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tv   Zvezdi soshlis  NTV  December 10, 2023 11:10pm-12:41am MSK

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the stars have aligned. today immediately after the avatar show on ntv. we beg you to sing again today, maybe then the nightingale. nightingale, when i still succeed, when i still sing the words. fuck you, it’s simply unrealistic.
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i bathe all night, my sanamy, sanamy, vociferous, salavey, salavey, mine, salavey, zaladilove. i’m off scale, off scale, the notes are just crystal notes and sounds.
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overpayments. petelenka - pure products without harmful additives. meeting point, tomorrow at 14:00. 0 on ntv. i live with my grandmother, so maybe say every second child. how can famous parents find a middle ground and raise their children without falling out of favor? let's discuss it today. why is tatyana vasilyeva checking her grandson’s phone? and most of all, i'm afraid that i won't recognize something. or i'll find out when it's too late. restrictive methods don't work. this is nomsons, this.
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children and grandchildren quarreled over the apartment of actress raisa maksimova, i can’t understand it, you understand, i’m starting to mine, i believe that there is some kind of morality, conscience, they are probably thinking of selling it and dividing it up, the most interesting thing right now, grisha, you moved to your grandmother in russia, yes, how often do you see tanya, well, about three times a week, plus or minus three times, i come to my grandmother after school. it turns out, i’m eating cheesecakes, i’m helping , tanya, here, only cheesecakes, what else does your grandmother feed you, scrambled eggs, here, well, stop , no, no, tell me, tell me, don’t, don’t stop, the soup, tea makes me
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very tasty , what else can you say, tanya is bothering you, well, for example, after a tour, she always brings me different things, for example, trousers, some kind of jackets, different things, everything that you’re wearing right now, whether your grandmother bought it or not , well, not everything, no, not everything really, well, for example, this is what my grandmother gave me, this jacket, but sometimes this happens, grandma will bring something, and you, well, don’t really like it, but out of respect for grandma, out of love, you have to wear it, it seems to me that it happens to everyone , well, it happens, yes, sometimes women’s things, i mean, what women’s things, well which seem, well , it seems to tanya, that they are masculine, although now they are a lot of unisex. like that, you know, well there were such shorts, and here there were such tights, well, that is, such, no, this is not true, shorts, and under the shorts there were also such , well, knitted ones, like that, they are for men, by the way, of course, all men are wearing
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this they do it for sports, for sports, tatyana, and you give pocket money to grisha, well, of course, he has pocket money, he saves it, for his birthday, what else to give? money, everyone gives money, so he has already accumulated a good amount, by the way, grisha, how much has the secret accumulated, well, approximately 40,000, oh, well, good, it’s all tanya sponsoring you. but no, tanya gave me 10,000, but 30,000 there - well, friends gave me - and dad gave it, like, tatyana, can you say no to your grandson’s request? no, well, if it doesn’t make any sense at all, of course, well, it may not make sense for you, for him it does, yes, but now i also think about it, of course, because i can’t, i’m actually a dictator in the family, when was the last time they refused and about what, well, now we were making a very important decision, for grisha, for grisha’s future, he he studies, well, in a german school
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, so as not to lose the language, and he is there, well , well done, he studies well, he has been in russia for a year, in general , no one has any complaints about him, including me regarding his studies, but here he is he loves sports very much, he loves basketball, he loves boxing, and also quite successfully, and in order to practice professionally, go to the cska club, yes, there is such an opportunity, then... to leave this school, at first grisha really wanted there, and i didn’t sleep at night, i thought and asked one saint to give me the right solution, he gave me, we’re staying in this school, we train there, because , you know, all the kids want to, they start playing sports and they think that here’s a star, just a little bit, now you’re a star, but what will it be like, you’ll be a minor basketball player and lose your education, you know? ? without practice, he will quickly leave, that is, school will remain, and basketball, yes, basketball, who
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else spoils their grandchildren, raise your hands, here in our studio, there’s a forest of hands, nikolai, how valuable you are, i just can’t refuse him, he firstly, he is a good boy, he is very disciplined, there is everything to say when there is an opportunity to pamper him with something, well, ice cream, of course, all these things are there, so he also practices boxing with me. it’s like, even though he’s still 8 years old, the coach comes and works with him individually, grandpa, i want a punching bag, bought him a punching bag, bought him gloves, that is, so that everything would be real there, well, i think that the parents let them keep you strict, but let your grandparents pamper you. sash, your grandchildren are allowed everything, but what can be allowed if one has two, and...
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that’s why it’s so difficult for me to compare, but this it’s somehow strange to compare, because in terms of me, my dad showed himself, it seems to me, 100%, even 200%, alexander, what gifts do you give to mia, makar, i give, to be honest, cash gifts, and we ourselves figure it out , what do we need, that is, wait, we’ve never bought a toy, what is this, well, a kindergarten, some horses, a kindergarten, but they’re small, this is a kindergarten, that’s it. i told my dad, it’s better with money, because we have a carload of toys, and the children are growing, we always need something seasonally, especially from
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clothes, something misha, and dad throws what sums on the children, we are modest people, there is enough for toys, well enough, enough for everything, for toys and for clothes, in general the amounts are not modest, as i understand it, yes alexander, well tell me, what is the amount per month, half a million, oh, it’s not like toys, listen, this is a good grandfather. ask michelle, no, so do you, mi, when did i forget, my head isn’t
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working anyway, the same numbers, give me 28, month, yes, september 28, yes, what year, that’s exactly when covid, and i was sick with covid then, so i apologize, the twentieth, when the birthday is, accordingly, in 2 years, then there was no covid, i must remember. i came to my senses after the eighth month, what is the second month, february, and what year, what year, too, 22 22 is it good to blame everything on covid, right? well, he doesn’t come very often, because they live in one dacha, i live in another, so the distance is long, traffic jams are big, it’s hard to travel, but sometimes i come, sometimes i come, yes, well, let’s say my husband and i are leaving for a vacation, i ask dad, so that he would visit them with the nannies, how they spent their time there, he
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well, the last time we visited was in the summer, oh, somewhere, probably at the end of summer. is it you to them or the grandchildren to you? no, i came there, can you read a fairy tale, play with them in the sandbox? no , well, there’s definitely a sandbox on the territory, well, you and your children, yes, no, with your grandchildren, well , you played with the children, but what sandboxes did you play in, it’s not strange, no, well, all sorts of easter cakes, cars, tunnels, well, that’s it, that’s it, yes, sasha, to what extent can you be left alone with the children and is it even possible? michelle, the nanny, has left, what... for example, god forbid, well, she’s also on vacation or somewhere else, maybe they scatter in different directions, how long will it take you? yes, of course, you can do this somewhere in the yard, if you have a large, large area, fenced off with a fence, you can approach, so to speak, he ran there,
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she ran there, that’s understandable, but the fact is that in any case you will appear, that i, well, well, i’m different, he shows his feelings differently, i have a different life, but my love for them is limitless, i constantly send him videos or photos, i send everything to my dad, and he, oh, calls back right away, oh , what a cool sofa, how great they are, the kids are sitting, how obedient and good, oh, what about michka, what did the makarschik do, and how did they do it, that is, he is so interested, and you mean i bought everything for them, and you have all this, and you play with them? you play with them more , well, that is, he is very straightforward, he always calls in a kind way, yes, it’s clear with grandpa michel, here’s your husband, mia and makar’s dad, you can leave him alone with the children, of course, yes, he manages everything, everything , of course, well, to the maximum, when he’s at home, when he’s not working, he’s at home, he’s he tries to somehow interact , participate, without a nanny, how much he can bear,
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if he has a nanny, he can handle it, he is such a handy, economical person, so i don’t even doubt that he has everything. the nanny controls everything , you can’t do without a nanny, because otherwise she will be completely chained, and not the same, another world with the same weather, well, i can’t say, i communicate with him less, so to speak, but in relation to children, of course, certainly there is him, because they were flying away, they were all leaving
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together, to austria, to turkey, all together, and there was such decent attention. you still control the nannies, you just handed out , remember, these reflective vests, but this is not in terms of controlling the nannies, but in controlling the children, just so that the nanny, so to speak, was equipped, to control the nannies, which i simply recommend to everyone who has small children, there, who are two, three, they are driven there by nannies or parents in strollers, wear vests, why, because the cars go
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as fast as possible, so she wrote in this that she is now divorcing her husband, yes okay, yes, he writes something that he’s getting a divorce, well , that’s their problem, they haven’t lived for 10 years, so are you glad? i don’t care, this person betrayed me, i can’t forgive , you know, that’s all, that’s why we have a difficult relationship, it turns out that i’m not very happy
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that she will communicate with children, i don’t really like it, but michelle there she decides for herself, and michelle, you personally communicate with your mother often, at different times, like everyone else, we communicate, that is, there are some misunderstandings, and that’s why, accordingly. already ours meeting, after all, this is important for me , understand me, from the point of view of grandchildren who are growing up, on their grandchildren’s birthday, will grandparents sit at the table together or not, no, we won’t let her in, don’t let her, nikolai, grandson lives with you, yes, we all live in the same house, yes, you withstand the children's regime like this, oh, i struggle with him, he, he goes to bed very late, this is always a problem. go to bed so that we don’t talk, the children follow our example, if we need to talk, i myself go to bed at 4-5 in the morning, he looks at me too, well, put me to bed
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him at 12 - it’s very difficult, he sometimes falls asleep at 13, when he gets up for school, he gets up like this and i think he loves animals very much, he loves all kinds of insects, he once brought a snake home, i say where, i’m terrified of them, i say where, grandfather? okay, grandpa, i see you are uncomfortable, i ’ll take her, he took her somewhere to the forest there and so on, why can you scold your granddaughter? the last time, for example, this summer he took it, went for a walk with friends, didn’t warn anyone, we woke up back and forth, there was no child, but he came and of course, he hit
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full program, but he is a sane person, that’s why we talked to him so toughly, sternly, like a man, he promised not to do this again, didn’t do it again, until, you just showed it like that, you can give him a belt, well, no, there’s no belt , in fact, i even spanked my daughter once in my life. for which television is to blame, they came to us and said: let your children sing little chastushki, i began to learn three ditties with her, i said: well , let’s not do any of them, and she was simply enraged to death, then i could no longer restrain myself and there a couple of times the belt gave, as they say, but there’s nothing to it, excuse me, well, i have a question for the whole studio, who else uses the educational element of the belt in the old fashioned way? i would really like to, but i can’t, i had this happen a long time ago, when my daughter skipped school, and we found out that she went to the cinema, my grandmother said,
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we need to punish her, and that’s the only time i did it, but then i cried, well, i’m growing up too i sobbed, then i don’t know how and asked her for forgiveness, well, okay, everyone feels sorry for the grandchildren, but for the children, but you don’t feel sorry for the children, you don’t feel sorry for the children, right? like this, my hand hung for a long time, you see, this was the last blow, yes , the last blow in my life, i realized that everything was connected with this, and it would get worse,
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so no, well, this is certainly not a method, of course, although i received very good things from my parents, but not with a belt, and with a towel rolled up, it’s very painful, a waffle towel twisted on both sides, tied and on the legs, well, by the way, i know what i can say, my dad spanked me with a rubber belt twice in my life for lying. i swear, i don’t know how to lie at all, i don’t lie at all, this method, of course, it’s instantaneous, you you’ll forget it anyway, well, you haven’t forgotten, but you, well, look, they spanked me twice, it ’s clear that he didn’t beat me directly, it’s clear that he could barely touch me there, naturally, because my father loved me madly , but it was precisely this fear of this that i remembered for the rest of my life, these feelings of punishment, yes.
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to some local lunapark in the city of segezha in kareli, well, we lost track of time, we were playing some kind of sea battle there, we’re going back, it’s already getting dark, it’s started to rain heavily, so i’m on my way on my bike and i look, in front of me is a very familiar figure, this is my dad, he put my bike on the trunk of me on the frame, i still remember his heavy breathing, how he stood over me,
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how they stood me as a child on peas , you know, it’s a nightmare, it’s still very much, until now, when you started talking about these punishments, i remember kneeling on peas, by the way, we learned to defend ourselves, when i messed up, i remember at school there or bad mark, i always hid narrow belts, hung wide ones and put on two pants, only then does it mean that it was ever used for educational purposes? no, i’ve never used a belt, i generally think that the father of children should not use physical force. my mother whipped me the only time, at one time, i was six years old, they found tobacco from cigarettes in my pocket, which means my mother... my grandmother
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stopped her, and my mother used a belt on me, which means i never used this, although physically ivan is like this, yes, when he especially starts to attack his mother, but he started, now he has matured, wiser, become kind, well it’s as if dad didn’t punish him, just like that, no , just like dad can punish you, but for me there was only one punishment, i had to do my homework, they forced me there , let’s say, just sit down, sit until i fell asleep, let’s say
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we decided to kill him , you’re kidding, i’m an accident, they’ll burn him and what, kesha should die, why look now only at kion. ozone, zones, zones, ozone, zones, zones, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, buy everything with ozone, and teach a new dress to give a smartphone, final sales, ringing, azon, zones, zones, final amazon sale of the year. naked diamond duds for 1999, bandijuly organic polka dots for 949, robot vacuum cleaner for 39.99. legendary credit card.
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33% discount on pipind cat litter, up to 30% discount on frutannya baby food. who collected so much deshira kvisti? us, because it is 15% larger than regular noodles, and it also contains 10 times more vegetables. doshirak kvisti. the choice is obvious. and also a lubik cube, a game console and a hockey stick. and santa claus will handle it all. will pull. with a new year's loan from post bank there is enough for everything. well and where is your list? come for the money. post bank. ozone, zone, zone, ozone, zone, zone, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, buy everything on ozone. final sale of the year on ozone. shine brighter with up to 75% off jewelry and ready-to-wear looks. give a chance to a billion with the new year's edition of tickets starting from 100 lotto. i
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demand that the banquet be continued. straight up, fabulously delicious. a loan with cashback from sber is even more opportunities, because every month you will get 2% of the rate back with sber bonuses, thank you, hurry up to get a loan with cashback, it’s more profitable in a savings account with prime, the stars have come together to show their grandchildren, people’s artist of russia tatyana. vasilyeva returned her youngest grandson grisha from germany, where his mother, actress anastasia begunova, took him and his brother ivan. i come to my grandmother after school, it turns out, i eat cheesecakes and help tanya. a thirteen-year-old teenager settled
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with his dad in the center of moscow. grisha vasiliev furnished his room in a discreet german style, with a desk, a couple of wardrobes, a bed, a tv and a horizontal bar. i myself wanted to go in for sports, but my dad thinks it’s mine. is not gym, a loving grandmother brings suitcases of clothes for her grandson from a tour, grisha’s dad philip is responsible for the shoes, only he knows where to get fashionable sneakers in size forty-eight, for example, these are my dad used to wear them, they cost him money, it turns out, so i got it. tatyana, by the way, for the sake of your grandchildren you communicate with everyone, i would communicate with everyone, but on the one hand there is no such desire.
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she’s not worth it at all, as a result, i agreed with her, in your opinion, philip is raising your grandchildren correctly, you in general you interfere with upbringing, yes, especially since i am aware of everything, every day begins with a call from philip, i know everything that happened, i start talking, before perhaps i would have been more harsh and somehow tried to avoid this topic move away, but now no, now i’ve learned to talk. how do you like it in general at a moscow school, well, in general, i ’m happy with everything, everything is excellent, my grades there
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are good, better than germany, yes, yes, better, yes, and what makes the people better is much, much better, the teachers are also good, there with they're working on me, remember the time when grisha just came to school there, the teacher... the class teacher said to him: well, read something to us from geina. grisha could not understand who he was, living in germany and having studied until the seventh grade, gay, and there the education is bad, but here, here he has... already this gay just recites by heart, you know, in huge works, a completely different education, it’s just that we don’t even understand what kind of education we have, and it’s free, in germany they teach differently, yes, yes, differently, yes, they treat children more indifferently, there is such a program, everything about how they live, what kind of parents they are, there is no such topic at all, children are children, here are 12 years old, 16 years old, what subjects have difficulties. here in moscow, here is mathematics and the russian language
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, when i came here, it was actually very difficult, since such a topic, that is, we now have a topic on the graph of a function, i’m not very good at this, but my grandmother said, you have problems with the multiplication tables there were, well, well, not that there were such big problems, now everything is fine, yes, everything is fine now, 7.8, how many, 7.8 equals 56, well done, tan, grisha has already adjusted to life in russia in moscow, yes, of course, it was easy for him to adjust, because he wanted to live here. always , he only wanted to come here, he hated this germany , you know, well, these are the circumstances, he ended up there, he would never go there, why did he hate it, that’s what i didn’t like so much, yes, in principle, i didn’t like everything there, but first of all, it’s because i wanted to live with my dad, of course, but for example, well, what about these lgbt communities, i don’t really care i’m happy with it, some men there, for example, wear tights, but it’s kind of bad, what else didn’t you like? and people didn’t like it, why? well
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, there are all these get guys, you know what they say, everything seems to be fine in germany, when you get up in the morning, there are germans in the city, tanya, what are you most afraid of when it comes to your grandchildren? most of all, i’m afraid that i won’t find out something, or i’ll find out when it’s too late, the wrong company you mean and the company, their actions, how can you control the children so that they... don’t end up in the wrong company , well, that's how it is to do, to talk, you have to learn, i , this, this, this is very difficult, to teach them, or rather, the desire, to tell you everything, that everything that happens to him, these methods of how to get into his pocket, into the phone, whether it works or not, it works, children can be very dissatisfied, insulted, offended, it turns out that you are interfering in their lives. yes, you understand, but there are such moments, for example, with mira, she
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is now in first grade, she has a girlfriend, i know from myself that i always chose a girlfriend who did not want to be friends with me, but i don’t like her zares was needed why, yes, and i followed her like a sheep all the time, i felt guilty, and she always threw me away, if she went somewhere with me or we went to her house, there was no greater holiday in my life, she didn’t it was worth it. this is a girl, no , now the same story with mira, this is a girl, i ’m sorry, of course, but she has the face of a witch, you know, and we saw it on the phone, mira found out about it, she cried, she was offended because it best friend, girlfriend, she's like that, this is my girlfriend, this is my girlfriend, this girlfriend, uh, why are you with you don’t want to be friends with me, i’ll still think about whether i’ll be friends with you or not, you know, here’s some - this fell down. and we can’t do anything about it with the world, and you told the world that you had the same thing in
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childhood? i told them, but they listened like that for a while, then it became boring, and i realized that this is not a method, my experience no longer works, here you go, but you keep an eye on grisha’s friends, no, i don’t keep an eye on them yet, but i believe grisha, because not yet, the time has not come yet, and i don’t look at the phone, i know that everything is fine there, because grisha ’s situation is different, grisha also really wants to be friends, he needs friends, and comes from school, says, another friend has appeared, another friend, such a very good friend, the next day, i have another friend, you know how many friends i already have, these are all my friends, you know, he also has this attraction to the guys, and it’s very important that the guys don’t ignore them, that they accept them, who doesn’t agree with the fact that you can get into your phone, you can get into your pockets, you think, no, no, i i think this is that you need to establish such a relationship with a child; the degree of trust cannot be broken. it’s not about prohibiting, well
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, the art of pedagogy is about making sure that a person, a child, is only interested in positive things and a minimum of negative things, that’s what we call contact, so i absolutely agree with this, you can’t break words, don’t there were such temptations before , but we didn’t know what drugs were, we didn’t know, we knew, but something else, we, for example, could take a condom, buy it, yes, for 3 kopecks, pour water on the teachers, who were walking home from school, we threw condoms and laughed at them from the ninth floor, you know, and we were also crazy in our rudder, so we also had negativity, but with a child you can’t make him
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stop trusting you, you know, and is it possible for him to go to prison at the age of 14, it’s impossible, anton, are you checking on his daughter? no, i’m not getting into it, but in general this period of puberty is considered the most difficult, the most dangerous, i, as a parent, of course, was also interested, and i am of the opinion that only methods should be used beliefs, as my grandmother passed on to me in a franco way only by the method of persuasion, you convince , as my mother used to say, you teach, teach, your fists hurt, you need to check and control, but you need to have a trusting relationship with your child so that this does not happen ... trauma, i also trust him, that is, i can trust him with some of my innermost secrets, some things that , say, only we know, check, that’s the moment you start checking, i always check , i always call him, where he is, what he is doing, where he went, when he arrived, you see, no, i don’t check geolocation, no,
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when i was little, i checked it completely, now no, pockets, no, pocket and no, sniffing, sniffing is sacred, then everything has already been done. even though it’s harmless, let’s say you found something in your pocket, then what, prohibitive methods don’t work, at least they delay the moment when they’ve already detected me that i’m smoking, or something like that, me and the boys at 13 years ago , we drank some wine for the first time, so i got it very hard every time, specifically, the older sister, well, i’ll take the older one there my sister, yes, she just beat me for the first time , well, for real, no one had done that to me before that moment...
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i talk, explain what happened, why i felt pain in my soul, and i explain it to my child, and i’m waiting until he experiences this himself, so that he passes this moment from head to heart, so that you live it together, yes, yes, so that this moment passes, so that the result of the assessment of the event that occurred appears, the star of the series. i gave my nine-year-old son to be raised by my grandmother and rented an apartment next door. we'll discuss it in a couple of minutes.
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cities have already received money from the considerable business fund. it's your turn. we will distribute 100 million rubles to entrepreneurs throughout the country. money will get a better story. tell us about your business on alfabank is the best bank for business. the stars aligned with this program. people's artist tatyana vasilyeva took her youngest grandson, grisha, to raise her, and left the eldest in germany with her mother. grisha, can you feel it? are you under control from your dad or grandma? well, a little sense of control, yes. what time is the latest you can return home? well, somewhere. no, sometimes after this training i came here late, but my dad allows it, because well, this is a training session, of course, with my older brother vanya,
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who is now in germany, yes , i communicate, i come periodically during the holidays, i talk to him on the phone, about three times a week, that’s how he lives there, what he does, he’s almost 15 years old, he works as a waiter, well, he’s still studying, saturday to sunday he works as a waiter. that he brought me sneakers, which when they arrive they bring some gifts, but at the moment they are not in russia, tatyana, and you help vanya with money, and despite the fact that he works, vanya is worse, and vanya everyone, the day before yesterday at sara’s it was a birthday, a year ago, i couldn’t come without a gift, of course, everyone has one, but she doesn’t, she already understands, she ’s waiting, tanya, and vanya isn’t going to move to russia? he will now finish high school and come, well, that is, it’s still the same as here will come - yes, he said that there are not even any questions, he comes here,
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he warns us all the time that he is about to return here, we are waiting, of course, this is generally correct, to separate teenage brothers, will there be some kind of the gap between them, a gap or not a gap, it also depends on you and on the children, yes, how communicative they are, sometimes you know, there is even a gap, people live in the same apartment, their rooms are different and between - what do you think, between the guys maybe you can run through such a chill only if you don’t for a long time together, that this period is already over, when they were very irreconcilable with each other, they had fights, but this period is normal, this is normal, i fought with my sister, you know, i fought with my sister. that it’s just that death is in the trash, just like that, now no, now they just kind of have a rivalry going on, if vanya does boxing,
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grisha needs it too, basketball too, but that suits me. we see her, well, everything is fine with you, well, yes, yes, we call each other, let’s see the plot: a daring opera in the series, a pack or an unfaithful wife in the diver, the star of the series in olga smirnova is not shy about appearing before the audience in the most unusual poses, and why she jumped up so early, he always calls, but for something long, in the life of the actress, the mother of sixteen-year-old vasilisa and nine-year-old fedya, but does
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olga have time smirnov and making a career and raising children, we’ll find out right now. olya, please tell me, did you or your grandmother raise your daughter? first grandma, then me. i was raised by my father and mother. how is your son fedor growing up? mostly with my grandmother, because i’m very busy now, but we live, thank god near. fedor lives with his grandmother, right? why did this happen? this is the first year we have been living separately, we all lived together in the same apartment. then we moved due to the fact that fyodor started a school, and i decided to somehow separate it. because he is with his mother all the time, the son lives with his mother, with yours, with his mother, and with me, when i am free, he is with me, who pays for these two apartments, it happens differently, sometimes i, sometimes the father of the children, and vasilisa lives with you, yes, yes, vasilis, you miss your brother, i love my brother in any case, but you know, he can be so reachable
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sometimes, that is, that is, you are basically comfortable that he doesn’t live with you, because . so how old are you? 17 17 already have a serious schedule, we are all very busy , everyone is gathered in different places, and what kind of relationship do you have with your brother, yes, adequate, but sometimes we can joke, i can run after him there, friend run after a friend, laugh, i like to tickle him, this is cool, probably what ’s his name... listen, i’d like to listen to grandma and fyodor herself, they are here today, let’s at least have you in our studio together, and not separately, let's invite them, yulya fyodor, hello, please take a seat, hello, fedya, tell me, you miss your mother and sister, yes, how do you live with your grandmother, well, well, come on, okay.
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and what can he say now, say everything badly , your life will end, you know, sing, what your grandmother forces you to do, lessons, lessons, of course, clearly, lessons, mom forced you to do homework, well, mom and i did it together, i did it for you too helped, yes, vasilisa helped me too, grandmother doesn’t help, grandmother just forces, yes, grandmother forces, how often mom comes to visit, well, rarely, rarely, yes, yes? does mom come on certain days or how will it work out? we'll see how it goes? well, how often do you see her? well, probably once a week, once every two weeks, well, because it’s like filming, i can’t come at night and wake him up, fedor, mom has come, get up, well, we are very smart people, but tell me honestly, despite those who sit next to you,
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so as not to influence your opinion, do you want to live with your mother and sister? yes in one? apartment, yes, despite the fact that my sister says that you are hers you’re terrorizing us a little bit , we want it, yes, haight, tell me, would you like to see your mother more often, or is grandma coping well, i would like it more often, i would like it, yes, olya, but you have a threat from your conscience, of course, this is my pain big, thank god that we have a telephone and the internet, because many people criticize, but i thank this opportunity, because we are constantly, well, connected, at least... well, that’s what you think, oli, so you have time and to pursue a career and take care of children, or is it not enough? well, it’s not enough, of course, but most importantly i i understood, that is, i had a deep period, i even sorted all this out with a psychologist , when i scolded myself for being a mother who does not take care of children, but in fact , i now realized that the most important thing is an emotional connection, that is, i can film
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and be somewhere there, but... i know what ’s going on with my children, and vasilisa generally shares everything, and i always know what’s happening with fedor, well, in fact, this is the pain of many artists , in particular, i also see my daughter, well, let’s say, not often, and i, by the way, recently she came up, we had some kind of concert , she came up to dolnaya, to larisa alesanovna, i say, larisa alesanovna, well, tell me, have you seen your children often, she says ler, calm down, this is the fate of artists , unfortunately, this is so, well, i had a long period, now i’ll quickly say, when i didn’t have filming or work, and as an artist i felt very...
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well, it’s a pity, of course, i sympathize that they see each other very rarely, very mom is a teacher by training, she is a real teacher, they have such a relationship, it seems to me, more teachers, students, pedagogical tatyana, here’s how to find the golden mean, the very one that we are all looking for, and pay attention to the children, and not abandon your career, yes, and your job, so as not to lose you at work, as is not the case with artists, no. how to do the impossible, it’s very difficult, but it’s possible , you understand, you’ll come home, and after the shift, that’s all you, the child is sleeping, the child is sleeping, and you go to bed, but you understand that let’s say he gets up in the morning, and you, you
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should see how he gets up, suppose the child gets up, for example, earlier than , and you came late, and you need to get some sleep, because get up before the child, excuse me, this is the same impossible thing that tatyana talks about, before the child, and in the evening... when you came and also, again, just as tired , you understand, this is a weak excuse , it is not accepted, wait, it’s just that - i understood this then and in general i also made a lot of mistakes, but i understood that the children would wake up for school, i came after a late performance after a banquet or after some restaurant, yes, and i came and you can go straight to sleep, i understand that the children will get up in the morning, i should have...
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and still, i am not because i am so outstanding in general, but because i taught myself this way, i know that children they must have it in them, they are my son there, my daughter, my mother-in-law, oh, lord, what am i saying, who is she, my husband, no, my husband’s wife, who is my daughter? noha, and the bride, well , what a daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, so they will also make sure that the children turn out perfectly in the apartment, well, that is, to the question of the impossible , yes, to the story of olya, we still need to live together, with children, of course, of course, of course , even if there are schedules, even if filming, of course, this is not an explanation, schedules, you chose this profession, correspond to the profession, but you and the mother, you also chose. i wanted to be a mother. anton, introduce us to your daughter, your beauty. oh, my beauty, alexandra , marta antonovna, zatsepino, yes through tere,
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they most often call me papa sasha, well, at home sanchez, sancho, friends, they call me martha, in general i love it when they call me sasha martha, but if it’s more convenient for you, then march, shortened march, you can march, as you do this has come to this, please, mother for the rest of her life. wanted the name sasha, she always knew that her child would be sasha if a boy and a girl were suitable, and then she heard the name marta somewhere, she liked it, found out that there are double names, that you can make a double double name, she suggested it to her dad and he agreed , and as the teachers at school call you, the teachers at school call you martha, but when they see a double name, they are like, oh, how can you call it that way, or maybe cross out the sachet, let marta bush, no, i like it alexandra marta, it sounds very beautiful, but when it’s written... on the hook on alexandra marta antonovna it sounds very alexandra marta antonovna, do they often drop you off at your grandmother’s? as a child, i very often saw my grandmother in the bathhouse, on my mother’s side, so she
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directly worked with me as a child, but now i have grown up and i am very busy and i try very hard, my schedule is also sweaty, but we call her every day, then is after school i call her and we talk very much, try to spend time often, visit grandma? from my father's side, but on my father's side we hardly we communicate, but i, too, when i was a child, my dad took me to st. petersburg to visit her, now we very rarely communicate, and why don’t you communicate, well, it happened, recently...
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she doesn’t miss anyone at all, nakarelka, she’s great i feel like i do, i also never miss anyone, well, by the way, uh, if there is a person i miss, then it’s sasha ula, and there was a coldness in your relationship with alexandra martai antonovna , no, maybe i didn’t have a very good relationship with sasha, because her mother and i again something there, and well, it gets up, no, no, no, so no, no, no, no, i ’m neutral towards you, towards my mother, everything is fine, neutral, so neutral, towards me towards my mother, that’s all, everything is neutral with us, anton, why you can scold alexandra mart, i don’t know what i can scold you for, for rudeness, well, i mean, when there are some harsh conversations going on, well, when the child kicked up and said something rude there, i i know everything, but you will all come around, i don’t say that. i’m not saying that you
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say that, don’t argue with your father, but i don’t know why, you know, we are our own children after all, my parents are like that, as you grow up, you begin to feel and recognize this in yourself, sometimes i sit there like a dad, i just feel my father in me, and my mother raised me, she didn’t really scold me in any way, and she didn’t i tried to hang something there , but she... anton, this is not aesthetically pleasing, antosha, this is unethical, antosha is more modest there, so okay, somehow i too anton, you pay alimony, but why not pay, well , little by little, yes, little by little, dad gives him pocket money, yes, he gives, she’s already earning money herself, wow, i just wanted her ask how you earn money yourself, from the age of 12 i starred in various advertisements, received a fee, but from the age of 14 i began to work full time. in the show about cheburashka i already
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receive a full salary, but what are you doing there? i dance , i play a child, i passed the casting myself, i wasn’t the one who brought the child there, well, since childhood i’ve been trying not to show off my last name in order to sort of sneak in, but i always like to show off mine very much, as soon as we go into some store, meet me, superstar russian federation, now you are laughing, constantly mocking me, and that is, this alexander marta does this when he goes everywhere where he doesn’t need to, that’s it. in general, the child is busy, the child earns money, everything, everything is already martha, is there a boy you like? yes, i have a young man with whom we have been together for 2 months, but i’m not ready to talk about it yet, yeah, because it’s personal, you’ll check the potential groom, then check, yes, dad is not ready yet, i’m not , but wait, well, there must be decent parents, my experience only tells me one thing, if yes, look where the legs grow from?
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“if in front of me is a complete person, very often decent parents have children who are dunces, it happens, so it’s kind of the other way around, by the way, sometimes great people just grow up from such places, no, no, listen, when two families unite, you we also need to communicate there somehow and i would like it all to be somehow decent and reasonable, when here is a very good boy and you cannot find a common language with his marginal parents, who needs this ? lives with marginal parents, that's all simplify, this is actually not a very difficult question, and you asked him such a complex question , now we’re still trying march, what did you want to say, i want to say that in any case i will choose the one who suits me and no one will stop me, such you will find a dad, and if dad or mom doesn’t like him, let’s not discuss it, vladimir, they say your son is an eligible groom, because he’s already been his own for 15 years. apartments, it’s hard for me
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to think in such categories, i’m not a girl there, 13-14 years old, maybe they are an enviable groom, my parents, heaven reigns, they also helped me in life, not only by raising me there, by raising me there - that means they educated me, and so on, they helped me with apartment matters, this was in soviet times, they didn’t buy apartments before, and they didn’t even get them when i was 15 years, not at 15 years old, but i’m just counting. it just happened to me now that the financial situation and the market situation with housing have come together, so my wife, lisa, and i decided that it would mean purchasing an apartment that ivan would have. how many millions did vladimir devyatov spend on an apartment for his schoolboy son? she is now the price has risen in these 3 months, by about 8%. and why does georgy burkov’s thirty-year-old grandson still live with his mother? well, this is my house, basically.
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right after the ad, don't miss it. a blind, homeless man with a disfigured face declared that he was the father of anna and olga posko from petrozavodsk. of course, he has doubts about his documents. there is no heart at all telling me that this is dad. but the women’s father disappeared 26 years ago, when they were still teenagers. i went to work in adygea and even my wife came to terms with the fact that her husband has been dead for a long time. no answer, no hello. will the residents of karelia recognize their handsome and kind father in an amnesiac man without documents? from the house of mercy, post posku, vasily antonovich is looking for his daughter, anna, olga, and son.
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things that only get better over time, objects of art, technology, sparkling wine, which over time becomes abraserve; additional aging gives rise to a refined taste. obraudsoreserve - for those who know the value of time. this program, the stars aligned. vladimir devyatov bought an apartment for his schoolboy son. the youngest son of vladimer the ninth, ivan, is 15, and he has already received the keys to his own apartment in moscow. vanya hadn’t actually seen the apartment yet, so i told him that this is your place, the app, the future. the devyatovs bought a one-room apartment in a new building with an area of ​​35 m2 in the south of moscow for 10 million rubles. it's scary to invest in construction. we looked at the resale, mandatory conditions, balcony, quiet neighbors and so as not to spend money on repairs, here
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we were even more lucky, as a bonus we got furniture from the previous owner, we already have a vacuum cleaner, apparently it was also left from the owners, the room has a double bed, a bedside table and a chest of drawers with an old one tv, vanya devyatov has already come up with walls and furniture in a nautical style, as in his current room, and the ninth youngest is completely satisfied with the bathroom kitchen with a corner window, oak cabinetry and built-in appliances the situation came together, you know, it’s possible, it’s possible , well, it will stand, it’s okay
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, what’s the difference, i have money there or this apartment, it won’t be cheaper, so much the better , no, well, look, we took it 3 months ago, it has now risen in price over these 3 months, well, by about 8%, so we are not losing money, i am asking rather about something else, you know, how many rich people, the richest people, on the contrary, do not leave anything for their children and motivate them themselves. to earn money, is it necessary, is it worth providing for children? apartments, cars, or let them earn money themselves? tatyana, what do you think? my eldest son vanya turned four years old, and i was in the maternity hospital with this friend at that moment, and he was given a gift for 4 years, then they were fashionable, there were few of them, a large electric car, and i told him: son, remember this the first and last car bought by your parents in your life, well , i also bought an apartment for my eldest son, it’s true. yes, yes, there is one too, now, he will buy a real car for himself, the eldest son is already working and earning money
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money, studies, everything, by the way, sash, tell me, what do you think, at the age of 15 a child should buy an apartment, a car, for whom, a girl or a guy, let’s talk about the guy, well, it’s more logical, more logical for a guy, if he says so , will have an apartment, will be disciplined, but laziness may appear, that’s what i’m talking about. this is a dangerous thing, because if everything is already , well, as everything is, at least the first and first base is an apartment, these are wheels, well, the rest is studying to look for a business, options, so that you can plunge into a serious business, and your daughter i need everything, an apartment, a car, that is , a boy - it so happened that somehow everything was connected, she when...
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yes, i have an old friend in germany , he is the largest manufacturer of bavarian sausages, these are all eight factories when we came to see him for the first time, i was stunned, you know why his daughter, the daughter of a german millionaire , cleaned him.
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will you earn money for your apartment? well , it’s difficult for now, i don’t know, well, maybe it’s closer there, there is, but i have a great desire to earn money, to earn money, because already at the age of 15, here are the boys in my age should already bring some income to the family, well done, you know, my friends, i want to tell you all that in our studio you are now... i agree, look, i believe that a person, and with many things, it was said here, it’s not like he’s just born, this
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personality must be immediately respected, right in the maternity hospital, you know, well, maybe i’m saying it funny now, but i stuck to it. my husband is deceased, we have never made any disrespectful remarks towards masha, my daughter, and to zhora, too, so in the end, here i am sitting next to you, you call him grandson and grandson, but he ’s my friend, believe me, he’s my friend, and i’m his friend, he now comes to my rehearsals, we communicate with him like equal colleagues. but this is a lot of work, you have to love it very much, respect it very much, forgive a lot, close your eyes, work hard, you said they go to rehearsals, what kind of rehearsals, well, mine, i’m still working, he goes to my rehearsals and makes me remark, i thought that he might be an artist, he once wonderfully read rubtsov to me, a long time ago, when
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there was a time, it was just wonderful, and i thought so, well, well, then suddenly he... with tears said: i won’t be an actor, i decided, and he decided, that’s what he said, i didn’t say a word to him anymore , why not, i’m too uptight a person, i couldn’t loosen up and enter this world of acting, but he was afraid, he had some defects, he was a little afraid, but in vain, i kept trying to understand whether he looked like him or not grandfather when he spoke. he’s just very similar, he’s generally similar in his, how to say, internal state, but i can’t explain it, so when you hear his steps behind you, as if georgy ivanovich is walking, or when masha shudders, when he puts his hand on her like that, suddenly on her shoulder, she shudders all over, and georgy is how old now, how old is 31, 31 years old, an adult man , what
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do you do for a living, i do moment directing in my room. i’m sitting editing a video to order, now i want to join the theatrical environment to help the guys there do something for them, film, look, it’s a non-public profession, but it brings in a good income, well, a decent income, from twenty there up to i don’t know, forty , maybe, well, there’s no ceiling, you live with your mother or with your grandmother or like with your mother, the grandson of the honored artist georgy burkov looks exactly like his grandfather in a pod, the same squint, thick eyebrows and hairstyle. do you want to get away with it? georgiy burkov, the youngest, unlike his grandfather, does not rush the stage, edits weddings and is completely satisfied with his living earnings. 2-3 minutes, i don’t know, fifteen hundred, maybe two. the younger burkov spends his evenings reading. at 31, dadir has read shakespeare, but this is how to find his juliet and couldn't. the only love happened at
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school. maybe they both screwed up, i don't blame anyone for that. but burkov. the youngest does not lose hope, 30 years old is not old for a man, besides, he is a native muscovite with a residence permit and two apartments, his mother’s and grandmother’s, which means he will definitely find a bride, it would be ideal, of course, to be exactly like his mother or grandmother, but unfortunately i didn’t find it, i wouldn’t want to live separately, separately, well , it’s like this is my house, in principle, but he’s not yet ripe for this, we’re just that much. listen, i’m not ripe, but this happens, so what? well, it’s just that it’s comfortable to live like this, yes , as it is, mom, comfortable, economically, i think, why, no, wait, i don’t agree here, i’m 31 years old, i’m older, so, what time will he mature, as he thinks, i think that as soon as he meets him, he will mature, probably, as he will meet a girl, as he will meet a girl, probably, but
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there was no girl, i haven’t fallen in love yet, but no, there hasn’t been, we won’t say. no, he won’t say, well, that is , we can’t expect a wedding in the near future, or everything could happen, of course, unexpectedly , but there are no plans for that, but for now, in there are no plans, the plans are just to break into people. by profession and earn money, georgy , tell me, what do you do in your free time, well, editing at home, yes, and then i don’t hang out in clubs, i can go to a cafe with friends, chat, go to the movies, well, yes, you can go to the cinema, but tell me, do you have some kind of dream, well, at least a dream - to get some kind of profession where i could receive a constant, at least average income, otherwise i now work as a freelancer and the income is not constant and i would like some stability in this, but you want it, i don’t
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i know, family, marriage, children? well, yes, probably, probably, probably, well, he wants , of course, he’s shy, well, this is how the grandchildren of actress raisa maksimovo, during their grandmother’s lifetime , share her three rubles in the center of moscow , we’ll discuss it in a couple of minutes. ntv apartment near margulis. today, immediately after the program, the stars aligned. for
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using sravnira to select and purchase osaga at the best price without overpayments. place meeting, tomorrow at 14:00 on ntv. obraudso-reserve - for those who know the value of time. this is the "stars aligned" program. people's artist raisa maksimova cannot try on her grandchildren, who, already during their grandmother's lifetime, decided to divide her three rubles. in the center of moscow. screen star actress raisa maksimova. write: i do not enter into bidding. at 94 years old, she is forced to fend off her older granddaughters, who are vying for grandma’s three-ruble ruble on tverskaya, worth 70 million rubles. i can't wrap my head around it, you know? i
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start. raisa maksimova is outraged, where were they? granddaughter, when she was ready to come out of grief after the death of her youngest son, alexey died of cancer 2 years ago, leaving behind an illegitimate seven-year-old son, mitya. they were not registered, but mitenka was still made a legitimate son. the boy inherited half of that same apartment in the center from his father. the second half was recorded by the famous grandmother for mitya. the actress was not afraid of old age.


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