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tv   Nash Potreb Nadzor  NTV  December 10, 2023 1:00pm-2:06pm MSK

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they are made of wood, by the way, and my god, my god, we will watch movies here, hurray, all together, what, we never imagined this even in our wildest dreams, it’s a masterpiece, i just can’t take my eyes off these chandeliers, they are so airy , they look like marshmallows, the combination of colors, everything is so stylish, subtle, a huge sofa that can accommodate our whole family, a huge tv.
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yes, the bedroom is beautiful, it’s just a place where you can do something with beads, draw, sculpt, some kind of table, daughter, you have your own room for this, please don’t forget about this, there are a lot of drawers for storing all sorts of different things, these pictures simply amaze the mind, they’re absolutely garbage, and the main thing is that there’s a lot of space, that is, you don’t get the feeling that you’ve somehow divided the space. into some small parts, the result met expectations and exceeded them, exceeded them so much that i can’t even measure the percentage since we won’t sleep today, and the counter was filled with pickled cucumbers with larvae and i found a bunch of white worms there, they can infect tropical infection, a seriously life-threatening reaction, caterpillars nest and... in these
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candies, how to choose a sweet gift without a nasty surprise? wow, with meat, wow, the country is preparing to introduce prohibition, who will be affected by the anti-alcohol ban, which factories put cheaper fish in jars labeled sprats? the manufacturer saves raw materials and receives increased profits. cheap spice helps with hangovers better than expensive pharmaceuticals, how do star artists recover? the doctors themselves. reduces intoxication reduces rate of alcohol absorption. one of the new year's signs says that in order for the year to be happy, you need to get an animal with... symbolizing this year, well, everything
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is elementary, all that remains is to find and tame the dragon, you can really cheat and buy such a miracle, come here, or you can just stock up on sweets, whatever , nuts, citrus fruits, oh, or, for example, oh, pickled cucumbers, because a dragon is essentially a huge worm, it’s worms that dumbfounded shoppers discover in the main new year’s treats, rumors are spreading that parasites from fruits, snacks, sweets, fruits, vegetables can migrate to us, well, who hasn’t heard the reports about the unfortunate ones. from which
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surgeons pulled out parasites from under the skin , from the eyes, what a horror, so what kind of abomination is hidden in what holiday products, how to recognize them before purchasing, how to soak a worm if you have already eaten wormy products, or is it all really just stories , internet, parasites, let's look and find out, you 'll eat this, you'll eat this, whole pickled cucumbers, even if tiny, elena no longer eats, everyone cuts it, carefully scans with her eyes everything that is inside, this cucumber has passed the test, we move on to the next one, finally the cucumbers are sent to the table, and elena developed this habit of inspecting them after...
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how she came across cucumbers stuffed with worms, ate a third of the jar and one cucumber seemed suspicious to me, she took it with her fingers and tore this cucumber straight, and found a bunch of white worms there. yes, yes, worms in pickled cucumbers. such a phobia turns out to be spreading all over the world. brie from the usa came across this nasty filling. i took a bite of the cucumber and felt something rubbery in my mouth. i looked at the cucumber and saw a worm. oh my god! but stephen and canada were unlucky. at first i thought they were big long grains, and then... it seemed that these were worms, but dead worms, and living creatures had no chance of surviving in a vinegar marinade, and even after pasteurization, this was not at all a sign of unsanitary conditions in the factory, to which complaints from shocked customers were pouring in, explained in the laboratory of rosselkhoznadzor,
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but rather a sign of negligence when purchasing cucumbers from farmers, they got there before these products were canned, that is , the cucumbers are still in the fields picking up passengers and... the examination confirmed that these are larvae of fruit flies. insects pierce the thick skin of vegetables and fruits and lay eggs under it. they have special insertion mechanisms, so infected fruit usually remains intact to a large extent. the eggs hatch into larvae that make their way deep into the juicy pulp. but why is no one talking about larvae in fresh cucumbers? but because in russia, since
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... “russians are traditional, which means you can insure yourself against worms in olivier, for example, by choosing cucumbers that were actually grown and rolled up in russia, or by pickling cucumbers with your own hands, it’s unpleasant, well, at least dead larvae will not cause any harm to health, but living ones, which are regularly found in tangerines, are another matter, worms in tangerines, this is a nightmare"? some kind, but sometimes we eat without looking, throw it in our mouth, it’s alive, it’s alive, but can you imagine, we would eat it, there are flies, they claim that in the tangerine orchards of abkhazia they are trying to catch them at gunpoint, we try to make sure there are
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very few of them, we check on the fruits, this is a clean fruit, you see what it is, but we can only drive away insects by watering the fruits from may to september with chemicals, when... the parent begins to suck out the juice, the drug gets in with the juice, they die, but insecticides, alas, are not a panacea , scientists throw up their hands, because agrochemicals are watered, such is the reality, otherwise the planet would simply die out of starvation, 99% harvest in the world, but part insects still live fast, and tangerine pests are one of the most tenacious, the dose to kill a male fruit fly can reach up to 1000 norms.
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even though in captivity, he is inclined to escape , now jump, just like that, the batch of fruit in which these tangerines were found, by the way, is checked especially carefully, there is a suspicion that the larvae of a resident of tropical countries, the so-called humpback fly , arrived in the country with the tangerines , so called for its curve, reminiscent of a hump, and it is a real mini-monster that can be destructive and for harvest locally.
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a fly may even hatch, but it is clear that one can only sympathize with it, after all, the intestines are a very humid environment, its wings will immediately stick together, expect that flies will begin to swarm somewhere in the intestines, no, it’s not worth it, these caterpillars, by the way, are the most frequent guests of food baskets; you can come across them in pomegranates, cherries, plums, peaches, bananas, here are figs, there ’s someone scurrying around in them too. what's next? and then don’t change the channel so as not to miss
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the most important thing. cashews, pistachios, walnut kernels you have to crack the nuts before you eat them, who could be hiding in them? watch what you eat? do caterpillars nest in these candies? how to choose a sweet gift without a nasty surprise? this is a seriously life-threatening reaction. instant noodles are already made from crickets. which factories pack cheaper fish in a jar labeled sprats? the manufacturer saves raw materials and receives increased profits. the cheap spice helps with hangovers better than expensive pharmaceutical products. how star artists and doctors themselves recover. reduces intoxication reduces the rate of absorption of alcohol. grandes sausage and ham from indilight made from 100% turkey. ideal for a holiday. on every day. indielight for happiness. genferon light spray is green light. green light to my
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goals and red light to the plan for viruses that can interfere with them. genferon light, thanks to the double power of interferon and a special component, prevents the proliferation of influenza viruses and their penetration. genon light spray - the power of green light with aroma mint. working with qualified investors, we at bcs realized that professionals value unique solutions and... great service, so we have created a modern platform for managing your capital. go to bcs and get more. allow yourself to experience a true taste of luxury in a radiant atmosphere of nobility and sophistication. golden life chips because luxury is a way of life. our virtual fairy-tale show avatar. how can she live without him?
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the level of artists in our country, we must choose them, today at 20:20 on ntv. highsens- these are technologies of a global brand. haisens is control from your phone and an intelligent cooking system. haisens - life-changing technologies. new buildings on tsyan offer a huge selection of attractive offers. a crime drama with zhora kryzhovnikova about the late eighties, when no one had money, but there was a word. i
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will teach you to love the street. the boy's word, blood on the asphalt. noving. magic condition, the real rate is up to 15.5% on a savings account at gazprombank. your money works and you receive income. apply at how are you, you have a cold. i wear it straight. we can handle it together. but first, booklin, double strength against heat and pain. all the luxury of france in every touch of the noar card. immerse yourself in pure pleasure and enjoy the richness of 100% arabica coffee. allow yourself more with noar cards. alice, turn on the timer for 5 minutes. she will hear your voice, even if the environment is noisy. timer for... alice, turn on the music, turn it on, she will also like what you like, louder, the new yandex station midi,
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your favorite smart speaker with alice. celebrate the new year with vk, here you can set the mood with one new year's playlist, congratulate loved ones in vk calls, even when you are not at all ready for this, capture unforgettable moments in vk clips that you want to share with everyone and meet. under a flurry of congratulations in the messenger vkontakte, vk, we celebrate the new year together, we bring megaski. cashback apartment in moscow, will you get such a benefit? 4k tv tosheba for only 31,999. this winter, especially for you, we are freezing communication prices. when connecting or switching to tele-2 tariffs will have their prices frozen for a long time. we are freezing tariff prices. a cold
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knocks you out of your usual rhythm. mom, are we going already? koltok. the active ingredient is active within 10 minutes, a cold is not included in our plans, koltakt, we take out loans, it’s easy to apply for, we are at sovcombank, we take out loans, and we got them quickly, we are at sovcombank, loans that everyone knows, a prophetic interview with margarita simonyan, once you’re forcing me to predict, let me give you my forecast of how long the kiev regime will last without help usa, guys, can you escape, escape into captivity? to us, i am now addressing the ukrainian military, what awaits the kiev dictator himself? look at this boy with a beard in a light-khaki t-shirt, he has gone completely crazy, and how will the special operation end? well, not all of our territory has been liberated yet, says margarita simonya, i can only talk about what i know for sure, today at 6:00 pm on ntv.
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the legend is back. the same one that was brewed from 100% solok, the same taste that the whole country fell in love with. baltika 3 non-alcoholic, try the revived taste. and here are the figs, someone is messing around in them too. and everyone swallowed this , agronomists insist, who at least once... he said wasps, and yes, without them the fig simply would not exist, because the fig flower,
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botanists explain, is arranged inside the plant inside the torsion, and if in order to ... to dust the flowers of any other plants, insects only need to fly from one branch to another, but in figs, wasps have to squeeze through a small hole at the tip of the fruit and sacrifice their wings, however, the wasp will no longer need them, it gets there and lays eggs , the larvae develop accordingly, and after the mother’s mission is completed, the wasp dies and it... the body decomposes inside the fig, and some of the larvae, pushing between the female and male flowers, pollinates them, climbs out, flies away from the sweet nursery, and we end up eating some of them. but pistachios, walnuts, cashews, insects do not pollinate inside out, but they can also have
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a nasty filling hidden in them. who lives inside the nuts of similar snacks? what happens if you eat this? and what caterpillars gorge themselves on sweets in new year's sets, i'll tell you in the second part of the investigation, don't miss it, chicken eggs, of course, are not wormy , they inspect them so that there are no dents, cracks, otherwise it will be such a shame, one egg is already in on average 12 rubles, and just recently it cost eight, as they are trying to trim prices... i’ll tell you in a summary of the most important consumer news. chicken eggs have become inflation champions, everyone noticed this. over the year, the price has increased by more than 40%. they became interested in the crazy rise in price top and rolled out several measures at once. antimonopoly officers advised networks to moderate their appetites and not increase more than 5% of profits. the prosecutor general instructed all regional
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prosecutors to check exactly what the price consists of. the state duma proposed to do this. a social product , it’s strange, by the way, that it is still not on this list, in general, economic departments have been given homework, and they are now hatching other ideas on how else to reduce the cost of a valuable product ; even noodles won’t be too cheap, 200 rubles per serving, no, there is no point in running to stock up on glasses, for now we are only talking about a new type of noodles that is about to appear in many stores... because it is made from cricket flour. at the all-russian exhibition of agricultural products , one russian manufacturer announced that he had developed a recipe. logiy passed all the checks, produced a batch within 2 weeks and put instant cricket noodles on store shelves on marketplaces . the target audience, fans
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of asian cuisine, free from prejudices, apparently, the new product is being prepared just like any other noodles-minute, pour a packet of spices into a glass with noodles, pour boiling water, but cricket fast food is advertised as healthier, the protein in insect flour is twice as much, they say, than in chicken... breast, and the iron is twice as much, than in beef liver, the benefits of which product cannot be doubted, this is turkey, here are steaks from indi light, perfectly cut pieces of juicy turkey fillet, rich in protein, minerals and vitamins, they are very easy to cook, a little oil for grilling steaks, cut fruits with vegetables, seasoning, steak grilled with persimmon and avocado salad is ready. indite in favor of happiness. however, cricket fast food already has ardent window fans. superhero, figure skater roman
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kostomarov, who lost his hands and feet during a serious illness, said that this super snack is very good with beer. true, this snack may not have time to appear on the menu of beer taps. many of them may simply close soon. when... in stores they banned the sale of alcohol at night, this ban did not affect catering establishments, they say if you want to have a cultural drink, then you can in a bar and cafe, but throughout russia, in almost every residential building , there have been a proliferation of outlets whose operating format is either a mini-market, where they sell beer on tap until sunset, or baars, where drinking alcohol from dusk to dawn is a bit cramped, but you can take it out in an unclosed container , poured into a glass, go drink on a bench or in the entrance or under a tree, and residents who want to sleep at night... and not listen to drunken songs, swearing at rowdies, the law cannot really protect them, these liqueurs are legal, they even have a license not needed for the sale of weak alcohol, deputies now have to disentangle
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the results of a seemingly correct initiative with the help of a new law. regions are given the right to limit the time of alcohol sales in apartment buildings, that is , in order to close these liqueur shops, the region will simply have the opportunity to ban sales there at night, for example, from 2:00 a.m., and by that time everyone should have gone home and, probably, you still need to sleep at home at night with your family and children, in an amicable way, well, to put it bluntly, you need such the establishments are a nightmare and there’s nothing terrible about it, there’s definitely no pressure on business here, because after all, this is a completely asocial business. it’s surprising that in 15 years in russia they began to drink half as much alcohol, and megacities, small towns and villages are dotted with bars. which look like a rotten trifle from the nineties, but i can’t stand them anymore, not because of the format, but because it is through such liqueurs that
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counterfeit products are leaked, small productions that do not have counters on the conveyor to record the number bottles and cans, they secretly brew unfermented, watery, unaccounted for accelerated technology with taste and color improvers. which is sold without an excise markup to just such bottlers, if in stores only every tenth bottle is of dubious quality, then in such establishments 8 liters out of ten are fake, these are dry statistical data, believe me, accept it, it’s not for nothing that the drink called mr. cider, mixed with stolen, poisonous , methyl alcohol, which killed 30 people, was sold through such drinking shops, of course, not everyone needs to be closed, but filter to crystal transparency
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, yes, and now for the new year, no, not yet for the new year, for the new guest, congratulations, he was accepted for sprats, adding a document, this little fish, caspian sprat, because every year russian fishermen catch there is 15 thousand tons more of it, we have to put it somewhere, but who will buy canned food with such a nondescript name, it’s another matter, i open sprats. bank you hear the chimes. well, it turns out that it was officially allowed to be added to
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canned food in which it used to be. only swam sprat from the cold baltic, this sprat from warm waters, but for some reason many brands are embarrassed by this truth, and let’s check the canned food from these brands: five seas, sea rainbow, fish menu, captain of tastes, fishhouse, bars, russian fish world, in what canned food, such a very offensive trick, in which sprat is honest, but only chokes in the broth, according to the law, sprats can be made from baltic sprat,
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north sea sprat. black sea sprat, caspian sprat, also called sprat. and baltic herring she is serdbaltic. and, of course, the manufacturer is obliged to honestly write on the labels about what kind of fish dived in the jar. but in companies where they sell rainbow sprats , fishhouse, the russian fish world, as it turned out, they brazenly say that the jars contain baltic sprat. in fact, there are 239 in these and... and in fact, there are 239 inside. in addition, there is a lot of broth in the canned captain of taste.
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so now i’ll give you a hint about what our consumer supervision has dug up from my team, then we’ll continue the commercial break for a couple of minutes, don’t switch which sprat producers he packs them into jars with all his heart, in which country were the first sprats prepared, why are they sometimes placed belly up, how much money such knowledge gives, then the veil, and a cheap spice helps with a hangover better than expensive pharmacy ones. means: how do doctors themselves restore stellar art? reduces intoxication and reduces the rate of alcohol absorption. cashios, pistachios, walnut kernels must be cracked before eating, who could be hiding in them? watch what you eat! do caterpillars nest in these candies? how to choose a sweet gift without a nasty surprise? this is a seriously life-threatening reaction! grandas sausage and...
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hello, you have called the editorial office of the year-end program with vladimir putin. vladimir vladimirovich, please tell me, results of the year with vladimir putin, on december 14 at 12:00, the president will answer questions from citizens and journalists live, media representatives will gather in the program studio, and you can ask your question now through the moscowdefisputinu website. ru by phone 8800-240-40 or via sms to number 04040 show
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avatar - new season today at 20:20 on ntv. do we take out loans, is it easy to apply for? we are at sofcom bank. we take loans. was it approved quickly? we are at sofcombank. loans that everyone knows. descend to a depth of 3,000 m. look at russia from the altitude of satellite flight. feel the cold of permafrost, share the joy of sports victories and scientific discoveries and find yourself at home. take an unusual virtual journey spanning millions of years and thousands of kilometers in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition and forum russia moscow vdnkh from november 4, 2023 to april 12, 2024 . crime drama with zhora kryzhovnikova about the late eighties, when no one
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had money. but there was a word, i will teach you to love the street, a boy’s word, blood on the asphalt, new products, magical conditions, real rate, 15.5% per annum on a savings account in gazprombank, your money works, and you get additional income, withdraw and top up at any moment, apply online at, gazprombank - time to make your dreams come true. celebrate the new year with vk, here you can set the mood with one new year's playlist. congratulate loved ones via vk calls, even when you’re not at all ready for it. take off an unforgettable moment in vk clips that you want to share with everyone and greet midnight with a flurry of congratulations in the messenger vkontakte, vk, we’re celebrating the new year together,
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how are you, i have a cold, i’m even on the nose, we can handle it together, but first and booklin, two components strengthen each other, acting against heat and pain. that's it, together we gave in strength. double power. and booklin is double strength against heat and pain. highsens tvs offer bright pictures and surround sound. this is a realistic image that excites the imagination. haisens - technologies, life changing. you take out credit cards, transfer debts to the bank and pay off them conveniently. avatar show, new season. today at 20:20 on ntv. attention, notice. faith helps us live, because we so need the support of the patron saints, one of the most revered heavenly patrons, st. nicholas the wonderworker, millions of people turn to him
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for help in prayer to ask for protection for themselves and their loved ones. today, especially , each of us needs holy intercessors and patrons. the imperial mint is proud to present. medal in honor st. nicholas the wonderworker, order a medal of the patron saint st. nicholas the wonderworker, the medal is absolutely free for you, subject to payment of postage packaging of 299 rubles. call the specified phone number or order on the website saintchutvorets.rf, the medal is covered with pure silver and made in the highest quality of coinage, call right now, the call is free. meeting place with. tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. grandfather frost, give me a cornfield. vadik.
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vadik? yes, your gift, keep it. in addition, the canned food has a captain of taste, there is too much broth, in an amicable way, there should be 3/4 of the fish in the jar, so that the fish in the jar are closer to each other, thus reducing the risk of damage to the appearance of the fish during transportation, but in the jar the captain tastes of sprat a little more than half, 63%. there are five seas and a leopard in the cans, and there is also little fish. the only people who didn’t spare it were the fish menu company; in the counterfeit jars, they didn’t even count the proportions of fish broth. as a result, if you have already bought any of these cans, you should not throw them away, these canned foods, like all others,
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are safe, you just need to understand that they are not sprats, in the future these brands do not deserve our sponsorship, but truly value their reputation and respect customers at the factory where they prepare... the prot fish menu. and the best part is that our consumer supervision is not only important up-to-date information that helps save the family budget and choose quality goods and services. those who apply this knowledge can earn extra money. hello, my name is alek solntsev, ntv channel, our program is health and safety supervision. we saw that. you have a lot of shopping, if you spend 20-25 minutes with us , answering five questions, then i am sure that you will now get all the money back, why not, why not, class, i support, can you show a receipt for your purchases, to what
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amount did you purchase today, 9,762 rubles, yeah, we’ll round this check to 10,000, this will be the prize fund that you can return. if you answer five, i think, simple questions, if you watch the program, for each question we will return 2,000 rubles. questions are dedicated to sprats like you do you belong to sprats? very positive. are they here, unfortunately not, because there are spares at home, of course, we recently bought them yesterday, yes, yes, yes, great, first question, in this country they first started preparing an analogue of modern shrouds in oil, is it latvia or norway, it seems to me , that this is norway, well, yes, norway, although the name looks more like norway is a country of fish, unlike latvia, yes, although... there is a sprat plant in latvia?
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the first soviet plant sprat is located in riga, but not the first in the world, probably i don’t i know, i know that it is the first soviet , the largest so far, i was there, latvia, i didn’t guess, to my husband, then i give the right to vote to latvia, let it be, and that’s right, well , you see, how great, good, now concentrate, since you eat them regularly, you need the image to pop up in your memory as soon as you open the jar. there are fish lying there, gutted or not, in my opinion, no, or gutted, you remember, and then you open it, then there’s a veil, yes, then that’s it, and there’s nothing, i don’t remember anything, no, no, we remembered, i remember opening it, but i don’t remember what happened next, here we are unanimous in the answer, they are gutted, now i’ll look at the photo on the internet, wait, photos of sprats, gutted
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or not, well , it looks like no, yes no, of course not gutted, no, sprats in general, they are part of a large family of fish, their closest relative, sprat, one of these fish, this is anchovy or tuna, anchovy, exactly anchovy, anchovy, they are so small. yes, anchovy. if you had sprats and anchovies lying in front of you now, we would hardly be able to tell the difference between them. well, that's why that they are such close relatives. hamsa, sprat, sprat, anchovy. simply anchovy is caught in the mediterranean sea. and he simply does not live with us. yes. this is the correct answer. i congratulate you. yes. great. we told you about anchovy and found out that it is a relative of sprat. but.
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if you answer, still give you the bank
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in full, ask a question, but if you don’t answer, then only half, apparently ask for gambling, okay, exactly, deal, exactly, exactly, sprats, i don’t know if this will surprise you or not, have two types of styling in banks, winter and summer, sometimes with her back up, and sometimes with her belly up, so when she is laid with her tummy up, we will assume that in the summer she is laid with her belly up to warm the sun, sunshine, i don’t really like the associative series should have worked, i don’t like that i want you to lose, you are so wonderful, well, we feel it and we lose, in general, the point is that in the summer sprats, sprat... they swim in warm water, because of this they need to move a little less,
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because because of this, she gains a little more fat, and if she is laid belly down, then her in a jar, her tummy will burst, so they put her tummy up, that's right, great! thank you very much, by the way, for those who like fatter sprats, here you can focus not on the fact that you buy it in the summer when it was rolled up in a jar, we now know a lot about sprats.
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then the degree lowered the fact that this cannot be done, by the way, a myth, because by changing the places of the terms, the amount of alcohol in the body does not change, but be that as it may, the number of people suffering from a hangover in russia this year is breaking all records, they say so sale anti-hangover remedies, which... were sold out one and a half times more than last year, and such a surge is not at all due to the fact that russians began to go on binge drinking more often, it’s just that, according to statistics, they began to buy alcohol cheaper, and it makes the head buzz more, ringing
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louder in the ears, but doctors have doubts that some dietary supplements help, take, for example, the intoxicating hit succinic acid, it sounds elegant, only succinic acid is produced in the body itself and completely free of charge, and there is also a lot of it in sauerkraut, so does she need to stock up? before the new year holidays or not, what recipe for a home remedy for a hangover do professional toxicologists advise you to remember and... scientists from england advise you to stock up, who, by the way, drink no less, even much more, than in russia, do all these droppers help and in general, in short, what to do,
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in england it was believed that every second resident spends on... compared to 43% of those who took a placebo. i also bought myself a bottle of clove extract. these headlines do not
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surprise indonesians. in the homeland of carnations knowledge about its healing properties is passed on from generation to generation. there are a lot of vitamins that help cure colds, headaches , stomach pain, and it helps with everything. the most valuable substance in cloves. eugenol is a powerful antioxidant; it is what gives the buds their tart taste. by the way, mulled wine and ginger cookies smell like eugenol, and in general it is recognized as one of the main aromas of the new year after tangerine and pine. but eugenol is especially appreciated by dentists. this is an important component of toothpastes, and it is also added. ointments and gels for gums. the main properties of vgenol are antimicrobial activity and antiseptic activity. 90% of alcohol that enters the bloodstream is processed in the liver with the help of special enzymes. it takes about an hour to break down one unit of alcohol, which is about 10 g. ethyl alcohol goes through several
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stages of breakdown, including oxidation and transformation into acetaldehyde, a strong toxic substance that disrupts the function. proteins, reduces the ability of hemoglobin to carry oxygen, slows down metabolism, this in the morning after a feast weakness and headache are caused, but if at this moment efgenol enters the body, which is a pro-oxidant and actually causes damage to tissue cells, then the liver’s work accelerates, because in addition to acetaldehyde, now you also need to remove the toxic clove extract, trying to get rid of it by the liver faster removes vinegar. aldehyde, thereby reducing the consequences of libation, however, such intensive work is only possible for a healthy organ. therefore, the anti-hangover benefits of cloves. well, this one with an asterisk, maybe that’s why it’s not included in the branded actress mariniv’s remedies, if
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you happened to try this the day before, then there is a better way, well, i’ve already tested it on myself , but for a hangover, pour a raw egg with tomato juice plus 10 drops of table vinegar, not tasty, very effective, but raw eggs, toxicologists explain , can only help before or during drinking. an egg, like butter, like other, so to speak, fatty foods, it envelops the gastric mucosa, and accordingly, intoxication occurs much later, but eggs do not contain the substances necessary for the body during a hangover, and in their raw form. they can be infected with dangerous bacteria , salmonella... when alcohol breaks down
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, acids are formed and we thereby add more acid, if we use vinegar, here is cucumber pickle, doctors explain, saturated with onones of potassium, sodium, magnesium and quickly restores the balance of the liquid, the main thing is not to confuse the brine with the marinade, which again consists... of vinegar, but if the correct brine is not at hand, you can follow the pharmacologist to mix a cocktail at a cost of about 3 rubles, but replenishing everything valuable that the body has lost due to alcohol intoxication. this is the last very necessary pause, because at the end the most important, unexpected thing, in order to assimilate this, you need a break, to warm up, to think about it, that’s what i’ll tell you after the commercial. of what? prepare an anti-hangover cocktail at home, the famous succinic acid, salvation or pacifier. cashews, pistachios, walnut kernels
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must be cracked before being eaten, who could be hiding in them? watch what you eat, do caterpillars nest in these candies? how to choose a sweet gift without nasty surprise? this is a seriously life-threatening reaction. the legend returns, the same one. 100% malt baltika 3 non-alcoholic for pensioners in sberbank free sbercard, favorable deposit rate, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount, transfer pension to sberbank, online or in a branch. lev shumelov, a vocation to an entertainer, formulated for himself the law of preserving emotions, the law of flexible balancing. emotions on stage and emotions in the auditorium. the modest charm of valery afanasyev. what kind of ride do you have, a glass of tea
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from a lemon, that’s it, be simpler, people will reach out to you. and the main lyceum student of the country is anastasia makarevich. after my dad passed away, i continued it, our business, but to be honest, i can’t even imagine my life without the lyceum group. one day, today at 14:05 on ntv. avatar show - new season today at 20:20 on ntv. and also a lubik cube, a needle attachment and a putter. will santa claus handle all this? will pull. with a new year's loan from post bank there is enough for everything. well, where is your list? come for the money. post bank. i help with liver problems. i, sns.
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it’s good that the apartment is insured with a favorable policy of protection for any case from sberbank, if you don’t have the right brine at hand, you can repeat it after the pharmacologist... to make a cocktail at a cost of about 3 rubles. six tablespoons of sugar, spoons of salt and soda, a liter of boiled water at room temperature. sodium ions, and calcium ions, which are contained in soda in salt. and sugar contains glucose, which is a necessary component that is also lost during intoxication. a person needs to consume in the following proportions: 10 ml per
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kilogram of weight. experts also approve of pickled cabbage brine and cabbage itself; in addition to probiotics, salts and minerals, this dish contains a special succinic acid, which, by the way, is prescribed in every second anti-hangover remedy. intaric acid, it really improves metabolic processes and promotes faster elimination of alcohol from the body, thanks to increased work of cellular metabolism. correspondent anya kersanova tried to find studies proving the effectiveness of succinic acid, but only got a headache. on foreign medical resources, on russian ones, there is no evidence that succinic acid helps with a hangover. however, maybe they just didn’t find volunteers, because many people are happy to drink, but they experience hangovers of their own free will,
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i don’t know who will sign up, even for the sake of science. however, this remedy has been known for so long that research probably hasn’t we were puzzled, but there was no headache from years of registration and no nausea from constant restrictions on advertising and sales. life is much easier with bud, and their selection is huge, as well as the range of prices, available for 76 rubles. for almost 900, but it’s not the price that decides - the doctors assure you, but the coincidence of the symptoms with the composition: if you have a headache, then you need to look for acetylsalicylic acid or ibuprofen, and if you feel like you’ve been poisoned, then you need sorbents, that’s right, vasily, the headache can be relieved with any analgesic , adsorbents are good in the first hours, when they prevent absorption of poison from the intestinal lumen. the main thing is that among the painkillers,
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doctors warn, there is no paracitamol. hangover, it increases the toxic effect on the liver, rattlesnake, alcohol, medicine and also paracetamol to get out of a hangover, at least it should be either profen. also, as dozens of clinics promise , an iv will help you get rid of a hangover in a matter of minutes, and a specialist will come with it straight to your home. correspondent katya tiho and director of the evidence-based medicine clinic, doctor alexey paromonov, they set up an ambush to find out the recipes for anti-hangover cocktails. i ’ll now start doing it a little at a time, there it can’t be there at 0, 0.2, as she would
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a little without a doctor’s prescription droperidol, a powerful drug , which has been discontinued, and a drug that can cause fatal arrhythmias, extrapyramidal disorders, many people practice from a steam room in the bathhouse and sauna, large portions of coffee, but doctors explain that it’s also not worth doing this. suddenly fall into spasm, thereby worsening the condition a person, that is, his blood pressure rises, which without this, so to speak , would make him sick, there are hundreds of remedies that promise to get rid of a hangover, but before
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you buy and take it, you need to understand what exactly needs treatment, doctors insist that the most effective method - this means knowing when to stop with alcohol and snacks, on the quality and selection of which your health depends most strongly. and now it’s time to return to the topic of unpleasant living creatures in fruits, vegetables, nuts, we have already found out that fruit flies in in hot india or vietnam, they often lay eggs in cucumbers, inside which they travel all over the world, to russia too, so i took a bite of it, it seemed to me that it was a little dry and cut, these are all worms, they find larvae. these migrants tolerate relocation well, which is why it is important to wash imported fruits, explains the disinfection specialist. there may be hundreds
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of fly eggs left on them, which go into suspended animation in the cold, warm up in the warmth and larvae can hatch from them, and keep the foreign harvest, experts warn, just in case case, it's better in the refrigerator. we immediately serve some of them to the table, and the rest... we put them in the refrigerator for long-term storage, by the way, raspberries have nothing to do here either, they go into the refrigerator, and when purchasing , even in the pre-new year bustle, it is important to inspect each fruit, fruit, a strong worm-eaten is guaranteed by a specialist rosselkhoznadzor will definitely give themselves away, a fruit infected with fly larvae already has signs of damage and loses its presentation, another thing is nuts or similar snacks, which are often mistakenly called nuts, pine pine seeds, almonds, pistachios, in one pistachio there were three worms, and i had already found six there before, or suddenly, cashews are also infected, watch what you eat,
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you won’t notice the pests until you break them, and they infect the crop not at all on plantations , because , for example, fresh cashews contain poison, urushiol, and the pistachio tree repels insects with a natural insecticide, rare essential oil, in general, it is not easy for insects to get inside the fruits of these plants on farms. it’s a different matter in warehouses where the harvest has already been harvested. moths live on almost any olekhas, which are stored in reserves. and it seems that snacks eaten by moth larvae, although disgusting, are hardly dangerous. but an immunologist at an international clinic advises those, for example, who are allergic to seafood, to treat worm-producing products with the utmost caution.
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for elderly patients and patients with immunodeficiency, therefore, although some nuts cost three times more than meat, doctors insist that if they find such living creatures, even in just one nut it is better to get rid of the entire pack, in confectionery factories from plant ingredients, larvae can move into cakes, cookies, candies, yes, with meat, wow, bon appetit on... it’s called, there’s a worm, i open
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the next candy, here’s a worm, i don’t want to open it any harder, because i really it’s scary to avoid this in this company from the moscow region of reutov cashews from a new batch, so they scan necessarily by splitting them, because inside the kernel we can find larvae, or insect passages, or the insects themselves. neither living nor dead were found, so yes, such investigations may result in phobia and paranoia, but they again prove that food requires the care of both those who prepare it and those who buy it, and on weekdays from monday to friday.
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watch the most important, bright and useful investigations of our consumer supervision on the air of the morning program, the best, don’t miss it, she once appointed her stepfather as her natural father, to whom she owes her life. one day, a timid mathematician stepped onto the stage and remained king on it. lev shmelov, an outstanding entertainer, a ninety-three-year-old master of words and meanings. we must address not only the mind and not only to the soul of the audience, but to their subconscious. hello, comrades, i wish you good health, comrade. people's artist is 75 years old, he once
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told the story of his life, alone at night, the sky, a dog and such a wolf, once, once, once, once, once, once a television history magazine about famous people and significant events, i am sergei mayorov, hello! anastasia makarevich, constant leader of the lyceum group. next year, together with her friends , the forty-five-year-old star will celebrate the thirty-third anniversary of the women's song team with guitars. it’s difficult to imagine very adult girls on stage with a hit about autumn-autumn. that's why fans discuss rumors. about the possible
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breakup of the group, will anastasia makarevich start a solo career or decide to fish?


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