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tv   Svet i ten mayaka  NTV  December 11, 2023 2:40am-3:20am MSK

2:40 am
the brothers with the hut asked me to tell you that if the cops don’t leave zelenin behind, you’ll be in trouble, this is now handled by the internal security department, not my problem, i warned you, think further, step into the house and don’t turn around, otherwise i’ll shoot, understand? the third window, you see, it’s white, uh-huh, there you go there, well, after sozonkin climbed in there, they probably installed this alarm there, no, they didn’t have time, i found out, well, what do you want, a government agency, funding comes from to the residual principle, give me the camera.
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the camera opened the window, miracles, uh-huh, tell your dad to allocate more money to our university, well, right out the window, right out the window, you never did this as a child, well, at least i was an abandoned child, but correct, decent , come on, everything happens . once, i’m waiting for you in the car, okay, vladik , if anything happens, you take all the blame on yourself, but i ’m a gentleman, come on, good luck, let’s make up your mind, don’t rush, oops.
2:42 am
what's happened? what's happened? no, nothing happened. slav, but i see that when you are silent, i become even more scared. on there's one freak on the street. and what did he do to you, but he didn’t do anything, that means he said something , he said, yes, he said greetings from the guys from catacomp, he told you to get away from zelenin , you had to, they’re already threatening you on the streets, okay, believe, well, thank you, everyone he once threatened a policeman, this, this is all nonsense, slav , well, you will do what... they say, well, or
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leave with the police, but where will i go, ver, what are you saying, slav, wherever, go to security, i don’t want my child to grow up without a father, faith, i didn’t back down and i won’t back down i'm going to, i'm not used to it, aren't you ashamed? look how you have to be angry, and the boy, by the way, recently got wounded, how do i know, maybe he was a burglar in the past, yeah, he’s from a decent family, come on, go.
2:44 am
that’s it, mom, please, i beg you, i don’t want to hear her name anymore, i’ll forget, i’ll start my life with a clean face, with whom will you start a new life? not a noisy line? yes, at least with shemena, why did you tell me that you had nothing with her, but you didn’t, so there will be a problem, or what? she’s a decent person, most importantly, she’s faithful, but i won’t say a word, she’s a good woman, well, let’s live with her, get used to each other, and then get married, we’ll live like everyone else. and remember,
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i’m telling you again, if you’re just making a move right now, you’re going to ruin everyone’s lives, hers, yours, and tatyana’s, i asked you, please don’t mention her name. i won’t, just why are you doing this to lenna? she will believe you, she will begin to create a family, try, but you still won’t be able to live with her, i can’t, i will have to be able to, he people live without love, this high bright feeling is no longer here for me you can live with her, you’ll just hurt her, what can you do mom, life is like that. i would say, i know what to do, but you forbid me to even say her name? yes, i forbid it, just imagine that i was waiting with her, if she is on the eve of the wedding, having an affair with a teacher, she is not having any affair, but it would continue like this at work
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with a colleague, at the dacha with a neighbor, with a taxi driver, with waiter and so on, oh, son, how i feel sorry for you? completely jealousy has clouded your mind, ah-ah, on the contrary, i have seen the light, vladik, vladik, vladik, vlad, what’s wrong with you, they hit you on the head, i found the disk, yes, where is it?
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can you get up? yes, come on, listen, galya, what are you doing? did i get this disk for lisa? so, are you sure it was this disc? yes, i’m sure, well, i looked in all the boxes, this is the only disk on which it was written tatyana, this is the end. well, it’s obvious that this whole story with the phone call, it’s a set-up, it’s just, well, well, obviously, why don’t you want to figure out who’s behind it , mom, you’re just looking for excuses for her,
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such stories happened to tanya all the time, every time she convinced me that this was someone’s machination, that’s how it all happened, remember, that ’s why i believed her all the time and forgave her, no more... i won’t believe it, that’s exactly what she was trying to find out who, yes, this is your new friend, liza, she’s a reptile, she’s pulling the strings, pulling, and you, like a puppet, do everything she needs, liza, by the way, lenasha is me too, they support me, dear mother took the side of the liar and the traitor, it was tanya who pulled my strings like that, all the time, her...
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it means tomorrow, probably, lisa will send this to a disc colleague, or give it to him personally. poor tanya, i’m not a lucky idiot, i couldn’t, i couldn’t protect her, although giving it personally means giving myself away, well, she can do this to celebrate her triumph, the disc,
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the crown of all her efforts, yes, this disc was almost in my hands, tomorrow i’ll go to my colleague and tell him everything, what? yes, everything that is in the video is not tanya and lobov, but you and me, i’ll tell you in detail how we changed clothes, decorated the apartment, gal, you understand that oleg and will do it to you, yes to me. honestly , i’ll tell you about all my troubles with kostya and about kostya in general, let him know that it was he who tried to separate them from taniya, and i helped him with this, that is, oleg finds out that his brother is whipping him for taniya, yes, that’s it, the masks are dropped, this anthill will unfold, okay, but how are you going to explain how lisa knows about this disk, so i’ll say that from kostya, let it be. oleg knows that everyone here is against him, but do you understand, gal,
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that after this they will kill each other there, yes, i understand what to do, but oleg will know the truth, what are you standing for, let's go, let's go, let's go. well, what did you want from me more than anything in the world? well, now i apparently have to stand on
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a stool and read a poem, then maybe santa claus will give me a gift, so what ? not santa claus, snow maiden, exactly, exactly , here you go, uh-huh, i’m not even asking, if you don’t ask at the risk of your life, well, the season premiere, come on? good girl, well done! no, gali, this is a bad idea, it's just terrible. we have no other choice. well , what do you want to achieve? i want oleg i realized that this was a video setup. yes, he never believed you, and he won’t believe you now. well, i ’ll make him watch this video carefully, but he knows his tanya, can he tell her apart? he is blinded by jealousy. so what, he's a cop, he should have common sense. yes, he has nothing now. you will only achieve that he will simply stop communicating with you. and on top of that.
2:53 am
you are some kind of pretty snow maiden today, it’s not our most interesting, well done, wow, applause, what kind of children’s matinee is this?
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where is sex with a head-on? where did you get this did you get the board from the rector's office? who? what does he have to do with it? well, apparently they also needed the disk. to whom? vlad and galina? are you all idiots? yes? why do we all? idiots , vlad took the wrong disc, great, now we have such a wonderful, cheerful children's matinee, sweetie, thank you, thank you very much, kostya, i'll get that disc, i promise, it will be twice as difficult to do it, go to the rector in the office had already been broken into, all the things had been rummaged through.
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it seemed, i’ll tell you this, at first i thought it was a lung problem. no treatment more , and even more so, i didn’t like oleg right away, i remember, that’s it, and then i looked closer, i think, no, he seems like a normal guy, he loves you, but you also love him, that this is serious with you, you yourself remember , daughter,
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how much have you been through with him, well , do you remember how he... looked for you from arthur, how he was almost killed, no need, but how he looks at you, well, perhaps, with your mother and me, this is exactly the kind of love that was, tell me, tell me, dad, so what should i tell? before you were born, we somehow also quarreled and argued, and how jealous i was her, oh, you were jealous, you were jealous, how jealous you were, and they were arguing , it got to our knees, well, then you were born, we
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healed in perfect harmony, it turns out that i reconciled you, but no, daughter, that’s it. .. perhaps love reconciled us, well, love - you, of course, here, and then my mother didn’t, now i myself don’t understand how i survived, if it weren’t for you, life would have ended for me, now that means dear mother. for you is a traitor, okay, you sided with the person who betrayed me, but i will still get through to you, i understand, i will get through to you so that you realized that your own mother wants the best for you, yes, i understand that, mom, but you don’t see the good there, listen, you’re
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my policeman, right? you graduated from higher education, you are a professional, oleg , so sort out this whole story professionally, come on now, so that you and i don’t quarrel completely, i’ll go to bed, go, son, just think about my words before going to bed, yes, this is about which ones exactly, about the investigation, so that you can understand this whole story. i think that everything will work out for you, daughter, but you, you know how today he looked at you with loving eyes, it seemed to you, it seemed to you, daughter,
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it didn’t even seem like that at all, that’s how i looked at your mother, right? dad, olga vladimirovna, you wanted to marry her, did you propose to her? how can i tell you, well, i made an offer, but she refused, so she said, no, well, she didn’t say that, she’s a delicate woman, she said
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that odessa should wait, this is a serious step. and requires some kind of serious attitude, but i understand that this is a polite form of refusal, nothing more, dad, you know, maybe she really just needs to think about it, because this is a very important decision for women, well, of course, i understand that for you... a woman, these are very important decisions, oh my, my little woman, okay. come on, sleep, relax,
3:01 am
great! not allowed, in your case hello, i need to talk to krotov, you are under an official investigation, you are suspended, what does that mean to you, kolya, since i ’m one of your own, we’ve been working together for how many years, let me go to krotov, only, you know, don’t i can, i’m not supposed to, but put yourself in my place, imagine, you are not guilty, and you are like a dog. they don’t even let you in for a vice, well, comrade colonel, yes, the duty officer is bothering you, i’m listening,
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here zelenin is asking you to let him in or what, let him in, good morning, good morning, come on, tanyush, sit down. oh, have breakfast , i baked some goodies, well, you can’t go to the university, study on an empty stomach , come on, thank you, tyutir, where’s dad, dad left this morning somewhere in the city, apparently things are going on, i’m the one walking around the house idle, waiting for the documents to be ready, what a delicious ladushka, you know, in perm, i’m in my house i opened another creativity club... it’s called a young cook, it was called, yeah , that’s where my little kids learned to cook and eat, they were delighted, they
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liked it so much, yes, yes, i would also like to work with children in the future , you love children , yeah, i love them very much too, god didn’t give me my own, but i would like to have a daughter like you, beautiful, smart, and... i always wanted some kind of girl to live with us an adult woman with whom you could have a heart-to-heart chat, you eat, eat, and so she does things like this delicious pancakes, i can teach you more, but dad always overcooks them, thank you aunt, i’m going through a difficult period in my life right now, and you... help me, somehow it’s becoming easier for me, olego’s mother and i were constantly chatting, she’s wonderful, i’m so attached to her, and now i’m afraid
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i won’t see her soon, danechka, don’t worry, everything will work out, you’ll talk a lot more with oleg’s mother, different stories, tell each other, with oleg too, mm, i have to go, otherwise i'll be a couple late. so yes, maybe you should take it with you, no, no, thank you, very tasty, yeah, with mom oleg , so what, i came, i’m no longer your boss, you’re suspended, that means there’s an internal investigation, and don’t come to my office, i have no desire to be with you as a talk to a traitor, meet, i just wanted them to find out. even if everything goes against me, i’m not a traitor, igor valerievich, i don’t know why anyone wants to set me up, you’re playing for pity, you think i ’ll now run to protect you, no, i don’t
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think so, valerievich, but i know what you’re thinking , in order to cover myself, i’ll quietly let everything go brakes, and in turn he won’t go to prison, where he belongs, but will quietly move on to another job, this won’t happen, this won’t happen? and i didn’t want to upset you either, so what? exactly oleg, yes, forget and let go, yes, well done! i
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don’t understand at all how tanya could do this to you, oleg? i thought she loved you, but she practically openly lives with this frontal, i’m very upset for you, really, well, of course, work is work, yes, yes, everything is fine, i just couldn’t resist, yeah, come on, i didn’t want to distract you, yeah, connections, i am kissing you, bye. zelenin, lieutenant , don’t hang your nose, everything will definitely come to its senses, they will figure it out, you’ll see, i was accused of having connections with crime, okrotov, it looks like i decided to wash my hands of it, my shirt is closer to my body, you know, selenin, come here, well
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... the world is not a wedge on krotovo, the world is not without good people, we have them in our department too, i , for example, sincerely believe in your integrity, thank you, there are two of you such optimists, you and oleg ignatiev, everyone else , only the wind has changed, they whisper in the corners, turn up their noses, nothing, nothing, life everything will be put in its place, they will come to shake your hand again, i really hope so, thank you, hang in there. what, they said everything, or what? what? oh, it’s you, glory, excuse me, yes, this funny guy came here. what do you have? comrade colonel, i must tell you, but you must understand me correctly, i was not afraid, just in
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the interests of the common cause, you, you must. know that i should know why i wasn’t scared , well, don’t delay, in general, last night on the way home they threatened me because of the green stuff, just like that, one to one,
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i generally can’t understand who’s doing this to me put, the most important thing, why, for what , my friend, you should know, we are all behind you , we will sort it out, nedrey, well , that’s all, actually, when i returned, there was no one there, but it’s interesting. because of zelenin , the bandits take such risks that they threaten a police officer in the middle of the street, okay, we’ll bring them out into the open, and zelenin along with them, by the way, zelenin was with me, well, yes, he wanted to enlist support, oh , i don’t understand, i don’t understand. why did they harvest
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for you? zeleny knows perfectly well that we have nothing to do, that she is already on the inside investigation? i don’t know, maybe i just wanted revenge? to take revenge, i would like to take revenge, i would finish everything off for you. well, what if it’s not him, if it’s clean.
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you have to make up your mind somehow, you brought him to light yourself, and now you’re saying, they’re setting him up, now you’re saying, it’s not his fault, well, it’s just me thinking, think there. us. i will assign security to you and vera. we will pass on all this new information to those involved in zelenin’s case. is there anything new? but about the gang from the catacombs. yes. the bandit, as soon as they left the detention center, immediately went to catacombs there is surveillance going on there. observation is good, only. keep in mind, they can guess about this and will behave with extreme caution, keep this in mind, good afternoon, tanya, two words, please, tanya, i can’t
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see how you suffer, and the worst thing is that it’s all my fault, i i already told you, you are not guilty of anything, please, let me talk to oleg, we have already discussed this too, please don’t, i will be able to explain to him that there was nothing between us. maybe he would have listened to you if it weren’t for this whole situation, so he will decide that i just sent you, that i ’m grasping at the last straw to get him back, this is humiliating, broth with rabbit or chicken, mommy, oh, yes,
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damn it, so, well, how delicious does it smell? “hello, mom, hello, hungry, apparently, yes, here i see, in 3 minutes i noticed, mom, i rushed because you called me, what happened, so, everything is falling out of my hands, i can’t do anything, so upset, with oleg’s rubbish.” tatyana, well, i ’m upset too, well, you have to fix everything, yes, how, kostya, persuade him to go
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a wedding to simanovich, otherwise he doesn’t want to, but what’s the connection, hmm, and you yourself don’t understand where simonovich’s wedding is, alexander nikifovich’s house is at the lighthouse, oleg? “you have to persuade him, influence him unnoticed , he was, brother, washed, well, these intrigues are definitely not for me, for you, like a dear one, intrigues, we have to try them on, you
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said it yourself, simonovich’s wedding is just the best the best reason, really, then answer me one question, mom on..." will you pour me some soup? beautiful girls! oh, how nice it is to see a real mistress in the house, very, very nice. so, what, tanya hasn’t come yet? well,
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tanya’s classes probably haven’t finished yet. yeah, okay, then it’s back to real dinner. we're cooking with her. case by case, why doesn’t she like to be in charge? no, she just loves it, that’s what i taught her, but you know, with these activities there is absolutely no time. and then, when my colleague moved, i went completely wild here, well then that means i’ll be at the limit, so to speak, i’ll be of some use, i’ll feed my temporary family, but what does it smell like? simply divine, oh potato, in general it seems to me that any woman would enjoy feeding you. water , look after you, oh, thank you, thank you, it’s nice to hear
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, yes, good, yes, at 6 in our cafe, oh, gal, ah, hello, hello, i heard the news that they broke into the rector’s office again today, okay , seriously, it’s like there’s honey on it, and how do you know, everyone already knows, but i was the first, i went to the secretariat and took out a certificate. everyone is on the edge of their seats, but what are they saying? they say that a thief, or someone who i climbed there, didn’t finish it last time and decided to do it this time, well now i’ve finished it, well, it’s not clear, but they’re all lamenting why they didn’t rearrange the windows , didn’t install an alarm system, so that it works there, they blocked everything off, they’re drilling something, well, better late than never, well, yes, i don’t understand, we have security, galya, what kind of security, they all fell asleep, they were fired today, right? they did, well, of course not, well , an alarm system, it’s more reliable, definitely, oh,
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hi, hi, veronica, i read your summary, i didn’t understand anything, let’s go, well, let’s go, of course, where do you need to understand, vladik, we need to see each other urgently, well, come on, no, come to me, i’m at the university, you’ll drive up, don’t take me, i’m waiting. relationships that can fall apart because of a third person, only
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two are always to blame, no, not always, not always, i hello, hello, hello, i allowed myself the impossible, i allowed myself to fall in love with you, you promised, yes, yes, i ’m saying this for the last time, but it’s my fault, i should have realized that my attentions would naturally provoke jealousy, well, if only oleg trusted me, he wouldn’t be jealous of me , you know, i ask, give me the opportunity to talk to him, but it’s pointless, anyway , our relationship can’t be returned, it’s not pointless, hello, hello, believe me, believe me, this is about yours fate, oleg alekseevich, i don’t want to talk about this topic anymore, good afternoon, well, that means i didn’t find the right words, i’m sorry, so, you’re ready already , let’s go, now, just like i broke up with my boyfriend, so now at least the grass won’t grow, yes, what are you talking about, well, i see what you’re saying slobovoy decided to date openly, you will kiss again here. what, what did you say?
3:20 am
tell me, why are you still alone? well, i’ll tell you frankly, although the question is unexpected for me, uh, this nice man has a very bad character, that’s how it is, but seriously, oh, irina, seriously, then... “you know, when his wife died, i was left with little tanya in my arms, but who needs such a man with a baby, and then, well, when tanya grew up, why, well, when she grew up, especially since i didn’t want anyone, so as not to hurt tatyana, even..."


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