ’s it, it can’t be that pick up the newspapers, come on, you’re a fool or something , guys, it’s a bomb, oh, it won’t explode, just wait, lyokha, talk, colleagues, museum workers helped us a lot, radiocarbon analysis gives reason to believe that the rosary itself was made about 300 years ago, here are the pendants made of silver, judging by the family monogram, much earlier, by the way, such signs were applied... usually during the lifetime of the owner, yes, count afanasy petrovich golovtsov was born in 1857, and died in 1923, that is, it costs decent money. lyosh, what about waste paper? i can say that the paper is also about 100 years old, it is thoroughly soaked in vinegar, and on the rosary i found traces of vinegar of the same composition. what does vinegar have to do with it? the fact is that in the last century , silver products that were put in long-term storage were usually packaged in paper with the same composition, that is, if i understand correctly, then these rosaries
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could well have been packaged in this newspaper, exactly. oleg gorrich, i found out everything about this noble company of the golovtsovs. last place their residence before the emigration of the seventeenth year, there was a mansion known to us, so, which has not been restored since then, well, well, you don’t guess, no, what the golovtsovs did not have the opportunity to save from the bolsheviks, they could hide in their home underground, where we found this newspaper, well, the tajik brothers are clear and a silver plate, which they tried to smuggle to the guard. are you saying that the tajiks found the cache? oleg georgievich, this is called a treasure, incredible, incredible, well now it’s clear where, after removing the money, rakhmon didn’t pay them a penny , he said, but they nevertheless sent his sister 200 bucks, they had 1500 in their stash, so, leva, go around all the purchases that are near the object, urgently, uh-huh, igor, and you talk to the guards, how, when - the tajiks could take all this outside the perimeter of the construction site, margot, well, you and i have the same road, grodovikov,
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i’m afraid of the only one, he’s for me. he won’t believe it, that’s for sure, but i will find a job for you too, wait, i’m in the dark, okay, work, and there will be a job for me too. avatar show - new season today at 20:20 on ntv. for pensioners , sberbank has a free sbercard, a favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, a discount on a loan. transfer your pension to sberbank, online or in a branch. make it, make it, make it, make it. everything on ozone , and surprise with a new dress, give a smartphone, final sale ringing, azon, final sale of the year on azon, omsa thermal underwear for 1999, playtown washcloth toy for 849, a set of
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yours, serve under a contract. this is where they brought out the garbage bags, but you didn’t notice any bags, packages, or hand luggage in the hands of the tajiks at the exit from the facility, in short, no, i didn’t see anything like that, well... maybe my replacement evgenich saw it, but i ’m not, exactly, well, i was ordered to keep an eye on all things, even personal ones, and the last time the garbage was taken out, well, two weeks ago, the tajiks were already working at the site, but no, even before them it was, well, this one the video camera is working, working, and you can watch the recordings from it, let's go, i’ll show you, well, here they are, darlings, you see,
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georgivich, the nabiev brothers , in person, this is samir, that older one is knocking, uh-huh, and he has a few hours left to live, nikita, the owner of the car already, so viktor evgenievich ermalaev, here are his passports data, yes, and this is one of the security guards of the facility, and while driving, you can make your face look darker, yeah. i don’t look like ermalaev at all, who drives a car then? guys, let's quickly go to this ermalayev and shake everything possible out of him, and report the results to me, well, we need to announce this the gazelle is wanted, it hasn’t gone far yet, it’s about the tajiks, i’ve already told you everything i knew, everything, but not everything, whoever is there, this is for me, my wife is sick there, sit down. igor evgenievich, we’re not mistaken, you
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own a car, you’re talking about a gazelle, uh-huh, no, it’s been more than a year since i sold it, the kolumaga was old, it broke down constantly, in 12 years it’s completely dead, and what kind of driver am i? old age, but it was still registered in your name, so i didn’t re-register it, i formalized the power of attorney , everything was businesslike... what happened? and to whom sold? yes, i don’t really know him, the car stood in the yard for a year without moving, it was all rotten, i once found a note for the account: i will buy your car and phone number, i called , a man comes, took the car, and you don’t even remember this man’s last name, yes where, as i say, more than a year has passed, but do you remember where this came from? georgievich,
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the gazelle is driven by a certain byzov, vadim aleksandrovich, ermalaid admitted that he and this byzov carried small building materials from the site, but why did he take the tajiks from there, he doesn’t know, he only knows that the brothers themselves managed to get acquainted with the challenge while they were working at a construction site, of course, well, that means she could bring them together and directly agree on everything, but he knows something about the values, yes, so a couple of days before the disappearance . he stole a silver spoon from their shed, a spoon with a monogram, yes, with a monogram, but he doesn’t know where he lives, he only knows where the call happens more often, well, i mean more often than at home, well, where in the garage of course, where else?
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is there anyone? hello, hello, how can i help you, so to speak? tell, please, have any of these two come to see you lately? no, i don’t remember, but silver dishes, candelabra? they didn’t bring it for the last week, what are you talking about, this is very rare, clearly, well, if suddenly one of these people appears at your place, please call me, i will be grateful, uh-huh, okay, all the best, goodbye, goodbye, wow, does the camera work, the camera, yes, i don’t know, i’m not an expert in this matter, but i’m just interested in whether it works or not? well, it probably works, i don’t know why
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you, suddenly, one of these people was still here, you forgot, then the notes will be very useful, excluded, excluded, i have a very good memory, can i still look at the video, you know, lev alexandrovich, i’m without with the knowledge of my superiors, i cannot make such decisions, except what grounds do you have for this, well, you are right, all the best, goodbye.
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when i started to leave, this guy showed up and asked for help, he said, to take things out of town, what kind of things, i didn’t ask, i’m not interested, the main thing is that the car fit, i told him the price, he agreed, continue, the next day, as we agreed, i stopped by at 9, loaded up and went, money, though, i asked in advance, but what was in the bags? “yes, i have no idea , i’m telling you, i didn’t look inside these bags, i didn’t even touch them, the tajiks loaded them themselves, and unloaded them themselves, but maybe you have some idea what kind of cargo it was, something heavy, metal, and the little guy twitched there, and
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i don’t know what’s next, and what’s next, i took them to the place, dropped them off there with their junk, there that's it." yes leva, i'm listening to you, i went into an antique store, next to the object, and so the receptionist is kind of shady, i didn't like it at all, he doesn't want to show the video with the surveillance camera, well, he doesn't want to do it in a good way, it will be according to the law , don’t go back to the department , don’t waste time, stay there , i’ve sent you specialists now, i understand everything, okay, let’s go back, park somewhere far away so we can’t be seen, could you show us on the map where you dropped off tajiks, here approximately, so this is the place where nabiev’s corpse was discovered, i see you will have to drive with us wherever you go, show us everything on the ground, and we’ll finish it off.
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what nothing? well, nothing, nothing?
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where are you georgivich, he doesn’t answer, stay behind him. here, here, yes, yes, exactly here, i dropped them off, yeah, the corpse was buried there, and we’ll call the mozhkinologists, we have tajik clothes, there’s something to sniff, you see the dogs will pick up the trail, but good idea, pirogovsky,
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damn , i completely forgot about leva, dareva, listen, i got completely screwed and forgot about you, and left the phone in the kitchen, so... so are you sure? yes, yes, i’m sure this is our uzbek’s brother, samir, yes we are already on their tail, we are driving along primorsky , where we are passing sestrorets, and we are on primorsky on your way, then it will take a long time to explain, if there are connections, yeah, i understand, andryukh, let’s quickly get out of the road, around that turn. levy, i see a jeep driving further. we are standing on the side of the road in the direction of travel,
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so andryukh, call for reinforcements and join me, you and i, and you sit in the car and don’t lean out, i understand, go ahead, uh, into the car. well, go ahead, show me, and take a shovel, yes. here, dig!
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where, well done, good boy, where is my brother, you they will promise to tell you where he is, i keep my promises, but your brother is far away, where you can’t see it from here, where, well, don’t we tell you? we’ll show you the shortcut, yes, the police, weapons on the ground, left, where
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are you going, stop, i say, igor, then come on, quickly, alive!
6:25 am
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they have in common? nevofibrosis, prostatitis adhesive process. let’s explain in simple terms: fibrosis may appear at the site of inflammation, which prevents the organ from functioning normally. the smart enzyme langidase helps break down fibrous tissue and restore organ function. langidaza is simply against fibrosis. the recommended course is two packs. when you invite friends to tinkov, these new year's invitations are returned with joy. until december 31, invite a friend to sign up for a ting of black card and receive rub 1,500. tenkov will suddenly receive free service forever. how did you find out about silver? in my bracket , the well-fed receptionist is trying to sell money. he called. these lumps showed up for sale a week ago. the silver helmet was rammed. a plate. yes, a plate. they gave it away for next to nothing. on the same day
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they brought in more silver. small things, forks, oars, spoons, well, yes, spoons, poblas were cut down , they decided to sell the junk for cronyism, sell it quickly, the boryga called, said silver, antique, there is a lot of dough to cut down, not childish, but i hit the tajik's arrow , where in a resort area, not far from your hut, well, why not in an antique, the point is not mine, why should i shine there, but one came towards me, one, his brother on guard, put it together with the goods and you decided to throw him away, the guy turned out to be intractable, greedy , it didn’t work out well enough to get the goods, but the worst thing happened was that they killed the guy , but no one was going to kill him, they asked where the goods were refused, who knew that he was a slave, they squatted down slightly, he frowned, but it’s not me, it’s with the gray stushko,
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you’re asking them, well, of course, what’s the demand from them, where did they put the pipes, huh? it's like you don't know.


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